musubiblog · 4 years
Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
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pairings : tsukishima / sakusa (separate)
warnings : kithing 💋
song rec : beautiful boy - john lennon
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✨🦕 tsukishima kei
I love him so much I’m going to cry
You’re fairly social in school!!
You have your group of friends who you talk to, and then there’s those you bid hello to in the hallways
Though, you seemed to chat more often with a familiar green haired boy and his bitter blond friend
You’re close with Yamaguchi, and you like to think the same with Tsukishima
Even if he flat out ignores you and leaves you behind when you tie your shoe in the hall 😔
But when he’s stuck with you on cleaning duty, he knows there’s really no escaping your running mouth
He doesnt say much, but he decides to nod every so often just to be polite. He figures you aren’t SO bad
It isn’t until he’s trapped in a closet with you, trying to get more supplies, that he wants to take his words back
You keep whining about his, and I quote, “Boney ass elbow.” Digging into your side
When he turns his head to snap at you
“Y/N. For the love, of everything that is fuckin holy, can you PLEASE shut up-“
The first thing Tsukishima notices when he faces you, is how soft your lips are when they accidentally make contact with his. Your eyes are wide, round with emotion, and your cheeks are a bright red. No one moves and for a second, he swears he can feel your fingers digging into his uniform.
You’re the first to pull away, head quickly turning to the side to look at the ground, but Tsukishima is too busy wondering what the fuck just happened. His golden stare is settled on your face, taking note of your side profile. His head tilts as a fondness creeps over him, and he can’t help but snicker and maybe laugh a bit.
“W-Why are you laughing! This isn’t funny, Tsukishima!” You slap his chest with a pout, angry that he was laughing at you.
It all comes to him at an overwhelming speed. Everything seems to be louder in the closet, and everything about you was just screaming at him. Since when did you smell like strawberries? And were you always that height? Did your eyelashes really flutter when you two kissed? He was tempted to go in for another, but his pride could never.
Elbowing you one last time, he grabs the paper towels he needs before bonking you over the head with a roll, earning him a pained shout and another rant as he leaves the closet with a small smirk.
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✨🦠 sakusa kiyoomi
UGH. Periodt.
He’s so pretty and I also struggled to write for him but it’s fine ❤️
You knew Sakusa for being a fairly cold and introverted guy
It never really bothered you. You figured maybe he just preferred to live his life the way he does because that’s how he feels the most comfortable
But when you found out about his germaphobia and how people weren’t really respecting him... you decided to try to talk to him more
You respected the distance he wanted between the two of you, and offered to wear a mask if he liked
Sakusa was a bit hesitant about your behavior, but figured if you were going to willing do it, there was no stopping you
So now the two of you are pretty good friends
You two right now and then, but who doesn’t?
When the two of you hang out, it’s pretty basic but you sorta like it
I mean, who doesn’t want to go on a relaxing walk in the park after a stressful volleyball season?
Your coat was pulled close to your face as you walked side by side with Sakusa, teeth chattering with your ears crying out in agony over the bitter cold.
“I think I’m dying-“
“You’re so over dramatic.”
Sakusa looked down at you, and you met his gaze easily. His dark eyes spoke of annoyance. Like he wanted to push you into the nearest snow bank and leave you there, but you knew with him slowly inching towards you, he took your words seriously.
“I told you to wear something warm. Did I not?” The tall man seemed to scold you now, shaking his head as he adjusted his face mask. He wouldn’t tolerate that shit dipping under his nose, and you shouldn’t either.
“I know but- W. WOAH-“
Your boots made contact with ice. A sign that God had told you to get fucked as you kicked your feet around in an attempt to catch yourself, but your failing arms were met with a stronger pair as Sakusa tried to at least help you. “Y/N- Calm DOWN-“
Next thing you knew you two were sliding all over the place until your foot knocked into his, making you scream as you fell forward onto the ground. You heaved as you turned around, only to have a weight fall on you with your nose meeting a painful impact.
You’re about to start crying when you realize there’s a warmth on your lips, even if it was clothed, and your eyes snapped open to meet Sakusa’s terrified ones, and the two of you worked on getting back up.
You were sure you’ve never seen Sakusa‘a face that shade of red before, and his twiddling hands proved to you that he was extremely nervous.
But he was nervous because he wasn’t sure if that was going to make, or break your friendship.
While he didn’t habour any feelings for you, the abrupt and sudden ‘kiss’ woke something in him. His chest pulled tight and when he noticed the snowflakes in your hair, it was the first time he realize you were pretty.
“C-Come on. Let’s go. You might die or something if you have a concussion-“
Yeah... You were pretty... Pretty loud.
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musubiblog · 4 years
Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
hi i LOVE cliches like this! not totally realistic but let’s ignore that for the fluff~
they accidentally kiss their crush ♡
→  TSUKISHIMA isn’t willing to admit his own feelings until you slip on the floor and land on top of him. he thinks your face brushs his own, and the soft feeling of your lips on his makes his heart stutter.
he knows he can’t deny his feelings anymore when you blink at him, apologizing profusely. tsukishima mutters, “don’t apologize. i liked that.”
