muzan-asks · 7 months
MOVED: @muzans-cult
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muzan-asks · 11 months
I have a theory about your little curse! 🤓☝
So I noticed when lower ranked demons(not lower moon or uppermoons) say your name they end up being torn from inside out til sun rises.
But when Uppermoons(maybe lowermoons-) say your name the curse doesn't play out.
SO MY THEORY IS! correct me if I'm wrong.
The affects are reversed. Meaning, when you say the upper ranked demons name, Akaza for example, they'll feel the pain as if they're going to burst. Like the ball kicking demon. The curse doesn't necessarily kill them. But is more of a way to show dominance. (If any of that makes sense)
This blog has been shut down, sorry. Just havent deactivated it so people can look thru the posts.
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muzan-asks · 1 year
”Muzan are you alright so far?„ Koyuki asked him
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"Yes. I'm fine."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
How are you this handsome???
"I don't waste my time with romance."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
"tremble before me" AS IF YOU MICHEAL COPY AND PASTE *btw i love muzan this is a joke*
"Kill yourself."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
I just realized something. You could have very well been what's called a rainbow child. the way my mother put it: She has a very rare blood type. and if the child (me) didn't have the same, then her body would have tried to kill me. In the current day, she had to have painful shots in her body that would have prevented that. but that wouldn't prevent me from having issues. (asthma and eczema) maybe... maybe your mother was the same, and her body attacked you because you didn't have the same blood type as her. which lead to you being ill all your human life.
Perhaps... but it does not matter anymore. She is long dead and I am stronger now than I ever was as a human. My past means nothing to me.
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muzan-asks · 1 year
Do you like kitties?
"No. If its not a demon, it dies."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
it is unfortunate you were born at such a early era. if you were born in the current one, perhaps the medicine would have helped you better than what happened then.
Perhaps. But I would've died of old age later on... Preserving my youth as a demo feels better.
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muzan-asks · 1 year
"School starts for the mod, so they're stepping away for a bit."
the other muzan blog's been pretty inactive i think the mod mightve quit
Do you mean @muzan-asks? I haven't heard from him either recently. Well, other me, let me know if you're still out there or if the Ubuyashikis got you.
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muzan-asks · 1 year
"Greetings Lord Muzan." She bows her head and kneels to the ground.
"I am Lady Mishil, i have come to serve you my...lord."
"You can start by finding me the blue spider lily."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
”Excause me my Lord Muzan for the fail„ Koyuki bowed
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"It's fine."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
Koyuki appeared before her Lord ”I was spying his mansion...but no garden....he hides his garden maybe a magic spell? There must be a garden what do you think my lord?„
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"I'll have Nakime investigate the matter."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
"I suppose some time off would be nice."
He nods, and sits down, and Daki offers him some of the human, which he accepts, and begins to eat.
"Rui. Show yourself." -@muzan-asks
*Rui quickly puts finishing reading a book on pause and hops down from the branch he was perched on before kneeling politely* "good evening my lord..."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
"We're two different Muzans. I am from one timeline, he is from another. But our goals are the same."
"My lord." She bows her head and intentionally falls to the ground with her hands, knees and head touching the ground.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what i've done and said. I shouldn't have done that, It was foolish of me to do that...to you, it was disgusting, I'm disgusting. You were still considerate despite what i've done, all you ever did is understand and accept me...how? Aren't you even mad at me even for just a little? And How could i?! I was distressed at that time, i couldn't think straight. But that is no excuse, please, i want you to punish me. Please, punish me, I deserve it. I want to be punished for my actions, it would help me cope with this agony, this distress and depression that i feel. Better yet, i want you to not care about me. Please remove any affection that you have for me... as a lord. That scarf i gave you, please, burn it as you wish. Destroy this clinging affection that i feel, I want to feel nothing. Kill me, kill every affection that i have that is in my way. Make me feel nothing. I want... to disappear. " She said with an agonizing tone shedding tears on the ground.
*He picks her up from the ground*
Let's not get this dramatic here, please. I don't harbour any resentment toward you. I thought you were my loyal subject. That's all. But..... if you are looking for intense emotions and punishment then try and talk to Muzan, that emo demon king. You can find him on either of these two blogs:
@muzan-asks @the-muzansama
That guy loves drama and receiving letters and handwritten notes. Be sure to contact both blogs as he moves around a lot.
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muzan-asks · 1 year
He looks between the three, raising his eyebrows ever so slightly.
"Enjoying your free time, I take it?"
"Rui. Show yourself." -@muzan-asks
*Rui quickly puts finishing reading a book on pause and hops down from the branch he was perched on before kneeling politely* "good evening my lord..."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
He puts a hand on Rui's shoulder suddenly, startling the demon.
"There is a meeting with the lower moons tomorrow at sunset. I expect you to be on time. Nakime will be unable to teleport you there, as she is busy spying."
"Rui. Show yourself." -@muzan-asks
*Rui quickly puts finishing reading a book on pause and hops down from the branch he was perched on before kneeling politely* "good evening my lord..."
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muzan-asks · 1 year
"I prefer not to waste my time arguing with them. I've more important goals that require my attention."
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A quote written by me for u <33
"@the-muzansama, how do I get rid of these damn simps? They annoy me."
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