mvrrow · 1 year
eden: zac don't even get me started. eden: i don't know what to even think right now. eden: [...] eden: do NOT post about this on your twitter account
zac: hey zac: y’all live like this?
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mvrrow · 1 year
eden: LOL eden: thank you dom!! eden: [...] eden: you know i appreciate you but you know i'm not doing that eden: [...] eden: i think it'd probably be better if we ate elsewhere as much as i love... yachts
dom 📲 eden
dom: [ sends a music snippet of in da club by 50 cent ] dom: happy birthdayy dom: also question dom: if i said i wanted to go to the yacht club to get something to eat, would you come with me? or is that one of your no no places
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mvrrow · 1 year
eden: THANK YOU!!! eden: i appreciate it 😌 eden: virgo sisters in arms
Aleyna 📲 Eden 👑
Aleyna: HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYYYYY, EDEN!!!! I hope you have an amazing day today!! 👑🥳🎁🎂🎉
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mvrrow · 1 year
eden: [...] eden: [...] eden: thank you, drew eden: i really appreciate it eden: [...] eden: have a good day, okay?
Drew 📲 Eden
Drew: [TYPING AND STOPPING...] Drew: [TYPING AND STOPPING...] Drew: Happy birthday Eden
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mvrrow · 1 year
As casually as she can - Eden slips the inhaler out of her pocket and takes a few puffs of the medication; there's an incessant fluttering in her chest that hasn't gone away since he's arrived. Not only in her shop - but in town; it's like watching your past stare you down, brows furrowed as they try to figure out the present in front of them - how they got there, how everything turned out the way they had. It's nerve-wracking. "Alright," She nods, small smile as she pockets the inhaler again, "Is - your number the same? It's just - small things, really. I want to touch up the paint outside - take out some rotten floorboards, outside and in - replace them. Um - some of the electrical outlets needs re-wiring, but honestly I'll just hire help for that, knowing my luck I'll end up electrocuting myself." Despite how old everything is in the house - all Eden wants to do is restore what can be fixed, and replicate what can't. The house is so old it feels near damn historical - and the idea of restructuring history to fit a modern aesthetic leaves a bad taste in her mouth. She lifts her mug to her lips - his still extended in her hand. "Yeah - yeah, it's been... nice, in a way. I've been so caught up in - organizing everything and settling her finances that I haven't really had any time to myself." It was almost beneficial - Eden so caught up in the shop and her grandmother that she hadn't had time to venture outside often; it might've even saved her life - who knew how the victims were chosen? "Yeah - I mean, pretty much. I was the primary caretaker for my grandmother when she got sick so it was just - easier to stay here, than find my own place. And then she left me the house in the will - and the shop, and all of her belongings - if my family isn't how they are, I feel like I would've been in some weird Knives Out scenario." She'd always been the favorite grandchild - an unspoken rule that she'd inherit everything her grandmother owned. It's not like her parents were materialistic in the slightest - if anything, they were happy that Eden inherited it all; it didn't infringe on their free time. "It's alright - it was a long time coming - I'm at peace with it all." Of course she was a mess when it finally happened - but Eden's trying her best to keep her emotions at bay. "But that's - enough about me. How - how have you been? What have you been up to?"