→  KUROO is bending down while holding open the door for you, and when you turn to thank him, he feels your lips on the corner of his mouth. you’re wide-eyed, stammering out what he thinks might be apology.
kuroo just smirks, letting the door fall shut behind you two. “let’s do that properly,” he says.
→  BOKUTO has been wanting to kiss you forever. the opportunity comes when you accidentally lean in too close and fall forward. he steadies you in his arms just a moment too late; your lips have already met his.
“wow,” he says breathlessly, the words slipping out of his mouth before he can stop them. “i-will you kiss me again?”
→  SAKUSA catches you when you fall, and your lips brush his over his mask. you two are both wide-eyed, staring into each other’s eyes, and you can hear his quick intake of breath.
“sorry about that,” you say, expecting him to let go of you since you’ve invaded his personal space.
instead, sakusa’s grip on you tightens, and he only murmurs, “that’s... that’s okay. this is perfectly fine with me.”
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musubiblog · 4 years
Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
this is so cute 🥺 i love this trope!
going to do the the “ungrateful second years” from Karasuno for this! love those boys!
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Ennoshita Chikara
“You’re coming over today right? To study?”
You look up from your book, to see deep chocolate brown eyes and a lazy smile. You bite the eraser of your pencil, nodding.
“Yeah of course Ennoshita, I’ll meet you at the gym after club.” you smile, he nods back and when you don’t break eye contact, he coughs and mumbles something about “getting snacks” and rushes from your classroom.
You’re rocking on your heels outside the gym, thumbing through your social media when a familiar hand reaches out and plucks your phone from your hand. You immediately scowl at Ennoshita who is holding your phone up, “you look at it too much, it’ll hurt your eyes you know.” he says albeit gently and with good intention, still annoying. You scoff and snatch it from him-tugging his shirt to pull him along.
“Who are you even talking to on your phone?” he asks as you’re walking in sync together. It’s warm out. The sun is bleeding into the skyline with marmalade and pink.
“No one.” you reply, feeling his gaze on you because you know the implication behind his simple question.
Then you fall, because of course you would fall in front of your friend and crush. He catches you, but not enough to keep you from falling on top of him with an “oof” and then-
Your lips are on his. Not on purpose though. They’re just barely brushed against his, and neither of you dare to move because of the sheer embarrassment and you’re left wondering if he doesn’t mind all that much. His breath smells like spearmint.
You see his adam’s apple bob up and down and you scramble off of him with a million apologies spilling out. He helps you up, brushes you off and smiles. Smiles.
“Is this a good or bad time for me to ask you to be my girlfriend?” he asks, sheepishly scratching his cheek. You pause, tilting your head like a puppy and click-there it is. You laugh softly, and take his hand.
“Any time is a good time with you, Chikara.” and you kiss him, on purpose this time.
Kinoshita Hisashi
Well here you are. Sitting sweaty on a leather couch, on a summer evening, with Nishinoya and Tanaka passed out cold on either side of you. You’re stuck, Nishinoya has an arm around your waist and head on your shoulder, while Tanaka is zonked out on your lap, you can feel the drool on your thigh.
You and your fellow second year friends are all together for a movie night at Tanaka’s, and of course the two crazier ones of the group claimed you for themselves as soon as you walked in. You really wanted to sit by a certain sandy haired pinch server but it wasn’t happening apparently. Kinoshita ended up on another couch with Narita, and you didn’t miss how he glanced to you on occasion, an amused grin pointed your way at how you were a human plushie for the duration of the movie. However his grins didn’t reach his eyes, and neither did the ones you returned. The feelings were palpable between you both, but the shyness and silliness of being teenagers held you back.
You’re still stuck, feeling grosser by the second because they’re so heavy and sweaty on you and your back is now stuck to the leather of the couch. Kinoshita laughs at you as you blow a strand of hair from your face and shift, making Tanaka let out a startled snort.
“Need help I see.” the blonde snickers, booping your nose-to which you swat his hand away.
“Yes, please help me!” you whisper yell, making grabby hands at him. He takes your hands in his, and without warning for anyone, yanks you into the air towards him.
The sheer force of it causes Nishinoya and Tanaka to yelp, and you merely squeal in surprise for only a second because you find yourself collided with Kinoshita, on the floor, your legs straddling his torso. Your eyes fly open because you feel your lips...
Your lips are on his. Just barely. His eyes are wide in surprise (and so are yours). You start to open your mouth to apologize but he leans forward as deftly as a flutter of eyelashes and kisses you. You sit up and his hands are on your hips, grinning stupidly. You must be grinning too because the other four boys are clapping like they finished an epic romance movie. You roll your eyes at their hoots and hollers.
“Finally something happens between you guys!” Tanaka bellows with a laugh.
Kinoshita laces his fingers with yours and you smile.
“Yeah, finally.” he beams.
Narita Kazuhito
Who knew, honestly, that you’d ever fall in love with the boy you tutored? Surely not you.
