myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
Just Me
Hey! My name is Ashley Duque. I am 18 years old, and currently a student at St.Clair College for Advertising and Marketing Communications Management. I was born in Mississauga, however, grew up in Toronto, Ontario. I enjoy art, outdoors, animals and spending time with my friends and family whether it be going out or staying in to watch a movie. My goal is to visit different parts of the world and experience different cultures.
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
My strengths:
- Outgoing and approachable person - Responsible and organized individual - Able to work in a team and independently   - Adaptable, Quick learner, work well under pressure - Reliable and trustworthy individual - Independent and logical thinker
Through volunteering at different charity groups, I have gained the ability to work well in teams and adapt the way I think in different situations. I am a quick learner that works well under pressure and can multi-task. I have the ability to work well within a team however, I am also good at working independently. I grew up in a very family oriented household. Both my parents are from large families with a wide range of ages, thus allowing myself to gain a variety of perspectives and views on certain subjects which have allowed me to become more open-minded. I think that I am a great problem solver because I am able to separate myself from a situation and think logically to be fair in judgements. Furthermore, I think that with growing up in a large family, it has helped shape me to be the person I am today. With having younger cousins, it has taught me how to be responsible as well as trustworthy. I always try and succeed as well as constantly have a positive outlook on life.
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
My weaknesses: 
- Very Indecisive - Perfectionist - People Pleaser - Stubborn - At times struggle with doing activities outside my comfort zone
In my opinion, I can be a perfectionist, which can affect my work ethic due to deadlines. When it comes to my work I tend to be very critical of myself, I see this as a positive and a negative characteristic because although it motives me to do better, it leads me to become self-conscience and not proud of my work. Furthermore, I think that it is difficult for me to overcome this weakness due to being very indecisive. Being very indecisive is caused by my low self-esteem. I am very proud of the person I have grown into and excited to continue to grow in the future, however, I find it difficult to disagree with people, especially when I know it is a passionate topic for them. This leads to becoming a people pleaser and affects the way I make decisions due to the idea that I try to take in everyone’s account, and how it will affect them in the future. Even though I am a sociable person, I feel as though I struggle with voluntarily going out of my comfort zone. Being afraid of the unknown has stopped me from doing exciting activities unless forced to do so, this has also caused me to feel regret.  
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
External Analysis                        Friend: Claudia
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Strength: Your strength is that you have such a big heart that when it comes to making people feel welcomed and loved, you do everything in your power to achieve that goal. You are able to make someone feel better, and comfortable in any given situation. Weakness: Your weakness is that you are considered a pushover sometimes, you caring for others more than yourself and overlook self-care. You do not realize that letting other people's feelings take over your decision making, can lead to negative factors in future endeavours. 
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
Sister: Stephanie
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Strength: Your strength is that you can adapt to multiple situations and the people around you, this is because you can perform well in front of others and multitask.
Weakness: Your weakness is that you can get overwhelmed too easily in highly stressful situations this is because you can not prioritize your work, resulting in an overwhelming situation.
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
Parent: Mother
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Strength: Your strength is independence because you are able to do everything on your own and ask for little from others. When you set a goal you focus on it and achieve that goal. Weakness: Your weakness is your subconscious because you care too much of what people think and you have a good heart because you do not know how to say no.
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myaduqueblog-blog · 6 years
Self and External Analysis Results
When comparing the results of what my friends and family said and to my self-evaluation, I have come to the conclusion that they are very similar for both my strengths and weaknesses. I realized that when it comes to my strengths I am strong in being able to adapt in different situations as well as being independent. Also, I noticed a weakness that occurred a lot was that I tend to let others affect the choices I make, which I completely agree with. A difference I found quite funny is the fact that my sister and I believed that one of my strengths is actually a weakness. When talking to my sister, she explained that although I am a hard worker, when it comes to not being organized it completely affects my work ethics and the way I think. She expressed that I have a small OCD when it comes to having things organized and when it is not to my likely I have the ability to struggle. Furthermore, this was a contradicting topic because I thought I worked well under press however, that is only when I am organized in a certain way.
It is quite difficult to change a person’s weakness quickly, however, with time it is possible. With that in mind, I think the best way to overcome my weaknesses is to learn how to say no and stand up for myself more. I always knew that my weakest trait was the fact that I take everyone’s emotion into encounter when making decisions. I have realized that I value people’s opinions more than necessary which have caused me to forget the importance of self-care. By getting so caught up in the idea of trying to make everyone else happy I lost track of doing things that would make me happy. However, I now understand that I must work on this trait, to better myself in future endeavours.
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