myeroticstories · 2 months
The Ballad of Bartholomew: An Asshole's Odyssey in Search of His Mama (and Maybe a Little Less Heartbreak)
This story is inspired by two Frank Zappa songs - "Broken Hearts are for Assholes" and "You Are What You Is" - as well as a Zappa-inspired song I wrote titled "Ain't Your Mama".
Chapter One: The Asshole's Lament
In the heart of Assholeville, a city where neon lights flickered like dying embers and the stench of despair hung heavy in the air, resided Bartholomew, a man perpetually shrouded in a cloud of self-inflicted misery. Bartholomew, a self-proclaimed connoisseur of heartbreak, reveled in the company of equally lost and broken souls, frequenting establishments like The Grape and The Chest, where the only currency was heartache and the only solace was shared misery.
One fateful night, as Bartholomew nursed his sorrows at The Grape, a voice boomed from the dimly lit stage, cutting through the haze of cigarette smoke and cheap perfume. "Hey! Do you know what you are?" the voice bellowed, its echoes bouncing off the grimy walls. Bartholomew, startled from his melancholic reverie, looked up to see a figure shrouded in darkness, their face obscured by a spotlight.
"You're an asshole!" the voice continued, its tone dripping with accusation. "An ASSHOLE!"
Bartholomew bristled at the insult, his pride momentarily wounded. He scanned the faces around him, searching for any sign of agreement. But the patrons of The Grape, their expressions etched with a familiar blend of apathy and despair, remained unmoved.
"Some of you might not agree," the voice continued, its cadence shifting to a mocking lilt, "'Cause you probably likes a lot of misery."
Bartholomew's anger subsided, replaced by a sense of reluctant recognition. The voice had struck a chord, its words echoing the unspoken truth that lingered in the depths of his soul.
"But think a while and you will see..." the voice intoned, its tone softening. "Broken hearts are for assholes."
The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of countless shattered dreams and unrequited loves. Bartholomew felt a knot tighten in his chest, a familiar ache that had become his constant companion.
"Broken hearts are for assholes," the voice repeated, its echoes fading into the smoky haze. "Are you an asshole?"
Bartholomew lowered his gaze, his reflection staring back at him from the murky depths of his half-empty glass. He saw a man haunted by a lifetime of poor choices and missed opportunities, a man who reveled in his own misery.
"Are you an asshole too?" the voice whispered, its echoes lingering in the silence. "Whatcha gonna do, 'cause you're an asshole..."
Bartholomew remained frozen, his mind reeling from the implications of the question. He was an asshole, he realized, a connoisseur of heartbreak, a collector of broken dreams. But what was he going to do about it?
As the voice faded into the background, replaced by the melancholic strains of a forgotten love song, Bartholomew sat alone in the dimly lit bar, grappling with the undeniable truth of his existence. He was an asshole, and broken hearts were his currency. But in the depths of his despair, a glimmer of hope flickered. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a way to break free from the cycle of misery, to find solace in the ruins of his shattered heart.
Chapter Two: The Grape's Grim Embrace
Bartholomew, burdened by the revelation of his assholery, sought refuge in the familiar embrace of The Grape. Its dimly lit interior, reeking of stale beer and unfulfilled dreams, offered a perverse comfort, a sanctuary for those who reveled in their own misery.
As Bartholomew pushed open the heavy wooden door, a wave of familiar sounds washed over him. The clinking of glasses, the muffled conversations, the melancholic strains of a forgotten love song - all blended into a symphony of despair. He found his usual spot at the bar, a worn leather stool that had borne witness to countless tales of heartbreak and woe.
Nursing a glass of cheap whiskey, Bartholomew surveyed the room, his gaze lingering on the faces of his fellow patrons. There was Agnes, the perpetually heartbroken poetess, her eyes perpetually moist with unshed tears. And there was Reginald, the failed musician, his dreams of stardom shattered like a dropped guitar.
Bartholomew, despite his own misery, felt a pang of empathy for these lost souls. They were all assholes, he realized, each one carrying the weight of their own broken hearts. But in their shared misery, they found a strange camaraderie, a twisted sense of belonging.
As the night wore on, Bartholomew's thoughts drifted back to the enigmatic voice that had confronted him the previous night. "Maybe you think you're a lonely guy," the voice had taunted, "Maybe you think you're too tough to cry."
Bartholomew scoffed at the memory. He was tough, he assured himself, hardened by a lifetime of disappointment and betrayal. He didn't need to cry, he didn't need anyone.
But as the whiskey flowed and the night grew darker, Bartholomew's resolve began to crumble. He felt a lump forming in his throat, a familiar tightness in his chest. He tried to fight back the tears, but they welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision.
Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Bartholomew let the tears flow freely. He wept for his broken heart, for his wasted years, for his assholery. He wept for the countless opportunities he had squandered, for the love he had lost, for the dreams he had abandoned.
As Bartholomew's sobs echoed through the dimly lit bar, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Agnes, her face etched with a look of understanding.
"It's okay to cry, Bartholomew," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. "We're all assholes here."
Bartholomew nodded, his tears mingling with the whiskey on his cheeks. He had come to The Grape seeking solace in his misery, but he had found something more profound - a shared humanity, a recognition of his own flaws, and the possibility of redemption.
Chapter Three: A Whirlwind of Assholery
Bartholomew's newfound sense of camaraderie at The Grape was short-lived, however. As the nights blurred into a haze of cheap whiskey and shared misery, he found himself drawn into a whirlwind of absurd encounters that only served to solidify his status as an asshole.
One night, he was captivated by the enigmatic Dagmar, a creature of unparalleled ugliness, whose pancake makeup and protruding whiskers somehow coalesced into a perversely alluring beauty. Bartholomew, mesmerized by Dagmar's unconventional charm, found himself drawn into a bizarre dance of desire and repulsion.
Fueled by liquid courage and a desperate need for distraction, Bartholomew embarked on a series of increasingly questionable escapades. He locked lips with a sailor named Tex Abel, whose breath reeked of the sea and cheap rum. He indulged in the "reeking buns" of Angel, a demented bread-boffer whose culinary creations were as repulsive as they were addictive. He even found himself sniffing cucumber pudding like it was cocaine, his senses overwhelmed by the sheer absurdity of it all.
As Bartholomew spiraled deeper into his assholery, he became a regular at the local wrestling matches, his cheers echoing through the smoke-filled arena. He marveled at the flamboyant Ko-Ko, whose costumes defied explanation, and winced as the mighty Caesar faced off against the Samoan powerhouse Kona. He even found himself "working the wall" with Michael, a 379-pound behemoth whose sheer size left Bartholomew's back in agonizing pain.
But amidst the chaos and absurdity, Bartholomew's mind remained fixated on the haunting refrain that had echoed through The Grape: "Broken hearts are for assholes." He tried to ignore it, to drown it out with whiskey and reckless abandon, but the words lingered, a constant reminder of his own shortcomings.
One Sunday, as Bartholomew stumbled out of the arena, his body aching and his mind reeling, he realized that he had forgotten the reason for his escapades. He had been so consumed by the whirlwind of assholery that he had lost sight of his original quest for solace and redemption.
"You're an asshole, you're an asshole," the voice echoed in his mind, its mocking laughter echoing through the empty streets.
Bartholomew hung his head in shame, his shoulders slumped in defeat. He was an asshole, and no amount of whiskey or wrestling matches could change that. He had come to The Grape seeking a way out of his misery, but he had only sunk deeper into the abyss.
As Bartholomew trudged back to his lonely apartment, the weight of his assholery bore down on him like a leaden cloak. He had tried to escape it, to outrun it, but it had caught up with him, its grip tightening with each step.
Bartholomew knew that he had to face his demons, to confront the asshole within. But the road to redemption was long and arduous, and he wasn't sure he had the strength to walk it.
Chapter Four: The Asshole's Anthem
Bartholomew's journey through the underbelly of Assholeville led him to another infamous den of iniquity, The Chest. Its reputation preceded it, a haven for those who reveled in their own depravity. As Bartholomew crossed its threshold, he was greeted by a cacophony of raucous laughter, drunken slurs, and the unmistakable stench of desperation.
The Chest was a stark contrast to The Grape, its dimly lit corners replaced by garish neon signs and its melancholic patrons replaced by a motley crew of misfits and malcontents. Bartholomew, despite his own proclivity for misery, found himself repulsed by the sheer vulgarity of the place.
As he navigated the crowded bar, Bartholomew's ears were assaulted by a familiar voice, this time emanating from a makeshift stage in the corner. The voice, amplified by a crackling microphone, launched into a raucous anthem, its lyrics echoing the sentiment that had haunted Bartholomew for weeks.
"Now you been to The Grape 'n' you been to The Chest," the voice crooned, its tone dripping with sardonic glee, "'N' now I think you know what you are: you're an asshole."
Bartholomew winced at the bluntness of the accusation, his cheeks burning with shame. He had tried to deny it, to bury it beneath a mountain of whiskey and regret, but the truth was undeniable. He was an asshole, and he had the scars to prove it.
The voice continued, its lyrics taking an unexpected turn. "You say you can't live with what you been through," it sang, its tone shifting to a mocking falsetto, "Well, ladies you can be an asshole too."
Bartholomew's gaze shifted to the women scattered throughout The Chest, their faces painted with a mixture of defiance and despair. He saw the same emptiness in their eyes that he had seen in his own reflection, the same hunger for something more, something better.
"You might pretend you ain't got one on the bottom of you," the voice continued, its lyrics growing increasingly explicit, "But don't fool yerself girl, it's lookin' at you."
Bartholomew cringed at the crudeness of the words, but he couldn't deny their underlying truth. Assholery, he realized, was not limited by gender or social status. It was a universal affliction, a stain on the human condition.
As the song reached its climax, its lyrics descending into a litany of graphic descriptions and vulgar suggestions, Bartholomew felt a wave of nausea wash over him. He had come to The Chest seeking a distraction from his own misery, but he had found only a grotesque reflection of his own inner turmoil.
With a newfound sense of resolve, Bartholomew turned and fled The Chest, its raucous laughter and vulgar lyrics echoing in his ears. He had seen the depths of his own assholery, and he was determined to find a way out.
Chapter Five: The Asshole's Epiphany
Bartholomew stumbled out of The Chest, the harsh neon lights of Assholeville blurring in his tear-filled eyes. The vulgar lyrics of the asshole's anthem continued to reverberate in his mind, a relentless reminder of his own depravity.
"Don't fool yerself, girl," the voice echoed, its crude refrain a twisted mantra. "It's goin' right up yer poop chute."
Bartholomew shuddered, his stomach churning at the graphic imagery. He had witnessed the depths of human degradation, the unadulterated assholery that permeated every corner of his existence. And he was sick of it.
As Bartholomew wandered aimlessly through the dimly lit streets, a sense of clarity washed over him. He had spent his entire life wallowing in misery, seeking solace in the company of fellow assholes, but he had found only emptiness and despair.
He had been to The Grape, where heartbreak was the currency of choice. He had been to The Chest, where vulgarity reigned supreme. He had kissed sailors, sniffed bread, and wrestled with giants, all in a futile attempt to escape the truth of his own assholery.
But now, standing alone in the cold night air, Bartholomew realized that he had been running in the wrong direction. He had been searching for redemption in all the wrong places, seeking solace in the company of those who were just as lost and broken as he was.
"Aw, I knew you'd be surprised..." the voice whispered, its mocking tone a final insult.
Bartholomew clenched his fists, his anger rising like a tidal wave. He was done being surprised, done being an asshole. He was ready to change, to break free from the cycle of misery that had defined his existence.
With newfound determination, Bartholomew turned and walked away from the neon lights of Assholeville, his footsteps echoing through the empty streets. He didn't know where he was going, or what he would find, but he knew one thing for certain: he was no longer content to be an asshole.
The road to redemption would be long and arduous, but Bartholomew was ready to face the challenge. He had seen the depths of his own depravity, and he was determined to rise above it.
Chapter Six: Return to Assholeville - Embracing the Asshole Within
Months had passed since Bartholomew's tearful exodus from The Chest. In the quiet solitude of his self-imposed exile, he had grappled with the demons of his past, the echoes of "You're an asshole" ringing in his ears like a relentless tinnitus. Yet, in the depths of his introspection, a profound realization had dawned upon him.
Bartholomew returned to Assholeville a changed man. Gone was the desperate pursuit of fleeting pleasures, the futile attempts to drown his sorrows in cheap whiskey and meaningless encounters. In their place was a newfound acceptance, a quiet resignation to the undeniable truth of his existence.
As he walked the familiar streets of Assholeville, the neon lights no longer held the same allure. The raucous laughter emanating from The Grape and The Chest seemed distant and hollow. Bartholomew had come to terms with his assholery, recognizing it as an intrinsic part of his identity.
"Do you know what you are?" a voice whispered in his mind, its tone no longer accusatory, but rather a gentle reminder.
"I am what I is," Bartholomew replied, his voice firm and resolute. "I is what I am."
He understood now that his past mistakes, his moments of weakness and self-destruction, were all part of the tapestry of his life. He was an asshole, yes, but he was also a complex and multifaceted individual, capable of both darkness and light.
"A cow don't make ham," the voice continued, its words a simple yet profound truth.
Bartholomew smiled, a genuine smile that had been absent from his face for far too long. He was not what he was not, and he had wasted too much time trying to be someone he wasn't.
"You ain't what you're not," the voice echoed, its message clear. "So see what you got."
Bartholomew looked around him, his gaze taking in the familiar sights and sounds of Assholeville. He saw the brokenness, the desperation, the shared humanity that permeated the city. He saw himself reflected in the eyes of his fellow assholes, their flaws and imperfections mirroring his own.
"You are what you is," the voice concluded, its tone filled with acceptance. "An' that's all it is."
Bartholomew nodded, his heart filled with a newfound sense of peace. He was an asshole, and that was okay. He had made mistakes, he had hurt people, but he was also capable of love, compassion, and growth.
As Bartholomew continued his journey through Assholeville, he no longer sought to escape his assholery, but rather to embrace it. He understood that his flaws were what made him human, his imperfections a testament to the challenges he had faced and overcome.
Bartholomew's return to Assholeville was not a triumphant homecoming, nor was it a surrender to his past. It was a quiet acceptance of his true self, a recognition that he was, and always would be, an asshole. But in that acceptance, Bartholomew found a freedom he had never known before, a freedom to be himself, flaws and all.
Chapter Seven: The Wannabe Bluesman
In his newfound acceptance of his true self, Bartholomew found himself drawn to the vibrant underbelly of Assholeville's music scene. One night, he stumbled upon a smoky dive bar where a young man, barely out of his teens, was belting out a bluesy tune with all the angst and bravado he could muster.
The young man, clad in a too-tight denim jacket and sporting a meticulously sculpted pompadour, seemed out of place in the gritty surroundings. His voice, though earnest, lacked the depth and rawness that Bartholomew associated with true blues singers.
As the young man wailed about lost love and hard times, Bartholomew couldn't help but chuckle. This kid, clearly from a comfortable background, was trying to emulate the pain and suffering of those who had lived the blues. It was a caricature, a parody of a genre that was born out of genuine hardship.
"A foolish young man," Bartholomew thought to himself, "From a middle-class family, started singin' the blues 'cause he thought it was manly."
The young man's performance took an even more absurd turn as he began to pepper his lyrics with outdated slang and exaggerated accents, channeling the Kingfish from the old Amos 'n' Andy radio show.
"Holy mack'd dere, Holy makl'e dere," he crooned, his voice dripping with faux-southern charm. "He tells you that chitlins, well, they taste just like candy."
Bartholomew shook his head in amusement. The young man's attempt at authenticity was so contrived, so blatantly inauthentic, that it bordered on the comical.
"He thinks that he's got the whole thing down," Bartholomew mused, "From the Nivea Lotion to the Royal Crown."
The young man's performance reached its crescendo, his voice cracking with emotion as he belted out a final chorus about heartbreak and betrayal. Bartholomew, despite his initial skepticism, found himself strangely moved by the young man's earnestness.
Perhaps, Bartholomew thought, there was a certain beauty in the young man's naive attempt to connect with a genre that was so far removed from his own experience. It was a reminder that even assholes, in their own misguided way, were capable of seeking something deeper, something more meaningful.
Chapter Eight: Acceptance and Self-Discovery
As the wannabe bluesman's final notes faded into the smoky haze of the dive bar, Bartholomew found himself contemplating the young man's performance. Despite its inauthenticity, it had sparked a sense of introspection within him.
"Do you know what you are?" the familiar voice whispered, its tone gentle and reassuring.
Bartholomew nodded, his gaze fixed on the empty stage. "I am what I is," he replied, his voice filled with a quiet conviction.
He had spent so much of his life trying to be someone he wasn't, chasing after fleeting pleasures and empty validation. He had been an asshole, a connoisseur of misery, a collector of broken hearts. But through it all, he had never truly accepted himself for who he was.
"You is what you am," the voice continued, its words echoing the simple truth that Bartholomew had finally come to understand.
He was an asshole, yes, but he was also so much more. He was a complex and flawed individual, capable of both darkness and light. He had made mistakes, he had hurt people, but he had also learned, grown, and evolved.
"A cow don't make ham," the voice reminded him, its gentle humor a welcome balm to his weary soul.
Bartholomew chuckled, a genuine laugh that bubbled up from deep within. He was not what he was not, and that was okay. He had spent too much time trying to fit into a mold that was never meant for him.
"You ain't what you're not," the voice continued, its message clear. "So see what you got."
Bartholomew closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He had spent so long focusing on his flaws, his shortcomings, his assholery. But now, he was ready to see what he had to offer the world, to embrace the unique blend of strengths and weaknesses that made him who he was.
"You are what you is," the voice concluded, its tone filled with unwavering acceptance. "An' that's all it is."
Bartholomew opened his eyes, his gaze filled with a newfound clarity. He was an asshole, and that was part of his story. But it was not the whole story. He was also a survivor, a seeker, a flawed yet resilient individual who had navigated the treacherous waters of Assholeville and emerged, battered but unbroken.
As Bartholomew stepped out of the dive bar and into the cool night air, he felt a sense of liberation he had never known before. He was no longer defined by his past mistakes, his broken heart, or the label of "asshole." He was simply Bartholomew, a complex and multifaceted individual, embracing the totality of his being.
The road ahead was uncertain, but Bartholomew was ready to face it with newfound confidence and self-acceptance. He was an asshole, and that was okay. Because in the end, he was what he was, and that was all it was.
Chapter Nine: The Chameleon's Charade
Bartholomew's journey of self-discovery led him to a chance encounter that further solidified his newfound perspective. As he strolled through the bustling marketplace of Assholeville, he overheard a heated conversation between a young man and his exasperated mother.
The young man, dressed impeccably in designer clothes and sporting a carefully cultivated air of sophistication, was berating his mother for her "unrefined" ways. He spoke with a clipped accent, his words peppered with pretentious phrases and veiled insults.
"A foolish young man of the Negro persuasion," Bartholomew thought to himself, recognizing the young man's desperate attempt to distance himself from his heritage.
The young man's mother, her face etched with a mixture of sadness and frustration, tried to reason with her son, but he remained obstinate. He had devoted his life to becoming something he was not, shedding his cultural identity in favor of a hollow imitation of white upper-class society.
"He stopped eating pork, he stopped eating greens," Bartholomew observed, his heart aching for the young man's misguided pursuit of acceptance.
The young man's transformation was not merely superficial. He had traded his dashiki, a symbol of his African heritage, for a pair of Jordache jeans, the epitome of mainstream fashion. He had even taken up golf, a sport traditionally associated with the white elite, and boasted of his impressive scores.
"Now he says to himself, 'I ain't no nigger no more,'" Bartholomew thought, a wave of sadness washing over him.
The young man's denial of his own identity was a painful reminder of the lengths people would go to fit in, to be accepted by a society that often valued conformity over individuality.
Bartholomew watched as the young man stormed off, leaving his mother standing alone in the crowded marketplace. He felt a pang of empathy for both of them, the mother mourning the loss of her son's true self, and the son trapped in a charade of his own making.
As Bartholomew continued on his way, he couldn't help but reflect on his own journey of self-discovery. He had been an asshole, yes, but he had also been guilty of trying to be someone he wasn't, of seeking validation in the wrong places.
But now, Bartholomew was determined to embrace his true self, flaws and all. He would no longer deny his past, his mistakes, or his assholery. He would be Bartholomew, and that was enough.
Chapter Ten: The Materialist's Mirage
Bartholomew's path led him to a bustling cafe, the air thick with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the murmur of conversations. He settled into a corner table, observing the patrons as they went about their daily routines. His attention was drawn to a particularly loud and animated group, their voices rising above the din.
At the center of the group was a man, impeccably dressed and exuding an air of self-importance. He spoke with a condescending tone, his words laced with a barely concealed disdain for those around him.
"I don't understand you," he declared, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Could you please speak more clearly?"
Bartholomew recognized the man's type immediately. He was a materialist, his self-worth defined by his possessions and his status in society. His every word, every gesture, was a carefully constructed performance designed to impress and intimidate.
"Mercedes Benz," the man continued, his voice rising in pitch. "Who is who? An' what is what? An' why is this? Appropriot!"
Bartholomew cringed at the man's mispronunciation of the word "appropriate," a subtle yet telling sign of his insecurity. He was trying so hard to fit in, to project an image of sophistication, that he had lost sight of his own authenticity.
The man's companions, eager to please their leader, nodded in agreement, their laughter echoing through the cafe. Bartholomew watched in bemusement as the man continued his monologue, his words a jumble of self-aggrandizement and thinly veiled insults.
"If you don't like what you has got, drop it in the dirt an' let it rot," the man proclaimed, his voice booming with self-righteousness.
Bartholomew couldn't help but scoff. The man's materialistic worldview was so shallow, so devoid of any real meaning or purpose. He was chasing after a mirage, a fleeting illusion of happiness that would ultimately leave him empty and unfulfilled.
As the man's rant reached its climax, his words becoming increasingly incoherent and nonsensical, Bartholomew rose from his table and quietly slipped out of the cafe. He had seen enough, heard enough. The materialist's charade was a stark reminder of the emptiness that awaited those who defined themselves by their possessions.
Bartholomew walked away from the cafe, his heart filled with a newfound appreciation for the simple things in life. He had been an asshole, yes, but he had also learned the value of authenticity, of embracing his true self, flaws and all.
He was Bartholomew, and that was enough.
Chapter Eleven: The Turning Point
Bartholomew left the cafe, the materialist's words echoing in his ears like a discordant symphony. The man's obsession with possessions and status served as a stark reminder of the emptiness that awaited those who chased after fleeting illusions of happiness. Bartholomew had been there, done that. He had sought solace in the arms of countless lovers, in the bottom of countless bottles, and in the fleeting highs of reckless abandon. But none of it had filled the void within him.
As he walked the streets of Assholeville, Bartholomew's thoughts drifted to his own life, his own struggles. He had been an asshole, a connoisseur of misery, a collector of broken hearts. But he had also been a seeker, a wanderer, a man in search of something more, something meaningful.
Bartholomew's journey had taken him to the depths of despair and the heights of absurdity. He had confronted his own flaws, embraced his imperfections, and learned to accept himself for who he was. But something was still missing.
He longed for connection, for a sense of belonging, for a love that transcended the superficiality of Assholeville's neon-lit streets. He yearned for a life that was more than just a series of fleeting encounters and empty promises.
As Bartholomew reached his apartment, the nagging voice of his missus, Bertha, echoed in his mind. Bertha, an overbearing battle-axe with a penchant for nagging and a voice that could curdle milk, had been a constant thorn in his side. Their relationship, once a source of comfort, had devolved into a battleground of resentment and frustration.
Bartholomew's thoughts drifted to the framed photograph of his mother that sat on his bedside table. He hadn't seen her in years, not since she had left him and his father to pursue her own dreams. The contrast between the warmth in his mother's eyes and the cold, critical gaze of Bertha was stark and unsettling.
A wave of sadness washed over Bartholomew as he gazed at his mother's smiling face. He missed her, missed the warmth of her embrace, the sound of her laughter. He longed to reconnect with her, to bridge the gap that had grown between them over the years.
Fueled by a mix of desperation and newfound determination, Bartholomew made a decision. He would leave Assholeville, embark on a journey to find his mother, and hopefully, in the process, escape the clutches of his overbearing missus. He packed a small bag, leaving behind the remnants of his past, and stepped out into the night, ready to face the unknown.
As he hailed a cab, the driver's familiar greeting echoed through the still night air.
"Where to, buddy?"
Bartholomew hesitated for a moment, his mind filled with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.
"Just drive," he said finally, his voice filled with a newfound determination. "I'm looking for my mama."
And so, Bartholomew's odyssey began, a journey that would take him from the familiar streets of Assholeville to the bustling heart of Detroit, where a chance encounter with a smoking hot chick wearing a burka would set him on a path he could never have imagined.
Chapter Twelve: A Saturday Night Detour
Detroit was breathing heavy that Saturday night, a symphony of sirens and revving engines providing the backdrop for the city's never-ending hustle. In a cramped apartment on the east side, the symphony was punctuated by the sharp clangs of a domestic dispute. Me and the missus, we'd tangled ourselves in a verbal brawl, each word a barbed hook digging deeper into the festering wounds of our relationship.
Fed up with the escalating cacophony, I did what any self-respecting Detroiter would do - I stormed out, slamming the door behind me with a satisfying thud. The cool night air was a welcome balm to my heated temper as I flagged down a cab, its yellow paint peeling like the facade of a forgotten dream.
"Where to, buddy?" the driver grunted, his voice thick with the accent of a thousand cigarettes.
"Just drive," I mumbled, sinking into the cracked vinyl seat.
The driver, a grizzled veteran of Detroit's mean streets, didn't need further instructions. He navigated the labyrinthine roads with the ease of a seasoned explorer, weaving through potholes and dodging stray cats with practiced precision.
As the cityscape whizzed by, I struck up a conversation with the driver, a man named Ahab who hailed from some far-off desert land. We talked about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness, our words punctuated by the occasional honk and the distant wail of a police siren.
Ahab, despite his gruff exterior, proved to be a surprisingly insightful conversationalist. He shared stories of his homeland, his family, and his dreams for the future. I, in turn, poured out my own frustrations, my anxieties, and my longing for a life less ordinary.
As we cruised down Woodward Avenue, a vision in black leather caught my eye. A woman, her curves accentuated by a skin-tight burka, was strutting down the sidewalk, her confidence radiating like a beacon in the night. I couldn't help but stare, my heart pounding in my chest.
Ahab, noticing my distraction, chuckled knowingly. "Eyes on the road, my friend," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "Remember, you're not a free man tonight."
I sighed, tearing my gaze away from the enigmatic woman. Ahab was right. I was still tethered to the missus, my freedom a distant dream. But for a fleeting moment, as I watched the woman disappear into the crowd, I felt a spark of hope, a glimmer of possibility.
Perhaps, in this city of broken dreams and shattered illusions, there was still a chance for me to find my own path, to break free from the chains of my past and embrace the unknown future.
Chapter Thirteen: Southbound and Sin City
The morning sun painted the Detroit skyline in shades of orange and pink as I boarded a plane bound for warmer climes. My destination was the Windy City, but first, a brief layover in Cincinnati. A chance encounter with a bubbly flight attendant named Cindy led to a whirlwind romance in a cramped airport lounge. It was fleeting, forgettable, but it served its purpose – a temporary distraction from the heartache back home.
Finally, I touched down in Chicago, the city's energy palpable even from the airport terminal. I checked into a nondescript hotel, its faded wallpaper and worn carpets a testament to its storied past. With a few hours to kill before my evening plans, I decided to explore the city, my stomach rumbling in anticipation of the culinary delights that awaited.
My first stop was the legendary Billy Goat Tavern, a dimly lit haunt beneath Michigan Avenue. I ordered a cheeseburger and a Coke, savoring the greasy goodness and the nostalgic ambiance. As I devoured my meal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation. I was miles away from the missus, free to indulge in my own desires, to carve my own path.
Later that evening, I found myself in the company of Amy, a woman whose laughter was as infectious as her smile. We spent the night exploring the city's vibrant nightlife, our conversations flowing as freely as the drinks. Amy, with her playful spirit and adventurous nature, was a welcome distraction from the monotony of my life back in Detroit.
As the night wore on, our connection deepened, our inhibitions melting away with each shared kiss and whispered secret. Amy's playful teasing and suggestive gestures ignited a fire within me, a primal urge that had been dormant for far too long.
In the dimly lit corner of a smoky jazz club, Amy leaned in close, her lips brushing against my ear. "Wanna see something special?" she whispered, her voice husky and seductive.
I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. Amy's eyes sparkled with mischief as she led me to a secluded booth, her hand trailing along my arm.
The rest of the night was a blur of stolen glances, whispered promises, and illicit pleasures. Amy's "hummers and motorboats" sent shivers down my spine, awakening a part of me that I had long forgotten.
As the sun began to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleeping city, I lay in Amy's arms, a sense of contentment washing over me. For the first time in a long time, I felt truly alive, my heart filled with a newfound sense of possibility.
Chapter Fourteen: Shadows of the Past
The morning after my rendezvous with Amy, I woke up with a pounding headache and a lingering sense of unease. The thrill of the night before had faded, replaced by a gnawing emptiness. I knew I couldn't stay in Chicago forever, indulging in fleeting pleasures and avoiding the reality of my situation.
I had come to the Windy City with a purpose, a desperate hope that I might find my mother, who had abandoned me years ago. I had no idea where she might be, but a faint whisper of a rumor had led me to a rundown neighborhood on the outskirts of town.
I took the L train, its rhythmic clatter a stark contrast to the silence of my thoughts. As the train rattled through the dilapidated streets, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was on a fool's errand. My mother had made her choice, and I had no right to expect her to welcome me back into her life.
I stepped off the train and onto a desolate street, the buildings bearing the scars of neglect and decay. The air hung heavy with the smell of urine and cheap liquor, a grim reminder of the harsh realities of life in this forgotten corner of the city.
As I walked deeper into the neighborhood, I spotted a figure sprawled on the sidewalk, her body barely visible in the shadows. I approached cautiously, my heart pounding in my chest. As I got closer, I realized it was a woman, her clothes torn and her face streaked with grime.
"Fifty dollars for some pleasure down there," she rasped, her voice raspy and hollow.
I recoiled in disgust, my stomach churning. "Ain't no way, even if I was Ric Flair," I retorted, my voice laced with revulsion.
The woman sat up, her eyes flashing with anger. "What's your problem?" she snapped.
"All I'm trying to do is find my mama," I replied, my voice softening.
The woman's anger dissipated, replaced by a look of weary resignation. "I ain't your mama," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "Your mama ain't here no more."
My heart sank. I had clung to the hope that I might find her here, that I might finally have a chance to reconcile with the woman who had brought me into this world. But the woman's words shattered that hope, leaving me feeling more lost and alone than ever before.
"She said she don't want no more being a nasty whore," the woman continued, her voice thick with emotion. "She said she's tired of that life and she headed out west. She said she needed a change that could only be done out west."
I listened in stunned silence as the woman relayed my mother's message. It was a message of finality, of a clean break from her past. She was gone, and I had no way of finding her.
Chapter Fifteen: From Windy City to Desert Heat
The news of my mother's departure hit me like a punch to the gut. Defeated and disillusioned, I left Chicago with a heavy heart. My aimless journey took me to Albuquerque, a city bathed in the warm glow of the desert sun. The change of scenery did little to lift my spirits, but it offered a temporary reprieve from the biting winds of Chicago.
One evening, as I wandered through the bustling streets of Old Town, I spotted her again – the smoking hot chick with the burka, the same woman who had captivated me in Detroit. Her name, I learned, was Fatima, and she possessed a beauty that transcended cultural boundaries.
We struck up a conversation, our initial awkwardness melting away as we discovered a shared passion for music and art. Fatima, despite her conservative attire, was a free spirit, her mind as vibrant as her smile.
One thing led to another, and we found ourselves back at my hotel room, the desert air thick with anticipation. As we made love, Fatima recited verses from the Quran, her voice a soothing melody that mingled with the sounds of our passion. It was an experience that defied expectations, a collision of cultures and desires that left me breathless.
In the aftermath, Fatima, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint, declared that we were meant to be together. "We better wed," she proclaimed, her voice filled with conviction.
I hesitated, my heart torn between my newfound feelings for Fatima and the lingering pain of my mother's abandonment. I knew I couldn't commit to Fatima, not now, not when my own life was in such disarray.
"I have to run," I confessed, my voice heavy with regret.
Fatima's smile faded, replaced by a look of hurt and betrayal. Before I could explain further, the door to my room burst open, revealing a burly man with a menacing scowl. It was Fatima's brother, his hand gripping a gleaming pistol.
Fear coursed through my veins as I realized the gravity of my situation. I had stumbled into a cultural minefield, my ignorance and impulsiveness threatening to ignite a dangerous conflict.
Chapter Sixteen: A Close Call and a Dirty Getaway
The sight of that gun sent a jolt of adrenaline through my system. With my pants still tangled around my ankles, I dove behind the bed, my heart hammering in my chest. The room was silent, save for the heavy breathing of Fatima's brother and the muffled sobs of Fatima herself.
I knew I had to make a quick escape, but the window was too high, and the door was blocked by the angry brother. Panic seized me, and in that moment of sheer terror, my bowels betrayed me. I shat myself, the warm, foul stench filling the small hotel room.
Mortified and desperate, I grabbed my discarded underwear and flung them into the nearest trash can. With my pants still precariously low, I burst out from behind the bed, colliding with Fatima's brother in a tangle of limbs and curses.
The ensuing scuffle was a chaotic blur of punches, kicks, and guttural grunts. Fatima's brother, fueled by rage and protectiveness, was a formidable opponent. I, on the other hand, was hampered by my compromised state and the lingering fear of a bullet piercing my flesh.
Just as I thought I might gain the upper hand, a cold, metallic sensation encircled my wrists. I looked up to see a pair of handcuffs glinting in the dim light. A burly man, his face contorted in disgust, was pinning me to the ground.
"You're under arrest, you pervert!" he growled, his breath reeking of stale beer.
It turned out Fatima's brother wasn't the only one who had taken offense to my actions. The burly man, a plainclothes officer named Mickey Finnegan, had been staking out the hotel, looking for any signs of illegal activity. My ill-timed escape attempt had landed me squarely in his crosshairs.
As Officer Finnegan hauled me to my feet, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter irony. I had come to Albuquerque seeking a connection, a sense of belonging, and instead, I had found myself in the back of a police cruiser, my pants still around my ankles and my dignity in tatters.
Chapter Seventeen: Mama's Transformation
Back in Detroit, a mysterious benefactor had wired my bail money, allowing me to escape the clutches of the Albuquerque Police Department. The benefactor, I later learned, was a fiery Asian woman from California who had taken a liking to my predicament. Intrigued by her offer of assistance and fueled by a newfound sense of recklessness, I hopped on an Amtrak train bound for the West Coast.
The journey was long and uneventful, the rhythmic clacking of the train wheels lulling me into a state of introspection. As I gazed out the window at the passing landscapes, I couldn't help but wonder about the woman who had bailed me out. Who was she? And what did she want from me?
My musings were interrupted by a grumbling stomach. The train's dining car offered little more than stale sandwiches and overpriced coffee, so I decided to disembark at the next stop and seek out something more substantial.
I found myself in a small town, its main street lined with quaint shops and cafes. I settled into a diner, its checkered floors and Formica countertops evoking a sense of nostalgia. As I devoured a plate of pancakes and bacon, I received a call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" I answered, my mouth still full of syrup.
"It's me," a familiar voice said on the other end of the line. "Your mama."
My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't heard my mother's voice in years, and the sound of it sent a wave of conflicting emotions washing over me.
"Mama?" I stammered, my voice thick with emotion. "Is it really you?"
"Yes, it's me," she replied, her voice surprisingly deep and gravelly. "I heard about your troubles, and I wired the bail money from San Francisco."
I was stunned. My mother, who had abandoned me years ago, had come to my rescue. I didn't know what to say, how to react.
"I'm in San Francisco now," she continued. "Come and find me. We need to talk."
With renewed determination, I boarded the next train to San Francisco, my mind racing with questions and anxieties. What would I say to my mother after all these years? Would she even recognize me?
I arrived in San Francisco late that night, the city's iconic fog shrouding the streets in an ethereal mist. I made my way to the address my mother had given me, my heart pounding in my chest.
I knocked on the door, my hand trembling slightly. A moment later, the door swung open, revealing a tall, imposing figure. It was my mother, but she was… different. Her once-feminine features had been replaced by a chiseled jawline and a thick mustache. Her hair was cropped short, and her clothes were decidedly masculine.
"I ain't your mama anymore," she said, her voice deep and resonant. "I don't live that life no more."
I stared at her in disbelief, my mind struggling to comprehend the transformation that had taken place. My mother, the woman who had given me life, was now a man.
"I got tired of people calling me a filthy whore," he explained, his voice laced with bitterness. "So I came to this city so they could transplant a dick."
He paused, a wry smile spreading across his face. "But there's one thing wrong. When I pee, I still have to sit."
I couldn't help but laugh, the absurdity of the situation momentarily overshadowing the complex emotions swirling within me. My mama was now a man, and despite the physical changes, he was still the same person, the same flawed yet resilient individual who had brought me into this world.
As I looked into my mother's eyes, I saw a reflection of my own struggles, my own journey of self-discovery. We were both flawed, both searching for acceptance and belonging in a world that often seemed hostile and unforgiving.
In that moment, I realized that the bond between a parent and child transcended gender, appearance, and even the passage of time. My mama was still my mama, and I was still her child. And that was all that mattered.
Chapter Eighteen: A Shotgun Wedding and a Hasty Retreat
After reconciling with my mother, albeit in his new form, I felt a pull back to Albuquerque. Fatima, despite the chaotic circumstances of our last encounter, held a piece of my heart. I knew I couldn't leave things unresolved, so I returned to the desert city, ready to face the consequences of my actions.
Fatima's brother, Rami, greeted me with a mixture of suspicion and grudging respect. He had heard about my encounter with my mother and seemed to appreciate my willingness to return and face the music.
"You made a wise choice," Rami said, his voice gruff but sincere. "Fatima is carrying your child."
The news hit me like a thunderbolt. I was going to be a father. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over me - fear, excitement, and a profound sense of responsibility.
Despite my initial reservations, I agreed to marry Fatima. It was the right thing to do, the honorable thing. We made hasty arrangements for a small ceremony at a local chapel, the desert sun casting a warm glow on our impromptu nuptials.
As we stood at the altar, Fatima radiant in a simple white dress, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. My heart wasn't fully in it, and the specter of my past loomed large over the proceedings.
Just as the wedding officiant began to speak, a familiar voice cut through the air.
I turned to see the missus, her face contorted in a mask of fury. She stormed down the aisle, her eyes blazing with righteous indignation.
"You think you can just run off and marry some floozy?" she shrieked, her voice echoing through the chapel. "You're still my husband, and you're coming home with me right now!"
Before I could protest, she grabbed me by the ear and dragged me out of the chapel, leaving Fatima and Rami standing at the altar in stunned silence.
As we sped away in the missus's beat-up sedan, I glanced back at the chapel, my heart heavy with regret. I had made a mess of things, once again allowing my impulsiveness to dictate my actions.
Back at the chapel, the wedding officiant, oblivious to the drama that had just unfolded, continued with the ceremony.
"By the power vested in me by the state of New Mexico, I now pronounce you husband and wife," he declared, his voice booming through the empty chapel.
Fatima and Rami exchanged bewildered glances.
"But we're brother and sister!" Rami protested.
The officiant shrugged, his face impassive. "In the eyes of the state of New Mexico, you're now also husband and wife."
And so, in the dusty heart of Albuquerque, a shotgun wedding turned into a bizarre twist of fate, leaving two siblings unwittingly bound in matrimony. As for me, I was once again at the mercy of the missus, my dreams of freedom and self-discovery fading into the rearview mirror.
Chapter Nineteen: Desert Reflections and a Fateful Reunion
The missus's beat-up sedan screeched to a halt in the middle of the New Mexico desert, its tires kicking up a cloud of dust. She turned to me, her face a mask of disbelief and disgust.
"Your mother is what?" she shrieked, her voice cracking with incredulity.
"A man," I repeated, bracing myself for her reaction.
With a guttural roar, she threw the car into reverse, flinging open the passenger door. "Get out!" she commanded, her finger jabbing towards the endless expanse of sand and sagebrush.
I stumbled out of the car, my feet sinking into the soft sand. The missus slammed the door shut and sped off, leaving me alone in the vast, unforgiving desert.
I began the long trek back to Albuquerque, the sun beating down on my head and the wind whipping sand into my face. It was a 200-mile journey, a pilgrimage of sorts, a chance to reflect on the absurdity of my life and the choices that had led me to this desolate place.
As I trudged along the dusty road, a car pulled up beside me. It was Rami and Fatima, their faces etched with concern.
"Bartholomew!" Fatima exclaimed, her voice filled with relief. "We were so worried when you disappeared!"
I climbed into the backseat, my legs aching and my spirits low. Fatima filled me in on the bizarre turn of events at the chapel, her voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.
"The wedding officiant declared us husband and wife," she said, shaking her head. "Rami and I are officially married, even though we're siblings!"
I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "Well, at least you have each other," I said, trying to sound upbeat.
"What about you?" Rami asked, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror. "Where are you headed?"
I hesitated for a moment, my thoughts drifting back to the smoky dive bar in Assholeville and the haunting lyrics of the asshole's anthem.
"Broken hearts are for assholes," I said softly, my voice barely a whisper. "And it's time I faced my destiny."
Fatima's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I'm going back to Assholeville," I declared, my voice firm and resolute. "There's someone there I need to see."
"Who?" Rami asked, his curiosity piqued.
"Dagmar," I replied, a wry smile spreading across my face. "The ugliest son of a bitch I've ever seen in my life."
Fatima and Rami exchanged bewildered glances, but they didn't question my decision. They drove me back to Assholeville, their silence a testament to the unspoken understanding that had developed between us.
As we approached the familiar neon lights of the city, a sense of anticipation mingled with trepidation washed over me. I was returning to the place where my journey had begun, ready to confront the demons of my past and embrace the asshole within.
Chapter Twenty: Assholes Reunited
The familiar neon glow of Assholeville beckoned Bartholomew like a siren song, a chorus of misfits and misadventures calling him home. As he stepped back onto the grimy streets, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. This was where he belonged, among the broken hearts and shattered dreams, the absurdity and the acceptance.
His first stop was The Grape, the dimly lit tavern where he had first encountered Dagmar. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, he was greeted by the familiar symphony of clinking glasses, raucous laughter, and the melancholic strains of a forgotten love song.
Dagmar, perched on his usual stool, his pancake makeup cracked and his whiskers defiantly protruding, spotted Bartholomew immediately. A wide grin spread across his face, his eyes sparkling with delight.
"Bartholomew!" he exclaimed, his voice a raspy croak. "You're back!"
Bartholomew returned the smile, his heart swelling with warmth. "I am," he replied, his voice firm and confident. "I'm home."
The news of Bartholomew's return spread like wildfire through The Grape, and soon he was surrounded by a motley crew of familiar faces. Ko-Ko, resplendent in a feathered headdress and sequined jumpsuit, embraced him with a theatrical flourish. Tex Abel, smelling faintly of the sea and cheap rum, clapped him on the back with a hearty laugh. Even Angel, the demented bread-boffer, offered a grudging nod of acknowledgement.
As Bartholomew regaled his friends with tales of his adventures, Fatima and Rami stood quietly in the corner, observing the scene with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment. The chaotic energy of Assholeville, the unabashed embrace of imperfection and absurdity, was a stark contrast to the rigid traditions and expectations of their own upbringing.
Fatima, her eyes wide with wonder, turned to Rami. "I understand now," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "I am an asshole too."
Rami looked at her in surprise, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Fatima smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I've spent my whole life trying to be perfect, to conform to the expectations of others," she explained. "But here, in this place, I see a different way of being. A way that embraces flaws, celebrates individuality, and revels in the absurdity of life."
Rami's expression softened, a flicker of understanding crossing his face. "You're right," he said, his voice gentle. "We've both been living a lie."
Fatima took Rami's hand in hers, her grip firm and reassuring. "I'm staying here," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. "I'm staying with Bartholomew, and I'm going to embrace my inner asshole."
Rami nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Then I'll stay too," he said, his voice filled with newfound liberation. "After all, who am I to deny my own assholery?"
And so, in the heart of Assholeville, amidst the clinking of glasses and the laughter of misfits, a new chapter began for Bartholomew, Fatima, and Rami. They had found their tribe, their place in the world, where broken hearts were not a burden, but a badge of honor. They were assholes, and they were proud of it.
0 notes
myeroticstories · 1 year
I stated writing the Destiny Awaits Us series way back in 2012. 
Keep Manhattan, Just Give Me That Countryside was based on a very steamy relationship which I had with a beautiful girl from Germany - to whom I was engaged for a spell - for a few years. The jacuzzi fantasy and Victoria’s love of gay male porn was based on my ex Anja’s jacuzzi fantasy and her love of gay male porn.
From Manhattan to Munich was an immediate prequel to KCHIC, and the key characters of Taylor, Angelica, and Victoria were based on real people whom I had a connection with back then. Taylor O’Hare was based on my former friend Taylor, and Angelica Cruz was actually based on Taylor’s real-life ex-girlfriend Angelica. I got the idea for Taylor O’Hare to have a thing for shampoo bottles based on an actual conversation which I had with Angelica.
Kansas City, Here I Come was just a pure smut fantasy which I had about the real Taylor. In fact, the names of Terri and Mindy cooresponded with the real Taylor’s mom (Terri) and aunt (Mindy). I based Mindy’s animosity towards Sean-Paul with the real Mindy’s real-life animosity towards me.
I started the final series (which was originally called Destiny Awaits Us) as the bombastic conclusion to the story. I originally planned for the story to be based around a murder mystery with Sean-Paul’s ex-girlfriend Lanisha killing people close to Sean-Paul with the planned conclusion to be Lanisha to take Taylor hostage and force Sean-Paul to make a hard decision: choose Taylor (with Lanisha getting killed) or choose Lanisha (with Lanisha killing Taylor and Sean-Paul before killing herself. Instead, I decided to turn Lanisha into a brainwashed killer working for international terrorists who bought Sean-Paul’s company just to plant secret source code which would activate all the nuclear warheads in the world and stage global nuclear armageddon. Oh, and the character of Maddy was based on Taylor’s real-life best friend Maddy.
Most of the conspiracy theories presented in the final chapter - MOSSAD agents engaging in secret killings, the Gulf of Tonkin, the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the CIA-orchestrated coup of Mohammed Mossadegh, the assassination of JFK, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks - are conspiracy theories which I used to be huge supporters of. (Yes, I used to be a 9/11 truther.) However, other than 9/11, I continue to be a huge supporter of the other conspiracy theories,
As I finished working on the final part of the series, I shared bits and pieces with my girlfriend, and she was blown away at how creative the story became.
I am proud to say that after 11 years, I have finally finished this epic story of love, loss, betrayal, intrigue, and reunion.
So how will I present this story?
I am considering turning the story into an e-book and allow people to purchase the story. If I had the resources, I would also self-publish this story as a paperback and sell copies for an affordable price.
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myeroticstories · 1 year
Destiny Awaits Us
                                   DESTINY AWAITS US
                           BOOK I - Kansas City, Here I Come
                                       CHAPTER ONE
It was a day of remembrance. Ten years ago, I witnessed the horror of 9/11 with my very own eyes. I stood overlooking the WTC memorial at Ground Zero as a lone person read aloud the names of those lost in the crisis that had changed our world forever. When Gregory’s name was mentioned on that fateful day, I felt such sorrow that it hit me like a wave. A chill ran through my body, and tears welled up in my eyes.
Fifteen years before this day, just three months before the World Trade Center fell to ruins, I founded XC Systems during my senior year at Dartmouth along with a couple classmates - my best friend Steven Sandberg and Gregory Jacobson. We grew a software company – initially developing office applications for Windows before moving development using open-source software tools and expanding our software solutions to a fledgling platform known as GNU/Linux - and took it public within five years. Realizing the untapped potential that the Linux platform provided, we abandoned our Windows software and concentrated solely on Linux. And shortly after our decision to move to Linux, we began to study all the intricate features of Debian Linux, and we began to research the possibility of perhaps developing our own Debian-based operating system. After releasing our own Debian-based system (named SPSG – using the initials of our first names), we expanded our operations into IT consulting, and within three years, we were self-made millionaires.
We all came from various backgrounds. Gregory and Steven were your stereotypical geeks. They subscribed to all the computer magazines. Their family were rather well-off, and their fathers were employed by computer dealers; Gregory’s father was an IBM PC dealer, while Steven’s father did his dealings with Apple computers, starting with the Apple II and eventually Macintosh. This gave them access to high-dollar computing platforms while they were still in elementary school. Gregory was tall and lanky, and they studied hard and didn’t have much of a social life.
I had a different upbringing. I was orphaned while I was still in diapers. I was adopted by a loving middle-class family. We were not as well-off as my colleagues’ parents, so I was not afforded the opportunity to have the same exposure in my home. However, I was given a Commodore 64 and a floppy disk drive as a Christmas present as a reward for getting straight A’s for three consecutive years. I studied the intricate features of the platform, and by the time I had graduated high school, I had coded not just applications for home office use, but challenging video games as well. Eventually, I ran my own small business from my own bedroom, and a local computer store allowed me to sell my games at their location. We had a deal where the store would receive 10% of each sale, and by the time I had graduated high school, I had close to $250,000 in a bank account. My adoptive parents taught me how to save my money by not engaging in frivolous spending.
Of course, as opposed to Gregory and Steven who grew up in New Jersey, my upbringing happened in Brooklyn. Even thought we lived in a middle-class neighborhood, it was still Brooklyn. At a young age, I had been accustomed to the sounds of police sirens screaming at all hours of the day. As a star athlete in high school, I had developed a reputation for not taking crap from anybody including my high school girlfriend’s father who absolutely hated my guts. Eventually, it all came to a head when he caught my girlfriend and I having intimate relations in her bedroom, and it all ended with him shoving me roughly, only for me to respond with my fist connecting well to his face, breaking his nose. Thanks to the intervention of an off-duty police officer who actually told my girlfriend’s father that I had the right to self-defense, I avoided going to jail, and the next day after my girlfriend and I got intimate for the last time, the family moved away.
After our financial status improved, we began expanding operations by renting 500 sq. ft. office space on the sixteenth floor of WTC 1. Three months later, the world changed forever. Gregory had arrived at our offices earlier than usual, as he was set to iron out a flaw in the source code of one of the main components of our operating system. Steven and I decided to go to our favorite pub, the Jolly Mick, for refreshing cocktails and pretzels. However, we heard an explosion which caused the interior of the Jolly Mick to shake, causing glasses and expensive bottles of liquor  to be flung off their shelves and crashing to the floor, sending shards of broken glass and countless volumes of alcoholic drinks to spread out around the feet of the shaken-up bartender. In a rush, Steven and I jumped from our seats, and we ran outside. What we saw was the most horrific sight of our lives. American Airlines Flight 11 had crashed into WTC 1, and judging by where the plane had crashed, I instinctively knew where it had crashed: right into our offices. I immediately thought of the financial ruin  it would probably put our company in, but there was a more important thought in my mind: Gregory was there. My voice wavered as I screamed out in agony: “GREGGGG!”
“Gregory Jacobson - “ As the announcer said the name of our fallen comrade, I wave of sadness hit me. Tears flowed down my face as I wished my friend was still here sharing in our fortunes. However, it was not meant to be. As if I was having an out-of-body experience, I thought of all my life experiences with Gregory from meeting him for the first time, all the times he drank with Steven and I at the Jolly Mick, and how I had been there at his wedding and the joy he exuded when he told Steven and I that he was going to be a father.
While I was lost in memories of my late friend, somebody tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around to see my pal Steven. "Can you believe it's been ten years," I said quietly.
"I know, man," Steven replied. "Seems like last week we were drinking with Gregory at the Mick." After the memorial service, we went to the same joint and ordered scotch on the rocks. Steven held up his glass and declared, "This one's for you Greg!" I followed suit with a glass as well. We clinked together in a toast to our departed friend; this ceremony had become an annual tradition since 9/11. As if on cue, both of us grinned wryly at each other and raised our glasses again in another silent salute—a sign of mutual admiration for surviving life's obstacles. "You'd be a billionaire now," Steven remarked.
“He really would,” I said. We had been pushed to the brink of financial ruin when 9/11 happened, but we managed to survive by relocating to a shared apartment in Park Place where I still lived. The two of us put in long hours and eventually recovered, allowing us to buy an office in Queens. Just then, my gaze was drawn to a headline on the front page of that day's New York Times:
“Hey Sean-Paul, did you hear about that attorney who killed himself?” Steven inquired.
“I'm reading it right now,” I said as I skimmed through the article until I noticed a familiar name: Lanisha LaPraix-Hastings. She was our first employee at the new location and always seemed kindhearted yet strangely melancholy. Eventually, she left us to pursue her master's degree in journalism at Duke. “Holy crap! He was married to Lanisha?”
“Our old secretary?” Steven asked.
“Yup,” I replied. It had been almost six years since I had seen Lanisha—the gorgeous black woman who I began a short relationship with after she was hired. We even slept together, but she ended it when she moved to Duke and started dating Hastings. In that moment, I felt pity for her. Then I glanced at my watch. Oh no! I had only thirty minutes before my flight to Kansas City. “Hey, got to catch my plane to Missouri,” I said with a chuckle. “Thankfully, my suitcase was already packed and stowed in your car. Thank goodness!”
Steven chuckled, and then assumed a more serious mood. “Are you at all uneasy about the flight?”
“A bit,” I responded. The real truth of it was that for years after 9/11 I had been petrified of getting on a plane. Over time these fears had subdued, but there was still something inside me that worried something bad would happen during my flight. “Anyway, let's be off, or I'll miss my departure.” We left for La Guardia. After we arrived, we stopped by a Starbucks and grabbed some coffee. Then it was time to head through security and board the plane to Kansas City.
The flight followed suit as they usually do for me: Flight attendants who were definitely overworked, passengers that had partaken in too much alcohol, and a child throwing a tantrum and banging their feet against the back of where I sat. It was almost guaranteed every time I got on an airplane I'd find myself seated in front of this kind of situation. So this time I stood up and addressed the kid directly. “Hey there kid, what if I give you one-hundred bucks will you stop kicking my chair?"
The kid's eyes widened in shock. “Sure thing Mister!” I handed them a Benjamin and the problem was solved.
“Keep kicking my seat and I’ll take this away from you,” I warned while grinning. Fortunately, the kid didn't cause any more disturbances for the rest of the flight. After two hours of waiting we finally arrived at the Kansas City airport. I rented a car to drive to the nearby Hampton Inn where I was staying in room 687. After freshening up with a shower, I drove to the college campus. It was massive! The dean welcomed me before leading me to the computer building where there were hundreds of students gathered for a lecture about the history of computer operating systems.
As I went through the door into the hall, I bumped into a petite girl who couldn't have been more than 4'10". Her beauty took my breath away - our eyes met and she gave me an irresistible smile. Then she turned around and started walking away, giving me a perfect view of her amazing butt in tight skinny jeans. My pants grew tighter as an uncontrollable stirring began in my groin area. Quickly regaining my composure, I made my way to the podium.
For over two hours, I explained the timeline of computer operating systems. I discussed UNIX, MS-DOS, Macintosh OS, Microsoft Windows, Amiga OS, Atari’s TOS, and my favorite GNU/Linux which was the basis for a new system Steven and I were constructing. The students were more knowledgeable than I thought; They were familiar with programs like Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, Debian (the same platform we used for our operating system), and BSD. Before ending the lecture, I suggested that if any of them ever came to New York City, they should look into employment with me.
The professor left and the students filed out - except one girl; the same one I had run into earlier. She stared at me with a sexy smile on her face. “So what’s your favorite operating system?” I asked her. My cock stirred in my slacks as she sat there silently. I walked over to her and took a seat next to her. “Helloooo,” I said sarcastically.
“Oh, I apologize,” she finally said. “I really appreciate Ubuntu,” she commented. I couldn't help but chuckle at her preference in operating systems. “God you’re so hot,” came her next words.
“Well thank you,” I replied with a wink. “You're not too bad yourself.” I pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. “Did you know that without Debian, there wouldn't be an Ubuntu?” She smiled and nodded, and then her hand slid onto my thigh - setting off sparks up my spine as my cock rose to full attention. I knew I shouldn't be getting worked up over someone this young - who was likely young enough to be my own daughter - but I couldn't help it. She was beautiful - her smile divinely attractive. My right hand moved to her face gently caressing her left cheek while lowering my head to hers. I lifted her chin with my fingers and our lips met in a passionate kiss.
“Ahhh,” Taylor exhaled against my mouth as we entwined our tongues. Our passionate kiss continued for a while and her hand drifted down to caress my turgid cock through my slacks. I was on the brink of an orgasm, but then she pulled away. “I'm Taylor O’Hare," she told me.
"Sean-Paul DeCraig," I introduced myself right before our mouths met again. We were suddenly interrupted by a noise that sounded like someone entering, so we broke apart. I suggested going to my hotel suite and Taylor agreed with an excited expression. We hopped in my car and drove to the Hampton Inn. After checking in, I lifted Taylor in my arms and pinned her against the wall, smothering her with hungry kisses until her phone rang from inside her purse. She cursed softly and we stopped the embrace.
“It's all right,” I breathed into her lips. She grabbed hold of her phone and looked at who was calling. “Crap! It's my Aunt Mindy,” she said, then quickly answered. After speaking with her aunt, she hung up the phone. “Where were we?” She asked me.
“Right here,” I replied, pulling her close to me as our lips met again. My arousal was growing in my trousers, so I had to get some relief soon. With Taylor’s arms around me, we moved towards the bedroom and I laid her on the bed. My mouth left hers, and I trailed kisses from her chin down to her throat. I slid my hands beneath her pink t-shirt and slowly ran my fingers up along her abdomen until I reached her breasts—which weren't bound by any undergarments. Then my right index finger touched her erect nipple.
“AAAHHH!” Taylor screamed and her body jolted with pleasure. She was more sensitive than any other woman I had ever been with. All of a sudden, she removed her shirt and revealed her small A-cup breasts. But those nipples were something else entirely; they were the size of pencil erasers despite the fact that her breasts were so tiny. I teased one of them again, and Taylor shouted with delight as the stimulation became too much. I wondered if she could climax just from nipple play. Then I seized both erect nipples between my fingers before pinching them together with my thumb and forefinger. That was all it took for Taylor to come undone: “AH! AH! AHH! AHH! AAAHHHHIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!” A huge wet spot spread across the crotch of her tight jeans.
