mvbells · 5 years
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max would never admit it to most of his friends now, but he was really into minecraft. he loved the soft music, and the way he could just create things from nothing. on the internet it seemed to be the only place he could comfortably make friends. it was actually the only place he had ever had a successful interaction with a pretty girl. that being his short lived internet girlfriend, mabel pines. it was long distance and they never got to meet in person, but max was smitten to bits with her. whenever they would talk on facetime, max could never wipe the smile off his face, even hours after they would hang up. however, like all things, it had to end. it was too innocent and naive to ever last long. his one and only girlfriend was his minecraft girlfriend. he could never tell that to his homies. it was these memories that had been floating through his brain when he heard a sound he was likely to never forget. “mabel?” he froze where he was, brows furrowing as he looked around for the source of one of the most playful things he had ever heard. following the sound of her laughter he turned a corner, to be met with her bright smile, “holy shit, is that you mabel?” he asked, old smile taking over his face. // @mvbells​
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mabel was sort of a nerd when it came to games where she could build or dress people up. dolldivine was a page that she went back to time and time again when she didn’t have anything else to do. another big one was minecraft-- she loved minecraft. she also loved the fact she met one of the great loves of her short little life-- max-- on there. they were internet dating. they’d facetime all the time, they’d send each other things. but, then, they drifted. she thought about him time to time, and yet never followed up with her promise to herself to check up on him. she was walking to the park, laughing at a meme she had made of waddles, when she heard her name being called. she stopped, spinning on her heels, and nearly fell over when she saw who called her. “maxie?” she replied, with a growing excitement. “oh my gooooosh!” she yelled, not caring if anyone around her was staring, as she ran to her ex-minecraft boyfriend and threw her arms around him. “i can’t believe it’s you!” she said, smushing him tightly. “what are you doing here?”
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mvbells · 5 years
“It could be true. But I have to know what made him think like that. Did he have any proof why?” He asked. Then, he looked more to Mabel and she didn’t look the same. In a way that she looked down and not has happy she is always is “Mabel…Are you okay?”
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“he saw it on mythbusters once and ran with it,” she replied, and grinned. although, at his question, her usually bright smile faltered. “oh. yeah. i’m okay, i just miss dipper. we’re never away from each other this long, usually.”
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mvbells · 5 years
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mvbells · 5 years
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mvbells · 5 years
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full name mabel ariel pines
preferred name/nickname mabe, mabes, mabey
generally referred to as mabel
she has a bit of a lisp! but other than that, standard american, if not tinged with a bit of californian.
she likes to scream interjections! also just scream.
english, and only english, but she’s made up a language with dipper before.
mabel has a tendency of talking fast when she’s excited and words get jumbled. also likes to talk real slow sometimes for funsies. overall, no pattern or rhyme or reason, she’s got a weird pattern of articulation.
while she’s gone to most levels of school, she was not a very good student, and likes to make up her own words.
she laughs a lot! and it’s very loud and bubbly and turns heads... some people say its annoying but its like pure joy
when she pouts, she looks like a baby so her moping/grumpiness isn’t very effective
sometimes she wheezes when she talks too fast but that’s because she never gives herself time to breathe
anything that happens to mabel always ends up written across her face. it’s very animated, and she reacts to everything wholeheartedly.
hands are big part of the way mabel communicates, she gestures when she speaks, and will grab other people’s hands when she’s excited or sad or really heightened emotion
mabel cannot keep still, even when she’s standing still she shifts her weight from one leg to another, or taps her foot
i think mabel is made up of only emotional outbursts.... usually happy
she likes to poke people’s cheeks, she sings a lot, she still feels like she has braces so sometimes she’ll suck her teeth
surprisingly she has a really straight posture, doesn’t rlly slouch
she eats SO MUCH junk, she loves candy as well as carbs, and she doesn’t really care if its healthy or not because it makes her happy
mabel is a heavy sleeper, and while it’s not always for the full eight hours, she can manage to conk out and be rested
she’ll do them recreationally but she’s not prescribed anything.......prob should be on adderall.......
will do party drugs, weed, cocaine, acid, shrooms, you wanna have a good time? so should she
extrovert! hella extrovert
mabel is the queen of optimism, and has the talent of making light of almost anything
she’s pansexual! she doesn’t really label it, but she just likes making out with people.... any person really
omg her face! she is insecure about her looks but she’d never let people know, and she’s incredibly insecure about her intelligence, or lack thereof, and often compares herself to everyone
dipper is her best friend, above all. her relationship with her parents is distant, as she got older, it became more strained. she’s still incredibly close to ford and stan and stays in contact with them even when she was living in gravity falls
she LOVES friends, she thinks friendship is the best thing in the world and is incredibly loyal to her friends. if your friends with mabel, she would literally die for you.
dipper, absolutely
mabel falls in love with almost everyone she meets. she gives a little bit of herself away when they leave. yet, she never learns when she’s hurt. she’s a hopeless romantic and dreams of a prince or princess to sweep her away
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mvbells · 5 years
💘 meg
mabel always gave her heart out. she’d fall in love with everyone she’d ever met, even just a little bit, and with that, a piece of her heart went, too. on sleepless nights, nights where she was too wired to rest, mabel would stare at her ceiling and wondered if it was a finite resource-- if one day, she would run dry of all the love and affection because she gave it out willy nilly. when mabel first met meg, she thought the other didn’t like her. she was a lot to deal with, and meg seemed so closed off, she gripped everything about her close. so mabel began to give her heart. a little bit at a time. she’d give meg a safe space. she’d let her open up when she felt comfortable to. she’d be affectionate but not too affectionate. lingering touches, snuck glances. soon, mabel had an answer to her question. if she gave her full heart away, it only grew, it filled with content and warm feelings and sad feelings, because hers’ now beat with another’s, and she had more than ever to give. 
