mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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Melting cheese on bread in a microwave doesn’t count, Mister Joestar.
....Why don’t you ask Miss Holly? I’m sure she’d love to help you out. I’m also sure she’d love you not burning her house down.
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Of course I do. I make a grilled cheese every other week.
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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It’s not the same! Chicken katsu isn’t fried chicken! I’ll make some myself!
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...Fried chicken is fried chicken.
Get Chicken Katsu at FamilyMart and call it a rest before you give yourself an aneurism.
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Yes but that’s besides the point! I’ve never had a craving for KFC at midnight before– and frankly I’m shocked that the Japanese branches aren’t open twenty-four hours!
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...You’ve been here before, haven’t you? If you’re hungry, get something at a convenience store. FamilyMart has good food.
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KFC.. it’s closed! Does Japan not believe in 24 hour service?!
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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“...My stomach finally healed up a bit. ...I should probably mention it to Jotaro...”
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...I haven’t seen him in a few days. ...Maybe he went elsewhere....
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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“I just....can’t get it right.“
Noriko groaned, dragging her pencil roughly against her sketchpad...before ultimately deciding it wasn’t good enough in the slightest. She seemed to be drawing a relatively large, muscular form with long, wavy hair. ...She was thankful no one would recognize the model she was thinking of.
“...How will I ever get his face right...?”
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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[I’m heeeere. I’m feeling a bit sick, so I’d like of like to get some threads going. Anyone interested?]
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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“That is strange. I, personally, would be somewhat disenchanted if a boy told me to shut up. ...No offense meant, of course. But considering the girls seem to be enamored with you based on your appearance, it seems...not smart of them.” Despite how he seemed to sound annoyed, she kept her voice calm. By now she knew she didn’t serve to annoy him. “...Wait a moment, Jotaro. You are aware I can defend myself too, aren’t you? I know I’m smaller and weaker than you...but ‘weaker’ doesn’t mean ‘weak’. Don’t worry about the girls trying to fight me. I’m good at settling confrontation before it escalates too far.”
As they entered Jotaro’s home, Noriko was overjoyed to see Holy. A bit too formal as always, Noriko gave several quick bows. “Mrs. Kujo! It’s nice to see you! Thank you for having me!” Truthfully, she was a little enamored with Holy. But mainly in an admiration sense. She was always so kind. That was the kind of woman Noriko wished she could be-- though frankly, she was quite sure Jotaro wouldn’t be so fond of her if she were just like Holy.
“...Oh...er...Jotaro. Before we watch that show, could I see the other models you’ve made?”
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He noticed her grip was lighter than before. Now it was nice, soft hold of his hand. He could relax a little now, his hand however had a pounding pulse after being held so hard. He rejoiced on the inside when he felt the blood flowing in, it was starting to get numb and really sore. To be honest, he did notice how small her hand was, and he was fine with that. What made him curious was how such a strength was in such small frail hands like hers.
“Knowing how they fight over my attention, probably. Hell, I told them all to shut up and they started arguing over who I was saying it to. It was really goddamn annoying.”, he had a hint of irritation in his voice. He got cranky just thinking about those girls. He listened to her story and raised a brow, looking at her. “No, that’s a little too far for them. Way too far. The most they’d do is probably fight you. Y’know, grab your hair and stuff. But I won’t let them do it either way.”, he noticed they were coming up to his house and he braced himself the embarassment of his mom. He looked over and rolled his eyes towards his mother, letting her know to do the same he was. He walked in with her in tow, and just as it seemed they were clear, his mom turned around. “Welcome back Jotaro! I see you brought Nori-ohhh, my baby Jotaro is growing up!”, she clearly noticed them holding hands. “Mom, please.”, Jotaro complained. 
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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“...Unfortunately...I’m finding this video game is causing me a lot of stress. ...But I want to finish it...”
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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“...I have to go to the market so frequently these days...”
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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So far so good. No tripping. No hurting Jotaro. No saying anything too bizarre. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. But given her short stature and how small her hand looked in Jotaro’s...she felt a bit silly. Knowing Jotaro, he either didn’t notice how small her hands were or he just didn’t care....at least that served to comfort her.
“...Do you really think they’d do that?” Noriko questioned in disbelief. “That sounds a bit like...a shoujo manga. ....I read one once...called ‘Mars’, I believe. ....It’s funny because you’re more like Mars than that guy was-- Ah....anyway...the girl was an artist....and to deter her from seeing the boy that was popular, a rival girl kidnapped her and tried to smash her hands so she could never draw again. ...Wonder if they’d try that.”
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He peeked back to see her expression. Looks like his advice wasn’t working, and it would probably be a while before she would change. But he was willing to wait, he is a patient man. She seemed to be thinking about something, and judging from her body language, he knew it wasn’t good thoughts.
He sat nonchalantly as she stood up and gripped his hand like she was about to fall off a cliff. He got up from and squeezed her hand a little. This kind of pain was nothing compared to what he experienced before, so it didn’t phase him. “Yeah, it’s okay. And it’s not too forward. Everything’s gonna be fine.”, he reassured her as he picked up his bag and lead the way out of the school towards his house. Jotaro was correct when he said no one from school was around, and thank God none of those girls too.
