mycaptainraydor · 7 years
Help if  You Can
If you know me or have been following me for a long time, you know I have been struggling with my health and finances the last few years. I hate more than anything having to ask other people for help or money.
Just over a month ago I had to undergo an emergency procedure to have several fibroids removed. A couple of them were cancerous but most were benign. I had a follow up and learned the fibroids are already coming back. My doctor did a pap test and found cancerous cells, that combined with the rate of growth on the fibroids is very concerning. I need to have a complete hysterectomy.
Also, while getting examined for the fibroid issue, a mass was found in my left breast. A mammogram was ordered and it showed irregularities. I have an ultrasound scheduled for today to further examine the mass and likely a biopsy will be scheduled soon. The discovery of the mass has caused even more concern for my doctor.
Problem is I have no health insurance and no savings due to long legal battles involving custody of my 12 year old daughter with my ex. I need to get healthy so I can be there for my daughter. She needs her mom and the relationship she has with her father isn’t the greatest.
After being laid off from a full time job last year, I have only been able to find part time employment. In fact, I had to give up one part time job because the fibroids make me unable to do the lifting necessary to do the work. No full time job, no insurance and because I work part time, no paid sick leave.
I’ve done some research and found some insurance that can get me through. However, with my income I am unable to afford it at this time. To obtain insurance, pay the deductible, pay for the tests I’ve already had, and to help compensate for missed work I need to raise roughly $2500.
I have been selling everything I can on Ebay to help raise the money and working hard to find a full time job or a second part time job to help absorb the financial stress. Here is a link to my Ebay page: https://www.ebay.com/sch/irishshieldmaiden/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=   More items will be listed soon.
I don’t have much family left and those that are around have done what they can. My mother is 80 yrs old and in need of care herself so my two siblings (rightly so) are focusing on her. My extended family doesn’t want to help because they are convinced that this is God’s way of punishing me for being bisexual.
So, with reluctance I have started a fundraising page on youcaring. Here is the link if you would like to help: https://www.youcaring.com/sonjamichaelastjohn-868605?utm_source=twitter
I realize some people don’t trust fundraising sites. If you would like to donate but would rather use paypal, that would work too. My email is [email protected]
I’m a single mom with a young daughter and very little support system. I need help. Please know you don’t have to donate and I understand there are so many people that have it worse than I but please share this and spread the word to those who can.
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
podcast recs
i listen to a lot of podcasts, and people have asked me what ones i recommend. so. here’s a bunch of great ones. (list will be updated whenever i remember more, lol.)
Welcome to Night Vale - a small-community-radio feel, except that their town is full of bizarre unreal happenings and every conspiracy theory is true. super weird and also funny and also cute and i love
Limetown - investigative journalism done in a very similar way as Serial (except it’s fiction). the entire population of a small town disappears, and a reporter, searching for truth, finds way more than she had anticipated. it’s amazing. short show.
The Message - a team of cryptographers (and the podcast host who is tagging along with them) is set on decoding the first ever message received from extraterrestrial life, and everything gets intense really, really fast. also short.
Wolf 359 - a scifi audiodrama, presented as the logs of a communications officer aboard a ship orbiting the star Wolf 359, documenting the misadventures of the tiny crew.
EOS 10 - another comedic scifi audiodrama, this time about some of the medical staff on a space station. has often been called “scrubs in space”. this one has aliens. 
Alice Isn’t Dead - the story (or road trip) of a trucker who is searching for her missing wife. if you don’t think a story about trucking fits in the horror genre, you’re wrong.
The Black Tapes - about a journalist’s search for truth in bizarre ( likely paranormal) happenings, interspersed with her attempts to learn more about her associate’s shady past.
The Bright Sessions - a scifi podcast that follows a group of therapy patients. each has a unique supernatural ability. the show is both about the patients and their mysterious therapist, dr.bright .
Wooden Overcoats -  a british comedy about rival funeral directors, and the wide array of their fellow eccentric townsfolk, in a small island village
Pleasure Town - about a hedonistic town in oklahoma in the 20th century; the show is the founders thinking back on the town. different episodes incorporate the townsfolk telling their stories.
Kakos Industries - very Welcome to Night Vale ish humor. about a corporation whose goal is to “do evil better”. episodes are supposedly newsletter broadcasts to the shareholders from the corporation’s ceo.