It was easy though, falling for him. He was kind, calm. There was nothing abrasive about him, nothing prickly. He was just, him. Narita. You liked it like that. No surprises and safe. Yes, you liked how safe he felt.
Did you want a bad boy? A dangerous and mysterious man to eyeball you across the room and make you melt? Maybe. Maybe another time, in another life. But now, at 17, you wanted someone who made you feel like you could just...rest. You had many students, being in class 7 came with the territory of being a tutor, plus add club activities and homework. You wanted rest. Wanted easy.
Therein came Narita. A calm smile, comfortable conversations, and a quick learner, you found yourself sad when his sessions ended because thanks to you, he aced his tests. He was smart as a whip but just needed the push. He didn’t need you anymore, didn’t wan-
“Y/n?” a voice calls you from your thoughts. You look up from your desk and see him. He’s here. He holds out a daisy, it’s pink and he’s twirling it in his fingers. The blush on his tan skin is tantalizing like strawberry ice cream in a cone.
You stand, quickly out of joy and surprise, launching yourself into his arms. He squeaks like a mouse when you collide, and braces himself as you tumble together against a desk behind him.
You’re giggling, when you realize that your lips brushed against his for a moment in your fall, a grazing little kiss, and now the strawberries on his cheeks have blossomed even further. You stand back and take the daisy, smelling it while looking at him through your lashes.
“Can we do that again?” he mumbles, the dark hazel of his brown eyes glinting.
And who are you to deny your star pupil?
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musubiblog · 4 years
Who even is our boyfriend? I say- choose hawks
hawks drabble (2)
another slightly smutty hawks angst. i got a few asks for a part 2 of my other hawks drabble, so i wrote this. it doesn’t necessarily have to be connected to the other one, but it definitely fits. this is loosely based off the first 30 seconds of i bet on losing dogs by mitski if u wanna take a quick listen before u read.
18+ ⚠️ smut, angst. hawks x reader.
cw- unprotected sex, cheating
reader is on some fuck shit in this one.
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musubiblog · 4 years
A New (y/n)! We need this kind of concept
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❀ hypothermia | “you never did love me, did you?” feat. sakusa kiyoomi
⇢ day 6 of angstcember
⇢ synopsis: sakusa knows how difficult he is to love but for you, he’ll reluctantly let down his walls
⇢ a/n: the roles for this fic were supposed to be switched at first but i got really >:( about the sakusa hate night thing and realized that we don’t deserve this beautiful man
⇢ pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x gn!reader
⇢ word count: 2.2k words
ANGSTCEMBER MASTERLIST (feat. haikyuu!! and bungou stray dogs)
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going on a date wasn’t sakusa’s idea, rather, it was a whole conspiracy created by atsumu, hinata, and bokuto, who all had the ‘good intentions’ to get sakusa to get out and mingle with more people. in other words, go on an actual date. his hair was uncomfortably slicked back, his shoes pinched too tightly, and despite how un-crowded the cafe he waited in was, sakusa could feel the discomfort of having to breathe in other people’s air.
‘if this person isn’t going to show up in ten minutes, i’m leaving,’ he ultimately decided. except, that’s exactly when you decided to show up. sakusa’s eyes automatically glanced up when you walked in, searching the cafe, before spotting him at one of the tables.
“i’m so sorry about that, traffic was terrible,” you sat down with a huff. “you must be sakusa-san, right?”
“…right,” he nodded slowly, studying you intently as you quickly checked your reflection in your compact mirror.
“atsumu-san told me about you,” you smiled, lacing your fingers together on top of the table. sakusa observed that your nails were cut short and filed down neatly, something that he approved of. he honestly didn’t understand why people purposely glued long, plastic nails on their real nails.
“yeah? what did he say?” he asked.
“some stuff but…” you shrugged. “does it matter what he thinks? i’m the one you’re dating, after all.” 
sakusa raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed at your quick judgement. with that, he tugged his mask down, folded it, and placed it neatly on the table. “you’re right about that. shall we order then?”
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musubiblog · 4 years
Some words to use when writing things:
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musubiblog · 4 years
Some words to use when writing things:
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musubiblog · 4 years
Hi can I request, haikyuu boys (any of your choices) having a crush (y/n) on their Classmate and they tried to take a stolen picture during class hours. I tried this to my crush and I got caught by my teacher and classmate🙈
Author’s Note: I would’ve died if that happened to me- but anyways I chose the boys who would’ve most likely done something like this.
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Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Has done this on several occasions. (Mainly to brag to Nishinoya about how cute his crush is.)
He’s been caught several times by his teacher for being on his phone during class, so he has to be extra subtle. Which is not in Tanaka’s vocabulary at all.
Tries to play it off when people catch him. However he only incriminates himself more. “I totally wasn’t looking at S/O!!! What do you mean I like them???”
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
He’s just so shy,,,, he’s awkward and doesn’t know how to approach his crush. So he innocently wants to snap a picture of them.
It backfires. He fumbles with his phone because his teacher turned around, and it falls to the ground with the picture of his crush on the screen.
He just about dies as he scrambles to pick it up.