As soon as Taylor finished her orgasm, my lips came down to meet hers and we kissed lightly for a while. Then, I licked and kissed my way down her throat until I reached the tips of her nipples. With a gentle kiss on her left nipple, she released a high-pitched “AAIE!,” causing me to smile as I teased her sensitive nub with the tip of my tongue. Her cries grew louder as I ran my teeth over the peak of her right nipple before burying my face between her thighs.
Opening the snap of her jeans, I tore off both them and her panties in one swift movement. Lying outstretched before me was the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen—shaven and glistening with arousal. Bringing my face close to her crotch, I inhaled deeply, experiencing the sweet scent of her steaming essence like a delicacy. Then I licked from her perineum up to the core of her desire, tantalizing every inch of it with my probing tongue until it felt like I could penetrate no further. Withdrawing my tongue, I slipped two fingers into her tightness, making her moan in pleasure."
“YIII!” Taylor shouted in surprise as I penetrated her. My fingers started coaxing out her arousal, and when I gazed at her hardened clitoris, I could tell it wanted to be touched - or kissed or licked. I softly blew on the erect bud causing it to pulse and throb, then went in for the kill.
I withdrew my digits from her pussy and searched for the ridged star of her rear entrance. With the fluid from inside her vagina, I lightly massaged her sphincter until it dilated enough to allow me in. “YAARGH!” Taylor groaned in pleasure as my finger disappeared into her rectum. I swirled my finger around and pulled it out only to plunge both slick fingers back in. “AHH!” Taylor moaned louder as I quickened my pace while fingering her anus. Then I methodically swept my tongue over her stiff nub.
“AHH! AHH! AHH!” Taylor let out a sharp cry as she was thrown into a third orgasm due to the double pleasure. Finally, I grasped her clit between my teeth and gently bit down. “AAAAAAOOOOWWWEEEEEE!” Taylor scrunched up her eyes, tilted back her head, curved her spine, and shook wildly as another climax engulfed her. Her liquid poured out and I eagerly drank up the sweet-tasting dew.
After a minute, her pleasure peaked. I couldn’t take it any longer. My manhood was spewing forth droplets of precum, and it had grown so big that it felt ready to burst at the seams. Quickly, I removed my clothes and Taylor's eyes widened in amazement when she saw my ten-inch erection.
"Wow!" She exclaimed with shock. "Oh my god, your cock is huge!"
"Do you want it inside you?" I asked coyly.
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" She replied with a laugh. We both chuckled before lying down and making out. I gradually maneuvered my slick sex organ close to her warm vagina and she hummed as we ground ourselves against each other. Suddenly, Taylor pulled away from the kiss and stated that she'd be right back. I guess nature called for her. Yet after half a minute, Taylor returned with something in her hand. It was a bottle of shampoo.
“What’s with the shampoo bottle,” I asked.
“I have a rather odd fetish,” she said. “I enjoy sticking shampoo bottles inside of my body cavities. There was this one time I inserted two shampoo bottles - one in each hole - and oh the pleasure those orgasms gave me!” She got up from the bed and sat on the edge, pushing the shampoo bottle into her lady parts as she began to thrill herself with the object. Loud cries echoed through the room until she stopped moving it. “But I've never had an actual penis inside of me,” she spoke while holding up the bottle. “Will you please put this in my rear?”
Holy shit. This was hot. I took the shampoo bottle in hand and began rubbing it against her stretched bum. Then, I thrust it inside her. “AAAAH AAAH! AAARRGGHHHHIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as the unexpected anal penetration propelled her into a fourth orgasm. Her hands pounded on the mattress as wave after glorious wave of pleasure partook of her body. I could no longer wait any longer. Aligning the head of my penis with her slit, I drove myself in without giving her time to wind down from her climax. “AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor shouted again as the blissful touch of another orgasm disrupted hers. My God, How could she reach climax so soon after the last one? It was almost as if she were a living sex machine!
Now I started pushing my cock in and out of her soaking wet vagina. I could feel myself weakening from exhaustion. Without separating our genitals, I changed our positions until she was riding me cowgirl style. Taylor rode me like she had been doing this forever, bouncing wildly as she savored for the first time the feeling of a cock inside herself. She wailed each time I completely rammed her cervix with my manhood. My right hand still moved the shampoo bottle in and out of her ass, while my left played around with her firm right nipple; one pinch and she came yet again.
“EEEEEEEEOOOOOAAAI!” Taylor yelled out as the stimulation of her vagina, clitoris, and nipples all converged in a gigantic orgasm. Her body shook from head to toe in spasm after spasm of pleasure. She released jets of liquid that sprayed into the air and coated me with its sweet aroma. This sensation was too much for me, and my balls tightened up before I could cry out “AARGH” as I ejaculated into her. Our juices mixed together and bubbled around my penis. We lay tangled up with each other until we fell asleep.
Hours later, we woke up still entwined beneath the bedspread, and I reached down to feel her tenderness. My shaft hardened under my touch, then I carefully maneuvered myself so that I could enter her again. But before we could continue our activity, Taylor jumped up. “Oh shoot, I completely forgot about aunt Mindy,” she said apologetically.
“Go ahead and call her,” I replied.
Taylor quickly dialed her aunt Mindy from her phone. “Hey aunt Mindy, it’s me Tay. I’m on my way home. No, Maddy already left. One of my professors offered to drive me. Yeah he seems decent! Okay, I'll see you when I get there. Bye!” Taylor put away her phone. “I really need to go now.”
We got up, changed, and drove off in the car. Before I knew it, we had arrived at Taylor's house on a dead-end street. Two ladies greeted us outside; one was around Taylor's size while the other stood six inches taller.
Terri, Taylor's mother, introduced herself first. “Hi, I'm Terri," she said.
"Sean-Paul DeCraig, your daughter's professor," I replied as I shook her hand. "Taylor is brilliant and has a real future in the tech industry."
“Thank you, Sean-Paul,” Terri said. Terri looked at the taller woman and her eyes widened in surprise. “This is Taylor’s aunt Mindy. She’s my sister.”
“Mindy, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said, as I extended my hand to her. But she didn’t make any gesture to reciprocate my move. I pulled my hand back in confusion and glanced towards Taylor. “Okay. Well, Taylor, I’ll see you in class tomorrow. Good night.”
Taylor and Terri both wished me goodnight before they went into their house. As I was about to get into my car, I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw Mindy standing there with a stern expression on her face. “Is there something you wanted to say, Mindy?”
“Yes there is,” she replied with an air of authority. “Taylor is just seventeen years old."
                                           CHAPTER TWO
From my office window at KCU, I took in the sight of bustling college students. After days of storms, the sky had finally cleared up to a bright blue. It brought back memories of my time in Dartmouth, where I stood out in both academics and baseball. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I dreamed of being drafted to either the Yankees or Red Sox. Alas, an accident that injured my knee ended that dream. However, I was grateful for having a business degree to fall back on.
I had just gotten done grading exams from my computer science classes, and I decided to analyze the results. Some of my students had difficulty understanding the material while others found it relatively easy to grasp. Out of all of them, Taylor and her best friend Maddy were two standouts who truly understood the course content and impressed me with their aptitude. For some reason, I felt drawn to Maddy in particular. She reminded me of a past love from my youth. They were both so gifted that I couldn't help but feel proud - particularly Taylor, who was also taking a minor in business administration. In a way, it made me less guilty for our relationship.
I was interested as to how XC Systems was doing, so I decided to give Steven a call. After three rings, a woman answered the phone. “Good morning, and thank you for calling XC Systems. This is Cheryl Hastings. How can I hel you?’
“Hello Cheryl, it’s Sean-Paul,” I said. “Can you connect me with Steven please?”
“Sure thing, Mr. DeCraig,” she replied then placed me on hold. Even though I'm not too thrilled with our choice of hold music - Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' is absolute torture! - after a couple minutes, Steven finally picked up the phone. We chatted for a bit before he asked about my teaching job.
"Not bad," I said. "Several of my students have great potential; they'd make wonderful employees at XC Systems. Maddy is quite impressive when it comes to coding and art and Taylor would be perfect for software development."
"Ahh," Steven joked. "So you already found your teacher's pet, huh? Man, you really are a hopeless romantic! At least this new girl takes your mind off Lanisha."
“Yeah, you're right, man. Keep me updated Steven, bye,” I said, ending my call. It had been months since the last time I'd gone on a date or been intimate with a woman. Lanisha's cruel breakup over the phone still lingered in my heart. Just then, I heard a knock on the door and noticed Taylor peering through the glass window. Smiling, I welcomed her in.
“I missed you,” she said before burying herself in my embrace. The closeness of her body against mine was a great relief compared to my mind-numbing routine from the past few hours. Taylor was wearing a form-fitting sweater that highlighted her A-cup breasts, and white jeans which showed off her most amazing feature of all—her backside. No other person with such a petite frame had as prominent a derrière as Taylor did; it was one of many things I loved about her. Before getting too cozy, I closed the door and drew down the blinds for much needed privacy.
“I love you too,” I replied. I slowly ran my hands down her back until they were resting on the curves of her buttocks. I affectionately grasped each cheek before bringing my head to her left ear and whispering, “You have such a sexy ass.” I then proceeded to caress her ass and reached lower to fondle the place between her legs through her jeans.
Taylor let out a moan as I massaged her pleasure center. The warmth and wetness were already beginning to build up. I then scooped her up into my arms and looked deeply into her eyes. They were mesmerizingly green and framed by a gorgeous smile. Our faces leaned towards each other until our lips finally met in a passionate kiss that lasted over a minute. “I love you,” I said softly against her mouth.
“I love you too,” Taylor murmured back. “Even if you are old enough to be my dad, my feelings for you never changed.” She then started nibbling on my lower lip.
“Baby,” I breathed into her mouth as my erection sprung forth. It had been years since I'd gone out with a girl this young - Stephanie Williams in high school. I pushed Taylor up against the wall and kissed her hard. We hadn't had sex since our first time two weeks ago, and risking it in my own office - much like the English professor at the University of North Carolina who lost his job for having intercourse with one of his students right atop his desk - was too great of a risk for me to take. “How about dinner and then back to the hotel?” I asked her.
“Yes!” she replied eagerly. “I want to stay the night with you! Let me call Mom and tell her I'm sleepovering at Maddy's place.” She dialed her phone and talked briefly before hanging up: “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.”
To keep our relationship away from prying eyes - especially Taylor’s aunt Mindy - I suggested that we go for dinner about twenty miles out of Kansas City. We picked a vegan Chinese restaurant and ordered miso soup and tofu stir-fry. The conversation was delightful - Taylor was so mature for her age, such a deep conversationalist, and remarkably well-read when it came to current events, politics, and business. We also both shared support for Palestinian rights - something which isn't usually accepted by the establishment.
After dinner was done, we made our way to my hotel. Inside my suite, I scooped her up into my arms and kissed her hard and deep. With her arms around my neck and legs round my waist, I walked us toward the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Breaking off from the kiss, I trailed kisses along her jaw until they rested against her ear. “I want to make love to you all night long, baby," I murmured. My left hand traveled down until it found the space between her thighs and slowly rubbed her through her tight jeans.
“Ahh, ahh, ahh,” Taylor moaned. Her hips moved with a wild rhythm against my hand as her deeply charged libido rapidly grew more and more aroused. She didn't take long before she sat up and took off her snug sweater and lacy black bra to reveal her petite chest. Her small breasts were breathtaking, but it was her sweet little erect nipples that made me want them even more. As soon as I touched her left nipple with my right hand, she gave out an eager cry. The tempo of her motions against my palm increased, and she grew ever closer to climaxing. When I pinched the hard bud between my index finger and thumb, Taylor's shout escalated into a loud scream as intense pleasure exploded through her body. My hand was soaked with wetness when the quaking stopped.
But this wasn't enough for Taylor; I switched hands and used my right one to massage around the area in between her legs through her jeans. At the same time, my left hand twisted and pulled on the already sensitive nipple. In no time at all, she was sent spiraling towards a stronger, more powerful climax which brought tears to her eyes. With each spasm that shook through her body, Tayor wailed "AAAIII! AAAIII! AAAIII!" until it subsided.
Once her orgasm had finished, I slowly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down with her panties. As I inspected her body, my girlfriend's shaved pussy was flushed with arousal and dripping with her natural lubrication. Her hard clitoris stood tall and prominent in the center of her vulva. After taking a moment to admire her, I started to put my clothes back on when she suddenly said, "I want to suck your cock."
This aroused me instantly. I quickly undressed myself so that my ten-inch erection was standing before her. I jokingly replied that she could only do it if I got to lick her too. We agreed on this deal with a nod, so I reached into my bag for the same shampoo bottle we had used previously. With the tip of the bottle, I applied some of her wetness to stimulate her clitoris and vaginal entrance. Then with my left hand, I shoved it inside of her steaming pussy, eliciting a shriek of pure pleasure.
“AHH!” Suddenly, I felt her hands wrap around my hard member. She began stroking me slowly. It was unbelievably sensual. Then something warm and wet hit the tip of my penis. “Ah FUCK!” I shouted as I noticed her tongue flicking at my urethra, slurping up pre-cum that was pouring out of it. And then I felt the hot wetness of her mouth enveloping my glans. “Oh God,” I moaned as she engulfed my manhood in her wet oral cavity, rapidly bobbing her head up and down on it while her hands pumped me in tandem. My testicles tensed as a climax quickly approached.
I could not take the pleasure any longer. My thrusts became more intense as I plowed into her with the shampoo bottle. I clamped my mouth to her engorged clitoris and started to playfully lick and bite it. My right hand slid up and aggressively squeezed her erect nipple. “OOO! OOO! Ooo, ooo, ooo, oooOOOOoooOUUMMMPPPHH” Taylor screamed around my cock as the combination of the nipple stimulation and clitoral licking pushed her over the edge once again. Her juices ran down the lube drenched toy and suddenly I felt myself become totally submerged by her throat.
An intense feeling of pleasure rushed through me as I felt the warmth of her throat around my cock. I could feel the rapid expansion of my manhood inside her mouth and, without warning, I started to ejaculate shot after shot of semen into her. Every muscle in my body shook as I experienced the blissful release of weeks of longing for Taylor. Her throat muscles contracted around me, forcing out every last bit of semen until I was empty.
We both fell back onto the bed and I retrieved the shampoo bottle from her wetness. She crawled up to my chest and rested her head on my shoulder while I held her close. With one hand still wrapped around her, I eased the shampoo bottle onto the nightstand, and with the other hand ran my fingers up and down her sweat-soaked back until they met her juicy bubble butt. Oh God, it felt amazing. I caressed each succulent cheek with my hands.
“Oh, that feels so good,” Taylor exhaled as my single finger slid down her crack until it reached her anus. She inhaled sharply as my fingertip softened and teased her hot, quivering sphincter. Taylor whimpered in disappointment when I pulled away, but then I thrust two of my fingers into her violated pussy and coated them in her juices. “AHH!” she cried out as my digits stimulated her hypersensitive vagina. After removing them from her cunt, before Taylor could complain, I shifted my attention back to her bum and began teasing her anus. “Ah! Ah! AHHH!” she unable to contain a cry of pleasure-filled distress as her sphincter gave way and I sent a finger deep into her rectum.
“AH! AH! AH!” Taylor sighed loudly as I started to thrust my finger in and out of her backside, coating the walls of her rectum with her body's slickness. I moved my mouth to her left breast and locked my teeth around her erect nipple. “AAAHHH! AAAHHH! AAAHHH!” The speed at which I was manipulating her butt increased significantly. Then, sensing that she was close to erupting, I took my finger away. “No, put it back in,” Taylor begged me.
“Okay, if that's what you want,” I said. So I returned both my index finger and my middle finger to her now slightly open anus and shoved them all the way in.
“AAAHHHHH!” Taylor cried out as I began preparing her rectal walls for something bigger. I redoubled the intensity of my licking on her nipple. I kissed it and sucked it; then, when my teeth seized the hardened nub and gently bit down, Taylor came to the point where there was no going back. “AAAAIIIEEE!!!” She screamed as she experienced yet another climax brought about by her highly charged libido. Her heart racing in elation, her sphincter contracting tightly against my excavating digits.
Once Taylor's orgasm had faded, I slipped my fingers out as my cock became engorged and ready to fuck her. I moved the length of my penis up and down the steaming wetness between her legs, and she began lightly thrusting her hips against mine, loving the sensation of me rubbing against her clitoris. Soon enough, Taylor humped back against my member, creating more friction and amplifying her moans until another climax rippled through her. "Aah! Aah! Aaaaah!" Her cries were loud and desperate as I wasted no time in pushing myself into her aroused entrance. Before she could come down from her sexual high, Taylor was overtaken by a much more powerful orgasm as I began fucking her hard and fast. "Aah! Aah!" She yelped louder each time my glans bashed against her cervix. There was a moment when I thought I felt her inner walls become overcome with pleasure so that I could dive deeper inside of her.
For ten long minutes, I thrust into Taylor’s vagina with more force than I had ever used on anyone else before. Over those minutes she moaned and groaned as she reached six peaks of pleasure. Finally, I pulled out of her and we kissed passionately. Then she brought her lips to my ear and said softly: “Please fuck my ass.” Without giving me time to respond, Taylor flipped over so that her perky booty was pointed up at me.
My heart raced. Ever since meeting Taylor, I had been tempted by her luscious derriere; the thought of sliding my member inside filled me with excitement. And now, here she was, two weeks later, offering it to me in all its glory. What kind of boyfriend would say no to such an offer?
My shaft was still covered with her feminine juices, and her rear was still slightly gaping from being fingered earlier. Wishing for the experience to be as pleasurable for her as possible, I retrieved an ampoule of amyl nitrate from the nightstand; I had heard that the recreational drug could heighten and lengthen orgasms. I pushed the tip of my member against her sphincter and handed her a shampoo bottle. “Use this to fuck yourself, baby.” With my help, she found the opening of her vagina and inserted the makeshift toy while I penetrated her backdoor with my own manhood.
“AAAARRRGHHHHIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor cried out in delight when simultaneous double penetration - both burning pleasure from vaginal stimulation and burning pain from anal stimulation - gave rise to a powerful climax. Her tight ass squeezed my member like a vice, but I forced myself not to release. After she relaxed back to ground level, I increased the intensity of my thrusts, alternating between short and long movements and gentle and hard pummeling.
My testicles were ready to burst with anticipation as I rapidly neared climax. I grasped the amyl nitrate popper in my hand and Taylor's nose was immediately met with its fumes. “Breathe deep, baby," I urged her as I pounded away at her ass faster and faster.
Sweat started pooling on her body. Her clitoris, already engorged and pulsating, flared up even more as she thrust the shampoo bottle inside herself. With each movement her nipples burned hotter than ever before.
My right arm grabbed her hips and joined forces with hers as we moved in tandem, pushing the shampoo bottle in and out of her vagina. My left arm went for her erect nipple. “AAAAAAAHHH!” she shouted out as my finger touched the ultra-sensitive nub; then I pinched it between my thumb and index finger—this was it.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE!” Taylor shrieked as a combination of anal, vaginal, clitoral, and nipple stimulation combined to create the most intense orgasm of Taylor's life. Her body shook so violently that I could feel a rush of hot liquid flow out heavily from around the shampoo bottle.
Her asshole clamped down on my penis tightly and it was all too much for me. With one final shove inwards all the way, I let out a cry of pleasure as seven powerful jets of semen shot out and splattered against her anal walls. A white froth of brown-tinted santorum oozed out around her dilated anus, sticking to and coating my pubic hair. Even after my orgasm ended, Taylor's still kept going for a few more minutes until eventually fading away.
We both collapsed on the bed with Taylor laying on top of me. Our bodies remained twitching in the afterglow of the orgasm. Once our breathing returned to normal and our hearts stopped racing, I pulled out from inside her. We cuddled in bed together and listened to the faint moans coming from the suite next door; it sounded like someone was getting reamed pretty good over there. We lightly kissed each other until finally our tired bodies fell into a deep sleep. As I drifted off, I caught a glimpse of the clock - it was 12:07 AM.
I stirred awake to the clock displaying 7:45 AM. I headed for the bathroom and shook off a piss hard-on, feeling like I'd relieved a gallon of urine. When I looked down, I saw my privates had been slicked with dried santorum. I grabbed a washcloth, doused it in warm water from the sink, and gave myself a cleanse until the mess was gone. Taylor had woken up by then and was watching some TV. An hour later, we got dressed to head back to college together; Taylor took the keys and pressed the button for the elevator while I locked up. As I stepped out of the suite, Mindy, Taylor's aunt, exited the suite next to mine.
                                          CHAPTER THREE
As the end of the year approached, classes were winding down for Christmas break. I couldn't wait to have some time off and relax for a few days. But after that, I had five more months left at KCU before leaving everything behind and returning to my billionaire lifestyle.
There was one thing I wasn't looking forward to leaving behind: Taylor. Tomorrow would be her eighteenth birthday, but I didn't know how we could celebrate together without drawing attention to ourselves as a 21-year age gap couple. Despite this, I was determined to do something special for Taylor because she meant everything to me. She was different than any other woman I had ever dated; in fact, these last three months with her had been the best of my life so far.
However, as much as I wanted to celebrate with her, it would seem too weird to casual observers if a 17-year-old college student hung out with a teacher who was 21 years older than her during Christmas break. It would just raise suspicions and needless gossip among many people including faculty members, Taylor’s classmates, and most importantly, Taylor’s aunt Mindy.
I recalled the night Taylor and I had spent together making love as we heard a lady in the next room spilling out cries of pleasure from being pleasured intensely. The very next morning, when Taylor was already waiting for me in my car, I saw Mindy leaving the adjacent suite with her locks tangled like a jungle. She walked slightly bow-legged as our eyes met, then I greeted her with a naughty grin. “Why hello there, Mindy," I said. "What are you doing here?"
"Wha - wha-" she stammered hesitantly.
"I'm renting this place for my stint at KCU," I replied. "But what are you - a married mom with a little child - doing here?" She stood stunned. "Let me guess,” I continued. “Your partner hasn't been satisfying you lately so you decided to get some from some young dude who can last much longer.” She turned red as a tomato.
“Nope, that’s not it,” Mindy said. “It's tricky to describe and I'm running late for work. Oh, before I forget, I heard you and your girlfriend through the walls." A chill ran down my spine; I was worried Mindy would discover our affair. If she did, there would be serious consequences: she could report me for statutory rape, and the college would launch an investigation. As per their policy regarding relationships between students and faculty members (even temporary ones), the faculty member involved would be terminated, and the student could face expulsion as a result of academic dishonesty charges. I had to protect Taylor's prospects at school.
“We're all adults here, right?” I asked Mindy.
“I suppose so,” she replied. “I just want to say that I'm really protective of Taylor, since her cousin sexually abused her when she was only nine. But I also admire you for your commitment to helping her with her computer career. Do you think she'll make it?”
“I don't think she will be successful - I know she will be successful,” I replied.
Mindy smiled and said, “Thank you! Now if you could keep this visit a secret from Taylor and Terri, I'd really appreciate it.”
I grinned knowing that I had a bit of leverage over Mindy if she kept playing games. “Don't worry,” I assured her. She thanked me again and went off to work while I headed down the stairs and drove Taylor to college.
It was the final day of college before the Christmas holiday. Exams were done, and I had to go grade them - three students had failed, while most of the class had passed with a B+. Steven called me from work. He told me that the company was hosting a Christmas party, and wanted me to come back to Manhattan for it. He also mentioned that Taylor could join. I wasn't sure if her mother would let her attend with her professor as a date.
Taylor entered my office, accompanied by Maddy, her tall redheaded friend. She greeted me with a kiss on the lips and said, “It’s okay, Maddy knows we’re seeing each other. She promised to keep quiet.” The public display of affection shocked me, in front of her best friend.
“Well, I'm off to New York for the holidays," I said. "I have a Christmas party with work and I wish you could come with me, but I don't think your family would approve."
"You can be our chaperone," Taylor suggested.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, Maddy is visiting her mother in Brooklyn during break," explained Taylor. "She invited me to join her, so why don't we all travel together?" As I glanced at Maddy, I felt a strange familiarity wash over me - like I had known her all my life. She reminded me of this girl who moved away from my neighbourhood in Brooklyn. We had shared an intimate relationship before she left; our last moment together was spent with my hard cock deep inside her tight pussy.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Sorry, I wandered off there," I apologized.
"Did you hear anything I said?" Taylor asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
"Yes, everything," I reassured her. "And I think it's a great idea."
Taylor smiled broadly and clapped her hands together. "Can I use your restroom?"
"Of course," I replied. She opened the door to the bathroom across from my office and stepped inside.
Maddy was staring at me intently. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle, and her red curls framed her face perfectly. She blushed when she realized I had caught her looking at me. "I was about to say that you did just as well on your test as Taylor did," I said softly.
"Thank you, Sean-Paul," Maddy replied in a dulcet tone. Our gazes locked for a moment, and an odd sense of familiarity washed over me. Where had I seen this girl before?
Maddy blushed more deeply, and averted her gaze to hide her obvious joy. “I’m sorry,” she said in a calm voice, “but you're really good-looking.” She shifted her eyes back to me shyly. “It's inappropriate for me to admire my friend’s boyfriend like this, but…”
I rose from the chair and gave her a gentle hug. “It’s alright Maddy.” Her body trembled slightly at the sudden embrace, and I thought I heard a soft moan escape her mouth. She straightened up to meet my gaze, our eyes only inches apart. Her breathing became heavy. She was breathless now. Then she wetted her full lips with her tongue before biting them softly. Her fingers lightly wandered down and caressed the area of my slacks that concealed my semi-hardness. I involuntarily moved closer to her touch. She leaned towards me, her hands still on my face, and as if they had a will of their own, I too moved closer and brushed the sides of her face with my hands. Her blush deepened at the contact. The air between us felt like magnetism pulling us together until we were looking into each other's eyes with intensity. Then, almost instantly, I had my arm around her waist drawing her close. As our lips began to inch closer, Maddy's trembling increased and she melted into me as our lips met.
We separated our lips for a moment, but our eyes were still locked in a deep, intense gaze. My body was wound tight with anticipation, and I could feel my pulse quickening. As I looked at Maddy, her perfect nipples were hard beneath her sweater. Her breasts were so much bigger than Taylor's. Our eyes met again as we kissed more passionately this time. Our arms intertwined around each other's waist, and Maddy made a low noise in the back of her throat as my tongue explored hers. Just before we could get lost in the kiss, she pulled away abruptly when she heard Taylor coming to leave the restroom.
The next day, Steven was there to greet me at La Guardia airport along with Sarita Felipe, a new graduate from university in Mexico who had just taken up the role of Latin affairs director. "Sean-Paul," Steven said, gesturing towards Sarita "this is Sarita Felipe."
“It's nice to make your acquaintance,” I said.
“Gracias, senor," she replied.
Steven then announced, “We will see you at the Christmas party tomorrow in the boardroom, Sean-Paul." He and Sarita waved goodbye as they stepped into a cab. It looked like they had something special between them. In my head, I wished Steven could find someone worthy of his affections; his ex-wife had been nothing but unfaithful to him until he finally threw her out.
A different cab pulled up for me, and we drove off to Brooklyn first where Maddy would disembark at her mom's house. I caught sight of her mother when she opened the door, and it was almost like staring at my adolescent girlfriend Stephanie – they looked astonishingly alike. My mind journeyed back to the last time I saw Stephanie; we'd just had sex, then the following day she left town. Is Maddy my - “You're getting ahead of yourself man,” I heard myself think aloud. After we said our goodbyes to Maddy, we made our way to my Park Place apartment building.
We stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. When we finally stopped, my front door was right there. I opened it up and Taylor was taken aback by the sight of my apartment. A spiral staircase welcomed guests into the main area of my flat, with its enormous living room that could fit a whole middle-class family. The dining area was against a window that showed off Manhattan, Liberty Island, Brooklyn, Queens, and even New Jersey in all its glory. “I think I want to marry you and move in here,” Taylor said jokingly.
I chuckled and said, “We’ve been on the go for hours now. How about we take it easy?”
“Alright,” she said with a nod of her head. We made our way to the living room and I fixed us two glasses of some preserved brandy from 1783 on the rocks. The icy liquor tasted divine. I asked Taylor if she wanted a sip and she agreed. She took a timid gulp, yet surprisingly savored the drink. After that, I refilled the glass and we had a few more drinks before day turned into night and the apartment was lit up by both city lights and an alluring moonlight.
I switched on the television set, snuggling next to her on the couch as we watched an over-the-top Japanese sci-fi anime film. Taylor rested her head against my shoulder, while I delicately caressed her back with my fingertips. Her hand crept onto my thigh and began to rub it in circles as she slowly inched closer to my crotch. With my free hand, I cupped her face softly and brought our lips towards one another until they met.
Taylor let out a quiet whimper as I gently grazed her lips with my tongue. It felt incredible, and then she returned the favor by deepening the kiss so that I was left breathless. Finally, she broke away from our embrace and began to work her way up my face until she reached my earlobe. “I love you so much, Sean-Paul,” Taylor whispered.
“I love you too, babe,” I replied. Her words sent shivers down my spine; this girl had captured my heart completely. Unfortunately, we couldn't tell anyone about our relationship. In another universe, we could shout our love for each other from the rooftops, but not here--not while others could hurt us.
“Sean-Paul...I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Taylor said softly. “I want to marry you someday and start a family--our family.” I felt an overwhelming sense of joy at her simple declaration of devotion.
“I feel the same way about you, Tay,” I whispered back. “I want to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life.”
We rose from our seats and I took her hand as I lead her to the bedroom. After finding some unlit candles, I lit them and spread them around the room before closing the door. I scooped Taylor up in my arms, pressing her against the bedroom door. Our lips crashed together hungrily. My cock was huge and hard, throbbing in my pants. Pre-cum seeped out from the head as I ground it into her groin. I broke away from her mouth and whispered into her ear, "I, Sean-Paul Phillip DeCraig, take you Taylor Lynne O’Hare to be my lawfully-wedded wife." I nipped gently at her earlobe as I continued to grind my bulge against her.
“Ahhh-HAH!” Taylor yelled out. “I, Taylor Lynne Oh!-Oh!-Oh!-O'Hare, take you Sean-Pa-AH-ul PhillUUHP DeCraig, as my lawfully wedded husband-AH! AH! AH!” Her voice was on the brink of an explosive orgasm from the friction of our clothed bodies. She threw her arms up as I removed her tight sweater and unsnapped her bra, exposing her ultra-sensitive breasts. My left hand went directly for her right breast. “YEEESSSS!” she cried out in excitement as I began teasing her perky nipple. She started rubbing her denim-covered genitals against my bulge in my trousers faster and faster until her body couldn't handle anymore pleasure. “AAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEE! EEE! EEE! EEE!” she screamed repeatedly throughout the powerful orgasm that was taking over her body. Tremors ran through every fiber of her being.
But I was not done yet. I placed my girlfriend on the bed and increased the digital pressure at her erogenous zone. My mouth rushed to her right breast, licking it with all my strength. “YES! YES!” she shouted in pleasure, tightening up in response to my technique. I increased the intensity of both my sucking on her right breast and stroking of her left nipple until she erupted in a wave of intense pleasure. Her eyes squeezed shut while her head flew backward and her spine curved into an arch as another orgasm took over her body. "AHHH! AHHH! AHHHHHEEEEEEE!"
I undid the button on Taylor's form-fitting jeans and pushed them down along with her thong underwear to expose her bare pussy. The luring glow of the moonlight and candlelight illuminated her aroused vulva, glistening wetly with her secretions. I was entranced by the sight and scent of her perfect pussy: I could never get enough of it.
My two fingers entered her open slit and started pushing against her inner walls, finding her G-spot and causing a moan to escape Taylor's throat. I pulled my digits out before reaching between her ample asscheeks, near her asshole. She gasped as my index finger searched for its entrance. Then, I slipped my fingers in all the way.
“ARRRRGHHIEEE!” Taylor wailed as the unexpected anal stimulation brought her to yet another glorious orgasm. I began plunging my fingers into and out of her back entrance, lubricating it so I could fit my penis deep in.
After making sure that the sphincter was relaxed enough to make entry easier, I pulled out my digits. I then quickly removed all my apparel and exposed my wet, sticky shaft to the air. “Then by the power vested in me, I declare us husband and wife,” I declared before sinking myself into her depths.
“YIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor shouted out as my organ filling her bowels sent pleasure coursing through her being. I started pounding away at her rear with increased intensity. I felt my testicles tense up as my climax rapidly approached. But I wanted to be inside her front passage when I erupted. I yearned to legally wed this girl. I desired to have children with her. I craved to get this woman pregnant so we could share a sacred bond for all eternity. Taking my phallus out of her posterior, I cleaned off any fecal matter on its surface and rested its head against her sexual entranceway. With one thrust, I forced myself into her inner walls. “OOOOWWWWEEE!” Taylor screamed out as another wave of bliss crashed over her.
We arranged ourselves so that I was laying on my back, in what had become our favorite position for making love. Taylor then started to have wild sex with me, bouncing on top of my penis as I stimulated her nipples with my fingers. Her moans echoed off the walls as she reached a seventh orgasm and my balls began to tighten. My cockhead bumped against her cervix at the entrance to her uterus, where we hoped our child could grow someday. The intensity was too much for Taylor and she screamed out as the strongest orgasm of her life released like a volcano. Her vagina pulsated around the base of my shaft and her cervix quivered against my sensitive head. Suddenly, her fluids gushed out from between us, dousing us both in her orgasmic delight.
I felt her cervix quiver as I rocked against it, and I let out a ear-splitting scream. My vision went grey as I experienced the greatest orgasm of my life. Shot after shot of cum spurted directly at the entrance to her uterus, and the fluttering of her tight walls dragged my semen straight into her womb. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wished she was ovulating so that she would become pregnant with my child.
We lay flat on the bed, both exhausted from our lovemaking. I felt Taylor’s heart pounding against mine as we held each other close. The sweat evaporated off our skin, and after some time, my softening cock slipped out of her. Not much leakage escaped due to her cervix which had absorbed almost all of my ejaculate.
We cuddled close, Taylor resting her head on my chest. I breathed in the musky scent of her hair, a scent that intoxicated me. I planted a kiss on the top of her head and she gasped out, “Oh fuck, Sean-Paul. That was the most amazing experience of my life. Please tell me it’ll always be like this.”
“It will, baby,” I said. “And I promise to make sure of it.”
I reached for the nightstand and pulled out a box. “Here, open this.” Taylor opened the box to find a diamond ring inside. Tears shone at the corners of her eyes when she realized what was about to happen. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re already married. But let’s make it official: Taylor Lynne O’Hare, will you marry me?”
The warmth of true love swept over her as tears streamed down her cheeks. “Yes, Sean-Paul! Oh yes, I'll marry you!” We kissed tenderly as I slipped the engagement ring onto my fiancee's finger.
On the clock it read 12:05 AM—Taylor was now 18 years old. “Happy birthday darling,” I said before planting another loving kiss on her lips. Holding each other close, sleep began to take us both away but before it did, I whispered in her ear, “I hope you’re ovulating.”
She smiled and replied, “I am.”
                                            CHAPTER FOUR
It was 7 o'clock in the morning when I finally awoke. As I opened my eyes, I took in all of my surroundings. My bedroom window provided a stunning view of downtown Manhattan, including the former site of the World Trade Center. I glanced around my room and noticed that the candles had gone out. Then, I rolled over and saw Taylor lying next to me—fast asleep with her gorgeous blonde hair cascading over her bare shoulders. The covers had fallen away enough for me to catch a glimpse of her naked back. With every breath she took, I felt mesmerized.
I moved closer to her body as she slumbered and embraced her. We had spent the night together in my apartment, and when my neighbors saw us coming back, they assumed we were married. I enjoyed the scent of her hair; floral with a hint of muskiness. My fingers crawled down her arms, feeling the delight of her soft skin until I reached her hands and intertwined our fingers. Her engagement ring dug into my palm, making me aware that even while asleep, she wore it proudly. Then, I started planting gentle kisses against the back of her neck.
Suddenly, I felt Taylor stirring beside me. I released her hands and she rolled over to look at me. Her head came to rest on my shoulder, her gentle breath wafting across my neck, sending a shiver of excitement through my body. My exhausted manhood seemed to awaken in anticipation of what was about to come next. A wave of love for her swept over me, as it had many times before. Looking down into her eyes I could see the familiar green staring back at me – they melted my heart with their intensity. And then I saw her smile.
I tenderly brushed the side of her face with my fingers. She captured my hand in her own and brought my index finger to her lips, gently kissing it. Our faces drew closer until our lips met. I became overwhelmed with a strong urge to drive myself back into her tight core and hit the back of her cervix. But then, I realized what time it was-- 8:32 AM.
“We have to leave now,” I said anxiously. Our flight out of La Guardia was due to depart at 11:45 AM and we had to pick up Maddy in Brooklyn before then. We reluctantly got out of bed and dressed ourselves. I looked at Taylor and noticed that she looked more gorgeous than ever. “You look amazing, Tay,” I told her, lovingly.
She smiled sweetly at me and said, “Thank you honey. It’s only because you make me feel so beautiful.” Suddenly, she crouched over and held her stomach, saying she needed the bathroom quickly. From the loo came the faint sounds of gagging and vomiting--this had been a reoccurring issue for the past week or so. After a few minutes, she emerged from the restroom looking better.
“Feeling better?” I asked tenderly.
“Much better,” she replied with relief in her voice as our lips met for a quick kiss. We left my apartment promptly and hailed a cab to get us to Brooklyn for Maddy before heading off to La Guardia for our flight home to Kansas City.
I drove Maddy to her home in Kansas City. I kept an eye on Maddy through the rear view mirror, and noticed her arm flexing as her eyes almost closed and lips parted like she was sighing. From the back seat I could smell something sweet. I looked to my right to see Taylor had fallen asleep. When Maddy realized I was looking, she licked her full lips provocatively before biting her bottom lip. She started to move more wildly, then froze with a sharp moan as a climax rolled over her body. Her eyelids squinted shut in pleasure, before sinking into her seat with a look of sheer joy. I couldn't help being aroused by the show, noticing my penis hardening and pulsing against the fabric of my trousers.
At last, I reached Maddy’s apartment and dropped her off. Afterward, I drove Taylor to her residence, where it appeared that nobody was around. “Do you have any keys?” I asked.
She shook her head. “I never carry keys, silly,” she replied. “So what do we do now?”
"This car has tinted windows, babe," I stated. Taylor smiled seductively at me and we hurriedly got into the backseat and locked the doors before rolling up the glass to conceal us from view. We started kissing each other passionately; then Taylor straddled me and ran her hands over my legs. Her skin felt so smooth and warm. Her miniskirt had ridden up to expose white cotton panties. She fumbled with the zipper of my slacks and freed my excited member. Taylor pulled aside her underwear and exposed her wet slit, already lubricated in anticipation of our lovemaking. She then eased herself down onto me.
“AAAAIIIEEEEEE!” Taylor let out a scream as my manhood filled her up, and I held her close. Her orgasm took her away, but soon she looked at me with half-closed eyes. She rewarded me with a smile before beginning to ride me like an expert. “AAIE! AAIE! AAIE!” Taylor shouted with each thrust of my cock against the head of her cervix.
I reached down to the area between us, coating two of my fingers with her slippery fluids. My other hand roamed up and down her spine, feeling the curves of her gorgeous backside. I then pulled her panties aside to expose her rear opening. After moistening my digits in her secretions, I delicately pushed against the crinkled star of her anus. Taylor let out a surprised “OOO!” as my fingers started caressing her nether region. The car was soon thick with steamy sweat and arousal scented with lust. As I continued to probe her large hole, she thrashed around more frantically, heading towards climax yet again. Without warning, I slipped my lubricated fingers inside of her bottom as she yelled in pain from the anal invasion. “OWEEEE!” A new orgasm swept through Taylor's body, causing her to thrust against me harder. This gave me the extra force needed for the tip of my penis to press against her sensitive cervical entrance. We both screamed in surprise at the unexpected sensation before euphoria took over, and Taylor began crying tears of joy while trembling uncontrollably. The incredible pleasure of having her tight pussy gripping me tightly combined with her cervix sucking on the head of my cock made me so lightheaded that it provoked a final climax within me, releasing one last burst of semen straight into her uterus.
After a while, Taylor and I recovered from our sexual high. She snuggled up against me, taking deep breaths as she tried to slow down her racing heart rate. I slowly pulled my fingers out of her ass and caressed her back. Unable to resist, I gave her butt a light pat before kissing along her jawline and eventually nibbling on her earlobe. That's when I noticed something out of the windshield; it was Terri and Mindy's car approaching.
"Oh shit, Tay," I voiced in panic. "Your mom and aunt just pulled up."
Taylor gasped. We separated quickly, which resulted in her groaning in pain as my cock slid out of her oh-so-tight cunt. Handing Taylor my dress shirt, we used it to clean up our sweat, cum, and other secretions between her legs. I tucked away my erection and zipped up my pants, and after double checking that we looked presentable we stepped out of the car.
"Hi, Mom!" Taylor greeted with a hug as soon as Terri exited the car.
"It's so good to see you, Taylor," Terri replied with a smile. "So how was New York?"
"It was awesome," she answered happily. "I got to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and ever Rockefeller Center." Then she hugged Mindy.
"Why are you walking funny?" Mindy asked.
Oh no. This was not looking good at all. Mindy was already suspicious of my relationship with Taylor and now it looked like she might have her proof. I needed to come up with a believable explanation. “We went horseback riding at the Blue Star horse sanctuary,” I lied. I silently pleaded for Terri and Mindy to believe me.
“Horseback riding?” Terri asked Taylor incredulously. “Darling, I am so proud of you! You haven’t been on a horse since you were a little girl.” She then turned her gaze to me. “I cannot thank you enough for this. Taylor has been scared of horses since she was thrown off one when she was nine and broke her leg – that's when my cousin stepped in to take care of her.”
Mindy cut in before Terri could go any further. “Terri, I don't think he wants to hear about your cousin.”
Taylor protested, “It's okay aunt Mindy, he already knows about him.”
A perplexed look appeared on Mindy's face as she replied, “Why would you tell him such an intimate detail?”
Taylor simply smiled and said, “Because we're friends, that's why.”
“Come on, now – let's all behave” Terri said as she hugged me. “I can't thank you enough for making Taylor so happy; she's been so miserable for far too long. It's like you've brought her out of the darkness.”
“You're welcome” I replied.
“Mindy and I need to go to the Hampton Inn, so could you drive us? We need to talk privately, just the two of us,” She said.
“Of course,” I said. When I saw Mindy walking toward my car, a wave of terror engulfed me. She would surely smell the semen as well as Taylor and Maddy's juices if she opened the door. If that were to happen, my lies would be exposed and my life destroyed forever. “It's out of gas,” I blurted out hastily, not wanting to take any chances.
“Oh…okay then - we'll just take mine,” She responded. We got into her car and drove down the street. I was growing increasingly uncomfortable sitting in such a confined space with her. “Horseback riding eh? A pretty daring lie," She said casually as we drove.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked nervously.
Suddenly she pulled over to the side of the road and turned towards me with an intimidating expression on her face “You're just like her cousin – taking advantage of her vulnerable state! Do you honestly think I believe that crap about horseback riding? So how long have you two been sleeping together?”
A chill ran through my body. This wasn’t good. “Listen,” I said, “there is nothing going on between us. I'm helping her with school so she can do well in the tech industry; she would be an excellent employee at my company.”
“Oh, please!” Mindy snapped. “Don't try to fool me! I saw how she was walking back here—that's not how you walk after riding horses! You walk like that after riding a different kind of animal! I bet there isn't even such a thing as Blue Star horse sanctuary!"
"I'm part owner of that place," I yelled from anger. "Do you know what I do for a living? I own an incredibly successful billion-dollar business. I'm a vegan and am very passionate about bringing awareness to animal suffering. That's why we chose this spot—it takes in retired carriage horses from the NYPD and provides them with love and care. Don’t doubt it for a second."
"So, why didn't you want to drive your car?" Mindy asked.
“It's out of gas,” I spat. “God, you're just like those conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones who make up crazy stories to frighten his gullible fans into sending him money! I saw him at Ground Zero on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 spouting his outlandish 9/11 conspiracy theories while people were trying to remember and honor their loved ones who died there. I wanted to punch him in the face for showing disrespect to a friend of mine who died that day. For the last time, Taylor and I are not involved romantically! NOTHING is going on between us! And if you don't stop this nonsense, I'll tell your family about your tryst at the hotel!”
“Fine,” Mindy said quietly. “You want to know what I was up to that night? Let’s go.” We took off and drove until we arrived at the Hampton Inn. “We’re going to my suite,” she stated. We rode the elevator to the top floor then went into her suite. Sitting on the bed was a flesh colored strap-on dildo.
“Wait... Are you cheating on your husband with another woman?” I asked in disbelief.
“That's right,” Mindy confirmed. “Lanisha! I'm back!” Lanisha? Then I read the key card used to unlock the door:
My heart sank. Could it be? As if answering my unspoken question, the bathroom door opened and there stood before me an incredibly beautiful African-American woman with exotic features and dark curly hair. It was my ex-girlfriend Lanisha LaPraix. Six years had passed since we last saw each other, and nearly as long since we last spoke when she ended our relationship over the phone. “Lanisha? Lanisha LaPraix?”
“Oh my God, Sean-Paul DeCraig!” Lanisha exclaimed as she ran up to me. She hugged me tightly and I could feel her crying on my shoulder. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“It’s good to see you too,” I said warmly. “What brings you to Kansas City?”
“I needed a change of scenery from New York, since it held too many painful memories for me after losing Lawrence,” she said solemnly.
“I'm sorry about that,” I replied sympathetically. I instantly regretted asking the next question, but the words were out of my mouth before I knew it: “What happened to him?” She didn't answer and I immediately recanted. “Never mind. It's none of my business.”
“It’s alright,” she responded. “Our relationship had been failing since I got chosen to be an anchor on the evening news show. He thought it would have been better if I stayed at home, but this is why I worked so hard for my Master's degree. My job was important to me, and we started drifting away from each other until one day he committed suicide.”
“Wow,” I said, feeling the sorrow in my heart. “I am sorry you experienced that trauma. Can you explain why you are here with Mindy?”
“We were having an affair for several months before you came here, Sean-Paul,” said Mindy as she began undressing. For a woman her age she had an incredible body; full breasts with large areolae and nipples, plus a beautiful bum– much like Taylor's. And when she took off her panties I could see her shaven private area. She plopped onto the bed, spreading her legs wide open so both Lanisha and I could have a perfect view of her sex organ. “I am ready for you now sweetie,” Mindy said.
“I’m ready too, my love,” Lanisha said. She put on the strap-on and it seemed like she had a nine-inch penis in her possession. She moved the shaft up and down around Mindy's privates to gather some of the natural lubrication. Then Lanisha placed the head of the rubber shaft at Mindy’s entrance and thrust herself inside.
“AAAAIIEEEEEEEEEEE!” Mindy screamed as soon as the fake cock entered her, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. I knew from where Taylor got her sex drive now. Lanisha pushed harder than I expected into Mindy’s womanly area. All of a sudden, Mindy grabbed a vibrator and a bottle of mineral oil from the nightstand. She drizzled some lube onto the toy and inserted it into her anus; then switched it on for added stimulation.
Mindy let out a loud wail of satisfaction as the anal stimulation triggered an orgasm. Her body convulsed with pleasure, her eyes screwing tightly shut as she arched her back in ecstasy from the intense pleasure.
I had never seen anything like Lanisha’s backside before, and my phallus ached with an insatiable desire to plunge into something. I couldn’t resist - I whipped out my member and slathered it with the mineral oil Mindy passed me. As I massaged the slippery liquid onto my penis, fantasizing about thrusting inside of Taylor to bring her pleasure after pleasure, my arousal increased exponentially. Until finally, I pushed my tip against Lanisha's posterior opening. She moaned ecstatically as I slipped deeper and deeper until I was completely embedded inside her. At that point, a massive orgasm ripped through me as shot after shot of my cum exploded into Lanisha's depths, acting as lube for my frenzied and wet penetration that caused my scrotum to tingle yet again. Damn, I was about to come again!
Lanisha’s thrusts grew more powerful and quicker until she could take no more. “EEEEEEEEEEEE!” She yelped as her body was taken over by a crushing orgasm. She thrusted herself harder into Mindy, and the extra stimulation sent Mindy flying too. “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE!" Mindy shouted again and again as wave after wave of pleasure wracked her body and made it shake uncontrollably.
The sensation of Lanisha's sphincter squeezing tightly around the base of my shaft, along with the pulsations of her anal walls clutching tightly all the way up and down while throbbing, pushed me past the brink too. I groaned loudly in ecstasy. “FUUUUUUUCK!” Several more spurts spewed forth from me, much more than any second climax I had experienced before.
I slowly removed myself from her butt, stumbled back to the sofa, and plopped down. I was completely spent. Lanisha and Mindy collapsed onto the bed together and embraced one another. Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was getting late. “Well I guess I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone for now," I stated. "Mindy, I won't tell a soul about this. You have my word."
“Thanks, Sean-Paul,” Mindy said. “I promise I won’t be so quick to judge you anymore.” I headed for the door, and as I opened it, I heard another voice.
“Sean Paul?” I turned around. Lanisha looked at me with a sultry expression.
“Yeah,” I replied.
“Do you think we can hang out together when we’re back in New York?” she asked.
“No promises,” I said, “but we’ll see.” She smiled. Then I left the room and headed for my suite right nearby.
Once alone, I sat down and brought up memories from my past with her. Did I still have feelings for her? After all, I was heartbroken when she departed from me. But with Taylor, I found love again. If that wasn't the case, then why would I propose to her? Taking out my phone, I dialed Taylor's number and after two rings she picked up.
“Hello?” she inquired.
“Hey baby,” I responded sweetly. “I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too,” she replied. “I haven’t been feeling well lately. Mom and I just went out to dinner, and I've been throwing up since then. She wanted me to go see a doctor, but I said no because if they knew about us, they’d find out." "How?" I asked.
"Right after you and Aunt Mindy left, we drove to a store," Taylor said. "While Mom was shopping for groceries, I sneaked off to the family planning department and bought a pregnancy test. I just did it, and… well… Sean-Paul, I'm pregnant.” There was a long pause.
                                            CHAPTER FIVE
I was in my office, plodding through mounds of paperwork. I had taken on this job despite not wanting to be a teacher, since at my former company I had plenty of staff to handle documents. As I worked, all I could think about was Taylor and the shock that we were having a baby. When she had broken the news over the phone, I was overcome with emotion. Before she came into my life, it seemed like I had everything: success, wealth, a residence, and a desire to give back. But without someone to share it all with, there was an incompleteness in my life—a missing ingredient. Well now, with Taylor by my side, I finally found that missing piece.
On the first night Taylor and I spent together in my Manhattan apartment, she spoke of getting married, having our children, and spending the rest of our lives together. Later, we made love in bed and, when I had finished ejaculating inside her, I asked Taylor to marry me—which she accepted.
Once we got back to Kansas City, Taylor dozed off in the backseat while Maddy pleasured herself. After dropping her off, I drove Taylor home; since nobody was home and she didn't have her keys with her, we decided to have a quickie session in the backseat of my car. We were so close to being seen by Taylor's mom and aunt; however, the latter noticed how her niece walked gingerly towards them and confronted me privately. When I denied her accusations and threatened to tell everyone about her affair, Mindy exposed who she was sleeping with: my ex-girlfriend Lanisha.
Just as I finished up my work, a knock at the door made me look up. Through the window, it was Maddy, Taylor's best friend. “Come in,” I said, and she did. "Is Taylor okay?" I asked her.
She nodded. "Taylor wasn't feeling well today," she said. There was a pause before she added: "I know she's pregnant."
Her eyes were averted from mine; she looked sad. A chill ran down my spine. “She told you?” I inquired quietly.
“Yeah,” she said softly. "But don't worry. Both of you will get hurt if this gets out but also... I've never seen Taylor so happy before. Before you came into her life, she was so depressed after getting her heart broken."
“I want five minutes alone with the person who broke Taylor's heart,” I said. “What’s his name?”
“It isn't a he,” she said. “It’s a she.”
“Really?” I asked, stunned.
“Taylor's bi,” she explained. “She's been dating guys and girls for two years now. Until you came into her life, Taylor had never dated a guy before. She was sexually involved with women, though. Her last relationship was with Angelica Cruz, whom she met in high school. But then Angelica got accepted at the University of Florida, and shortly before you arrived here, Angelica told Taylor that she had found someone else.”
“I didn't know that,” I said.
Maddy smiled. “Well now you do; and thank goodness you came into Taylor's life when you did because it helped her to forget all about what happened between her and Angelica." She stepped closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug; her soft skin against mine felt amazing. Her red curly hair framed her face making her look irresistibly beautiful.
“You look just like a girl I used to date around your age,” I murmured.
Maddy glanced at me with a pink tinge to her cheeks. “What was her name?” she whispered. Our eyes locked, and recollections of her pleasuring herself in the back seat of my car - plus the smoldering kiss we exchanged not long after I began dating Taylor - flooded my thoughts. These memories sent shivers coursing through my body and got my cock stirring. Her fingertips softly brushed across my cheek, enough to make my legs feel weak. She leaned closer to me, each movement causing my heart to thump louder.
“Her name was - ” I stumbled over the words as Maddy pressed her lips against mine, and I lost all train of thought. Her soft, wet tongue probed into my mouth and licked the inside of my lips, and instinctively I pulled her body against mine so that I could feel the warmth of her skin next to me. Mindlessly, I felt her body rub against mine while we made out passionately in my tiny office, with only a thin curtain protecting us from view. My cock throbbed in my pants, and through my slacks I could feel how steamy and wet her pussy was. Over the smell of printer paper and carpet cleaner, I could make out her sweet scent of arousal and womanhood, growing stronger with every stroke of our tongues. She ground her clothed crotch against my hard dick again and again until she moaned sharply into my mouth. Our breathing intensified as she rubbed herself harder and faster on me, rubbing relentlessly against my sheet-rock wall covered only by a thin veneer of plasterboard. Her soaked panties were drenched with hot juices, evidence of how close to climax she had already come. She began rubbing even more vigorously as she neared her own orgasm, letting out short cries of desperation every time our lips parted. Just when it felt like she was about to cum right in front of me, the fire alarm shattered our moment. We had no choice but to stop what we were doing just when I was about to orgasm.
We strolled outside, and Maddy's hand brushed against my crotch. She blushed as I felt my dick stir in response to her touch. She slowly stroked it back and forth, squeezing ever so lightly and feeling the wetness seep through my underwear. "Do you have a twin brother who's single?" she asked me in a voice so seductive that it caused my balls to ache. She inched her face closer to mine and tenderly kissed my lips. My body was alight with excitement. The words forming in my mind were 'I wish I did.' But instead, all I managed to get out was 'I'm sorry.'
Maddy seemed relieved by my response and said she had to go. “Please don’t tell her that I told you about Angelica," she said, referring to her roommate. I nodded, and then she left for her dorm. As the fire drill ended, I steadied myself back into reality after Maddy had aroused me so much. I watched as she walked away, before hearing the “all clear” signalling we could all go back inside.
I returned to my office and unfolded the newspaper, catching sight of a headline about the re-opening of the Lawrence Hastings case. It brought back memories of Lanisha; I hadn't seen her in six years, but she was as attractive as ever. My mind went back to last night when I'd walked in on Lanisha and Mindy having an intimate encounter. I couldn't resist participating and plunging myself deep into Lanisha's tight rear end. Guilt washed over me as I remembered my fiancee – and at that same moment, my cellphone buzzed. A glance at the caller ID showed it was Mindy. "Hello," I answered hesitantly.
"Hello Sean-Paul," came Mindy's voice through the phone. "Can I see you?"
"Where?" I questioned warily.
“The hotel,” she said. “Where else? I’ll be waiting. Bye.” Then I heard the phone click. I couldn't help but to wonder what Mindy was up to. Did she want me and Lanisha to get it on again with her? Or did she want to confront me again due to my closeness with Taylor? Both thoughts crossed my mind as I left my office and drove for the hotel. I arrived at the sixth floor and made my way to Room 689. Once I knocked, the door opened up, revealing Mindy wearing a white terrycloth robe. “Come in,” she said before walking ahead of me; I couldn't help but admire her figure as she did so.
“Where’s Lanisha?” I asked, detecting an odd tone in her voice.
“She went back to New York," Mindy replied. "Seems like the police want to question her about her husband's death. When someone dies these days, their spouse is usually a suspect."
“Yeah,” I mumbled in agreement. Then I posed the real question: “So why did you want to see me?”
“Explain why Taylor loves you so much,” Mindy requested. Then it hit me: her voice was slurred and two brandy bottles were discovered on the nightstand next to her bed. She was intoxicated. “I need to know what makes her feel good,” she added.
“You're completely wasted,” I said.
“I'm not drunk!” she assured me, instead she defined her state as 'horny.' She then untied her robe and let it fall to the ground, revealing her naked body. Her voluptuous breasts stood out proudly and her nipples a deep brown; a toned stomach evidenced that she was a mother of a two-year-old child. As she turned around, I had the opportunity to appreciate her derriere before looking into her eyes again. “Do you like what you see?” she asked in an alluring tone.
“No, I can't,” I said. “You’re married, and I won't be involved with another man's wife. Even though Mindy's tempting display of her assets - as well as my recent encounter with Maddy - had put me in a serious state of arousal, this was one boundary I just wouldn't cross.
“But you have no problem going after innocent college girls, right?” Mindy retorted. "There's no way Taylor walked like that from riding a horse. I know you two were screwing each other - I could see it on your faces. And I know why you didn't let me come along in the car - you knew I'd smell the evidence of a foty-year-old man fucking a seventeen-year-old girl!”
“She’s eighteen, idiot,” I said angrily.
Mindy flew into a rage, ranting and raving almost like Alex Jones often did on his radio show. “So you ARE sleeping with her! My stupid sister Terri will probably believe whatever you say, so let me prove you wrong! Prove to me that you're not fucking Taylor by fucking me!"
“What makes you think I'd want to sleep with you?” I said, feeling the anger rising in my cheeks.
