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ungfio on Instagram
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Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 
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jaehyun ♡ solo stage practice / ‘thelinklog’ ep 3
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Yuzu for Lotte #Werespectyou - Things Hanyu-senshu taught us
Shots are likely taken at the "gum for the game"commercial shoot.
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““Smile. Not to forget what was, but to honor what is.” - Nina Döllerer”
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every single russian person protesting the invasion of ukraine should have their effort duly recognized and respected for what it is: an act of courage and defiance against a violent, criminal regime that could target them any moment. these aren't feel-good did-my-part went-to-mcdonalds-after protests. marching in the streets is not a simple civic exercise. writing 'no war please' on a camera lens at a sports event is not 'doing the bare minimum'. it's brave and righteous and a part of this war that deserves to be remembered.
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mark lee everyone
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ayo, NA♡GI
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Miroslav Holub, ‘The Root of the Matter’, Selected Poems (trans. Ian Milner & George Theiner)
[Text ID: “There is poetry in everything. That is the biggest argument against poetry.”]
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scream how did i not see this before😭
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We should talk about how these olympics proved yuzuru is not only loved for his achievements and medals, but that people love him and his way of skating, his dedication, his art, and will support him whether he wins or not! I find that beautiful (and goated) and i hope yuzuru realised that once and for all that we really love HIM, not an olympic gold.
Yes we should. Thank you Nonny.
That's why the way western media handles things doesn't really matter to me. They're writing for their target, which is not global or worldwide, and only resonnates with a small part of the FS community.
EVERYONE wants to be around Yuzu. We were talking earlier about attention grabbers and clout but, I mean, there are skaters that don't approach him. The reason belong to them and I'm not one to judge. Whether it's because they don't like him or are afraid of him (the boy does come on strong ahah), it's up to them.
Skaters aside, volunteers gathered like bees around honey and they had to crowd control the path to the press con. People gathered on the streets to see him go and cheer him on one last time.
Yuzu just inspires people. That's who he is. That's his gift and we're indeed very luck to witness his love and dedication every time he skates.
I think he's starting to realize how much he's loved. I think, maybe, he had some recognition of that fact after Sotchi and PC but that it really hit in Beijing. In 2014 people clung to him because of the tragedy in 2011, he gave them hope, he became this beacon of light so many needed at the time. In 2018 the pressure and attention and stakes were CRAZY high, I believe him when he says he felt the support of everyone (and every time he says something similar during competition).
But in Beijing I think he started to realize how LOVED he is. It's easy to support and cheer and love someone at his best, who wins everything. Maybe, for him, it's harder to do so when someone doesn't deliver and fails? That wouldn't surprise me. He said himself that he thought people were remembering the Yuzu from 2014 and 2018.
But in 2022, he got as much if not more, support and love than during all these years. Because he came back to make history, and he did. Even if that meant saying goodbye to another olympic title which is what so many were talking about. He followed his path, and I feel maybe he's starting to realize people do love him all the more for it.
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The amount of times I have watched Tessa & Scott’s Moulin Rouge skate… unhealthy..
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““We all have bad days, but one thing is true; no cloud is so dark that the sun can’t shine through.” - Miranda Kerr”
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DOI July 11th 2021. Today’s Masquerade was something else. 
The 3A, the delayed Axel, the SHOUT. Just, wow.
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Drinking game results - women
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