mycareercube-blog · 5 years
Simplified: Why SCRUM is the future of project management
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SCRUM is a new riddle that people have come across while exploring the e-learning resources of project management skills. In simple terms, SCRUM is an agile project management framework that is used in a scenario where a software development project needs a new feature working efficiently software proficiency in three to four weeks. Considering the importance of SCRUM certification for management professionals, experts at mycareercube, an online knowledge portal, elaborate the need, skills gained, and benefits of this methodology:
Need of SCRUM
Primarily, SCRUM is used by software development teams. The principles and knowledge of a SCRUM certified professional enables the entire team to develop a mechanism that introduces the approach of learning through experiences by reflecting upon the good and bad management situations along with a blend of self-organization amidst the team. SCRUM lays down a set of framework that helps the certified expert decide role allocation, tools required, and even lead the meetings on project progress and future vision. And not just in terms of software, SCRUM ,project management skills,SCRUM certification,mycareercube, Test-driven Development (TDD), Continuous integration (CI),Code Refactoring, mycareercube reviews can be applied to any team for better structure and performance.
Skills of a certified professional
Experts at mycareercube state that there are three essential skills that a SCRUM certified professional uses and teaches in an agile project environment:
Test-driven Development (TDD)
The application code that determines functionality is subjected to specific test cases and executed for results. Hit and trial at a fundamental level, TDD is instrumental in improving the speed of software development without a compromise on quality.
Continuous integration (CI)
As the name suggests, CI is used to constantly configure systems and generate a program’s regular build in two timeframes: Daily or Hourly. Furthermore, CI is also responsible for the integration of the result attained from execution of test cases.
Code Refactoring
While design and function form the core of any code, refactoring works on increasing its simplicity without altering its functionality in any case. This needs strong knowledge of code and identification of possible code excerpts that can be presented in a cleaner way.
Benefits of SCRUM
Proper application of skills to meet the needs in a SCRUM driven ecosystem offers various benefits, such as: • High quality products • Delivery within the deadline • Aligned with the timeline of product market launch • Improved inter-team dynamics That said, SCRUM has proven to be an effective practice under a variety of circumstances and it stands to be a good option for management professionals to gain a new skill set and enhance their portfolio.
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mycareercube-blog · 5 years
Why you need to add ‘Certified’ to your Business Analyst profile
In today’s modern era, businesses, irrespective of the industry, face serious competition and to stay afloat in the market, constant upgradation is paramount. Be it software-driven or organizational amendments, any business cannot achieve envisioned progress with static functioning. To address this, business analysts (BA) are hired. However, the imbalanced demand-supply curve demands an extra edge in BA professionals. That said, experts at mycareercube, a Singapore-based training institute, share the know-hows of Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) course, the demand of today’s corporates: 
  What is CBAP?
CBAP is a certification course for BA professionals that enables them to increase their knowledge about their domain, thereby preparing them for the business challenges and requirements of 21st century. 
Gaining expertise in business understanding, a CBAP is considered capable of accurately identifying the business needs of a company and subsequently, determine the most appropriate set of solutions. Having said this, BAs often ask: Is it worth pursuing a certification course? 
Also Read: What makes ITIL Certification the key to IT company development?
Why is it required?
Roles and responsibilities of a BA professional vary from core business to information technology, both evolving at a fast pace. CBAP empowers an individual to act as a bridge between the dual facets of business so as to boost the growth of the organization. Along with this, no organization expects a traditional BA who coordinates with data centric aspect. 
Mentors at mycareercube state that, with experience and the certification course, a BA transforms into an enhanced asset that has the ability of a good communicator, project manager, and strong technical grounds in order to co-ordinate with system architects, stakeholders, testers, and their corresponding solution designs. What’s more? CBAP certification makes one eligible for some amazing perks.
Also Read: PMP Certification: The current industry’s demand
  Benefits as a certified professional
First, the market visibility of a CBA Professional is substantially more than his/her peers. Result? Companies gauge the skill level on the basis of an individual’s knowledge, intellect, and application, where certified professionals have an edge over others. This exposes them to better job opportunities. 
