its kind of sad when you hit up and old friend and you both really miss each other but the connection just isnt there anymore
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It always takes two. For relationships to work, for them to break apart, for them to be fixed.
Emily Giffin, Heart of the Matter (via wordsnquotes)
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I go through phases. Some days I feel like the person I’m supposed to be, and then some days I turn into no one at all. There is both me and my silhouette. I hope that on the days you find me and all I am are darkened lines, you still are willing to be near me.
Mary Kate Teske (via fleurfox)
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note to self
•add a sprinkle of cinnamon to your coffee. it will change your life.
•always be kind to your waiter/waitress & the person behind the cash register. treat them with respect.
•take pictures of the things that make you happy, not for instagram, but for yourself.
•stop sleeping with your makeup on. you deserve better than that.
•don’t let yourself be consumed by the idea of perfection
•don’t let social media cause you stress. no one is paying more attention to your posts than you
•let people know when you’re missing them
•don’t be afraid to cut or dye your hair. life changes and things move on. just go for it.
•listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks while you clean. you can find many for free on youtube.
•don’t let anyone make fun of you for taking photos of your coffee or the sunset
•change your sheets more often
•use coconut oil as an eye makeup remover, it’s seriously a game changer
•make playlists for different moods, different people and for yourself
•remind yourself that you don’t have to be travelling & having adventures to give your life meaning
•ask yourself why you’re posting something. if it’s for anyone other than you, forget it.
•don’t be embarrassed to journal. put your thoughts to paper and clear your mind
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Advice From a Stranger
When someone you love and trust betrays you and makes you think you are the sole problem don’t let yourself believe it. Take what you learned from that relationship/friendship and apply it to your life. Use it to make you stronger, not weaker. These are not your battle wounds, this is your ammunition against life.
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Life is about lessons. It's about getting hurt and learning. It's about losing yourself and finding your identity. Making up a new self.
- Expherience
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good night everyone except all the toxic people throughout my life who made me doubt my self-worth and took advantage of my kindness and patience
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Sleeping next to someone is honestly the nicest thing. Like when you half wake up at 4am and squeeze them or they move in tighter to you. 😍
@thesexualquotes (via thesexualquotes)
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Being able to find someone you click with so naturally is the best feeling ever. You feel like you’ve been best friends you’re whole life, it feels like you’re coming home. You’re so comfortable with them. Maybe that’s what a soulmate is. Not someone who shares every single thing in common with you, but someone who feels like home.
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(via @danacbell)
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gentle reminder
you are truly are beautiful, even if it doesn’t feel like it, even when it feels like your friends or family or anyone else looks way better than you - when you feel insecure, please try to remember this: the stars are beautiful, and so are flowers, yet, they look nothing alike; you are beautiful in your own way
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Daily reminder: It’s not narcissistic to take steps to care for yourself & your well-being
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Your daughters do not exist to give you grandchildren
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