my-dnd-junk · 5 years
For a first time dm what kind of information should I know about my player's characters other then the usual stuff (class, stats, race, general background, ect.)
There are some big things you might want to know now, and some things you can build upon as you go: Beth suggests getting to know their play style, which I cannot agree with enough. Pay attention to which weapons they reach for repeatedly, learn who hangs back and who runs forward in a fight. Who pays attention to how much noise their armour makes? Your spellcasters - what do they use as a focus? How much care does the wizard take with her spellbook? You can use this knowledge to challenge and interest your players. Steal the spellbook. Shatter the arcane focus. I recently stole Hashaan’s holy symbol to force her to test the limits of her oath in other ways (it was story relevant, not just because I felt like it, I promise).
Jazz recommends looking at who they know, and not just their immediate loved ones and most hated enemies. A smattering of people they might know to varying degrees allows you to fill out their backstory and your world. This lets you make your players feel more involved in the story without burning through all the major players in their backstories. If the mailman from their childhood home was the same person every morning, that person will have an impact when they turn up in the middle of the story, no matter how they do so - If I walked into a tavern hundreds of miles away from my hometown and the person that taught me to read is the barkeeper, I would be surprised!
And there are all the little things that build a character. Let’s take Rook as an example; Rook Lunera’s favourite colour is green. He prefers plants over flowers, but wants both wherever it is he calls home. He wants to understand the minutiae of how a thing works, especially if that thing is a built thing, something crafted. It might not particularly aid the story in anyway to know that Rook’s favourite colour, or that he is a tinkerer, but with this knowledge I know what to put in front of him to interest him specifically. Or horrify him specifically. On the spot I can describe a small detail from his homeland without any prior communication, and receive a noise of satisfaction back from across the table. Those moments are amongst some of my favourites in all of Dnd, so I store away all the small information I can gather.
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
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chaotic neutral energies
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
I’m extremely guilty of this.
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
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[[ The reason that I fell in love with D&D + the Forgotten Realms, and the reason that my love for both continues to burn bright. ]]
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
Reasons LGBT cafes should exist
Non-sexualized spaces
Inclusive so u don’t have to out urself
No alcohol so younger ppl have full access
I fukkin love chai lattes
No pressure to find hook-ups, lookin at you my aro/ace pals
No need to socialize u can literally sit at a table and be gay all by ur self
Please make these a thing
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
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my-dnd-junk · 5 years
Vylar to the rest of the party:
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