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"You don't need to apologize." To be fair, Eden has a lot to apologize for, but this is not one of them. Now that they're living in the same town and the odds of running into each other is pretty high, the questions that have plagued his mind two years ago are making their way back, finding a spot and settling there. Two years ago, he had accepted the fact that he wouldn't get answers or the closure he needed, that not everything has an answer and sometimes things just happen—as shitty as they may be. It's not fun being in this headspace again. Even though he would love answers, he's not expecting them. If she hadn't talked to him back then, why would she right now? He clears his throat, nodding to himself. "Yeah, I can help out. Let me know when it's not busy around here and I can pass by and help out. What kind of handiwork?" he asks. That way he can manage his own day with his own work at the yacht club too. Everything in him is telling him to stay away from Eden, that he should've said no, because nothing good is going to come out of this and because she was the one that left him in the cruelest way possible, and yet, he's the one that showed up to her store and agreed to help her out. It's clouding his judgment. It takes him back to those seven years with her where his heart had always won when it came to her. "It's good the hours are flexible. You can manage your own time as you figure things out." He's noticed there are some outdated and old things in the shop when he walked in, and there's the urge to upgrade and renovate the entire shop. He has the means, but it's no longer his place to offer such things to Eden, and it's her shop, so it would feel like he's intruding. "You're upstairs now. Okay. Have you been living here the entire time?" He's wondering if she moved to Nightrest right she left him. He frowns. "I'm sorry about your grandmother."
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mvrrow · 1 year
"I don't know -" Because that much was true - if there was any ulterior motive to Drew's move to Nightrest, Eden hadn't a clue. "- he just bought the yacht club, I didn't even know he was in town until I ran into him." She didn't bring up that he hadn't even lived in Nightrest before then - not wanting to fuel onto whatever narrative Dee was churning in her head. "It's just - not the happiest story. I don't know if he'd want me airing out our dirty business." Her dirty business - she'd been the reason for their relationship ending, the source of problems, of heartaches. Her focused gaze on her food shifts as Dee talks about her own night, a smile replacing the slight frown that had formed - her energy restored to something happier - excited, even. "Just innocent fun," Eden repeated what Dee had repeated from her - tone different, now - smile widening, taking a larger form. "Okay - but like, what happened? Who happened?" It was her turn to be nosy - taking a seat at the island and folding her hands in front of her - trying to contain herself.
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"I don't think I've had the pleasure yet, actually." Dilara said, thinking back to the past few weeks but coming up short for anyone with that name. "Does this Drew have a specific reason perhaps for being here?" Dee continues to ask having become very interested in the way her friend had suddenly went from devouring the food before her, to picking around and avoiding her gaze. "Kind of sounds like there's a story there to tell." she couldn't hold back a smile, "Don't worry, though. You don't have to say anything you don't want to." Dilara would be the last one to pry with the way she's been avoiding her own dilemma. At the next question her thoughts immediately shifted. An image of that night coming directly to her thoughts and a blush covered her face. The indecency of her actions and the excitement she had felt completely overpowered her moral compass. “Just innocent fun.” She didn’t bother hiding the telling expression from her face knowing that her voice alone would give her away. There had been nothing innocent about what had happened in her bathroom. Or the whom. “Okay, maybe not entirely innocent but definitely a fun start of the night.” If only she had stayed home for the remainder of it all.
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mvrrow · 1 year
When Charlotte says she understands - Eden actually believes her; it's not that she's automatically skeptical of her other friends, but Charlotte's lived through a similar situation. It's comforting - lets her relax a little easier about the topic; something she usually avoids with others. It's not them - it's her. It's usually always her. "I know you're right - I'm just avoiding an argument," like always, "I just - know - that when we do talk about it, it's going to be... a lot. I'm kind of scared of it." Of acknowledging that things will never be the same between them, even if they do somehow reconcile like Charlotte and Junho managed to do - but Charlotte hadn't run from the altar. "I know," Eden repeats - chewing on her bottom lip as she thought about it; at least she's honest - doesn't cast any delusion upon Eden. She keeps it real - and that's what Eden needs right now. Watching her friend's expression change - she leans forward with a brighter energy, reaching to take a sip of her wine. "That's really good, Char - I'm happy for you. You deserve happiness right now - and Junho's a great guy. I'll - root for your guys' success and everything."
