my-alt-account · 2 years
so I looked at bayfoxes a bit and I have some thoughts
[species sheet, archive] [restricted trait sheet, archive]
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["no eyes" are a "Limited Rarity" trait]
"*Third Eye, Cyclops, and No Eye are now fused under All-Seeing, only usable with a Halloween Trait Candy."
does anyone else think it's weird that having no eyes is kind of called a "Halloween Trait"? like, some people don't have eyes and yeah I think it's rare that their face would look smooth but I think it's possible as far as I know
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“accessories that deform a bay’s limbs are not permitted on MYOs! bays have very sensitive limbs and very rarely do any enjoy extreme body modifications.”
I also think it’s weird that deforming body mods are like banned(?) on MYOs like why though? some people just have those, like ExTrEmE body modifications are a big thing in a lot of cultures right?
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plus there's the thing where you have to get a “scale” for “multiple headed” bayfoxes (conjoined twins?) or “multiple limbs” (this is also a thing in real life like with parasitic twins I think)
someone I was talking to mentioned that a lot of Species have Bad rules like implying that some traits are "better / more expensive" as opposed to other traits which are "worse / cheaper"
I don't really know what I'm talking about but I can't stop thinking this is weird. I keep seeing Species having kind of exclusionary rules? and I think that's weird
so glad that I look "normal" so that I don't have to pay extra to make a closed species character that looks like me!! 😇😇/j
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my-alt-account · 3 years
my xenoidentities hot take as a cringe and unbased pro-xenogender-ist
This “you can’t be xenogender and xenoidentity” thing is really silly to me.
If someone wants their terms to be exclusivly for anti-mogai-ists, then put that in the definition. Otherwise, I am comivilliasthetic. I fit the definition. I have ‘an identity related to the aesthetic of comic book villains’.
if you really wanted to exclude the Mogai Cringe™, again, put it in the definition. For “an identity related to the aesthetic of comic book villains”, just add “an identity related to the aesthetic of comic book villains, which only [anti-MOGAI transmeds / people I agree with / etc] can have”. Then I wouldn't be that term.
Coiners aren't going to exclude me from stuff I literally am, just because they personally don't like me, and stated somewhere else that “[opinion] can't use my terms!”
“use” as if it’s a conscious choice all of the time, and that I am profiting off of something that belongs exclusively to you
“my” as if everyone who, for example, has 'an identity related to the aesthetic of comic book villains', was directly inspired by you and that their identity is essentially yours
I have the same opinion regardless of if something's a xenogender, xenoidentity, or some other term: Coining is just putting a name to something that already exists.
Coining any kind of term shouldn’t be a race to see who can “claim” common experiences as “theirs” so that people with the different opinions can’t “use” them.
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my-alt-account · 5 years
Sorry if I liked your post and you don’t like this blog... I would link my main one but that defeats the point of ““my-alt-account””
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