mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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        In spite of the seriousness of the moment, Castor couldn’t help cracking a grin. She’d happily be Vesna’s knight, if it meant her lover was safe another day.
❝ Be real brave and awesome, moshhtly, ❞ Castor replied, leaning up to kiss the other’s cheek.
Her smile grew at the other’s grin and the kiss on her cheek, and she turned her head to nudge her nose up against Castor’s.
“And hot. Don’t forget that, it’s very important.”
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
Steven Universe Angst Meme [x]
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[🌠} “Vesna…” Castor murmured, chewing her lip and flushing at the other’s words. “Y-y’ got shtuff t’ do back home, right? I can’t keep ya away from that, even if I…if I want to…”
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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        The answer didn’t surprise her, but it made her terribly sad all the same. She didn’t like the idea of Vesna having gone through something so awful, especially not over and over again.
❝ …I’ll protect you, too. Promishhe. ❞
She had no idea of the dangers she faced, and yet she promised to protect her in return. It drew a faint smile from the bot.
“What’d I ever do to deserve a brave knight like you to protect me?”
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
Steven Universe Angst Meme [x]
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[🌠} “Vesna…” Castor murmured, chewing her lip and flushing at the other’s words. “Y-y’ got shtuff t’ do back home, right? I can’t keep ya away from that, even if I…if I want to…”
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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         ❝ …what ishh it like? Dying? ❞ 
“...Awful. Almost every single time. Even having it happen constantly, over and over sometimes...it never gets easier to go through.” She sighed softly, holding Castor a little tighter. “But we can’t quit. So we go through it over and over to protect those that can’t protect themselves.”
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
Steven Universe Angst Meme [x]
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[🌠} “Vesna…” Castor murmured, chewing her lip and flushing at the other’s words. “Y-y’ got shtuff t’ do back home, right? I can’t keep ya away from that, even if I…if I want to…”
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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Second Destiny commission! I loooove painting space ✨
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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          ❝ …wow. Thash. Thash pretty heavy. Whashh–ah, jeez, sorry, nevermind– ❞ Castor tucked her head back down against Vesna’s chest again. Best not to push this line of conversation. It could get MEGA depressing super quick.
Well now she was just curious and needed to know.
“You can ask whatever it is,” she murmured, a hand lifting to gently thread her fingers through Castor’s hair.
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
Steven Universe Angst Meme [x]
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[🌠} “Vesna…” Castor murmured, chewing her lip and flushing at the other’s words. “Y-y’ got shtuff t’ do back home, right? I can’t keep ya away from that, even if I…if I want to…”
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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          And sound odd it did, such that she almost thought it was a joke at first.
❝ …someone that what? ❞ Castor asked, confusion apparent in her tone.
Oh. Right. She’d never really gone into detail about this before. Probably should have, in retrospect.
“Uh. Well...Guardians, myself included, kind of...never die? I mean, we can die, and goodness knows we do...but we don’t stay that way. We revive almost immediately from most anything.”
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
Steven Universe Angst Meme [x]
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[🌠} “Vesna…” Castor murmured, chewing her lip and flushing at the other’s words. “Y-y’ got shtuff t’ do back home, right? I can’t keep ya away from that, even if I…if I want to…”
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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           ❝ Pff, gosh. Jeez! ❞ Castor mumbled, clinging a little more tightly.  ❝ Gonna jush up and kill me with all thishh niceness, babe. Jush gonna die n’ that’ll be it for Cashhtor. RIP me. ❞  
Then she sighed, relaxing into her lover’s arms with a big, lovesick grin.
❝ Wouldn’t be too bad a way t’ go out, would it? ❞
"As someone who's died quite a lot,” she started, her cool metallic hand sliding up Castor’s back as she held her closer, “I can safely say that it definitely wouldn't be a bad way to go.”
It didn’t occur to her that maybe that comment would sound a bit odd to anyone who wasn’t around Guardians often.
"Why would I ever want to go home, if you're here?"
Steven Universe Angst Meme [x]
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[🌠} “Vesna…” Castor murmured, chewing her lip and flushing at the other’s words. “Y-y’ got shtuff t’ do back home, right? I can’t keep ya away from that, even if I…if I want to…”
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
It was difficult, it truly was. Many may not have recognized this, but every step was hard fought for. You stumbled and fell, you lay there, and you got back up. And you took another step. It was difficult, and it may still be so.
You know what we call people who keep facing their fears and difficulties, who keep trying despite not always succeeding? We call them courageous, and we root for them, we feel for them, we care about them and wish them all the good things in the world. 
So. Know this. You’re courageous, I am rooting for you, I feel for you, I care about you and wish you all the good things in the world.
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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Small Collection of Destiny Screenshots taken from the Xbox One
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
There is no greater pain or punishment than memory.
Victoria Aveyard (via quotemadness)
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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First Looks at the updated Raid Gear
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
“Whoa--!” She jumped back, avoiding the rather painful-looking bit of his hook. Her hand lowered to her hip instinctually, but her gun wasn’t there. Shit. She’d have to hand-to-hand tussle with him. “Back off, big guy. Don’t do something you’ll regret.”
Vesna was lost, to put it lightly. She didn't know where she was, and she was desperately trying to get back home. So she didn't think anything of asking the first person she saw for help, which turned out to be a giant hulk of a man. "Excuse me, sir, I'm trying to get back home--"
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           She’d made the wrong choice. As soon as he’d caught sight of her, Roadhog grabbed for his hook and attempted to jab it up into her torso with a feral growl.
He had no intention of letting what he presumed was an Omnic walk away from him in one piece.
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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Destiny poster series capturing the final moments of each raid. Don’t forget to find these in the Bungie Day Contest and give them a vote!
Atheon - https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=209246811 Crota - https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=209246830 Oryx - https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=209246868
Bechance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/40758949/Destiny-Poster-Series
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
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ridesagain replied to your post “[[i’m suddenly wanting vesna to interact with roadhog. he’d probably...”
( i hope ur ready for her to get punched because she's gonna get punched probably )
[[u fool, i live for my ocs to start fights]]
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mybloodwaslight · 7 years
[[i’m suddenly wanting vesna to interact with roadhog. he’d probably think she’s some kind of omnic, which would be interesting]]
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