muskowlhk-blog · 6 years
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Change is the only constant in this world. While some changes are made to improvise a mistake, some are a part of innovation and some just happen without us knowing them. Every industry, be it Finance, Technology, or Marketing, experience these changes but ahead are the ones who embrace and inculcate them in their journey.
When discussing the changes happened and will happen in the digital ecosystem, this genre is undoubtedly the fastest and most evident one in the ecosystem. This directly predicts the infinite possibilities present in digital especially when it comes to promoting or advertising products, services, and brands.
The world is going digital and there is unexplored potential in the realms of the digital marketing. Here are a few trends in digital marketing which will dominate 2018:
As it was in the last year, in the coming year also mobile will continue to be a top priority for marketers. Putting a mobile strategy in place to engage with your prospects and customers would be on the top of the list. Businesses are required to optimize the smartphone experience they offer by focusing on a millennial-first marketing strategy. Businesses with mobile-optimized websites will be able to attract higher traffic, as well as unlock better sales and engagement opportunities in 2018.
Live Videos
Videos have become a major part of the digital marketing world. Nothing on social media is as eye-catching as good video content. It is vital for a brand to realize the power of real-time engagement through live videos and focus on this increasingly popular medium in 2018 to engage with their target audience. Whether a business is marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, the social video engagement stats would go through the roof in 2018. So precisely, ‘GO LIVE’ the next time you think of digital marketing.
Influencer Marketing
The popularity of Influencer marketing strategy has been growing for the past few years. Moreover, the newer and different types of brands have now started to take notice. With an increasing percentage of the people making their purchases based on social media referrals, this marketing strategy is going to be the trendsetter in 2018. Social Media Influencer Marketing gives 11 times more return on investment (ROI) than that of traditional digital marketing.
A tool on the other side of a computer that responds to customer queries and comments, Chatbots are primarily used for engagement, customer service, generic customer queries and sometimes even closing business. So, to be in line with the latest marketing tactics, launch a website or Facebook chatbot to engage with your prospects. In the recent times, the trend has started to dominate the industry already. In fact, many times, people are unable to figure out whether they spoke to a person or a chatbot in their last customer service interaction. On the financial terms, savings made from picking this virtual assistance will also reach a big figure by 2020.
Voice search which has been made popular by Apple’s Siri, has been around for a while now. This voice-based search concept is now the future of digital marketing. In the coming year, it will transform the way information and communication are processed. Businesses are already using it immensely to ease the efforts of their customers in searching for anything on the internet. Moreover, the increase in voice searches will enable digital marketers in creating SEO optimized high-quality content for promoting the businesses.
To summarize
Marketing is likely to become more much analytical and broader, entering new platforms, situations, and mediums, but it will continue to be focused heavily on organic search, improved AI capabilities and influencer-based campaigns.
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muskowlhk-blog · 6 years
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Change is the only constant in this world. While some changes are made to improvise a mistake, some are a part of innovation and some just happen without us knowing them. Every industry, be it Finance, Technology, or Marketing, experience these changes but ahead are the ones who embrace and inculcate them in their journey.
When discussing the changes happened and will happen in the digital ecosystem, this genre is undoubtedly the fastest and most evident one in the ecosystem. This directly predicts the infinite possibilities present in digital especially when it comes to promoting or advertising products, services, and brands.
The world is going digital and there is unexplored potential in the realms of the digital marketing. Here are a few trends in digital marketing which will dominate 2018:
As it was in the last year, in the coming year also mobile will continue to be a top priority for marketers. Putting a mobile strategy in place to engage with your prospects and customers would be on the top of the list. Businesses are required to optimize the smartphone experience they offer by focusing on a millennial-first marketing strategy. Businesses with mobile-optimized websites will be able to attract higher traffic, as well as unlock better sales and engagement opportunities in 2018.
Live Videos
Videos have become a major part of the digital marketing world. Nothing on social media is as eye-catching as good video content. It is vital for a brand to realize the power of real-time engagement through live videos and focus on this increasingly popular medium in 2018 to engage with their target audience. Whether a business is marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, the social video engagement stats would go through the roof in 2018. So precisely, ‘GO LIVE’ the next time you think of digital marketing.
Influencer Marketing
The popularity of Influencer marketing strategy has been growing for the past few years. Moreover, the newer and different types of brands have now started to take notice. With increasing percentage of the people making their purchases based on social media referrals, this marketing strategy is going to be the trendsetter in 2018. Social Media Influencer Marketing gives 11 times more return on investment (ROI) than that of traditional digital marketing.
A tool on the other side of a computer that responds to customer queries and comments, Chatbots are primarily used for engagement, customer service, generic customer queries and sometimes even closing business. So, to be in line with the latest marketing tactics, launch a website or Facebook chatbot to engage with your prospects. In the recent times, the trend has started to dominate the industry already. In fact, many times, people are unable to figure out whether they spoke to a person or a chatbot in their last customer service interaction. On the financial terms, savings made from picking this virtual assistance will also reach a big figure by 2020.
Voice search which has been made popular by Apple’s Siri, has been around for a while now. This voice-based search concept is now the future of digital marketing. In the coming year, it will transform the way information and communication are processed. Businesses are already using it immensely to ease the efforts of their customers in searching for anything on the internet. Moreover, the increase in voice searches will enable digital marketers in creating SEO optimized high-quality content for promoting the businesses.
To summarize
Marketing is likely to become more much analytical and broader, entering new platforms, situations, and mediums, but it will continue to be focused heavily on organic search, improved AI capabilities and influencer-based campaigns.
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