my-darling-clementine · 2 months
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my-darling-clementine · 2 months
Great work, antivaxxers.
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my-darling-clementine · 2 months
99% of "mysterious disappearances" esp of people in their 20s who start acting weird for 48 hours and then vanish are not mysterious, thats just when a lot of reality-obliterating mental illness tends to kick in and it's pretty easy to get a short circuit in your brain that makes you go family guy death pose in joshua tree national park. it's not any less tragic, it's just a documented phenomenon and not particularly predictable. its a big reason the medical advice is for people with a family history of schizophrenia to completely avoid weed and psychedelics. "people just go crazy sometimes" is a principle of human health that used to be a lot more accepted prior to the american midcentury and to a certain extent thats a healthier way to conceptualize and prepare for the risk, as opposed to the modern assertion that anyone acting weird is dangerous and broken forever.
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my-darling-clementine · 2 months
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And yet, the mainstream media has been framing this as Iran, for no reason (other than ohhh evil Iran), just decided to launch attacks on Israel.
Almost no mention that Israel blatantly violated the Geneva convention or that Iran said that they would refrain from retaliating if Israel and the U.S. agreed to a ceasefire.
And the Biden administration is going right along with this, they are so far beyond morally bankrupt at this point and I am utterly disgusted to call myself an American.
Shame on Joe Biden, his administration and any Democrat who, for the past 6 months, have had a roll in leading us to where we are now, the risk of a wider regional war, and 35,000 Palestinians murdered all because they have so little humanity that the lives of Palestinians mean less than nothing to them.
There is a special place in hell for these ghouls and I hope they never know a moment of peace for the rest of their miserable, despicable lives.
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my-darling-clementine · 2 months
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This is the Hattab Family
Israel has killed every single one of them and the entire family lineage has been killed and like hundreds of other Palestinian families, has been erased from the civil registry due to Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.
There is no more people called Hattab!!!
Israel is literally wiping out entire family lineages and the Western world just watches
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my-darling-clementine · 3 months
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Iof cannot resist being the absolute worst people they can in public, and zionist are scrambling to minimize it
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my-darling-clementine · 3 months
Nicaragua's case against Germany in the International Court of Justice
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
Hello Everyone!
Today is the first day of the weeklong strike for a ceasefire in Gaza.
I have realized that I do not think the message has spread far, at least on this website. This might be due to the lack of internet in Gaza, it has been down for days. Not much can be said by the citizens there, it's like some people forgot about them. I encourage all of you to share this post, or make your own, letting everyone know about this strike. This is something that should transcend the aesthetic of your blog. My blog was a gimmick blog, but for this week, it is a blog for spreading information and awareness.
Bisan Odwa (@wizard_bisan1 on instagram) has called for this strike. She is a journalist from Gaza, who has been experiencing this horrid violence for 15 weeks. 107 days. 2568 hours.
These were the images she posted, calling for this strike:
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Reblog this, share this. Do not stop until every supporter of Gaza knows what we must do this week.
Free Palestine, Free Gaza, Ceasefire now!
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
there are some autistic “traits” that people find really annoying but that are inherently kind
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
Rashida Tlaib has set up a petition to send to the White House to recognize and stop the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement happening in Gaza. If you’re a US citizen please sign. I have no illusions that this will change policy, but the public outcry against their actions must continue. We will not be distracted or discouraged from continuing to object to these humans rights violations.
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
Tell me a soft memory
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
"So, take notes, Butcher Biden: The ancestors of the Ireland that you claim to be from disown you. Keep our country out of your mouth. And as for von der Leyen (President of the European Commission), and genocidal Germany with your words and deeds supporting Israel in the ICJ: Not in our name! The people of Europe stand with Palestine and with South Africa."
Clare Daly - Irish Politician and Member of the European Parliament - 16/01/2024
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
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Bisan Owda's call to action
eSims For Gaza
For USAmericans: Call your reps | Email your reps It takes only a few minutes and there are scripts if needed. If you call after hours, you can leave a voicemail.
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action Toolkit
Jan 26th Int'l Day of Action Toolkit
Google Drive of posters to print
Other infographics about the strike: here and here
I will be queuing this post for every day this week. IDs in Alt text!
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my-darling-clementine · 5 months
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my-darling-clementine · 6 months
Play up your symptoms in the ER and urgent care when you're in need of immediate treatment. No I am not kidding. This goes much extra if you're black, and especially if you think your life is in danger or something could at least cause severe harm if untreated. Doctors and staff have biases, sometimes awful ones. Some even still believe that black people have a better pain tolerance but that was a lie created to justify American slavery.
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my-darling-clementine · 6 months
here’s to a liberated palestine and an end to the occupation in 2024، إن شاء الله
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my-darling-clementine · 6 months
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