muxarabi · 3 months
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whatever was left, that was ours for a while.
sunrise - louise glück
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muxarabi · 5 months
in the google doc. straight up "writing it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. Nothing
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muxarabi · 6 months
Island City / Ciudad Isla
3500 gated communities are housing ca. 40% (2.7 M people) of Bogotá’s population. They have evolved from a housing model for urban elites to the standard solution for all, including the most vulnerable populations. Today, 20% of the urban poor in Bogotá live behind gates.
Their defensive architecture, weak relationship with the surrounding public spaces and inflexible built structure fail to provide sustainable spaces for the socio-economic life, especially of the urban poor. Gated communities, often clustered in gated cities of up to 500.000 people, also are an environmental threat, creating car-focused, single-use and inflexible neighbourhoods.
Island City/Ciudad Isla is an academic and action-based project trying to understand the implications of gated communities and provide policy and design solutions for upgrading the enormous stock of existing gated communities to inclusive housing projects contributing to a sustainable city. 
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muxarabi · 1 year
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Lamp design by Carlo Nason (1969)
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muxarabi · 1 year
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20230716. 【🥐】
The small joys of life are every moment spent with those you love and sharing laughter together.
☞ studygram
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muxarabi · 1 year
To me, the interesting thing about travelling is noticing the things that nobody seems to photograph. What kind of birds dig through the trash here, what kind of weeds grow on peoples' lawns. The time we went to Arizona, we walked to the nearest grocery store (y'all aren't kidding about "unwalkable cities" btw) and one thing I noticed was how different city landscape there looks when it's run down.
In Finland, neglected pavement turns bumpy and cracks as the water in the ground beneath freezes in the winter and thaws and runs out again. Wild flowers grow through it, even brave saplings of birches and rowan trees. Moss starts to grow on the shaded walls of buildings where it isn't washed off, growing over graffiti. Seagulls and jackdaws swoop over town market squares, squirrels skitter across roads and at night, you see rabbits and hares.
In Arizona, the places that aren't maintained are taken over by sand and dust. The merciless sun scorches everything that's left outside, brightly coloured plastic fades into pastel shades and into white, as if the land itself prohibited these colours. Shaggy bushes and even cacti grow on neglected yards. I saw long-beaked birds, the like of which I had never seen before - the only sign of animal life.
I had never considered how desperately cities where I live long to return into being forest land, before I saw a city that was determined to remain a desert.
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muxarabi · 1 year
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Kostolac, May 2016.
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muxarabi · 1 year
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muxarabi · 1 year
babygirl i have pdfs that even i don't know about
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muxarabi · 1 year
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Kisho Kurokawa’s Nakagin Capsule Tower (1972)
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muxarabi · 1 year
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The construction of the University of Shiraz was based on structure and teaching concept similar to a US campus. This was realized by the American architect Minoru Yamasaki. The idea of architecture as a machine was intended as a symbol for the modernization of a society. 
Minoru Yamasaki / Modam (Mohammad Reza Moghtader): Pahlavi University (today: Shiraz University), Shiraz, Iran, 1960–1979
Photos: © Hamid Reza Bani 2017 / © Bernhard Wanker 2019 
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muxarabi · 1 year
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muxarabi · 1 year
really sucks that things don't get done unless you do them
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muxarabi · 1 year
It's so funny how we adapt to things. Last week I started bringing my laptop with me to uni and was like oh no this is SO heavy how do people do this it's so uncomfortable to hold it while standing up but today I just picked it up and it was like. Nvm it's okay. Why was I making such a fuss
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muxarabi · 1 year
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every room has its own story to tell
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muxarabi · 2 years
knowledge is everything. educate yourself on whatever speaks to you. master whatever moves you.
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muxarabi · 2 years
Yeah no can't today. Yeah I have a single piece of homework that takes 20 minutes to complete. Yeah no it's going to be all day. Sorry.
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