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Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa likes to snap pictures of things he likes! His camera roll is filled with pictures of Takeru and volleyball, so it’s only fair he’d want to take a picture of his crush.
Some fangirls were curious as to what he was doing in class, so they ask him. He jolts in surprise, before quickly switching into his pretty boy persona.
He plays it off by saying he was trying to take a selfie. The fangirls believe him, because it’s Oikawa.
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musubiblog · 4 years
Me want revenge :<
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Warnings- (aged up!) mentions of sex, mentions of weed, cursing, angst I guess (as a Semi simp this hurts so I’m sorry)
Pairings- Semi x Reader
Everything between you and Semi had been going great recently. The two of you had been talking to one another since high school and even began hanging out in college. Later on, you seemed to be the best of friends... or more... nobody really understood your relationship with each other. It’s complicated. Y’all were with each other all the time, people thought you two were dating but you both denied it. Hell, the old Shiratorizawa Volleyball team thought you were dating. People in public would always stare at you watching how you and Semi interact. Girls were jealous of you because of how often you were with Semi. There have been many smoke sessions with one another and those sessions may have led to a few hookups, so were you friends with benefits? Like what was said before... it’s complicated.
Y/n’s POV
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‘Damn what’s up with him.’ I think to myself as I read Semi’s message. ‘He’s been really off recently and I’m not sure what’s wrong with him...’ I hear my phone buzz and see Tendou’s name pop up.
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“Wow that little bitch...” I said out loud when I finished talking to Tendou. All I could think to myself is why wouldn’t Semi want to hang out with me? What did I do? Well maybe something is going on and I just need to give him some space. I flipped over onto my stomach and scrolled through my camera roll looking at all the pictures I had of Semi and I. He looked so happy, we looked so happy. What’s wrong with him right now.
End of Y/n’s POV
It’s been 6 months since Y/n messaged Semi. He has completely ghosted her. She had no clue why he would do this and didn’t know what she did wrong... what made him decide to leave you like that. Every message you sent, read. He never responded. Every call, voicemail or even declined automatically. Y/n had been ghosted.
Semi had been avoiding you for so long that you began to forget about him. Until the day that you saw him walking around town with a girl that looked almost EXACTLY like you. All the old feelings you felt hit you like a truck. Then you realized, he was playing you. He was using you. All you were was his little toy. And now this poor girl laughing with him was going to feel the same way. You stood there frozen in the middle of the side walk watching the two of them continue walking. Suddenly, Semi makes eye contact with you and all he does is smirk and keep walking with his new little toy.
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musubiblog · 4 years
Been wanting this kind of Content since Tiktok
love, always.
tooru oikawa x reader
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setting — post time skip. may contain spoilers.
description: 3 years since the accident and you’ve regained most of your memories back, but there’s still one missing puzzle piece that only your boyfriend’s best friend can complete. the question is, will you let him?
genre: past lovers, amnesia, angst
a/n: my tooru mini-fic is here yay! hope u guys enjoy this one as much as remember, forever.
taglist: open! @elianetsantana @cuddlesslut @littlenymphia700 @mysteriousparker
[part one]
It’s you and me...
Just the two us...
Your fingers flicked as you heard those words from the back your mind. The soft, manly voice came from someone you haven’t heard before and it left you puzzled. You just couldn’t pinpoint whose voice it was from.
Your breathing was slow and deep as you searched through your faded memories.
“Try not to move please,” your doctor spoke through the intercom while you kept your eyes shut. “Stay still so we can finish the CT scan.”
Right. Well, being inside the scanner made you anxious. Lying completely still during an MRI was important but you really couldn’t keep yourself from moving even just a little. All the buzzing and whirring noises felt uncomfortable to your ears—it was like a constant state of being inside a kaleidoscope of nothingness.
You tried to relax your mind and body as the scan went on for the next 20 minutes or so.
It has been 3 years since the accident and you’ve managed to recover through a series of physical and occupational therapy, lots of hypnosis and monthly evaluations. It was a long journey.
As for your memories, they were still there. The doctor said that you may temporarily lose your memories, but not your skills. You did your best to diligently follow all the therapies and sessions that you had to go through just so you could return back to your normal self.
Everything was stored in your head gradually, but it left one piece missing from the puzzle and you couldn’t figure out what it was.
You and me...
“Hold your breath for ten seconds, please.” You once again heard the doctor’s voice from the intercom and did as followed.
You sighed. You wanted nothing but for this to be over with.
“How are you feeling?” was the first thing Dr. Maeda asked the moment you sat on the chair.
You responded with a brief smile. “I’m doing fine, thank you.”
“Any headaches?” he inquired. “Or any sharp pain on the back of your head?”
“None so far,” you answered, recalling the past few days.
The doctor nodded his head in relief. “Okay. Based from your MRI, it seems that you’re showing signs of improvement,” he spoke. “Most patients with retrograde amnesia take years to fully recover, but in severe cases they don’t, so we’re very lucky to see progress in your case.”
You swallowed, looking hopeful. “But I’ll still get my full memories back, right? If I keep trying... I’ll get them back, right?”