Mindy continued. “Don't you like my big chest compared to Taylor's smaller one? Are my nipples not sensitive enough for you? Don't you get off on making Taylor come just from a few touches? Want to know how Taylor got her first orgasm? Well, it happened when I caught her cousin fondling her breasts! He was rubbing her nipples, then suddenly she had an orgasm. Is that why you want her instead of me?"
"Stop it," I snarled, my eyes burning.
“Do you want me to tell you how Taylor started masturbating with shampoo bottles?” Mindy continued. “While her cousin was teasing her boobs, he shoved a shampoo bottle up her vagina and fucked her with it! He even jammed his cock into her butt and sodomized her! The only reason Taylor has sex with you is because she was raped by her own cousin!"
“ENOUGH!” I yelled, pushing Mindy onto the bed and restraining her with my hands. “Don’t you EVER talk about Taylor LIKE…THAT…AGAIN!” My grip around her throat was just a second away from strangling her. But thankfully, my sanity retuned in time to keep me from doing something I would have regretted. “You want to get fucked, bitch?! You got it! I’ll fuck you!” I unzipped my trousers and pulled out my erect penis. Without warning, I forced myself deep into her anus. Her tortured scream of pleasure melded with pain as an overwhelming orgasm racked her body. I rode her furiously; my penis felt so big and swollen inside of her.
My mouth close to her ear, I shouted insults in a furious tone. In the words of Iranian professional wrestler Iron Sheik, I wanted to "make her humble old country way." “Do you get it now?,” I roared. “I'm telling you there is nothing going on between Taylor and me!” One hand went into my pocket and produced a popper; crushing it, I waved the fumes towards her nostrils.
Immediately she screamed: “AAAAH! AAAAAAAAH! AAAOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Electrical pleasure pulsed through her body until it became too much to bear; the climax was so strong that she blacked out. Cream spewed from her slit as convulsions of raw bliss coursed through her.
Knowing that she was unconscious, I whispered feverishly into her ear. “Oh, I love Taylor! I love fucking her tight pussy and her tight ass! I'm gonna marry Taylor and have children with her—I've already gotten her pregnant!” My words were turning me on so much that it felt like I was actually making love to Taylor. “Oh, I want to fuck Taylor! OHHHHHAAARGH!!!!!” I bellowed out as my orgasm shot out of me. As my body convulsed with contractions, a stream of semen spurted deep inside Mindy's rectum, splattering against the walls. When all was finished, I collapsed onto the bed and dozed off for two hours.
Two hours later, I woke up and went to the bathroom to clean up before leaving. When I came back out, Mindy had woken up too. Our eyes met and all I said was, “Are you convinced that there’s nothing going on between me and Taylor?” I secretly hoped Mindy hadn't heard my admission of loving Taylor while she was passed out.
“Yeah,” she replied. “I’m sorry.”
“I have to go to my room. Bye.” I said, and then quickly left her dwelling. When I arrived in my room, my cellphone began ringing. It was Taylor. “Hello?”
“Sean-Paul,” Taylor said with a struggling voice.
“Taylor, are you okay?” I asked with concern in my tone.
“I don’t think so,” she replied weakly. “I think something’s wrong with the baby.”
“Where are you?” I questioned anxiously.
“I’m at Maddy’s,” she uttered before a tragic cry of pain bellowed out from her mouth. “AAAAOOWWWWW!”
Without another thought or word spoken, I dashed towards Maddy's apartment. Once I reached there, I inquired as to where she was located and sprinted towards the bathroom door. Upon opening it, I saw Taylor sitting on the toilet weeping intensely; therefore, I bent down and embraced her while speaking gentle words of comfort into her ear. My heart dropped when I peered into the toilet bowl; Taylor had experienced a miscarriage.                                                                        
It had been a lonely two months since my fiancee suffered the miscarriage. I felt our relationship drifting apart since then, and it seemed like we hadn't been intimate since. We still let each other know that we cared for one another, but Taylor's feelings for me were becoming something else. I was worried that she would fall again into the depression caused by Angelica's betrayal.
The final day of teaching at KCU was complicated; on the one hand, I was proud of my students' progress and happy to be rid of all that paperwork, but on the other, I'd miss them and Taylor so much. I knew some could work at my own company if they wished, as I'd molded them into future tech executives. Nonetheless, it would be hard to say goodbye.
I glanced at my wristwatch and saw that it was already 12:05. I had to be at the airport by 5:20 PM if I wanted to make my flight to New York. My bags were packed and ready for me back at the hotel. I made a final trip to the dean's office to finish some paperwork and then left campus for the last time. As I went to check in my luggage, I looked back and there she was: Taylor, standing with tears pouring down her face.
"Leaving without saying goodbye?", she asked me. She had been withdrawn since her miscarriage, and I extensively worried that this depression would cause her to take a dark turn, like Maddy said she would.
I quickly moved closer, wrapping her into an embrace. "I could never say goodbye," I reassured her. After making sure nobody else was around, we shared a tender kiss. "I love you, Taylor Lynne O'Hare," I whispered into her ear, "And I will always love you." Tears streaming down her cheeks, Taylor buried herself in my chest. "What's wrong, honey?" I asked softly.
She looked deep into my eyes, her own glassy with an array of tears. “I love you, Sean-Paul” she said and then removed the engagement ring from her finger before offering it back to me. “But I can’t marry you now - not when you're going back to New York and I'm stuck here in Kansas City.”
"Tay," I pleaded, "I'd give up anything just to be with you."
"I know," Taylor replied softly, "but I don't want you to give up your life for me. Maybe one day I'll end up in New York, and we can start a new life together. But until then, this cannot be."
Looking directly at each other, a river of tears were streaming down our faces. “I will always love you, Sean-Paul DeCraig. Always and forever.” After a final hug and tender kiss she walked away.
My plane took off, and I was filled with worry. Was this the last time I'd ever see her? Would the 21-year age gap be too much for our relationship to bear? Would she fall in love with someone else and consider our relationship a miscalculation? Could Mindy, her aunt, persuade her that I had taken advantage of her and make her think of me as a wicked creature? Worse, I feared she might become so despondent that she would join her father in the afterlife. Watching Highlander as my flight progressed, when Connor MacLeod's mortal wife Heather died in his arms, I couldn't help but cry. The movie seemed to capture what ran through my mind perfectly:
"There’s no time for us.
There’s no place for us.
What is this thing that builds our dreams
and slowly slips away from us?
Who wants to live forever?
Who want to live forever? No-one."
                                                   II – 
                           FROM MANHATTAN TO MUNICH
                                          CHAPTER ONE
It was a pleasant spring evening in the peaceful town of Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. The city was hosting one of its frequent festivals, and people had come from all over to take part in it. Everyone was dressed appropriately for the event's theme. There was plenty of dancing, food, drinks, and other festivities. In the back seat of a 1983 Renault sat Viktor and Victoria. They had been dating for two months now, which was the longest relationship Victoria had ever been in since she'd turned twenty.
Victoria had decided to dress provocatively that night so that she could finally give her virginity to Viktor. She wore a yellow sundress which ended just below mid-thigh level. Embracing him tightly, she began kissing him with newfound urgency and excitement. Then, straddling his left leg which was raised up, she started grinding her crotch against the solid muscle of his thigh. Her virgin pussy was drenched in arousal and her white panties became semi-transparent as it absorbed the wetness from her inner folds. A pungent smell of her aroused pussy filled the small space of the car. Victoria grew more frenzied in her movements as orgasm approached.
Without warning, Viktor grasped Victoria near her hips and she groaned in dissatisfaction as she was unable to reach the ultimate pleasure. “Viktor, what's going on? That’s twice this week already,” asked Victoria.
“Look around, Victoria. If some person caught us in action… You know what happened with that Russian dude a while back?” A few weeks ago an officer had seen a Russian man being blown by a prostitute and he had been arrested soon after that and his name and picture had circulated all over the newspapers the day following his detainment, before being sent away to Russia. His dead body was found in the posterior of his automobile the next day - apparently shot down by himself.
“Yeah, but it was a hooker! I am not a prostitute, so you have nothing to be concerned about," said Victoria.
“What about your parents?” inquired Viktor and Victoria quaked in fear. Her parents had very strict principles regarding pre-marital relations and family matters although they seemed quite liberal when it came to certain issues like vegetarianism, pro-choice, cannabis legalization... She knew that if anyone caught them having sex outside her house her family's reputation would be ruined.
“Ok then," said Victoria, glancing at Tiktor's crotch and noticing there wasn't an erection due to worrying of getting caught. "I really wish for you Viktor. I need you. In order to do that I will make up an excuse to my parents that I am staying over at Anne's place tonight and come over to your home. This time you won’t have to worry about us getting caught."
“Victoria, my parents will be home,” Viktor said, trying to get her to back down.
“I don’t care! You can let them watch, for all I care! No more excuses, Viktor. I want you to fuck me tonight - that's the end of it," she demanded.
"Ok," he surrendered. "You win. Come by and sneak in through my bedroom window tonight."
Victoria could barely contain her joy as she hugged Viktor tightly and kissed him passionately. “See you later, sweetheart,” she said with a smile and a naughty wink before getting out of the car and heading home.
Victoria stepped inside and found the house dark. A note from her father was stuck to the fridge: he had been called away for business, and they were trusting her by leaving alone for a week. She smiled mischievously at the thought of this unexpected freedom, and started packing for an overnight stay.
She walked over to Viktor's house and noticed a strange car parked up front; perhaps some relatives were visiting. Light from his bedroom window indicated that it was candlelight - she knew it wasn't electricity. This made her happy, knowing that Viktor had gone out of his way to make their special night as romantic as possible. At the base of the wall lay a ladder leading up to his window, and Victoria could not suppress a smile.
“This is it,” muttered Victoria to herself. “I have to do this.” She was determined to lose her virginity. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the ladder and began climbing up. But when she reached the top, what greeted her made her world crumble.
Her boyfriend was there with his erect penis inside the mouth of another person - a man. He was pushing himself deeper into the other man’s throat, forcing him to take all nine inches. “Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, suck my cock, Alexander! Suck it good, you fag!” he groaned raggedly. Viktor added some lube to his favorite toy - a Baby Jesus butt plug - and stuck it in his backside before switching it on. That's when he climaxed explosively, with jets of semen going everywhere: coating Alexander’s face and hair and shooting as far up as the ceiling. He spent out four big shots before finally finishing.
Victoria could not believe what was happening before her eyes. She wanted to burst into tears. How dare Viktor be unfaithful? All the signs of their relationship pointed towards the answer: Viktor was gay, and she had been nothing more than bait. Then Victoria observed Alexander take off his pants, revealing a penis larger than she had ever seen in her entire life—eleven inches long and three inches wide.
Alexander then grabbed the Astroglide bottle and drenched his huge member with it, spreading the lubricant all over himself until he was sufficiently slippery. “Alright Viktor, bear down like you’re trying to defecate.” Taking this advice to heart, Viktor pushed as hard as he could while Alexander forced himself forward. Eventually, after several tries, they succeeded.
Viktor screamed loudly. “AHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCK!” As Alexander's huge penis went deeper and deeper, Viktor's limp erection burst to life. Anal sex was his favorite thing, but taking this massive penis into his bottom made it an entirely different experience. Alexander thrust in and out. Viktor grabbed a capsule of amyl nitrate with one hand and smashed it, bringing the strong vapors up to his nose in a single breath. His other hand found his own hard cock and he started stroking it wildly. The combination of the drug and the sensation of being penetrated sent electricity through him as each thrust brought indescribable pleasure and disorienting pain at the same time. "AAAAAUUURGGHHH!!!", he shouted as shot after shot of semen rocketed out of him, painting Alexander's face, hair, and body with Viktor's semen.
Viktor's sphincter tightly grasped Alexander's throbbing member. "AAARGH!" Alexander yelled as his climax took hold. His penis seemed to swell as he released his hot cum deep inside Viktor. A mixture of semen, lube, and santorum spurted out from Viktor's stretched rectum. The two lovers fell into bed together, entwining themselves in a passionate kiss.
Victoria’s heart was shattered. As tears rolled down her face, she climbed down the ladder and ran to her house. She burst into her bedroom, threw herself on her bed and buried her face in the pillow. After investing the last two months of her life in a guy who had not only cheated on her but also turned out to be gay, she felt small and humiliated. Yet then she imagined being Alexander, fantasizing about taking revenge by anally raping her former partner. In a state of arousal unlike any she ever experienced before, Victoria ripped off her panties and pleasured herself with one hand inside her virginal slit while teasing her clitoris with the other. When she remembered Viktor covering Alexander in his cum, she completely lost control.
“Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooooOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOOO! OOOOO! OOOOO! OOOOO!” Victoria’s moans filled the room as pleasure rippled through her entire body. Her orgasm left her sheets a wet mess from her own feminine liquids. She quickly took off the soiled bedclothes and replaced them with fresh ones, before collapsing on the bed.
Alexander climbed off Viktor’s red and swollen behind, with a slimy discharge trailing after him. He grabbed the towel next to the bed and wiped his sagging penis clean. As he was getting dressed, Alexander noticed something strange on Viktor’s computer monitor. “What the - “ he inspected the screen and realized that Viktor had livestreamed their intimate encounter. “YOU FOOL! If my father finds out about this, I'm doomed!”
“I'm sorry, Alexander," said Viktor. "But I can't keep living a lie. I want everyone to know I'm gay. Don't you understand how hard it is to have two identities?”
“A double life?” Alexander was angry. “A DOUBLE LIFE?! Viktor, I have a dual identity too, but not like yours. Right, father?” Immediately, an old man appeared wearing somber attire and sunglasses. He removed a gun from his trousers then leveled the weapon at Viktor's temple and pulled the trigger as Viktor pleaded for his life. Then he forced the pistol into Viktor's hand in order to make it look like a suicide.
“Alexander,” the elderly man with a strong German voice spoke, “we must leave now.” As they descended the stairs, they passed through the room where Alexander saw two figures on the floor – Viktor’s parents most likely – lying motionless in pools of their own blood. The elder man then called emergency services to report what might have been a double murder-suicide.
Hours later, Victoria woke up to see that police cars and an ambulance had gathered outside of Viktor's house. She didn't spare it any thought since she was done with him. On top of her dresser was a picture of her and her ex-boyfriend which she angrily ripped up and threw away.
Victoria decided to open up her laptop and check out her favorite photography forum where she had posted some photographs. To her pleasant surprise, someone had commented on one of them:
I really enjoy your pictures! You have such an amazing talent!
- Sean-Paul.
                                      CHAPTER TWO
I gazed out the window of my apartment, watching as the bright lights of Manhattan flickered on after the sun had set. From my spot, I could see Times Square lit up in all its glory—neon signs splashed with vivid colors and headlights from what seemed like millions of cars. My thoughts drifted away from my never-ending paperwork.
My start-up tech company, XC Systems, was making waves across the computer industry. We were developing a new GNU/Linux-based operating system that combined traditional computing with cloud computing. When I first encountered the gOS OS, I knew cloud computing was the way to go, even though their implementation left much to be desired (and their software had more than enough bugs). To put it bluntly, as professional wrestler Ole Anderson once said, gOS was the drizzling shits.
I was offered buyouts, but the prices were so astoundingly low, I couldn't take them seriously. Just recently Mark Shuttleworth asked me to sell my company and have its technology be incorporated into Canonical's Ubuntu OS. I refused; why would I give up ownership of our research just to watch someone else profit off our efforts?
Not when I saw how small the sum was—$50 million certainly did not come close to representing our net worth. Our contracts with the GNU Project, Novell, Apple, and the government meant that our firm had a value of at least $75 billion. It makes no sense for me to accept such a meager amount for something so valuable.
I couldn't attend the board meeting at company headquarters, so I Skyped in, and Steven—my college buddy who had just been appointed the new VP of software research—ran the meeting. Although I found these meetings to be dull, one time I jokingly wrote "Today's Bored Meeting" on the agenda sheet which made the executives howl with laughter. Whenever I had no obligations at work, I'd return to my apartment and do some independent projects such as tinker with a Raspberry Pi and set it up to play retro games. As the hour approached eight-thirty, I realized I had to get ready for my date with Lanisha.
We had rekindled our relationship after I came back from Kansas City. She was twenty-nine years old and finishing up her Master's degree in journalism from Duke University; she was interning under Shepherd Smith at FOX News. Not that it mattered because Smith was a jerk but he crossed a line when he called Linux users communists; without hesitation, I walked away and threw him an obscene gesture along with a string of expletives.
With one foot out the door, I rode the elevator twenty stories down to the main floor. After I stepped outside, a yellow taxi pulled up and drove me to Lanisha’s home in Queens. As soon as we arrived, I paid the fare and jumped out of the car. When I stepped onto her porch, I knocked on the door nervously.
A few moments later, Lanisha opened it with an incredibly alluring grin on her face. Her rich caramel skin was flawless, not even a single blemish or pimple; her dark brown eyes were captivating. Her eyebrows curved into a perfect arch that made her look mysterious. Her full lips were rosy and full of promise. She wore a pink spaghetti-strap shirt that showed off a hint of cleavage and hugged tight jeans that accentuated her curvy rear end. We embraced and kissed passionately for what felt like hours – ever since we had started going steady five months ago. When our kiss ended she whispered in my ear “So where shall we go tonight?”
“Wherever you want, love,” I murmured into her lips.
“How about we just stay here and go to my bedroom to have some fun?” Lanisha suggestively inquired. My heart raced at the inviting look and tone in her voice. I clasped her close and passionately kissed her as she pressed up against me and I felt a surge of pleasure course through me. I pulled away from her embrace.
“Agreed,” I plainly answered. We walked inside the house, sprinting to her room. After shutting the door, our desire reignited and we embraced anew; as we kissed hungrily, I clutched each side of her curvy behind and gently squeezed them together. Lanisha plunged her tongue into my mouth while swiftly fumbling with my belt buckle. I then took off her summer shirt so that her bosom was fully visible: both nipples were erect. Simultaneously, I undid the snap on her jeans and pulled them down, along with her panties. Taking off my own shirt, we were both completely nude; I laid Lanisha on the bed and began tracing circles around her neck with my tongue before venturing lower until I reached her heaving chest.
“EEE!” Lanisha screamed as I licked the hard peak of her right nipple. My right hand grabbed onto her left nipple and lightly pinched it while my left hand slid down to her opening, sliding my middle finger inside. She began to moan louder and louder as her pleasure intensified. I removed my tongue from her nipple and my lips moved southward, kissing across her stomach until they reached her aroused pussy. Her own juices were flowing freely and I could see how swollen and erect her clitoris was becoming. I gently blew upon it, causing her to gasp out in shock. It was then that I decided that she needed some extra stimulation for a truly mind-blowing experience.
I slid my finger out of her wet slit and placed it gently against her anal star. As I pressed it inside of her, I also seized her pleasure bud between my teeth, giving it a firm pinch all while squeezing on her nipple with my other hand.
“EEEEEEEOOOOOOAAAAAAAIIIIIII!!!” Lanisha screamed as her body convulsed with pleasure. “YIII! YIII! YIIIIIIIII!” She bellowed out each spine-tingling spasm of delight, and thick, pungent cream flowed from her slit and into her mouth. It was – just barely – divine. I waited a moment for her to return to earth before I started sucking hard on her clit and rapidly fingering her ass, pushing towards another peak. “Ah, ah, ah, AH, AH, AH, AAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!” Her eyes squeezed shut as the second orgasm crashed through her. I felt her anus clutch about my finger and her pussy lips flutter chaotically.
Finally, she regained control of her breathing and lay exhausted beside me. Although she wanted me inside her more than anything, I let her rest. We cuddled up side by side, and I said softly: “I love you, Lanisha.”
“I love you too, Sean-Paul,” She responded. “We have to make time for that soon, the day before me is going to be busy. Shep expects us all to be on top form.”
“Shep?” I asked.
“Shepard Smith,” she answered.
“Of course I know who he is,” I said. “I just can't believe you'd refer to him like that.”
“Like what? What are you implying?”
“I'm saying that he's an asshole. I've had personal run ins with him. Do you know how it feels when someone writes off your hard work as 'communism'? It doesn't feel great. Plus FOX News and its Republican cheerleaders don't sit right with me either. Not all Republicans are bad, but when they constantly talk down anything else as being far-left or communism it just rubs me the wrong way.”
“You know what Sean-Paul? Fuck you,” Lanisha spat outin obvious anger. “You don't know what goes on inside there. You don't know what it's really like! And I won't let your false claims against my boss and employer slide. Now get out of here. Just go!”
“Lanisha, you’re exaggerating,” I said. I moved to hug her, but she pushed me away and hit my face.
“I MEAN IT, SEAN-PAUL! GET…OUT…OF…HERE! Never come back here again!” I stood up, got dressed, and left her place. I called a taxi and gave the driver my address in Manhattan. After paying him for the ride, I took the elevator up to my apartment. As soon as I walked into my home, I went to the kitchen and fixed a glass of Diet Coke mixed with Canadian whiskey on the rocks.
After finishing the drink, I collapsed onto the living room sofa and as I thought of my ex-fiancee Taylor, wondering if she had either gotten over our relationship or sunk too deep into Maddy's warned state of depression, and then dozed off. My alcohol-induced dream was about what happened with Lanisha. In it, I was on the brink of suicide when a strange woman with dark brown curly hair and bright green eyes stepped in to stop me.
My cellphone rang and pulled me out of my sleep. I looked at the caller ID to find it was Lanisha. I answered it, and she spoke: "Sean-Paul, I'm sorry."
Well, not sorry enough for my taste. I retorted back with a cutting remark: "You know what, Lanisha? Fuck you. I don’t deserve to get slapped in the face like that. I don’t need any psycho bitches in my life. It’s over. Don’t ever speak to me again." Then I hung up the phone and went straight to my computer. On Facebook, I removed her from my relationship status and blocked her completely. A few moments later, an email came through on Thunderbird alerting me to a message from someone whose photography work I had praised:
"Dear Sean-Paul, Thank you SO much for the kind words! I’m kind of depressed right now. I just went through a nasty break-up. Can we chat? I’m on Skype as victoria.camluvr. Love, -Victoria <3"
My Skype search found Victoria's user name right away. I accepted her video chat request and saw the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life on my screen. Her green eyes, full lips, and dark brown curls captivated me. Could this be the girl from my dreams? I couldn't stop smiling as she beamed back at me with a sexy smile. "I'm here," I said.
“Thank you, God damn you’re a gorgeous guy," she replied with a wink and her fascinating accent.
"Thanks, Victoria. You're quite the looker yourself."
I knew why she was upset; it had to be because of some cheating jerk she'd been dating. "Anyway, I'm sorry that you're feeling down. Let me guess: your ex cheated on you?"
“Yup,” she answered. “He definitely strayed. He cheated on me with a man.”
“What does that make you,” I asked Victoria.
“No clue,” she queried back.
“Gay bait,” I said. The both of us began to laugh heartily. This had been one of the most enjoyable conversations we ever had. “Something similar occurred to me earlier tonight, only my ex got mad at me for criticizing her boss.”
“Who is he?” questioned Victoria.
“Shepard Smith from FOX News,” I responded.
“Huh,” uttered Victoria. “Whoever supports an egotistical person like him isn't worth dating.” Her words rang true to me, looking back I now saw that being with Lanisha was just asking for trouble. She would constantly criticize those who opposed the Iraq War, vegans and animal rights activists, and even Palestinians who were striving for equal rights. “Were you going to sleep with her tonight?” Victoria asked abruptly.
I stared at Victoria on my screen, unsure of how to react. She looked embarrassed, and I realized that she must be going through something similar. So I mustered the courage to ask her, "Were you going to make love to him?"
"Yes," Victoria answered. "I had gone up his ladder and was about to enter his bedroom when Alexander appeared and began sucking his cock. Then he got undressed and pushed his penis inside Viktor’s anus.
“Alexander?” I recalled a man by the name of Alexander who was caught paying for male prostitutes. His father was said to have connections to political figures, and so all charges were dropped. “Alexander Hermann?”
“YES!” Victoria shouted gleefully. “That was definitely him. I heard his father is super rich and practically owns all of Europe.”
“Ah yes,” I said, “his dad is Cristian Hermann. He survived the Holocaust and helped to establish memorials in Auschwitz and Washington.”
Victoria's next words brought me back to reality: “You didn’t answer my question. What were you doing with Lanisha?”
“Oh. Yeah, I was eating her out,” I replied sheepishly. “I even made her come. But right before I could do more, she got mad at me because I called Shepard Smith an asshole.” A lull followed until we both started laughing loudly. She looked so beautiful that it entraced me; I couldn't take my eyes off of her face. Feeling somewhat awkward, I said, “I don’t mean to stare, but I really have never seen anyone as gorgeous as you are.”
“Thank you, Sean-Paul. You're so kind," Victoria said warmly. Another one of her familiar smiles spread across her face like a wave crashing against the shoreline. I suddenly felt lightheaded, and my cock throbbed beneath my trousers. “Can I see your cock?” she asked teasingly.
“What?” I replied in shock to her sudden request.
“I want to see your penis,” Victoria said in a low voice. “If you’re as aroused as I am right now, you’ll understand why I’m asking this. Show me what you've got, and I'll let you see me naked.”
“Okay-okay-okay,” I stammered out. So I stood up and unzipped my fly and pulled out my fully-erect organ. Victoria's eyes grew wide at the sight of it.
"Good Lord, that's massive!" she said, surprised. "And here I thought Viktor had a huge one." She kept her word; Victoria stood up and slipped off her yellow sundress, revealing her perfect figure; firm stomach, narrow waist, beautifully shaped hips... and the womanliest shaved pussy I'd ever seen on screen. Just beneath the surface was an unmistakable amount of arousal emanating from her; her entire crotch area was glistening with secretions. "Masturbate for me," she asked with an undeniable sexual charge in her voice. Before I knew it, both my hands were rapidly stroking my shaft as I watched every inch of her body. "Watch me pleasure myself," Victoria added with an obvious desire in her tone.
Grasping her engorged clitoris firmly between her digits, Victoria pulled and yanked on it like a penis. “Oh God, I can visualize you penetrating my untouched sex and claiming my virginity. Ah, ah, AH! Oh my God fill me up, Sean-Paul, fuck me, fuck me.” Her hands moved rapidly in a blur as she pleasured herself. Meanwhile, I increased the speed of thrusting my phallus. Suddenly Victoria’s cries grew louder and higher in pitch. “Oh God I can feel your manhood within me, oh fuck me, fuck me, ooo, ooo, oh god, oh god, ooo, ooo, oooOOOoooOOOAAIII!” Her eyes were tight shut while her head was tilted back with pleasure as she climaxed from her own manipulating. Feminine fluids overflowed from her contracting vagina with every contraction. At last, she slowly reclined into her chair gasping for air.
Now I imagined burying my shaft inside her maidenly female sex and taking what was hers to give. The thought made me lose control. “AAARRRGGHHH!” I bellowed as an orgasm that had been building up for some time erupted from my tip. Strands of semen shot out powerfully and repeatedly from my urethra before I also collapsed into a chair completely exhausted.
At last, our breathing returned to normal. "I'll sleep very well tonight," Victoria exclaimed. "Thanks Sean-Paul for this evening. I hope to see you again soon."
"Me too, Victoria," I replied. "Goodnight."
"Gute nacht," she responded. Then, in order to bring on sleepiness, I turned on my beloved Queen internet radio station and let Freddie Mercury's haunting voice drift me off into peaceful slumber:
When love breaks up,
When the dawn light wakes up,
A new life is born.
Sometimes I have to make this final breakthru…
                                           CHAPTER THREE
“So, that's the end of today's board meeting,” I declared. I hung up my Skype call and made a beeline for the kitchen in search of more coffee. “More like a boring meeting,” I mumbled to myself. Now don't get me wrong - there's nothing more gratifying than being the CEO of a company that you started yourself eleven years ago with your best friends, Steven and Greg. In a span of three years our business has grown from making pocket change to generating billions per year; not bad for a punk kid from one of the toughest neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Even so, something was still missing. Despite all our financial success, the tech industry wasn't taking us seriously. Business magazines often wrote us off, dismissing our accomplishments as some sort of anomaly or fluke. How can grossing billions each year possibly be considered a “fluke?” My aim isn't just to network with celebrities or schmooze with Washington insiders - though I do both on occasion. No, my purpose is much bigger than that: to establish myself professionally and offer customers an exceptional product they'll cherish and use. After all, that's why I went into business to begin with.
I made a mental note to pick up something hot and fast for breakfast before I went into work at XC Systems. The Whole Foods Market in Uniondale was my first choice, so I headed there. I was also wearing a hidden camera to record a video blog on what I usually got from the deli section. As I waited in the checkout line (I really didn't like the self-checkouts as they steal jobs from hard-working cashiers), one of the courtesy clerks was bagging an enormous order with reusable bags, and asking the customer in front of me if he needed help carrying it to his car. Suddenly, the customer's expression changed drastically. "I asked for Jason to bag my groceries, not Osama the fucking sand nigger!" he shouted angrily at the cashier who just laughed at this repugnant racist comment.
“You think that was funny, Jennifer?” I said to the cashier in a warning voice. Then I faced the customer. “Sir, that was highly inappropriate.”
“What's it to you, Jewboy?”
“Jennifer,” I said, turning back to the cashier again, “I think you should call your manager to come and settle this.”
“Sir,” she replied hesitantly, “that is none of my business.”
“Do you want me to call corporate," I asked in a stern tone. "You know they could fire you for laughing at those bigoted comments.” The dark-skinned bagger chose that moment to disappear and start packing groceries for another customer.
Jennifer lifted her pager. "Mr. Davis, come to register three please," she said, glancing nervously between me and the bigot. When the manager arrived, Jennifer reported, "Sir, Mr. DeCraig is causing trouble with this customer."
I became outraged. "Excuse me, Mr. Davis, this person was just making Islamophobic comments towards the courtesy clerk now bagging on register four," I interjected.
"So what? It's a free country," he responded coldly. "But you can't come in here harassing my customers!"
"Are you seriously supporting this racist attitude?" I questioned incredulously.
Davis' face reddened as he declared, "You can leave your groceries behind and get the hell out of my store! It doesn't matter how wealthy or poor you are - get out and don't come back. You're no longer welcome here at Whole Foods." He then turned to Rami, the courtesy clerk he'd been insulting earlier. "Clock out and go home; you're fired!"
I yelled out in rage. “What gives you the right to be so hateful and discriminatory?!” All of the patrons, cashiers, and staff had stopped what they were doing to focus their attention on us. Davis's face quickly drained of color. “You just fired an innocent person because a racist customer called him a sand nigger! That’s totally wrong, and I won’t stand for it! I don’t care if you ban me or not, I’m sending this video to corporate and making sure YOU are the one who gets fired!”
Davis went pale with fear, trying to talk his way out. “Wait wait wait Mr. DeCraig, we can work something out... How about my deli cooks prepare some delicious food for your business? I will pay for everything.”
“Your store and your kindness aren't worth shit,” I spat. I quickly uploaded the video of what happened to my YouTube channel, captioned "Whole Foods Store Manager Fires Bagger Who Was Racially Insulted and Bans Me For Confronting Racist Customer." Davis let out a quiet curse when he saw it.
I walked away from my unfinished breakfast and toward the bagger who had just gotten fired. "Come on, Rami," I said, "and I'll make sure you get a job where you're treated right." He threw down his apron and left with me.
When we stepped outside, I noticed many customers leaving empty-handed—one of them must have seen my video; it sparked such outrage that they all abandoned their full carts in protest. A few minutes later, the racist customer emerged with his cart full of the standard Western diet: junk food, potato chips, sugary sodas, and tons of red meat. When he saw me, his face filled with fury. "Thanks a lot, you fucking kike!" he yelled. "You're gonna get this store shut down and put people out of work!"
“Come on, Adolf. You know I’m not Jewish!” I guffawed at his misunderstanding. “You’re so dim you can’t even be a decent bigot!” He slunk away with something about “Zionists here” and “Zionists there” under his breath. As I turned toward my car, I spotted Rami sitting on the bench outside the store. I switched direction and moved to him. “No joke, Rami.”
Rami raised his head to meet my eyes. “Aren’t you Sean-Paul DeCraig of XC Systems?”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
He held out his hand and shook mine when I offered it. “Thank you for standing up for me - that guy has been saying cruel stuff whenever I work here.”
After patting him on the shoulder, I took another look at him and remembered who he was. “Oh yeah, you're the one who shows up to all those computer conventions, right? How good are you with Linux?” I paused for a moment to consider this question.
“Oh, absolutely,” he said. “I maintain my home servers with Debian, and I also write software.”
“Rami,” I said, “it would be great to have you at XC Systems. We are developing our own Debian-based OS that needs to be adopted by the public. Stop in later today - either Steven or I will review your software and if it is up to our standards we can hire you on the spot.”
“Thank you so much,” Rami replied. He shook my hand before leaving for a bus. As for me, I made my way back to Manhattan, stopping at the vegan cafe across from our offices for breakfast before returning to work.
I arrived at my office, and asked Cheryl to take all my calls. "If they need to speak to me, just tell them I'm not available and take a message," I said.
"Do you want to talk privately?" she inquired.
"That would be nice," I replied. Cheryl entered the room, and sat down beside me.
"Are you okay, Sean-Paul?"
"No," I muttered. "It's unbelievable how badly some people can treat others who don't fit into their idea of the 'typical American'. Do you remember what happened after 9/11?"
"Vividly," she whispered. “That's why Lawrence started fighting for the rights of Muslims and Palestinians." The memories of post-9/11 America raced through my mind: Bush granting the FBI more surveillance power against non-Christians; bigots using the tragedy as an excuse to condemn those of different faiths; Muslims being harassed, mocked, and even assaulted due to their religion.
“I had a troubling experience while I was in Whole Foods Uniondale," I began. "There was a customer being very racist and yelling out Islamophobic insults towards one of the employees, and when I tried to tell the store manager what had happened he actually fired that person!" My heart sank at the thought of facing racism from my own country.
Cheryl wrapped her arms around me as she showed me the YouTube video I had posted. Surprise flooded my face as I looked back at her. “Sean-Paul, you did the right thing," she said softly. "You showed the world you really care for your fellow human beings." She kissed me on the cheek and said, "I wish Lawrence could have seen this; he'd be so proud of someone like you."
I embraced Cheryl tightly. "Thank you for everything," I whispered in her ear. We finally let go after the hug was over. "You've been like a sister to me since we first met. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"And you have always been a brother to me," she responded, her voice soft and trembling. "You were there for me when my..." She trailed off, tears streaming down her cheeks with each passing moment. Even though it had been nearly a year since her brother's suicide, the wound still felt fresh within her chest. She reached over for one of the tissues on my desk, wiping away her tears. "Well, I better get back to work. I'll either re-direct all calls to Steven or take down a message."
I thanked her as she left my office and then I set about to enjoy my morning meal. Sitting at my desk, I felt just like I was back in my Central Park apartment. While munching on breakfast, I opened up Rhythmbox and started playing some Pink Floyd songs. Kicking off my shoes, I headed over to the minifridge and grabbed an ice-cold bottle of Bud Light. As the haunting synthesizer intro from "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" filled the room, I wondered if Victoria might be online. I checked Skype, but didn't see her. Then it dawned on me that we'd been chatting on AIM lately, so I opened up Pidgin and saw a message from Lanisha:
lanishaxoxo: Sean-Paul please talk to me.
Crap, not her again. I needed to make it clear that I wasn't interested.
seanpaulxc: Sorry, don’t feel like it. lanishaxoxo: Please. I need to talk to you. It’s important. seanpaulxc: What did Sheppy do? lanishaxoxo: I can’t talk about it on here. They might be watching what we say. seanpaulxc: Who might be watching? lanishaxoxo: FOX News, dumbass. They spy on our emails and chats. I offered a small shrug and let out an exasperated breath. It was obvious she wanted to have a conversation face-to-face.
seanpaulxc: So where then? lanishaxoxo: My place. I get off work at 6. Please come see me. seanpaulxc: Okay. lanishaxoxo: Oh thank you! <3 Great, she had signed out. I started to question whether Lanisha intended to attempt to reunite with me. But then I met Victoria a few nights ago, and I was only interested in her then. All I knew about Victoria was her name, age, stunning face, and attractive figure. I decided that maybe I should reconsider Lanisha again. On the other hand, what would happen with Victoria? DAMN! Never have I been so indecisive between two women at once. I departed around 5:30 and hailed a cab to Lanisha's house in Queens. I knocked on the door and soon enough, Lanisha opened it.
"You actually came," She said with a grin across her face.
I grinned at her. “Yeah, I was worried about you.” Then I stepped in and she closed the door behind me. She offered me a seat on the living room couch, which I accepted. Lanisha went to the kitchen and came back with two glasses of scotch over ice cubes. That was something I'd adored about her during our relationship—she always remembered my favorite drinks. “Thanks,” I said as I took my glass from her.
“You’re welcome,” she replied softly. We sat there enjoying our beverages and chatting idly until I asked: “So what did Shep do?” Her expression changed, and it seemed like she was about to cry. Tears spilled from her left eye, and without thinking I put my arm around her shoulders. Suddenly Lanisha wrapped her arms around me, buried her face in my neck, and started sobbing uncontrollably. I held her close while murmuring comfort into her ear. After a few moments the crying stopped and she looked up at me. My thumbs wiped away the tear tracks that had fallen down her cheeks, and then she reached for my face. Her fingers lightly traced imaginary lines across my right cheek before caressing my lips tenderly. In response, I ran my own hand along her right cheek and then placed my index finger on her full, plush lips. A gentle kiss touched my fingertip before they parted slightly and engulfed it in a tender embrace.
“Oh God," I exhaled as she started to nibble my finger. Her right hand moved down to the zipper of my trousers and then lightly caressed my stiffening shaft. Despite being furious with Lanisha for the events from three evenings ago, this sensation was divine. My left hand reached around her head, followed by her left hand on mine, before we pressed our mouths together in a passionate embrace. My manhood had already grown half-hard from her touch, yet it hardened completely once our tongues collided and entwined. Suddenly, Lanisha pulled away.
“Please fuck me," she whimpered into my mouth.
“All right,” I stammered as we got up and made our way to her bedroom. Once inside the room, we clutched each other tightly and kissed with an energy that neither of us had ever felt before. My hands moved down her back, coming to rest on her curvaceous backside. I firmly grabbed each cheek in turn, feeling her plump, smooth skin beneath my fingertips. Then I pulled off her shirt, revealing her ample bosom. Lanisha then reached for my shirt and tugged it over my head. She fumbled with my belt buckle before removing my pants and underwear in one swift motion. My penis leaped out from its fabric cage. In one fluid gesture, she undid the snap of her jeans and dropped them along with her underwear to the floor. Her wetness was evident in that moment. I laid her down on the bed, pressing my manhood against her entrance and rubbing it across her slit until finally I found her opening. Then I pushed forward.
“AHH!” Lanisha moaned as my manhood entered her. The heat and sensation of her inner being was overwhelming, and I had to use all my energy to stop myself from releasing prematurely. I sunk inside of her until I could go no more. Our tender kiss intensified with every thrust I made. My left hand slipped down, and I coated my index finger in her natural juices before exploring her star-shaped back door. My hard erection pushed against both the vaginal and anal walls, making us both sweat profusely. Her moaning grew louder and louder until finally she convulsed with an orgasm that seemed to rock her entire body. As she quivered beneath me, I found myself thrusting faster and faster until the inevitable happened: a guttural cry escaped me as several spouts of semen burst into her womb. We lay still for a moment, cuddling in the warmth of our coupling.
“I love you, Sean-Paul,” said Lanisha.
“I love you, too” I replied. “So why were you so sad earlier?”
“Sad?” Lanisha said.
“You seemed upset when we were on the chat and then again when I asked about Shepard.”
“No, Sean-Paul, I am not sad. I am happy!”
Now I was confused. Based on my past experiences with Shepard, he was nothing but trouble. Something strange was going on here. “Lanisha, what is happening?”
“I got a terrific job opportunity! I'm going to have my own slot on the show Studio B! All I had to do was let him sleep with me!”
WHAT?! I just had sex with Shepard Smith's sloppy seconds? Oh my gosh. I felt so embarrassed and disgusted by what had happened, I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. Stumbling out of bed, I quickly got dressed. Lanisha glanced at me curiously, but all I could do was look away in shame. In a moment of frustration, I blurted out "You're pathetic" before walking out the door and getting a taxi home.
I immediately went home and hopped in the shower, feeling as if I had been contaminated by Shepard Smith’s germs. I stayed under the hot water until it ran out. Once I was finished, I logged onto my computer and blocked Lanisha on AIM. When I saw Victoria online, I knew she was the one for me and sent her a private message.
seanpaulxc: Hello darling. victoria.camluvr: Sean-Paul! <3 seanpaulxc: God I feel so disgusting. victoria.camluvr: Why? seanpaulxc: I just had sex with my ex. victoria.camluvr: Lanisha? seanpaulxc: Yeah. She practically raped me lol. victoria.camluvr: LMFAO! seanpaulxc: Wanna know the worst part? victoria.camlubr: Sure. seanpaulxc: She’s been fucking Shepard Smith. victoria.camluvr: EWWW! seanpaulxc: Yeah. My ex is Shep’s sloppy seconds LOL! victoria.camluvr: LMFAOOOO! seanpaulxc: I need to see you right now. victoria.camluvr: I know, me too. :) seanpaulxc: Let’s get on Skype. victoria.camluvr: Okay. <3
I switched on Skype, and Victoria’s face soon appeared. She was wearing a skimpy babydoll nightie that seemed way too small for her. I couldn’t help but to admire how gorgeous she looked. I wanted her so badly. The only thing I knew about her was her name, age, and beauty - yet I still felt an undeniable connection to her. “I wish you could crawl through the computer screen and be here with me right now,” I said.
“Kiss me, hold me, and make love to me," she replied. We both smiled. Suddenly, I blurted out the words that had been swimming in my head: "I love you, Victoria."
Victoria grinned and tears fell from her eyes. “Ich liebe dich,” she uttered. It was becoming increasingly evident: three nights ago, she had bid me farewell in German, evidently aware of Alexander and Cristian Hermann. She loved me - in German. Here I was, enamored with a girl from Germany. “Be right back, have to get something,” Victoria stated before departing the room for about a minute. When she returned, she was completely nude and holding a flesh-colored dildo in one hand.
“You gonna fuck yourself with that?” I inquired.
“Of course," she answered with a smile and wink. "But only if you take off your clothes so I can see that big cock of yours." As I removed my clothing piece by piece, Victoria brought the dildo to her mouth and began to caress it with her tongue from the simulated glans down to its base then back up again. My penis hardened immediately from imagining that it was my manhood in place of the device. I closed my eyes and fantasized about feeling her tongue making its way up and down my shaft.
“Suck my dick, Victoria.” Lost in fantasy, I watched as she descended on the dildo mimicking the motion of fellatio. I took hold of my straining erection and began to pump it desperately, imagining it was her mouth instead of my hand. The sensations were intense. “Go all the way down your throat, you horny deep-throater!” I croaked out before seeing Victoria's hand slide between her legs. Now I wanted her to get lost in the fantasy too. “Grab your clit and pinch it like my teeth were doing it.”
My words caused a moan around the flesh-colored cock as she sucked harder and faster. Her other hand moved quicker over her aroused bud while I pumped mine with greater urgency. “Imagine that I'm going to shoot my cum down your throat!”
Victoria’s writhing grew more intense, and her hand moved faster against her clit. As she imagined my semen filling her mouth, she completely let go. “OOOoooOOOUUMMMPPPHHHH!!!” She shouted while a dildo remained in place. I could have sworn that I saw her juices spurt from her sex.
At the same time, my fantasy of pushing my tool past her epiglottis and ejaculating straight into her stomach made me cum too. I shouted and shot out load after load of semen that sprayed all over me before slowing to a few weaker spurts. . I slouched back into the chair. When my eyes fluttered open, Victoria was slumped over just like me. We gasped heavily as if we had run a marathon. My room smelled of sweat and come; no doubt, her room smelled of sweat and female juices. “We must meet up one day and do this in person,” I said.
“Absolutely,” Victoria said with a seductive smirk. “On one condition.”
“That we make love in a jacuzzi for the first time,” she answered with a smile and a wink.
"Deal," I said as I remembered that I had to go on a business trip to San Francisco the next day. “I have to leave for San Francisco early tomorrow so I better get some rest. Goodnight, darling.”
“Goodnight, Sean-Paul,” she replied sweetly before logging off Skype. After turning off my MacBook, I grabbed a glass of Diet Coke and Canadian whiskey over ice, sipped it, then went off to bed.
Just as I was dozing off, my phone buzzed. On the screen was a sensational headline about Alexander Hermann’s alleged gay lover found dead in his home in Ansbach—the result of an apparent double murder-suicide involving his parents. His name caught my attention: Viktor Rodemacher.
                                                CHAPTER FOUR
I awoke around 4 AM, earlier than normal, due to a terrible dream in which Lanisha transformed into Shepard Smith while we were being intimate. I got out of bed and looked for solace in the cold water of the bathroom sink. But that didn't help me forget about my nightmare.
Back in my room I switched on the TV and watched Metropolis, a Fritz Lang silent classic. As Freder and Maria fell in love, I compared their romance with my own budding relationship with Victoria. Then Rotwang’s Artificial Human of Maria reminded me too much of Lanisha’s behavior. When it ended, I realized there would be no such reunion for us, as we had never even been together. The final title card spoke volumes:
THE MEDIATOR BETWEEN HEAD AND HANDS MUST BE THE HEART! Victoria was the one who held my heart. Using my head, I created a successful billion dollar empire and with my hands, molded it into something even greater. Although I had all this money, I felt empty not having someone to share it with. Being a billionaire certainly carried its perks but it got lonesome occasionally. I’d had partners before, yet other than Taylor, no one had truly awakened love in me, not even Lanisha. Now I see that the only thing I ever wanted from her was her physical beauty; nothing more. With Victoria however, it was different: we discussed films, news events, culture and anything else you could think of. Unlike Lanisha who always condemned those FOX News disagreed with, Victoria and I shared intellectual conversations. Her wit and gentle soul were an ideal complement to her physical beauty: she really was the full package! Oh, how I longed for her!
I opened up Facebook on my Mac in Chrome, and I saw a friend request waiting for me. Upon clicking the icon, I discovered that the person who had requested me was Victoria Köhler. The photo in her profile confirmed this—it was indeed Victoria! Without hesitation, I clicked 'accept'. After doing so, I read some information on her profile and saw that she lived in Ansbach, Germany. So, I went to Wikipedia for more info, learning that Ansbach was a hamlet located in Bavaria.
Another alert popped up on my friend request button with a request from Victoria: she wanted us to be in a relationship. It felt sudden; I'd never even met her in person. On the other hand, the conversations we'd had were nice and the cybersex was intense--so what the hell? With that thought in mind, I accepted the relationship. Glancing at my profile, I noticed a post had been added to my timeline.
Sean-Paul DeCraig is in a relationship with Victoria Köhler. My relationship status was officially changed on Facebook. Just then, my phone rang with a number I did not recognize. For some reason, I decided to answer it. "Hello?" I said.
"Thank you for accepting my relationship request," Victoria said sweetly through the phone.
"You're welcome, my love", I replied back after a few moments of pause. We spoke for a while and I wished we had more time, but unfortunately I had a plane to catch soon. "I can't stay on the phone too long, Victoria. I have to get on a plane and fly to San Francisco."
I could hear the disappointment in her voice when she said, "Oh, you're no fun". Then in her usual playful tone, she added, "Well, be safe. I love you."
“I love you, too, darling,” I replied. I hung up and got ready. The flight to San Francisco was pretty nice. We had a layover in Kansas City. I remembered the last time I was in Kansas City. It was eight months ago. I had taken a temporary leave from XC Systems to teach computer science for two semesters at Kansas City University. It was where I met Taylor. She was a student in my advanced classes. She was amazing in bed. For some reason, she had a weird obsession about fucking herself with shampoo bottles. I found out the reason why she had that particular kink - as well as another that I shared as well - right before I sodomized her bitchy aunt Mindy. One night after we got done fucking each other’s brains out, she asked me to shove a shampoo bottle up her cunt and shove another one up her ass and fuck her with both shampoo bottles at the same time. The orgasms she experienced from the shampoo bottle sex were monstrous. We finished the session with my cock buried in her cunt while I shoved a shampoo bottle up her ass and made her cum countless times. After our layover in Kansas City, we flew to San Francisco.
As soon as I landed in San Francisco, I was picked up by a limousine. When I entered the vehicle, I saw a familiar face--none other than President Barack Obama. “Good to see you again, Barack.”
“Same to you, Sean-Paul.” I had encountered him at Dartmouth College when he gave a lecture on the US Constitution for my politics class. Students of the course disagreed with his comments about the document's flaws, but I stood up and defended him. After that, the discussion on the Constitution's merits and pitfalls could proceed peacefully. “I knew you'd have a bright future when I met you,” Obama smiled. “Thanks for coming here by the way.”
I nodded in acknowledgement before asking, “So where are we going?”
He merely replied, “Have you ever heard of the Bilderberg Group?”
“The conspiracy theorists say it's full of powerful elites creating a new world government,” I said. “Is there any truth to that?”
The President shrugged. “Not at all. Bilderberg is nothing more than a debating society. We just have conversations and discuss topics like we did at Dartmouth about the Constitution.”
By then, we had already arrived at San Francisco's grandest hotel. There were protesters along the sidewalk and police patrolling the area. Among them was Alex Jones who bellowed through a megaphone about various conspiracies, including 9/11 and population control—he still doesn't know what he's talking about.
The memory of 9/11 was still fresh in my mind. Steven and I had founded XC Systems and rented the sixteenth floor of WTC 1 with Gregory just a few months before. That morning, Gregory had come into the office earlier than usual. Steven and I then decided to get breakfast and cocktails at the Jolly Mick, and as I drank my pina colada, it felt like an earthquake ripped through the city when we heard the explosion from the other side of Manhattan. We rushed out of our seat to see the burning World Trade Center, and a giant crater where our business headquarters used to stand. Although this tragedy happened almost 11 years ago, it took ten long years for Gregory's remains to be identified by DNA testing.
It's incredible to me that Alex Jones would suggest Bush had blown up the twin towers, as if he was intelligent enough to pull off a grand scheme like that. But when we reached our destination and stepped out of the limo, I finally got to experience the reality of the Bilderberg Meeting. It was enlightening! I got to converse with world-renowned names like David Rockefeller and Bill Gates, and even had a long chat with the latter about the tech industry. He said he believed I was a visionary and my business would be the top one around!
A few days later, some of us visited the Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio. This too was nothing like Jones perceived - it wasn't sinister at all; rather, it was a place for intellectual exchange of ideas. Plus, I got to pee on a giant redwood tree with Henry Kissinger - how cool is that?
After the party, I chose to fly to Kansas City. I never told Taylor that I was a billionaire. My feet stepped inside Whole Foods Market and took me to the deli's vegan selection. As I browsed, an email came through on my phone from Whole Foods corporate offices - not only had I not been banned from their stores, but the manager at the location in Uniondale had been dismissed and the customer accused of racism had been prohibited from all of their facilities. I decided upon a spicy black bean veggie burger with vegan mayonnaise and a carrot-apple juice. After paying for my food, I left the store and found a spot outside to sit down and enjoy my meal. Eventually, I stood up and walked back towards my car when I bumped into what appeared to be a kid. "Watch where you're going," I said somewhat agitatedly until I realized it wasn't a kid at all - it was Taylor! "TAY!"
“SEAN-PAUL!” We sprinted towards one another and came together in an embrace. She jumped up, locking her legs around me, clinging to me as if I were her only life raft. I gazed into her eyes and beheld her infectious smile. Damn, her smile was so seductive. Her long blonde hair and box bangs still framed her stunning face. Her body pressed against mine evoked colorful recollections of our past sexual encounters, and my member stirred with immediate arousal.
She must have noticed the response she still induced within me; she pulled my head close to hers and kissed me. If we had found a way to get away with it, I would have taken her right there in the parking lot. Instead, we walked over to my rental car and drove until we discovered a hotel where we could be alone.
As soon as we stepped foot in the room, I sat down on the couch and Taylor plopped her body onto my lap. She grabbed my neck with both arms and pulled me in close for a passionate kiss. It had been eight months since we made love, and the longing built up during that time seeped out of us both. Even though we were no longer engaged, we still never officially ended things, so there was much to catch up on. Her tongue explored every inch of my mouth as I hungrily responded. Taylor was small, about 4’10” and only 95 pounds, yet her body had grown since college--her breasts seemed fuller than they were when we first met at KCU. Maybe she would eventually resemble her aunt Mindy after all.
Taylor had a very nice, round butt for someone of her size, even when she didn't have much of a chest. Her tight jeans highlighted her curves, as did the subtle cameltoe that peeked through. I picked her up and gently laid her on the bed, then began undressing until she was naked. Her nipples were so sensitive that just by applying slight pressure with my lips and tongue, I could make her moan in pleasure. “Ah, ah, AH!” Taylor exhaled explosively when I started to pay attention to her breasts. I worked one nipple with my left hand while taking the other into my mouth. As I bit down while pinching gently, Taylor let out a loud cry of passion: “AH! AH! AH! AIIIIEEEE!” Her fists pounded against the bed as she finished climaxing from the stimulation of her nipples alone. With each thrust, I could smell her arousal.
I could take it no longer-- I had to have her. Quickly, I shed all my clothes until I was as exposed as she was. Her eyes widened as ten inches of hard penis appeared before her. Reaching into my suitcase, I grabbed a shampoo bottle and a container of Astroglide. The shampoo bottle matched the length and width of my member. Taking the lubricant, I unscrewed it and applied it to my manhood. Then, I put a pillow in the middle of the bed and laid Taylor on top, with her bubble butt pointing up invitingly. I separated her cheeks and lined up the tip of my cock with her star-shaped anus. Gently, I teased her entrance with the shampoo bottle before shoving it in and pressing my cock inside with one forceful thrust.
“YIIIIIEEEEEEE!" Taylor's shrill yell filled the room as another orgasm washed over her. She had an unbelievable ability to climax multiple times in a single session; the last time we made love, she had eleven consecutive orgasms before I released into her. When Taylor finished her second orgasm, I began thrusting my manhood in and out of her butt while she used one hand to move the shampoo bottle in and out of her tender pussy. It was dripping with her wetness. Then my other hand found its way to her sensitive clitoris, which stood erect against my fingers. Just when I could tell she was close to coming again, I pulled out completely from her rear end. "No, don't pull out..." Taylor begged.
“Relax, babe,” I said softly before I turned her around so that she was lying on her back. Bringing myself close to her open hole, I pushed all the way in again until I hit the hilt.
“OOOoooOOOOoooOOOOOOEEEE!” Taylor threw her head back and screamed as another wave of pleasure crashed through her. I continued thrusting my aching, hard penis into her rear end. She quickly pumped the shampoo bottle in and out of her pussy. Then I grabbed the shampoo bottle with my left hand and while I pushed it against her G-spot to cause pain, I squeezed her clitoris between my thumb and index finger tightly. And suddenly, Taylor detonated.
“AAAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEE!” Taylor scrunched her eyes shut and snapped her head back as the most extreme orgasm of her life made her body shake with spasms. For the first time since our sexual session in my car on December 26th, she squirted. Thick, fragrant nectar shot powerfully from her slit, reaching up high in an arc, directly hitting me in the face. I happily gulped down her nectar. It was the tastiest girl cum I had ever sampled. For close to a minute, Taylor squirted and squirted, drenching my face until her quakes quieted down and reducing her ejaculation to a mere trickle.
The taste of her juices, the smell of her arousal, and the feeling of her tight anus gripping my penis became too much for me. I began thrusting my shaft in and out of her backside with reckless abandon. Then I felt my testicles draw up against my stomach as my member swelled further, and then I climaxed. “AAAAAAH!” I shrieked as my orgasm burst forth from me. The first shot spilled deep into her intestines. Five more powerful spurts followed, and I was finished.
We adjusted our positions until I was lying on my back with Taylor resting atop me. I ran my hands up her slick bare back slowly to caress her buttocks tenderly. “That feels so nice” Taylor murmured in a haze. “I wish we could do this forever.” Then she kissed me deeply before sliding off me. My manhood slipped out of her rectum, and a stream of tawny ejaculate ran out. I grabbed my underwear from the bed and wiped away the mix of sperm and excrement from my penis.
My previous love affair with Taylor was perhaps the most passionate in my life. We had met at one of my college lectures on computers. Later that night, we ended up in a hotel room - and it was there I discovered her shampoo bottle fetish (as well as, surprisingly, another fetish which we shared). From then on, our sex life took off. Every day felt like a new adventure for us. We were intimate in every way possible; vaginal, oral... even anal! At one point, we almost got caught by her mother Terri and her aunt Mindy. I had picked Taylor and her best friend Maddy up from New York City - who came onto me multiple times and almost managed to seduce me twice with a passionate kiss each time - and in the backseat of my car was when we got a little wild. Just after our mutual climaxes, I saw Terri and Mindy in her mom's car. We hastily put on our clothing to avoid being seen in a compromising position. Terri was grateful for my support of her daughter's studies but Mindy was less than pleased when she noticed the way Taylor was walking. I silenced her criticism by threatening to tell her husband about her affair with Lanisha. After that, she kept quiet.
As our kiss continued and hearts raced, I pulled the shampoo bottle out of her juicy cunt and then massaged her gaping, wet anus with its tip. My member was becoming aroused again as I slid the shampoo bottle inside her bottom until it couldn't go any further. Taylor could feel my thickening cock pressing against her labia. She started to rock her hips back and forth against my throbbing penis. When it was fully erect, I lined the head of my penis up with her drooling entrance. Then, we rolled over so that she was lying on her back underneath me. My manhood was aching for her; I just had to have her. I lined up the crown of my shaft at her entrance and pushed through.
“AAAAAAAHIIIIEEEEEEEE!” Taylor let out a loud cry as the feeling of ten inches of rigid penis entering her brought her to yet another orgasm. I savored the incredible sensation of her vagina contracting and pulsating over my manhood. I started thrusting in and out of her sex. She grasped hold of her hardened pleasure spot with her fingers and began rubbing it wildly. My left hand grabbed her firm right nipple and pinched it firmly, leading to louder cries from Taylor. “Aah! Aah! AAH! AAH! AAH! AAAAIIIIEEEEE!” Taylor shook vigorously as another climax took over her body. Her walls quivered down the full length of my shaft, and although I was enjoying the moment, I was nowhere near coming myself.
