mvrgaret Β· 5 months
nothing could've prepared me for it. though, i'm pretty content being on my own for the most part. i'm just not going to pass up a nice opportunity if it presents itself. how's the dating life going for you? i'm assuming you're not dating lola anymore, right? i feel like i've missed a bit since i last saw you. i'll be back from buffalo soon and i plan to make good on that offer. will you stick around long enough for it?
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dating in this crazy modern world can feel like navigating a minefield sometimes. it's nice that you've got a trip to buffalo in the works with someone who's piqued your interest. sounds like the start of a promising adventure. you're absolutely right about carrying your excellence into the new year of life. after all, why settle for anything less when you're already at the top of your game? we can get drunk whenever.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
Call me Jeannie because I'm going to make all your wishes come true. If you keep talking like that I might actually let you win.
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Oh, is that what it is? Well, who am I to deny that? I would like nothing more than for you to come visit me for a few days up in Buffalo. I don't think the jersey would need to do any work for that, you're already a total smoke show.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
No, no, we're all good over here. I'm actually in Buffalo right now, for the very first time. Aren't you sweet? Just don't think I won't make good on that offer. First sign of travel and I'll come find out. That's amazing, what shows are they doing? And are you back shooting with the little green guy yet?
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Hopefully it didn't knock you out of your tree, my love. Weird situations are rarely fun to deal with. I'm giving you all my love anyway, and you know how to find me if you ever need anything at all. We're all good thank you; The girls have been doing fashion in New York, Papa has been filming. We're all happy, healthy.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
It's hard to miss. I do, don't I? Only you've not really properly asked me and I'm going to wait until you do. It just so happens that like any sane human on this planet, I love Italian food. Maybe I can show off my brand new jersey on this dinner. I can style it as a dress, make it look like a total smoke show.
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I'm plenty adorable, thanks for noticing. That settles it, you have to go. I hear if you want to be given one of those super cool number 17 jerseys that's the best place to get one. And, if you're interested, a really nice place to eat Italian food.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
You will forever be my Nicky boy. I don't care about anything else. What's disastrous about it? Okay, I fully get that part. Dating in this day and age is just awful. Yet I say this while planning a trip to Buffalo with someone who has me interested. I can't get better with age when I'm already the best. Let's get that straight. I just carry on my excellence with me to the new year of life. Okay, wait, include me in that too.
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i can't believe you still call me nicky boy. i'm pretty much the same, my love life is such a disaster, i don't want to date anyone, ever again. age is just a number, right? we're like fine wine, getting better with time. you're absolutely rightβ€”we're far too fabulous to waste any energy on grumpiness, maybe i should ignore it by drinking like it's the end of the world.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
That's what I've been doing since and so far it has worked amazingly. I'm glad we're on the same page. I know you're a busy gal these days and I imagine you still have a lot of promo left to do for Furiosa. That's going to be massive. Sometimes things fall out so other things can fall into place. It's pretty impressive how that happens.
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I get that, so I say just do you and be happy, love. Exactly what I'm saying, my sweet Margaret. I always want you around, just need to find the time between working. Well, I've been single for a bit after Malcom and there was something working with Chris and doing the first promos before the ones now? We thought we'd give it a try and I haven't looked back since.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
Truer words have never been spoken before. I meant you'd be getting in trouble with me if you keep neglecting me, but I'm also all for the idea of us two getting into trouble together. Sounds a lot more fun. Really? Looks like I have a trip to Buffalo incoming, but I'm free when I get back if you are.
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Because we're amazing, and you adore me as I do you, of course. Do I? Well, I can easily say you do that as well. Get in trouble with you or us doing something together? I can make some time if you'd like, just let me know when you want me. The whole weekend sounds perfect to me.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
Pedro! I miss you too, darling. Life always treats me that way. Save for a weird situationship that occurred, but thankfully that's long done with. How about you? How's the family?
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I miss you, and that's all I have to say about that. Is life treating you spectacularly? Please tell me it is, or I'll be busting some doors down | @mvrgaret
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
I love how delusional you are. It's really so adorable. I'll try not to gloat too much when I crush your dreams, darling. It just so happens anything happening this weekend can be very much pushed off if the right offer came along. Why do you ask? I don't think I've ever been to Buffalo.
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I like to think of it as I won't have to wait for one to be made for me while I bask in the glory of my win. I suppose you'll have to find out, won't you? What's your schedule like this weekend? I hear Buffalo's nice this time of year
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
My mom has always been incredibly supportive of everything I do. Before I pursued acting, I was a ballerina and she never missed a recital. She's always been my rock. When I told her that I wanted to act instead, she of course told me all of the upsides and downsides. It was important to her that I knew what would be out there for me, but ultimately she said she'd always have my back. She also made me take a bunch of acting classes to ensure it really is what I wanted. Now I'm here. I'll be sure to tell her you're a fan. She's going to lose her mind because she adores you.