“What’s important is we don’t force them out of you,” the doctor explained. “The way the brain recalls memories is dynamic. When people remember an event, they reconstruct it, pulling bits from different places in the brain. No memory, traumatic or otherwise, is ever frozen and immune from reconstruction over time.”
You let out a sigh and accepted that your memories really wouldn’t come back overnight. That was what therapies were made for, anyway. You were already happy with your life now and everyone around you were saying that you’ve gotten so much better for the past 3 years.
Most of your memories have returned and they all told you that the remaining empty pieces weren’t really important to remember.
But, somehow, it just felt like a huge part of you was still incomplete.
After your visit to the doctor, you were very keen to see your boyfriend again since you stayed at your parent’s house for the weekend. That was why you took the initiative to visit him at the training center where he worked at.
You felt nothing but excitement as soon as you saw him at the hallway while he was talking to another man.
Just the mere sight of him made your heart jump in joy.
“Baby!” you called, happily running to your boyfriend.
He looked surprised, almost stunned, but managed to catch you in his arms for a warm hug. “Woah there! You didn’t say you were coming?”
You grinned and gave him a quick peck. “I wanted to surprise you. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, beautiful,” Iwaizumi told you before placing another kiss on your lips.
When he pulled away, you noticed the handsome man standing next to him and you couldn’t recall the guy being part of the national team.
He was tall with tousled brown hair and a gentle face that looked like an angel. Thin lips, chiseled jaws, stunning brown eyes. This was the first time you have seen him but your heart was thumping loud for some reason.
He looked at you with eyes full of messages that you couldn’t discern. Was he about to cry? Was he glad to see you? You couldn’t read his mind, but the only thing you knew was that he had a hard time keeping his eyes off of you.
He blinked a couple of times, took a deep breath, and froze on his spot. He looked confused and in pain simultaneously which you didn’t understand why.
“Uh, hey,” you spoke, offering your hand out of courtesy. “I’m—”
“I know you,” he cut off, swallowing hard. He took your hand and touched it as if he didn’t want to let go. “I’m Tooru Oikawa.”
Tooru Oikawa.
You stared at his eyes and felt a rush of electricity running through your veins. His name sounded familiar but you had no idea where you’ve heard it before.
You didn’t even realize that the two of you shared the longest gaze on each other until Iwaizumi cleared his throat.
You pulled your hand away and moved closer to your boyfriend. “Nice to meet you.”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi glanced at each other for a moment. You noticed that there was some kind of tension suddenly filling the air.
Did you do something wrong?
“Babe, he’s, uh, the guy I told you about,” your boyfriend introduced, holding your waist protectively. “The one who moved to Argentina.”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Oh, your childhood best friend?” You beamed at the guy again. “So nice to see you here, Tooru.”
Oikawa seemed to have felt a million things after you said his name and you wondered if you also shared memories with this person. But the thing was, if he was really important to you then Iwaizumi would have told you by now.
“Nice to see you, too,” he responded, forcing a smile.
Before the conversation could continue, you saw Kiyoomi Sakusa peeking from the gymnasium’s entrance as he called for their trainer. “We’re done with the drills,” he informed Iwaizumi.
Hajime nodded his head before turning to you. “I have to go. I’ll see you after an hour?”
“Sure.” You nodded understandingly, kissing him one last time. “I’ll head to the cafe and wait for you there.”
Your boyfriend patted Oikawa’s back and gave him a certain wary look that only the two of them could understand before he finally went back inside the gymnasium.
Just then, you were left alone with a stranger you barely knew but it somehow didn’t feel uncomfortable. You felt safe being next to this person despite not really knowing him.
“Do you...” he trailed, looking nervous. “Do you wanna grab some coffee?”
You smiled at his offer. “I’d love to.”
From what you’ve heard, Oikawa was a fun, outgoing guy. Your boyfriend told you before that the guy was very loud and more often flippant and flirtatious. That had been his personality since they were kids—he was always the center of attention in and out of the court.
However, the Oikawa in front of you now was the complete opposite. He seemed too quiet and timid, like he felt awkward.
When he came back to your table after picking up your order, he carefully placed your favorite coffee on your table.
He asked you earlier if there was any specific coffee you liked because it was his treat, but since you felt shy, you told him anything would do.
And you were incredibly surprised that he was able to get you your favorite coffee.
Not even Iwaizumi could have guessed it.
“How’d you know I like Vanilla Sweet Cream?” you asked, watching him settle on his seat. “Cold Brew at that.”
Although a smile was displayed on his lips, he wasn’t looking into your eyes. “Just a lucky guess.”
“Well, thanks for the coffee.” You simply smiled in appreciation and didn’t say anything else.
Rain started pouring as you turned to stare outside. Despite the sudden bad weather, it was actually perfect for the ambiance of the cafe. Soft, jazz music was playing from the background and the smell of freshly brewed coffee greeted your nose.
It felt like you’ve been in this exact situation before. Like déjà vu.
“What made you return to Japan?” you asked, looking back at Tooru in attempt to start a conversation.
His fingers tapped the mug with a reserved expression.