Second, as highlighted by a survey from International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), CBA professionals earn 16% more than non-certified peers and are subject to an 11% increment in salary. In short, market value of BA skill improves at a considerably better rate.
Third, unanimous opinion of multiple mentors and managers suggest that CBA professionals tend to grow better and faster in their career. Being the jack of all trades, the certification has many a times proved to be the deciding factor regarding exposure to global opportunities.
CBAP certification not only catalyzes an individual as a BA professional, but further develops the skillset regarding multiple domains and their integration. Putting it in a simple way: CBAP is one of the key aspects to bag better career opportunities and become the driver of organizational growth.
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mycareercube-blog · 5 years
PRINCE2 vs PMP: Let’s settle the certification debate
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Professionals who are looking forward to enter the project management domain or trying to upgrade their existing profile, opt for certification courses that can help establish a definitive path to achieve their goal. In such courses, the curriculum is as important as the certification provider and this is what sparks the debate between PRINCE2 and PMP. With the aim of resolving this confusion, experts at mycareercube, a Singapore-based training institute, state the basics, learnings, and “Which one is better?” of the respective certifications:  
Stands for Projects In Controlled Environments, the certification teaches a method of project management that is based on a methodical approach involving segregations of steps, processes, and patterns. A PRINCE2 certified professional is able to standardize the way of approaching any project in a manner that eases its execution with the help of bifurcations in dedicated plans, roles, and responsibilities.
Better recognized globally and more generic than the aforementioned, a PMP professional, certified under the program offered by Project Management Institute (PMI), can easily understand and gel up in any management framework of every industry. This comes after the fact that the course material familiarizes the professional with various project management techniques and ensures that they know the principles for the same, thereby increasing the project execution efficiency.
Which one is better?
PMP certified professionals are generally paid higher due to a diverse skill set and being a member of PMI, they have access to a network of similar professionals that makes it easy to keep a check on the industry and scout opportunities.
On the other hand, PRINCE2 certified individuals are equipped with in-depth knowledge as they have to factor in every facet of the dedicated in-house project. For a company, PRINCE2 are great assets as their management and operational framework helps them save time and money along with better allocation of resources.
However, experts at mycareercube state that deciding who wins the debate is the trickiest part because it varies with an individual’s geographical region as well the profile they are looking to make a career in. Although Asia, Africa, and the Middle East do not differentiate between the certifications, Australasia, Europe, and UK give preferential treatment to PRINCE2 professionals while it is the other way around in USA.
Let’s go for both?
PRINCE2 and PMP trainers at mycareercube majorly agree that no project management individual should go for both the courses as the terminology, techniques, and methodology is entirely different in both courses. This will only lead to unnecessary conflict for the professional.
All that said, plan a career path, align it with the feasible global region, and then select the certification. There’s no win or lose: It depends on Career Management.
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mycareercube-blog · 5 years
How does the future of a big data Hadoop developer look like
Technology is spearheading the journey of this world into the next generation with innovations like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, and endless other ‘fancy names’. However, there is only thing that drives all of these: Data. The term evolved to ‘Big Data’ as a large number of people started integrating technology into the smallest spheres of their life. However, the million dollar question in terms of knowledge and employment is “What is a big data Hadoop developer and its future?”
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Big Data adds terabytes of data every day from billions of users to develop a database of its own. However, this has patterns that can be productively used to understand customer preferences and benefit them with tailor made services that suit their lifestyle. Identification of these patterns is a time-taking, problem-filled process and solving these issues is the fundamental responsibility of a Big Data Hadoop developer.
Data is increasing at an exponential rate and the haystack is going to get bigger, thus making it difficult to find the needle. This is why leading companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Infosys, e-commerce giants, etc., have dwelled into the technology and laid-off a substantial size of workforce that couldn’t help meet the company’s ends. Big data Hadoop is well-equipped to identify the habit patterns, handle run-time errors, and help product as well as service based companies to offer best products to the audience.