Selected Shorts - short stories, read aloud on stage by various ( and sometimes famous) actors. very wide selection of stories by some really talented authors.
The Nosleep Podcast - like Selected Shorts, except exclusively horror stories (mostly from reddit’s nosleep forum), and not on stage and less famous people.
This American Life - fascinating true stories, phenomenal journalism, and each episode has a general theme (and usually contains at least a few stories). one of the most highly-rated podcasts, like, ever. plus there’s over 500 hour-long episodes, so you’ll probably never run out, which is awesome.
Radiolab - show format is kind of like This American Life, but with science themes (mostly) and two show hosts. it’s fun, the show hosts clearly enjoy what they do, they’re great at explaining complicated stuff in a comprehensible way. i’ve learned so many bizarre and cool things.
Serial - this podcast got crazy good ratings, so you might’ve heard of it. it’s classic investigative journalism. essentially, s1 is about a murder case and the reporters digging into whether or not the right guy was convicted.
The Moth - true stories, told live on stage. this show has plenty of normal people telling incredible stories, and it’s also had famous people ranging everywhere from Niel Gaiman, to Steve from Blues Clues.
Invisibilia - the basic premise is that it’s about ‘invisible forces that control human behavior’. episode have ranged from technology, issues experienced by someone who is nonbinary. there aren’t many episodes yet, i’m sad
Snap Judgement - it feels kind of like The Moth, except not on stage, and with a bunch of catchy music in the background. i have only listened to a handful of episodes so far but my mom loves this show so
Criminal - it’s about crime, obviously. each episode is based around one story of a crime, or people involved in crime or crime-related things, etc. surprisingly interesting variety of stories, it’s super cool.
Lore - about the nonfiction history behind myths, legends, and folklore. freaky stuff. probably about as close to real life horror as exists.
……….so, anyway, yeah. there you go! i hope you enjoy, and please feel free to message me about podcasts any time because i like to yell about them 24/7.
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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Let’s pay homage to the pioneering black women who were magical before the inspiration of the hashtag, and to those among us today whose sharp use of words continue to illuminate and provoke. Here are a few texts (merely a drop in the bucket) of black feminist literature to ponder for International Women’s Day.
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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Happy birthday to Edith Wharton, born on this day in 1862. She was a prolific American writer of novels and short stories; her prowess was recognized in her lifetime by a Pulitzer Prize and three Nobel Prize nominations. She often wrote about social class interactions and utilized dramatic irony. 
(images from Robert Morss Lovett’s Edith Wharton (1925) and Wharton’s House of Mirth (1905))
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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Remember when that cop pepper-sprayed students in 2011? UC Davis paid $175K to scrub it from the internet’s memory https://t.co/5prbgrx1WL
— Xeni (@xeni) April 14, 2016
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
Maggie has Kara and Alex go out for sisters night because she has paperwork for a case to do at the apartment. Later noises wake Maggie up and she walks out to see Alex pulling behind her a giggly Kara cuffed to her belt loop and hovering a little off the ground. Maggie: "am I still asleep, what's happening" Alex: "I just wanted to see her drunk one more time and was worried about the safety of our building with a stumbling supergirl" Kara: "Alex don't be rude, pull me to Maggie so I can say hi"
send me sanvers headcanons
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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You wanted to know if I have faith in you. I do. I always have. When you first came to live with us, my parents told me that you would be sad and fragile, having just lost your world, your parents, friends. But you never let that loss diminish your light. You’ve always had the heart of a hero, Kara, way before you put on that “S.”
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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Top 10 Supergirl pairings as voted by our followers → 1. Kara & Alex     
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
jessica rabbit is literally a sex symbol though she can't be asexual?
she is in romo with a rabbit because he makes her laugh and aside from using her looks to get things out of people she literally never once shows interest in anything or anyone sexually through the entire movie and is clearly appalled when anyone makes advances towards her like there is canonical evidence that jessica rabbit from the classic motion picture who framed rogger rabbit is an asexual character  
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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female character meme | ► a female character growth arc ♕ clarke griffin (the 100)
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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#officially done with your shit
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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Unit Chief™ Emily Prentiss + Text Posts (29/?)
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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I think Voldemort wasn’t very Slytherin. A true Slytherin would have become the Minister of Magic, consolidated his power, and then changed the world to suit his beliefs. what Voldemort did -fighting outright- was totally a Gryffindor move.
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mycaptainraydor · 8 years
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requested by anonymous
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