You noticed that he had milk bread in front of him, but wasn’t keen to eat it. “SA League’s over so I plan to stay here for a couple of months before I leave again.”
“That’s nice.” You nodded and took a sip from your coffee. “You probably miss Japan so much.”
His eyes met yours again, but this time he looked like he was holding his emotions together. “How’s... How’s everything for you?”
You didn’t really know what specific details he knew about you so you had no idea where to start. Even more, something about this encounter just felt nostalgic and you were getting antsy about it.
You decided to tell the basic story that everyone knew. “I got into a car accident three years ago and lost some of my memories, but it seems like most of it has returned now. I’ve been told that my recovery is going very smoothly.”
Oikawa held his breath and seemed like he wanted to say something but chose not to.
As a result, you two averted your gaze and drank from your own cups. Heck, the awkward air was killing you.
“You’re dating Iwa-chan, huh?” he asked, as if he hasn’t heard about it before. It was odd because he should’ve known that his best friend was dating you.
“Yeah,” you answered, smiling fondly. “He’s the best boyfriend I could ever wish for.”
His adam’s apple rose briefly.
“A-Are you happy with him?” he suddenly asked, causing you to look up at him in curiosity.
You nodded without hesitation. “Very. He’s been there for me since I woke up from the accident. He helped me get better every single day and then, one day we just fell in love.”
Oikawa’s eyes shined as he stared at you. “I’m glad.”
You kept your gaze locked with his and felt your heartbeat falling out of its normal rhythm. Even though he smiled at you, why did it look empty?
“Have we met before?”
The expression on his face told you he would have said yes and that he would have said how and where you two have first met, but his only reply was,
Maybe you just really felt like you knew him because he was Iwa’s best friend after all. Maybe there wasn’t anything special to remember about Oikawa because, as he said, you two have never met prior to this.
You didn’t share any significant memories with him.
You were just two strangers sitting at a cafe making new memories of each other.
Nothing more, nothing less.
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musubiblog · 4 years
baby girl to motivate you i'll give you a lil treat once you finish *blinks sexculy with both eyes in a sex cy manner*- akaashi 🍬🧍‍♂️😏
if u don't shut up i'll kiss u 🙄 and it's not like im writing a fic for u rn or ANYTHING
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musubiblog · 4 years
restless | s. kiyoomi × reader
summary: for the first time, sakusa kiyoomi reacted on issues pointed to him. the thing is, he doesn’t understand why he’s reacting to this.
details: 1k+ words, comfort fic, slight angst, fluff?
HEADS UP: contains content which involves framing up a person, using a person for clout, you know, shit like that. if you’re not a big fan of that, this one’s not for you.
note: first of all, i miss writing. second, i miss sakusa.
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For the seventh time during that night, Sakusa Kiyoomi lets out a sigh. He places down the newspaper he was holding before taking off his reading glasses. He knew you’d react violently if you see him reading the news articles about him—after he defends himself from those who doesn’t respect his personal space.
He tried to sleep next to you, but he couldn’t take that scene that occurred yesterday. So, he decided to step out of the bedroom instead of tossing and turning and disturb your peaceful sleep.
Kiyoomi rests his head on the backrest of the couch with his arm on his forehead. While staring blankly at the ceiling, he recalls what occurred before that incident with that unruly MSBY ‘fan.’
Their team’s fans knew about the rules he had set beforehand. Hell, even the fans of their opponent knew about it. But despite all that, that “fan” still chose to “test the waters” while knowing that they’re surrounded with numerous press people.
That “fan” suddenly held his wrist while waiting for him to react. He was taking off their hand from his wrist when they suddenly cry, gaining the attention of everyone in that hallway.
There were paparazzi who were waiting for that moment patiently. Waiting for him to show the world his “ugly” side—the side that’s rude, snob, and conceited.
The “fan” gains the press’ sympathies, while he receives the backlash. Numerous anti-fans have decided to post their worst opinions about them online. Some of his fans—the newbies—easily believed what the antis were saying; there were even long-time fans who were sharing their own experiences after interacting with him.
You’ve told him not to check any of his social media accounts, even the television, but Kiyoomi is stubborn as fuck.
Tears pooled his eyes and clouded his vision after reading some of the negative comments. People believes he was insensitive—somewhat acting like a robot—but none of them knew him as a person.
Sakusa Kiyoomi is one of the most polite person you’ve ever encountered. He knows how to read the room and how to address several issues that are quite sensitive to be discuss. He look for numerous ways to speak what’s on his mind to make sure that none of the involved parties would be offended by his statement. (Although most of the time he ends up pointing out their wrongs, making him look like the main antagonist of the two parties.)
He wasn’t a big fan of skinship, but he doesn’t mind receiving headpats, or cuddles, or even a warm and tight hug.
Kiyoomi may respond to Atsumu’s blaberring with thick sarcasm—much to the latter’s annoyance—but he cares a lot about them. Especially when Atsumu kept on practicing even if he’s not feeling well. (No, he won’t be like Kita who’d give him something to eat in order to improve his health. Instead, he’ll use his sharp tongue to poke Atsumu’s ego and pride as a setter to force him to nurse himself back to health.)
