myeijadventure 8 years
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Check me out - right at the back, next to the girl in pink - this was me working on Sunday night in the bar
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myeijadventure 8 years
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Just a small collection of my EIJ memorabilia 馃榿
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myeijadventure 8 years
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Here's the article I helped the Staff Media Team write yesterday 馃榿
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myeijadventure 8 years
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Goodbye EIJ! For my first ever Jamboree, this was incredible! I can't really put into words how amazing this experience has been and how different this is to anything I've ever done before. I can see why there were many people who get called Jamboree Junkies - I'm even thinking about applying for the North America International World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia (a lot of people recommended that I sign up for that). I really loved every minute of my time here, even the noisy people in the tent behind (who kept my up most nights) couldn't take away my positive experience at this event. I highly recommend that everyone goes to a Jamboree at least once in their lives. I cannot believe it's over and I shall definitely be back in 2020!
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myeijadventure 8 years
As I was working multiple roles, I've acquired quite a few nicknames at this event, these include: Random Task (Sub-Camp Staff Member) The Wild Card (Front of House Catering Team Member) Blondie (Hot Stuff Catering - Marine - Team Member) General (Sweetie - drunk guy I met outside the staff chill area) The 12 Year Old (the Relaxation Team) Floater (Guy in the Bar)
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myeijadventure 8 years
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We had rain last night and more was expected for the rest of the day, so I packed my stuff up early this morning and tried to get me tent down when it was as dry as possible. I made breakfast this morning (I overslept yesterday so got a smoothie from the Hard Rock Cafe - which was awesome and only a 拢1!). I was really sad to be leaving and really wish I could've stayed for the full week. Next time, I'll definitely stay for the full week and I'll definitely be coming again. I met up with the Staff Hub Team at about 10.30am and said my Goodbyes. I really enjoyed spending my time with the different team leaders and they all asked if I really had to leave... They were all so lovely and welcoming and I had a great experience getting to know everyone and all the different roles that are available.
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myeijadventure 8 years
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My last night in the bar - it was quiz night and I teamed up with a group of Scottish people and Erin (who I met when I was working on the catering team). We didn't win but we had a good laugh and, again, everyone was really friendly 馃槉
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myeijadventure 8 years
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Today I was on the Staff Media team. I walked around site with Clair and Mary finding news stories to put in the daily newsletter for the all the leaders. I helped write an article on the Facilities Team Leader ('A Day in the Life Of' article). We also went on a match making mission, trying to find love for the single leaders. We managed to line up a blind date between two leaders (unfortunately I won't be on site when the date takes place, so I'll have to keep an eye out for the newsletter). We walked around the whole site and I learnt all about the different activities the participants can take part in. We went over to the Science tent and I had a weird contraption places on my head, learning about sound waves. After the article had been written we attended the hospitality tent and waited around for the CEO of Guiding to arrive. After dinner, we went back round the activities that were open for the staff and leaders. There was sweetie making (the staff have teamed up and there's a competition on who can sell the most sweets, the teams have even planned a marketing campaign each for their sweet sales). Then we went over to survival and I got to use the catapults. After that we visited the Rainforest sub-camp and saw the little hub they designed. We visited one of the units staying on site and they gave us home made flapjacks (which were amazing) and they gave us each a flashing helium balloon. My time with the media team was great, I learnt so much and it was great to get out and see the sub camps and all the different units' decorations around their tents (which included decorative - rainforest-themed - fences and arches).
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myeijadventure 8 years
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After the bar closes, there's a chill out zone you can go to where most people carry on drinking. This is a great place to go if you're not quite ready for sleep but don't want to bother your neighbours by talking in your tent until 2am (the tent behind me - please note this!). So, this is a selection of people in the chill out tent who decided to do press-ups at 12.30am. The chill zone has such a great atmosphere and even if you don't want to carry on drinking, there's a few members of staff who will serve tea and coffee until an inhumane hour of the night/morning. Hats off to those guys (and girls)
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myeijadventure 8 years
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This was me sitting down at the end of my shift at the bar. Pictures is the rowdy lot of leaders slowly leaving the bar. Tonight was intense. I think the bar was my least favourite but I've done bar work before so I knew what to expect. The night did go extremely quickly though. The highlight of tonight was when someone decided to start off a huge drunken sing-song at the end of the night of "Have You Ever Seen a Penguin Come to Tea". We also had the lock and key party tonight - I'm yet to find someone who has the key to my padlock haha. It was a good night though and all the staff working the bar were lovely and welcoming 馃嵕馃嵎馃嵏 They all truly deserve so much more credit than they get, my feet are in pieces after that shift
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myeijadventure 8 years
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The menu tonight was a roast dinner... It was so good I felt the need to take a picture and share this. I haven't eaten so well in my life! I just can't get over how great the food is. This was a great meal to set me up for my night behind the bar 馃憤馃徎馃槉
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myeijadventure 8 years
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I forgot to mention that I braved the showers this morning. They weren't too bad, water was hot, pressure was good. I feel so clean now, so here's my happy face 馃榿
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myeijadventure 8 years
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I had a fantastic day at the relaxation station! I took lots of bookings and learnt about all sorts of treatments. I had a foot massage and I had the ear candles done. I was a bit dubious about the ear candles but I must say, I was pleasantly surprised; it didn't hurt and I can hear so much better. I re-did the booking sheets and went to the bank and changed up some cash. All the ladies (and the guy) are all really friendly and professional, they made me (and all the leaders who visited) feel relaxed and provided an utterly relaxing and chilled atmosphere - an oasis of serenity in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the jamboree. All in all my day at the relaxation station was pretty awesome!
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myeijadventure 8 years
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Taking bookings at the Relaxation Station today! Places are booking up quickly. When I first arrived I had a foot massage so one of the guys could train... I could get used to this 馃榿
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myeijadventure 8 years
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In the bar with my official EIJ wine glass 馃憤馃徎馃嵎
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myeijadventure 8 years
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The Opening Ceremony The Jamboree has officially been opened! All of the subcamps came in and the different nationalities all waved their flags in the flag parade. We met the Jamboree Chiefs, who welcomed us to the event. We also met the Jamboree cast who danced and we listened to the official Jamboree song (after a really random Mozart and La Roux remix...). It was a really great atmosphere and I think everyone's really excited
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myeijadventure 8 years
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They have a beach!
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