“Hey Noriko, you let me know if any of those girls that follow me start harassing you.”, he turned to the girl at his side, he lowered his head as a signal that he would shoo them off. But it was unclear whether or not it would be violent. He’d most likely try to be non-violent, but he wouldn’t hold anything back if it needed to get a little rough.
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...Silly me for thinking your offer to protect me was purely altruistic. It’s all for your own gain. I’ll go to the market later tonight and buy some for you.
[...She had no real reason to feel irritated with him, but somehow, it stung to know she could barter for her life with fruit. He didn’t enjoy her company. He enjoyed eating her food. ....It was a bit hurtful.
...Ew. ...Death and perfume...
...Out of curiosity...what do I smell like?
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No thank you. I will continue to do things as I have.
–…… I will keep him away as long as you get me fruits. Otherwise I will go to the marketplace and barter for some fruits myself. Perhaps I’ll even let him come in uninvited.
[An eyebrow was raised.]
Him? The corn-haired vampire? He smells like blood and deceased flesh.– And a strong scent of.. some mixture of aromatic smells.
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...That doesn’t make it much better. If you’re better than then, there’s no need to kill them. ...Just step around them.
[As he sat on her couch, she winced, hearing the wooden legs creak. With his muscles, he must’ve weighed a great deal...that poor couch was barely holding on. ...Oh well. Better the couch than her poor bed.]
...No. Sorry. I had school. Then I was busy trying to not be murdered in my own home by some awful vampire....creep man...
[It was obvious she struggled in trying to find a name to call him....perhaps in case he was listening.]
...You don’t smell him, do you? ...Does he smell dirty?
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I would not disagree with that statement. A few years ago I dismembered a human’s hand.– Although, that human was a nuisance.
I did not kill humans just for amusement however. I did it to test my powers, or because they were in my way.
[He moved over to the couch, trying to shift into a more comfortable position. Her couch was always rather tiny for him. But then again, he himself was gigantic.]
You are. But you also pique my interests. If you want to take it as a compliment, feel free to. However it was not.
….. We can talk about that later. Did you pick up some guava fruit?
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...In a different time-- In a different place...it could be you doing this to me. It could be you yearning to scoop out my innards just to see what sort of face I’d make..
[Yet unlike DIO...it was hard to hate Kars for it. Kars was unfortunately animalistic in nature. ...It was like being angry at a wolfe for eating a lamb. DIO at his core had been human and mortal at some point...he had no reasoning to be like Kars... that cruelty made all the difference.]
...I don’t see why. I remember you saying I was boring. ...But maybe “boring” is something you’re not so used to. I know that was more of a statement than a compliment, but I’m flattered in a strange way. ...I’d rather think of it as something nice rather than feeling as though I’m some interesting exhibit for you to watch and learn from.
...You have me curious now. What makes me interesting?
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If you say so. I was just curious.
It is just like I said. I understand. I was in such a position. I had people working for me, doing as I said, and frankly I caref little to nothing if they withered or not. There are some I felt a surge of heartbreak for– but others.. they were nothing.
I suppose if it were another time– I might have.
[He remained silent, glancing away then back at her. She deserved to hear the truth.]
I did. And I still would, if I so felt like it. However, after almost a century of living through a fate worst than death.. I  see no entertainment in it. At least not now– when I have other things to do.
As for why, it is simply because you interest me.
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...Is it important why? ...It’s not so important. ...You say you “understand” his motives. Would you feel the same way about me? ...Do you play cruel games like that with the lives of others?
[Noriko winced as he touched her stomach. Knowing Kars, it wasn’t meant to feel as strange as it did. Surely he was just curious about the nature of the wound.]
...Not to...be ungrateful..but why? You’re a being “higher than me”, aren’t you? Why put forth the effort?
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My question is why he targeted you. Why did he place an object to control you in the first place. I however understand why he would want to kill you. He considered you something of use and now that you are of no use to him, he finds you disposable– a form of entertainment.
[His left hand extended out, reaching to her stomach as he gingerly ran his hand down it.]
However, as long as I reside in your home– I will not allow him to kill you.
Do not think so lowly of yourself. Yes, it’s true most humans are feeble and weak– but even humans can stand on equal footing with beings higher than them.
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mycherrybonbon-blog · 9 years
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...He’s going to kill me.
...When I first met him...he placed something on my forehead that allowed him to control me. I narrowly escaped that...and only because of someone else’s interference.
...Before you arrived...he did this...
[Lifting her uniform shirt slightly, she showed a large round scar on her stomach. This time he’d been more tactful. But the first time, she was certain he’d meant to maim her.]
He comes back sometimes. He feeds off of me and brings me to a point where he just might kill me...and stops.
...I can’t survive on my own strength.
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I did not, but even then– he could have just left before I arrived.
… Why are you so frightened by such a pathetic man? What is his purpose for making a girl like you go through such worry?
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