Once Taylor's orgasm began to fade, I pushed the shampoo bottle against my penis as it went through her back passage and vagina. She screamed out in pleasure at the sensation as her body quivered from the intense sensations coursing through her. Her orgasm quickly raised to another level, but I was still not ready to reach my climax.
At last, I thought it was time. I took out a popper from my pocket and crumpled it in my hand. The smell of amyl nitrate filled the air. I held it close to Taylor’s nose and she inhaled deeply. Almost instantly, her body was overcome with pleasure. Her nipples were stiff and erect beneath my fingertips, and her clitoris seemed to burn in anticipation. With one swift movement, I seized her glistening flower between my fingers and pinched hard.
“EEEEEEEEOOOOOOAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIII!”  Taylor screamed as an intense orgasm almost too powerful for words ripped through her body. Her entire being trembled as her pussy contracted around my cock. I pressed the shampoo bottle against me again before she reached her second climax, louder than the first. “YIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!” She shouted and nectar gushed from between her legs, coating us both.
The pleasure of bringing my former lover Taylor to multiple orgasms was overwhelming. I felt my scrotum draw up close to my body, and I felt my penis bulge, and then my semen spurted hot and deep inside her spasming cervix. “AAAIIIEEEEE! EEE! EEE! EEE!” Taylor’s head dropped for a moment as she came down from her orgasm, but the feeling of my steaming semen against her cervix caused her to throw her head back again and shriek as the flow of liquid heat inside her triggered yet another explosion of pleasure. We both lay there, exhausted after our lovemaking, both gasping for air like we had run a race. In the stillness that followed, we started kissing softly. Then I heard my phone ringing. “No, don’t answer it.”
“I have to, I’m a businessman, you know,” I said as I looked at the caller ID and answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Dude, you won't believe what I'm about to tell you,” Steven uttered with extreme elation in his voice.
“What is it?” I queried.
“Sean-Paul, Cristian Hermann, the billionaire from Munich, has made us an offer for our company—one hundred BILLION dollars! Plus he has contacts in the media who can help us with advertising. With this deal, we're going global!” I was flabbergasted; my dream of turning my business into an international powerhouse may have come true.
“I’ll be taking a plane ride to Manhattan without delay,” I declared, hanging up the telephone. As I got dressed, I explained to Taylor, “There's been an offer on the table for someone to purchase my company for an absurd sum of money.”
"Aww shucks, I was going to let you fuck me one more time," she replied. "But congratulations! I'm sure several million dollars is sure to make you wealthy."
"You mean a hundred billion," I said with a mischievous grin.
Taylor gasped in shock. "WHAT?!”
“You just had sex with a billionaire,” I said as Taylor pulled on her jeans. As she reached for a shirt to slip over her head, I noticed her cheeks reddening in embarrassment. After she was fully dressed, I drove her home and Terri and Mindy were waiting. When Terri saw me, she opened her arms and gave me a gentle embrace while Mindy stood stiffly, watching us with an icy stare.
As I prepared to leave, I whispered goodbye to Taylor and embraced her again, cupping the back of her neck gently as our lips touched. The kiss quickly grew passionate, my tongue flicking against hers as I felt a shiver go through her body. When we finally pulled apart, I glanced up and caught Mindy's glare. “I think your aunt Mindy is jealous,” I said with a wink before pressing a final kiss against Taylor's mouth.
I slowly walked away from them both towards my car, but not before lightly grazing my elbow against the curves of Mindy's breasts through her sweater. She let out a gasp at my touch and heat flooded into her face. Bringing my lips close to her ear, I murmured softly so that only she could hear. “Want me to prove there’s nothing going on between me and your niece?” With my words came the pressure of one finger against the fabric covering her ass as it rubbed circles around her pussy. A moan escaped from between the seam of her lips as I laughed quietly before turning and walking to my car. Once inside, I started up the engine and drove away towards the airport.
It was close to 9 PM when I arrived in the city. A cab took me to my apartment building, and after unlocking the door I stepped inside. Turning on my computer, I read an email from Victoria that included stunning photographs she'd taken as well as a poem. As I read her words, I realized what a fool I had been for sleeping with Taylor again. Victoria's love made me feel blissfully cherished. However, reconnecting with Taylor had shaken my confidence about deserving her. Knowing what I had to do, I quickly dialed Taylor's number. "Are you up?" were the words that left my lips.
“Yeah,” Taylor said.
“I know this isn’t easy for you, but -”
“You don't have to say it, Sean-Paul. I already saw your relationship status on Facebook. It's okay. I just wanted to thank you for loving me.” There was a sadness in her voice that caused my eyes to fill with tears.
“Maybe you should give your ex-girlfriend Angelica a call and see if there's anything left between you two," I suggested. We both chuckled. “Good night, Tay.”
“Good night, Sean-Paul.” After we hung up, I then called Steven to set up a meeting tomorrow about the buyout proposal.
                                              CHAPTER FIVE
We had a very important board meeting the next day, reminding me of the days when we first moved our business in WTC 1, three months before 9/11. Gregory wasn't there anymore, and the financial losses almost crippled us. We were then forced to move operations to an apartment I once shared with Steven--until he moved out and I was left alone.
After a long night's rest, I woke up around 7 AM and took a refreshing cold shower, which helped me wake up from my grogginess. Emails checked, I opened Victoria's message, scanning her poem again and musing over what she had written. The words made me realize how vital Victoria was to my life plan: to become closer to her, I needed to leave Taylor in the past. No sooner did I think this than did my phone ring--it was Taylor! "Hello?" I answered.
“Hey Sean-Paul, got a few minutes?” Taylor asked.
“Sure thing, I don't have any business meetings until tomorrow so I'm free all day," I answered.
“Fantastic! Meet us at La Guardia, we'll be there in an hour!" Then the line went dead. What did she mean by us? Oh no, could her aunt Mindy have somehow found out about our connection and was now dragging Taylor to confront me? Taylor had been a vulnerable college student when we first met and got together. I had to face whatever it was head on and do it as responsibly as possible. After getting ready, I caught a taxi to La Guardia.
I arrived at La Guardia Airport about thirty minutes later and the sight of it made me cringe. I decided to wait for Taylor at the Starbucks. My phone beeped with her reply, so I ordered a coffee and sat down to sip it as I waited for my ex. Fifteen minutes passed before I looked out of the window and saw a large group of Kansas City Royals fans pass by followed by an old man wearing a Los Angeles Dodgers uniform. The name on the back read: SEXTON. It was that "Troy From West Virginia" who made those creepy YouTube videos about his admiration for Joe Beimel! Poor guy- his looks didn’t do him any favors either.
I saw the door to Starbucks open and spotted Taylor walking in with another girl. She was taller than Taylor, sporting a snug t-shirt and slim blue jeans. Her figure was more curvy than my ex-girlfriend's. After recognizing her from Taylor’s Facebook photos, I waved them over to join me at my table. We exchanged hugs, then I kissed Taylor on the cheek and said “Welcome to New York City”.
At that moment, she turned towards me so that our lips met unintentionally - or so I thought. As Taylor winked at me and smiled, I couldn’t help but feel aroused by her beauty. Daydreaming about making love to my ex for the second day in a row, I felt my manhood stiffen uncontrollably.
Then I remembered that she wasn’t alone. “So,” I said, “are you going to introduce me to Angelica?”
Taylor laughed softly. “Angelica, this is my ex-boyfriend Sean-Paul.” Angelica's eyes slid up and down assessing me, paying extra attention to the obvious bulge in my slacks. Her eyes drifted back up, and as our eyes met, I could detect a noticeable flush in her cheeks. “Sean-Paul, this is Angelica…my ex-girlfriend.”
I looked at her in the eyes. She was stunning: Beautiful dark hair, lovely brown eyes, and smooth white skin with rosy red cheeks. Despite all that, my gaze remained on hers, and I felt like it was difficult to breathe.
Angelica was wearing a low-cut top, and I couldn’t help but cast my eyes downward to survey her supple form. The drooping neckline of her low-cut top presented an ample view of her cleavage. The tight fabric hugged her breasts, making them appear larger than they actually were. Then my eyes cast even further down. The tightness of her jeans revealed shapely hips, and the tight fabric was so snug against her crotch that I could detect a faint hint of cameltoe. The view was breathtaking. My eyes immediately drifted upward, and as our eyes made contact, I noticed her cheeks became redder, and her lips parted as she began to pant softly. I could have sworn that my nostrils detected the ever subtle hint of female arousal.
The air around us crackled with tension, and I wondered what Taylor could be thinking about now.
I turned away from Angelica and to Taylor. Her face was flushed as well. “Let’s get a room somewhere,” I proposed.
She agreed. We took a taxi to the Plaza Hotel, where we acquired a luxurious suite. Then Taylor threw her arms around my neck, pulling us together until our mouths met in a kiss. I had just broken up with her last night, yet here we were again, giving into our urges. My manhood was hardening as she slipped her hands underneath my shirt. She shivered as I lightly traced my fingernails down her back. Then I moved my hands further up, feeling her already-taut stomach tighten as I explored it with my fingers before reaching her breasts. Taylor broke the kiss and cried out as I teased her erect nipples. She thrust herself against me at an unbelievable pace, longing for pleasure and release like I had never experienced before. I laid her down on the bed and undressed her until she was totally bare in front of me. My member ached with desire, so I leaned in and softly bit down on her right nipple. “AAAAIIIEEEEE!” screamed Taylor as the sensation drove her to orgasm quickly. Her body was soaked with arousal and ready for me to take further action.
The unmistakable scent of Taylor’s increasing arousal filled my nostrils. It was an aphrodisiac. I thought it would add to the pleasure of the experience adding Angelica to the mix. I glanced at the dark-haired beauty and suggested: “Hey Angelica, you want to make her squirt?”
Angelicas eyes widened in surprise. “She can squirt?” She exclaimed with excitement. “Holy fuck yes, I wanna see that!”
“Then go get a shampoo bottle from the bathroom,” I ordered. Angelica sprinted away before returning with a shampoo bottle identical to the one I had used on Taylor yesterday. As I removed my clothes, Angelica let out a gasp and her eyes widened as she caught sight of my ten inches of rock-hard penis. I didn't know if Angelica was into girls or guys, but it didn't matter; she was about to get an amazing show either way. "Watch this!" I said before pressing the head against Taylor's entrance and pushing myself in.
“AAAAIIIIEEEEE!” Taylor screamed in ecstasy as a second orgasm burst through her. I thrusted my manhood in and out of Taylor's pulsating genitals until I withdrew myself completely. Snatching the shampoo bottle from Angelica, I moved away from Taylor’s core and pushed my penis up against her butt hole. Then, I thrust both the bottle and my member into her. “AAAAAOOOOOWWWWEEEEEEE!” Taylor shrieked as a greater orgasm took over her body, releasing her to an imaginary world between dimensions.
I glanced at Angelica who had grown red from her face down to her bosom. Her nipples were straining against her tight white top. “Ready to see her squirt?” I asked Angelica while sliding my fingertips up and down her thigh.
At this, Angelica shivered. One hand drifted down to meet mine and guided my hand to her heaving bosom. Another hand drifted down the the button of her tight jeans, unsnapping the button and pulling the zipper down. I glanced down and grinned as this sexy Hispanic beauty pulled her jeans down to mid-thigh and wormed her hand underneath her panties. She moaned sharply as she slid a finger into her wet slit, and she gasped aloud as I began to tease her straining nipples through the tight fabric of her white tank top. and I could hear the liquid slishing sound of female masturbation. “Uh huh, uh HUH,” she moaned.
“You asked for it,” I muttered as I started thrusting.
Taylor gasped in pleasure as my member started penetrating her behind. She was feeling an inferno between her legs from the shampoo bottle stimulating her vulva. The only noise in the room was my wet pounding and Angelica's groans of delight. Without warning, Angelica joined in on the action. Her lips met Taylor’s in a passionate kiss while her hands moved to her nipples and pinched them hard. Then, I pushed down on the bottle so it would rub up against me through her vaginal and anal walls. “Ahh, ahh, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed out loud as she experienced another orgasm that made every nerve in her body shudder with pleasure.
The feeling of Taylor’s rectum squeezing me was exquisite torment, but I remained determined to delay her pleasure until she reached orgasmic bliss. I glanced over at Angelica. “Let’s make her come! Get up here and have a taste!” Angelica came over and stood beside me. She could have kissed me passionately, but instead she gave me a provocative wink. With that gesture of encouragement, I went for it. I pushed the shampoo bottle against Taylor’s G-Spot and held down the stiff bud between my fingers before giving it a hard pinch.
“EEEEEEOOOOOAAWWWWW!” Taylor arched her back and howled out. Tears streamed down her face as spasm after spasm of ultimate pleasure seized her. And then, her delightful juices flowed freely. Her sugary elixir shot up in high arcs and Angelica and I hungrily lapped it up for more than a minute.
My body tensed as the feeling of Taylor’s sphincter contracting around my manhood became too intense for me to bear. I withdrew and lay down next to her, my shaft liberally coated with fecal matter. After wiping myself off with my underwear, I brought my face close to Taylor's, and our lips met. Softly, I spoke in her ear: “I think Angelica could use some attention.”
“No doubt,” Taylor replied.
I lifted my head and faced Angelica. “Ready for me to make you come?” I asked her.
Her reply was shaky. “I-I-I don't - ”
“She’s not into guys,” Taylor suddenly spoke out.
Aha! It all made sense now. Taylor was bisexual, but her implication that Angelica was an out and proud lesbian left doubts in me. A true lesbian would react in horror from being pleasured by a man. No matter what her true sexual orientation was, she was hot as fuck. “Well, you can still get in on the action. Taylor can eat you out," I suggested.
“O-okay," Angelica accepted nervously. She took off her clothing with a shyness that made her all the more attractive. My gaze trailed down to her privates; she had completely shaved everything—including her clitoris, which was one of the largest I'd ever seen. Angelica sat down on Taylor's face and started pushing her vulva against Taylor's mouth as her ex licked and sucked her juicy slit. “Yes, yes, yes!" Angelica moaned loudly from the sensation of Taylor's passionate kisses on her clitoris.
I found myself unable to resist the temptation of this sizzling scene. I leaned towards Taylor, pinning her with my engorged member. That unexpected penetration provoked a gasp from her lips. Angelica's mouth then became muffled by Taylor's increasing cry of pleasure as it vibrated against her own swollen clitoris. Angelica closed her eyes and opened her mouth, as if inviting me in. Her hips began gyrating with each thrust of Taylor's tongue. The redness spread across Angelica's body as her protruding nipples tempted me further. Despite Taylor stating that Angelica wasn't into guys, I couldn't help but act on instinct. She let out an indescribable sound as I lightly pinched her nipples between my fingers. She opened her eyes. They were glassy with arousal. She stared intently at me, and as my fingertips caressed her erect nipples, she could not contain her urges any longer. Angelica wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close. Her lips crashed into mine, and she kissed me passionately. As our tongues entwined, I reached for the shampoo bottle nearby which was still covered in Taylor’s juices - and brought it up to Taylor’s gaping anus before pushing it inside and grinding its neck against my penis.
“OOOoooOOOOOUUUMMMPPPHHHH!” Taylor stifled her cry of pleasure as she was seized by an intense climax. Her secretions were flung everywhere, drenching me and Angelica in her juices.
Taylor’s shrieks acted like a vibrator on Angelica’s clitoris. I knew the sensation was too much for Angelica to bear. She gasped and pulled away from our kiss. ”Ooo, ooo, ooo, oooOOOoooOOOEEEEEE!” Angelica screamed as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over her body. I pinched her nipples harder still and it pushed her even further over the edge.
The sight was overwhelming for me too, and I began thrusting hotter and faster in and out of Taylor’s pussy until finally butting up against her cervix elicited another vigorous orgasm from her. “AAAAHHHHH!” I shouted as semen flooded into Taylor's womb. As one final surge of heat flowed through us all, we were spent.
We collapsed onto the bed, my cock slipping out of Taylor's wetness with a loud slurp. This was the most passionate sexual experience I'd ever been a part of. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Angelica began humping her bald pussy against my still-hard penis. My hardness returned quicker than ever before, and I started thrusting my hips back and forth to rub the full length of my solid shaft against her puffy clitoris while also massaging her erect nipples. She gasped for air as she intensified her movements against me, eagerly murmuring her desire for more. "Fuck me," Angelica rasped.
"Are you sure your lesbian pussy wants my hard cock?" I questioned.
"YESSSS!" Angelica groaned loudly. I lined the head of my lubricated dick up with her quivering entrance and slowly pushed inside. "FUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Angelica yelled out in response to feeling a penis fill her up for the first time. I let her control the speed; she rode me slowly at first, but then her intensity increased as Taylor snaked their hand between us to stimulate her engorged clit. "Oh god, I never thought it could feel this good," Angelica exclaimed as the orgasm loomed near.
My allergies had my nose in a frenzy, but the two of us still kept going. Little did I know, but Angelica shared a particular fetish that Taylor and I secretly enjoyed: sneezing. Taylor had the perfect remedy, though - she grabbed a flower from the nightstand and rubbed it against my nose until I couldn't take it anymore. “Oh god! I have to sneeze!” I shouted as I felt an itch in my sinuses.
Angelica was moaning in pleasure at this unexpected twist in our activities, putting her on the brink of orgasm, but when she heard me trying to hold back my impending sneeze, she felt her control to hold back her release begin to slip away. At that moment, Taylor pinched my nose and I released a long and rapid series of stifled sneezes mixed with moans while I tried to regain some air. Angelica screamed as her body trembled through a huge orgasm, then I felt Taylor frigging herself as she also reached climax. With no energy left for inhibitions, I pushed all the way deep into Angelica's spasming cervix until I erupted inside her and passed out from exhaustion.
We spent time talking and then I asked Taylor a question. “Angelica isn’t your ex-girlfriend, is she? She’s your girlfriend?” She said yes, they had gotten back together the summer after I returned to New York. “So why did you want me to meet Angelica?” I asked.
Angelica spoke up, “We were hoping to start a family together, but we couldn’t afford expensive sperm donors. We wanted me to meet my child's biological father.”
Taylor added, “Of course, I'm also ovulating right now.”
Stunned by this twist in the conversation, I jokingly said, “You got the best sperm donor free of charge!” We all laughed before I drove them to La Guardia airport and sent them back home with longing kisses. Angelica whispered something that caught my attention: “I'm also ovulating and would love for you to put your big dick inside my lesbian pussy again.” Her words caused a low moan from me as she joined Taylor for boarding.
As I watched my friends’ plane soar away into the blue sky, I couldn't help but think of all the potential consequences from my past actions. Taylor could have been carrying my baby at that present moment. And maybe Angelica, too; I thought back to last time Taylor had gotten pregnant with mine and her first child before our engagement on her 18th birthday. The memory of Taylor screaming when she miscarried in Maddy's dorm room was too painful. She felt so broken and unworthy of me, she called off the engagement. This time around, I hoped Taylor would get through it alright. A wave of emotion came over me as I thought of having children of my own one day and creating a family. Suddenly, everything with Taylor was at peace: Our relationship was officially over. Now nothing stood in the way of me being with Victoria.
As I walked towards my car, a notification pinged on my phone. It was from Maddy. When I read her message, my phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hey,” she said, “Did Taylor visit you?”
“Yes,” I replied. “She and Angelica just boarded a plane, and are heading back to Kansas City.”
“What? She got back together with Angelica?! Why would she do that? Angelica will only hurt her again.” Maddy’s voice trembled with emotion. “I don’t want to see her get hurt again.” Then she burst into tears. “I almost lost my best friend when she tried to -“
I tried to calm Maddy down. “Maddy, honey, please take a deep breath. Maybe Angelica has changed; she seemed really happy with Taylor.”
“I hope what you said is true,” Maddy commented. “And don't forget - you just called me honey again.” Her voice changed to happiness. “You know I graduated from high school in Brooklyn right? Once I get my degree from KCU maybe I'll come back and visit you.” She stopped for a second, her tone becoming more amorous. “Your voice drives me wild. It's been so long since I've seen you.”
“It was only eight months ago,” I joked. Eight months seemed like an eternity for the libidinous young adult.
“Maybe so, but -” Maddy's voice was laced with a seductive tone. “I wish I could be there with you right now, just like when we were in your office at KCU.” The memory of that day played out in my mind. It was the time she told me about Angelica's deceit towards Taylor, and also the same day we shared a heated kiss that almost had us losing control. “Do you know what I'd let you do to me?”
“What,” I managed to sputter, my voice trembling with a rush of excitement.
“I’d let you press me against the wall and... ohh ...caress all over.” I heard the sound of female masturbation as her quiet moans tickled every one of my nerve endings. This aroused something sleeping deep within me, and even my tired cock began to come alive. “Then I’d... AH... grind my wet pussy against your hard penis so that you could… OHHH... enter inside.” As Maddy gasped for breath, the liquid slishing grew louder and more frenzied. “Oh Goddd, Sean-Paul, I want your cock. It’s so... BIG... and... AHH so firm.” My manhood was now rock solid, and I visualized this sexy redhead straddling me as she cried out with pleasure. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna... ahh! Ahh! AHH! AHH! AAAAHHHHIIIIIEEEE!”
Maddy's moan filled my head as I imagined her pussy quaking around me; my nuts had already started to ache in anticipation of my climax. Even before I touched myself, I could feel the pleasure coursing through me and let out a low groan that echoed throughout the car as I came in my pants. “Oh fuck,” I said breathlessly.
“Mmmm you can say that again,” Maddy replied with a hint of seduction in her voice. “Anyway, if it weren't for your girlfriend, I'd make sure you only felt me,” she cooed softly.
“Fuck. I mean…if I didn't have a girlfriend, I'd make you - ”
My train of thought was interrupted by an enraged honking. “COME ON, ASSHOLE! I NEED TO PARK!” A familiar voice attested. It was the racist from Whole Foods.
“Sorry Maddy, but I have to get off the phone. Let me know when you come back to New York and we'll hang out." With that, we hung up and I looked over to see Adolf shaking his fist at me while screaming "YOU'LL PAY FOR GETTING ME BANNED AND MY OLD LADY LEAVING ME, YOU JEW BASTARD!" As I drove away, I flipped him off one last time.
On the drive home, I remembered Maddy pleasuring herself in the back seat of my car while Taylor was out cold. The way she bit her lip and licked her full lips as her fingers explored deeper and deeper into her aroused pussy was enough to send shivers down my spine. Then, I thought of the last time we were together, how deeply she kissed me and pressed the torso of her jeans against the lump in my trousers, our moans filling the air as we brought each other so close to orgasm, only to do it all over again through phone sex.
“Maybe having an identical twin brother wouldn’t be such a bad thing,” I pondered as images of the sexy redhead slithering around me and taking my hardness deep inside her flooded my mind, reviving my wilting cock. But it seemed like there was something else about her that I had yet to discover.
When I reached my apartment, I stepped onto the elevator and pulled out my key. As soon as I touched the door handle, a chill ran through me. Unlocked? I never leave it open. I cautiously twisted the knob and opened the door to reveal a chaotic disaster: Furniture overturned, desktop monitor shattered, my TV in pieces - but mercifully, my MacBook unharmed. When I opened the lid, scrawled on the screen with permanent marker was:
The identity of the perpetrator suddenly became obvious. At that moment, my phone buzzed - it was Lanisha calling. I answered the call, “Lanisha?”.
“Hello, sweetheart,” she said in a tone that made me feel uneasy. “Hope you liked the message I left for you on Facebook.” Then she forcefully hung up. My eyes darted to my phone and saw that Lanisha had re-added me as a friend on Facebook and sent me an approved request. I knew it: She was responsible for this mess. What else had happened when she was logged into my account? As I continued scrolling, I noticed a content notification reminder and clicked on it. To my horror, it revealed that Lanisha had commented on my changed relationship status:
My heart sank. Quickly, I called the police; after waiting fifteen minutes, NYPD detectives arrived at my apartment and took pictures of everything. They also asked to take my laptop as evidence. That's when I realized there was no way I could stay safe in my own home and decided to go to the Plaza Hotel instead. On my way out, I rang Steven to let him know the board meeting would have to be delayed due to personal issues. Once I settled in at the hotel, I fixed myself a stiff drink and passed out fast.
                                        CHAPTER SIX
I spent the night tossing and turning. Bad dreams kept coming to me about Lanisha coming after Victoria and I, the last one practically being a nightmare. In the dream, Victoria and I were married with children, and in the dream I came home to find my family lying on the floor dead with Lanisha standing over them. As Lanisha focused on me and fired a gun at me, I woke up suddenly, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. I opened a window to let fresh air inside, and I grabbed my shirt and wiped the sweat from my face and my hair.
I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand: It was 3:14 in the morning. To pass some time until daybreak, I switched on the news for an update of what was happening in the world. Worried as I was that I wouldn’t make it to our board meeting later that day, I decided it would be better to try to get some work done at my office. So, I checked out of the hotel room, rode down the elevator, found a taxi outside and asked him to take me to our headquarters. Since Lanisha broke into my apartment three weeks ago and sent threats via my social media accounts, I hadn’t been feeling secure anymore. Just as concerning was the fact that I hadn't heard from Victoria since our last phone call, so it made me worry if Lanisha threatened her too or if she wanted nothing more to do with me because I cheated on her.  Going through cop cars on my way there made me think how unsafe living in Park Place seemed now.
Once I made it to my business building, I knocked on the door and was granted entry by the night security guard. I rode the elevator up to the fifteenth floor, where my office was located. After making a pot of coffee, I sat down at my desk and pulled out some paperwork. That is when I noticed an email from Cristian Hermann, Alexander Hermann’s father. He wanted to buy our company in order to use his marketing influence and bring our business to greater heights. His strategy included launching advertising campaigns, a social media presence, and a stylish look.
I opened my Facebook account and scanned for a message from Victoria. Nothing was there, causing a tear to fall down my cheek. I said in my head, “I’m so sorry Victoria; I don’t deserve you.” My guilt of cheating on her with Taylor still lingered in my mind and I realized that if I wanted to salvage things with Victoria, I had to leave the past behind. Additionally, Maddy’s constant flirting and her openness about her strong sexual feelings toward me were beginning to cause me to desire her as well. Just as I was about to close my browser, a message from Taylor appeared:
Taylor O'Hare: Call me. I have something important to tell you. :)
Grabbing my phone, I called Taylor and she answered after the first ring. “Hello?” she replied before I introduced myself.
“Hey Taylor, haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Yeah, I'm doing alright, Sean-Paul. Busy, as always."
“How's Angelica?” I asked.
"She's fine," Taylor replied. "She's in bed. Hey, did you get the message I sent on Facebook?"
"The one where you said you had something important to tell me?" I questioned.
"Yes," Taylor answered. "I'm pregnant."
Oh wow. So that was it. I was going to be a Dad. "Congrats! Please make me one promise."
"Anything," Taylor said.
“Just take really good care of my kid,” I said with a smile. “And if you ever need money, let me know and I’ll help out. It’s every father's right to spoil their kids now and then.” We both laughed at this. “I'm glad we had a chance to chat.” I sighed. “I'm in a bad mood today.”
"What happened?" Taylor inquired.
"Victoria hasn't contacted me in three weeks and my ex-girlfriend Lanisha broke into my apartment and sent some crazy threats on my Facebook page."
"Oh wow," she responded. "I hope they can catch her."
“I fear that she could have told Victoria something and that’s why Victoria has been distant,” I said. My voice broke as I felt my eyes start to well up. “Tay, I can’t live without her. What would -” - then my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen and it said NYPD 4th Precinct. “Tay, I need to go; the police are calling. We will speak more later.”
“Okay, see ya,” Taylor responded.
“Bye hun,” I said. Then I hit the send button. “This is Sean-Paul DeCraig.” “Mr. DeCraig, this is Detective Phillip Dunne on the line. We just apprehended your ex, Lanisha LaPraix, based off those charges you filed. Would you be able to come to the station and verify her identity?”
“Yes, I can be there shortly.” I hung up and left without delay. I hailed a cab to get to the 4th Precinct. When I arrived, I went in and asked the secretary if she could tell the detective I had arrived. She paged him and five minutes later an elderly Jewish man with a bald head and a suit greeted me.
“Mr. DeCraig, I’m Detective Philip Dunne from the New York Police Department. Would you kindly follow me?” I did as he asked and trailed behind him up a flight of stairs until we reached his office. He opened the door and gestured for me to take a seat. Taking out an old newspaper from last year, Dunne showed me an article that I had read before my trip to Kansas City where I first met Taylor:
“Unbelievable,” I quietly exclaimed. “I remember reading about this last year before I left for Kansas City.”
Dunne nodded. “We recently reopened the case and found evidence suggesting he was murdered. And when we checked Ms. LaPraix's interrogation tapes, we became suspicious. So we got your laptop's fingerprints to compare to the ones at the Hastings crime scene, and they matched up.”
My stomach dropped—not only had I been sleeping with Shepard Smith's sloppy seconds, but she was a murderer. “Are you saying Lanisha killed Lawrence Hastings?”
“No, that's her own admission,” Dunne declared. “You should consider yourself fortunate, Mr. DeCraig; you were going to be her next target. We must have a statement from you.” I gave an account of events to the officer for about an hour until I was ready to go home. Yet I felt like I still had to confront Lanisha.
“I want to see Lanisha,” I said.
“Alright,” Dunne uttered as he shepherded me toward the interrogation room. When we arrived, I spotted Lanisha sitting with a female cop. It was chilling to see the murderer who could have taken my life in the near future; I felt nauseous. Dunne opened the door, and when Lanisha laid eyes on me, her face was void of any outward emotion. Unable to stomach looking at her, I quickly pivoted out the room, with Dunne trailing close behind me into the street. He murmured an apology as we parted ways: “I’m sorry, Sean-Paul.”
“It’s not your fault,” I stated. “You actually saved my life one more time.”
“What do you mean?” Dunne asked curiously.
“Do you recall making a bold suggestion to a young man in Brooklyn who had just been through an altercation with his girlfriend Stephanie Williams' father, telling him to get his act together before he ended up either behind bars or dead?” I questioned.
Dunne examined me and then broke out into a grin. “That was you?”
“Indeed it was,” I said confidently.
“Incredible,” he muttered. “I thought you were going to be one of those cautionary tales, but you actually went and did what I told you. Now look at you: on the brink of catastrophe, and now a success. I'm proud of you, Sean-Paul,” he said as he clapped me on the back.
“I won't ever forget you, Detective,” I replied. We shook hands as I hailed a taxi for my journey back to XC Systems.
As I stepped into the cab, the detective watched me with seemingly tear-filled eyes. As the vehicle drove away, Dunne suddenly smiled, before a wave of sadness washed over him as he was reminded of a day from almost forty years prior. He pulled out an old photograph that contained his younger self along with a woman and a newborn baby. With a sorrowful voice, the detective said to himself, "Juanita," he murmured, "that's our son. Our grown-up son."
I arrived at my office to find things already in full swing. I paged Steven and he arrived shortly after. “Hey buddy,” I said with a lack of energy.
He sensed something was off. “What’s wrong, Sean-Paul?”
So I told him, although more bluntly than I probably should have: “Apart from the fact that I was sleeping with and dating a deranged woman who murdered her ex, and Victoria hasn't talked to me for three weeks, everything's just peachy,” I said sarcastically. “I need to get away from here; it feels like it's suffocating me.”
“You could always move to the countryside, just like Eddie Albert did in Green Acres,” he suggested.
Oddly enough, the suggestion made me guffaw with laughter - which was a delightful relief from my stress. “No chance of that happening to me,” I replied. Then I thought of Victoria; she lived in a small town in Germany. It wasn't as tiny as Hooterville, but it was still quite charming. Hmm. Maybe living in a rural area wouldn't be so awful - if it were Victoria's place. “Anyway, should we set up an executive meeting?”
“Listen, man,” Steven said, a serious expression on his face. “Mr. Hermann wants to see you in Munich to discuss the details of this business deal. And Sean-Paul, trust me, we can’t let this opportunity slip away. So, as your friend and business partner, I urge you to go.”
I grinned. “All right,” I responded. Then I started my journey home, gathering my belongings like clothes, a spare laptop, and a passport. Steven ordered me an airplane ticket while I hailed a cab to La Guardia Airport. It was nearly half an hour until my plane arrived and I took off for the terminal. After submitting my ticket, clearing security, and climbing on board, I was ready to go.
I sat down in my seat and glanced out the window. The sun was shining onto the blue sky, casting an ethereal beauty around me. I hadn't taken the time to admire the city's skyline while in Manhattan. A woman in her late twenties or early thirties walked past me with a small child, and settled behind me. Then we were airborne, off to Munich.
Not long after take-off I opened my MacBook and noticed a message from Victoria:
Victoria Köhler: I love you. <3
I smiled, but before I could reply with an “I love you too,” the laptop shut off due to its low battery. As if this flight couldn't get any worse, I heard a harsh scream coming from the kid that had just been sitting behind me while he was angrily kicking the back of my seat:
                                                    III -
                                         CHAPTER ONE
    It was truly the plane ride from hell. There was one thing I absolutely hated about flying, and it got under my skin more than anything in the world: noise, or to be more precise, LOUD noise. It didn’t matter if it was from some obnoxious drunkard who had a few too many at the bar, teenagers gossiping loudly about their latest Hollywood crushes, or entitled brats who threw tantrums when they didn’t get what they want. It was the latter which was starting to get to me. A spoiled brat was throwing a fit because his mom wouldn’t buy him a Coke. And why would she want to? For one thing, snack prices on airplanes were beyond ridiculous. And besides, Coke – well, ALL sodas in general – contains ungodly amounts of sugar, and they contain more additives and chemicals than cigarettes.
And guess who was on the receiving end of this little hellion’s tantrum? Me, of course. It never failed. Every time I flew on an airplane, I had to sit in front of a little spoiled brat who screams, cries, and kicks the back of my seat. “EVERY...FUCKING...TIME,” I said in my head. I was about to turn around and tell the kid to stop, but I didn’t want to make a screne 12,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, Knowing how today’s parents operate, she would take his side, attack me for making a polite request, then acquiesce to her hellion’s demand and buy than damned Coke. Instead, I asked a flight attendant for two beers.
I guessed the fact that I ordered those two beers triggered that Karen. “Who do you think you are, ordering beer when my son is upset he cannot have a Coke?” I shrugged it off. “What kind of man are you?”
One thing you didn’t want to do with me was question my manhood. One of my high school teachers loved to bully his students by questioning the manliness of his students. One day, he looked at me and pushed me against the chalkboard. My adoptive parents taught me to always defend myself. I took self-defense classes and even karate, receiving my black belt two years in. I pushed the teacher away. I knew that putting my hands on them was an automatic suspension from school for five days. “If you want to know what makes me a man, I’ll show you.” I unzipped my pants and exposed my huge teenaged cock. His eyes widened, and he grabbed a book to either hide his micropenis in shame or cover up a boner. It turned out to be the latter, because after my parents got him fired and got my suspension nullified, the teacher was arrested for having lewd photographs and 8mm films of underaged teenaged boys in various states of undress. He ended up hanging himself in his jail cell.
“I’m Sean-Paul DeCraig, owner and CEO of XC Systems,” I said. Needless to say, the Karen tried to apologize, but I was having nothing of it. “You know, save it. I was actually thinking about asking about your qualifications for a job at XC, but after the way you just went off on me, forget about it.” As my beers arrived, I settled down but not before looking right at her with a beer can in hand. “Now if you’ll excuse me, KAREN - “ putting extra emphasis on that word - “I’m going to enjoy these two beers and drink them so fast that the sudden onrush of alcohol will make me fall asleep so your little brat won’t disturb me for the rest of my flight.”
After I downed them in record time, the alcohol hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was fast asleep.  By the time I woke up, the kid and his mom was asleep. Thank God.  A few minutes after I woke up, the pilot informed us over the intercom that we were five minutes from Munich.
After we landed in Munich, I went through customs, retrieved my luggage, and walked to a rental car service. After signing the necessary paperwork, I got a rental car and drove for my destination.  I failed to notice at the time that the fuel gauge was sitting between 1/8-full and empty, but 30 minutes into my car trip somewhere on the outskirts in a small village, the car started sputtering, and that's when I noticed that I was running out of gas. "Aww shit," I exclaimed as the car slowed down and eventually stopped.  I got out of the car and kicked the tire in frustration.  "Sons of bitches," I angrily said as I cursed the rental car company for not ensuring that the car had a full tank of gas.  However, I should have been more aware and checked it before leaving.
I picked up my cellphone to try to call for assistance, but I noticed that I was not getting a signal.  "This cannot be happening," I stated as I became more and more frustrated.  I was about to quote the Iron Sheik by yelling out “FACKIN’ BULLSHIT,” but I did not want to cause a scene or scare residents. I sat down on the side of the road and assessed my situation: I was in the middle of nowhere, with a car that just ran out of gas, and with a cellphone which was not picking up a signal.  "I may as well be in the middle of the Sahara Desert in bum-fucked Egypt," I thought to myself.  I looked around and thought that maybe why I was not picking up a signal was because I was far from the outskirts. I had driven to the countryside.  There was nothing but farms and hills and meadows.  Right now, Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor would be singing the theme song to Green Acres, but I was not in the mood to be Eddie Albert.  He may have preferred the countryside over Manhattan, but right now I was wishing I was in Manhattan instead of some nothing-happening country-bumpkin place.
I noticed a sign on a building on the main road:
St. Johannis, Ansbach
Ansbach? ANSBACH?! Oh my god, I was in Victoria’s hometown! I noticed a nice-looking three-story house to my left.  I figured maybe I could knock on the door and explain my situation and ask to use the phone. I said to myself "what the hell," walked up to the house, and knocked on the door.  I heard the doorknob rattle, and when the door opened, I was in awe of the vision in front of me.  Standing in front of me was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.  She had curly dark brown hair (my favorite), beautiful green eyes, and a gorgeous smile. And that was just her facial beauty.  But her body?  Holy shit, her body was AMAZING!  She was wearing a tight white tanktop which showed the fullness of her breasts, and she was wearing tight white bermuda jean shorts which showed her long legs and her mound.  I was fantasizing in my head what her ass looked like in those shorts.  Finally, I became of reality and asked the sexy girl in a slightly shaky voice. "I hope you speak English."
“I do," she replied.  Thank God.  I breathed a sigh of relief.  I noticed that she was sizing me up.  Her eyes drifted down to the obvious bulge in my pants.  Was she licking her lips while looking at my cloth-covered erection?  She noticed my cellphone in my hand and asked, "is that an extra cellphone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
I about stammered but regained my composure.  "My car's out of gas, and I'm not getting a signal.  Can I use your phone to call for assistance?" She nodded in an affirmative manner, and she allowed me inside.  She turned around, and I was offered a perfect view of her sexy ass.  The tight denim showed off every curve of her heavenly backside.  My cock stiffened more. I picked up the phone, but I hesitated to dial.  "I've seen this girl before somewhere," I said to myself.  I've seen her before, but I couldn't think of her name.  I thought of all my online friends, and once I started to think of my Facebook friends, I realized who it was.
"VICTORIA!" I screamed in my head as I realized who the girl was.  My erection was virtually screaming as well; it was straining in my slacks, and I noticed that pre-cum was starting to trickle out of my piss slit. Victoria was a girl with whom I've been having an online romantic relationship for the last several months.  We started off as friends from another forum, then over the last year we've been flirting with each other back and forth.  We turned the heat up in our relationship several months ago when we started sending kiss smilies and French kiss smilies back and forth in our comments.  I asked Victoria a question.  "Do you know who I am?"
"I've seen you before, but I just don't know," replied my online girlfriend.  Finally, I took my sunglasses off, and the look on her face said it all.  Standing right in front of her was the man with whom she had been having an online romantic relationship. Our gazes met, and I felt light-headed as she flashed a damn sexy smile.  Finally, she spoke.  "Oh my God!  Sean-Paul!" She ran over to me and gave me a huge hug.  Our bodies were pressed together.  I could feel her full breasts pressing against me. Our crotches were pressed together.  She was grinding her cloth-covered sex against my raging tool.  Our gazes met, and we finally kissed.
We kissed passionately for at least a minute.  Then I felt her warm, wet tongue sliding into my mouth.  I groaned into her mouth as our virtual snogging had turned into actual snogging.  Now it was her turn to groan into my mouth as I slid my tongue into her mouth. I was lightheaded.  My cock had been throbbing since I realized I was with my Victoria, and the grinding of her denim-covered cunt against my erection was making me on the verge of cumming in my pants.  I wanted to tear our clothes off and fuck her right there in the living room.  Then I remembered our jacuzzi fantasy. I broke the kiss and whispered into her ear.  "Let's go buy some beers and find a jacuzzi."
"Oh yes!" sighed my Victoria.  We went to the garage, and we got in her family's car.  We drove for a few miles and ended up at the local store. We went inside and bought two 6-packs of Heineken bottled beer.  Before leaving the store, I realized I forgot to buy condoms.  We perused the condom display and picked a package of Trojan ribbed condoms.  "Ribbed for my pleasure," Victoria seductively stated.  We left the store and headed for her cousin's house which was next door to her house.  "I'm house sitting for my cousin Benjamin," Victoria stated.  "And it has a jacuzzi inside," she whispered into my ear before she started nibbling on my earlobe.  Then I remembered Victoria telling me the second time we engaged in cybersex on Skype that she wanted our first time to be in a jacuzzi. The sudden realization that our fantasy may be coming true had me more than primed. I was ready to pop my cork, but I wanted to be inside her virgin hole when I did pop my cork.
We entered Benjamin’s house and headed for the enclosed back porch. It had a few windows.  Victoria turned on the lights on the back porch and closed the window blinds.  She came to me, and I took her in my arms, and we resumed our passionate kissing and snogging.  I broke away from her full lips and began kissing down her chin and her throat.  She gasped as I traced the contours of her throat with my tongue.  I brought my lips back to hers, and we kissed hard, long, and deep.  I broke the kiss and whispered into her ear, "I want you, baby."
Victoria shivered with desire as I told her what I wanted.  "I want you, too," she stated as her fingers drifted lower.  I groaned out loud as I felt her fingers tracing the length of my erection through my slacks.  I imagined how it would feel to feel her skin touching my naked, dripping-wet stiff penis.  Then I got my wish.  I felt Victoria fumble for my belt buckle.  She undid my belt and pulled my slacks and underwear down.  My ten-inch erection was finally freed from my fabric prison.  Victoria's eyes widened as she feasted her eyes on my rock-hard cock.
I thought to myself that nothing could be better than this.  Then that sexy smile flashed again, and without warning she dropped to her knees and gently engulfed my throbbing stiff penis into her mouth.  "SHIIIIIIT!" I keened as I felt my lover's hot, wet mouth and tongue bathing my hard dick with saliva.  She was trilling her tongue against my piss slit, obviously enjoying the taste of my salty pre-cum.  In mere seconds I felt my nuts begin to tingle.  I didn't want to shoot in her mouth.  I wanted to save it for her cunt.  I pulled out.  Finally, I spoke with a voice hoarse with lust.  "Take your clothes off, baby." Victoria slipped her tanktop off, and suddenly my eyes were transfixed on her full breasts.  They were perfect twin firm flesh-colored mounds capped with large areolas and erect nipples the size of pencil erasers. Then she removed her tight white shorts and pulled them down along with her underwear, and I felt lightheaded as I saw her naked virgin cunt.  It was truly naked.  I remembered one time on Facebook Chat she told me that she shaves down there, and she wasn't lying.
Her pubic mound and vagina were completely hair-free.  Her hot, moist slit was glistening with her feminine secretions.  I ached to taste her juices straight from the source.
Now it was Victoria's turn to be pleasured.  We laid down on the hardwood floor, and I dove my mouth onto her juicy cunt.  "OOOOO!" Victoria squealed as I forced my tongue into her slit, tasting the juices clinging to her virgin flower.  My God, she was delicious! Her juices were sweet like honey, with just a hint of salty bitterness.  It drove me crazy with lust.  I couldn't get enough of her bald beaver.  Then I feasted my eyes on something.  It was the hard button of her clitoris.  It was fully erect and flushed with blood.  It was just begging to be touched - or licked or sucked.  I trilled my tongue against her hard little bead, and Victoria groaned in pleasure.  Her juices were flowing more heavily now, and the sweet smell of her arousal was driving me crazy with lust.  I sensed that Victoria was close to an orgasm.  We were both ready to pop our corks. Finally, I removed my mouth from her soaked pussy and brought my mouth to hers.  We kissed passionately.  I was rubbing my hard cock against her juicy slit.  Finally, I broke the kiss and whispered into my lover's ear, "I want you right now, baby.  Let's get in the jacuzzi and fuck each other silly."
We stepped into the jacuzzi.  The water temperature was perfect. Victoria opened the box of Trojans and slipped a condom over my throbbing and wet erection.  I was worried that I would cum just from this.  However, from years of personal experience, I kept my composure.  I sat down in the jacuzzi, and Victoria sat down in my lap.  I trembled as I felt her fingers gripping my rubber-covered cock and guiding it to her tight virgin hole.  Then she sat down on my cock.
"OOOoooOOOAAAWWW FUUUUUUUUUCK!" she keened as she felt my penis surge into her vagina.  We bucked against each other.  I drove my cock in and out of her cunt, and she rode my cock like a pro.
"Oh Vicki!  Oh Vicki!  Oh Vicki!" I sighed explosively as I felt my long-suppressed orgasm coming closer and closer and closer.  "Baby, I've wanted this for a long time, and now it's happening!" I pulled her face closer to mine and we kissed with increased fervor.  I broke the kiss and began licking my way down her throat.  I lifted my head to look at her large yet firm breasts.  I bent my head down to one of her perfect breasts and began sucking on an erect nipple, trilling my tongue against the hard point and causing it to stiffen even more.
"Oh I love you, Sean-Paul!" Victoria sighed as sexual passion washed over her.  She found herself babbling as her own peak grew closer.  The condoms really were "ribbed for her pleasure" as the ribs of the condom rubbed repeatedly against her throbbing and erect clitoris.  "Oh baby, I dream about us every night!  I dream that you take me in your arms and make love to me in every way possible!  Oh God!  Oh God!  Oh God!  Ooooh GAWD you're gonna make me… EEE! EEE! AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Suddenly Victoria's body stiffened as she drove herself HARD onto my cock.  Her eyes squinted shut, and she let out a shriek as her orgasm smashed into her like a tornado.  "EEEEEEEE!  EEEEEEEE!  EEEEEEEE!" She squealed repeatedly as each orgasmic wave washed over her.
The spasming of her cunt suddenly drove me to my own release.  "Oh Vicki! Here it comes!  Here it comes!  HERE IT COMES! HERE IT COOOOOOOOOOOMES!!!!!" I shouted as my cock expanded and gushed several gooey ropes of semen into the end of my condom.  For thirty seconds, we spasmed together until finally we came down from our sexual highs. Victoria rested her body against my body, and we cuddled in the jacuzzi with my beloved still impaled on my weakening spear.
Later that evening, we went to her house, went to her bedroom, lit what seemed like hundreds of candles, turned on some romantic music on the radio, and made love in her bed.  Illuminated by the moonlight and candlelight, our second fuck lasted for well over an hour and several positions.  We started in the classic missionary position followed by doggy style and we finished with cowgirl.  This time, we skipped the condoms. Victoria reached several intense climaxes.  I lasted longer than usual because of where I ejaculated in the jacuzzi, but her fifth orgasm finally did me in.  I howled as I violently ejaculated what felt like the entire Pacific Ocean into her womb.  We fell asleep in each other's arms, naked and spent under the covers.
                                        CHAPTER TWO
    The inside of my eyelids glowed orange as the morning sun was coming through Victoria's bedroom window.  I awoke and became aware of my surroundings.  Victoria's bedroom was quite simple for a 25 year old: a full-sized bed, a chest, a dresser with a mirror, a nightstand with a TV on top of it, and a desk with a computer on it. Yesterday was the most incredible day of my life.  I had met my online girlfriend Victoria, and our online relationship immediately blossomed into an actual relationship. We fucked like crazy in her cousin's jacuzzi, and then we came here and made love for hours under candlelight and moonlight.
    I rolled over on my side and saw my beautiful lover turned over on her side facing away from me.  She was still asleep.  The bed covers had rolled down, offering me a view of the smooth skin of her naked back with her dark curly hair flowing over her shoulders and upper back.  I snuggled against Victoria and embraced her in my arms.  My penis was pressing against her sexy ass.  I planted kisses on the back of her head and trailed my lips lower until I was kissing her bare back.  I relished the taste of her skin: sweet like flowers but with a hint of saltiness from perspiration from our intense experience from the night before.
    My penis became aware of its surroundings as well.  The feel of my lover's bare ass pressing against my cock awoke it from its slumber.  It stiffened and lengthened as desire for my lover washed over me.  For a split second, I imagined how delicious it would feel to force my entire length into my lover's virgin ass. That fleeting thought brought a wicked erotic charge through me as my cock throbbed and pre-cum oozed out the tip.
    Suddenly, I became aware of fingers dancing on my tool.  My erection had awoken Victoria.  I groaned as she gripped my penis and started a slow jacking motion.  I drifted my hand to a bare breast.  Now it was Victoria's turn to groan as I fondled her stiff nipple, flicking my thumbnail against the tip until I began to pinch it lightly between thumb and index finger. Then my hand left her breast and drifted lower until I reached her sex.  My finger slowly penetrated her slit. It was already soaking wet.  Then Vicki cried out as I seized her erect clitoris between thumb and index finger and pulled and pinched it.
    "Ooo, ooo, ooo," Victoria moaned as my digital manipulation of her cunt was driving her to a climax.  In response, her jacking of my cock became more intense and more violent.  We were close to our peaks when all of a sudden we heard somebody knocking at the front door.
    "OH SHIT!" Victoria suddenly exclaimed and jumped out of bed.  "Oh God I forgot!  My parents were coming back home today!" She immediately started to get dressed.  "Sean-Paul, get out of bed and get dressed.  I'll have to explain you to them.  Wait about five minutes and then come downstairs." I got up, erect cock sticking straight out and glistening with pre-cum, and threw my clothes on.  After waiting for what seemed like five minutes, I made my way downstairs.
    I met Victoria's in the living room.  Victoria's father Gustav was about 45, yet he looked young for his age.  It must be that vegetarian diet the family had been on since Victoria was a small child. He was a businessman and had just come home from a business trip.  He was dressed in his business attire.  Victoria's mother Eva was about the same age, but she looked so young that she could easily pass as Victoria's older sister.  Eva was dressed in a tight-fitting blouse and a miniskirt.  It was obvious where Victoria got her sexy body from.  Eva was a knockout!
    I explained the circumstances of how my car broke down and how my cellphone wasn't picking up a signal.  Gustav and I made a trip to the local gas station and filled up a gas canister and brought it back to the house and filled my tank.  My car finally had gas.  We also called for information on why I wasn't picking up a signal on my phone.  It turned out that there was an outage on my provider's end.  After a few hours, my phone was working again.  I informed them that I had to go to downtown Munich in order to finalize my deal.  I said my goodbyes to the family, but Victoria spoke up.
    "Can I go with you?" she asked.  I saw the surprised looks on her parents' faces.  Finally, it dawned on them that their daughter was in love with me.
    "Sean-Paul," said Gustav, "it's clear that my daughter has very strong feelings for you.  Judging by the flushed looks on your faces, it's quite apparent that you two have been having sex.  Now I do not approve of pre-marital sex, but I have never seen my daughter this happy before.  Take her with you, and go finalize your deal. It's about time my daughter had a wonderful man in her life." Was that his way of approving of our relationship?
    Suddenly, Victoria ran to me and embraced me.  "Yes take me with you, my love," said my Victoria.  She raised her head and looked into my eyes. "Pleeeease?" she asked.
    I answered her by embracing her in my arms.  I brought my lips to hers, and we kissed lightly.  I brought my lips to her ear and whispered into her ear.  "I would be more than delighted to be accompanied by you, my love." Victoria broke our embrace and hugged her parents goodbye.  We got in my car, and we headed for the gas station and filled up and headed for Munich.
    The drive through Ansbach was remarkable.  I was never a fan of the countryside before, but I was in awe of our surroundings.  Beautiful meadows, grasslands, acres and acres of farmland, rolling hills, and all of this was accompanied by the most beautiful sky I could ever recall.  The sky was a perfect blue with white whispy clouds, birds flying in the air, and the bright sun adding its beautiful grace to everything.  I looked at my beautiful Victoria, and she looked at me and smiled at me.  All of the beauty of nature could not compare to the beauty of my lover's perfect angelic face.
    Half an hour after we left her house, we arrived in the next town, Ellwangen.  I called the investor and set up a meeting for tomorrow afternoon at his office. Well, it turned out he would be out of town until tomorrow.  I told Victoria this, and we decided that we had done enough traveling for the day. We checked into a hotel on the outskirts of Ellwangen and went to our room.  I whispered into Victoria's ear, "I wonder if the hotel has a jacuzzi." Victoria giggled, but we both received an erotic charge as my statement brought back memories of yesterday when we first fucked in her cousin's own jacuzzi.
    We arrived at our room and settled down.  I embraced my lover from behind and planted soft, sensuous kisses on the nape of her neck.  "Ohhhh," Victoria moaned as I began licking her neck.  In response, Victoria grinded her denim-covered ass against my erecting cock.  I whispered into Victoria's ear, "God you have such a sexy ass." I traced my hands down her torso and began to fondle her cunt through her tight jeans.
    "Ohhh Goood," Victoria sighed as her arousal built and built. Suddenly she tore herself from my embrace and kissed me hard.  I moaned low in my throat as Victoria's tongue forced its way between my lips and into my mouth.  She brought a hand to my erect cock and grabbed it through my slacks and began stroking me off. Then she broke our kiss and dropped to her knees.  She undid my belt in record time and pulled my slacks and boxers down, baring my raging penis.  Then she plunged her mouth onto my pole.
    "SHIIIIIIIT!!!!!" I howled as my lover began to suck my cock with wild abandon. Oh my God, it felt fantastic!  She began trilling her tongue against my cockhead and grabbed my cock at the base and began jacking it furiously.  When I felt my nuts tingling, I knew I was close to cumming.  And then I revisited the thought of fucking her ass, and that single fleeting thought was all it took.  Without warning, my cock expanded and I exploded. "ARGH!" I groaned out loud as my cock erupted hot, thick gooey ropes of jizz down my lover's throat.  She swallowed it all and sucked me dry.  I stumbled back and collapsed on the bed.
    After catching my breath for five minutes, I pulled my lover down on the bed and removed her clothes until she was naked.  I removed my shirt, and we were both naked.  I rolled Victoria onto her back and spread her legs and dove my mouth onto her juicy cunt. "OOOOO!" Victoria moaned as I forced my tongue into her slit and began tongue-fucking her.  I felt my cock stiffen and throb as I tasted her juices.  I felt her erect clit engorging against my tongue.  I pulled my tongue out of her cunt, only to replace it with two fingers.  "AIEEE!" Victoria cried out as I began to fingerbang her like a madman.  I brought my lips to her throbbing clit and sucked hard on it.  Suddenly, I removed my fingers from her snatch and easily slipped them inside her virgin ass.  I trilled my tongue against the stiff bead, and a minute later the dual stimulation caused Victoria's body to tremble.  "Ooo, ooo, ooo, OOOO! OOOO! OOOooOOOOooooOOOOOEEEEE!  EEEE!  EEEE!  EEEE!" Victoria shrieked as an intense climax wracked her body from head to toe to core.  Her sweet, tangy juices, squelched out of her spasming cunt, drenching my face in her offerings.  Her anus spasmed rhythmically on my fingers.
    After a long minute, she calmed.  I pulled my fingers out and wiped them clean on the bedspread.  I brought my lips to hers, and we kissed passionately.  I slid my fully-erect cock against her slit with the intention of fucking her and squirting my seed into her womb. Then Victoria broke the kiss and whispered into my ear.  "Fuck my ass."
    My cock throbbed and pre-cum flowed out at my lover's perverse request. I excused myself to look for some lubrication.  I went to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet.  I was astounded at what I found.  It was a bottle of mineral oil!  I pulled it out of the cabinet, but my eyes caught something else in the medicine cabinet.  It was a small bottle with a lightning bolt on the label. I reached for it and read the label, and that's when it hit me.  It was amyl nitrate!  I remembered reading an erotic story about a guy who used amyl nitrate on a young girl in order to coax out a huge orgasm while he fucked her ass.  I also read that the drug was used to enhance and prolong orgasms.
    I took the two items to the bedroom.  I uncapped the mineral oil and squirted it wildly on my penis and massaged the oil in until my cock was slippery enough for insertion inside her virgin ass.  I also squirted mineral oil on my fingers and slipped my two fingers back inside her ass, spreading the oil on her anus and inside her rectal walls.  I slipped a third lubricated finger inside and used my fingers to stretch her ass out sufficiently enough for my cock.  When I was able to slip a fourth finger inside, I knew she was stretched out enough.  I pulled my fingers out and placed the head of my cock against her slippery and slightly-distended anus. I uncapped the bottle of amyl nitrate and thrust it under her nose. "Breathe deep," I commanded.  Victoria breathed the fumes into her lungs, and seconds later, I pressed home.
    Victoria threw her head back and shrieked as my cock forced its way inside her ass. "OOOooOOOOOOAAAAAAA!" I pushed and pushed until I was buried to the root.  "Keep breathing it," I told her as I thrusted hotly and deeply into her rectum.  Victoria was on fire. Her eyes glazed over and swam in their sockets.  She was sweating profusely.  There was a roaring buzz in her head.  She felt hot prickles all over her skin, and her erect clitoris throbbed and flared like a torch between her cunt lips.  She drifted her free hand down to her cunt and began frigging her clit wildly, and in mere seconds the dual sensations of anal stimulation and clitoral stimulation combined into a catastrophic explosion of bliss.  "AHH! AHH! AHH! AAAAHHHHHIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Victoria threw her head back and shrieked as the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced crashed into her and sent her into a fit of seizures and spasms. "AAAAAIIIEEEEE! AAAAAIIIEEEEE!  AAAAAIIIEEEEE!" She cried out repeatedly as the spasms tore through her.
    "YAAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!" I howled as the spasming and clenching of her rectum around my cock suddenly drove me to my climax.  My penis felt like it was about to burst as I fired several torrential volleys of semen into her spasming bowels.  A pearly froth squelched out around her distended anus, and the spunk helped to ease the anal friction which had sent my lover to the brink of insanity.
    We spasmed together for well over a minute, but that minute felt like an eternity.  Then our bodies calmed down.  I rolled over onto my back with my girlfriend still deeply embedded on my weakening spear.  I felt my wilting cock slip out of her ass as we drifted to sleep.