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"I get that," she says quietly, nodding. She can't judge Eden when Charlotte went through the same trail of thoughts after she and Jun broke up. It took her two years to feel ready to be honest with him and herself, although she hasn't yet explained why she broke up with him in the first place. It's not because she doesn't want to, but because of the timing of everything. Even now, she doesn't think she deserves him. It's all too good to be true, he's too good to be true. "It's not selfish. I get not feeling ready. It's just... I think talking to him will take away some of that burden you're carrying." Charlotte studies her friend for a while, acknowledging her words. "Whether you have the right or not doesn't really matter because if you feel something, you will feel it, regardless of whether or not it's justified." The subject change to Junho brings a smile to her lips, it makes her feel like she's a teenager. "I'm getting there. We're at a really good place now." There's so much plaguing her heart and thoughts and he's been her rock, her light, and her home throughout it all. He's always been that. "I'm feeling really hopeful about us."
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mvrrow · 1 year
Eden doesn't want to be skeptical of Rosie - she doesn't have any idea of the inner workings of her friend's relationship with Santiago, and she's only been around for the past two years; but she knows Rosie tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, and doesn't want her to end up hurt because of what feels like a back-and-forth. Still - Eden doesn't have much room to speak when it comes to successful relationships. "Well - slow is good. Slow is better than nothing," She offers with a wide smile, very unhelpful - but maybe inspiring just enough. "She spent half of her life going to estate sales and auctions - and those storage space bid wars. Perks of marrying rich, I guess - she never had to worry about her money until the very end." Eden barely remembers her grandfather; he died when she was too young to really process it, but he loved her grandmother and satisfied her every whim, whatever she pleased. "Elijah? Oh - I don't know," Even as she speaks - the corners of her mouth twitch and betray her, "I think I'd entertain it - he's a good kisser and he's pretty to look at. I don't really need much else at the moment." That's pretty much all Eden knows about Elijah - but it's enough for her to want to see him again, see if there's anything else going for him. "I don't think I want anything serious at the moment, though - I'm not really ready, you know what I mean?"
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"Oh, well... we're taking things slow." That was Rosie's version of saying 'I have no idea what is going on.' Truthfully, a part of her always knew their relationship was very much in Santiago's hands, and that she was always just the one along for the ride. It pained her a little whenever he left, but Rosie figured the happy few months they'd have in between were worth the hurt. After some point, she started deluding herself into saying that it was all totally normal. "Your grandmother was awesome. It's a real gift to know how to find this kind of stuff, and if she found plenty, then I'd say that's pretty amazing," she remarks with a grin. "Oh, the weather guy, right? He is cute. Do you think you'll go on a date with him or something?" She was definitely rooting for her and Drew, but Rosie also wanted her friend to be happy. She had faith that the two of them would find their way back to each other some day, because they were so totally meant to be.
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mvrrow · 1 year
"I feel bad for her - I mean, everyone feels a sense of dread whenever she makes an appearance - whether it's on the news or in person. She's like a walking bad omen." The job must've been - stressful, to say the least; everyone watching her, unable to avoid her. Eden knew what it was like to have a reputation - even if it was years ago; she couldn't help but sympathize with the older woman. She only shook her head with a small sigh, lifting her coffee to her lips. "It's ridiculous, really - they start fights over the smallest things." Usually, she kept the group chat muted. It was better not to know, not to get involved. "I mean - treat yourself, it's not often we get to just have fun, you know? The hangover's well worth it." Eden leaned forward, pulling the tiny bottle out from her purse and uncapping it, pouring a hefty drop into Analu's drink. "It's liquid courage," she joked, "It's just good to have on hand sometimes - like an emergency stash. I also have - a miniature first aid kit, a pill box organized by pain reliever brand, tissues, lotion - I carry half of my bathroom with me."