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What is one piece of advice your mother gave you before you became an actress, Margaret? I ask this cause she will always be one of my idols and I feel she had some sound suggestions for you as her daughter.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
Having a medal when you're the loser is going to be really awkward for you. Really? What makes you say that?
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It's too late, I'm already making it. Trust me, I'm not afraid of anything that you would ask me.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
Private: Don't be sorry, I'm not. I had no business doing something as serious as accepting an engagement let alone getting married. Especially because I just don't think he and I were a match. If I'm ever serious with anyone again, It'll have to be someone I'm completely sure about. There can be no doubts. I see why you're conflicted. I don't think I'd quite know what to do in your position either because I've never really wanted that for myself either. I don't think there's an easy choice there. Whatever you do will cause pain for the two of you. The only thing I can tell you is that you should put your own happiness above anything else. Don't put yourself in a situation that will bring you pain in the future. Doing things purely out of love to another person can be cause for resentment to manifest. There's also nothing worst than losing yourself. I'd also say the same thing to him because giving up something as big as that for someone can lead to a whole world of pain later down the line. I unfortunately speak from my own experience.
Thank you. Some people are just extremely versatile in that aspect. Can't say I'm one of them. Being an athlete takes a lot out of a person and sometimes the price is too high. That's how I felt about my own experiences and I just preferred to pursue a different path. So far it seems like I've made the right choice. I'll never complain about being complimented by you. They sound especially nice leaving your lips.
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β€”β€”- PRIVATE ; So sorry to hear all that happened with you before your divorce. i know it couldn't have been easy to go through. i just β€” me and taylor always spoke of doing things later. enjoying being a couple, and every milestone felt nice. the first i love you, when he proposed. he definitely has my heart in a way i'm not sure anyone else will. it's just β€” we want different things. he wants kids and i'm not sure i do. i don't want to take that dream from him and i know he'd give it up for me. i always knew he wanted kids β€” but i hoped as time went on before we married it'd changed. i put him and our relationship first and i wanted to elope before our wedding and now it's getting closer and i'm feeling the pressure to want kids and i don't. i don't have the desire and our last talk didn't go so well and i've been thinking β€” maybe i should have waited and gave it more time. i'm just no longer the happy guy i was with him and i think, i'm just ready to enjoy myself over be tied down and deal with the pressures to settle down. Thank you, and you're quite a fun girl. oh, you're not wrong there, surely. i can barely do music and acting, i see others do it and can't fully grasp it. i definitely takes a lot and yes, rugby, but like with you and being a ballerina β€” it was a lot on my body, i got injured and both couldn't play and was over it. thank you, i'm really enjoying doing it. we definitely can and i'll take what i can get β€” but i won't promise not to compliment you more.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
Attachments haven't really worked out in my best interest. Time with you is always a must, dear Anya. I'd be offended if you didn't want me to come around. Now you're going to have to tell me all about how this happened then.
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That's a good mindset to have, I say enjoy the single life. Also include more time with me in there because you know it's needed. You're so very welcome. Thank you! He's made me the happiest and it's beautiful because I wasn't expecting us to connect this way.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
And why do you want me to want more of you? Not that you need to put much effort there, babe. You inspire that just by existing. It is in fact a crime and if you don't want to get in trouble for it, I suggest making the time to visit me sooner rather than later. Does that mean I can steal you away for a whole weekend?
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Maybe that was my exact goal, to get you in your feels so you want more of me. I'll make time for you, Marg, my sweet. Same, missing you so much it's almost a crime. Ooh, my girl! Means more for me to support. I've got a couple projects in post, push back of 'Euphoria' gives me some time, though.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
That's what comes of true friendship, Nicky boy. Eh, you know, whatever. It wasn't in the cards and I've never really been one too invested in dating people to begin with. You can't be getting old because that would mean I am too and there's no way. I'm still a little spring chicken. Snap out of that mentality. We're both too hot to be grumpy.
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i've learned my lesson. you're not annoying, just delightfully persistent. sorry to hear about the dating misadventures, though. sounds like you dodged a bullet with the temper issue. i'm not doing shit, been lazy, exploring a few places and that's about it. i think i'm getting old, old and grumpy.
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mvrgaret Β· 5 months
You're better than me for at least trying to do it. I just give up and call a moving company to do my dirty work. Yeah, I imagine I wouldn't want kids around myself if I was going through the pain of moving. It can be a lot and adding them to the mix would surely complicate matters. Nice to meet you, Jamie. I'm Margaret.
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One thing that I truly hate about moving is packing up and unpacking. It's seriously the worse. Not to mention, I don't get my kids until everything is all settled here. But I will see them soon enough. I swear unpacking everything by myself is a pain. I'll make it somehow. I'm Jamie, by the way. / @hillsfmsstarters
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