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mvbells · 5 years
🌊 for pacifica
[text]: i know you do these things because people leave you but i forgive you 
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mvbells · 5 years
this has been a vibe check, you pass or u die
“oh yeah, lemme get my grappling hook to vibe check~”
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mvbells · 5 years
whats the last piece of candy you would eat if the dentist told you that after that one piece any other candy you would eat would give you an infinite tooth ache
“i would eat dum dum pops!! because there’s a lot of different flavors. does that count?”
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mvbells · 5 years
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#the softest lil cinnamon roll
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mvbells · 5 years
I just CANT shut up baby!!!!!!! I’m absolutely FULL of STUPID and simply MUST share it with the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mvbells · 5 years
“I never thought about it…” Dewey admitted. He was so busy trying to know what was happening in that city, that some theories never came to is mind or ears “But why he thinks that?” He asked Mabel and after that, he looked around, not seeing Dipper “Where is your brother?”
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“he thinks they shot the moon landing in a studio,” she replied, and shrugged. “dunno. he’s been sorta all over the place recently.” she rested her head in her hands. “back to the moon thing, he thinks they hired actors and stuff to pretend to be astronauts so america could beat russia in the space race thingy or whatever.”
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mvbells · 5 years
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childish or not, he was thrilled that she liked his stupid pun “it’s your namesake, do whatever you want with it. your world, babe, i’m just living in it.” he himself was planning on going home. maybe watching some netflix, catching up on some sleep, but.. “we should grab some hot chocolate instead. yeah?” caught. but the joke was so worth it “i know some people who know you. you’re hard to forget.” and pacifica had made fun of her stupid sweaters to him for a good chunk of time last week “louie. my name’s louie.”
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mabel couldn’t help but smile. he was cute, he came up with a pun, which she loved, and now she was being invited to get some hot chocolate. “that sounds like a fantastic idea!” she exclaimed, and then raised her eyebrows. “people?” people spoke about her? who in the heck would do that? the thought was exciting and terrifying. “louie. well, it’s lou-vely to meet you. onwards to hot chocolate?” 
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mvbells · 5 years
the only good thing that came out of seeing mabel so often past that dreaded summer her and her sibling first arrived was that with each summer pacifica perfected more ways to really dig deep into mabel. at first it was mindless insults, things that would hurt anyone. she didn’t really know the girl, all she knew was that she didn’t like her. now it felt like an infinite amount of summers had gone by with mabel pines apart of it and with each time she got to know her more, thus getting to know more about what made her tick. pacifica couldn’t even hold back a laugh at mabels pathetic retort, her hand flying over her mouth to try and muffle the cackle escaping her. “you got in for art. aw, baby, isn’t that so sweet. it’s just going to be so sad when you turn in your first assignment and get sent back home because they realized you’re completely and utterly talentless. i just might cry for you.” her laughter didn’t cease, a wide smile painted on her face at just how easy this all was, and how great it made her feel. “you know mabel, that would hurt a lot more if i was someone who cared about others feelings, yet i clearly don’t and you know that, so thanks for just further proving how dumb you really are.”
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mabel didn’t like to be mean. she tried to actively avoid it as much as she could. but there was something about pacifica that threw all of mabel’s ethics out the window. she wanted to rub things in her stupid, rich, blonde face, but she suppressed that feeling. she didn’t want to stoop to her level. after years and years, almost a whole decade, of dealing with pacifica each summer, mabel knew the best way to get her, is to show that her insults meant nothing. if dipper was with her, it would be easier to do that. but since he was currently MIA, mabel had to toughen up and try to weather the insults herself. “okay, pacifica,” the curly haired girl replied, rolling her eyes at her attempt. her insecurities didn’t lie in the talents, mabel knew she was more than capable when it came to art, but it was when intelligence was brought in. she knew she wasn’t the smartest but she had heart, and empathy, things pacifica didn’t, or at least refused to, show. “i’m sorry, pacifica, i don’t think i can hear you over the sound of my family caring about me,” she retorted, folding her arms across her chest. that was a ruthless dig, she knew, and she knew she was going to feel really bad about saying it later. but for now, mabel stood her ground, staring up at the other with furrowed brow. “you don’t scare me.”
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mvbells · 5 years
oh god oh fuck *falls in love with you the second you smile at me*
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mvbells · 5 years
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isa + lucas
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mvbells · 5 years
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an actual representation of how big isa’s heart is.
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