                                             CHAPTER THREE
    Ass-fucking Victoria really wiped me out earlier. I had fallen asleep with my cock still buried in her tight rectum. I had some really vivid dreams while asleep. I dreamed of marrying her, taking her on a honeymoon, fucking her in every way possible, and having children. I was in the middle of an erotic dream when I was awakened by the motion of the bed and some soft moaning. I raised my head from the pillow and was dumbstruck at what I saw.
    “Oooo, oooo, oooo,” Victoria softly moaned as her arm flexed rhythmically. I figured she was masturbating. I wrapped my arms around my lover and inched my hand down to join hers as she pleasured herself. When my fingers found her stiff clitoris, she jumped as if she was struck by electricity. “AH!” Victoria shrieked as my fingers diddled her stiff pleasure bud. I began nibbling and licking her ear. When my eyes focused on the television set, I saw what was making my lover so hot. On the television was a porno. Not just any porno. A gay porno. A gay male porno. I immediately remembered Victoria telling me on Facebook how she loves to masturbate while watching two guys screwing.
    I whispered into Victoria’s ear, “you really do love to see a guy sucking another guy’s cock, do you?” Victoria shuddered as a jolt of pure pleasure threatened to send her over the top. When we first started talking on Facebook, Victoria had told me that she had just broken things off with her then-boyfriend Viktor. One night, she planned on  going to his house in order to lose her virginity, but when she attempted to sneak into his bedroom, she saw him and his gay lover naked, in bed, and sucking each other off, followed by seeing her boyfriend surrendering his anal cherry to his lover’s cock. She sneaked out of the house in tears, but later that night, she became aroused just thinking about what the two guys had done and within moments of observing, she began masturbating and had orgasm after orgasm just thinking about gay sex. Watching gay male porn became an almost daily ritual for Victoria.
    I became aware of Victoria’s motions becoming more and more erratic. She was close. I whispered into her ear, “I bet you’d love to fuck a guy up the ass, wouldn’t you?”
    That did it. “OOOoooOOOoooOOOOOEEEE!” Victoria shrieked as the mental picture of fucking a guy up the ass brought her to a very intense climax. Her entire body began trembling wildly as the orgasmic spasms sent her into fits of ecstasy. And for the first time since my last sexual encounter with Taylor and Angelica, I saw a girl ejaculate. Sex fluid erupted and shot clear up into the air with each spasm. My hand, her thighs, her sex, and the bed became instantly drenched in the sweet, aromatic nectar.  Finally, the squirts turned into dribbles as the tension slowly drained from her body. She collapsed on the bed, panting as if she had run two miles.
    I laid down beside her and snuggled with her. Seeing Victoria cumming like that made me so aroused that my burning-stiff cock threatened to burst wide open. However, it was time for us to leave for Munich.
    We checked out of the hotel and drove for Munich. After what seemed like a long drive of nothing but beautiful countryside, we finally arrived in Munich. Victoria said she wanted to go downtown first. We went downtown, and Victoria saw some kind of sex shop that she wanted to check out. I offered to go in with her, but she declined. “I want this to be a special surprise, darling,” she said with a wink before exiting the car and entering the shop. After about 15 minutes, Victoria exited the shop with a rather large shopping bag and placed it in the back seat. “No peeking,” she demanded with a sexy smile. God how I would love to just fuck her right there in the car. It’s a good thing I resisted the temptation, as I didn’t want to be arrested for lewd behavior and deported back to America.
    We arrived at the most luxurious hotel in  Munich. It’s been said that the world elite - such as royalty, presidents, and bankers - frequently stay here. I asked for the best suite. After paying for five days and four nights (which set me back about fifteen thousand dollars), a bellhop took our bags and directed us to an elevator.
    The elevator ride was quite boring. The bellhop rambled on and on about all the rich and famous who have stayed in the same suite - people named Rockefeller, Rothschild, Clinton, Gates, and the kings, queens, princes, and princesses of the United Kingdom, Jordan, and even Japan. Finally, the elevator stopped at our floor. The bellhop opened our door and left our bags, and I left him a rather generous tip. After he left, we closed the door. I grabbed Victoria from behind and whispered into her ear, “Now do you want to tell me what’s in the bag?”
    “Not quite yet, my love,” said Victoria. She took the bag with her into the bathroom. I plopped down on the bed and turned on the television to watch the international news. There was a bunch of boring everyday stuff on there such as wars, terrorist bombings, political scandals, and economic news. The economic news reminded me to call Cristian. I phoned him and informed him that I was in Munich and staying at the hotel. We set up a meeting tomorrow afternoon in the hotel’s private restaurant which was for hotel patrons only.
    “God, Victoria’s taking a long time in here,” I thought to myself. “You about ready, Vicki?”
    “Just about,” she shouted from the bathroom.
    I was about ready to pop my cork with anticipation. I quickly disrobed. “I have great news, Victoria,” I said. “I set up a meeting with the investor for tomorrow afternoon in the private restaurant in the hotel. Finally, I’m going to be able to make all this possible!” At that moment, Victoria exited the bathroom, and my jaw about hit the floor.
    Victoria had  shed all her clothes. My eyes drifted to her crotch, and finally I saw what she had kept secret from me. It turned out that she had purchased a flesh-colored strap-on dildo from the sex shop. It was huge. It was just a bit longer and thicker than my cock when fully erect. I also noticed that in her hand was the bottle of mineral oil and the bottle of Rush which I found in the hotel in Ellwangen. It finally dawned on me what Victoria wanted. She wanted her gay male fantasy to come true - with me.
    Victoria placed the mineral oil and Rush on the nightstand beside the bed, pulled out a DVD from the shopping bag, opened it, and popped it in the DVD player. I had a feeling that it was a gay male porno, and sure enough, it was a gay male porno. Before I could protest, Victoria took my cock in her hand and bathed it with her warm, wet tongue. “Oh God, Victoria,” I moaned as her expert lips and tongue quickly brought me back to full mast. She grabbed the mineral oil from the nightstand, greased up a finger, and gently teased the wrinkled star of my anus. Finally, she slid her finger into my ass and plunged her mouth down on my tool. “AAAAAAA!” I moaned as Victoria practically swallowed my cock all the way down while fucking my ass with her finger.
    It turned out that Victoria was mimicking the actions on the TV screen. Suddenly the scene changed, and a guy was having his asshole reamed while having his cock jacked. My cock suddenly popped free from her mouth, splattering spit and pre-cum on her face, and her finger easily slid out of my ass. Before I knew it, Victoria had snaked her tongue into my slightly-distended anus while she smeared the leaking pre-cum all over my raging erection and began jacking me furiously. This was actually feeling quite good. Finally, the scene changed and showed the same two guys engaged in anal intercourse. I swallowed uncertainly.
    Victoria stood up and poured mineral oil all over my backside and all over her dildo. She placed the bottle of mineral oil back on the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of Rush. She assumed the position, and before I knew it, the dildo was entering my ass with ease. I groaned as it slowly filled me. Victoria began thrusting. At the end of a particularly hard thrust, I felt a jolt of electricity strike me. It originated from deep in my ass.
    “Looks like we found that magic button, my love,” Victoria seductively stated as she began fucking my ass more and more urgently. I surrendered to the moment and began fondling her breasts. Then one of my hands drifted down to the crotch plate of her strap-on. I felt a switch and turned it on. “Ah, ah, AH!” Victoria moaned as the built-in vibrator stimulated her throbbing clitoris. I wormed a finger beneath the crotch plate and felt her slit. It was soaking wet beyond belief. Suddenly Victoria pulled my head up to hers and we began kissing wildly. Then she opened the bottle of Rush and brought it to our faces. We took turns breathing it in. Then Victoria grabbed my burning-stiff cock in her hand and began jacking it. The sensation of prostate stimulation combined with the sensation of my cock being worked on, and with the amyl nitrate heightening the sensations, I fell back and lost all control.
    “AAAAAAUUUUUURRRGGGGHHHHHHH!” I howled as the most powerful orgasm of my life erupted from deep within. I felt my anus spasm around her dildo. Hell, I felt my whole body spasm. And out of my cock erupted the hugest load of cum I had ever ejaculated. Several thick, gooey ropes of semen shot out high, drenching Victoria’s face and hair. It gummed her eyes. It filled her open mouth. I sensed Victoria was close to the peak, so I knew I had to feed her fantasy in order to send her over the top. I grabbed the bottle of Rush and thrust it under her nose. She inhaled deeply. I shouted out to Victoria, “Fill me full of your faggoty cum, you fucking fag!”
    Victoria fantasized about shooting hot, thick ropes of semen out of her dildo, and the fantasy set off the trigger. It hit her big time. “OooOOOOOAAAAAAEEEE!” Victoria screamed as her body was seized by a cataclysmic, catastrophic orgasm of gargantuan proportions. Her eyes glazed over as the amyl nitrate heightened the orgasm to a level that nobody - man, woman, or child - should be capable of experiencing. She screamed and sobbed through each intense spasm. And behind her crotch plate, she ejaculated her sweet, aromatic sex fluids from her pussy. We collapsed on the bed in a heap. The dildo pulled out of my ass. It was a little messy. Victoria unhooked the straps and removed the strapon. Her inflamed, aroused pussy was oozing her sex juices. We simultaneously gulped and panted as we came down from out mutual sexual highs. Within moments, we fell asleep.
    The next morning, I woke up early and got dressed. While Victoria was still asleep, I left the room and headed for the private restaurant. “Ah, Mr. DeCraig,” a waiter said in a thick German accent, “Herr Hermann is expecting you.” I waked inside and found Cristian. He was a man in his late 70s or early 80s. We shook hands, had a simple meal, drank wine, and went over the deals of the buyout. I called Steven and put him on speakerphone. After we jointly agreed to the deal, I signed the contract which sold our company for $100 billion. “Congratulations, Mr. DeCraig,” Cristian said in his thick accent which was a mixture of German and what seemed like Israeli, “you are now a made man.” We shook hands, and after I had left the room, Cristian’s cold expression was replaced with a wicked grin. He got his phone out. “Alexander, my son,” he said, “step one has been completed. Now, you will plant the source code for Operation Annihilate.”
                                       CHAPTER FOUR
    Three months had passed since I finalized the sale of my company. Since then, I have pretty much lived in airplanes, hotel rooms, and taxi cabs. I traveled back to the States – New York City, to be exact – to oversee our American operations. I had a great workforce. I had great software developers who really were the backbone of the company. One of my first acts before the opening of XC International was to ask Rami to move to Munich to help run the software development department, and he readily accepted. I also had a great executive team who ran the company like a smooth-sailing ship in my absence. Before I departed for my next destination, I held a special meeting in order to announce that as the new CEO of the newly-merged company, I made the announcement that I was handing the reins of the American division to my friend Steven – whom I have known since our college days at Dartmouth.
    The next day, I flew to the Isle of Man to visit some of the executives of Canonical Software. Upon the merger, our company's primary objective was to develop a revolutionary yet cost-effective computer operating system to compete with Microsoft's Windows and Apple's Mac OS X. Part of the cost-effective strategy was to base our OS on free/open-source components. I originally planned to base our OS on Canonical's Ubuntu GNU/Linux operating. However, when I learned of some shady dealings they had made as well as former CEO Jane Silber’s past as a vice president of a Military-Industrial Complex company, I passed. I feigned enthusiam as I was given a grand tour of all the latest innovations they were coming up with. However, I was neither interested nor impressed with their new innovative features such as the Unity desktop. I had already made the decision to use Debian as the basis.
    Later that evening, I flew to Munich. Crisian was now the chief financial officer of the new company, XC International. He met me as I exited the airport, and he was accompanied by a man around my own age. He looked like a younger version of Cristian. “Sean-Paul, this is my son Alexander. He is being groomed to take over my dynasty when I pass on.” We shared a cordial handshake, and the chauffeur drove us to our offices where we laid out our plans. If all went well, our operating system would be ready for mass market in as little as six months. We planned everything, but before we got a chance to plan an advertising strategy, I noticed it was getting late and I told Cristian that I needed to get home.
    I walked out of the office building and headed for my parking spot. I must say that whomever was left in charge of keeping my personal automobile in shape did a damn fine job. It was spotless inside and out; no chipped paint, no scratches, no dirty windows, and no dirty interior. I made sure to give them a raise for doing such a fine job.
    Alexander looked at his father. “Father,” he said, “we really needed the Ubuntu code base for our source code.”
    Cristian patted his son on the back. “Relax, my boy,” he said calmly. “Ubuntu is based on Debian. It will be an easy conversion.” Cristian paused for a second. “Oh, and Alexander, we cannot afford you to tarnish out family reputation as you almost did with Viktor Rodemacher.” Alexander looked down in a submissive manner. “Son, just be glad that I had him killed and paid the police to rule his death as a suicide.” Cristian rose from his feet and saw a dark-skinned man working in a computer lab. “Alexander, come quick.” Alexander rose to his feet. “Son, is that who I think it is?”
    Alexander watched the man intently. “That’s the guy who was leading the Palestinian protest in New York last year! His name is Rami Yusef.” A look of disgust appeared on Cristian’s face. Alexander saw it. “Father, I told you dealing with him would be bad news.”
    Cristian turned to face his son. “Not as much bad news as MOSSAD.” He got his phone out. “Ari, Cristian here. Go to America. Get Lanisha LaPraix out of prison. Kill all the guards if you have to.”
    “Excuse me, father, but I have an important meeting.” Cristian waved him off. Alexander walked to his office, and as he sat down, a dark haired girl opened and closed the door.
     “I’m here, Alexander,” she said softly. “I hope you can fuck me better than the only man who ever fucked me.” She opened her wallet, and there was a photo of herself with a blonde woman and a dark haired man. They were all naked, and in the photograph, the blonde woman held a flower to the man’s nose as the dark haired girl was on top of him, his dick shoved deep inside her pussy. Alexander locked the door, and they slowly undressed, and then he took her right on top of his desk. As the girl slowly rode him, tears started streaming down her face, and she had a blank expression as if she had been mentally broken.
    I turned on my satellite radio and tuned to a classic rock station. The timeless classics of the Beatles, the Stones, Pink Floyd, and Queen made the hour-long drive rather enjoyable. I decided to roll down the windows and put the convertible roof down. The crisp mountain air was refreshing. I really love driving on the Autobahn.
    An hour later, I finally arrived home. Victoria and I decided to move in together, despite the protests of her parents. Despite their liberal viewpoints and their vegetarian lifestyles, they were still a deeply religious family and objected to the idea of their only daughter living with her lover out of wedlock. However, after several weeks of seeing us together and watching our love blossom, their objections began to wane, and eventually they approved of us living together under one condition: If Victoria were to get pregnant, we were to get married.
    I raised the convertible's roof and windows back up because I heard the radio station give a weather update indicating a likely chance of thunderstorms with heavy rain. I got my belongings and opened the door and stepped inside our house.
    Our house was HUGE. As soon as you stepped inside, you were greeted by a commons area which featured a large staircase which led to the five bedrooms – one of which I converted into a home office – as well as the master bath. To the right was a huge door which leads to the library and the family room. (The family room also has a staircase which leads downstairs to the basement rec room.) To the left was a huge door which leads to the dining room and the kitchen. I decided to go to the kitchen and fix a shot of Scottish brandy on the rocks; it's my favorite thing to do after being on the road for so long.
    After placing the bottle of brandy back in the wine rack, I went back to the commons area and headed upstairs. Being on the road and on airplanes non-stop for two straight weeks wiped me out. I went to the master bedroom and stripped out of my business attire and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. I had intended on laying down in the bed and taking a nap, but I could hear the shower running in the master bedroom's adjacent master bath. My cock immediately hardened as I visualized Victoria in the shower, naked and wet.
    “Fuck it,” I said to myself as my cock reached full hardness. I hadn't seen Victoria in three weeks. After three weeks, I missed the exquisite feeling of Victoria's full lips, tight cunt, and even her tight ass wrapped around my manly appendage. I was craving her body. My cock ached for genital-to-genital contact. I shed my clothes and opened the door to the master bath.
    I could see Victoria's profile behind the sliding glass shower doors. I slowly opened the shower door, stepped in, and snuck up behind my naked lover. I wrapped my arms around her and planted gentle kisses on the nape of her neck. “Hello, darling,” I whispered into her ear, planting gentle kisses on her ear and licking and nibbling her earlobe.
    Suddenly, Victoria turned around and we embraced. I lifted her chin and brought my lips to hers and we kissed for the first time in three weeks. Three weeks of longing flowed out of both of us as our kiss deepened and intensified, and our tongues got a workout as we deeply Frenched. Victoria broke the kiss and whispered into my mouth, “Welcome home, darling. I missed you.”
    “Not as much as I missed you, baby,” I replied in earnest.
    “I have some wonderful news for you, Sean-Paul -”
    “Later, baby. I need you. Right now.” And with that, I lifted Victoria with my arms, put her against the shower wall, spread her legs, and rubbed my aching cock against her slit. Victoria needed it, too. I could sense it. She took my cock in her hands and guided it to her hole. And then I pushed.
    “Ahhh!” Victoria sighed as my penis sank into her womanly orifice. We had been apart for three weeks. We shared telephone conversations and engaged in phone-sex and even Skype-sex during my business travels, but mutual masturbation was nothing compared to the primal feeling of actual sexual intercourse. Victoria urged me on with words of urgent desire. “Oh fuck me, Sean-Paul! God just shove it in deep!”
    “Oh fuck Victoria, I've missed you. I've missed your smile, your eyes, your lips, your body. Do you know how much I've been looking forward to this? Take my cock, baby! Take it all! Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!”
    “Oh God make me cum first, baby!” Victoria cried out as our passion was slowly rising to the boiling point. I gripped her hard around her waist with my right arm, and my left hand reached for the bar of soap, lathered up my hand one-handed, and went down searching for the tight wrinkled star of her anus. When I found it, I shoved my index finger up her ass and pushed my finger up so I could push it against my cock.
    The incredible dual stimulation of her vagina and colon rubbing together became too much for her body to take. Her moans took on a new urgency until with a shriek she exploded. “OOO! OOO! OO! AAAH! AAAAH! OOOoooOOOOOOOOEE!!!!” Victoria squinted her eyes tightly shut as her body was seized by an intense orgasm. She cried out with each spasm, and her cunt clamped down on my cock, and that was it for me. I groaned as three weeks of longing erupted out of my cock and splattered off her cervix.
    Finally, we were drained. We turned the shower water off and collapsed in the tub. After we managed to get our breathing somewhat under control, I asked Victoria, “so what's the wonderful news, darling?”
    “I'm pregnant,” said Victoria.
                                        CHAPTER FIVE
    My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe it. I was going to be a father. I knew I had another child in America, however I had not spoken to Taylor since the night she told me she was pregnant from our threesome with her girlfriend Angelica. No, better than that. I was going to have a family with the love of my life, my darling Victoria. I've been in love before and had intense relationships with other women in the past, but I have never had feelings for any other woman as intensely I have for Victoria.
    It dawned on me that all my dreams were coming true. I was a successful businessman who grew up in a poor family. I conquered poverty. I cheated death when I was involved in a serious automobile accident when I was in high school. Nobody would have ever believed that a person of my background would have ever been able to go to a prestigious Ivy League school on a full scholarship. I was living proof that hard work and dedication were more than enough to make your dreams come true.
    Over the last few years, I had been involved in meaningless relationships with women which were centered around sex and nothing else. My relationship with Lanisha was truly horrible, as when she found out I was in a relationship with Victoria, she went psycho and was eventually charged, convicted, and imprisoned for the murder of her husband Lawrence Hastings. The only other meaningful relationship I could call was my months-long relationship with Taylor. The last time we talked, she informed me that she had gotten pregnant from the threesome she had planned to have with me and her girlfriend Angelica, who claimed she was lesbian but eventually begged to have my hard dick buried inside her tight not-so-lesbian pussy.
    I thought sex to be meaningless if it wasn’t based on love. There were times when the meaningless relationships would cause me to sink into depression. When I got depressed, I tended to shut myself off from everybody.
    Three months before we met in person, Victoria and I met on a forum devoted to photography. We were both avid photographers. We had hit it off from the start. We found each other on Facebook and started talking every day. She managed to bring me out of my depressive mood in no time at all. We talked about everything: our dreams, our goals, common interests, and even love and romance. We fell in love with each other right off the bat. We exchanged phone numbers and began calling each other every day. I lost count of the number of times we had sexually-charged phone conversations and mutual masturbation sessions over the telephone and even over Skype video chat.
    And here, three months later, my dreams of having a family with a wonderful woman were coming true. We were still naked in the shower and relaxing in the bathtub. I smiled, and she smiled back. I embraced my lover in my arms and gently kissed her sweet lips. “Oh my sweet Victoria, do you realize how happy you have just made me?”
    “You mean you're not going to abandon me so I can sue you for child support,” asked Victoria with a mischievous grin on her face.
    I chuckled. “I could never do that to you, the love of my life,” I replied in earnest. “Come, let us get in the bed and celebrate together.” We got towels and dried each other off. Then, we held hands as we headed for our bedroom.
    The bedroom was almost dark as it was almost ten o'clock at night. We got some matches and lit up several candles. Once we had enough light, we embraced and kissed lightly. We were still gently kissing as we got in the bed. My lips left her lips as I began slowly kissing down her neck and slowly licking her sweet skin. My lips traveled lower as I reached her perfect breasts. Victoria moaned as I gently tweaked her erect nipples with my fingers. And then my lips met her left nipple.
    “Ah!” Victoria moaned as I planted a gently kiss on the hard pointed nub of her erect nipple. She thrust her chest upwards, desperate to increase the contact. “AH!” Victoria moaned louder as my tongue deliberately flicked out to tease the hard little nub. And then I clamped my mouth around her areola and sucked gently. “Yes, yes, yes...” Victoria sighed repeatedly as the foreplay was boiling her passion. Her hands went down to her crotch, and her hips slowly gyrated as she began teasing her swelling clitoris. Her left hand abandoned her glistening crotch and searched for my own swelling organ.
    I groaned into her chest as her hand found my hardening cock and began slowly pumping my organ. Now it was my turn to buck as my passion was threatening to boil over. I couldn't take it anymore. I removed myself from her nipple and maneuvered my body so that I could bury my face in her juicy cunt. My face was close to her steaming slit. I could smell her arousal. It was the most wonderful smell I have ever encountered. I saw her juices leaking out. I had to taste them.
    “YIII!” Victoria screamed as my mouth dove on her cunt and began sucking hard on her erect clitoris. I began lapping at her burning-hot pussy with reckless abandon, enjoying the flavor of the sweet nectar that her womanly flower released. Since Victoria consumed neither dairy products nor eggs, her juices did not have the foul taste associated with women who consume ungodly proportions of meat, eggs, and milk. (I was a vegan myself for the same reasons; women had complimented me on the rather sweet taste of my semen.) The erratic motions of Victoria's gyrating hips indicated that she was close to orgasm. Suddenly she grabbed my fully-erect cock and plunged her mouth down onto it.
    “FUUUCK!” I groaned loudly as Victoria began blowing me with newfound urgency. My nuts began to pull up against my body as my orgasm was rapidly approaching. My left hand went to her leaking pussy, and I shoved my index finger in her slit to get it all juicy. Then I took it out and shoved it in her ass and began finger-fucking her ass. And then I seized the erect nub of her throbbing clitoris between my teeth and gently bit down.
    “OOOUHHHMMMMGH!” Victoria's shrieked with a muffled cry around my cock as her passion reached its peak. I felt her clitoris throb and her cunt clench as each orgasmic spasm tore through her. Creamy, tasty, aromatic juice shot out of her slit and into my mouth. I eagerly gulped down her nectar until she offered no more. The taste and scent of her arousal sent my passion into overdrive, and I felt my cock swell before it shot several thick ropes of semen into her eagerly sucking mouth.
    We collapsed on the bed and cuddled. We slowly kissed, tasting the juices clinging to our mouths. This was one of the most intimate moments we had ever had. After five minutes, we began slowly fondling each other and slowly relit our passion. Normally, I had to wait about half an hour from an orgasm to achieve another erection, but this time was different, and I was fully erect in no time at all. Finally, we could wait no longer. We had to become one. I rolled on my back, and Victoria climbed on top of me. I guided my erection to her juicy slit, and she slowly sank down on it until I was halfway buried in her vagina.
    Victoria slowly rode me, moaning explosively as I butted against her cervix. I shifted myself in the bed so I could rest my back against the headboard. We embraced and kissed wildly as our fucking became more urgent. Without disengaging our genitals, I maneuvered ourselves to where she was laying on her back and her legs were resting on my shoulders. I began pounding her cunt harder and faster than ever before. Remembering what set her off in the shower, I greased up my left index finger with her feminine secretions and slid my finger in her ass, rapidly pumping her asshole with my finger and pressing my finger upwards to rub against my cock which was invading her vagina.
    “AH! AH! AH! AAAIIIEEEE!” Victoria's voice rose to a shriek as the dual stimulation popped her cork. Her orgasm tailed off after about a minute, but since I had just orgasmed a few minutes ago, I was nowhere near orgasm. I pressed my finger upwards again, and Victoria reached another orgasm. The clenching of her pussy around my cock was beginning to have an effect, but I was still not ready for my release. “Oh fuck Sean-Paul, just cum already,” Victoria begged as her nervous system was becoming overwhelmed. Finally, I felt my cock start to swell and my nuts starting to draw tight against my body. I was determined to make us cum simultaneously. I pressed my finger upwards once again, but this time my right hand found her fully-erect clitoris – more swollen and protruded than I've ever seen before – and seized it between my index finger and thumb and pinched it hard.
    “OOOOOAAAWWWEEEEEEEE!!!!” Victoria screamed, squinted her eyes shut, and threw her head back as she experienced the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life. Her entire body trembled wildly as if she were having an epileptic seizure. Her cunt clenched down repeatedly around my cock, and that set my orgasm off. I ejaculated violently into her vagina. Her body trembled even more violently as each splash of semen against her cervix heightened her orgasm. Finally, we went limp and collapsed in the bed and relished the afterglow of our lovemaking.
    We woke up about two hours later and embraced. Then I remembered the promise that I made to Victoria's parents: If I got her pregnant, we would get married. I told Victoria that we needed to visit her parents to let them know of the pregnancy. So we got dressed and headed for her parents' house.
    We were worried about their reactions once we told them the truth, but they took the news rather well because they knew that we truly loved each other and wanted to be together forever. Little did they know that I was planning on asking Victoria to marry me before I even knew about the pregnancy. While I was doing business in New York City, I stopped by Macy's to shop for an engagement ring. I found the perfect one: 24 carat gold, and a large heart-shaped diamond. It was worth almost $25,000, but it was more than worth it. I surprised Victoria and her parents when I suddenly dropped down on my knee and placed her hand in my hand,.
    “Victoria, I was planning on asking you to marry me before I even learned of the pregnancy. I would marry you right now even if you weren't pregnant.” Then I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box which contained the ring. Her eyes glazed over with unshedded tears as she realized what was happening. “Victoria, I've never loved anybody as much as I love you. I don't want anybody else. You are the only woman I have ever truly cared about. My darling, will you marry me?”
    Tears spilled out from her eyes and she began crying with joy. Even while crying, she gave me a wonderful smile. “Yes, Sean-Paul. Yes I will marry you,” replied my darling. I opened the ring box and her eyes widened at the beautiful engagement ring. I pulled the ring out of the ring box and slipped it over her ring finger.
    Two weeks later, we had our wedding at my estate in Ansbach. Victoria invited her family and close friends, and I invited my family and close friends. My best friend Steven, whom I had recently appointed the new president of the American division of my company, was the best man. His girlfriend Sarita accompanied him. Taylor and Angelica also attended, however the child that Taylor and I had together wasn’t there. I also noticed something odd. Angelica was also sitting beside Alexander, and they were sitting pretty close together. The look on her face was quite troubling.
    Before the wedding, I received a text message from Maddy, and it made me sad for her:
    Congratulations </3
    Mindy had sent me a text and apologized that Terri and Taylor’s child could not be there. In a way, I was glad Mindy wasn’t there, because the text Mindy sent me sent chills down my spine. “I know you were fucking Taylor while Lanisha was fucking me,” she said in the message. Mindy had long suspected that Taylor and I were having sex starting when Taylor was just seventeen. I began to wonder if Mindy was aware of the confession that I was indeed fucking Taylor while Mindy was drunk out of her mind and cumming her brains out while I pounded her ass.
    Victoria's cousin Benjamin was also there, sitting behind Angelica, Taylor, Alexander, and Cristian. Her best friend Anja - nicknamed Annie - served as the matron of honor. Victoria's father Gustav walked Victoria down the aisle. We created our own vows.
    After we were married, we all went to Munich and held our wedding reception at my company. I surprised Victoria by paying Brian May and Roger Taylor a nice sum of money to provide the musical entertainment. Victoria beamed as I joined Brian and Roger on some Queen songs. She even cried tears of joy as I sang “Love of My Life” to her as Brian played acoustic guitar. After the wedding reception, Brian told me that my rendition of the song was remarkable and that it reminded him of a performance of the song Queen did in Paris in 1979. I thanked him for the compliment but graciously told him, “I could never hold Freddie's microphone stand.”
    After the wedding reception, the guests departed, leaving Victoria, her parents Gustav and Eva, and myself as the only remaining people there. Gustav informed us it was getting late and they needed to get home, so he and Eva departed, leaving the newly-married couple alone. Victoria and I ascended the elevator to the top floor and headed for my office. I walked to my prototype digital MP3 jukebox – which I was creating myself in hopes of expanding sales to the entertainment industry – and played Queen's “You Take My Breath Away,” and then I asked my wife to dance with me.
      “Look into my eyes and you'll see I'm the only one.
      You've captured my heart, stolen my love, changed my life.
      Every time you make a move, you destroy my mind.
      And the way you touch, I lose control and shiver deep inside.
      You take my breath away.”
                                       CHAPTER SIX
    “Wow, so this is your home?” Victoria was obviously enamored with the sights of New York City. We had just ended our honeymoon last week. We spent a wonderful two weeks in Honolulu, enjoying the warm weather, the beautiful sunshine, and the refreshing surf. Victoria was no stranger to beaches; she frequently took trips to Barcelona and Nice to enjoy swimming and sunbathing. However, this was her first trip to the States.
    “No,” I stated, “my home is the same as yours, in Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. However, I grew up close to here.” I was Brooklyn born and Brooklyn bred. Considering the people I hung out with in my youth, it's a wonder I wasn't Brooklyn dead. I grew up in one of Brooklyn's roughest neighborhoods. The sounds of gunfire and police sirens were almost a daily ritual. Where I grew up, you either got tough or you got your ass kicked. I made it a goal to get the hell out of Brooklyn before I became another statistic – either in a prison or in the morgue.
    The experiences of my youth were partly responsible for making me what I am today. I was considered a badass in Brooklyn. I had my fair share of fights, and I had my fair share of run-ins with the law. When I was seventeen, I had just defended myself against my then-girlfriend Stephanie Williams’ father who absolutely hated my guts. After he took a swing and missed me, I flung my fist and connected with his nose, breaking it and turning it into a twisted, purple, and bloody mess. A nice off-duty police offer named Phillip Dunne arrived at the scene not to arrest me, but to give me some advice: Channel my energy into something productive, or I would wind up dead or in jail. I decided to study business, and I became a businessman. From the very start, I was a hard-working and a hard-driving individual. I've stepped on a few toes in my career, and I've fired my fair share of employees, but as a great businessman who was once a prisoner of the Nazi concentration camps once said, “Business is war.” Business is cut-throat. There are all sorts of people who will pat you on the back with one hand, and stab you in the back with the other. Me? I don't play that way. I tell you the truth and don't talk any bullshit.
    We were walking down Fifth Avenue and finally arrived at XC America, the American division of my global company. My friend Steven had become settled in his new position as President of XC America. Today, we would be having board meetings and going over the business strategy of our upcoming computer operating system. Normally, a Linux-based operating system would need word-of-mouth advertising. However, as part of our business strategy, we used the mainstream media to get the word out. After our board meeting, I was to be interviewed by FOX Business Channel, MSNBC, and CNN to let them know of the progress and how XCOS will revolutionize the software industry.
    Victoria and I rode the elevator to the fifteenth floor, the top floor os XC America's headquarters. As we stepped off the elevator, I told Victoria how boring board meetings are.
    “You mean B-O-R-E-D meetings?” Victoria said with a suppressed laugh.
    My laugh, however, was not suppressed. I laughed heartily at Victoria's double meaning. We walked to the front door of my office. Even though I was no longer President of XC America, I made it clear that I would never give up my office and that nobody else was allowed to use it without permission. “Like I said, they get boring. Why don't you wait in my office and watch some TV? You can call your parents and let them know we're okay.”
    “Okay, darling,” said Victoria. We kissed, and Victoria opened the door and went inside. I walked down the hall until I reached our conference room. I opened the double doors and walked inside and saw familiar faces.
    “Welcome back, Sean-Paul!” The shout came from Steven. Steven walked up to me and greeted me with a pat on the back. I returned the greeting. “How does it feel to be back in the big city, Eddie Albert?”
    I laughed at the crude reference to the show Green Acres which I loved to watch as a kid. However, after being accustomed to the quiet and small nature of Ansbach, being in big cities made me feel uneasy, as if the whole world was crowding around me. When I was a kid growing up in Brooklyn, I dreamed of living in Manhattan. I eventually realized my dream and enjoyed the big city, but after living with Victoria in her hometown, the big city no longer appealed to me. “Claustrophobic,” I stated. “Anyway, ready to do business?”
    “You bet,” said Steven.
    The board meeting was – well, boring. We went over dates,  figures, and expenses. However, when Steven got to the part of the development of XCOS, well, things got interesting. According to research, development of XCOS was accelerating faster that we ever expected, and bug reports indicated no flaws whatsoever. The graphics department showed us several designs for the XCOS logo. One in particular caught my eye. It was by a young intern. I looked at the name. “MADDY?!” I looked across the table, and I saw the redhead give me a timid smile and a wave. “Steven, you need to hire Maddy as a full-time employee.”
    I immediately set up a Skype conference call with the executives in Munich, and we were all pleased with the development of XCOS, and we all unanimously agreed on Maddy's design.
    After two hours, we ended the board meeting. Steven, Sarita, Maddy, and I remained. Steven got four wine glasses and poured us some cognac, my favorite. We talked about what has been going on in our lives. I found out that Steven had met Sarita while doing business in Cabo San Lucas. Sarita was working as a hotel receptionist, and they fell in love at first sight. “Dont worry, Sean-Paul,” said Steven, “she has her paperwork. I'm not going to jeopardize your company by hiring an illegal.”
\    I laughed heartily. We talked more and more, and then Steven and Sarita left for his office. I was alone with Maddy for the first time since the day Taylor miscarried. I walked to sit with her. “Maddy,” I said, “I really love the design.”
    “Thank you,” she said softly. I could tell her heart had been broken when she sent me the text message congratulating me on my marriage to Victoria. It made me feel sad for her.
    “Hey,” I said softly as I placed my hand over her hand. She looked into my eyes, and I could see her tear-stained cheeks. She gently intertwined her fingers with mine, and our gazes met. “It’s just that...you remind me of somebody I used to love.”
    “I wish I knew who it was,” she said softly. “I’m sorry, Sean-Paul. It’s just that I...can’t get over my feelings for you.” Maddy gently stroked my fingers, and she slowly and seductively wet her full lips with her tongue. I felt hot and sweaty as the visual image of this sexy redhead caused my cock to stiffen, and I let out a low moan as she bit her lip and then softly kissed my hand. I thought she was done, but then she snaked her tongue between my fingers and gently sucked on my index finger.
    The forbidden sensations were turning me on. When I was with Taylor at KCU, there was a time that I almost gave in to Maddy’s advances. The last time I had seen Maddy, we were in my office when she – with a whisper – wished that I had an identical twin brother while she kissed me and gently squeezed my hard cock, leading to an impromptu make-out session with her grinding her denim-covered pussy against the rampant bulge in my slacks. The memories were coming back, and I felt my hard dick leaking pre-cum. I smelled a delicate aroma in the air. It was the scent of aroused pussy. “Still wish I had an identical twin brother,” I said in a husky voice.
    “Yessss,” she said in a breathy voice. I could tell by the flexing of her arm that she was touching herself. As a married man, I resisted the temptation to give Maddy the orgasm she clearly craved. “Ohhh goddd,” she moaned breathlessly as she pulled the crotch of her soaked panties aside and slid two fingers deep inside. “I would...ohhh...let you have your way with me, to do with me as you...mmm...wish.” Her breathing quickened, and I saw the flush in her cheeks grow. “Oh god I’m gonna...ohhh! Aaah! OOoooOOOOAAA!” Maddy suddenly threw her head back and moaned as she orgasmed on her fingers. “Ahhh-HAH! Ahhh-HAH! AAA!” Her breath keened out with each spasm. Finally, she sank into the chair with a look of sheer bliss on her face. “Mmmm thanks Sean-Paul. I needed that. I just wish it was something beside my fingers bringing me off.” If I hadn’t been married, I would have considered it.
    “You just sit here, relax, and clean up,” I said. I have to go check on Victoria. She has a bad case of jet lag.” Maddy looked down in disappointment, and I gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You’re a very beautiful girl, Maddy. You’re gonna find your prince one day.” As I got to the door, I turned to face her. “Maddy, if something ever happens that causes Victoria and I to no longer be together, you’ll be the first person I call.”
    That caused Maddy to smile. She got up and gave me a hug. Then she kissed my cheek. “I hope things go well between you and Victoria, but if not, you can always call me, and -“ then she spoke in a seductive tone “ – then I won’t have to wish you have a twin brother.” She gently nibbled on my ear and gave my hard cock a playful squeeze. Then she pulled away and winked, and I headed out the door.
    Once I arrived at my office, I opened the door and noticed that my wife had fallen asleep on the sofa. She had turned it to FOX Business Channel and gotten so bored with the business talk on the TV that she fell asleep. I suppressed a laugh, and then I turned off the TV and raised my wife's head so I could sit down. I placed her head in my lap. I gently stroked the soft skin of her flawless face as she slumbered. She turned her head so that her face was in my crotch. I felt her warm breath on my cloth-covered cock. It felt wonderful. Even though Maddy’s charms made my cock ache, it couldn’t compare to the way Victoria turned me on. My cock was aching and stiff, and my bulge was pressing against her hot mouth.
    I was tempted to get up to go to my private restroom and jerk off, but then I felt Victoria's expert mouth placing gentle kisses up and down the length of my erection. I looked down, and her eyes were open. Then she raised up, wrapped her arms around the back of my head, and pulled me in as she sought my lips.
    We kissed lightly, but then our kisses gradually deepened. I felt light-headed as my wife snaked her tongues into my mouth and slid it playfully against mine before she started licking at my teeth and the soft palate of my mouth. I gently bit down on her invading tongue, and she made spitting noises as she giggled. I returned the favor and slid my tongue into her mouth, tasting every single inch of what I could reach in her oral orifice. Then she returned the favor and gently bit down on my tongue, causing both of us to laugh noisily. Then I slid a hand under her skirt, searching for her womanly treasure.
    “AH!” Victoria moaned as I seized the swelling nub of her clitoris and stroked it firmly. Then my other hand slid down there, and I slid two fingers in her moist slit. I could hardly believe that seven months from now, my son or daughter would be exiting out this slit to enter this world as our child. Victoria's moans became more erratic. We were both sweating. The spicy yet sweet scent of her arousal was filling the room. My cock was throbbing. I could take no more.
    After Victoria's latest checkup, the OB-GYN told us that we needed to start to refrain from vaginal intercourse to prevent the risk of injury to our child up to and including miscarriage. However, when we asked about the safety of anal intercourse, the OB-GYN told us it was perfectly safe until Victoria was five months along into her pregnancy.
    I remembered the first time Victoria and I engaged in anal intercourse. We had stopped at a hotel on my way to meeting Mr. Hermann, the investor and CFO of my company. We engaged in foreplay, and then Victoria asked me to fuck her ass. After finding lube and amyl nitrate in the hotel room's bathroom, I took her anal cherry, and the amyl nitrate caused the pain of anal friction to combine with the pleasure of clitoral stimulation and explode in a cataclysmic orgasm.
    But considering the fact that Victoria is pregnant, we cannot use amyl nitrate for fear of is harming our child. Then I remembered how Victoria loves to get her rocks off by watching gay male porn. I got the remote control and turned it to the hardcore porn channels until I found two guys fucking around. “I want to fuck your hot sexy ass,” I whispered into my wife's ear.
    Victoria moaned, and her entire body shivered in pleasure. “Only if we can take turns,” my wife said with a voice shaky with arousal.
    I readily agreed. Victoria and I loved anal. I loved fucking her tight ass, and I loved it when she fucked mine with her strap-on. “Do you have your strap-on?” I asked Victoria.
    “No,” she stated, “it's at the hotel.”
    “When we get back to the hotel, you can fuck my ass, darling,” I said. With that, I got up and locked the door. I returned to the sofa, stripped off my slacks and underwear, and raised Victoria's skirt and pulled her thong panties down and off. I coated my cock with the juices leaking from her pussy, and then I pulled her sweaty cheeks apart exposing her backdoor. I placed the head of my cock at her back entrance, and then I pushed.
    “EEEEOOOWWWWW!” Victoria cried out in pleasure-induced agony as my cock filled her bowels. The peristaltic movement of her rectum slowly sucked me in until finally I felt the base of my cock surrounded by her fleshy, twitching sphincter. My entire ten inch length was buried to the hilt in her ass. Her head dropped down as I slowly pulled out, and then her head raised up as I drove my cock into her.
    Victoria's ass felt like a molten furnace. The clenching of her anus was almost unbearable. I took my mind off of my pleasure in order to try to delay my orgasm. I gripped Victoria around her hips and fucked her faster and faster on my cock. Victoria glued her eyes to the TV screen, wanting the visual image of gay male anal sex to get her off. Victoria's grunts and groans turned into moans as she seized her fully-erect clitoris and frigged it madly. I brought my head down to her head and began speaking in her ear. “Pretend that that's us,” I said to my wife. She let out a sharp cry as my words threatened to send her over the edge. Finally, I removed her hand from her clit, only to seize the stiff nub between my index finger and thumb and began tugging at it as if it were a tiny cock. “Feel me jerking that big hot cock of yours! Feel me rubbing that g-spot deep inside your ass, making you shoot a bucket full of cum!”
    Victoria's moans rose in volume and pitch, and then I seized her throbbing stiff clit between fingernail and thumbnail and pinched down, and she exploded. “AAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE!” Victoria screamed as her body was seized by an intense climax. “EEEEE! EEEEE! EEEEE!” She cried out repeatedly as each spasms tore though her, causing her entire body to tremble violently. Her rectum clenched repeatedly around my organ, and the increased sensation sent me over the edge. “AAAUUURRGGHH!” I howled as I squelched gob after gob of cum deep in my wife's bowels. My penis felt like a stick of lite dynamite which threatened to blow apart. Finally, our orgasms subsided, and we collapsed on the floor as we were wiped out.
    After a half an hour, we cleaned ourselves up and got dressed. We straightened our clothes and our hair, and then we heard a knock at the door. I opened the door, and was greeted by the staff of CNN. The lighting crew and camera people set up their equipment, and the makeup artist applied makeup to my face to make me look normal under the bright lights. How I loved dealing with the press.
                                      CHAPTER SEVEN
    Today was the big day. After six months of hard work, XCOS was ready. And what better way to introduce the world to XCOS than to introduce it at the E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo?
    Many in our company questioned my decision to introduce a computer operating system at a convention many associated with video games. After ten years in the tech industry, I pretty much knew what the consumers wanted. They wanted an operating system which appealed to all people. We designed XCOS to appeal to the business crowd, the stay-at-home moms, the soccer moms, the social network lovers, and the hardcore gamers. We demonstrated the capabilities of XCOS to many PC game developers, and were in such awe of the technology and our business strategy that they more than readily agreed to develop games for it.
    It was thirty minutes before we were set to make history. I began having flashbacks of my experience with technology. I remembered receiving my first computer. It was a Commodore 64. I fell in love with the simple design. But once I learned the awesome raw power of its CPU and how to use machine language to design my own programs, I knew what the future had in store for me. The founder of Commodore was an inspiration. He was a Polish Jew who was detained by the Nazis during the Nazi Holocaust, freed by the Allies, and migrated to America where he raised a family and went on to found a typewriter repair company which would one day become one of the most important computer companies of all time. When I learned of his recent passing, it felt like a part of my childhood died along with him.
    I was almost lost in my memories when I felt a pat on my back. It was Steven. He and Sarita had just arrived. “Jesus, Steve, you were supposed to have been here four hours ago,” I chided Steven. “Just where were you?”
    “Oh it's nothing,” said Steven. “Sarita and I stopped in Las Vegas and... well, you know what goes on in Vegas.” Then he and Sarita simultaneously showed their hands to me. They were wearing wedding bands.
    My momentary annoyance with Steven's tardiness was suddenly washed away and replaced with pride. I gave my best friend and his new wife hugs, congratulating them. Their whirlwind romance reminded me of the whirlwind romance I shared with my wife Victoria. Victoria was not feeling well so she decided to stay at the hotel. Our baby was due any moment now. Over the last few months, Victoria became dismayed at her pregnancy weight gain as well as the stretchmarks which adorned her now very pregnant belly. But if anything, her pregnancy has given her a radiance and a glow that makes her even more alluring. I always made her feel better by kissing her stretchmarks as well as putting my ear against her belly just to hear and feel our baby moving inside. It wouldn't be long before we would hold our son or daughter in our arms and show him or her love and affection.
    As I saw the newlyweds embrace and kiss, I felt warm arms wrapping around my torso, I turned around, and it was Taylor. “TAY!” I gave her a huge hug, and she held me tight. For some reason, she was crying. “Hey,” I said softly, “is something wrong?”
    “Kinda,” Taylor said. “But I’ll tell you some other time when we have time to catch up. Don’t want you to be late for your big moment.”  I held her close, and she seemed to melt against me. She kissed me on the cheek and went inside. Little did I know, she was accompanied by Maddy. After Taylor had disappeared into the growing crowd, Maddy gave me a sultry look which made me feel uneasy and aroused at the same time. I could have sworn that I had somehow known her all my life. Maddy wrapped her arms around me, and she pressed her thigh against my hardening dick. “Ohhh,” she moaned and whispered in my ear, “I wish you had a twin brother.” I saw her slip her hand underneath her miniskirt.
    I could feel myself getting aroused, hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable. I reluctantly pulled away. “Sorry, Maddy,” I softly said in a husky voice, “I have to call Victoria and check on her.” I could tell my words stung. She turned away visibly upset. It was clear she still had feelings for me. I gently cupped her chin between my fingers, and I gently stoked my finger against her cheek. She stared intently at me, her green eyes fixed on my own blue eyes. “Hey,” I whispered in her ear, “remember what I said? If something happens to drive me and Victoria apart, you’ll be the first person I call.” She moaned at the unintended sultry inflection in my voice. She pulled away and smiled at me, then she slowly licked her bottom lip with her tongue, and seductively bit her lip. “Fuck,” I thought in my head. The sight of that made my cock throb. Then she left and joined Taylor in the crowd.
    I grabbed my cellphone with the intention of calling Victoria to check up on her and see if she was okay, but an E3 director informed me it was time for our presentation. I hastily put my phone back in my pocket, straightened my clothes, and then Steven and I took to the stage.
    The reception we got when we showed up on stage was beyond phenomenal. Our viral marketing campaign paid off BIG time. There were hardcore fans from all over the world. I absorbed myself in the wild cheers and applause. It dawned on me that the Brooklyn punk kid has grown up to become one of the most successful businessmen of all time. I decided to greet everybody from all over the world. “Hello! Salut! Bonjour! Konnichiwa!” The crowd was going crazy. “I am so grateful that every single one of you have come from all over the world to become part of a revolution.” With that cue, we debuted our video presentation: a demonstration of the many features of XCOS to the tune of the Beatles' “Revolution.” The crowd was dazzled by the beautiful custom-made interface, the built-in software, the integrated social networking (including Tumblr), and the line-up of computer games which would be available in our App Store. After the video presentation ended, the crowd reacted as if the Beatles or Pink Floyd reunited for a farewell concert. It was the greatest moment of my life. And even though I was not aware, my phone rang. I didn't hear it, but Steven did.
    “Dude, your phone's ringing,” said Steven. I glanced down at the caller ID. It was Victoria.
    “Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems that my wife is calling me. Please excuse me.” I stepped away from the microphone to answer the phone. “Hello?”
    “Sean-Paul...” my wife said in what sounded like pain.
    “Honey, what's wrong?”
    “I have to get to the hospital! I'm in labor! I'm having the baby!”
    “Okay I'll be there as soon as possible. Bye.” I hung up the phone. I stepped back to the microphone. “I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but I have to leave. My wife is having our baby. Thank you for your love and support!” The crowd applauded and cheered, but I wasn't sure if it was for the company and XCOS or for the fact that I was soon to become a father. Maybe it was both.
    Anyway, I rushed out of the convention center and headed straight for the hotel. I rushed up to the penthouse suite where my wife and I were staying. I opened the door and headed straight for the bedroom. I saw Victoria resting on the bed. I went right to her. “Come on, let's get you to the hospital.”
    Suddenly, Victoria made a sharp cry. “AH!” The sound sent chills down my spine. I thought she was hurt. Then she said, “My water broke, Sean-Paul. We're not going to make it to the hospital. Oh my God, I'm going to have our baby right here in the hotel!” I was close to panicking. I calmed myself down by practicing the breathing techniques Victoria learned in her lamaze classes. After I calmed down, I grabbed my phone and called the hospital informing them of the situation. Then Victoria's contractions began. “AAAIII!”
    I suddenly realized that I was going to have to deliver our baby. I had Victoria get her breathing under control. She breathed in an our for a minute, and then she would make a push. We repeated this process for well over an hour. After an hour, I glanced down at my wife's vagina. It was stretching. And I could see the crown of the head of our child. “I see the head, Victoria! I see the head! Keep breathing and pushing!” I placed my hands down at the top and bottom of her stretched vagina, ready to support our baby's head after he or she is exposed to the outside world.
    Another thirty minutes elapsed, and after a particularly hard push, our baby was out. I gently supported our child's head as I gently laid them down on the towel underneath Victoria's splayed legs. I cleaned our baby of blood and leftover amniotic fluid until they were pink like a baby should be. I placed an aspirator into each nostril and sucked the amniotic fluid out of their lungs, and then our baby took its first breath and cried.
    I glanced at Victoria. She was crying with joy at the first sounds of our baby. I gently picked up our child and placed our child in her arms. “It's a girl,” I said. “Look at our beautiful daughter!” Victoria peppered our newborn daughter with feather-light kisses. She placed a finger in her tiny hand, amazed at how tiny she was. Then I heard a knock at the door.
    I opened the door, and medical personnel arrived. They snipped our daughter's umbilical cord and transported her and her mother to the hospital. I followed them and arrived at the hospital at the same time. I went to the maternity ward, and I visited my wife and our daughter. I greeted my wife with a kiss. I glanced down at our daughter. She was sleeping. “Have you thought of a name”? I asked my wife.
    “Yes I have,” she replied. “I've always wanted my daughter to be named after my best friend. I choose Anne.”
    Four years ago, our daughter Anne was born. Two years later, we gave our daughter a little brother. We named him Xavier.
    We released XCOS to the masses two weeks after the E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo. It was an immediate smash hit. In fact, sales of XCOS were so strong that it overtook Windows and Mac OS X as the best-selling and most widely uses operating system. I managed to take a small company and turn it into a Microsoft killer and an Apple killer all rolled into one.
    The popularity of XCOS singlehandedly revived the waning computer gaming industry. Console gaming still reigned supreme, but computer gaming was giving it a run for its money better than ever before. Many in the tech industry are now speculating that we're going to get into the home video game business and introduce a new game console. Right now that's not being planned, but you never know what the future holds.
    I just got off the phone with Victoria. She just got back from the doctor. She's pregnant.
                                      IV – Reunion
                                     CHAPTER ONE
  “Sean-Paul, are you forgetting something?”
   “Huh,” I asked while looking at Victoria. Then I noticed the keys in her hand. I gave her a sly smile. “What would I do without you, baby,” I asked. I took the keys, embraced my wife in my arms, and we exchanged sweet kisses. “Are you sure your parents are going to take care of Anne and Xavier tonight?”
   “Yes, dear,” she said with a wink. Then our lips met again, and we passionately kissed. It’s been roughly four years since we exchanged wedding vows and almost nearly as long since our daughter Anne was born in a San Francisco hotel. She and her little brother Xavier were my pride and joy. For the last several weeks, we have been trying to make Anne and Xavier a baby brother or sister, but when you have a baby who’s already walking and you have a busy career where you have to travel the world, you really don’t have time to try to make a baby.
   “We haven’t been alone in so long,” I said in between kisses. Then I looked at my watch. “Shit, I’m gonna be late. I’ll see you tonight. Love you.”
   “Love you, too,” she replied. After a parting kiss, I left the house and drove from Ansbach to Munich.
   After a roughly one hour drive, I arrived at XC International. Ever since the massive success of XCOS, business had been hopping. We’ve made so much money since the release of XCOS that we’ve been able to expand our workforce and add some new executive positions. I would be meeting the new members of our staff today in a special board meeting.
   I headed straight for my office to bury myself in paperwork. Doing business in Germany wasn’t the same as doing business in America. There were different regulatory laws as well as higher minimum wages and work safety regulations. I believed in the good old fashioned “40 hours a week” guideline and set my policy: All employees were guaranteed 40 hours a week with three days off. Unfortunately, this meant everybody had to work 10 hours a day.
   I turned on the TV and switched to the BBC World Service. While going over some sales figures for tax purposes, I overheard a news anchor talk about a female prisoner escaping from Sing Sing, and I could have sworn that I heard my former lover Lanisha’s name mentioned. While listening to details of the report, I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the door’s window and noticed it was Cristian, the president and chief financial officer. Cristian was the investor to whom I sold my American-founded company. Cristian was excellent at the financial side of business. It must be that Rothschild blood. I motioned for him to come in. “Is there something, Cristian,” I asked.
   “The new vice president of software development is here,” he said in his thick German accent.
   “Send him in, please,” I said.
   “You mean ‘her’.” I looked at him quizically. “Come, please,” he said as he made a motioning gesture with his arm. I saw a petite woman enter my office. I saw the green eyes, I saw the beautiful smile. “Taylor,” I said softly.
   “Hello, Sean-Paul,” my former girlfriend said. We walked to each other and hugged tightly. We looked into each other’s eyes and just stared at each other. I pulled her in for another hug. “It’s been so long,” she said.
   “I know,” I said. “Let’s sit down.” We sat on my sofa. I grabbed some bottled water from my mini-fridge. “So, how’s your mom and aunt?”
   “Mom’s still Mom, and aunt Mindy’s still a bitch on wheels,” she said. “They’re babysitting Jasmine right now.”
   “Who’s Jasmine,” I asked.
   “Our daughter, silly,” she said with a smile. Taylor pulled her wallet out and showed me a photo of our daughter. I had never seen our daughter before. She looked so adorable. I was getting misty-eyed just looking at her. “I can’t believe Maddy’s already working for you!”
    “Well, technically she’s working for Steven at XC America,” I said.
    “I just wish Angelica would have stuck around,” Taylor said in a solemn tone.
   “What happened?”
   “Well, ever since that night that us three fucked, she got weird,” she said. I recall that day vividly. It was truly the most amazing sexual experience of my entire life. It was the first and only time that I have ever been in a threesome. I still remember the taste and aroma of Taylor’s sexual fluids as she squirted in my face and Angelica’s face. Finally, the threesome ended as Angelica begged me to fuck her. It was then that I began to suspect that Angelica wasn’t really lesbian. In fact, I doubted that from the moment we first met at the airport, as her eyes glanced down to the bulge in my pants and blushed. My cock was coming to life as the memories rushed into view. “And then she left me…for a guy.”
   My suspicions were confirmed. “I’m sorry,” I said. I hugged Taylor. “It’s my fault. If I hadn’t touched her or allowed her to fuck me, she wouldn’t have gotten interested in guys.”
   “It’s not your fault, hun,” Taylor said. “If it hadn’t been you, it would have been another guy.”
   “I guess,” I said. Taylor leaned her head against my shoulder, and we just sat there for what seemed like an eternity. Then I felt fingertips tracing the length of my erecting cock. I looked down and noticed that Taylor was slowly dragging her fingers over my bulge. Although it felt amazing, I just couldn’t give in to our former passion. “Taylor, I can’t. I’m married,” I said between gasps.
   “I’m so lonely,” she said. Then she got up and straddled me. And then she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her lips to mine. We both moaned low in our throats as we kissed for the first time in almost four years. My cock was straining in my slacks. Taylor grinded her denim-covered cunt against my bulge, and we were both rapidly approaching our mutual peaks.
   However, I had a wife to whom I made a commitment. I pulled Taylor off. “I’m sorry, Taylor. We can’t do this. I have a wife and two kids with her. What we had was amazing, but it’s in the past. You moved on, and so did I.” Then I walked to my sink and splashed some cold water on my face to alleviate the sexual tension. After drying my face with a towel, I sat next to Taylor. She was crying. “I’m sorry, Tay. Listen, you have an amazing gift with computer science, and I want you to stay here. Don’t let this affect your career here. Please stay on.”
   “Okay,” she said in between sniffles. I hugged Taylor, and then she heard my phone ring. “Your phone’s ringing.”
   “Okay I gotta answer it,” I said. I got up and walked to my desk and picked up the phone. “This is Sean-Paul DeCraig,” I said.
   “Sean-Paul, it’s Eva,” my mother-in-law said. She sounded as if she were in a panic attack. “You need to get home now. Something terrible has happened.”
   “What happened?”
   “I don’t know, but there are police cars at your house,” she said.
   “Okay I’m coming home now,” I said. After hanging up the phone, I got up and got my cellphone and keys. “Sorry Taylor, but an emergency has come up. I have to go home. Get with Cristian. He’ll show you your office, and then he will set up a meeting with you and the rest of your department.”
   “Be safe,” Taylor said.
   “Thanks, babe,” I said. I rushed out of the office and headed straight for my car. I speeded out of the parking lot and hit the Autobahn and drove much faster than usual. I arrived home in 45 minutes. I got out of the car, and I ran for my house, but a cop stopped me from entering the doorway.
