mweh24 · 1 year
How does Social Media helped the families, social workers, and the government in discerning information during calamities.
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-Social media is an online platform website that allows users to access share some contents and be a part of social networking sometimes can be use as entertainment, messaging, business, schools and many more!. But the thing is social media gave a big impact through tough times such as calamities it is indeed a big help to us..
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In this modern day social media helped many families to connect with each other, not just by communicating but to also entertain us to our modern society, onto this day and forward social media has been the use of all families to be informed around the globe, also to get some information or to send some information, which’s a very useful thing that we can do or find in the internet nor social media.
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-To our dearly social workers, social media has a big impact to them because they are outside of our normal zone, working hard for our tomorrow so the use of social media to them has a great foundation to our modern society, that if we need some thing not just by interest or by needs they are out there to inform or to have a move on what they see in social media, to respond onto the feedbacks and to also give us information about certain things that we need to know such as calamities, to have various informations and help from others so social media has a lot of impact for our dearly social workers..
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-For the last selection, which is for our government the use of social media to them is that they hold certain things such as various informations contacts and also updates, this has a big use on calamities because they can lessen the risk of endangerment in natural disasters, they can send rescues onto vulnerable places that has been affected of the disaster and also to get updates from other people about what is happening in the midst of the calamity.
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-To end our post we would likely to thank you for looking forward to our post, now for the last thing is what is the difference of our modern social media to the past information provider such as TV,mails,radio and print , So as we all know that our modern social media has a good advantage because it provide as all kinds of information in a single web provider or as an “easy access”, because we don't have to wait for a day to wait and get another information like from the past, which is like the print or mails that will take an hour long to get, as for radios will be hard to use for others for what if you had a bad hearing how come you can get the important information, and for the TV what if you missed the show or if missed some contents it will be hard to use, so it has a big difference to the modern society of information such as social media you can see and get back to that information also you can hear and send it immediately to others, so it wont be such a hassle to use our social media, so yes i will give it a big win to our social media, this is my point of view only but if you had some information it would be lovely to leave a comment down below.. THANK YOU!!!
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mweh24 · 2 years
Types of Pastries in Bread and pastry productions~.
1.Flaky Pastry. -Flaky pastry, also known as quick pastry, blitz pastry or rough puff, is a light and thin unleavened pastry that is similar to, but distinct from, puff pastry. It is often called quick pastry or blitz pastry in reference to the short time its preparation requires.
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2.Danish Pastry. -Danish pastry is a yeasted, buttery pastry of many layers. Used most often for sweet breakfast or dessert pastries, it's cooked until crisp and flaky on the outside, while the centre stays soft.
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3.Choux Pastry. -Choux pastry, or pâte à choux, is a delicate pastry dough used in many pastries. Basic ingredients usually only include butter, water, flour and eggs. Instead of a raising agent, choux pastry employs its high moisture content to create steam, as the water in the dough evaporates when baked, puffing the pastry.
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4.Filo/Phyllo Pastry. -Filo or phyllo is a very thin unleavened dough used for making pastries such as baklava and börek in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines. Filo-based pastries are made by layering many sheets of filo brushed with oil or butter; the pastry is then baked.
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5.Short Crust Pastry. -Shortcrust pastry is a type of pastry often used for the base of a tart, quiche, pie, or flan. Shortcrust pastry can be used to make both sweet and savory pies such as apple pie, quiche, lemon meringue or chicken pie. Shortcrust pastry recipes usually call for twice as much flour as fat by weight. 
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