He closes his eyes as he sniffles.
He doesn’t care about other people’s opinions about him before, so why is he acting like this right now? This wasn’t even the first time he received hurtful comments from the anti-fans, but why is it that he feels awful during and after reading all those things?
He didn’t join this team to be popular, he joined the team because he wants to pursue volleyball. . . because he enjoys playing volleyball with everyone in the team.
So why?
“Omi,” you called with a sigh. You approached him and took the day-old newspaper from him and even his phone. “I’ve told you not to look at any of those things,” you said softly before sitting on the empty space next to him.
He sat straight before looking into your eyes with his bloodshot eyes. “I can’t understand it. . .” Omi’s voice broke. “. . . Why am I hurting right now? Why am I feeling this way?” he asked. “So. . . Why?”
You sigh before spreading your arms open. Kiyoomi sobs before nuzzling his face against your chest. “Probably, because this is the first time that someone deliberately made you look like a villain in front everyone else.”
You gently massaged his head with the pads of your fingers, hoping that it would somehow relieve his sadness, frustration, and maybe stress? “You see, the previous incidents wherein some paparrazi or press people had depicted you in the bad light. But those instances were immediately forgotten by the public, because the people knew that you’re not a big fan of crowds or being followed.”
“And this time?” he asked while looking at you.
“This time, someone’s using you and your name to gain everyone’s attention. To be famous. To that person, it really doesn’t matter whether it’ll ruin you and your career.” Then, you sigh. “And to make everything worse than it already is, those people who are waiting to see you fall grabbed this opportunity to pull you down.”
“Listen to me, love.” You cup his cheeks and dried the tears on his cheeks with your thumb. “We both know that not everyone would cheer for you. There are people who would try to make you believe that what they’re the ones telling is the truth. That’s inevitable.”
Then, you smile at him. “But none of them matters as long as you acknowledge the fact that none of them knowd who you are. . . who you really are as a person.”
He sniffles before wrapping his arms around you. “I love you,” he says after calling your name.
“And I love you too. . .” you responded before humming softly, lulling Sakusa Kiyoomi to sleep.
THE FOLLOWING MORNING, you woke up with the non-stop buzzing of Sakusa’s phone. You stirred in your sleep (with back aching as fuck) before reaching out for his phone. Kiyoomi’s still resting his head on your chest (and it’s quite amazing how still remains asleep.)
The text messages came from almost everyone in their team. The most recent message came from his cousin, Motoya, instructing him to check his social media.
When you did, you’ve seen several hashtags that are related to Kiyoomi’s issue were trending. Including the hashtag “#[“fan” name]IsOver”
You smiled with satisfaction. You returned the phone on the top of the table before going back to the dreamland with Kiyoomi.
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musubiblog · 4 years
what hq characters look for in a partner
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warnings -> fluff
includes -> all characters!
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[insert character name] —
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musubiblog · 4 years
I really thought she would end up with Todorokí, but damn what a plot twist
how to mend a broken heart
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader & Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word count: 8424
A/N: my first time posting on tumblr so pls be gentle lmao thanks
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It was strange- the way his crimson eyes linger over the cute bubbly girl off in the distance. Was he even looking at her or was he staring off in her direction? Did he even notice he was zoning out? “Earth to Katsuki.” You say, eyes never leaving his face. You could see it. His eyes following her every move and when she smiled- a faint pink dusted his cheeks. Did he even notice you next to him? “Katsuki.” You say a little louder this time, giving him a poke on his arm. 
“Holy fuck!” He growls, head snapping around, eyes glaring but instantly softening as soon as he realizes who it is. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” 
“You like her?” You tease. It wasn’t possible right? The Great Bakugou Katsuki has a crush on Uraraka? “Shut the hell up.” 
Oh. He didn’t deny it. 
Keep reading
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musubiblog · 4 years
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musubiblog · 4 years
Can you do more timeskip haikyuu for christmas😍
Can I get some timeskip kenma who has a wife and toddler daughter spending Christmas with each other please 🥺
sure thing anon! (though i wasn’t sure if you wanted a headcanon format, or a fic format— so i did both)
timeskip! kenma spending time with his wife and toddler daughter
fic type : headcanons + small scenario (domestic, fluff)
legend : [Y/N = your name] f! reader.
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kozume kenma
okay, i don’t really see kenma as someone that would want children, or marriage (it kinda scares him)
that is, until you came along into his life
and that’s how you guys are married, years later.
then suddenly, you become pregnant— and you give birth to the prettiest baby he has seen
kenma lowkey thought babies were ugly, im not gonna cap
he was worried at first, since the fathering thing was so odd to him.
but she has his eyes, but over all— she looks like you (and acts like you)
(lowkey a doting father.)
at first it was kind of chaotic, since he tried teaching her how to play games
which you told him not to, she’s literally a year old
if you ever get tired, he’ll have your daughter on his lap while you take a nice nap
kenma is a hard worker (time skip) so you don’t really see him as often as you should these days
but this is him working hard for the sake for you and the precious daughter you guys created.