   “Sir, this is a crime scene! We can’t let you in,” he said.
   “What do you mean crime - “ and then I saw inside, and my entire world came crashing down. I was Victoria. I saw Anne. I saw Xavier. They were lying on the floor covered in blood. And they weren’t moving. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO,” I screamed desperately. I collapsed on my knees. Tears burned my eyes as I was subject to the worst thing any person could experience.
   I watched helplessly as police officers and detectives took photos of my dead wife and my dead kids. I walked away, trying to convince myself that this was just a bad dream. Then I noticed the outside of the front door. It had some kind of writing. “Officer, what’s this shit on the door,” I asked. The officer escorted me to the door, and then I saw what was written on the door:
   It was at that very moment I knew who did this.
   The following week was the worst week of my entire life. Not only were my wife and children dead, but I was also informed by forensics that the twins Victoria were carrying were fraternal twins: a boy and a girl. Since the murders were so gruesome, all three caskets were closed. I sat with Gustav and Eva as the priest eulogized my wife and children. Cristian, Steven, Sarita, and Taylor attended the funeral to give me moral support. I noticed something odd about Cristian. He had a blank look on his face, as if either he didn’t want to be there or that he didn’t care I was mourning the deaths of my wife and children. After the funeral was over, we left for the cemetery which would be the eternal resting place for Victoria, Anne, and Xavier.
   After the burial concluded, I drove back to XC International and headed straight for my office. My secretary Cheryl – whom I requested be transferred to XC International - stood up and gave me a hug. “Thanks Cheryl,” I said calmly. “I don’t want to be disturbed by anybody. If I receive any phone calls, just take a message. I need to be alone right now.”
   “Yes sir,” Cheryl said with tears in her eyes. I started to walk away. “Sean-Paul -”
    I stopped in my track and faced her. “Yes?”
    Cheryl started crying as she hugged me tightly. “I never got the chance to thank you for being there for me when my brother was murdered.” I still remembered that day when the police had discovered that Lanisha had murdered Lawrence and made it look like a suicide. Lawrence and Cheryl weren’t exactly close siblings, but still yet, she took the death really hard.
   I was on the verge of tears, and I looked at Cheryl. “You just did,” I said softly to her. I kissed her cheek and walked to my office. I opened the door to my office and locked the door. I sat down on my sofa and pulled out my wallet and looked at a photo of Victoria and I from our wedding. Just last week, I was able to hold her in my arms and make love to her. And now she was gone. I felt a mix of anger and sadness. Ever since the day I found my wife and kids dead, I buried my feelings for the sake of the company and for the sake of Gustav and Eva. But I could bury those feelings no longer. I got up and in a fit of rage, I flipped my desk over, sending papers and trinkets flying. And then I collapsed on the sofa, and for the first time since I was a kid, I openly sobbed. “You should have taken me instead, you bitch,” I muttered over and over again as I wished I was dead as well. However, I felt an odd presence. It felt like warm arms wrapping around me. “Victoria?” I turned around, and there was nobody there. I noticed the photo of our wedding had her handwriting on the back:
      My dear husband, Always live for tomorrow. Never take things for granted. Love forever, Victoria
    I had that photograph in my wallet since the day we were married. I never took it out. I never wrote anything on the back. It was as if Victoria had come back from the Great Beyond to leave me a final message before returning back to the spiritual side. I stared at the photograph and her handwriting, and I felt my anguish slowly ebb away.
   After what seemed like an eternity, I stood up and picked up my desk and reorganized the paperwork and the trinkets. I wiped the tears from my face and grabbed my cellphone and called Philip Dunne, the New York City detective who arrested Lanisha for murdering her husband. “Phil, it’s Sean-Paul DeCraig.”
   “Hello, Sean-Paul,” said Phil. “I want to express my condolences.”
   “Thanks,” I said. “I need to know something, Phil. Did Lanisha escape from Sing Sing?”
   “Yes she did,” he said.
   “She’s the one who murdered Victoria and our children,” I flat-out stated.
   “How can you be so sure?” Phil asked.
   “I found the words DIE KRAUT FUCKER written on my door. Weren’t those the same words Lanisha sent me in a Facebook message?”
   “Let me check,” Phil said. After a few minutes away, he returned. “The same words indeed, Sean-Paul.”
   “Then you better contact the Munich police to be on the lookout for her,” I said.
   “I’ll do my best Sean-Paul,” Phil said.
   “I’m serious, Phil,” I said. “They better find her before I find her. She stole my wife and kids away from me. If I find her first, it may not be pretty.”
                                        CHAPTER TWO
   I was catching up on the news while I waited for the weekly board meeting to start. I saw a report on CNN about the FBI, Interpol, and the German police launching an APB on Lanisha. “You guys better find her before I do,” I said under my breath. I thought back to when I first met Lanisha. She was a bright, energetic worker. She was my first employee. We had a brief relationship before she met and married Lawrence Hastings. We lost contact with each other until I found her in a hotel room having lesbian sex with Taylor’s aunt Mindy. And when I moved back to New York City following the end of my teaching engagement in Kansas City, Lanisha and I rekindled our relationship only for it to end because I told Lanisha how I felt about her boss Shepard Smith. And once Lanisha found out I had moved on with Victoria, she went psycho.
   I was remembering the time that I told Steven that I had sex with Shepard Smith’s sloppy seconds and almost laughed. But then I remember how those sloppy seconds took my reason for living away from me. And I felt the anger seeping back in. Before the anger could take over, I got up and made my way for the board room.
   Once the board meeting began, we got down to business. I formally introduced Taylor as the new Vice President of Software Development. “I’ve known this girl since she was in college. I knew back then she would be a success in this industry, so it doesn’t surprise me to see her in this capacity.” After speaking highly of Taylor’s academic credentials while leaving out the fact that we once shared a romantic relationship and were in fact engaged, the board members stood up and applauded her. Then we got back to what we do best - come up with innovative ideas.
   “We’ve been very successful since the launch of XCOS,” I stated. “XCOS is now the most widely used computer operating system in the world. It has overtaken Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s Mac OS X. It’s hard to believe that just five years ago, Mark Shuttleworth offered to buy our work and assimilate it into his Ubuntu operating system. And now, I am proud to announce that Mr. Shuttleworth has decided to sell his Canonical company to us for $75 million.” The board stood up and applauded. “And now there are rumors that Microsoft and Apple both want to do the same.” Again, the board members stood up and applauded. “But now we need to look towards the future and towards other areas of the tech industry. And with that, I turn the discussion over to the president of XC America, Steven Sandberg.”
   “Hello everybody,” Steven said. “We have already taken over the computer industry. Now it is time to take over the video game industry. Lights, please.” Steven’s wife Sarita stood up and turned the lights off. Steven turned on the slide projector. “This is XCGS, or the XC Game System. This system will feature 16 gigabytes or RAM, a one terabyte hard drive, a quad-core Intel processor, and eight gigabytes of video memory. It is a versatile home entertainment system. It will allow you to play games in the cloud, listen to MP3s, stream music online, stream and download movies and TV shows, and watch live broadcast television. We have made several strategic acquisitions to bring all of this together. Our recent acquisition of Valve Entertainment gives us Steam, which is the heart and soul of our gaming experience. And thanks to our recent acquisition of Aereo and licensing agreements with the major broadcast networks, you will be able to watch live broadcast television without the need for cable, satellite, or even rabbit ears or a rooftop antenna.”
   The board members stood up and applauded enthusiastically. Steven sat down and I stood up. “That’s the good news. Now for the bad news,” I said. Everybody laughed. “This isn’t such a boring meeting after all, is it?” Everybody laughed heartily. “But seriously, the E3 Expo is six months away. So we have to have this product ready in six months. So feel free to pull some all-nighters, and feel free to encourage our employees to work over if needed. Just remember that overtime is not mandatory, and that applies to everybody who works here. But we really need to bust our asses to make this work. I know you guys can do it. Meeting adjourned.” Everybody stood up and left. “Taylor,” I said, “can I talk to you in private?” She nodded her head, and we went to my office.
   “Taylor,” I said, “you’re going to be the most important part of this project.”
   “How?” she asked.
   “You are going to take XCOS and use it as a base for the operating system of XCGS.” She smiled. “I know you can do it.” She got up and hugged me.
    Then she heard her phone ring. She looked at the caller ID. “Oh great. It’s my aunt Mindy.” She answered the phone. “Hello? Oh hi, aunt Mindy. I’m at work. Wait - what? You’re in Munich? But why? Awww she misses me? Well you and Mom bring her up to Sean-Paul’s office! Okay, bye!”
   “Hey Tay there’s something I have to ask,” I said. “Does Mindy know that I’m Jasmine’s father?”
   “She doesn’t know,” Taylor said, ”but she suspects it.” She must have seen the worried look on my face. “Don’t worry, Sean-Paul, when we made Jasmine, we were consenting adults.” We heard a knock on the door. Taylor got up and opened the door. She was greeted by her aunt, her mother, and our daughter. “Hi pumpkin! Oh mommy missed you!” Taylor grabbed and hugged Jasmine. I stood and looked at Taylor holding our daughter, and I felt tears well in my eyes as I suddenly thought about Victoria, Anne, and Xavier. “Aunt Mindy, I’m gonna take Mom and Jasmine to my office. Why don’t you hang out with Sean-Paul?” And with that, Taylor, Jasmine, and Taylor’s mom Terri left, leaving me alone with Mindy for the first time since I practically raped her up the ass in the hotel room over four years ago.
   “Long time no see,” I said calmly.
   “You bastard,” Mindy said. “I just knew you were fucking Taylor back then.”
   “Okay Mindy, we need to talk,” I said. We sat down. “Want to know the truth? Yeah we were having sex back then.” Mindy slapped me in the face. Ouch, it stung. “But that’s not all, Mindy. We truly loved each other. We talked about getting married. We talked about having children. Hell, we were even engaged and were expecting a child when she miscarried.”
   “So you fucked her, got her pregnant, and abandoned her when she really needed you,” Mindy said. “Wow you’re really classy.”
   “I didn’t abandon her, bitch,” I said. “We mutually ended our relationship. After the miscarriage, we drifted apart. And my tenure at KCU was ending and I had to go back to running my company in New York City. Trust me, Mindy. At the time, I wanted to stay with Taylor. I loved her. But I went back to New York City, got back with Lanisha, and then I met Victoria.”
   “You really loved Taylor?” Mindy asked.
   “Yes,” I said.
   “I was wrong about you,” Mindy said. “I always thought you were some creep who preyed on vulnerable teenaged girls. I owe you an apology.” She gave me a hug. “And I’m sorry about the loss of your wife and children. If I knew Lanisha were capable of something like that, I wouldn’t have gotten involved with her.
   “Me neither, Mindy,” I said. “Thanks.” I thought of the last time I was with Victoria and our children. We were at a picnic at our estate. The sun shone brightly. Victoria and Anne were wearing matching sundresses, and Xavier wore his usual summer clothes. After the kids took a nap, Victoria and I tucked them in their beds, and we went to our bedroom and made love for what turned out to be the last time. Even thought it had been a month since Lanisha cruelly took them away from me, the wounds were still fresh. I sank down on the floor, and I was crying in sorrow. “She should have taken me, too,” I heard myself saying through my tears. “I can’t live like this.” I felt Mindy wrap her arms around me. It was as if Mindy knew what I was going through.
   “I know what you’re going through, Sean-Paul,” she said. “When Danny raped Taylor and killed her father, it broke her. She was so depressed for many years. She almost died one night because she wanted to be with her dad.” Mindy wiped the tears from my face. “This is what Lanisha wants. She wants you to suffer like Danny wanted Taylor to. You have to be strong. You have to live for the sake of your family. And...you have to live for the sake of your company.”
   I felt the tension slowly ebb away. I smiled at Mindy, and I have her a hug. “I’m sorry about sodomizing you in the hotel while you were drunk.”
   Mindy shuddered and moaned softly. “Oh god, don’t remind me of that…” I felt her pulse race and her breath quicken as the vivid memory of my hard cock buried deep in her ass made her nipples tingle and her pussy wetten. She eventually regained her composure. “I have to know,” Mindy said. “Are you Jasmine’s father?”
   Taylor, Terri, and Jasmine returned to my office. “Terri, let’s go get something to eat,” Mindy said. Terri and Mindy left, leaving me alone with Taylor and Jasmine. We sat on the sofa. Jasmine sat in Taylor’s lap. “Jas,” Taylor said, “I want to introduce you to somebody. I looked at Taylor and my daughter, my heart swelling with love. “This is Sean-Paul.” There was a long pause. “Jas, Sean-Paul is your daddy.” Jasmine got up and sat between me and Taylor, and then Jasmine gave me a hug. “I love you daddy.”
   I felt tears spill out of my eyes as my daughter said those words. I hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “I love you too, honey,” I said. After a while, Terri and Mindy returned from lunch. “How long are you two staying?”
   “We’ll be staying for a week,” Terri said.
   “Oh nonsense,” I said. “Take my corporate jet to Orlando and treat her to Mickey Mouse. I’ll pay for everything.”
   “Yay, Mickey Mouse!” Jasmine shouted with glee.
   Terri and Jasmine left, and Mindy paused at the door. “Taylor, you’ve got a great guy right there. Better not let him slip away.” Terri left and closed the door, leaving me alone with Taylor.
   “Wow she warmed up to you fast,” Taylor said.
   “Yeah,” I said. “I can’t believe how understanding Mindy was.”
   “I was talking about our daughter, dumbass,” Taylor said. We laughed. “But yeah, we could say the same thing about aunt Mindy.” We sat together for the longest time. Finally, Taylor rested her head on my shoulder. “But aunt Mindy’s right,” Taylor calmly stated. Taylor started holding my hand.
   I looked into Taylor’s eyes. I felt my heart racing as my feelings for Taylor were rising up from the shallow depths. I slowly rubbed my fingers against hers. We scooted closer together. I was falling in love with Taylor all over again. I glanced down and noticed that she was wearing a tight sweater and that motherhood had caused her breasts to grow to what looked like B or C cups. I wondered if she could still cum just from nipple stimulation. I looked into her face. She was blushing and lightly panting.
   I felt warm. I could feel myself panting. And I could feel my cock hardening in my slacks. We slowly drew our faces together, and we closed our eyes and lost ourselves in the moment as we shared our first romantic kiss in over four years. We groaned into each other’s mouths as our long-suppressed feelings poured out. I felt her part her lips, and I took that as an invitation to slide my tongue into her mouth and across her teeth, her upper palate, and her own tongue.
   I couldn’t help it. I cupped Taylor’s breasts in my hands and rubbed my palms against the fabric, rubbing the fabric of her bra against her nipples. I heard her moan sharply. “Fuck,” Taylor moaned breathlessly as she pressed the crotch of her tight jeans against the obvious bulge in my slacks. She rose her arms over her head, and I took that as an invitation to take off her shirt. I raised the shirt over her head, leaving her wearing a black lacy bra. The sight of Taylor’s full breasts took me by surprise, and it made my cock ache with desire. They were now at least C cups, I wanted to see them in all their glory. I unsnapped her bra from the back and slowly removed it.  Her full tits were in view, and they were spectacular.
   I laid Taylor down on the sofa, and I gently kissed and licked at her neck. Her voice was shaky with desire. I gently kneaded her full breasts, deliberately avoiding the nipples. Finally, my tongue slid down across an erect nipple, and Taylor moaned loudly. Her hips began a slow gyration as if she were fucking an imaginary cock. I flicked the tip of my tongue rapidly against the tip, and Taylor’s voice rose in volume and pitch, and when she was about to reach her peak, I received a phone call. I reluctantly pulled away. “Sorry baby,” I said. I answered the phone. “Hello?”
   “Sean-Paul, it’s Dunne. You need to get to your in-laws’ house right now. Something’s happened to them.” Taylor and I got up and drove to my in-laws’ house. There were police cars surrounding the place. I walked up to Dunne. “Phil, what happened?” I heard Taylor gasp out loud as she saw two bodies covered by white sheets being wheeled out on gurnies.
   “Son,” Phil said,” your in-laws were murdered. I saw Gustav and Eva being carried out in body bags. “And we found this.” He handed me a piece of paper with the following words:
                                          CHAPTER THREE
We had run into a snag developing the hardware components of XCGS. One of the GPUs wouldn't communicate with the main CPU, and this issue needed to be resolved quickly or we would miss our chance to debut the console at E3 and take a huge hit financially.
XCGS was my brainchild. I had been gaming for as long as I could remember, from Atari onward. I loved classic games and modern titles alike, but Cristian thought I was crazy for competing against Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. He also thought the name XCGS was lazy. To give it a unique spin, I explored buying out a floundering game company—Atari was out of the question due to their tarnished reputation from when the Tramiel family enticed customers with false promises, unfulfilled products and deceptive marketing, like touting their last video game console—the Jaguar—as 64-bit when really it was two 32-bit chips running along with a 16/32-bit Motorola 68000. Plus, coding for the Jaguar was so complicated that most developers resorted to using the Motorola 68000 they were familiar with—adding up to bad sales and eventual bankruptcy for Atari Corporation, and even causing Sam Tramiel to have a heart attack.
The famous company during the 1990s, Sega, was a member of gaming's upper echelon with their Mega Drive, or Genesis as it was known to Americans. Regardless of its limited color palette and sub-par sound processing capabilities, there were many superb games developed on this console which defined the 90s. Nonetheless, after the success of the Genesis, Sega made multiple blunders that drastically affected their revenue stream and resulted in a lackluster response to their Dreamcast release. Since arcade games no longer held up against advancing video game consoles, Sega's earning potential began to decline until they were facing bankruptcy. During the last hour before the end of negotiations, I earned the right to purchase their assets for just a fraction of what they were worth. I thought this name would be a tribute to their heyday and decided to use SEGA in the title of my own console.
Taylor and I had gone on a business trip to XC America, so we asked Maddy, a friend of Taylor's who was employed full-time in the graphics/art department at the company due to its success with XCOS, to meet us there. We went to Maddy’s house in Brooklyn, which happened to be right next door to my childhood home. It used to belong to Stephanie Williams' father, who hated me with a passion. I stepped up to the door and knocked; when it opened, I saw a familiar face from my past: Stephanie, looking just like Maddy but slightly older, with red curls that now had streaks of grey in them. “Stephanie?” I asked incredulously. “Stephanie Williams?"
“Sean-Paul DeCraig!” Stephanie exclaimed as she wrapped me in a warm embrace. Maddy stood at the door and the two of them were like matching clones, both with fiery red hair and pale skin. I remembered back to my time at KCU with Maddy; it was like I was looking at someone from my past, though I couldn't place my finger on it. On top of that, Maddy had always been interested in me, making subtle remarks about if I had a twin brother or if we could go out sometime. The car ride and boardroom visits all pointed to her sexual interests in me. Now, inspecting their physical similarities more closely, I began to wonder if Maddy was actually my daughter.
“Hey, Sean-Paul!” Maddy ran over and wrapped her arms around me. She gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, which made me feel oddly uncomfortable. If this girl really was my daughter, how would she feel knowing that the man she had developed strong feelings for since our first meeting at KCU – not to mention masturbated in front of, almost had sex with - is her biological father? “Oh, and Taylor too! It’s so great to see you again!” I smiled as Maddy broke away from our embrace and the two friends hugged each other tightly.
“Maddy,” Taylor said, “we need your help in a hurry. The hardware development team is stuck, and we're counting on you to get us out of the jam.”
“Of course I'll help," Maddy replied. She quickly glanced at me and softly bit her lip. “Tay, I'll catch up with you later. Stephanie and I have some catching up to do.” Taylor and Maddy flagged down a taxi and left. Meanwhile, I sat with Stephanie. “Stephanie, why did your family move away?”
Stephanie was hesitant. "Because they found out I got pregnant...with Maddy."
“You mean that Maddy is…”
"Yes," Stephanie answered, "she's your daughter."
I forced out a smile, though inside I was filled with resentment at being denied the opportunity to know my daughter in her younger years. “You could’ve looked for me,” I said, thinking of all the times I had been with Maddy. “I really wish I had gotten to be part of her life when she needed a father figure.”
“My parents wouldn't have gone for it,” Stephanie replied, “you know how they felt about you.” She didn't need to explain further—her dad had tried to come after me when he'd caught us together in her bed. We were both naked and I ended up having to defend myself, causing him to break his nose on my fist. Somehow Phil had kept me from going to jail that time. Still, my daughter should have known me during those precious growing up years.
"Did you ever find out who your real parents were?"
“No,” I replied. When my real mother died in a grocery store shooting, I was given up for adoption to supportive new parents. It was a good thing too; when I went through a rebellious teenage phase and ran with the wrong crowd, Phil rescued me from going down that path. He acted like my father, attending my wedding to Victoria and providing support when she and our children passed away. Then I got a call on my phone. “Hello?”
“Hey buddy,” came Steven's voice. “Taylor and Maddy are here, and Maddy already seems to have fixed the issue."
“I’ll be there soon.” I hung up the phone and said goodbye to Stephanie. “Oh, hey—if you have any childhood photos of Maddy, could you please send them over? I want to see what she was like growing up.”
Stephanie nodded in agreement as I left.
I quickly drove to the offices, and when I entered the hardware development room, I was blown away by what I saw. On the monitor screen was a more advanced version of Final Fantasy VII with Steven holding the game controller triumphantly in his hands. “It’s alive!” We all cheered, and the demonstrations that followed made me realize XCGS was progressing even faster than expected.
I walked over to Maddy and wrapped my arms around her in congratulations; her warm embrace made me blush a little bit. She then leaned in close and whispered something seductively. “Sure you don’t have a twin brother?”
“Fuck,” I cursed in embarrassment as her touch made it obvious that I was aroused. We exchanged a glance with each other before Taylor jokingly said “Hey, he’s mine!” We both laughed and then drove back to my Park Place apartment.
This was the place where we had gotten engaged on her eighteenth birthday and also the place we had conceived our baby – who sadly passed away during pregnancy. As we stood facing the large window that overlooked the city, the setting sun painted the sky pink while the city lights began to flicker against the growing darkness of dusk. Sharing this moment with an incredible woman made me grateful for all she had done for me; especially when my heart was broken by someone who caused death of seven innocent people closest to me.
Taylor stepped in front of me and surveyed the dreamy view. "I'm so fond of this place," she murmured. "It's like something out of a storybook." I hugged her with my arms and brought her closer. As we embraced, my lips tingled as I felt her warm fingertips dance over mine. She tilted against me and sighed contentedly. “And I’m here with my Prince Charming to share this fairytale moment.”
I leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on top of her hair. After that, I trailed kisses down to her ear. Her body hummed in response to the feeling as my teeth lightly brushed her earlobe, and then shivered when I licked the curves of her neck. “Sean-Paul...” Taylor breathed before melting into me; soon enough, she spun around to face me again, and our eyes locked together in admiration before we fell into a deep kiss.
My penis was already slightly aroused when our bodies met, but when we kissed it felt like it was about to burst. Our mouths moved in perfect unison as a wave of passion washed over us. I wanted to feel the same intensity that swept me away the first time we made love here. “I want you…”
“I want you so badly,” Taylor said in a low, raspy voice as she stepped away from me. “Take off my clothes,” she whispered. I complied, starting with her sweater at the hem and working my way up. As I pulled it off of her body I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. Then I moved on to her jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them until they fell to the floor. Now I explored more intimately with my hands, feeling all of her curves and contours with every stroke. I made my way to her navel, which I circled gently before moving lower. My fingers soon slid beneath her panties and into the slick wetness that waited for me there. As I explored her sensitive area she groaned with pleasure.
“I want to make you cum,” I said breathlessly as Taylor kept rocking her hips against me.
“I want you to cum as well,” she replied. I undid the clasp of her bra and it fell away from her body, presenting her beautiful breasts before me. I cupped them gently with my hands and lightly rubbed them in circles, feeling her nipples hardening beneath my touch. She moaned louder and came with shuddering cries as I scraped my thumbs across her sensitive buds. Her body trembled against mine as she experienced waves of pleasure, and I could feel her arousal dripping down my hands.
The tension between me and Taylor had become unbearable, so I made my move. I carefully peeled off her panties, then stepped out of my own clothes, taking a flower vase with us. We climbed onto the bed, and Taylor sprawled out before me, naked and inviting. I guided the head of my hard cock to her wet pussy and slowly entered. As she felt the pleasure of my huge dick pushing against her walls, her body trembled until an orgasm wracked her body. As she became reacquainted with the size of my tool, her head drooped as I slowly withdrew, only to arch back as I pushed inside.
I smiled as Taylor picked a flower out of the vase and held it against my nose. The pollen from the stamens flew into my nasal passages, causing me to itch uncontrollably.
When I first encountered Taylor at KCU, I was aware of her passionate obsession with shampoo bottles. However, I wasn’t aware of her sneeze fetish until the second-to-last time we had sex back then. That day, my allergies had been bothering me all day, and during our lovemaking session I had gone into a frenzied bout of sneezing which resulted in a powerful orgasm for Taylor.
As my mind slowly reconnected with reality, I felt a sensation in my nose that was precursory to a sneeze. “I need to sneeze!” I said, my voice quivering with anticipation.
“Do it on me,” Taylor groaned. Her wanton desire for me seemed to be driving her wild.
And so I unleashed our sneezing fit—my hitching pulsated against her cervix as my sneeze spritzed her nipples, sending her into a wild and uncontrollable climax. “Ahh! Aaahh! AAAAAHHHHIIIEEEEEE!” she screamed out as her body convulsed with pleasure. Her eyes were shut tight, her labia quivered around me, and the tight hole of her cervix jerked against the head of my penis. Thick streams of her juices squirted out, splashing across my face and chest.
Taylor’s extreme pleasure and the smell and taste of her orgasmic fluid pushed me over the edge. I had no desire to fight it. I let go, screaming in delight as I released wave after wave of semen. It had been quite a while since my last ejaculation, so my output was immense. Even though her cervix sucked up a significant amount, some still spilled onto the bed. Our mingled juices trickled out as my penis remained deep inside her.
We awoke to the warm morning sunlight beaming through the window. I hastily opened my eyes so as not to be blinded by the bright orb in the sky. I threw off the covers and grabbed a change of clothes from my dresser before I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, no one was there, but there was a box addressed to me from Stephanie sitting on the doorstep.
I took the box to my study and when I opened it, I felt tears well up in my eyes. The first thing that grabbed my attention was a picture of Maddy taken on the day she was born. A solitary tear streamed down my cheek as I remembered wishing that I could have been there to cradle her in my arms. Another photograph caught my gaze; Maddy perched atop a horse at Blue Star Horse Sanctuary with me holding its reins — I’d been part-owner of the sanctuary then. Finally, I pulled out items from Maddy's high school graduation: her diploma, Honor Society sash, and a handwritten note from her.
Dear Dad,
I hope you hear this, wherever you are. I regret that Mom left and we never got to know each other. All I want is a chance to meet you one day. If my words ever reach your ears, I pray that you can love me despite the lack of time we have together.
With love, Maddy
I let my tears run freely, feeling comforted by the warm arms around me. “I’m so sorry, Tay,” I managed to get out between sniffles.
"It's alright my love," she murmured calmly. "Now I can see why you were uncomfortable with Maddy making advances on you." Taylor brought my face closer and kissed me tenderly. "We should get ready and go to the office to take care of everything," she said after a moment of silence. We drank our morning coffee before getting ready, only to find a brunette girl waiting for an elevator when we opened the door. Taylor gasped in recognition. “ANGELICA! YOU BITCH!” Angelica jumped away from us and ran for the stairs while we took the elevator down.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, Angelica ran towards us. She looked right into my eyes, her face reddening as she moved her hand towards my groin. I pushed her away. “What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I-I-I can’t tell you,” she stammered.
Taylor grabbed her and threw her against the wall. “My boyfriend asked a fucking question, bitch! Are you spying on us?”
I stared at Angelica. “Why? Who do you work for?”
However, before she could answer, an explosive sound broke the silence. Blood spewed from Angelica’s throat after a bullet ripped through the jugular vein. Taylor shrieked in terror - not just because of being sprayed with blood but also seeing her former lover shot dead in front of her eyes. I glanced in the direction of the shooting: I thought I saw a  black female who matched Lanisha's description.
Within minutes, police officers arrived and blocked off the area around the crime scene. I escorted Taylor away from Angelica's lifeless body, trying to shield her fragile mind from any further trauma. While a female detective took statements from Taylor, a boisterous NYPD patrol cop began grilling me with questions.
“Hey! Leave him alone,” said a commanding voice from behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief when I turned around and saw Phil had arrived at the scene.
Phil marched over to the patrolman and got right up in his face. “That's enough out of you! You will show Mr. DeCraig here some fucking respect!” The young patrolman cowered before Phil’s wrathful order. “Now listen up: we're looking for a woman who has already killed her wife, children, and in-laws, and now this woman too. So you WILL apologize to Mr. DeCraig for your disrespect; otherwise, I swear to God that I’ll put you on desk duty so long that you’ll become one with your seat. Do you understand me?”
The young cop turned white as a sheet. “Y-yes, sir.” He looked over at me. “I'm sorry; I just graduated from the academy -”
“Take it easy,” I told him. “We all make foolish decisions when we’re young and overly confident. You just have to be more careful with your words and reactions.”
I informed Steven that Taylor and I wouldn't be coming in today and asked if Maddy could come help out instead. After hearing her story, I instructed Steven to make sure she was taken care of properly. We sat down at a bench located outside a nearby diner. Phil remained by my side. “Son, that was close,” he said.
“Phil, why do you keep calling me 'son'?”
He gave a deep sigh before continuing on his tale. “Do you remember when I arrested Lanisha for killing Lawrence Hastings? Well, you reminded me so much of Juanita Davidson--the woman with whom I had a prior relationship. So, I pulled up your adoption records...and it turns out Juanita is your birth mother." This stirred up an old memory from my younger years when my adoptive parents put a restraining order against a woman who claimed to be the sister of a Juanita and said I was her nephew.
I glanced over at Phil and saw that he was really affected by this news. He had tears in his eyes. “So, you’re my real dad?” I asked him.
“Yes, son,” he said softly. He gave me a long embrace.
“Why did you give me up for adoption?” I asked him, my throat tightening from the emotion of the situation.
“Your mother and I hit hard times,” he began to explain. “We had just lost our jobs due to cutbacks, and then your mom was murdered in a robbery at a store.” Phil was starting to break down too. “I couldn't financially provide for you, son.” I hugged him tightly and he started to openly weep. “I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most."
"But you were there Dad," I replied calmly. "You made sure a wonderful family adopted me and that you kept an eye on me as a police officer." I looked into my father's eyes. "As far as I'm concerned, everything you've done makes you my real father."
"Thank you, son," Dad choked out. "You have no idea what those words mean to me." We both looked at Angelica lying dead on the ground. "Son, these murders are getting closer and closer to home and I'm worried Lanisha will try to kill you."
                                       CHAPTER FOUR
    News of the strings of deaths surrounding my life were beginning to take a toll on our business. Investors were beginning to question their involvement in our business. Our stock price on the NYSE was beginning to take a slow but steady nosedive. Cristian seemed nervous as we sat and watched all the news reports in my office in Munich.
    “Sean-Paul,” he said in his thick German accent, “as long as this mad woman is roaming around killing people that you know, our reputation will continue to flounder.”
    “Cristian,” I said, “I assure you that I have the best detective on the case. My father WILL bring her to justice, and she WILL pay for all the harm she has caused not just my family, but also Angelica’s family as well.”
    “I know, but you need to put your impartiality in check,” he said. “Although your father may be the best detective in New York City, I am sure there are others who are far more capable.” Cristian paused for a second. “You know, I have some connections to agents in MOSSAD.”
    MOSSAD?! Oh dear God. That’s the last thing my company needs. Not to mention, I shared an unspoken resentment for their participation in anti-Palestinian propaganda. I could just hear Alex Jones on his loony tunes conspiracy theory radio program accusing me and my company of being some Zionist front group. “Cristian,” I said nervously, “if we go down this route, we have to keep it secret. If this were to ever come to light, it could create further tensions between our respective countries and the Middle East.” I looked at him sternly. “You know, the Iranians have never forgiven us for the CIA and MI6 staging Operation Ajax to oust Mohammed Mossadegh and installing Shah Pahlavi who formed SAVAK.”
    Cristian looked right at me. “I assure you, friend, that this will never come to light.”
    I sighed and relented. “Alright.”
    “In the meantime, Cristian continued, “the board of directors and the shareholders are preparing to issue a vote of no confidence for your leadership in this matter.” I looked dejected. “If they do so, you will be forced to temporarily – or permanently – resign from the company.”
    “If using MOSSAD to kill that bitch means me keeping my position here,” I said, “then so be it.” I walked out of his office. Cristian smiled as soon as the door closed.
    “Good,” he smiled wickedly, “I have you just where I need you. And...if you only knew who else was behind Ajax.”
    I went to my office, and I got a ZOOM conference with Steven. He showed me some preliminary designs for the outer shell of the console. The first two designs were not my cup of tea. “Too bland,” I said at the first design. He showed me the second design. “Ugh, too retro. Steven, we want the design to be something modern, not from the days of Atari.” He laughed. “Seriously, you saw how poorly the Atari VCS did in the marketplace.”
    “Good point,” Steven said. “There is another design which may intrigue you.”
    “Show me,” I said. He showed rough sketches, and I was immediately blown away. It was a cylyndrical-shaped system, kind of reminescent of the Apple Mac Pro. It featured an all-black design adorned with a rim on the top and a rim on the bottom. We made a decision early on that we would include color-changing LED lighting to give the device a sense of ambiance. “Wow,” I said calmly. “That’s one sexy beast!” I also noticed the product name that we agreed on. Because we were bringing SEGA back to the console market, we decided since it was a new day for the brand, we would call the console SEGA Sunrise.
    “Almost everybody is in awe of this design,” he said.
    “So who came up with that design,” I asked.
    “Me!” I heard another voice – a female voice. Maddy stepped into view. “Like father, like daughter,” I said to myself. I had a conversation with Stephanie over the phone. She told me Maddy was excellent in art and graphical design. That’s part of the reason why I had Steven put Maddy in charge of the graphics/art department. Of course, there was another underlying aspect: nepotism. I felt a sense of guilt for not being there when she was in diapers, going to school for the first time, going to her senior prom, and graduating from high school. I looked at the photo of us from the Blue Star Horse Sanctuary which I kept on my desk because I wanted to feel a connection to my own daughter who was now all grown up and being a responsible adult.
    “Maddy, I am so so proud of you,” I said, beaming with joy.” She smiled and blushed, unaware of the bond that we shared.
    “Hey buddy,” Steven piped in, “I have an important engagement which Sarita doesn’t want to wait for.”
    “And what’s that,” I asked.
    “Her ultrasound,” he replied.
    “Wait- what?! You mean to tell me you’re going to be a father,” I asked.
    “Yep! She’s carrying twins.” That statement took me aback. I remembered when the coroner performed an autopsy on Victoria after her murder. The doctor discovered that she was carrying twins: a boy and a girl. I bit my lip, trying to stave off a wave of emotions. Even though I was now in a relationship with Taylor, there would always be a part of me who loved Victoria and our children until the day I die. Grief never truly goes away. It lessens and lessens as the years go on. However, I could never forget my first wife, and I could never forget the children that she bore.
    “Congratulations, man,” I said. “Do me a favor, Steve. Always keep your loved ones close, and never take them for granted, because you never know when of it something will happen to them.”
    “You got it, wise man,” he said, and he left. Maddy sat in front of the camera, and we smiled.
    “I want to thank you so much for giving me this opportunity,” she said.
    “You deserve it,” I said, “in more ways than one.”
    “What do you mean,” she asked.
    “Is this the right time to tell her,” I asked in my head. “Well, you were always there for Taylor when she needed somebody the most.” Maddy and Taylor had been best friends since childhood. They did dance recitals together. They went on dates together with boys and – sometimes in Taylor’s case – girls. “And you were there for her when Angelica cheated on her.”
    “It’s a shame what happened to Angelica,” Maddy said solemnly, “but part of me resents her for cheating on Taylor multiple times.”
    “Who was that guy she left Taylor for,” I asked.
    “I never heard his full name,” Maddy said, “but I do know that he was European. He had a German accent, and he always addressed his father as ‘Cristian’.” It dawned on me.
    “YES!” Maddy said a little loud. “That was his name. He was always riding around with these weird men dressed in all black. I overheard him one day talking about doing business with some Israelis.”
    It finally all made sense. Alexander spent a lot of time in Israel, and his work was very secretive. Only MOSSAD agents were that secretive. I began to wonder if Angelica was caught up in a MOSSAD spying operation when she was shot to death by who appeared to be Lanisha.
    “Maddy, I just want to let you know that this conversation is on a secure phone channel,” I said. “Listen, I’m gonna fly my corporate jet to La Guardia, and I want you to get on it and fly to Munich. I’ll fast-track all your passport information.”
    “Sean-Paul, you’re scaring me,” she said calmly.
    “I’m sorry,” I said, “but as long as you’re in New York City, you’re not safe. I think Alexander and Cristian are using Lanisha as a cover for some international terrorist operation in an effort to destroy my company. She killed my wife and children. She kiled Angelica. I’m just worried that she will target you.” Her eyes widened in fear. “I wish I knew how she got the hell out of Sing Sing,” I muttered to myself. “It’s supposed to be the most secure prison in New York.” Finally, I put all that aside. ”“Don’t be afraid, honey. Come here, and I’ll make sure you are well protected.”
    “Is that the only reason you want me to come,” she asked, and the inflection in her voice was of a rather seductive tone. “or...do you want what I want?”
    “And what is that,” I said nervously.
    “You…” Maddy had her hand out of sight, but I could tell by the movement of her arm that she was masturbating. I felt very uneasy. “Do you know how often I do this while thinking about you?” She moaned sharply as her hand slid underneath her miniskirt and rubbed herself through her panties.
    I felt the flush grow in my cheeks as I heard her voice husking out her desire of a man she didn’t know was her father. My mind was saying “no,” but my dick was saying “yes.” I felt my penis swell inside my pants. I shifted in my seat to alleviate the pressure.
    “You want it, too,” Maddy said seductively as she slid two fingers inside her wet pussy and slowly pumped them in and out. “Fuuuck,” she moaned as she noticed the swelling in my pants. I lost all train of thought, and I began to rub myself through my pants. My cock was aching at the perverted sight. This young adult was pleasuring herself for a man whom – unbeknownst to her – was her biological father. Her arm flexed faster as her fingers penetrated deeper and faster. Her moans took on a new sense of urgency as she felt the stirrings of an orgasm. “I wish you could fuck me like you do Taylor…”
    I couldn’t stand it anymore. I needed to cum. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my swollen dick. I began a slow jacking motion, and I began to imagine Taylor was sitting on top of my cock riding me like a pro. I pumped faster and faster as I felt my nuts tense up.
    The sight of me fisting my own cock rapidly made Maddy dizzy with lust. Her hips gyrated in her chair, and she began lifting her hips rhythmically in the air as she visualized taking my cock deep inside her pussy. “Oh god I’m gonna cum,” she moaned out loud. She inserted a third finger inside her quivering snatch, and as she squeezed her tight labia around her fingers, she imagined squeezing around my cock. The effect was immediate. Her moans got louder and higher pitched. Her voice was shaky. Finally, she came with an ululating keen. “OOOoooOOOOooOOOOOAAAAAAA! AAAAAH! AAAAAH! YAAAAAAAAAAH!”
    I resisted the urge to join my own daughter in orgasm, but hearing her cries of ecstasy made me lose all control. I came with a shuddering cry, moaning explosively as my semen rocketed forcefully out of the tip of my dick in several gooey blasts.
    The sight of my orgasm drove Maddy so crazy, she fucked herself harder and faster, and she felt herself rapidly rise towards a second orgasm. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, aaah aaah, aaaaaAAAHHHIEEEEE!” Maddy squinted her eyes shut as her whole body shuddred as she exploded. Her juices squirted high in the air, and I felt my nuts tighten again as a final blast of semen rocketed out of me. I felt a sense of relief and shame at the same time. It was one of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced, and it completely drained me.
    We sighed in unison as we slowly came down and relaxed in the afterglow. “Thanks, Sean-Paul,” Maddy said dreamily. “I needed that so much.”
    “Me, too,” I croaked out. After we ended the ZOOM call, I heard my own thoughts in my head. “Are you fucking crazy, Sean-Paul? That’s your daughter.” I distracted myself from my thoughts by cleaning my office and spraying some Febreeze to get rid of the smell of my sweat and my own release.
                                        CHAPTER FIVE
    It had been a couple weeks. A few days after my conversation – and other things – with Maddy, I called Stephanie  and asked her if Maddy could come to Germany for a while. She was very reluctant to allow her own daughter to come overseas, considering the fact that she had raised our daughter since the day she was born, not to mention the fact that a crazy woman was going around murdering many of my acquaintances and loved ones.
    “Sean-Paul, I don’t think it’s safe for her to be around you,” she said. “There’s been too many killings surrounding you. I don’t want to think about that crazy bitch doing something to our baby.”
    “Steph,” I said calmly, “I know you’re worried about her, but I have some great backup from Dad.” Ever since Phil revealed he was my biological father, the bond between us grew. It turned out that he was also a former CIA agent, and he still had some CIA connections. I had some CIA connections as well. One of my best friends from high school had served in the Army and worked in intelligence during Operation Enduring Freedom. After Keith finished his tour of duty, he applied for a job in the CIA and was immediately hired. He was now a department leader running the CIA’s psychological operations program. He absolutely hated the term “psyop,” as that phrase had been co-opted by paranoid conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones.
    Steph breathed hard. “Alright,” she said solemnly as she relented. “But let’s get one thing straight, mister. If even one hair is harmed on her head, I will personally come to Germany and kick your ass.”
    “Steph, she will be safe,” I said.
    “I’m serious!” Sephanie said in an annoyed tome. “If something happens to her, I will make your fucking life a living hell.”
    “I promise, Stephanie,” I said. “You know I always keep my promises.”
    “I know, Sean-Paul,” she said calmly. “I’m sorry I spoke to you in that tone.”
    “Don’t apologize,” I said. “It’s maternal instinct to protect your young. You’re only human, and the human thing to do is to try to shield your children from people who want to cause them harm.” As I said that, I remembered the sight of Anne and Xavier lying dead alongside their mother – and my wife – Victoria. “I just wish I could have protected my kids from Lanisha.”
    “It’s not your fault,” Stephanie said. “You didn’t know Lanisha escaped.”
    “Are you sure she escaped,” I asked, “or did she have some help from the outside?”
    “Careful, Alex Jones,” Stephanie said. I kind of laughed at her comparing me to the 9/11 truther flunkie. “Anyway, I’ll tell Maddy it’s okay for her to go.” Before we ended the call, Stephanie made one last request. “Sean-Paul, please make sure our daughter remains safe.”
    “I will, and I promise,” I replied. We said our goodbyes and hung up.
    A few days later, I waited at the airport. I saw her airplane arrive, and fifteen minutes later, Maddy walked through the gate. As she saw me, she shouted “SEAN-PAUL” and ran to me. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I couldn’t help but hugging my daughter close. We pulled away a few moments later. “It’s good to see you again,” she said as she smiled at me.
    “It’s good to see you again, cutie,” I said. I silently cursed myself in my head for saying that, but God dammit, she’s my daughter. A father is supposed to dote on his baby girl. “So, how was the flight?”
    “Miserable,” she said.
    “Let me guess,” I said. “Some annoying kid was throwing a tantrum and was kicking the back of your seat.”
    “How did you know?”
    “Same thing always happens to me,” I said. “When I flew to Kansas City for that college lecture tenure, a kid was kicking the back of my seat, and after I gave him $100, he stopped.” Maddy laughed. “But when I first flew to Germany to meet Victoria for the first time, this annoying brat kept kicking the back of my seat all because his mom wouldn’t buy him that damn Coke.”
    “I guess that’s another thing we have in common,” she said. If she only knew how much in common we truly had, such as the family bond she was not aware of. “So, are you sure I’ll be safe here?”
    “Absolutely, honey,” I said. Maddy blushed as I called her that. “Let’s get your suitcases and put them in my car, and I’ll drive you to my house.” We placed her bags in my car, and we made the long drive on the Autobahn. While I was driving, I had my hand on the gear shift, Maddy scooted closer to me and rested her head against my shoulder. I thought it was so precious, and I wrapped my arm around her in a warm embrace.
    “This feels so nice,” Maddy sighed as I held her close. I felt her warm fingers gently caressing the hand that rested on her shoulder, and it made me uneasy. Maddy must have sensed my uneasiness. “Are you okay,” she asked softly.
    I glanced over to her. “I’m fine, Maddy,” I said and smiled. As we continued our drive, she interlocked her fingers with mine, and I felt her lips gently caress my neck. I shuddered slightly at the sensation, mostly out of mortification. I was reminded of the last time Maddy and I had seen each other. She had confessed her crush on me as well as the sexual feelings she had for me dating back to my tenure at KCU.  A huge part of me was ashamed for taking part in our virtual masturbation session, but there was a part of me which enjoyed it. Shame combined with enjoyment, and I felt myself getting hard in my slacks.
    Maddy glanced down and saw the swelling in my groin. As we stopped at a stoplight, I felt her tongue sliding out and gently licking my neck. I felt myself getting harder. Maddy stared at the growing bulge in my pants,and her free hand slid across my thigh and slowly dragged her fingers along the entire length of my cock. “I want you,” she said huskily.
    “Fuck,” I moaned softly. I felt my dick swell to full hardness at the perverted touch. I was worried that the sensations would distract me from driving. I swore to her mother that I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. I turned off at an exit and drove to a secluded area surrounded by a thick outgrowth of trees. I parked the car. “Maddy, please,” I moaned.
    “Please, what,” she said in a seductive voice. “Please stop, or please continue?” Her teeth gently scraped against my neck as she squeezed my cock through my pants.
    “What about Taylor,” I said nervously. Maddy knew that Taylor was my girlfriend, but she was experiencing a burning desire that originated in her brain, and the electric sensation surged through her nerves and straight to her burning pussy. I could smell her arousal.
    “Taylor doesn’t have to k/now,” Maddy said as she crawled across and straddled me. I saw the frank desire in her eyes. The flush in her face grew, and her eyes were glazed over with lust. Before I had a chance to protest and reveal the truth about our bond, she slowly inched her face closer to mine, and she pressed her lips firmly against mine. I heard her moan into our kiss, and I felt her lift the hem of her miniskirt up as she pressed her panty-covered mound against my bulge. I could tell she was already wet...soaking wet. I tried to raise my arms in protest, but Maddy pushed my arms down and seized the moment. She pressed her pussy harder against my bulge, and I felt her juices leaking through her panties and into my slacks and my underwear.
    Maddy broke our kiss. “Please,” she said with a voice shaky with lust. “I need this…”
    I was completely helpless. I felt weak as my daughter took the advantage, overpowering me with her advantage of leverage.  I prayed to God that she wouldn’t try to take this any further. Of course, He didn’t answer my prayers, because Maddy slowly unzipped my zipper and extracted my hard dick out of the confines of my tight slacks. “Maddy,, please. Taylor…”
    “She doesn’t have to know,” she said, her voice husky and shaky. I felt her grip my dick in her hand. Little did I know her other hand was pulling the crotch of her soaked panties to the side. “You know you want this, too,” she said seductively as she ran her thumbtip against the sensitive head. I gasped.
    When the tip of my dick felt hot, moist, wet flesh, I attempted to protest one final time. “Nooo….”
    “Yessss…” Maddy softly said before she pressed the head of my dick against her wet entrance. She moaned loudly as I slowly slid inside. “OoooooOOOAAAIII!” Maddy threw her head back and howled as her virginity vanished forever, and I felt her cavern quake as the sensations triggered an abrupt orgasm. Before I could protest again as I felt her pussy spasming, she pressed her lips firmly against mine, moaning into my mouth as she slid her tongue between my lips and into my mouth.
    I moaned into Maddy’s mouth at the forbidden sensation. My mind was telling me how wrong this was, but my dick was saying otherwise. I felt my whole body tremble as she slowly rode my huge dick. She squeezed her pussy rhythmically around my invading member, and she shifted so she could feel my hot, hard flesh rubbing against the hard nub of her clitoris. She moaned explosively as the sensitive head of my dick repeatedly rammed into her cervix.
    As she felt the friction against her clit, Maddy broke our kiss. She arched her back and moaned loudly as she relished in vaginal penetration for the first time. She knew how good it felt to use her fingers to bring her to climax, as she had been masturbating to me since we first met at KCU. “Fingers can’t compare to this,” she thought to herself as she felt electricity course through her entire body. She was dizzy with lust and desire. Her entire body was trembling with desire for her best friend’s boyfriend and – unbeknownst to her – her biological father. “FUUUUUCK!” Maddy moaned loudly as she felt her clit throb against my dick.
    I couldn’t help myself. I arched my hips in rhythm with hers, matching her motions with my own. I felt pre-cum flow freely from my dick. My balls felt heavy, huge, and swollen. I rested against the cushion of the driver seat and surrendered to the moment. My cock pressed hard repeatedly against her cervix, taking her breath away and driving her closer and closer to the cataclysmic orgasm she so desperately craved.
    “Fuck me, Sean-Paul,” Maddy said with frank desire. “Oh god I’m gonna cum so hard!” Our motions became more frantic and more urgent. We were both headed for cataclysmic releases of ecstasy. She kissed me deeply, and without realizing it, my hand had snaked between our gyrating bodies, and I began flicking my thumbnail against the sensitive tip of her pleasure button. The effect on her was immediate and electric. She felt a roaring buzz in her head. Her body tingled as she felt prickly sensations at every nerve ending. Her clit felt like it was on fire. Her moaning rose in volume pitch, and then with a gutteral cry, she was seized by an intense orgasm. “OooooOOooOOAAAAWW FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK!” I felt her pussy contracting wildly around my dick. Her juices squirted out forcefully for well over a minute. My face and hair was instantly drenched in her female ejaculate.
    As I felt Maddy’s pussy contracting wildly as she experienced the biggest orgasm of her life, the intensity of her orgasm made me open my mouth in a silent moan, and when her juices shot all over my face and into my open mouth, the taste of her ejaculate made me lose all control. My nuts tensed up, and with a shuddering cry, I erupted inside of her. “AAAAAH!” Spurt after spurt after spurt of semen rocketed out of my dick and erupted into my own biological daughter’s pussy. We shuddered together as our mutual orgasms seemed to last for hours. Finally, the tension slowly drained from us, and Maddy collapsed on top of me, out of breath and shaky. She moaned breathlessly as she felt the spasms taper off. “Oh god…”
    A couple hours after we came down from our sexual highs, we finally arrived at my secluded home. Taylor greeted us and gave me a welcoming kiss. “Welcome home, baby,” she said. “What took you so long?”
    “Traffic was horrible,” Maddy said. She poked me in the side. I looked at her, and she winked at me.
    “Yeah,” I retorted. “Worst traffic I’ve seen on the Autobahn since I’ve lived here. We had to pull off and take a detour.”
    “Well I’m glad you’re here safe and sound,” Taylor said.
    I saw a little girl running out the front door. “DADDY!”
    Jasmine jumped up, and I took her in my arms and held her close. “Daddy missed his precious baby.” While I held Jasmine in my arms, I looked at Maddy. How I wished I could have held her like this when she was Jasmine’s age. Our gazes met, and a lone tear trickled down my cheek, wondering how life would have been different if I had been in Maddy’s life when she needed her dad the most.
    “Come on, Jas,” Taylor said, “let’s go inside so Daddy can help Maddy bring her bags inside.” Jasmine jumped down and went inside with Taylor.
    As I went to grab Maddy’s bags, I came face to face with her. Tears were flowing from her eyes, and she looked to the ground. I walked to her. “Maddy, are you okay?” She didn’t reply. I came closer. “Maddy,” I said softly, “what’s wrong?
    Maddy slowly looked up to me, her voice on the verge of crying. “You’re my father, aren’t you?” I tried to think of the words to say. All I could do was extend my arms. She came to me, and as I wrapped my arms around my daughter, she openly wept. “I’m so sorry, daddy,” she choked our through her sobs. “I feel so ashamed.”
    I held her tenderly, and I spoke to her in a soothing voice. “It’s not your fault, honey,” I said, my voice getting choked up. “I didn’t know until I saw you with your mother. I’ve been trying to tell you, but - “
    “No buts,” Maddy said softly. “We were both at fault.” The tears stopped flowing, and she sniffled. “Now I know why you wanted to protect me.” I gave Maddy a gentle kiss on the forehead. She sighed as I tenderly held her against me in a father/daughter embrace. “Somehow,” she said, “it feels like I’ve known you for a long time.”
    While I held my adult daughter close to me, I looked out to the horizon, The sun shone brightly, and the sky was a perfect blue with white, whispy clouds high in the atmosphere. I looked at the surroundings, enjoying the pristine environment of my property. My eyes slowly surveyed the area, and I noticed a weird flashing eminating from the fender of my vehicle. “What the – Maddy, I’ll be right back.” I released Maddy from my embrace and inspected the fender. I pulled the grill from the front, and I was taken aback. There was a GPS transponder hidden inside. “Son of a bitch, they’re tracking us!” I ran to Maddy. “Maddy, come with me, quick!” We ran inside the house, and as we arrived at the family room, I noticed that the sliding glass door which led to the patio had been shattered. “TAYLOR?! JASMINE?!” Maddy and I searched every room of the house, but to no avail. My girlfriend and our four-year-old daughter were nowhere to be found. We returned to the family room, and I saw Jasmine’s favorite stuffed bunny lying on the floor. Its head was ripped away from its body. “Oh my god…”
    “Dad, what’s wrong,” Maddy asked nervously. Then she looked down at the decapitated stuffed bunny, and she let out a horrific scream of fear.
    “Somebody got Tay and Jas,” I choked out. I was on the verge of tears as I felt panicky. “Not again, God,” I said under my breath. That was the last straw. I got on my phone and attempted to call Phil, however the carrier said my phone had been disconnected. “They’re blocking my calls.” Fortunately, I remembered where I kept my emergency phone as a backup. It was under another service under a pseudonym. I kept a few close contacts in memory: Taylor, Terri, Mindy, Phil, and Keith. I dialed his phone number. He immediately answered. “Keith, I need your help bad. Where are you?”
    “D.C.,” he said. “What’s going on?”
    “There’s more to these happenings than Lanisha,” I said with agitation in my voice. “I think she had help from the outside to get out of Sing Sing.” I paused for a second. “Do you know Alexander Hermann?”
    “Yes,” Keith said solemnly. “He’s bad news. He’s a paid assassin working for MOSSAD.” My suspicions had been confirmed.
    “Where was he when Lanisha supposedly escaped?”
    “He was in New York City,” Keith replied. “Don’t worry, Sean Paul. We’re talking on a secure connection. Trust me. Nobody can spy on this conversation. Truth is, the reason you’re being targeted is because one of your employees who you hired before you sold the company is Palestinian.”
    “You mean to tell me - “
    “Alexander and Cristian are MOSSAD agents,” Keith said. “In fact, Cristian was recruited by MOSSAD from his involvement with Irgun, the Zionist paramilitary terrorist organization.” I felt a cold shudder. “In addition, my contacts on the inside have analyzed the source code for XCOS as well as XCGS. Dude, Alexander secretly inserted code into the operating systems to activate every single nuclear warhead launchpad on the whole fucking planet.”
    As we hung up, I sat down on the sofa. Maddy sat down beside me, and we hugged each other tightly. All the money that I made from the sale of my company had financed a Zionist terrorist operation, using my baby – XCOS – as the vehicle for global nuclear armageddon. I had to stop Cristian and Alexander from blowing up the whole world and killing every living being – humans, animals, and plants alike – and causing the ultimate extinction event. “Maddy, I have to call Dad.” She broke our embrace, and I got on the phone with Phil. “Dad, we’re in some deep shit.”
                                               CHAPTER SIX
     While Dad and I were waiting for the arrival of Keith and two of his fellow CIA agents to meet us in a remote village in Switzerland, I was listening to international broadcasts concerning the whereabouts of Lanisha as well as the kidnappings of my girlfriend Taylor and our daughter Jasmine. Maddy was also there as well. I heard her scream from her bedroom. In a panic, I ran to her bedroom and quickly opened the door. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw my daughter in bed. However, she was not asleep. She was crying hysterically. It was clear she had a nightmare.
    I sat on the bed and rocked my daughter in my arms, whispering soothing words of comfort and reassuring her that she was safe. “Daddy,” she said while her voice choked with emotion, “I dreamed you died.”
    “Honey,” I said calmly, “I just got acquainted with my daughter. I’m not gonna let Zionist terrorists take me away from you, or vice versa.” Ever since Maddy found out I was her father, our relationship deepened and blossomed. We still felt guilt for the past sexual encounters we engaged in before we discovered the truth, but we were starting to get over that.
    “I’ll never let them take my dad away from me,” Maddy said softly.  I sat behind her in the bed and wrapped my arms around her torso, gently rocking her in my arms as I kissed the top of her head. She leaned against me and sighed. “I love you, dad.”
    “I love you, too, honey,” I replied.
    Maddy took a brief pause, and then she turned to face me. “Do you think I’ll ever find a guy who loves me as much as you love Taylor?”
    I looked at my precious baby and smiled. “Of course you will, baby.” I grabbed a mirror and showed her reflection to herself. “Look at all those freckles, that cute button nose, that heart-shaped mouth, and that curly red hair.” Maddy smiled hugely. Her smile was so beautiful, and it reminded me of her mom from our teenaged years. “You know lots of guys are crazy about red-headed girls...especially red-headed girls with curly hair.”
    “Oh gosh, Dad,” Maddy said while laughing, “you’re too much.” We smiled hugely at each other. “I just wish mom hadn’t moved away when she got pregnant with me. I would have loved to have such an amazing father be in my life when I was little.”
    “I wish that every day, sweetheart,” I said as I held her close. I heard a knock on her door. “Come in,” I said. It was Dad. “Honey, I’m gonna step outside. All the windows are locked, so you just relax.” I stepped out and closed the door. “Are they here?”
    “Yeah, they just pulled in.” To be on the safe side, Dad and I had handguns in our pockets just in case if was assassins hired by Alexander. Dad and I had our guns close, ready to fire if needed. Once I saw who it was, I breathed a sigh of relief. “Whew, I’m glad to see you. So, what’s the plan, Keith?”