However, according to multiple reports, India has a considerably low count of big data Hadoop developers. Industry experts at Mycareercube, an online education platform, reveal that the reason behind this can be broadly identified as a combination of lack of awareness, weak fundamentals, and improper technology training. In order to take on this problem from the roots, Mycareercube provides training courses in big data and Hadoop technology.
Comprising of MapReduce, Hive, HBase, Pig, Flume, Sqoop, and HDFS architecture, the module offers an overall in-depth knowledge about Hadoop and its applications. Though there are no prerequisites for joining the course, prior knowledge of SQL and Java helps in understanding the concepts. With 24*7 access to course material for comfortable learning, live interactions via virtual classroom remove the hurdles of accessibility and long travel hours. In addition, Mycareercube practice tests also offer sectional analysis for identifying weak areas.
Future of Big Data Hadoop developers is bright in India as the demand supply curve is strongly imbalanced while government projects, veteran companies, and new startups are constantly looking to integrate big data in their operations. It will not be an understatement to say that a developer that starts their career today stands to have a bright future in the next 5-7 years.
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mycareercube-blog · 6 years
Deep Learning: Basic Beginner Questions
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Machine learning is a technology that houses endless possibilities of discovery as well as application that drives the interest of a fair share of the current generation. The idea is to enhance human experience by making machines understanding and adaptive. However, machine learning houses a vast portfolio with substantial bifurcations and the air is loaded with technological terms to make out the difference. On that note, experts at mycareercube, a training institute based in Singapore, talk about the basics you need to know for understanding the overview of Deep Learning:-
What is deep learning? (Simple language please!)
Deep learning is a sub-section of machine learning. With the help of artificial neural networks, the machine constantly keeps learning through the large amount of data fed as input. The technology gets its name from the deep layering of neural networks that helps to learn.
In layman terms, the basic idea is to make the algorithms learn how to tackle a problem similar to how a human brain would.
What is a neural network?
Arguably the most used term you will come across while reading about deep learning, neural networks draw their inspirations from neuron cell functioning and responsibility in a human brain. The main function of these networks is to recognize patterns with data inputs from sensors on a large scale.
These patterns break down unsegregated data into numerical form be it photos, sound, or text. The developer inputs a data set of human perception regarding objects and other things so that a neural network can understand how varying data classifies under specific labels.
Why is it required?
Deep learning, if fed enough amount of information that is classified in the best possible manner, performs reliable regression between previous and expected events.
Simply put, deep learning algorithms carry the possibility of pre-determining an outcome on the basis of a certain data input that can help us minimize the impact, if not avoid it entirely.
Isn’t machine learning the same thing?
NO! One of the major reasons behind the requirement of deep learning is its efficiency when the amount of data is increased. In such cases, say 10 lakh samples of data, the accuracy of ML is lower than DL.
In addition, the technology learns the features of the input, say a photograph, directly whereas these have to be manually entered in the case of machine learning.
Where is deep learning currently used?
•    Natural language processing - factoring in the use of words, accent, and spell difference
•    Handwriting/Calligraphy examples - on the basis of pen movement and letters
•    Colorization of a monochrome photo – need extensive amount of data and neural networks
•    Virtual assistants and translators – Siri, Cortana, Alexa
What are the pre-requisites for studying deep learning?
Experts at mycareercube state that sufficient knowledge of python including frameworks and libraries is the most important part for understanding the approach to complex real-world problems. Basic machine learning techniques, functioning of neural networks in theory, and a fundamental command over mathematics including linear algebra and calculus.
Got any queries? Let us know in the comments below!
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mycareercube-blog · 6 years
What makes ITIL Certification the key to IT company development
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IT companies offer services to their customer that help in better management, productivity, and profit of their business. The provider of these services devices an entire framework ranging from designing to operational control for effective output.
With the changing times and technological advancement, it is imperative that these services are subjected to suitable upgradation. Experts at mycareercube, a training institute state that an ITIL professional is an inherent expert in designing and upgrading these services as per the dynamics of industry as well as the company.