the day before christmas— he’s finishing work up early, so he can spend the rest of the day with you and your daughter.
he also planned his gift weeks before
also shocks all of his coworkers
they forget he has a wife and child tbh
on christmas day, he dressed up his daughter in the FINEST fit
and he even learned how to style her hair 👁👁
you guys go to kfc, get take out (since kenma prefers eating at home)
and your daughter is like ‘can we get cake pls 🥺’
and you’re like— no, you’ll get an upset stomach (though you secretly want cake)
but kenma is like,, already holding the box of cake. “i already bought the cake though..”
anything for your happy daughter, am i right? and if she’s happy— you and kenma are happy.
note : it’s tradition to eat kfc and cake on christmas
you guys are finishing up the chores, as you clean up the leftover food. kenma is nowhere to be seen, as he disappeared somewhere into the house
leaving your daughter with you. you honestly don’t know where kenma is, and if he’s doing work.
so now you’re putting your daughter in bed, not because it’s time to sleep (it’s literally christmas) but it’s so that she could get some presents from ‘santa’
but when you open the door to leave, you’re surprised to see kenma holding a big box— wrapped in christmas wrapping, presumably your daughter’s gift.
“shh.. i know you bought a present already, but she really wanted this y’know?” he shushes you, the gift shuffling slightly when he moves.
your daughter sits on your bed, unaware of the current conversation— but you can practically see her cat like eyes glittering from where you’re standing.
you sigh happily, “thanks ken. for spending christmas with us.”
kenma furrows his eyebrows, looking away— his cheeks are still red, similar to the old highschool days. “i mean.. why wouldn’t i? i love the both of you, even if i’m always busy.”
“i know that, kenma.” you smile, kissing him briefly on the lips, “c’mon santa, let’s go.” you say— tugging him with you, as you go to find the gifts placed under the glowing christmas tree.
kenma lowkey wonders when your daughter will realize santa doesn’t exist, but he won’t break it to her
       ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own haikyuu and it’s characters. haikyuu belongs to furudate haruichi, i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)
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musubiblog · 4 years
Thank you for this, I absolutely adore those 4 you chose for this headcanon. I love it💕
Hi can I request, Haikyuu boys (any of your choices) having a crush on their classmate and attempts to take a stolen picture of her during class houra, I tried this to my crush once and I got caught by my teacher and classmate-oof
My first request! I just chose the characters I think I have the best grasp of if that’s ok. If there are any characters that you did want and I left out I can make a part 2.
Synopsis: haikyuu boys have a crush on you and want to take a picture with/of you (sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you asked)
Characters: suna, bokuto, kuroo, and oikawa
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I get the feeling that suna is the kinda guy to secretly admire you from afar. But because he’s not always areound you he wanted a picture of you (probably for his Lock Screen)
Now suna is sneaky he knows that he shouldn’t get noticed by the teacher cause then you’d find out.
Now suna sits right behind you in class. So in his case it’s a bit easier but now for him the question is how he’s gonna get a picture of your face.
So he pulled out his phone and tapped you on the shoulder while the teacher was talking. Then right when you turned around he took a photo.
You were obviously confused but didn’t know he took a photo of you so he played it off as he wanted to ask for some notes cause he was on his phone. This sly mf
Though unknowingly his classmate caught him. Probably osamu who doesn’t let him live it down and probably tells you like a week later.
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Ok now bokuto isn’t as clever as suna. He’d 100% get caught.
He really wanted a cute picture of you though. Probably thinks your thinking face is cute not gonna lie
Bokuto sits right across the isle from you. So you think this’ll make it easier for him. Wrong.
When the teacher was writing something on the board and you were taking notes that’s when he’d shoot his shot
So he quickly took the photo. Only to be called out by the teacher.
The teacher probably took his phone and when the teacher saw a picture of you and looked at bokuto like he was some wack kid. Bokuto went into emo mode for a bit. Because he got caught and because now he has detention for use I g his phone in class.
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Kuroo is slick. He’s not gonna get caught. And if he does. He’ll just say some lame excuse that’ll get him by.
Now kuroo and you are partnered for a class assignment. And he sits right next to you so this’ll be pretty easy for him.
When the teacher leaves the class he pulls out his phone and calls your name. You assume it’s to ask you a question only to be met with him taking a picture of you.
Now you’re either shocked or (if you’re like me and hate your photo taken) angry. If you’re shocked he’ll take another one cause he thinks your surprises face is funny. And if you’re angry he’ll tease you for being “cute” when you’re mad.
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Dude just wanted a cute picture with you for Instagram.
Probably has been nagging you for weeks to take a picture with him. He even asked iwa to take a quick picture. To which iwa refused
Though one day before class started and the teacher was gone he saw that you were sitting at your desk by yourself looking distracted by your notebook so he walked passed his fellow students a took a quick photo with you.
Though at that moment you looked up because someone’s arm was on your shoulder. And you were shocked to see oikawa taking a picture.
Also at that moment the teacher walked in and asked oikawa if this was a photo shoot. To which he replied with a slightly embarrassed “no”
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