musucismylife · 8 years
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I just published "Prologue" of my story "Swaped Perception". http://w.tt/20SrpT4
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musucismylife · 10 years
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musucismylife · 10 years
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musucismylife · 10 years
my mum likes to play this game called yell from 4 rooms away and get upset when i can’t hear her
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musucismylife · 10 years
When my children start to express curiosity about sexuality, I am not going to tell them that they’re too young to be asking or that “if you have sex you get pregnant”. The age at which children start to ask about sex indicates they are already ready to be talking about it. Some parents may find it is much earlier than they expected, and others may find that their children never want to talk about sexuality. It is a very personal subject, but it should not be taboo. When a girl walks into the restaurant wearing a tight skirt, I am not going to tell my daughter that the girl is a slut and forbid her from dressing similarly. Instead, I am not going to comment at all unless someone else does. Whether it is a nudist walking in or a woman wearing a burka, it will not be my place to comment and I will teach my children to never voice their judgments either. However, if my children or anyone else comments on the “slut” walking in, I am going to tell them that you cannot judge how many people someone sleeps with based off how they dress, and that you should not judge them based off how many people they sleep with either. When my son teases his friend that he is being a “pussy”, I will chastise him. I will not have my children contribute to a society that condemns femininity. I am also going to tell my son that he is not obligated to dedicate his life to masculinity, nor sentence anyone else to a specific gender role. My children will not think that their gender correlates to a specific color or behavior. People are not pure shades of pink and blue, but rather unique combinations with real texture. When my children start to lock their doors and bring home partners, I am not going to forbid them from getting physical or demand to know every detail. Instead, I will make sure that they know everything about being safe and have clear access to protection. I will not be that parent that starts screaming hysterically when they find a condom in their child’s bedroom. Through communication and honesty, I will make sure that my children can have the safest and most fulfilling sex life possible.
the way sexuality was never addressed in my family (via goddess-river)
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musucismylife · 10 years
My dad just came into my room and shouted at me in Klingon.
Am I more embarrassed that he did that or that I know he said I was a disappointment to the empire?
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musucismylife · 10 years
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musucismylife · 10 years
“boys will be bo-“
*flies in* 
*punches you in the face*
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musucismylife · 10 years
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because every tumblr should have Queen Elizabeth shooting a machine gun
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musucismylife · 10 years
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musucismylife · 10 years
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musucismylife · 10 years
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Guaranteed basic income to every citizen, whether or not they are employed to ensure their survival and that they live in a dignified, humane way, preventing poverty, illness, homelessness, reducing crime, encouraging higher education and learning vocations as well as helping society become more prosperous as a whole. 
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musucismylife · 10 years
So my name was supposed to "musicismylife" but I hit the U rather then the I key and didn't check so yeah. Oops
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musucismylife · 10 years
So I accidentally misread a post that said "wizard tattoos" and I thought it was "wizard tacos". Let the follow up posts commence
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