    “We have to back into the XCOS servers and remove the malicious code.” I read the tech sites, and they were all talking about a security update which include proprietary code embedded in the Linux kernel. Keith continued, “we have to use a VPN to hide our location. Then we will analyze the source code, remove the malicious content, and then remaster the ISO disc image.” Keith took a long pause. “Sean Paul, do you know of anybody who would be able to do this?”
    “Yes,” I said. “My daughter Maddy.” We set up the VPN connection, and I went to get Maddy. “Honey, do you think you can find that malicious code that Cristian and Alexander put in?”
    “Of course, daddy,” she said as she smiled. “I want them to pay for what they’ve done to you and Taylor.” She sat at the terminal. After she connected to the XCOS servers, she accessed the source code, and within minutes, she zeroed in on a section of code which contained the phrase Operation Annihilate.
    Within one hour, Maddy uploaded the new versions of XCOS and XCGS – using the same filenames – and changed the password for the secure file server. She also programmed the update servers to automatically update all installed instances of XCOS and XCGS, and she secured those with strong passwords as well. “I just hope this works,” she said softly.
    While I breathed a sigh of relief, I turned on a shortwave radio. “...and let me tell you something about this globalist piece of crap Sean-Paul DeCraig.” I immediately recognized the voice: Alex Jones. His thick gravelly Texas accent rambled on and on, but what came out of his mouth took me by surprise. “Yeah he may have a thing for the younger ladies, the 20-somethings, but...man I’m probably gonna lose all my sponsors for saying this...but that damn Zionist Hermann family did him wrong. Apparently, they bought his company just to insert secret code to hijack computer networks which run stuff such as the power grid, the medical databases, bank financial records, and even...oh dear God please think of the children, Lord...nuclear weapon launching facilities.” I couldn’t believe it. After all those years of viciously attacking Jones for his outlandish conspiracy theories, he was actually defending me. “And I also have it on good authority that Alexander Hermann, the heir apparent to the Hermann bankster family, personally flew to New York City, murdered prison guards at Sing Sing – after all, he is a MOSSAD terrorist, and his dad Cristian bombed numerous Palestinian villages as he was trained to do so by Zionist terrorist Benjamin Emmanuel – and extracted Lanisha LaPraix from prison.”
    I sat and listened intensely. Dad walked up to me. “Son, why are you listening to that madman,” he asked.
    “Dad,” I said, “everybody has the capability of hitting the facts right on the head. This may be the best lead we’ve got.”
    Jones spoke again over the radio. “Now some of my sources in Washington revealed to me that Lanisha LaPraix was a CIA agent for approximately two years while studying at Duke University, and the Hermann family recruited her to engage in secret killing operations. Lawrence Hastings, the famed attorney who successfully sued one of the Hermann family’s front groups for defamation and libel, was a vocal critic of the Hermanns and a vocal supporter of Palestinian rights. Guess what happened after that? He married that evil witch, and she murdered him and tried to make it look like a suicide. And when Sean-Paul DeCraig hired a Palestinian immigrant to work for him, the Hermanns programmed LaPraix to seduce DeCraig so she could do the same to him.”
    I was taken aback. I turned the radio off, and I looked at Keith. “Keith, is there any truth to what he said?”
    “Not any,” Keith said, “but all.” I shuddered. It went far deeper than Lanisha – Shepard Smith’s sloppy seconds – sending threatening messages to me after I fell in love with Victoria. It went far deeper than her murdering my wife, my two children, my two unborn children, and my in-laws. It went far deeper than her killing Angelica right in front of me and Taylor. Lanisha wasn’t trying to kill me because I left her for another woman. She was programmed to do so by Zionist terroristic assholes who had a problem with me hiring Rami who went on to be president of software development. I mean what the fuck? We’re all human beings regardless of race, religion, skin color, national origin, gender preference, and gender identity. All I knew is those Zionist cocksuckers were holding my girlfriend and my daughter hostage. I looked at my dad. He was seething with anger.
    “Dad,” I said calmly, “what are you thinking about?”
    “Killing those motherfuckers,” he said.
    “And what will that accomplish,” I asked. “They’ll just send in more MOSSAD agents, and they’ll kill us and continue to rain terror down on the world. No, we have to expose MOSSAD’s role in all these killings.” I paused to engage in some brainstorming. “Maybe if we expose their role to the whole world, public trust for MOSSAD will be forever shattered to the point where Israel is forced to disband it completely.” Dad looked away, visibly upset. I put my arm around him. “Dad, when you took your oath to become a police officer, you swore to defend the United States and the Constitution against all enemies. You didn’t swear to do the bidding of the Israeli apartheid regime...”
    “But son,” Dad said, “my parents were born in Israel. How would the world feel if they knew that the grandson of Israeli-Americans?” Dad looked at me. “How would Christians feel if -“
    “Dad,” I said, “the Israel that my grandparents lived in is no more. It was replaced by a cruel, oppressive regime which persecutes non-Israelis in the worst ways possible.” I gave my dad a hug. “They’re no better than us because of how we stole land from Native Americans.”
    Dad paused for a moment. “You’re right, son,” he said. “We are Americans, and as imperfect as we are, we need to reject all these international interlopers who are trying to destroy us from the inside.” Dad hugged me again. “You never knew you were born Jewish, did you?”
    “Actually, the name Dunne kind of gave that away.” We shared a laugh. “I’m sure your granddaughters are very proud of you.”
    “Granddaughters?” Dad’s voice indicated surprise. “You have another daughter?” As he spoke those words, Maddy walked to him and gave him a huge hug. He looked at Maddy, and then he looked at me. “Let me guess,” he said. “Stephanie Williams?”
    “Yup,” I replied.
    “I love you, grandpa,” Maddy said as they shared a warm embrace.
    I overheard Keith’s voice. “Okay, thanks. Bye.” “Sean-Paul, bad news. My sources have located Taylor and Jasmine. They’re being held hostage by Cristian, Alexander, and Lanisha at XC America. He read some notes on his tablet. “And they’re not the only hostages. They also have Steven and Sarita..”
    It was at that very moment we created our plan. We had to get to America before the software updates for XCOS and XCGS were released and downloaded to all computers running XCOS and all the pre-production SEGA Sunrise consoles running XCGS. However, one question remained. “Keith,” I said, “there’s one thing I must know. Why was Angelica killed?”
    He looked me in the eye. “Because you also got her pregnant.”
    “What happened to her baby,” I asked.
    “Right after Jasmine was born,” he said, “Angelica gave birth to a boy. However, she met Alexander and was brainwashed into becoming his sex slave.”
    “What happened to my son,” I asked again.
    “He’s dead.” I looked stunned. “Right before she was due to give birth, he slipped an abortion drug into her coffee. When she gave birth, the baby was stillborn.”
                                  CHAPTER SEVEN
I was seated on the plane, studying the upcoming system upgrade for XCOS. We had nine hours until we would arrive in New York City, and those were the last hours we had to prevent Alexander and Cristian from discovering their nuclear strike scheme had been thwarted. There was no way I could let these monsters murder again like they had with Victoria, Anne, Xavier, the twins Victoria was carrying, her parents, Angelica, and Lawrence, Cheryl's brother. I even suspected that Viktor, Victoria's former boyfriend had also become a victim. Once I was done with my research on the plane, I called Rami and warned him to go into hiding until this whole matter was resolved.
We landed at our destination and retrieved our luggage (which included some items that were not allowed on planes). As soon as we exited the main gate, something hit me in the head unexpectedly. When I regained consciousness, Mindy was standing there looking at me: did we get tipped off?
“YOU ABSOLUTE SHIT! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT TAYLOR IS GONNA DIE!” A few police officers rushed to the scene, and promptly put her in cuffs.
“Officers,” I said calmly, “please let her go. She's overcome with distress about her niece.” They complied, unlocking the handcuffs. Keith, Dad, and I agreed that it would not be safe for us to travel together, so they had gone off hours ago. Meanwhile Maddy was staying in Switzerland with strict instructions that she not open the door for anyone.
I made my way towards my taxi then Mindy grabbed me by the arm. “I'm not done with you yet, asshole!” I looked at her directly, a fierce expression on my face. The anger on her face quickly melted away into fear when she saw how seriously I was taking this.
“Mindy,” I said with precision and malice, “I don't have time for your horse shit.” Then I pointed at the skyscraper which was XC America's head office. “You see that building right there?” She stuttered out a quiet yes. “DO YOU SEE IT?!” I shouted angrily.
“Inside that building are two Israeli terrorists and a crazy black bitch they programmed to try and kill me because I helped a Palestinian,” I informed her. “They've taken my best friend Steven and his pregnant wife Sarita as hostages, as well as my girlfriend and our daughter.”
“I am so sorry—I only worry for my niece and great-niece right now,” Mindy replied, her voice quivering through her words.
“Mindy, you have to be rational in a situation like this. You must anticipate the kidnappers' next move,” I said. An inevitable pause followed before I asked, “Where's Terri?”
“She is being held captive too,” Mindy said with defeat in her statement. Damn it.
“We’ve only got four hours to save the hostages,” I said to Mindy. “And once I have that done, and get Cristian and Alexander taken care of for good, I’m asking Taylor to marry me.” I glanced up to the top of the building where my office was located. The captors had been reported as holding the hostages in my office. “You know what's funny?” I continued solemnly. “I thought my destiny was to live with Victoria, Anne and Xavier but I now know it is to marry Taylor; raising our daughter so she can become the remarkable woman she is meant to be; seeing Maddy down the aisle when she finds her true love; and spending the rest of my life with Taylor by my side.” I fought back tears. “My destiny awaits us tonight, Mindy, and those Zionist jerks won't take it away from me one more time. This ends now.”
Mindy glanced up at the fifteenth floor, and her emotions seemed to overflow as she realized the severity of the situation. My heart swelled with empathy for her. It was only several months prior that I had opened up to her regarding Taylor and my relationship at KCU, and she had offered me a shoulder to cry on in regards to Victoria and our children. Now it was my turn to console Mindy as she worried about her niece Taylor, great-niece Jasmine, and sister Terri. I lightly stroked her back as she laid it against my chest and quietly wept. "I don't want to lose my family like you lost yours," She whispered between sobs.
I kissed her forehead tenderly. "I promise I won't let that happen," I said sternly, "or I'll die trying."
"Don't you dare die on us," She demanded. We smiled at one another before she asked me something: “Want to know something?”
"What?" I replied.
“I knew, back when you were at KCU, that Taylor truly loved you,” she said. “It made me nervous. Considering what Danny had done to her, the death of her father, Angelica breaking her heart, and then almost taking her own life– ” Mindy struggled to keep her emotions together as she spoke on – “when you stepped into her life, she was overjoyed beyond belief. But I was still worried that you two fell in love while she was seventeen and you were almost for-”
“Mindy, is this your way of telling me you approve of us being together?”
“I guess so?” She looked into my eyes and smiled faintly. “Yes,” she whispered. For the first time ever, we shared a smile. I gave her a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for bringing happiness back to her.”
“And I will save her again, Mindy,” I said. “I promise.”
We embraced and looked up.
“It’s...probably not safe for me to be here, is it?”
“No, it isn't,” I told her. “There's a bar in the SoHo district called the Jolly Mick. Just tell them Sean-Paul DeCraig sent you when you arrive." Mindy started to back away. “Oh, and Mindy?”
She stopped and asked,"Yes?"
“Try not to drink too much or get an unnecessary bar tab. I've seen what sort of trouble you can get into when intoxicated - especially when I confessed about my relationship with Taylor while we were...you know."
Mindy blushed and laughed, leaning close to me. "I know," she said quietly. I looked at her, wide-eyed. “I was drunk, but not oblivious. Why do you think I sent that message on your wedding day?” We both burst out in laughter, and Mindy wrapped her arms around me affectionately. “Thanks for making Taylor so happy; I can’t wait until I can call you my nephew-in-law - even though we’re the same age!”
“Let me hail a cab for you,” I offered. After getting her a ride to The Jolly Mick for $100, I got out my binoculars and observed two armed guards at the entrance of XC America. Into the walkie talkie, I said: “Keto Krunch – two grunts at the front door – use silencers. Big Papi – do you copy?” using Big Papi as the code name for my dad.
“Roger, Lord Chaos.” A smile formed on my face and I settled in the bushes. It felt like an eternity had passed while I waited, but it was really only five minutes. Two pairs of beams of light shot across the street simultaneously, and a nanosecond later the two guards were lying lifeless on the pavement. Dad and I stripped them of their camouflage uniforms and changed into them ourselves.
"Alright dad, you take the elevator," I said. "I'm going to find a hidden room at the end of this hallway."
"What's in there?" He asked me.
"The one thing which will bring down Cristian, Alexander, and MOSSAD," I replied.
We shared a hug before he left for the elevator while I pressed ahead, relieved that there were no other guards on this floor. When I reached the end I noticed a button behind a painting and quickly pushed it as I heard the wall open up. I nudged it open further and entered an unknown space with nobody else aware of its existence. As soon as I stepped inside I rushed to close the portal before connecting to Keith via my two-way headset. "Keith! You at the satellite transponder?"
“I just got here,” he said. I then punched in a series of buttons and flipped on an old vacuum tube television that I kept in the room for my own amusement. It was a Philco Predicta from the 1950s. I found it a few years ago at an antique store. The shop owner was preparing to throw it in the trash, but I wanted to salvage it. The art nouveau design of the television was revolutionary for the time, and I thought such a magnificent piece shouldn’t be disposed of like garbage. Since it wasn’t working, I spent months restoring the TV by replacing all the vacuum tubes and the old capacitors which had dried out long ago. Using the old-style RF connection, I hooked it up to the cable/satellite system. Upon flicking the switch, I waited anxiously as the vacuum tubes warmed up, and after what seemed like an eternity, the monochrome picture tube lit up and showed me a live feed taken from within my office. On another TV set, I tuned it to CNN. Both the video surveillance system and the news network had a live audio-visual connection, and I heard a young child's cries emanating from one of them. It was Jasmine.
On the monitor, Alexander held a military-grade rifle poised in his hands. He raised it towards Steven's head but quickly pulled back. “No, too easy,” he said before turning the weapon towards Sarita's pregnant stomach. “No, too heartbreaking.”
“Alexander, please,” Cristian said in his heavy German accent as he slowly rose from my chair and walked to my daughter Jasmine. “Ah, such innocence. Precious child, one day you will be thankful for not having to worry about the horrors of nuclear holocaust.” I was boiling with anger at his touching her. How could someone who experienced the Holocaust in Auschwitz make light of something that had the potential to kill more people than the Nazis ever did? As soon as he moved away, Jasmine ran to her grandmother Terri for safety. “Now Taylor, I want this conflict between Palestinians and Israelis to end. There's been too much killing.”
“Like when Lanisha killed Victoria, Anne, Xavier, Gustav, Eva, and Angelica?” Taylor stood up for herself boldly, which I feared would prove to be a fatal mistake.
Alexander muttered under his breath close enough to the microphone that the whole world heard: “Don't forget Viktor Rodemacher.”
“Oh, nothing like that at all,” Cristian replied. “That is what we refer to as collateral damage. Lanisha was a flawless hitwoman who made sure our mental programming left no trace. We invented mind control for the sole purpose of having people doing as we said, and using the Israeli flag as a shield so anyone criticizing us could be labeled an anti-Semite and have their life ruined."
The words struck me deeply, realizing how cruel the Israeli government truly was. I'm not denying Hitler's atrocious acts during World War II, but the treatment of Palestinians by Israel was not far off from the Holocaust itself. My young mind had been exposed to the pro-Israel American media with its tales of Yassir Arafat wanting to obliterate Israel with a nuclear bomb, yet now my convictions were challenged after learning about how Palestinians had been mistreated by the Zionist apartheid state. My trust in the Israeli status quo had been forever destroyed.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Cristian declared. He then proceeded to brag about Israel's infamous deeds, oblivious to the fact that the whole world was now bearing witness. “We bombed the USS Liberty to provoke a war between you and Egypt. We orchestrated the overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran and then restored Ayatollah Khomeini to power through a revolution.” What? I could scarcely believe what I was hearing: the Iranian Revolution had been plotted by MOSSAD? "We even put an American up to assassinating John F. Kennedy because Kennedy refused to send troops to Vietnam!" Holy crap. "And we instigated the Gulf of Tonkin attack as an excuse to get Americans involved in Vietnam!"
I couldn't believe it. All those conspiracy theories peddled by Alex Jones on his radio show were just confirmed as true by this octogenarian MOSSAD agent.
“And it gets worse, Taylor.” His confession filled me with dread, as I felt the implications of his words personally. “We taught the so-called al-Qaeda terrorists to fly planes and told them to crash those planes into the Twin Towers--all to give us an excuse to send US troops to Iraq and help Israel gain control over the entire Middle East region. We had the support of a range of political leaders from both parties: the Bushes and Clintons, Obamas and Bidens, plus all the major news networks.” At that moment, I wished I could have shot him right in the brain and splattered its contents all over the walls. He was responsible for 9/11, which nearly bankrupted my business and took away my friend Gregory who died in WTC 1 on that terrible day.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper tried to stop the live stream by demanding his producers cut off the feed. “CUT AWAY! GO TO A COMMERCIAL!” he yelled out in panic. I said nothing but thought to myself, “squirm you little piece of shit”. But there was no cutting away; it almost seemed like someone outside was controlling the broadcast. Cooper shouted again: "CUT AWAY OR YOU'RE FIRED!"
I spoke into my headset, “Alright Keith, make sure this keeps playing for the next 24 hours.”
The producer was alarmed as the video of Cristian’s admission started over from the start. “WHAT THE HELL?! IT’S STARTING AGAIN!”
To everyone's surprise, as a response to the confession, cities around America rapidly filled up with protesters. Normally police forces responded to such demonstrations of civil disobedience with violence - but not on this occasion; they joined in with the people in rebellion.
My plan was going exactly the way I wanted it to. Unbeknownst to Cristian and Alexander, my father had assembled the best detectives from NYPD and the best federal agents inside and outside my high-rise office building. My dad led one group up the stairs, taking out anyone who put up a fight. Meanwhile, another set of detectives and agents came up the elevators while an elite unit of federal agents – including FBI and U.S. Marshals – descended onto the roof via F-14 Tomcat helicopters. When they were outside my door, they radioed me for instructions. I called Cristian on his phone.
“Cristian Hermann speaking,” he answered.
“It's Sean-Paul DeCraig," I said. "You win - I'll give you anything you want, as long as my family and friends are safe."
“A generous offer from a generous man,” Cristian remarked. “Do you really think you can outwit MOSSAD? We've been fooling smarter folks than you long before your parents even met.”
Once I had confirmation that my team was in position, I decided to take action. “Cristian, do me a solid and put on CNN," I requested.
“Why CNN?” he queried.
“Because it's the number one trusted source of news and information." Ugh, I sounded like an advertisement for CNN. Cristian at last obliged, and as the news channel played, he heard the confession broadcasted throughout the world.
“What the - ” Cristian’s words abruptly stopped as an abundance of federal agents, directed by my father, kicked in the door and arrested Cristian and Alexander at gunpoint.
“Don’t move a muscle, asshole,” Dad commanded as he pointed his weapon at Alexander's head. Keith took over the CNN satellite transmission once more to show the malicious Zionist terrorists being taken into custody on multiple counts such as murder, terrorism, and espionage.
I exited my secret room and jumped onto the closest elevator so I could go up to the top floor. When the elevator stopped on the top floor, I looked around at all the hostages. My first thought was for Jasmine. I'm sure this experience traumatized her young mind. I walked up to my daughter and embraced her tightly. Tears were streaming down my face. “I'm so happy you're safe, honey,” I said, struggling between sobs. I spotted Terri who was trembling somewhat yet managed to smile when I presented her granddaughter to her. Terri hugged me and thanked me profusely.
I left Jasmine with her grandmother and moved towards Steven and Sarita. I embraced Sarita, then turned to face Steven. One of Cristian's revelations - the instruction of Al-Qaeda hijackers who had assaulted us on 9/11 - was especially painful for him and I both. Our friend Dartmouth alumni Gregory Jacobson was in WTC 1 and passed when the aircraft smashed into the area where our first offices were situated. Steven hugged me passionately as we recalled losing Gregory that day. "Greg would be so proud of you," he wept openly.
Finally, I was facing Taylor - the one I loved. We kissed passionately and I broke away, taking a box out of my pocket. She wept as I asked her once more to marry me. As she said yes, I slid the ring over her finger and moved in for another kiss. But then, a loud blast and a sharp pain pierced my shoulder. Everything went grey then black as I fell on the ground. The last thing I heard were shots being fired along with Taylor screaming "LANISHA! BURN IN HELL, YOU BITCH!" before slipping into unconsciousness.
Though it seemed like a blink of an eye, I had been in a coma for seven days. The bullet shot from Lanisha's gun had injured my left lung, so I was taken to the hospital and sent off for emergency surgery right away. As I began to wake up, Phil, my dad, Taylor, my fiancee, and Maddy, my oldest daughter, were all there. My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was my red-headed daughter’s cheerful face. “Maddy” I said quietly.
“Daddy” she replied with a trembling voice before coming forward and giving me a hug; I managed to lift my arms and put them around her back. “I love you so much” she whispered.
“I love you too, honey” I responded.
After reluctantly separating from me and sitting down again, my dad stepped forward and put his hand on mine. “Son” he said, trying to hold back the tears “I thought I'd lost you. I'm so thankful God brought you back to us. I love you kid.”
“Love you too, pops.”
“Maddy,” Phil said, “let’s go to the cafeteria so I can try one of those special Chai teas you like so much.” With that, grandpa and granddaughter headed off together.
That left me in the company of Taylor--she got up onto my hospital bed and nestled her head on my good shoulder. She kissed my cheek softly and whispered: “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too," I replied, turning my head towards her. We shared a long kiss before she laid her head against my shoulder once again; and all I could think was: "Tay, is Lanisha dead?”
Taylor quoted the old idiom, “Dead as a doornail,” before we exchanged soft kisses All of a sudden, Mindy walked in with a disheveled appearance and was accompanied by a young bartender from the Jolly Mick.
"Looks like you have a thing for younger men, huh," I said to Mindy with a playful wink, and we all laughed.
"Well," Mindy responded as she sized up the young guy, "sometimes youth has its advantages." At least she never had intimate relations with her own flesh and blood.
    Many exciting things happened since my engagement to Taylor and my recovery in the hospital after being shot by Lanisha.
    The Justice Department indicted Cristian and Alexander Hermann on numerous federal charges  including espionage, giving material aid to terrorists, and numerous counts of murder including the 2,700+ people who died on 9/11. In a historic trial, both father and son were convicted on all charges and sentenced to death. Cristian died of a massive heart attack one week into his sentence, and Alexander appealed his death penalty case until he was finallly executed.  
    I learned that website traffic to Alex Jones’ Infowars website rose significantly during his live coverage of Cristian’s confession. Because Cristian’s confession about various global events vindicated him, Jones was reinstated on every social media platform. As soon as he was, he filed lawsuits against them all and ended up recouping the losses he suffered when he was forced to pay the families of the Sandy Hook victims who he claimed never existed. Although I resented him for that, I thanked him for giving me praise for bringing down Cristian and Alexander. As a personal thank you to Jones, I sent him an autographed pre-production unit of the SEGA Sunrise along with a special edition of XCOS which I made for him and turned it into his own OS called Infowars OS, We made a deal where he could sell Infowars OS on his website with my company receiving 10% of all profits. It was a smash hit.
    In addition to the serious consequences suffered by the Hermanns, new investigations were launched into 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and the bombing of the USS Liberty. It was revealed that law professor Eli Noam was one of the Israeli Air Force Pilots who fired upon the USS Liberty. For his part in the attack, he was fired, and his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations was revoked permanently. The fallout was so bad that even his wife, former ACLU president Nadine Strossen, disavowed and divorced him. He ended up dying penniless.
    As for the people in charge of the US intelligence networks when 9/11 happened? The punishments ranged in severity from slaps on the wrist to many years in federal prison. Condoleeza Rice and former VP Dick Cheney got the worst punishments, having been sentenced to 25 years and 50 years, respectively. Cheney suffered a massive heart attack in his cell literally one year into his sentence. His death was largely ignored by the media which brought real journalism back, not journalism controlled by partisan politics and intelligence agencies.
    To honor my deceased friend who died on 9/11, I formed a non-profit organization which covered the medical expenses of first-responders, police officers, EMTs, firemen and firewomen, and ordinary citizens whose health was impacted by the tons of asbestos and smoke from the collapse of the twin towers, in addition to the mental health of those deeply affected. The Gregory D. Jacobson Memorial Foundation also financed research into cures for various diseases. Because of the hard work of the Foundation and Foundation-funded scientists, a cure for HIV was discovered. Never again would somebody have to suffer with the onset of AIDS which ravaged people like Freddie Mercury.
    The ramifications of MOSSAD’s involvement in terrorist activities forever shattered the reputation of Israel. Little did I know, but Cristian’s live confession was the catalyst for a Palestinian revolution which resulted in an international hostage crisis which eerily resembled the 1979 Iranian Revolution where Ayatollah Khomeini was installed as the supreme leader and abolished the Iranian royal family, forcing Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to flee his country. The Palestinian Revolution ended when representatives of both Israel and Palestine drafted a new Constitution which granted equal rights to Israelis and Palestinians. Much like the Iranian Revolution which saw the closure of Pahlavi’s SAVAK secret intelligence service, part of the agreement was that MOSSAD would be immediately disbanded, and all former MOSSAD agents who partook in terrorist activities would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Most former MOSSAD agents who faced arrest committed suicide. A small percentage stood trial and went put in prison for the rest of their lives. A select few rejected their past ways and took jobs with the new federal government. As for the leadership of the country? Well, it turned out Rami had huge aspirations of running for political office. Four weeks ago, I received a phone call from him. He declared his intention to be a candidate to be the Israeli Prime Minister. If chosen, he would be the first Palestinian to ever hold that position. Last night, I called him to congratulate him for his lopsided victory!
    My daughter Maddy came to live in Germany so she could be close to her best friend and her father. She eventually became the Vice President of Graphics and Art and excelled at her position. I noticed she was very lonely, and I remembered Victoria’s cousin Benjamin who owned the house with the jacuzzi. He had gone through yet another breakup. When I introduced Benjamin to Maddy, I could tell there was immediate chemistry. They dated for a couple years, and not too long after, I walked Maddy down the aisle and watched with glee as they were married.
    Oh, I forgot to mention! Six weeks after we had sex in my car, Maddy discovered that she was pregnant, and we mutually agreed on an abortion.
    Terri and Mindy decided to sell their houses in Kansas City and moved to Germany. They took turns babysitting Jasmine because Taylor and I do a lot of traveling overseas on the weekends. Just last week, Mindy sent me a photograph of one of Jasmine’s baby teeth after it fell out. Gosh, they’re starting sooner and sooner.
    Mindy’s husband found out about her sexual liaisons with Lanisha and filed for divorce. However, Mindy was granted sole custody of their six year old son when her ex-husband was arrested on felony transportation of narcotics and sentenced to ten years in prison. Mindy moved on with the young bartender from the Jolly Mick, and they married shortly before Mindy moved with him and Terri to Germany.
    Six months to the day of our engagement, Taylor and I were married in a lavish ceremony which was broadcast on American television. Now why would they want to show our wedding on television? Because there were rumors that I was going to return to the United States in order to run for President.
    Shortly after my dad Phil attended my wedding, he discovered he had inoperable brain cancer. Although he fought a valiant battle, there was no amount of chemo, radiation, or superfood which could stave off the inevitable outcome. He passed peacefully three years ago at the age of 76.
    On the third anniversary of my dad’s passing, I was sitting in my office. I had just arrived back from a months-long tour of America doing interviews on cable networks as well as radio stations and podcasts, including an hour-long interview on the Alex Jones Show. I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and was greeted by a hug from my daughter Maddy. We hadn’t sat down and have a long conversation for so long.
    “How are you holding up, dad,” she asked.
    “As good as can be expected,” I replied. “You?”
    “Oh, the same,” she said. I knew her like a book. Her mannerisms reminded me so much of myself. I was not very good at hiding my emotions from my loved ones, and as it turned out, Maddy wasn’t either. We embraced and silently wept as we mourned the passing of my father and her grandfather. As I held my daughter close to me, I felt an odd protrusion from her torso. I looked down, and I could tell that my daughter was not just pregnant, but very pregnant. I looked at her pregnant belly and then at her beautiful, charming face. I gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’m so proud of my baby girl.”
    “Oh, and dad, it’s a boy,” Maddy said. “Benjamin and I have already agreed on a name: Sean-Phillip DeCraig Köhler.”
    As for the SEGA Sunrise? It was finished in time for the E3 Expo. The live broadcast television feature – with the integrated DVR – was a huge hit. The games displayed on our demo units received rave reviews. Three months later, we released the SEGA Sunrise, and once again, SEGA was on top of the video game world. Even though Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft continued to develop and release their own hardware units, they agreed to port their iconic franchises to the Sunrise. Within one year, the SEGA Sunrise controlled 90% of the video game market, and within two years, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft decided to abandon hardware production and become third-party publishers/developers for the Sunrise. The Sunrise would eventually become the best-selling video game console of all time. Who would have thought Mario and Zelda would appear on a SEGA console?
    Last year, as I was preparing to announce my candidacy for President of the United States with Taylor, Jasmine, and our two-year-old daughter Angel by my side, XC International learned that Atari SA was abandoning the Linux-based Atari VCS and was looking at getting out of the business. I called the owners to see if they were interested in a buyout, and they said they were. Six months after the deal, we released a series of Atari compilations under the Xavianne Software label – named after my late children Anne and Xavier – highlighting the very best games for the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, XE/8-bit computers, Lynx, and Jaguar. Surprisingly, the Jaguar compilation was very successful. I received a personal letter from Jack Tramiel’s sons Sam, Leonard, and Garry, thanking me for the special video tribute that I did about their father’s life.
On the day before I announced my candidacy, I made a shocking announcement: I was taking an extended leave of absence as President and CEO of XC International, and I announced Steven as the new interim president and CEO. That just furthered speculation that I was to run for President.
On a cold January day, I looked out of a room at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. as festivities were preparing to begin. Taylor was dressed to the nines in a beautiful Chanel dress. Jasmine was dressed in one of her Sunday School dresses. Angel looked adorable in her simple dress. In Taylor’s arms was our three-month-old son whom I named Gregory Jacob, in honor of my deceased friend. I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door. “Glad you could make it, Alex.”
“I want to personally thank you for vindicating me, Sean-Paul,” Alex Jones stated. “Because of you, Infowars is now so popular that we now have our own television network with news, talk, and family friendly entertainment. And it was because of you exposing Cristian Hermann and declaring your candidacy on my radio show that made all this possible.”
“Hey! Wait for us!” Alex stepped away as we heard a female voice shouting. I opened the door. “MADDY!!!” I took my daughter in my arms, and we held each other tight. I pressed my forehead to hers, and we both shed tears of joy. As I kissed her forehead, I looked up. “Ben,” I calmy stated. I saw him carrying a beautiful baby in his arms. I took my grandson in my arms and gently cradled him. “Oh Sean-Phillip, grandpa missed you so much.” I hadn’t seen Sean-Phillip since the day he was born. He looked just like my dad. I gently kissed him on the forehead, and he cooed. “Your great-grandpa would have loved to have seen you.”
“Dad,” Maddy said, “he sees him right now. He’s standing with Jesus as we speak, and he is most pleased.” I smiled. I was not a deeply religious person, but my brush with death – thanks to Lanisha, Cristian, and Alexander – had me soul searching. Two weeks after I was released from the hospital, Dad and I went to a Catholic church, and it was there when I confessed my sins and gave my heart to the Lord, and He blessed me with a wonderful family who were always my rocks.
I heard another knock on the door. It was a man dressed in all black. “It’s time.” I gave Sean-Phillip back to Maddy, and she and her husband Ben took Sean-Phillip to sit in the family seating area. Taylor and our kids were the next to exit and sit with Maddy and her family. I stood at the door waiting for our cue, and then I heard my best friend Steven Sandberg make the announcement of a lifetime:
“Ladies and gentlemen, the 48th President of the United States, Sean-Paul Phillip DeCraig!”
                                            THE END
0 notes
myeroticstories · 1 year
From Manhattan to Munich (full revised)
Just revised this story to give new night to the reason Angelica ends up leaving Taylor for a guy, as established in “Destiny Awaits Us.”
From Manhattan to Munich: The Complete Saga
MF, MFF, MM, F-solo, M-solo, cybersex, oral, anal, shampoo bottle, dp
It was a nice spring evening in the quiet little town of Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany. The city was in the midst of one of its frequent festivals which attracted the townspeople as well as the tourists. The locals were dressed for the festival’s theme. There was plenty of dancing, plenty of food, and plenty of drinks. And in the back seat of a 1983 Renault, there was plenty of snogging as well.
Viktor and Victoria had been dating for two months. It was the longest relationship Victoria had been in in her twenty years of existence. The two had met at a previous festival. Victoria had been serving drinks, and Viktor had just taken a break from participating in a mock sword fight. Viktor noticed Victoria’s low-cut top which revealed a generous portion of her full breasts. Victoria caught Victor’s gaze towards her and rewarded him with a smile that seemed to melt his heart.
Victoria decided to sex up her image tonight because she wanted to lose her virginity to Viktor on this night. She was wearing a yellow sundress which fell to about mid-thigh. Victoria wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and began kissing Viktor with newfound urgency. She straddled his left leg which was raised up and began grinding her crotch against the hard muscle of his left thigh. Her virgin pussy was soaking wet. A wet spot began forming on the crotch of her white panties. The spot grew until the entire crotch area was see-through. The smell of her aroused pussy filled the confines of the subcompact. Suddenly Victoria’s gyrations became more urgent as she neared her release.
However without warning, Viktor grabbed Victoria firmly around the hips. Victoria groaned in frustration as she was denied her orgasm. “God dammit Viktor, that’s the second time this week! What gives?”
“Look around, Victoria. There are people around. What if somebody sees us? Remember what happened to that Russian guy?” A few weeks ago, a Russian man had been caught by a local cop in the midst of being blown by a prostitute. He was immediately arrested, and the next day before he faced deportation back to Russia, his name and face were plastered in the newspaper. That night, he was found in the back seat of his car dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
“Yeah but that was a prostitute he was caught with! I’m not a prostitute, Viktor. You have nothing to worry about,” said Victoria.
“Well what about your parents?” Viktor said, and Victoria froze in fear. Her parents were deeply religious. Sure they seemed to live a fairly liberal lifestyle - they were vegetarians, pro-choice, and pro-legalization - but when it came to family and pre-marital sex, they were about as conservative as they come. Victoria knew that if she was caught having sex out in the public like this, it would bring shame upon her family.
“Okay,” said Victoria. She looked down at his crotch and noticed that he didn’t even have an erection. She figured that the risk of being caught in public prevented his arousal. “Listen, Viktor. I want you. I need you. I’ll make an excuse to my parents to go spend the night at Anne’s, but I’m going to come to your place. This time, you won’t have to worry about getting caught.”
“Victoria, my parents will be home,” said Viktor.
“I don’t care, Viktor! You can even let them watch for all I care! For fuck’s sakes, Viktor, I’m not taking any more excuses! You’re going to fuck me tonight! End…of…discussion!”
“Okay,” said Viktor. “You win. Come by tonight. But you’ll have to sneak in through my bedroom window.”
Victoria could hardly contain her excitement. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and kissed him hard. “See you tonight, darling,” she said. With a smile and a wink, she exited the car and headed home.
Victoria opened the door to the house and walked in. The house was dark. She walked to the kitchen and noticed a hand-written note on the refrigerator:
     I have been called away on an important business matter. Your mother and I will be gone for
     a week. If you need me, you can call my cellphone. We trust you, darling.
“So much for having to make an excuse,” said Victoria with a saucy grin. She went upstairs, filled her backpack with a change of clothes, and left the house.
She walked a block to Viktor’s house and noticed a strange car parked up front. She thought that relatives may be visiting. She noticed faint light coming from Viktor’s bedroom window. Judging by the motion of the points of light, she immediately knew what the source of light was: candlelight. Victoria was pleased to know that her boyfriend planned on taking her virginity under candlelight and moonlight. She saw a ladder leading up to his window.
“This is it,” said Victoria to herself. “There’s no turning back now.” She was determined to lose her virginity. She grabbed a rung and began climbing the ladder. However once she reached the top, her entire world crashed down.
Before her eyes was her boyfriend with his erect penis in the mouth of another person - a man. She saw him thrust his hips up driving his cock deeper into the throat of his male sex partner. “Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, suck my cock, Alex! Suck it good, you fag!” Viktor moaned as Alex licked his cock from base to tip before deep-throating all nine inches. Viktor reached for his nightstand and grabbed for his Baby Jesus butt plug. It was his favorite. He grabbed the bottle of Astroglide on the nightstand and poured it liberally all over the butt plug. He bit his lip as he easily inserted Baby Jesus into his back door. Then he flicked the switch at the base. And without warning, he came. “AAAAAH!” The first shot hit the back of Alex’s throat, making Alex gag and choke and causing Alex to pull off. The next shot shot up high in the air before painting Alex’s face and hair with the gooey, sticky mess. Viktor shot three more huge loads all over Alex’s face, and then the shots weakened until he was finally spent.
Victoria stared in disbelief at what happened. She wanted to cry. How dare her boyfriend cheat on her? Then she began thinking of recent things happening in their relationship: less time spent together, more time spent with his male friends, and the lack of an erection during their last several make-out sessions. Then she saw Alex drop his pants, revealing the hugest erection she had ever seen in her life. It was easily eleven inches long and almost three inches in diamater.
Alex grabbed the bottle of Astroglide from Viktor and squirted it wildly on his penis and massaged it in until his mammoth erection was slippery enough. “Now remember Viktor, push out like you’re taking a shit.” Viktor pushed with all his might, and Alex pushed forward. After a few tries, he succeeded.
Viktor threw his head back and howled. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” He keened as Alex’s gigantic cock slowly sank in. His wilted cock suddenly shot up to full erection as Alex’s glans pressed hard against his prostate. Viktor was no stranger to anal sex. He craved it. He lived for it. He loved it. But this was easily the biggest cock he had ever taken in his back door. Alex began thrusting in and out, and Viktor reached for the nightstand to grab an ampoule of amyl nitrate. He crushed it one-handed and thrust it under his nose and inhaled. His other hand reached for his own iron-hard cock and began masturbating wildly. There was a rushing buzz in his head. He felt prickles all over his body. He was sweating profusely. His cock burned inside and out as the combination of the recreational drug caused the pain of rough anal to combine with the unbearable pleasure of prostate stimulation, and the combination exploded in the strongest, longest, loudest, wettest orgasm of his life. “AAAAAUUUUUURRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” Shot after shot of pearly-white semen jetted forcefully from his urethra, painting Alex’s face, hair, and torso with Viktor’s spunk. Viktor’s asshole clamped down hard on Alex’s super-engorged penis. “AAARGH!” Alex threw his head back and howled as his orgasm took hold. His cock felt like it was about to burst as he fired several shots of jizz deep in Viktor’s bowels. A froth of jizz, lube, and santorum squelched out of Viktor’s distended anus. The two lovers collapsed in the bed and embraced and kissed hotly and deeply.
Victoria’s heart was broken. She climbed down the ladder and ran to her house in tears. She opened the door and ran upstairs to her bedroom and buried her face in her pillow as she sobbed hysterically. She had invested the last two months of her life in a guy who not only cheated on her, but also turned out to be gay. She felt so small and so humiliated. But then she fantasized about being Alex. She fantasized about fucking her ex-boyfriend up the ass. She had never felt so aroused in her life. She pulled her panties off and snaked a finger in her virgin slit with one hand, and she seized the burning-stiff pleasure bud of her clitoris with her other hand. She continued thinking about anal intercourse, and when she remembered Viktor painting Alex with his cum, she lost all control. “Ooo, ooo, ooo, oooOOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOOOOOO! OOOOO! OOOOO! OOOOO!” Victoria keened as each orgasmic spasm tore through her. Her juices shot forcefully from her slit and drenched her bedspread in her feminine fluids. She pulled the stained bed fabrics from the bed and threw them in the upstairs washer, placed fresh sheets and a quilt on her bed, and collapsed on the bed.
After a couple hours, Victoria woke up. She saw the photo of her and her ex-boyfriend on her nightstand and angrily ripped it up. Then she got up and went to her computer to check her favorite photography forum. She had uploaded some of her photographs to the forum last week and noticed a reply from another user:
     I really enjoy your photographs! You have such an amazing talent!
     - Sean-Paul
I was looking outside the window of my apartment. The sun had just set, and the bright lights of Manhattan were slowly coming on. From my window, I had a perfect view of Times Square. I saw many neon signs flashing vivid colors. And the headlights of what seemed like millions of cars illuminated the streets. It was a welcome distraction from my paperwork.
I own a start-up tech company named XC Systems which has the computer industry talking. We were developing a new GNU/Linux-based operating system which would combine the best of traditional computing with the best of cloud computing. When I first saw the gOS operating system, I knew cloud computing was the wave of the future, even though gOS’ ways of implementing it left much to be desired. (Not to mention that their operating system had way too many bugs.) I have received numerous offers for buyouts, but the dollar figures have been so laughingly low that I balk at them. Several weeks ago, I turned down an offer from Mark Shuttleworth to buy my company and assimilate our technology and research into his company Canonical’s Ubuntu operating system. Why would I want to sell my company only to see our hard work be put into a rival company’s software? And when I saw the amount of money offered, I politely declined. There’s no fucking way I’m going to take $50 million just to see my hard work buried.
Besides, $50 million is nowhere near the net worth of my company. With all the contracts that we have with the GNU Project, Novell, Apple, and even the federal government, my company has a net worth of $75 billion. Now tell me: who in their right mind would sell a $75 billion company for $50 million?
Today, we had a board meeting. I was unable to be at the company headquarters today, so I joined in via Skype teleconference. I had just appointed my buddy from college Steven as the company’s new vice president of software research, so today I let him conduct the board meeting. He did quite well. I find board meetings to be very boring. (In fact, one day as a joke, I wrote “Today’s Bored Meeting” which had the executives roaring in laughter.) Every now and then, I decide to spend time at my apartment doing my own work. Today was one of those days.
I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 8:30 PM. “Better get ready,” I thought to myself. “Don’t want to stand up my date.” I was dating a beautiful black woman named Lanisha. She was twenty-five years old. She had just received her master’s degree in journalism at Duke University and was interning for Shepard Smith at FOX News. I felt bad for her because I knew how much of an asshole Smith is. I had met Smith at a charity fundraiser to raise funds for the medical bills of 9/11 rescue workers. When we got to the subject of the tech industry, he told me I was a “damn fool” to believe Linux can compete with Windows and Mac OS X. But when he alleged that Linux users were communists, I walked away but not before flipping him off and saying, “Fuck you, Shepard.”
I exited my apartment and rode the elevator twenty floors down until I reached the ground level. After I exited the building, I hailed a taxi and asked the cabbie to drive me to Lanisha’s home in Queens. Once we arrived, I paid him the fare and exited the cab. I walked to her front door and knocked. After a few moments, the door opened, and I was left breathless.
“You’re right on time, Sean-Paul,” said Lanisha with a DAMN sexy smile. Lanisha looked radiant. Her light brown skin had no imperfections whatsoever, not even a single blemish. Her dark brown eyes were capitvating. Her arched eyebrows gave her a very exotic look. Her full lips were red, plump, juicy, and oh so inviting. She was wearing a pink summer shirt with spaghetti straps; it was low-cut, exposing a generous portion of her breasts. And she was wearing skintight skinny jeans which accentuated her voluptuous badonkadonk. We embraced each other and kissed deeply. We had been going steady for five months. Lanisha broke the kiss and whispered into my mouth, “so where are we going tonight?”
“Anywhere you want, babe,” I whispered into her mouth.
“How about we just stay here and get in my bed and fool around,” Lanisha asked with a sultry expression on her face. The sultry expression and the sexually-charged inflection in her voice made me weak in the knees, and it made my cock throb. I pulled her in close and we kissed hard, deep, and fast, Lanisha began grinding her cunt on my raging tool, and the sensations were almost too much to bear. I pulled away from her body.
“Okay,” I said matter of factly. We went inside and closed the door. We ran right to her bedroom. Once we reached the bedroom, Lanisha turned off the lights, leaving the city lights and the moonlight as the only source of illumination. We embraced once again, and as we kissed with a renewed hunger, I reached around and grabbed each magnificent cheek of her sexy ass and squeezed. Lanisha snaked her tongue into my mouth. Then she began fumbling with my belt buckle, trying to undo my belt and slacks in record time. My hands raised up and pulled her summer shirt over her head, fully exposing her tits. Finally, she undid my belt buckle and yanked my slacks and underwear down in one motion. I undid the snap of her skinny jeans and pulled her jeans and her thong panties down in one motion as well. I pulled my shirt off, leaving both of us completely naked. I laid her down on her bed and began kissing my way down her neck and throat, tracing every contour of her throat with my tongue. Then my tongue went lower until I reached her heaving bosom. Her nipples were erect.
“EEE!” Lanisha cried out as I deliberately flicked my tongue out at the hard, pointed nub of her right nipple. My right hand seized her stiff left nipple and began lightly pinching it. I snaked my left hand down to the juncture of her thighs and shoved my middle finger into her slit while my thumb began to tease out her swelling clitoris. “Ah, ah, ah,” Lanisha moaned as her pleasure grew and grew. Finally, I decided it was time. My mouth left her nipple, and I began kissing my way down her fit stomach. I slid my tongue into her navel, making her squirm, moan, and gasp. And then I kissed down lower until I reached her aroused pussy. She was lubricating freely, the juices just oozing out. Her clitoris was fully erect, standing up proud and flushed with blood. I gently blew on it, and I was amazed to see it throb and to hear her let out a sharp cry as if she was about to cum. Now who am I to deny my girlfriend her release and ultimate pleasure?
I slid my finger out of her wet slit and pressed it against the wrinkled star of her anus. Finally, I decided it was time. I was going to make her go out of her mind. I slid my finger to the hilt, completely burying it inside her ass. Then I seized her stiff pleasure bud between my teeth, and I bit down and pinched her nipple hard at the same time.
“EEEEEEEOOOOOOAAAAAAAIIIIIII!!!” Lanisha cried out as her body was seized by a debilitating orgasm. “YIII! YIII! YIIIIIIIII!” She cried out as each spasm sent her into fits of ecstasy. Thick, pungent cream spurted out of her slit and into her mouth. I’ve tasted far better girl-cum that what Lanisha offers, but it was still intoxicating. I let her come down from her sexual high, but a minute later, I began sucking hard on her clit and rapidly fucked her ass with my finger until she was once again rising towards yet another climax. “Ah, ah, ah, AH, AH, AH, AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!” Lanisha squinted her eyes shut as a second climax smashed into her. This one seemed even stronger than her first. I felt her anus spasm around my finger, and I felt her pussy lips flutter as each orgasmic contraction tore through her.
Finally, Lanisha calmed down and got her breathing under control. Although she was exhausted, she still wanted my cock inside her. But I decided to let her rest a little bit. I laid down beside her, and we cuddled. “I love you, Lanisha,” I said.
“I love you, too, Sean-Paul,” she replied. “You need to fuck me soon, babe. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Shep expects his workers to be at one hundred percent.”
“Shep?” I asked.
“Shepard Smith,” she replied.
“I know who he is,” I said. “I just can’t believe you’d call that asshole that name.”
“Asshole? What do you mean by that?”
“I mean just that, Lanisha. He is an asshole. I have dealt with him personally. How do you think it feels for somebody to write off your hard work as ‘communism’? It doesn’t feel very good. And I don’t like the way he and the rest of FOX News act like a bunch of Republican Party shills. Now I’m not saying all Republicans are evil. But when you’re a Republican Party shill and dismiss anything you don’t agree with as communism and far-left ideology, that just doesn’t sit well with me.”
“You know what, Sean-Paul? Fuck you,” said Lanisha with obvious contempt in her voice. “You don’t know what goes on in there. It’s not what you think. And I’m not going to let you make false accusations against my employers or my boss. You know what? Just get the fuck out.”
“Lanisha, you’re overreacting,” I said. I went to hug her, and then she pushed me away and slapped my face.
“I MEAN IT, SEAN-PAUL! GET…THE…FUCK…OUT! I never want to see you again!” I got up, got dressed, and left her house. I hailed a taxi and asked the cabbie to drive me to my apartment in Manhattan. I arrived at the apartment building, and after I paid the cabbie his fare, I rode the elevator to my apartment. Once I entered my apartment, I headed straight for the kitchen and fixed a glass of Diet Coke and Canadian whiskey on the rocks. After I drank the mixed drink, I laid down on the sofa in the living room and fell asleep. Hopefully the drink would alleviate my blueballs. I had an alcohol-fueled dream about what happened with Lanisha. In my dream, I was contemplating suicide when I was stopped by a mysterious woman with dark brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes.
Then my cellphone rang and woke me up. I looked at the caller ID. It was Lanisha. I answered the phone.
“Sean-Paul, I’m sorry,” said Lanisha over the phone.
“You know what, Lanisha, fuck you. I don’t deserve to get slapped in the face like that. I don’t need any psycho bitches in my life. It’s over. Don’t ever speak to me again.” I hung up the phone. I got up and went to my computer. I opened up Facebook, and not only did I remove my relationship status with Lanisha, I also blocked Lanisha. Then I opened my Thunderbird email client and noticed that I got an email from my favorite photography forum. I read the email which stated that I got a personal message from the girl whose photos I praised:
     Dear Sean-Paul,
     Thank you SO much for the kind words!
     I’m kind of depressed right now. I just went through a nasty break-up.
     Can we chat? I’m on Skype as victoria.camluvr.
     -Victoria <3
I opened my Skype client and searched for Victoria’s user name. I found it and added her. Within moments, it indicated that she was online, and in no time at all, Victoria sent a chat request. Not just any chat request, but a video chat request. I figured why not, so I accepted. And on my screen was shown the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. I was enraptured by her beautiful green eyes, her full lips, and her dark brown curly hair. Was this the girl from my dream? I smiled from ear to ear, and Victoria returned with the sexiest smile I have ever seen in my life. Finally, I spoke. “I’m here.”
“Thank you,” said Victoria. “God damn you’re a gorgeous guy,” she said with a wink and a smile. Her European-sounding accent sounded oh so sexy.
“Thank you, Victoria. And you’re quite the looker yourself,” I replied. “Anyway, I’m sorry that you’re depressed. Let me guess. You were dating an asshole, and he cheated on you.”
“Yup,” she replied. “He cheated on me alright. He cheated on me with a man.”
“Do you know what that makes you,” I asked Victoria.
“No, what,” she asked back.
“Gay bait,” I said. And then Victoria let out the heartiest laugh I have heard in a long time. We were both laughing. This was actually one of the most pleasant chats I’ve ever had. “I had the same thing happen to me tonight, except my ex-girlfriend got mad at me for criticizing her boss.”
“Who is her boss,” asked Victoria.
“Shepard Smith from FOX News,” I replied.
“Wow,” said Victoria. “Anybody who would take up for an asshole like him isn’t worth dating.” And I had to agree with her. Looking back, Lanisha just seemed like bad news. She would criticize Iraq War protestors, vegans, animal rights activists, and any other group that received regular scorn from the FOX News crowd. “Were you going to fuck her tonight,” Victoria asked out of the blue.
I didn’t know how to respond. It really wasn’t any of her business, but as I looked at Victoria on my computer screen, I noticed that her face was flushed. Could it be that she was going through the same thing? So I got the courage to ask her, “Were you going to fuck him?”
“Yeah,” Victoria replied. “I climbed a ladder to his bedroom window, and then that’s where I saw him getting his cock sucked by Alex. And then I saw Alex take his pants off and shove his cock in Viktor’s ass.
“Yeah I was eating Lanisha,” I said. “I even made her cum. But right before I got the chance to fuck her, she had to go psycho-bitch on me all because I told her Shepard Smith is an asshole.” There was an odd silence, but then Victoria broke the ice by laughing. I laughed along with her. God she was beautiful. I was spellbound by her beauty. “I don’t mean to stare,” I said, “but I really haven’t seen anybody as beautiful as you.”
“Thank you, Sean-Paul. You are so sweet,” Victoria said. Then she flashed that smile again. I was feeling light-headed, and my cock was straining in my slacks. “Can I see your cock,” asked Victoria.
“What,” I replied.
“I want to see your cock,” Victoria said. “If you’re as horny as I am right now, then you’ll understand why I’m asking that. Show me your cock, and I’ll let you see me naked.”
“I-I-I gue-guess,” I stammered out. I stood up and unzipped my fly and pulled out my fully-erect cock. Victoria’s eyed widened.
“Good God, that’s HUGE,” said Victoria. “And I thought Viktor had a huge one. Okay, a deal’s a deal.” Victoria stood up and slipped off her yellow sundress, and then on my screen was a very beautiful and very naked woman with perfect breasts, a firm stomach, a narrow waist, perfectly-shaped hips, and the most beautiful shaven cunt I had ever laid my eyes on. I could tell she was horny; her entire crotch area was shiny from her secretions. “Jerk off for me,” asked Victoria with a sexually-charged inflection in her voice. And before I knew it, I was rapidly pumping my cock with both hands as I watched every sexy inch of her nude form. “Watch me touch myself,” Victoria said with arousal in her voice. She seized her fully-erect clitoris between her fingers and began tugging at it, jerking it as if it were a cock. “Oh God, I’m visualizing you sliding your cock into my virgin cunt and taking my virginity. Ah, ah, AH! Oh God fuck me, Sean-Paul, fuck me, fuck me.” Victoria’s fingers were like a blur as began masturbating frantically. I was getting more into it. I began pumping my cock faster and faster. Suddenly Victoria’s moans rose in volume and pitch. “Oh God I can feel your cock inside me, oh fuck me, fuck me, ooo, ooo, oooOOOOoooOOOOoooOOOOOAAAAIII!” Victoria’s eyes squinted shut, and she threw her head back as she orgasmed on her fingers. Her feminine fluids gushed out of her spasming cunt with each spasm. Finally, she collapsed into her chair gulping for breath.
Now I was visualizing fucking my cock in and out of her virgin cunt. I fantasized that my hands was her cunt attempting to milk my cock dry, and the visualization was too much. “AAARRRGGHHH!” I shouted as my long-suppressed orgasm rocketed out of me. Shot after shot of thick ropes of semen blasted forcefully from my urethra. I collapsed into my chair, equally exhausted.
Finally, we got our breathing under control. “I’ll sleep very well tonight,” said Victoria. “Thanks Sean-Paul for tonight. Hope to see you again soon.”
“Me, too, Victoria,” I said. “Good night.”
“Gute nacht,” she replied. I turned on my favorite Queen internet radio station and let Freddie Mercury’s voice lull me to sleep.
     When love breaks up,
     When the dawn light wakes up,
     A new life is born.