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Analu chuckled with a shake of her head at Eden's comparison to Mamma Mia. "Don't even get me started on Catherine, I never want to see her face again." The blonde woman made a wave of dread wash over her whenever she saw her on TV, even when the topic she was covering had nothing to do with murder. "Somehow someone always finds something to fight over." It was almost magical how they could be talking about something completely different and innocent and suddenly the conversation takes a turn for the worst. "Don't call me old while I'm fighting this headache. It's also been a long time since I've had that much alcohol." While the killer was at large Analu avoided getting drunk, the thought of putting herself in a position to be that vulnerable was scary. "Irish coffee? You know what, why not?" she smiled pushing her cup toward Eden. "Do you just go around carrying tequila in your purse?"
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mvrrow · 1 year
"Sure!" Eden blinked - but smiled, nonetheless; it was quick for someone to already regard her with the warmth of sisterhood, but wasn't unwelcomed. If anything - she treasured the relationships she fostered with other women. "We can do all of that - I mean, if it's in all those family movies then it holds some realism, right? I actually live upstairs, if you wanted to do it tonight - you can borrow pajamas, whatever you need." She kept an arsenal of surprise guest items at her disposal - because Eden was a planner, almost to an excess.
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It was nice - her family. Big, and loving - and Eden’s never doubted it for a second; but a part of her always felt distanced from the others, always gone away to Nightrest for treatments or school, and then off to the rest of the world. They didn’t share her experiences, despite living under the same roof for most of their lives. “I get it - I feel like my siblings are all closer with one another than I am, sometimes - but it couldn’t be helped, and it’s just in my head anyways.” Eden couldn’t comment on being a watcher instead of an active part - she’d been to countless countries and interacted with thousands of people.
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“Well, we can just be sisters now,” Jade said, with a small giggle. She really did always want a sister and with all of the people she met over the past month she really felt like Eden was the closest to what she imagined having a sister was like. “We should celebrate by doing something sisters do, movie night... painting each other’s nails, unless that’s just in movies.” 
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mvrrow · 1 year
"it sure is pretty, i'll give you that." it was widely known as the cozy season - but all eden could think about was about how everything died in the fall, shriveling and wilting away; at least spring brought new growth. "luckily we're so far up north - summers here are a lot less intense than most places i've been." she watched the kids at the playground before looking back at yasemin, "so - where are you taking emine?" eden repeated, curiously.
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"i get that." yasemin herself was a cold weather girl. she loved the cold over the heat. "i love the fall. i mean the turning of the leaves and all of that." some people liked the cold, while others like the warmth. "summer is nice when it's not hot out. the heat can be unbearable sometimes."
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mvrrow · 1 year
"I'm sorry -" Eden repeats, feeling guilty this time; after all that she's done to him - Drew still wants to be around her, still wants to offer his help like it's nothing, like everything's okay. It's selfish, and feels illogical, unreasonable - but as much as Eden wants to escape this situation, wants him to leave so that she can continue to pretend that nothing's happened; she wants him to stay. Wants to be in his presence, even if it leaves knots in her stomach and a heightened sense of anxiety in her chest. " - I have some handiwork around the house I haven't gotten to yet. Some of it's a two-person job... if you do want to help, I wouldn't - mind it. If you want to." She keeps her back turned - because even the request feels unfair to ask, despite it all - fiddling with the outdated coffee maker until it finally blinks awake and starts up. When she moved back to Nightrest - Eden had nothing practical of her own, just a few suitcases filled with her clothes and a few sentimental items from home; wherever that was. Even now - she didn't find it worth it to invest in anything new; materialism slipping off her shoulders with relative ease. If it wasn't broke - don't fix it. "It depends," Eden pours them both a cup once the pot's filled, slipping past him to open the fridge. "The hours are - flexible, right now. I'm usually around, though - too much shit to fix. Plus -" She hesitates, pulling out the creamer. "- I live right upstairs, so in a way I don't really leave." After a few more moments of fiddling with the coffees - Eden presents the mug towards Drew. "It's my grandmother's house - it really just feels like a constant... estate sale, living here."
