muskokakid · 4 years
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OCTOBER  23RD,   2020. 9:30 PM
Jake was excited that he was finally selected to go down to California in order to study more for his major, which was environmental engineering. Over the past two months, Jake monitored the levels of bad air going into the good air and saw how to monitor for what was bad and make changes. He was loving it, because he knew it was hard to even get one of the spots to go down there and study.  Not to mention his social life was doing well for him, because Jake was such an easy going guy, he managed to make a few new friends along the way, especially those with the same interests as him. Sometimes they would often hangout, having a drink and sharing the latest stories they’ve been reading. Other times they would set up a small movie night, in which one friend would supply the group with a movie of their choice. Sometimes the movies would range from horror to romance, to just bad movies in general. Jake could finally see himself starting to feel at ease.
Leaving home was always the hardest part, Jake was always a homebody and loved his family more than ever. Growing up, he would often help with father Glen with his contracting job, mostly because he had nothing better to do. However, he was thankful for the skills he managed to learn along the way because of it. As the movie ended, Jake decided to go back to his car, however, seeing as it was around nine thirty, he noticed a message. Whenever they had movie nights, he would leave his phone in his car to make sure no one would distract him. Noticing that he number was unknown, he decided to humor the message. Once hearing who it was, Jake’s eyes widened. He had no idea that something could happen to someone so soon. Part of him felt like it was only yesterday when he was partnered with Eli to do an assignment, one he ended up getting yelled at since the supply of marijuana to the smoked gave Eli a bad reaction. Jake was saddened, normally he didn’t want anyone to suffer, so just hearing the pain in her voice only make tears come to his eyes. The thoughts that were currently running through his mind was how could this happen and that he needed to go back home. Jake took this as a sign from the universe that he needed to go home, he had to make sure everyone back home was okay.
Jake made his way towards the group and stared at his newest friend Dylan. “Hey man, I might have to take a few days off on the project, care to handle my share...?” Dylan gave him a look, before Jake decided to tell him everything that was going on. About how a really good friend of his died and he wanted to be there for his family. Luckily for him, the young boy smiled. “Yeah, sure, just make sure to take care of yourself man.” He nodded. Jake decided it was best to get packing with some supplies and to start driving back as soon as possible. Part of him was excited, he knew it was going to take a few days, but a road trip was exactly what he needed. Jake missed home and at least going back this would give him somewhat of an excuse to catch up with anyone he had missed along the way. With that, Jake decided to take upon himself to start a night journey in order to make it back home.
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muskokakid · 4 years
High Highs - In a Dream
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muskokakid · 4 years
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