myahmcbling · 2 months
I know this isn’t something you want to hear, but I think it’s something you need to hear: sometimes someone’s inability to love you the right way is not their fault. If you are the first person to show someone pure, genuine love, they may not know how to reciprocate because they’ve never experienced it before. In turn, they may not know how to give it back. This doesn’t mean that it’s your job to teach them, that you have to tolerate it, or that you deserve it, but I’ve found it incredibly helpful in my own healing to understand that sometimes people aren’t hurting you or treating you poorly intentionally. Sometimes people will self sabotage good things because they don’t think they’re worthy of it. Sometimes they just don’t know what to do, so they ruin it, whether that be by running away, being disrespectful, or causing pain. Sometimes, people still have their own growing to do. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you, it’s just that you happened to be there in the collateral damage. I don’t say this to justify any of their bad actions, but to offer a different perspective that may aid you in forgiving and ultimately reaching your peace.
— alhwrites
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myahmcbling · 2 months
None of your Concern
                              None of my concern anymore
            The attempts me keeping you by my side have failed
                Many many attempts
         It drains my energy not being heard, not being loved as I should be
But I guess that that's none of your concern either
Being treated as an afterthought damages my soul
Damages my organs and rusts my soul
My aura pleads to bind for yours but you can't force the unenforceable
                       But that's none of your concern 
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myahmcbling · 2 months
Thoughts soar through my mind while time flies by
           Eroding my brain and poisoning my body
          The overthinking gets so hard to bear that tears fall down my cheeks
          Silent cries turn into shudders and it’s all because of you
         Well maybe it’s because of me and my poisoned mind 
          Wish someone erased these impure thoughts and showered me with the love I deserve
                                   The affirmations I deserve
          Want to hear reassurance fall from your lips with a trusting smile
           I want you to clean up my tears and hug me out of this poisoned puddle of thoughts and feelings
                                     Why is that so hard to do
Sometimes I feel like the only one who can take me out of this puddle is me
                                            It’s always have to be me
                                                    All I have is me 
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myahmcbling · 2 months
Thoughts soar through my mind while time flies by
           Eroding my brain and poisoning my body
          The overthinking gets so hard to bear that tears fall down my cheeks
          Silent cries turn into shudders and it’s all because of you
         Well maybe it’s because of me and my poisoned mind 
          Wish someone erased these impure thoughts and showered me with the love I deserve
                                   The affirmations I deserve
          Want to hear reassurance fall from your lips with a trusting smile
           I want you to clean up my tears and hug me out of this poisoned puddle of thoughts and feelings
                                   Why is that so hard to do
Sometimes I feel like the only one who can take me out of this puddle is me
                                 It’s always have to be me
                                           All I have is me 
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myahmcbling · 2 months
Cinnamon Girl
Cinnamon girl seems so sweet before you take your first bite
You didn’t expect her to take a spicy turn on you
Thats her element of surprise
 Such a blessing and curse she is 
Playing a half-ass facade of her innocent nature until your really got to know her
Now you don’t want her, she is too much for you to handle
Dint expect that taste in your mouth
All the cinnamon girl wants is just to be loved
To be caressed and to be told it is okay to be who she is
Cinnamon girl were okay to be alone at first
knowing her complex nature was just enough for her and only her
But when she was ever ready to let her nature invade someone else space, it's too much
Surrendering her body was just enough for her but her mind was a whole different story
We all have a Cinnamon girl in our lives
And I am one of them.
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myahmcbling · 3 months
"This wasn't supposed to be a love song but I guess it is now "
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