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None of this feels natural. It feels forced. It's not lost on him that Eden's uncomfortable with his presence, and maybe he should take that as a sign and leave her alone. However, they can't avoid each other for long. Nightrest isn't a big town. The odds of running into each other are not small. Now that the initial shock of seeing her has worn off, Drew feels like a stranger stands before him. She's not the one who got left at the altar after all. She's the one who ran away and embarrassed him, throwing seven years down the drain, just like that. Like they meant nothing, like he meant nothing. Eden's usually carefree and outspoken, and what he sees right now is so far from that. Two years ago, he came to the conclusion that he never knew her at all, hoping it would delude him into moving on and help his aching heart. "Oh, yeah I saw the sign. It's part of the shop's charm," he notes, shrugging lightly. The reaction she makes to his offer is the most she's reacted to him since reuniting. "This isn't what I meant, Eden." He's quick to clarify. He knows she's more than capable, but it was a natural reaction to offer, to do something with her like it's normal, except nothing about this is normal. Now, he's contemplating just leaving. "Never mind, forget I asked." He gives her a smile for good measure. He follows her into the kitchen, looking around the room. "Yeah, I still like it the same," he answers, leaning back against one of the counters. "Till what time do you usually stay in the shop?"
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mvrrow · 1 year
She let out a small laugh at the thought of Alfie running around, Dee's phone in hand - not letting it out of his little grasp. At her pressing, Eden lifted the wine to her lips, stalling for a moment; at least it paired well with the breakfast. It felt - wrong, a little bit - to want to hide part of her past from her friend; but it brought her so much regret, so much shame, she still wasn't ready to hear it from others. "Maybe?" Eden offered, pushing around her food with a fork, gaze fallen for a moment before picking right back up with a small smile. "It's just my ex - Drew? I don't know if you know him, he just moved to town -" Vague but not completely - she took another sip of wine before smiling, "I'm glad! It was really something - I felt like I was a teenager again, going out to all these fancy house parties in the neighborhood." It really was nostalgic - she wasn't the most popular person in high school, but it never stopped her. Really - Eden mostly went to them as an active act of spite against those who hadn't liked her, eyes always daring someone to start something. She was beyond all of that now, though - grown, matured. For the most part. "Is that all?" It was her turn to press for more information, now, leaning her arms against the counter. "Just innocent fun?"
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"Thank you for the concern, but none of those happened. Unless you count Alfie stealing my phone most of the day as holding it hostage." she joked, although it was true. Her son had found a new fascination for electronics and she was not ready for it just yet. She sipped on her wine as she listened, picking up that there perhaps was something more there. Dilara decided to press for more by asking, "An old friend you say? Would I know of this old. . . friend?" and smiling at Eden. She wanted to encourage her to talk freely, specially if she had someone important in her life. Just because Dilara's life was in shambles at the moment didn't mean she couldn't get excited over her friend's. "I did. The house party was so much fun. I didn't expect for so many people to actually show up. It was ten times what I had in mind." It had served it's purpose of distracting her from everything else with the exception of Dae not having shown up despite telling her he would.
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mvrrow · 1 year
"Well - we'd better get you home before that pint melts." Her eyes glanced down to the ice cream he'd bought and trailed back up his figure, shamelessly checking him out. "Thank you," because Eden never forgot her manners, eating a spoonful of her own ice cream as they stepped out of the shop, "Which one's your car?"
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“Really?” Even though he sounded genuine - Eden felt a little skeptical. It’d been a while since a man’s offered to buy an entire shop for her - and she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t missed the feeling. She hummed, casting a small, sly grin towards his direction. “Hmm - maybe you, as long as the clock doesn’t strike twelve.”
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If Elijah described his perfect fantasy girl, she still wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to Eden. “Well, my day is yours to do with as you please,” he smirked, before handing his card to the cashier. 
