mydesertbiome · 4 years
Why visit the desert?
Visiting a desert, you can avoid large crowds and have a peaceful experience. Deserts are beautiful. When we see pictures of the desert we see amazing trees, wildflowers, and sunsets.
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Reference: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.onthegotours.com/blog/2019/08/facts-about-the-sahara-desert/amp/
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
Desert Threats
Global warming is increasing drought.
High temperatures and low precipitation causes wildfires.
Wildfires alter the landscape, killing slow growing trees and allowing grasses to form.
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
Marbled Polecat
The marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) is a type of ferret living in the desert. The word Vormela is German for “little worm.”
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Reference: https://www.all-about-ferrets.com/marbled-polecat.html
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
The dromedary is also known as the Arabian camel. It is a ungulate with a hump on its back. Its hump is adapted to hold water, which allows it to withstand desert heat.
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Reference: https://www.wildrepublic.com/product/dromedary-camel/
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
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Reference: https://www.cms.int/raptors/es/species/addax-nasomaculatus
An addax is a white antelope animal found in the Sahara desert. They are criminally endangered and scientists go as far as to say there are only three left.
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
Fennec Fox
Fennec foxes (aka. desert foxes) are animals that can survive in the desert biome. Their large ears help them combat heat. They are native to these deserts: Sahara, Sinai Peninsula, Arava, and Arabian.
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Reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fennec_fox
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
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Ocotillo are shrubs found in the desert. The scientific name is Fouquieria splendens. They are found in the Sonoran Desert and Chihuahuan Desert in Southwest USA and northern Mexico.
Reference: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/fouquieria_splendens.shtml
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
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Joshua Tree
The Joshua tree is the largest of the Yucca species. The scieifntic name is Yucca brevifolia. These trees are very rare and are only found in the Mojave Desert. These trees do yield a yellow, brown fruit.
Reference: https://www.joshuatree.org/support/donate.html
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
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An agave is a monocot that is in hot and arid regions, like the desert. It is in the family of Asparagaceae. It is known for its succulence and ability to survive dry conditions.
Reference: http://content.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1706699_1707550_1814004,00.html
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
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Cacti are succulents in the family of Cactaceae that are found in deserts. Since they do not require a lot of water, they can survive the desert’s dry conditions. They are characterized by their spines and their special skin.
Reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saguaro
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mydesertbiome · 4 years
Desert Climate
The average desert temperate is 100 degrees fahrenheit. The average precipitation is 25 centimeters per year, which is very little. Although deserts do have seasons, it is hot year round. Deserts are located all over the world, but particularly in bands along 30 degrees latitude north and 30 degrees latitude south of the equator.
Reference: https://lizardpoint.com/geography/world-deserts-custom-quiz.php
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