mydramatea · 6 months
Queen of tear ep.2
Short review + personal thoughts, grab some popcorn because it's going to be a long post :D
In this ep. the showrunner show a little light from the past of our couple, how Hyun Woo was so attached to Hae In and how he wanted to protect her, also we can see some flashback from an accident that happened to Hae In.
Baek Hyun Woo point of view.
The ep. begins with Hyun Woo sleeping peacefully in his bed (like the weight on his shoulders were lifted) but it did not take too much to start to feel “guilty” about his happy mood and start to think how sad he should look like.
He goes to check on his wife because she was running late, he was caught (by her) checking if she was still breathing because in his eyes, she looked dead, and he kissed her out of the blue in a way of not being seen suspicious about his thought.
Latter on the episode, he is chatting with his friend and also reveal the secret that his wife would be dead in three months, so his friend propose to just start to act more lovely towards her with the purpose to get in his hand her inheritance* and so he does it, helping her in every way possible (even with her family) and buying flowers because of their marriage anniversary.
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Hong Hae In point of view.
She was feeling suspicious of her husband because he was acting out of character, he was acting like the old him (the one that was always taking care of her, the one that she followed to the country side in a helicopter, just to come back with him), but after she caught him browsing her disease, she got faith that maybe he was sincerely concern about her condition.
She even called him when once of her "enemies" try to bully her because she went alone to an event where it was needed to go with their partner. She felt hopeless because Hyun Woo was in a trial and he was unreachable to her and she needed him to win over her bully and clap her back, and out of the blue he showed up at the event.
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Personal thoughts
I did not mentioning the following objects because I want to discuss them here, it felt pointless to highlight them above, because is not part of their POV.
As far as we know, Seon Hwa (FL mom) hates her because she was the cause of the death of her/his sibling?¿ (I personally think this was an accident, and that accident affected her in way she start to be more logical and objective oriented)
About the inheritance* I think she sign a doc where she gives all of her money to Hyun Woo in case something happened to her.
We have Hyun Woo getting jealous about this new character (sorry I forgot the name and I am not sure if the name was Yoon Eun Seong D:) and yes, he is in denial about this jealousy.
We know that Hae In did not showed up at the meeting with her husband (ep.1) because she did not wanted to go, but because of her condition. So once again I am saying that she LOVES him but thanks to her trauma (the accident with her sibling) and condition she looks cold in the eyes of Hyun Woo.
So we know she have a brain tumor, that is inoperable, but miracles may occur.
I think the "feeling" or "faith" Hae In is having towards her husband does confirm at the end of the episode where Hyun Woo shot at the wild boar was on his way to attack her. BTW the CGI was horrible.
Hong Soo Cheol i do not know what to think about him, he can't be that weak?¿ I mean he is the opposite of his sister... and Seon Hwa babysit him alot.
Hong Beom Ja (Hae In aunt) I like how her character lights up the show, she may getting in jail by killing her dad girlfriend, she does not trust her and she is doing right.
Talking about Mo Seoul Hee (Beom Ja dad girlfriend) she will take the fortune of Hong Man Dae (her bf) by asking for that favor she won playing go with Man Dae. She is fishy!! I said it.
By now I just feel the family of Hyun Woo does not have consistency to add or vital information about the story aside for the flash backs from when he was living with them. I may be wrong but by now that is.
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That's all I can recall from yesterday ep. yup, I watched yesterday this episode and didn't feel inspired to write about it right away :D.
Hope you enjoyed this post!! and if you want to discuss some topics about this drama feel free to it ~.
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Btw. this scene from ep. 1 was top top top.
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mydramatea · 6 months
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When they went towards the hill 🤣
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mydramatea · 6 months
Queen of tears
Yesterday was the premiere of Queen of tears, it was an amazing premiere with our beloved Kim Soo Hyun (Baek Hyun Woo) and Kim Ji won (Hong Hae In).
The first episode highlights how the romance of both parties start to bloom and how the pression from the family members and her cold heart of our FL tear a part the love that our ML once had for her.
Baek Hyun Woo point of view
We were able to see how much he loved her and still love her but, at the same time, he is drowning in the memory he hold from the past of his fairy tale. She was perfect, she was lovely in her way but, that lovely person faded at some point of their marriage, so he feel unloved by her and start to live his live (or at least the little life he holds) away from her and her family (or he tries to).
Hong Hae In point of view
Our FL love her husband, she fight for him but, she do that in a way that our ML does not see it, her action in front of him does not match her feelings for him, which lead to a relationship that is getting every day colder, even tho both parties loves each other. She is more focused on her career, she is more logical than her husband.
-- End of the episode --
After a long and exhausted day (where our ML was hitting with a white lie?¿ from a devilish Spa owner, after of course our FL looked down on her). He took a briefly travel to his parents house (at the country side) where he was able to breath a little and think about his situation, he spoke out his idea of getting divorce, but his parents and siblings were against the idea. After his arrival from his travel, he took the decision of bring the divorce paper. He went to the bedroom of his wife with the divorce paper and his courage, he told her he wanted to talk but as always (or that it is seems to be) she talked first, telling him that she was dying and her life span were only three month. He was shocked and told her how much he loves her, leaving aside his own drama and forgetting about his divorce idea.
Positive points
Comedy (korean comedy, if you know what i mean, let's be honest, Soo Hyun drunk crying was on top note and his bodyguards, was a quite funny to watch)
Hilarious scenes ( and yes, I am looking at the therapist escene)
Good acting
Good transitions between scenes that connect the entire show in a harmonious way, AKA you do not get disconnected from the story telling.
Secondary characters are rich, it give a fresh air in each scene they are in (Beak Hyun Woo friends and Hong male family members also Hong Beom Ja)
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Overall a good start from this drama, we will see how it is ends.
What do you think? It will be a good drama or it is going to be a wannabe?¿ what were your best scenes from ep. 1?
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mydramatea · 6 months
My name is Mary, nice to meet you all!!
I have being under the k-drama spell over eight years?¿ not sure, my first k-drama was One more time (Netflix) and since then I don't know the life without a korean drama D:
Hope you enjoy this blog, where I intend to talk about the good and the bad of the drama I am watching. Also if you want to discuss about my opinion feel free to do it, but be kind D: I am human too, you know :D.
Best wishes for you that are reading this :).
Bye ~.
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