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mvrrow · 1 year
It was nice - her family. Big, and loving - and Eden's never doubted it for a second; but a part of her always felt distanced from the others, always gone away to Nightrest for treatments or school, and then off to the rest of the world. They didn't share her experiences, despite living under the same roof for most of their lives. "I get it - I feel like my siblings are all closer with one another than I am, sometimes - but it couldn't be helped, and it's just in my head anyways." Eden couldn't comment on being a watcher instead of an active part - she'd been to countless countries and interacted with thousands of people.
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“Oh - my entire family’s like this,” She gestured towards the quilts she had moved out of the way, “Those are all quilts my grandmother made for her kids - couldn’t bring herself to throw them away and neither can I.” There were more for all her grandkids too - but Eden’s was upstairs, and the rest with her siblings; wherever they were. “My mom’s only had natural births - all at home, sometimes those water ones?” She tried not to think about what she would’ve done herself - no use in thinking of the impossible; but she’d always wanted a big family like her own. “Do you like being an only child? Sometimes I feel like one - I spent a lot of time away from my siblings.”
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Jade was really jealous of families like that. Ones that were big and connected and had stories to pass down. She always felt like she really missed out on all of that. She never really felt like she was a part of something bigger than herself. “Sometimes I like it, I guess I got my parents undivided attention, but it would have been nice to have someone to face the world with, you know? Sometimes I feel like I’m watching the world instead of being a part of it.” 
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mvrrow · 1 year
"Really?" Even though he sounded genuine - Eden felt a little skeptical. It'd been a while since a man's offered to buy an entire shop for her - and she'd be lying if she said she hadn't missed the feeling. She hummed, casting a small, sly grin towards his direction. "Hmm - maybe you, as long as the clock doesn't strike twelve."
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“Would you buy the entire store?” Admittedly curious - although it would’ve never happened; maybe if the owner was anybody but Feyza. Eden loaded her toppings on - resisted the urge to overdo it, suddenly conscious of the awfully pretty man besides her. “What are your plans this evening?” She asked - more curiosity, peering up at him.
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“If Feyza would even consider that I would write her a blank check,” Elijah said, meaning every word of it. She was so beautiful he loved to watch her do just about anything that made her look half as happy as those toppings made her. “I don’t actually have any plans yet, did you have something in mind?”
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mvrrow · 1 year
Eden's used to dealing with her problems on her own - it's not that she's never been offered help, she has, a multitude of times - but after years of being fawned over, cradled like she'll break with the gentlest rock - Eden wants to handle things herself. Wants to show everyone that she's an adult, now, that she's never needed a hand held. It's silly that it extends emotionally - emotions never sent her to the hospital - but her mind's hardwired this way. Always incredibly stubborn. "I don't know -" It's the most Eden'll get to confiding, a small sigh slipping out, " - I hurt him real bad, Char. I don't know if I deserve to talk to him - I don't know if I'm ready to be honest with him, either. It's - I know it's selfish." A frown slips from her easygoing countenance, and she leans back into her chair. "Do I have a right to be upset, if I am? He can't remain single forever, just because I - fucked him up. I don't - I'll be fine, either way." Eden looks away for a moment - trying to gather her thoughts, before turning towards a different subject altogether, "Did you ever fix things with that doctor - Junho? Our breakups were around the same time, you know."
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It helps Charlotte disconnect when she focuses on other people rather on her own thoughts. Besides, it has been a while since she and Eden properly hung out. Eden's story with Drew more or less reminds her of her own story with Junho, in the sense that both of them pushed their men away out of fear and insecurity, rather than dealing with things with them. Charlotte's long regretted what she did to him, and they're finally at such a good and promising place, she can't put into words how lucky she feels to have him despite everything. She nods, listening to her words and acknowledging them. It feels like Eden's rambling a little, and she's not sure if she's trying to convince herself of something or if she's being truthful. "Are you going to talk again? It's hard being in a town this small when there's something unresolved with someone," she notes. "Does it... upset you if he's found someone else?" It's a blunt question, but Eden's her friend, it should be okay.
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