mutedpetals-blog · 5 years
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     y’all love girls right…. how about… a BOTW!Aryll? Yes, you do. 
     + she’s deaf, she’s cute, she has a cow named grass, carries a stick      - she’ll melt your heart, big happy nerd, just wants to find link
     selective. private. oc friendly. 
     verse/game/other fandoms friendly 
      reblog (preferred)/ like and I’ll check you out <3
      penned by kyra.
     ayrll just wants to sleep, be with link, maybe fuckin swim idk let her live.
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mutedpetals-blog · 5 years
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
Sorry for not ever coming on here. This blog took a huge hit down but i will.come back just I'm coming up with ideas for Ayrll. Please give me a week or two.
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
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by Kyle Kuiper
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
I’m only going to be here on weekends. Sorry.
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
Any threads will be answered later. Sorry! I’m just trying to feel my muse again.
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
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She jumped at the sound of the girl’s voice - wavering and round and TOO-LOUD from not being able to hear it herself. Then, nodding at the explanation, she wrote more:
‘Sorry. What’s his name? In case I see him in my travels’ A pause, a soft smile, then: ‘My name is Aqua’
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➷➷  “She says his name is Link. Blue eyes, fair skin, messy blond hair.  She also says that your name is pretty and never heard of it before. Ayrll is a bit shy when it comes to meeting others. She is rather curious on why you have entered the forest since not many ever enter it anymore. Not with Yiga running around.”
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
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Had it been his first rodeo, Sheik’s response to this whole situation would have been quite a bit different. Even now, he could feel himself getting more and more irritated with every moment that passed, but he managed to keep it from showing on his face, somehow. He merely nodded in response to the girl’s words as well, then offered Aryll a little wave to indicate that she should take a seat so they could work out where it would be best for him to sit.
“Somewhere in plain sight of both of you,” is all that he said in response to the teacher - to whom he had still yet to be properly introduced. Perhaps it was a bit spiteful or immature of him - but Sheik wasn’t about to extend the courtesy of offering his own name or title if she hadn’t even been bothered to do the same. God, hopefully it didn’t go down like this in all of Ayrll’s classes. Military paycheck or not - Sheik wasn’t sure if that would be worth the stress. For both of them.
He waited until Ayrll was seated before deciding he would have to take action himself if they were going to move forward with this at all. In no time at all he had located a spare chair and moved it to sit across from where his young charge now sat. He set it up so there was a good five feet between them, his back nearly to the wall where he would have a good sight and ear on the teacher as well. He took a seat without another moment of hesitation and turned his gaze on the only person in the room he was being paid to assist.
How’s this? He signed to Ayrll, as if nobody was even there or watching but the two of them. Can you see everything from there? If you can’t, let me know and I can move. 
➷➷  The woman laughed nervously and went to go fetch a few papers for the young girl as Ayrll began to sweat in her chair already obtaining a notebook ready to take notes for this shit hole class. Glancing at Sheik she frowned. “I’m just... Nervous. This is fine. I... I really hope it won’t be like this in each class. I feel a bit sick from everyone's attention on me.” This is why she wanted to be homeschooled not going into a hell such at this school.
   The woman handed over a few papers before turning to Sheik. “I’m Mrs. Reza. Well, we’re currently reading the book Romeo and Juliet- oh! She already has the book. Well, she can read at her own pace but she needs to be at ACT TWO, scene four in three days. Also, need to answer these questions.”
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
Link couldn’t quite meet the Korok’s gaze.
“I’m just a wandering traveler…” he answered vaguely.
There was no reason to get any more specific than that.
➷➷  Korok in Ayrll’s arms had translated for her and quickly pipped up once again with Ayrll’s question. “Wandering traveler with interest in a deadly sword, she’s wondering where you’ve come from. She hasn’t seen her own kind in ages! Do you like veggies? She’s going to make a big pot of stew!”
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
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“Hi there…” She had spoken SOFTLY, as if it had sensitive ears… which, they might’ve HAD, but nonetheless… It didn’t take long before she had ended up STROKING Grass’ head.
She hadn’t seen animals like this for a LONG time, the only things she really saw were foxes and those little woodland CREATURES. Animals like these…
They reminded her of HOME.
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Almost immediately, tears began to form in her eyes. Her home didn’t EXIST anymore. It had been turned into RUBBLE and nothing else.
“I’m sorry… bad memories…” She had signed towards the other. Crying made her feel VULNERABLE. She didn’t want to appear like that… especially in front of her FRIEND.
➷➷  “No, don’t apologize. We all have bad memories. He likes you.” Ayrll smiled warmly as Grass had truly begun to adore the other Aryll. Rubbing his hornless head against her figure being kind enough to knock her back. Tail began to flip in circles as the bull moaned in a happy tune.
   Ayrll moved from the scene to walk inside the small yet durable house to obtain a few items for their meal that won’t be ready until later.
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         Weakly, she spoke in the forgotten voice. “I can get you some clothes.”
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
He seemed to be hungover or at least what it looked like from the countless times she had seen someone in her home village drunk of their krunk. With that, not knowing personal space, moved to touch his forehead.
Dark watched the other point at her ears drunkingly understanding what she was trying to message to him.  wearly rubbing his brow Dark link found himself suddenly clasping his ears and closing his eyes, wincing in pain! her voice may have been soft in tone but in his current state her voice was on par to Death Mountain in its fury! “Ack!”
it was while he was in pain Dark could feel the little girl move into his personal space and place her hand on his fore head. Rather than force the girl away in a fit of rage Dark Link felt a sense of calm wash over him. but…why was she so concerened about him?
No one ever showed such care towards the warrior before, All he had ever experianced from others was fear, hatred and agression…never concern… Maybe she was different from the other citizens of Hyrule? Maybe she would give him a chance?
opening his eyes he made sure to remember the little girls face,  something told the warrior that this girl was special.
➷➷  He’s overheating but doesn’t appear to be sick and with that, her thoughts are confirmed. Hangover. “Here.” Moving back a few feet to retrieve her water canteen in one of the bags on her back hoping it was still cold when leaving the forest. Finding it rather quickly, she held it out to him with a smile. He needed water and some medicine.
   Ayrll knelt down to his side and went back checking his body for any wounds besides his poor liver and brain being affected by his drinking. She cared for a stranger, why? She couldn’t tell you why. “Hungry? I have food.”
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
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⎺ ⎻ ⎼ ⎽ ⏅  “ Is that really you?  ”
         HEY DID YOU LOVE LILY C FROM TWE? yeah you did. dont lie.
                                                         hell yeah you are buddy.
           Reblog/Like if you’re interested in RPing with Lily from TWE who is living free from the STEM bullshit, and probably snuggling the shit out of her dad because who wouldn’t wanna to- (((error: not appropriate.)))
                         Open to most fandoms! Def in that horror stuff bizz.
                                                                            PENNED BY KYRA.
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
I'm coming back! At 6 PM, I'm going to answer my shit.
I love Ayrll a lot.
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
My Discord!
Auraxh#0797 if you like to RP there! Ngl, it's much faster there for me and I'm always on!,
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
I'm taking time off for my health. I will be back in no time but rn I have stress and shit.
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mutedpetals-blog · 6 years
send me all the threads we got. 
time to clean shit.
also im gonna attempt 2 reply this weekend.
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