An ITIL expert helps IT businesses establish an overall reliable environment that includes risk management, fund management, better customer relations, and streamlined framework of functionality. This is why ITIL can be easily merged with practices like TOGAF and Six Sigma.
Matching up to the competition is the first step of surpassing it and ITIL professionals ensure that every loophole in the company, managerial or technical, is addressed and stitched before it has an extensive impact.
This is fundamentally possible because the ITIL practices of a company are not dependent on the business models, but treat the same as a component of the bigger picture. Hence, adaptability is one of the key features of this domain.
Simply put: Jack of All Trades!
Business benefits
With every business, there are two common factors: Customer is King and Service is Queen. Every service is built on its individual management process and is meant to serve different individuals.
However, as demands change over time, it is important to tackle the unique issues that arise in association with delivery and maintenance. ITIL experts continuously analyze the development process in order to identify solutions of businesses, thereby ensuring optimum customer service. Gains from the course
Becoming an ITIL certified professional from reputed organizations like mycareercube equips an individual to prepare cost effective solutions for best use of resources and corresponding enhanced productivity.
Risk management of an IT company is efficiently handled by ITIL experts as they forecast service-centric issues. This equips the company to implement failsafe mechanisms in a manner that the issue is identified, and resolved, without hampering the service output to the client.
Overall, an ITIL certified professional is the backbone of a stable technological environment in a company. From development to delivery, the professional does his/her best to ensure streamlined IT services at every step.
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mycareercube-blog · 6 years
Big Data Hadoop: The most common questions
Big Data Hadoop has made its mark on this generation to an extent that you’ll find most people with a technological background talking about it. However, not everyone is aware of the basics, application, and why exactly this bubble of Hadoop has taken over everyone. Experts at mycareercube, an online education platform, breaks down the know-hows of the futuristic technology with the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):
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What is Big Data, Hadoop and the relation between them?
Big data is defined as a collection of data with an extremely large size that makes it impossible to be treated/processed by conventional data classification methods. Apache Hadoop, better known as Hadoop, is a combination of multiple programs that help in predicting and analyzing unorganized data for patterns that help in implementing machine learning or associated applications.
In layman terms, Hadoop is a way to manage random big data and easily access it in an organized format.
Where can Hadoop be implemented?
Hadoop can be used in areas where heaps of data is received and recorded on a daily basis. Some of the most common facets include traffic route optimization, product audience analysis, customer feedback utilization, critical network analysis, location management, etc.
Tell me a real-life case study of Hadoop implementation.
Orbitz, a travel search and fare Analysis Company, successfully used big data Hadoop practices to determine that in comparison to people who use Windows laptop, Apple’s Mac users are not only willing to spend more money, they always end up doing so with flights and hotel bookings. This helps the company to customize their website’s experience for every Mac user that helps them save money.
Do you need to have a former degree or knowledge?
No. Any willing aspirant can learn the technology with hard-work and dedication. However, previous knowledge of SQL database and Java has proven to assist improved understanding of Hadoop.
What are the job roles of a person with Hadoop certification?
Job roles of a certified Hadoop professional include Hadoop trainer, Hadoop/big data developer, Hadoop administrator, Big Data Engineer, Big Data Analyst, etc.
What is the role of Map Reduce in Hadoop?
It creates small sets of data that are later processed by reducer for better network management. This is used because it helps operate and manipulate the functionality of a large set of machines with minor changes in a few lines of code, thereby increasing the accessibility.
I read somewhere about ‘Spark’. Is it the same as Hadoop?
Hadoop functions with the combination of distributed storage and programming (MapReduce). Spark is an alternative for the programming part that has higher processing speed than MapReduce because instead of using a disk, it uses memory.
What is the best reference book for Hadoop?
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White
Where can I learn big data Hadoop?
Mycareercube is an online education website with a comprehensive certified course on big data Hadoop training that includes all the fundamentals, technologies, programming, and hands-on projects of the technology. It also offers virtual classes, 24*7 course material access, and mock tests for enhanced understanding of the student.
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