mvgsoo · 10 years
Send me one to see how my muse reacts!
"Shut up!" "Please, talk to me." "I have no idea…" "I know what this is!" "Why did you do that?" "How could you do this?" "Let me do it!" "Leave me alone." "Don’t leave me." "Kiss me." "Don’t touch me." "Why weren’t you there?" "Why are you here?" "What are you doing?" "Don’t look!" "Just look at it!" "How did you get in here?" "How did you escape?" "Help me." "I want to help you." "You’re a monster!" "You’re not a monster!"
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mvgsoo · 10 years
copy and paste yourself into my bed
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mvgsoo · 10 years
shirenzo replied to your post:"Sorry, I’m not from around here, do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?"
"I would really appreciate it if you have the time to spare to do that. My phone unfortunately ran out of battery so I can’t check myself."
"Of course! It's no problem at all." He looks through his phone, searching for the nearest pharmacy on the gps. "Uh... I think- It's that way." He pointed to the street on the left, narrowing his eyes a bit. "I'm not sure though.."
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mvgsoo · 10 years
"Sorry, I’m not from around here, do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?"
"I uh.. I’m not quite sure actually.." He scrunches his nose up a bit before pulling out his phone. "I could check if you’d like?"
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mvgsoo · 10 years
Have you always wanted our muses to meet, but didn’t know how they would first interact? Send me one of the following ice breakers so we can embark on our roleplaying adventure!
"Good morning, sorry I’m late!"
"I’m not late am I?"
"I don’t think we’ve met before…"
"You look familiar, have we met?"
"Do I know you?"
"Sorry! You dropped this!"
"Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else, I didn’t mean to hug you!"
"Watch where you’re going!"
"Are you okay? You didn’t fall too badly did you?"
"I should have said something earlier, I’m-"
"I’ve seen you around, I’ve just never had the guts to say hi."
"You must be new…"
"Do you need a hand?"
"Have you just moved in?"
"If you want me to show you around, I don’t mind helping."
"I saw you from across the room and I had to say hi."
"I wouldn’t buy that if I were you."
"Do you need some help?"
"Is this yours?"
"Sorry, I’m not from around here, do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?"
"Hey, have you got change for a note?"
"Want some gum?"
"Ah, sorry. I’ll move my bag, this seat is free."
"Not every day you meet someone with such a smile!"
"Thanks for holding the door open for me!"
"Uhm, excuse me. Hey, wake up! This isn’t your stop is it?"
25K notes · View notes
mvgsoo · 10 years
do you ever just wonder if there’s someone who secretly thinks about you and wants to talk to you but doesn’t know how
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mvgsoo · 10 years
R.I.P to all the friendships where we acted like lovers at some point, and now we barely talk.
572K notes · View notes
mvgsoo · 10 years
Annyeonghaseyo! -smiles politely and bows- My name is Lee Taemin. It's good to meet you.
He smiles, bowing in return. “Nice to meet you too, Taemin. I’m Myungsoo.”
0 notes
mvgsoo · 10 years
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Reblog if it is okay if your muse is hurt, severely injured or tortured in RPs.
93K notes · View notes
mvgsoo · 10 years
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4K notes · View notes
mvgsoo · 10 years
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Asia’s prince Kim Sunggyu - requested by anon
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mvgsoo · 10 years
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431K notes · View notes
mvgsoo · 10 years
this is the police. open up. tell me something about yourself, don’t be afraid
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