     Sometimes I have to make this final breakthru…
“And that concludes today’s board meeting,” I said. I left the board room and made my way to my office. “More like a boring meeting,” I mumbled under my breath. Now don’t get me wrong. I love my company. It’s my pride and joy. I started the company with my friend Steven eleven years ago, and in the span of three years we took it from a company which made chump change to a company that grossed tens of billions of dollars a year. Not too bad for a punk ass kid from one of the roughest neighborhoods of Brooklyn. But still yet, there was just something missing. Sure we were making billions of dollars, but I still felt that we weren’t being taken seriously by the tech industry. Several business magazines write us off every day and dismiss our success as a “fluke.” How is making billions of dollars a year a “fluke?” I’m sorry, but I didn’t get into business just to kiss Rupert Murdoch’s ass. That’s not happening. I got into business to better myself and to offer people a product that they would use and enjoy. Now I’m not going to lie and say I don’t meet celebrities - or even date some - and discuss politics with Washington bureaucrats. That’s just something that anybody thrust into the spotlight ends up doing. I got into business for myself and my workers and my customers. I arrived at my office and paged my secretary. I told her I was going to relax and that I was not to be disturbed under any circumstances. When I’m in my office, I tend to kick back and relax as if I were home in my Central Park apartment. I walked over to a specialized computer setup running Ubuntu and loaded up some Pink Floyd MP3s in Rhythmbox. I took my shoes off and walked to my mini-fridge and pulled out an ice-cold bottle of Bud Light. I closed my eyes as the haunting synthesizer intro from “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” played over the computer speakers. Then I wondered if Victoria was on Skype. I opened up Skype, and didn’t see her on there. Then I remembered I added her on AIM. I opened my MacBook. After I opened my Pidgin chat client. I got an instant message.      lanishaxoxo: Sean-Paul, please talk to me. Fuck. It was Lanisha. I didn’t feel like talking to her. I needed to make it clear to her that I was not interested.      seanpaulxc: Sorry, don’t feel like it.      lanishaxoxo: Please. I need to talk to you. It’s important.      seanpaulxc: What did Sheppy do?      lanishaxoxo: I can’t talk about it on here. They might be watching what we say.      seanpaulxc: Who might be watching?      lanishaxoxo: FOX News, dumbass. They spy on our emails and chats. I shrugged and left out a sigh of discontent. It’s clear she wanted to talk in person.      seanpaulxc: So where then?      lanishaxoxo: My place. I get off work at 6. Please come see me.      seanpaulxc: Okay.      lanishaxoxo: Oh thank you! <3 Then she logged out. Great. I began to wonder if she was planning on trying to get us back together. However after meeting Victoria three nights ago, I wasn’t interested in Lanisha. I was interested in Victoria. But where did Victoria live? All I knew about Victoria was her name, her age, her beautiful face, and her sexy body. I thought maybe I should give Lanisha another chance. But what about Victoria? DAMMIT! I’ve never been so confused about two girls at the same time. I left about 5:30 and took a cab to Lanisha’s house in Queens. I knocked on the door, and in moments Lanisha opened the door. “You actually came,” Lanisha said with a smile on her face. I returned her smile. “Yeah, ‘cause I was worried about you.” I entered her house, and she closed the door. Lanisha offered me a seat on her sofa, and I accepted. She went to the kitchen, and she came back to the living room with two glasses of scotch on the rocks. That’s what I loved about Lanisha during our relationship. She knew what I liked. “Thanks,” I said as I grabbed my drink. “You’re welcome,” Lanisha said softly. We sat and enjoyed our drinks and idly chatted about odd stuff. Then I asked her, “so what did Shep do?” Lanisha looked down. She looked sad, as if she were about to cry. Then I saw a lone tear spill from her left eye. I put my left arm around her, and then suddenly she wrapped her arms around me, buried her face in my shoulder, and began sobbing hysterically. I wrapped my arms around her and gently rocked her back and forth, whispering nonsensical words of comfort into her ear. Then she stopped crying, and she looked into my eyes. I used my thumbs to wipe the tear tracks from her face. Then Lanisha’s left hand reached up for my face, gently tracing imaginary lines on my right cheek before caressing my lips. I returned the favor, using my left hand to do the same to her right cheek. And then my index finger touched her full, luscious lips. She planted a gentle kiss on my fingertip, and then her lips parted slightly before gently engulfing my finger with her mouth. “Oh fuck,” I sighed as she began suckling on my finger. Her right hand drifted down to the crotch of my slacks, and then she began running her fingers down the length of my hardening cock. I was still mad at Lanisha for what happened three nights ago, but God DAMN this felt fantastic. My left hand reached around her head, and then her left hand did the same, and we pulled each other in for a soul-searching kiss. My cock was half-hard from being fondled by her, but as soon as our lips touched and our tongues intertwined with each other, my cock shot to full hardness. Then Lanisha broke the kiss. “Please fuck me,” she whispered into my mouth. “Okay,” was all I could muster out. We got up and headed for her bedroom. Once we reached the bedroom, we grabbed each other and kissed with a passion we never experienced before. My hands slid down her back, reaching for her sexy ass. I squeezed each cheek in turn, sinking my fingers into her plump, juicy, pillowy buttocks. Then my hands raised back up and grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and away, baring her luscious breasts. Then Lanisha’s hands reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it off. Then her hands reached for my belt buckle and hurriedly unfastened it and pulled my slacks and underwear off. My cock bounced wildly as it was freed from my fabric prison. Then I undid the snap of her skinny jeans and pulled them and her underwear off. Her cunt was already soaking wet. I laid her down on the bed, and then I wedged the crown of my cock right at her slit, sliding it up and down until finally I found her entrance. And then I pushed. “AAAII!” Lanisha moaned as my cock slowly slid into her vaginal passage. What we almost did three nights ago was happening now. She was burning hot on the inside. The heat and sensation of her insides were so unbearable that it took all my might to keep from cumming right on the spot. I pushed further in until finally my cock was completely buried in her cunt. I brought my head down to hers, and we gently kissed. But when I began the classic in-and-out motion and began to fuck my cock in and out of her pussy, our gentle kissing increased in intensity and fervor. I slid my left hand down to our intimate joining and coated my index finger with her feminine secretions, and then my finger reached for the wrinkled star of her anus and easily slid in. I pushed my finger up to feel my iron-hard erection through her vaginal and rectal walls. Sweat formed all over her body. Her moans rose in volume, pitch, and tempo until finally she exploded. “Ah! Ah! Ah! AH! AH! AH! AH-AH-AH-AH-AHHHHHOOOOOWWWEEEEEEE!” Lanisha squinted her eyes shut and threw her head back and screamed as a cataclysmic orgasm rocked her from head to toe to core. The sensation of her cunt clamping down and rippling along the entire length of my erection was too much to bear. I found myself thrusting harder and harder until I came with an explosive cry. “AAARRGH!!!!” I thrust in one final time before shooting gob after gob of semen against the entrance to her womb. After a minute, we collapsed on the bed in a heap. Lanisha rested her head on my shoulder, and we cuddled in the afterglow of our lovemaking. “I love you, Sean-Paul,” said Lanisha. “I love you, too,” I replied. “So tell me, why were you so upset?” “Upset?” Lanisha said. “You sounded upset when you were on the chat, and you were upset when I asked you what Shepard did.” “No, Sean-Paul, I’m not upset. I’m happy!” Okay, now I’m confused. I knew Shepard from personal experience. He was an asshole and was capable of doing no good. Something weird was going on. “Lanisha, what’s going on?” “I got a huge promotion! I’m going to be doing a daily segment for his show Studio B! And all I had to do was let him fuck me!” WHAT?! I just had sex with Shepard Smith’s sloppy seconds? Oh my fucking God. I could just crawl in a hole right now. I wanted to puke. I got up and got dressed. Lanisha looked at me quizically. Then I told her, “You’re pathetic.” Then I left her house, hailed a taxi, and went home. As soon as I got home, I headed straight for the shower. I felt disgusting. I felt like I had Shepard Smith’s germs all over me. I turned the shower on full force. I stayed in the shower until I ran out of hot water. After I got out of the shower, I got on my computer and blocked Lanisha on AIM. Then I noticed Victoria on AIM. I knew right there that I wanted Victoria. I PMed her.      seanpaulxc: Hello darling.      victoria.camluvr: Sean-Paul! <3      seanpaulxc: God I feel so disgusting.      victoria.camluvr: Why?      seanpaulxc: I just had sex with my ex.      victoria.camluvr: Lanisha?      seanpaulxc: Yeah. She practically raped me lol.      victoria.camluvr: LMFAO!      seanpaulxc: Wanna know the worst part?      victoria.camlubr: Sure.      seanpaulxc: She’s been fucking Shepard Smith.      victoria.camluvr: EWWW!      seanpaulxc: Yeah. My ex is Shep’s sloppy seconds LOL!      victoria.camluvr: LMFAOOOO!      seanpaulxc: I need to see you right now.      victoria.camluvr: I know, me too. :)      seanpaulxc: Let’s get on Skype.      victoria.camluvr: Okay. <3 I opened up Skype, and within moments Victoria showed up on my screen. She was wearing a very sexy babydoll nightie which looked almost way too small for her. I couldn’t help but to stare at her. God I wanted her. I’ve never wanted anybody as much as I want her. “I wish you were here with me right now, darling,” I said. “I wish you could crawl through the computer screen and just hold me, kiss me, and fuck me,” Victoria replied. I smiled. And she smiled back. I was in love with a complete stranger. I didn’t know where she lived. All I knew was her name, age, and her physical beauty. Nonetheless, I was in love with her. I felt things for her that I’ve never felt for anybody else. I had to tell her how I feel. “I love you, Victoria,” I said. Victoria smiled, and then I noticed tears coming from her eyes. “Ich liebe dich,” she replied. Now it was becoming clear. Three nights ago, she told me “good night” in German. And now she just told me “I love you” in German. She was German. I was in love with a girl from Germany. “Be right back, have to get something,” Victoria said.  “Okay,” I replied. She got up and disappeared for about a minute. Then she came back - completely naked. She had shed her nightie. Then I noticed something in her hand. It was a flesh-colored dildo. “You gonna fuck yourself with that,” I asked. “Of course,” Victoria replied with a smile and a wink. “But only if you get out of those clothes so I can see that big cock of yours.” As I stripped, Victoria brought the dildo to her lips and began tonguing the appliance from the simulated glans to the base and then back up. My cock shot to full hardness from visualizing that the dildo was my cock instead. I closed my eyes and imagined feeling her tongue sliding up and down my shaft.  “Suck my cock, Victoria.” I was lost in my fantasy. And then I opened my eyes, and I saw Victoria sliding the rubber glans between her lips, and she began simulating fellatio on the dildo. I grabbed my throbbing tool in my hands and began pumping it furiously, imagining that it was her mouth instead of my hands. The sensations were unbearable. “Take it all the way down your throat, you cock-hungry deep-throater!” I husked out. Then I saw Victoria’s hand slide between her legs as she began to pleasure herself. Now I wanted her to get lost in the fantasy as well. “Grab your stiff clit and pinch it and pretend that your fingers are my teeth.” “UUMH!” Victoria moaned around the flesh-colored dildo as my words turned her on. She began sucking harder on the rubber cock. Her hand diddled her stiff pleasure bud faster and faster. My cock was leaking pre-cum freely as I pumped faster and faster. “Pretend I’m going to shoot my cum down your throat!” Victoria’s gyrations became more frantic, and her hand accelerated its masturbation of her clit. She imagined that I was ejaculating into her mouth, and she lost all control. “OOOoooOOOUUMMMPPPHHHH!!!” She shouted around the dildo as her body was seized by an intense climax. I could have sworn that I saw her juices squirting from her slit. I visualized pushing my tool past her epiglottis and shooting my cum directly into her stomach, and without warning, I shot. “AHHHHH!” I shouted as the deep-throating fantasy suddenly brought me to my climax. Shot after shot of life-giving jizz erupted from my piss-slit. It shot high in the air before splashing down on my torso. After five or six massive shots, weakening shots oozed down the shaft of my spent cock until I had no more to offer. I fell back in my chair. I opened my eyes and noticed that Victoria had collapsed into her chair as well. We were both panting and gulping as if we had run a mile. My room reeked of sweat and cum, and I’m sure her room reeked of sweat and cunt juice. “We have got to meet each other sometime and do this,” I said. “Oh fuck yes,” Victoria replied. “Under one condition.” “What?” I asked. “That we fuck for the first time in a jacuzzi,” she replied with a sexy smile and a wink. “Deal,” I said. Then I remembered that I have to take a business trip to San Francisco tomorrow. “Listen, I have to go to San Francisco tomorrow on a business trip. I better get some sleep. Gute nacht, darling.” “Gute nacht, Sean-Paul,” she replied with a smile. After she logged out of Skype, I turned my MacBook off, fixed a glass of Diet Coke and Canadian whiskey on the rocks, drank it, and went to bed.
I woke up about 4 AM. Since the board members don’t work on weekends, I usually sleep in and don’t wake up until around 10 AM. However, I had a particularly bad dream. In my dream, Lanisha and I were fucking, and then suddenly out of the blue she turned into Shepard Smith. It was truly a horrific dream. I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the cold water in the bathroom sink and splashed my face with cold water, trying desperately to forget the fact that I had fucked Shepard’s sloppy seconds. I got up and turned on the TV. I changed the channel to TCM and watched the Fritz Lang silent classic Metropolis. It’s always been one of my favorite movies. As I watched the movie, I was amazed to notice how the movie pretty much summed up my current love life. I compared Freder’s blossoming romance with Maria with my blossoming relationship with Victoria. And then I saw Rotwang’s robot clone of Maria acting like a whore, and immediately I thought of Lanisha. And then I watched the end of the movie. Freder and Maria were reunited. But how can I be reunited with somebody whom I’ve never met? And then I saw the final title card:      THE MEDIATOR BETWEEN HEAD AND HANDS MUST BE THE HEART! Victoria was my heart. With my head, I created a billion dollar empire. With my hands, I molded my billion dollar empire. I had billions of dollars…and nobody to share it with. Being a billionaire sure had its perks, but it gets lonely at times. Sure I’ve had relationships before, but I’ve never truly loved anybody, including Lanisha. Looking back, my desire for Lanisha was centered around her physical beauty. But other than her physical assets, she really offered nothing interesting to me. Now with Victoria, it was different. We talked about movies, current events, culture, and just about everything else you can think of. We have intellectual conversations about everything. Victoria’s intellect and her sweet personality were a great compliment to her physical beauty. She was the total package. God I wanted her! I got on my MacBook and opened Facebook in Google Chrome, and upon Facebook opening, it indicated that I had a friendship request. I clicked on the icon, and I got a friend request from a woman named Victoria Köhler. Then I noticed the photo in her icon. It was Victoria! I readily accepted the friendship request. I clicked on her name and found out that she lived in a town named Ansbach. I looked up Ansbach in Wikipedia and found out that it was in the German state of Bavaria.  Then I noticed another alert popping up on my friend request button. I clicked on it, and Victoria had indicated that we are in a relationship. Oh my. Should I accept? I mean I’ve never met her in person. But then I thought of all the pleasant conversations we’ve had in addition to the intense cybersex we engage in from time to time. I figured what the hell and confirmed the relationship. Then I clicked on my name and saw the brand new post on my timeline:      Sean-Paul DeCraig is in a relationship with Victoria Köhler. It was official. Well, “Facebook-official” to be exact. Then my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw a strange number. Normally, I do not accept phone calls from strange phone numbers. But something told me to answer it. I picked up my cellphone and hit the Send button. “Hello?” I said. “Thank you for accepting my friendship request and my relationship request, darling,” Victoria said. “You’re welcome, my love,” I replied. We talked on the phone for several minutes. I wish we had time for some phone-sex, but I had a plane to catch in a couple hours. “I can’t stay on the phone too long, Victoria. I have to get on a plane and fly to San Francisco.” “Oh you’re no fun,” Victoria said with a little sarcasm in her voice. “Well, be safe. I love you.” “I love you, too, darling,” I replied. I hung up and got ready. The flight to San Francisco was pretty nice. We had a layover in Kansas City. I remembered the last time I was in Kansas City. It was eight months ago. I had met this girl named Taylor. She was amazing in bed. For some reason, she had a weird obsession about fucking herself with shampoo bottles. One night after we got done fucking each other’s brains out, she asked me to shove a shampoo bottle up her cunt and shove another one up her ass and fuck her with both shampoo bottles at the same time. The orgasms she experienced from the shampoo bottle sex were monstrous. We finished the session with my cock buried in her cunt while I shoved a shampoo bottle up her ass and made her cum countless times. After our layover in Kansas City, we flew to San Francisco. Upon arriving in San Francisco, I was picked up by a limousine. I entered the limo, and I was greeted by a familiar face. It was Barack Obama, the President of the United States. “Good to see you again, Barack.” “Same to you, Sean-Paul,” the President replied. I had met President Obama at Dartmouth. He came to my college politics class to give a lecture on the Constitution. At one point, Obama spoke on the flaws of the Constitution. Many in the class objected to the future President’s perceived hatred of the Constitution, but I defended him and pointed out examples of his points. Because of this, the class was able to restore order, and had a long, lengthy discussion about the Constitution’s pluses and minuses. “I knew you’d have a bright future when I met you,” Obama said. “By the way, thanks for accepting the invitation.” “You’re welcome,” I replied. “So where are we going?” “Have you ever heard of the Bilderberg Group?” Obama asked. “That’s the group that those conspiracy theorists say is a bunch of rich elitists planning a global government,” I replied. “Is there any truth to their claims?” “None at all,” the President replied. “All Bilderberg is is a debater’s club. We just sit down and have rational discussions with everybody.” “Like our discussion about the Constitution we had at Dartmouth?” I asked. “Exactly,” replied Obama. We arrived at the most luxurious hotel in San Francisco. I saw protestors lined up across the street, and I saw police patrolling the area. I saw a fat guy holding a megaphone. When I heard his gravelly Texas accent booming from the microphone, I instantly knew who it was. I heard him ramble on about many conspiracy theories including 9/11 and population control. Poor Alex Jones. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.  I remember 9/11 as if it were yesterday. Steven, myself, and a Dartmouth classmate named Gregory had just founded XC Systems and rented office space on the sixteenth floor of WTC 1. On that day, Gregory arrived earlier than usual. Steven and I had a huge breakfast at a diner on Fifth Svenue. And then we heard an explosion. We ran out and saw the World Trade Center on fire. And then we saw the crater that the plane made. Our company headquarters were located in the heart of the crater. I thought our business was done for. But we persevered. And although 9/11 happened almost 11 years ago, it took ten years for Gregory’s remains to be identified by DNA testing. It’s amazing how Alex Jones can say Bush blew up the World Trade Center as his “Reichstag Fire” when the truth is Bush isn’t smart enough to ride a Segway, much less plan any false-flag attack. Finally, we pulled in the garage and exited the limo. The secret service escorted us inside to the meeting. The Bilderberg meeting was fantastic. I had such a great time having intellectual discussions with everybody from David Rockefeller to even Bill Gates. Gates and I had a long discussion about the tech industry, and he told me that I was a visionary and that my company would become the biggest tech company of all time. A few days later, a bunch of us got together and travelled to Monte Rio and the Bohemian Grove. And once I was inside, I found out that once again Alex Jones doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. The “Cremation of Care?” It’s nothing but a play. And like Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove was all about intellectual discussions. Oh, and you also get to piss on a giant redwood tree with Henry Kissinger. After the festivities were over, I thought about flying back home, but for some reason I decided to fly to Kansas City. I never told Taylor that I was a billionaire. I just have a feeling that she’s like the type that would be a gold-digging piece of shit who would marry me just to get her hands on my money and spend it on God knows what. I stopped at the Whole Foods Market to check out the deli’s vegetarian offerings. (In case you don’t know, I’m a vegan.) I order a spicy black bean veggie burger with vegan mayo and a carrot-apple juice. After paying for the veggie burger and the juice, I walked outside and sat down and ate. After I got up, I walked to my car and bumped into who I thought was a kid. “Watch where you’re going, kid,” I said with a little agitation in my voice. Then I saw them. It was no kid. It was Taylor. “TAY!” “SEAN-PAUL!” We ran to each other and hugged. She jumped in my arms and wrapped her legs around me and held tight as if her life depended on it. I looked into her eyes and noticed her smile. Her smile was fucking beautiful. The feeling of my ex-girlfriend’s body against mine brought back vivid memories of our past sexual relationship, and the memories caused my cock to shoot to full hardness. Then she pulled my head towards hers and she kissed me. If we could have gotten away with it, I would have fucked her right there in the parking lot. We walked to my rental car, and we drove until we found a hotel where we could be alone. As soon as we entered our hotel room, I sat down on the sofa. Taylor sat down on my lap, and she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. It’s been nearly six months since we last fucked. Six months of longing flowed out of both of us. We never officially broke up, so we had a lot of catching up to do. I felt Taylor’s tongue sliding against my own. I eagerly accepted the invitation, and we began deeply frenching. Taylor wasn’t like most girls I’ve been with. She was a tiny girl, about 4’10” and weighed about 95 pounds. She was pretty much almost flat-chested , but for a girl her size, she had a very nice juicy bubble butt. Taylor’s tight jeans showed off her ass and her cameltoe. I picked her up and brought her to the bed, and after I laid her down, I began removing her clothes until she was completely naked. I brought my lips to a nipple, and my tongue flicked out. For somebody who had tiny breasts, her nipples were ultra-sensitive. I remembered how easy it was for her to cum just from nipple stimulation.  “Ah, ah, AH!” Taylor sighed explosively as I made love to her tiny tits. I began sucking hard on her left nipple, and then my left hand reached for her other nipple. I seized the nub of her erect left nipple between thumb and forefinger, and I seized the nub of her erect right nipple between my teeth. I bit down and pinched at the same time. “AH! AH! AH! AIIIIEEEE!” Suddenly, Taylor cried out. Her fists were beating against the bed as her climax tore through her. Her juices flowed out. She wasn’t much of a squirter. I could smell her arousal.
I could take no more. I quickly stripped until I was as naked as she was. Her eyes widened, and she smiled seductively as ten inches of erect penis was before her eyes. I reached in my suitcase and pulled out a shampoo bottle and a bottle of Astroglide. The shampoo bottle was as long as my cock and slightly bigger in diameter. I grabbed the bottle of Astroglide, opened it, and squirted it on my penis. Then I placed a pillow in the center of the bed and laid Taylor on the pillow belly-first. Her sexy bubble butt poked up invitingly. I spread her sexy cheeks apart, exposing her back door. I lined up the crown of my cock with the wrinkled star of her anus. I began teasing her vaginal entrance with the shampoo bottle. Then I shoved the shampoo bottle in, and then my cock pressed home. “YIIIIIEEEEEEE!” Taylor threw her head back and shrieked as yet another orgasm tore through her. I’ve always been amazed at how fast she can reach orgasm. The last time we fucked, she achieved eleven orgasms before I shot into her cunt. As Taylor came down from her second orgasm, I began sliding my cock in and out of her ass. Then Taylor’s hand joined mine and helped me slide the shampoo bottle in and out of her juicy cunt. The shampoo bottle was soaked with her secretions. Then my hand left the shampoo bottle and searched for her clitoris. I found it. It was fully erect and standing up proud. I began frigging her stiff pleasure bud, and when I sensed that she was close, I removed my hand and pulled my cock completely out of her ass. “No, don’t pull out…” Taylor whined. “Relax, babe,” I said. I turned her around so she was laying on her back. Then I brought my cock to her gaping asshole and shoved myself back in to the hilt. “OOOoooOOOOoooOOOOOOEEEE!” Taylor threw her head back and howled as yet another climax tore through her. I resumed pumping my burning stiff cock in and out of her rectum. She pumped the shampoo bottle in and out of her cunt faster and faster. Then I grabbed the shampoo bottle with my left hand and while I pressed it up to torture her G-spot, I seized her clit between my thumb and index finger and pinched it hard. And suddenly, Taylor exploded. “AAAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEE!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut and threw her head back as the most intense orgasm of her life sent her into fits of debilitating spasms. And for the first time in her life, she squirted. Creamy, aromatic nectar shot forcefully from her slit, shooting up high in an arc, hitting me squarely in the face. I eagerly drank down her nectar. For roughly a minute, Taylor squirted and squirted, drenching my face until her spasms weakened and reducing her squirting to a mere trickle. The taste of her juices, the smell of her arousal, and the feeling of her rectum clamping down hard on my cock became too much for me. I began pumping my cock in and out of her ass at a feverish pace, and then I felt my nuts draw tight against my body and my cock expand, and then I came. “AAAAAAH!” I cried out as my own orgasm rocketed out of me. The first shot squirted deep into her bowels. Five more explosive blasts of semen shot out, and finally I was spent. I maneuvered ourselves without disengaging myself from Taylor’s ass until I was laying on my back and Taylor was laying down on top of me. I ran my hands slowly up and down her sweaty naked back and down to her ass. I gently cupped each buttock and kneaded them lovingly. “That feels so nice,” Taylor said in a daze. “I wish we could just do this for the rest of our lives.” Then she brought her lips to mine, and we kissed deeply. My cock slipped out of her ass, and a river of brown-tinted semen oozed out. I grabbed my underwear off the bed and wiped my cock clean of the mess of semen and shit. 
My previous relationship with Taylor was one of the most intense relationships of my life. She was a freshman at a local university. I had met her while I gave a lecture to her college’s computer classes, and later that night we ended up in my hotel room with my hard cock buried in her tight cunt. It was that night that I found out about her shampoo bottle fetish. We had sex almost on a daily basis. We did everything from vaginal to oral to even anal. One time, we almost got caught by her mom Terri and her aunt Mindy. I had just brought Taylor home, and we ended up fucking in the back seat of my car. Taylor was about to reach her orgasm when she saw her mom and aunt approaching in her mom’s car. We disengaged and hurriedly put our clothes back on. Taylor introduced me to her mom, and we had a pleasant conversation about the college and Taylor’s studies. But I got bad vibes when I met her aunt Mindy. Mindy gave me a look of somewhere between hate and suspicion. I always wondered if she suspected Taylor and I of having a sexual relationship.
As we continued deeply kissing, I pulled the shampoo bottle out of her juicy cunt and slowly massaged her gaping, leaking asshole with the tip. My cock was coming back to life. I slowly slid the shampoo bottle inside her ass until the tip remained. Taylor felt my cock hardening all over again against her cunt. She began hunching her cunt against my erect penis. When I was fully erect, I lined the crown of my cock with her vagina; her vagina was still gaping from the shampoo bottle fuck. I rolled us over so that Taylor was once again laying on her back. My cock was sore with desire. I had to have her. I wedged the crown of my cock against her entrance, and then I pushed.
“AAAAAAAHIIIIEEEEEEEE!” Taylor squealed as the feeling of ten inches of erect cock slowly filling her brought her to yet another orgasm. I relished in the glorious feeling of her vagina rippling and contracting down the length of my penis. I began pumping my penis in and out of her sex. She seized her stiff pleasure bud between her fingers and started masturbating frantically. My left hand seized her erect right nipple and pinched it, and her moans rose in volume and pitch until she shrieked. “Aah! Aah! AAH! AAH! AAH! AAAAIIIIEEEEE!” Taylor trembled violently as a climax smashed into her. Her cunt fluttered down the entire length of my cock, and although it felt exquisite, I was nowhere near orgasm. After Taylor’s orgasm subsided, I pressed the shampoo bottle up to rub it against my cock through her rectal and vaginal walls. “AAAH! AAAH! AAAH! AAAAAOOOWWEEEE!” Taylor screamed as her body trembled all over in a violent orgasm. Still yet, I was not ready for my release. Finally, I decided it was time. I reached into my pocket and retrieved a popper and crushed it in my hand. The sharp, sweet smell of amyl nitrate soaked the cloth. I thrust the popper under her nose. Taylor inhaled the fumes, and in mere moments the effects took hold. She began sweating profusely. She felt tiny prickles all over her body. Her throbbing, burning stiff clitoris flared like a torch between her fingers. And then my fingers left her erect nipple only to join her hand. I seized her stiff pleasure bud between my fingers, and I pinched it hard. “EEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!”  Taylor threw her head back and squinted her eyes shut and let out a horrific scream of pure, raw pleasure as she exploded in the most powerful orgasm of her life. Hell, it was probably the most powerful orgasm of anybody’s life. Her entire body trembled violently as her cunt spasmed around my cock. While in the middle of a debilitating orgasm, I pressed the shampoo bottle up once again to rub against my cock. “YIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!” She screamed as a second orgasm tore through her. Creamy, aromatic nectar squirted from her cunt, drenching both of us in her juices.
The knowledge of bringing my ex-girlfriend Taylor to multiple orgasms was too much for me. I felt my testes draw up right against my body, and I felt my cock expand, and my cum spurted hot and deep into her womb. “AAAIIIEEEEE! EEE! EEE! EEE!” Taylor’s head dropped down as she started to come down from her orgasm, but the feeling of my scalding-hot jizz splashing against her cervix caused her to throw her head back and scream as the feeling of liquid heat spurting inside her triggered yet another orgasm. Finally, we were spent. We collapsed in a cuddle, both of us gulping for breath as if we both ran a mile. In the afterglow of our lovemaking, we began lightly kissing. Then I heard my phone ring. “No, don’t answer it.”
“I have to. I’m a businessman, you know,” I said. I looked at the caller ID. It was Steven. I answered the phone. “Hello?” “Dude you’re not gonna believe this,” Steven said with excitement in his voice. “Believe what?” I asked. “Sean-Paul, we just got an offer from a Cristian Hermann in Munich to buy our company…for seventy-five BILLION dollars!” Holy fuck. Seventy five BILLION?! “Plus he has friends in the media who can help us with advertising and such! With this deal, we can be mainstream!” I can’t believe it. My dream of turning my company into a global empire may be coming true. “I’ll take a flight to Manhattan ASAP,” I said. Then I hung up the phone. I got up and put on my clothes. “Taylor, I’m sorry, but I have to get back to New York. I just got an offer from somebody to buy my company for a ridiculous amount of money. “Aww shucks, and I was gonna let you fuck my cunt again,” she said. “But I’m happy for you! I’m sure several thousand dollars will make you richer.” “You mean several billion dollars,” I said with a wink. “WHAT?!” Taylor shouted in surprise. “You just had sex with a billionaire,” I said. After Taylor got dressed, I drove her home. Her mom Terri and her aunt Mindy were waiting. I got along great with Terri, but Mindy was a bitch on wheels. I said my goodbyes, and I gave Taylor a good-bye kiss. And of course, she had to snake her tongue into my mouth. I broke the kiss and whispered into her ear, “the next time we’re together, I’ll fuck you cunt again.” As I whispered those words into her ear, my hand drifted down and I deliberately pressed my thumb against her cloth-covered clitoris. I heard her catch her breath as pleasure temporarily washed through her. Then we kissed once again, and I caught a glimpse of Mindy giving me a death stare. “I think your aunt Mindy is jealous,” I said with a wink. I kissed Taylor one final time, and I headed for the airport. I arrived in New York at about 9 PM. I took a cab to my apartment building. I arrived at my door, unlocked it, and entered my apartment. I turned on my desktop computer and checked my email. Victoria sent me some lovely photographs she took that day, and she wrote me a poem. I read the poem, and I suddenly felt like a jackass for sleeping with Taylor. Victoria’s poem made me feel loved. This woman truly loved me. And I knew that I loved her, but reuniting with Taylor made me question my self-worth. I suddenly felt worthless of Victoria’s love. I had to do something. I called Taylor. “You awake?” I asked. “Yeah,” Taylor said. “Listen, this isn’t easy for me to say, but -” “You don’t have to say it, Sean-Paul. You’re in love with somebody else. I saw your relationship status on Facebook. It’s okay. I just want to thank you for loving me.” “You’re welcome, Taylor. Maybe you can call your ex-girlfriend Angelica and see if there’s something still there.” We laughed together. “Good night, Tay.” “Good night, Sean-Paul.” We hung up. I called Steven, and we set up a special board meeting for tomorrow to discuss the buyout.
Tomorrow, we were going to have a board meeting. It was going to be the most important board meeting we’ve ever had in our eleven years of existence. We started off in a nice office on the thirteenth floor of WTC 1 just three months before 9/11. On 9/11, we lost our friend Gregory, and the financial losses nearly destroyed our company which was just in its infancy. We were forced to relocate our operations to a shared apartment where I still live to this day. After a long night’s sleep, I woke up about 7 AM. I was still a little tired, considering that I spent yesterday flying to Kansas City and having hours of sex with my ex-girlfriend Taylor. I forced myself to get out of bed, and I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. The shower was invigorating and refreshing, and it helped me wake from my grogginess. I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and put on some clothes and checked my email. I checked my email: nothing important, and nothing from Victoria. I re-opened the last email she sent me with the poem. I read the poem again, and my heart warmed at the love and affection she poured out to me in her own words.  The poem made me realize what was important to my life: Victoria. I had to put my past behind me in order to move forward, and in order to move forward with Victoria, I had to put my past with Taylor behind me. Then my phone rang. I checked the caller ID. It was Taylor. “Hello?” I answered. “Hey Sean-Paul, you have a minute,” Taylor asked. “Actually, I have all day. Today’s gonna be a lazy day since I’m not doing business until tomorrow.” “Oh goodie! Meet us at La Guardia! We’ll be landing in about an hour! Bye!” Then Taylor hung up. What did she mean by us? Oh dear God, I hope her aunt Mindy didn’t find out about our sexual relationship and was dragging Taylor here to confront me…or worse. After all, Taylor was just seventeen when we first met and fucked. I decided whatever it was, it had to be dealt with. I was a responsible businessman, so I approached this as a responsible businessman. I finished getting ready, and I left the apartment and took a taxi to La Guardia. I arrived at La Guardia about thirty minutes later. I hated waiting in a busy airport. I decided to go to the Starbucks in the airport. I turned on my phone and texted Taylor and told her I would be waiting for her in Starbucks. I ordered a tall coffee, and I sat down and drank the java juice as I waited for my ex to show up. I waited about fifteen minutes. I looked out the window, and I saw a group of people walk by. I saw a bunch of people wearing Kansas City Royals memorabilia. I figured Taylor’s plane had landed early. I saw a fat hillbilly-looking guy wearing a Los Angeles Dodgers uniform. He had scraggly hair, a receding hairline, and a full beard which he dyed blue. Then I saw the name on the back of his uniform: SEXTON. Oh dear God, it was that “Troy From West Virginia” who made those creepy YouTube videos about his man-crush on Joe Beimel. I felt sorry for him.
After he walked on by, I saw the door to Starbucks open up, and then in walked Taylor and another girl. Taylor’s companion was slightly taller than her. I noticed that she was wearing a tight t-shirt and tight blue jeans. Her breasts were definitely larger than Taylor, and her hips and butt had more curviness than Taylor’s. I instinctively knew who it was from Taylor’s Facebook photos. I motioned for them to join my table. I got up and gave Taylor a hug. I was much tallen than her 4’10” frame. I gave Taylor a kiss on the cheek. “Welcome to New York City,” I said. “Thanks,” Taylor replied. I went to kiss her cheek again, but she turned so that my lips landed squarely on her lips. We broke the unintended liplock - well, I assume it was unintended - and Taylor smiled at me and winked. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She was the hottest fuck I’ve ever been with. I felt my cock harden as I visualized fucking my ex-girlfriend into countless numbers of orgasms for the second straight day. Then I remembered that she wasn’t alone. “So,” I said, “are you going to introduce me to Angelica?” Taylor laughed. “Angelica, this is my ex-boyfriend Sean-Paul.” Angelica looked at me and drifted her eyes up and down to look at me. Then her gaze fell down the obvious bulge in my slacks. “Sean-Paul, this is Angelica…my ex-girlfriend. Angelica, Sean-Paul is a billionaire.” I looked Angelica in the eyes. Holy fuck, she was gorgeous. Gorgeous dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, creamy white skin, kissable rosy red cheeks, and luscious lips which made her mouth look like a delicate heart. Angelica was wearing a low-cut top which revealed a generous portion of her breasts. I hurriedly returned my gaze to her eyes. I saw the blush in her cheeks grow. I turned away from Angelica and looked at Taylor. Her face was flushed as well. “Let’s get a hotel somewhere,” I said. “Okay,” Taylor replied. We got in the taxi and got a luxurious hotel suite at the Plaza Hotel. After we arrived in the hotel room, Taylor threw her arms around my neck and pulled herself up so she could wrap her legs around my waist. And then she pulled my head closer to hers until our lips finally met. I had just officially broken up with her last night, but here we were giving in to our passion once again. My cock was throbbing as I slid my hands underneath her shirt. She shivered as my fingernails dragged slowly down her back. And then I moved my hands around. I felt her already-taut stomach clench as I dragged my fingers up her belly. And then I reached her tiny breasts. “Aah!” Taylor broke the kiss and moaned as my fingers began teasing her erect nipples. She began hunching her denim-covered cunt against my belt buckle at a feverish pace. I had never known anybody as sexually-charged as Taylor. For most women, nipple stimulation was mere foreplay. But for Taylor, it was a vehicle for orgasms. I had never known any woman who reaches orgasms as quickly and as often as Taylor. She wanted to cum. I could sense it. I laid her down on the bed and quickly stripped her until she was completely naked. My cock was aching. I brought my lips to her right nipple and gently bit down. “AAAAIIIEEEEE!” Taylor cried out as my oral stimulation of her erect nub drove her to a quick climax. I looked down at her cunt. She was soaked. I could smell the sweet scent of Taylor’s growing arousal. It was intoxicating and erotic. I thought I shoud include Angelica in the fun. I looked at the dark-haired beauty. “Hey Angelica, wanna make her squirt?” “She can squirt?” Angelica asked with surprise in her eyes. “Holy fuck yes, I wanna see that!” “Then go to the bathroom and grab a shampoo bottle,” I said. Angelica ran to the bathroom and returned with a shampoo bottle. It was the exact shape and size of the one I used on Taylor yesterday for countless hours. I quickly stripped out of my clothes. Angelica gasped out loud, and her eyes widened as ten inches of erect cock were before her eyes. “Watch this,” I said. Then I pressed the crown of my cock against her vaginal opening, and then I shoved myself in. “AAAAIIIIEEEEE!” Taylor threw her head back and howled as another orgasm crashed into her. I began fucking my cock in and out of Taylor’s spasming quim, and then I pulled out completely. I took the shampoo bottle from Angelica. I pulled myself out of her cunt; she was still in the middle of an intense climax. I pressed my erection against the wrinkled star of Taylor’s anus. I pressed the shampoo bottle at the gaping entrance to her womanhood. And then, I shoved both in to the hilt. “AAAAAOOOOOWWWWEEEEEEE!” Taylor howled as her orgasm was suddenly interrupted by a stronger, more powerful orgasm. Her entire body trembled violently as the climax swept her away into an inner sanctum between parallel universes. I glanced at Angelica. She was panting. The flush in her face had spread down to her cleavage. Her nipples were erect and pushing against the thin fabric of her tight white top. “Ready to see her squirt,” I asked Angelica. “Uh huh, uh HUH,” she moaned as she began rubbing her cunt through her jeans. “Okay, you asked for it,” I said. Then I began pumping. “Awww fuck,” Taylor gasped as I began pumping my cock in and out of her ass. She was burning hot inside while pumping the shampoo bottle in and out of her tight pussy. The only sounds in the room were my rapid, wet penetration of Taylor, and with Angelica’s moans of excitement as she pleasured herself through her clothes, it was a sweet melody. Suddenly, Angelica joined in on the fun. She fastened her mouth on Taylor’s mouth. They began kissing wildly. Angelica’s hands drifted down until they found Taylor’s erect nipples. She seized each nipple between her fingers and gave them a hard pinch. Then I pressed the shampoo bottle down so it would rub against my cock through her vaginal and rectal walls. “Ahh, ahh, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor broke their kiss and screamed as her entire body was seized by yet another orgasm. Her nervous system was overwhelmed with orgasm. The feeling of Taylor’s rectum twisting and clenching around me was maddening torture, but I was determined to hold off until Taylor reached squirting euphoria. I looked at Angelica. “Let’s make her squirt! Get up here so you can drink her cum!” Angelica got up and joined me. As soon as she reached me. I thought she was going to throw her arms around me and pull me in for a hot kiss. But all she did was wink at me, and with that, I went for the kill. I pressed the shampoo bottle up to torture Taylor’s G-spot, and then I seized her stiff clitoris between my fingers and pinched hard. “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” Taylor threw her head back and screamed out her release. Tears spilled from her eyes as she was seized by the most ultimate form of pleasure. Spasm after spasm after glorious spasm sent her into violent fits. And her sweet, delicious nectar squirted out. Her tasty, tangy fluids shot high in an arc. Angelica and I eagerly drank down Taylor’s essence for well over a minute. The feeling of Taylor’s asshole as it clamped down hard around my cock was nearly too much. I had other plans for my release. I pulled out and laid down with her. My cock was liberally coated with fecal matter. I got my underwear and wiped my cock clean. I brought my head down to Taylor’s, and we began kissing. Finally, I whispered into her ear. “I think Angelica’s cunt is lonely.” “I bet it is too,” Taylor replied. I looked up to Angelica. “Want me to make you squirt,” I asked her. “I-I-I-I c-c-c-can’t,” she said. “Why not?” I asked. “Because she’s not into guys,” Taylor suddenly piped out. Ohhh. That explains it. Taylor’s bisexual, but Angelica is 100% lesbian. And she’s a damn hot lesbian, too. “Well, you can still join in on the fun. Taylor can eat you.” “O-o-okay,” Angelica replied. Angelica stripped out of her clothes. Holy fuck, her body was amazing. She sat down on Taylor’s face and began grinding her cunt on Taylor’s mouth. Taylor began sucking and licking on her ex-girlfriend’s juicy cunt. Like Taylor, Angelica was completely shaven. And I noticed Angelica’s erect clitoris. It was quite large, one of the largest I’ve ever seen. “Yes, yes, yes!” Angelica sighed explosively as Taylor began sucking hard on the engorged button. Damn this was hot. I couldn’t help but join in. I positioned myself so that my cock was pressing against Taylor’s gaping cunt. And then I pushed. “UUMMPH!” She gasped at the sudden penetration. “AHH!” Angelica cried out as Taylor’s muffled cries of pleasure vibrated around her engorged clitoris. Angelica closed her eyes, parted her lips, and began bucking her hips as her ex-girlfriend’s mouth was driving her to her own release. The flush spread all over Angelica’s body. Her erect nipples looked oh so inviting. I don’t care if she’s not into guys. I couldn’t help myself. “AAIII!” Angelica cried out as I began tweaking her stiff nipples with my fingers. She half-opened her eyes and looked right at me. And then suddenly she threw her arms around me, pulled me in close, and brought my lips to hers. We began kissing hot and deep. And then I grabbed the shampoo bottle. It was still liberally coated with Taylor’s cunt juices. I brought the shampoo bottle to Taylor’s gaping asshole and shoved it in to the hilt and pressed it upwards so it would rub against my cock. “OOOoooOOOOOUUUMMMPPPHHHH!” Taylor’s cry of release was muffled by her ex-girlfriend’s cunt. Taylor spasmed violently as she was seized by an intense climax. Her juices shot out, drenching myself and Angelica in her hot, wet offerings. Taylor’s screams of pleasure acted as a vibrator against Angelica’s clitoris. I knew Angelica was past the point of no return. I brought my hands back to her stiff nipples and pinched them hard. It was too much. “OOOoooOOOOoooOOOOOOoooOOOOOOEEEEEEEEE!” Suddenly, she broke our kiss and threw her head back and cried out as she had an orgasm of her own. She squinted her eyes as spasm after spasm tore through her. The entire situation was finally too much for me. I began thrusting hotter and faster in and out of Taylor’s cunt, and for the first time ever in our sexual relationship, I managed to push the head of my cock into her cervix and slid all the way into her womb. “AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as the sensation of my cock penetrating her cervix brought on yet another debilitating orgasm. The sudden tightness of Taylor’s spasming cervix triggered my orgasm. “AAAAHHHHH!” I shouted as spurt after spurt of semen shot directly into her uterus. Taylor spasmed again as the liquid heat heightened her orgasm until finally all three of us were spent. We collapsed on the bed. This was the wildest fuck I’ve ever been a part of. When I thought it couldn’t get any better, Angelica began hunching her bald pussy against my still-hard cock. I began stimulating her erect nipples, and she moaned in pleasure. She moaned breathlessly, and she voiced out her desire with lust. “Fuck me,” Angelica croaked out.
“You sure you lesbian pussy wants my hard cock,” I repled.
“YESSSS!” Angelica moaned out loud. I guided the head of my lubricated dick to her quivering snatch, and I pushed in slowly. “FUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Angelica shrieked  as her lesbian pussy took a penis deep inside for the first time. I llet her set the pace. She rode me slowly, but her pace quickened as I tweaked her stiff nipples and Taylor sneaked a hand between us and diddled her engorged clit. “Oh god, I never thought it could be so good!” Angelica was babbling as she left her orgasm rapidly appraching.
Throughout our hardcore sex, my allergies were driving my nose insane. Taylor knew of the secret fetish that we shared, and she knew Alngelica shared it as well. Taylor took a flower from the bedside and rubbed it alongside my nose. My nose was quivering with the need to sneeze. My breath hitched out as I felt the itch burn deeper and deeper inside. “Oh god I have to sneeze,” I said breathlessly. Angelics was moaning and quivering, as my build-ups were giving her sensations she never felt before. “I can’t...hold it back...hiiih...hiiih - “ At the same time, Taylor pinched my nose, and I let out a long and rapid fit of stifled sneezes which squeaked out, coupled by me moaning to regain my breath.
Angelica was close to cumming from her pussy and erogenous zones being wildly stimulated, but when I launched into that stifled sneezing fit, she felt her orgasm rise to the top. “Oh god I’m gonna cum!” Angelica husked out, and when she heard my tired moans as I tried to catch my breath, she lost all control and fell into the depths of a huge paralyzing orgasm. “Ooo, ooo, oooOOOoooOOOoooOOOOOOOOAAAAIIIII!” Angelica shrieked as her nervous system went into overdrive. I felt her tight pussy spasming wildly, and she squirted wildly all over myself and Taylor. I saw Taylor’s hand frig herself furiously, and she, too, was seized by her own paralyzing orgasm.
We relaxed for hours. Finally, we began talking about things. And then I asked Taylor a question. “Angelica isn’t your ex-girlfriend. She’s your girlfriend, isn’t she?” “Yeah,” she replied. “So why did you want me to meet Angelica?” “Well,” Angelica said, “she wanted me to meet you because we want to get married and have our own children, but we cannot afford dealing with sperm donors. She wanted me to meet the biological father of her child.” “And I’m ovulating right now,” Taylor said. Wow. All this just to get Taylor knocked up. “Well, you got the best sperm donor, and it didn’t cost you anything,” I said with a hearty laugh. Angelica and Taylor laughed along with me. And then we got dressed. I took Angelica and Taylor to La Guardia so they could fly back home. Both gave me deep kisses before they boarded their plane. As I watched their plane take off for Kansas City, I began thinking. My biological child may be growing inside Taylor right now. I began to wonder what it would be like to have children of my own, and to have a family. My relationship with Taylor finally had closure. It was over. Now nothing would stop me from being with Victoria. I hailed a taxi and asked the cabbie to drive me to my apartment building. I went up the elevator, and I walked to my door. Suddenly, I had a bad vibe flowing through me. I grabbed the door handle and turned it. It was unlocked. That was odd. I never leave my apartment without locking the door, even if I leave for just a few minutes. I hesitantly turned the door knob and slowly opened the door. And when I walked inside, it hit me like a ton of bricks. My apartment was a mess. My furniture was turned over. My desktop monitor was smashed to pieces. My TV suffered the same fate. Fortunately, it looked like my MacBook was left unharmed. I opened my MacBook, and then I noticed that somebody had written on my screen with a permanent marker:      KRAUT FUCKER      DIE MOTHERFUCKING PIG      - YOU KNOW WHO I had a feeling who would do this. Suddenly, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID. It was Lanisha. I answered the phone. “Lanisha?” “Hello, lover,” she said. The inflection in her voice made me feel uneasy. “Hope you loved the message I left you on Facebook.” Then she hung up. I opened the Facebook app on my phone and saw that Lanisha had re-added me as a friend on Facebook and that I had confirmed the friendship. I knew it. She was the one who did this. She had to have gotten into my computer and onto my Facebook account and do God knows what with it. Then I noticed my content notification reminder. I clicked on it, and it said:      Lanisha LaPraix commented on your changed relationship status: IF I CAN’T HAVE YOU, NOBODY CAN Oh sweet fucking Jesus. I sat down and called the police. After a fifteen minute wait, NYPD detectives showed up, and I showed them everything. They took photos. They had to take my MacBook as evidence. I felt unsafe in my own apartment. Then I remembered that I still hadn’t checked out of my hotel room at the Plaza Hotel, so I packed some clothes in an overnight suitcase and left for the hotel. I called Steven and told him that the board meeting would be delayed because of personal issues. Once I arrived, I fixed a hard drink and fell asleep fast.
I had a restless sleep. I kept having bad dreams about Lanisha coming after me and Victoria. The last bad dream was horrifying. It was so bad that I was unable to go back to sleep. I looked at the clock. It was 3:14 AM. I turned on the late-night news to catch up on current events and business news. I hoped I would be okay for our board meeting later today. I decided that I would be more productive in my office. I left my apartment and rode the elevator down and hailed a taxi and had him drive me to our company’s headquarters. I have felt unsafe since Lanisha broke in my apartment three weeks ago and hacked into my computer and posted threatening messages on my Facebook. I haven’t heard from Victoria since our last phone call. I was beginning to wonder if Lanisha sent any threatening messages to Victoria. I heard police sirens on my way to my business. It’s a shame that I don’t feel safe living in a Park Place apartment. Once I arrived at my business, I knocked on the door. The night security guard recognized me and let me in. I rode the elevator to the tenth floor where my offices and the board room were located. I headed straight for my office, fixed a pot of coffee, and buried myself in paper work. I checked my email, and I noticed an email from Cristian Hermann. In his email, he stated that he was an investor who was looking to purchase our company and use his marketing influence to take our company to new levels. Part of his business strategy involved extensive advertising campaigns, an online media presence, and a “cool look.” I got on my Facebook and checked for any contact from Victoria. I was still feeling guilty for cheating on her with Taylor. But I knew that to move forward with Victoria, I had to put my past with Taylor behind me. I was getting ready to close my browser when I got a message from Taylor:      Taylor O’Hare: Call me. I have something important to tell you. :) I got my phone out and called Taylor. She answered after the first ring. “Hello?” she answered. “Hey Taylor,” I said. “Haven’t heard from you in a while.” “Same here, Sean-Paul. I’ve been busy with a lot of things.” “So,” I said,” how’s Angelica?” “She’s fine,” Taylor replied. “She’s in bed. Anyway, did you get my message on Facebook?” “The message where you said you have something important to talk about?” I asked. “Yeah,” she replied. “I’m pregnant.” Oh wow. I was going to be a father. “I’m very happy for you, Taylor. Just make me a promise.” “Anything,” Taylor said. “Just take very good care of my kid,” I said, “and if you ever need any financial assistance, I’ll gladly help. After all, a father’s supposed to spoil their kids from time to time.” We had a hearty laugh. “I’m really glad we got a chance to talk. I’m not in a very good mood.” “What’s wrong?” Taylor asked. “I haven’t heard from Victoria in three weeks, and my ex-girlfriend Lanisha broke in my apartment and posted threats on my Facebook page.” “Oh wow,” Taylor said. “I hope they get her.” “I’m just worried that she said something to Victoria and maybe that’s why Victoria hasn’t talked lately,” I said. “Tay, I can’t live without Victoria. I don’t know what -” - then my phone beeped. I checked the caller ID. It was the NYPD 4th Precinct. “Tay, I have to hang up, the cops are calling. I’ll talk to you later.” “Okay, bye,” Taylor said. “Bye hun,” I said. Then I hit the send button. “This is Sean-Paul DeCraig.” “Mr. DeCraig, this is Detective Dunne. We just arrested your ex-girlfriend Lanisha LaPraix on those charges you filed. Will you come to the station and identify her?” “Sure, I’ll be there ASAP.” I hung up and left. I hailed a taxi and rode to the 4th Precinct. I went in and walked up to the secretary and told her that Detective Dunne wanted to see me. She paged the cop, and five minutes later I was met by a balding Jewish man wearing a suit. “Mr. DeCraig, I’m Detective Philip Dunne, NYPD. Follow me, please.” I followed Dunne up a flight of stairs. Once we reached the top of the stairs, we walked down a hallway until we reached his office. We entered, and he closed the door. “Have a seat, please.” I sat down. Dunne pulled out a newspaper from three years ago and showed me an article. It was an article about a wealthy lawyer named Lawrence Hastings who was found dead in his apartment. I read further into the article, and then I saw the name of his girlfriend who apparently found him: Lanisha LaPraix. “Holy shit,” I calmly stated. “Yeah, we recently reopened the case and found evidence that suggests that he was murdered. And when we reviewed Ms. LaPraix’s interrogation footage, we got suspicious. So we got the fingerprints from your laptop, and we ran them against the fingerprints that we found at the Hastings crime scene. They matched up.” Sweet Jesus. Not only had I been fucking Shepard Smith’s sloppy seconds, but I was also fucking a crazy ass murderer. “Are you saying that Lanisha murdered Lawrence Hastings?” “No, we’re not saying it,” said Dunne. “She’s saying it. She just confessed. Consider yourself lucky, Mr. DeCraig. You would have been her next victim. We need to get a statement from you.” I spent nearly an hour giving a statement to Dunne. After I was done, I got ready to leave, but something told me that I had to confront Lanisha. “I want to see Lanisha,” I said. “Okay,” Dunne said. Dunne walked me to the interrogation room. I saw Lanisha sitting with a female cop. I was looking at a murderer who could have murdered me in the future. I felt sick to my stomach. Dunne opened the door. Lanisha turned around and saw me. Her expression was emotionless. I couldn’t stand looking at her any longer. I left the room, and Dunne walked out with me to the street. “I’m sorry, Sean-Paul.”
“It’s not your fault,” I said. “In fact, you saved my life again.”
“What do you mean?” Dunne asked.
“Do you remember telling a punk kid in Brooklyn to clean his act up before he ended up in jail or in the morgue?” I replied.
Dunne looked at me, and then he grinned. “That was you?”
“It sure was,” I said.
“Wow,” he simply stated. “I’ll be a son of a bitch. I thought you’d end up being another statistic. But you actually took my advice. And now look where you are. You were on the brink of disaster, and you became a success. I’m proud of you, Sean-Paul,” he said as he patted me on the back.
“I’ll never forget you, Detective,” I said. We shook hands, and I hailed a taxi and went back to company headquarters.
Once I arrived, I noticed that business was moving along. I got to my office and paged Steven to meet me here. A couple minutes later, Steven arrived. “Hey buddy,” I said with less enthusiasm than I usually have. Steven noticed that something was wrong. “What’s wrong, Sean-Paul?” “Other than the fact that I was fucking and dating a crazy woman who murdered her former husband and that my girlfriend Victoria hasn’t talked to me in three weeks, everything’s fine,” I said with sarcasm. “I gotta get out of the city, man. It feels like it’s closing in on me.” “You can always move to the countryside like Eddie Albert did in Green Acres,” he said. I don’t know why, but for some reason, I let out the most hearty laugh I’ve let out in a long time. It actually alleviated my stress. “Shit, you’ll never catch me doing that,” I said. Then I remembered Victoria lived in a small town in Germany. It wasn’t quite as small as Hooterville, but it was small and quaint. Hmm. Maybe living in a small town wouldn’t be so bad - as long as it was Victoria’s town. “So anyway, let’s set up a board meeting.” “There’s no need, dude,” Steven said. “Mr. Hermann has requested that you personally come to Munich to discuss the business deal. And Sean-Paul, we’ve read the details of the proposed buyout. We would be fools to pass this up. I’m asking you not only as your business partnet, but also as your friend. Go to Munich.” “Okay,” I said. I left and headed home. I gathered some clothes, my MacBook, and my pasport, and I had Steven call for a plane ticket. I hailed a taxi and went to La Guardia. I waited nearly half an hour for my flight to arrive. When it finally arrived, I made my way to the terminal, turned in my ticket, went through security, and finally made my way to the plane. Once I arrived at my seat, I looked out the window. It was a bright sunny day with clear blue skies. It looked beautiful. I never took the time to admire nature while in Manhattan. I saw a family with a little boy making their way past me, and out of the corner of my eye I saw then sit right behind me. Then the plane took off, and I was on my way to Munich. About halfway across the Atlantic Ocean, I got my MacBook out and checked my Facebook. I had a message from Victoria:      Victoria Köhler: I love you. <3 I smiled. I got ready to reply to her message with an “I love you too,” but then my MacBook shut off. God dammit, I forgot to charge the battery. And to make matters worse, the kid sitting right behind me was screaming his head off and began kicking the back of my seat. I asked a flight attendant for two beers, and I gulped them down in no time at all and went right to sleep. I woke up to find out that the kid had fallen asleep. Thank God. After the plane landed, I got a rental car and got a map. I thought before I go to meet Mr. Hermann, I would try to find Victoria. I found it on a map. It wasn’t too far! I put on my sunglasses, got in the car, and drove for Ansbach. I made it to the city limits when all of a sudden the car started sputtering before it slowed down and eventually stopped on a stretch of country highway. Then I grabbed my cellphone to call for assistance, but it was like I wasn’t getting any service. I got out and saw a three-story house. I decided to walk up to the house and ask to use their phone. THE END
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myeroticstories · 2 years
Hot stuff, man. How come you never thought about publishing these stories back in the day on Mr. Double?
That site was sketchy as fuck and mostly featured stories about raping and killing little kids, including babies. Not to mention that Tom Arthur lived on the U.S./Mexican border which is a hotbed for child kidnapping rings.
Plus, Tom Arthur was an Alex Jones supporter. No thank you.
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myeroticstories · 10 years
Destiny Awaits Us: Chapter Two
I was catching up on the news while I waited for the weekly board meeting to start. I saw a report on CNN about the FBI, Interpol, and the German police launching an APB on Lanisha. “You guys better find her before I do,” I said under my breath. I thought back to when I first met Lanisha. She was a bright, energetic worker. She was my first employee. We had a brief relationship before she met and married Lawrence Hastings. We lost contact with each other until I found her in a hotel room having lesbian sex with Taylor’s aunt Mindy. And when I moved back to New York City following the end of my teaching engagement in Kansas City, Lanisha and I rekindled our relationship only for it to end because I told Lanisha how I felt about her boss Shepard Smith. And once Lanisha found out I had moved on with Victoria, she went psycho.
I was remembering the time that I told Steven that I had sex with Shepard Smith’s sloppy seconds and almost laughed. But then I remember how those sloppy seconds took my reason for living away from me. And I felt the anger seeping back in. Before the anger could take over, I got up and made my way for the board room.
Once the board meeting began, we got down to business. I formally introduced Taylor as the new Vice President of Software Development. “I’ve known this girl since she was in college. I knew back then she would be a success in this industry, so it doesn’t surprise me to see her in this capacity.” After speaking highly of Taylor’s academic credentials while leaving out the fact that we once shared a romantic relationship and were in fact engaged, the board members stood up and applauded her. Then we got back to what we do best - come up with innovative ideas.
“We’ve been very successful since the launch of XCOS,” I stated. “XCOS is now the most widely used computer operating system in the world. It has overtaken Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s Mac OS X. It’s hard to believe that just five years ago, Mark Shuttleworth offered to buy our work and assimilate it into his Ubuntu operating system. And now, I am proud to announce that Mr. Shuttleworth has decided to sell his Canonical company to us for $75 million.” The board stood up and applauded. “And now there are rumors that Microsoft and Apple both want to do the same.” Again, the board members stood up and applauded. “But now we need to look towards the future and towards other areas of the tech industry. And with that, I turn the discussion over to the president of XC America, Steven Sandberg.
“Hello everybody,” Steven said. “We have already taken over the computer industry. Now it is time to take over the video game industry. Lights, please.” Steven’s wife Sarita stood up and turned the lights off. Steven turned on the slide projector. “This is XCGS, or the XC Game System. This system will feature 16 gigabytes or RAM, a one terabyte hard drive, a quad-core Intel processor, and four gigabytes of video memory. It is a versatile home entertainment system. It will allow you to play games in the cloud, listen to MP3s, stream music online, stream and download movies and TV shows, and watch live broadcast television. We have made several strategic acquisitions to bring all of this together. Our recent acquisition of Valve Entertainment gives us Steam, which is the heart and soul of our gaming experience. And thanks to our recent acquisition of Aereo and licensing agreements with the major broadcast networks, you will be able to watch live broadcast television without the need for cable, satellite, or even rabbit ears or a rooftop antenna.”
The board members stood up and applauded enthusiastically. Steven sat down and I stood up. “That’s the good news. Now for the bad news,” I said. Everybody laughed. “This isn’t such a boring meeting after all, is it?” Everybody laughed heartily. “But seriously, the E3 Expo is six months away. So we have to have this product ready in six months. So feel free to pull some all-nighters, and feel free to encourage our employees to work over if needed. Just remember that overtime is not mandatory, and that applies to everybody who works here. But we really need to bust our asses to make this work. I know you guys can do it. Meeting adjourned.” Everybody stood up and left. “Taylor,” I said, “can I talk to you in private?” She nodded her head, and we went to my office.
“Taylor,” I said, “you’re going to be the most important part of this project.”
“How?” she asked.
“You are going to take XCOS and use it as a base for the operating system of XCGS.” She smiled. “I know you can do it.” She got up and hugged me. Then she heard her phone ring. She looked at the caller ID. “Oh great. It’s my aunt Mindy.” She answered the phone. “Hello? Oh hi, aunt Mindy. I’m at work. Wait - what? You’re in Munich? But why? Awww she misses me? Well you and Mom bring her up to Sean-Paul’s office! Okay, bye!”
“Hey Tay there’s something I have to ask,” I said. “Does Mindy know that I’m Jasmine’s father?”
“She doesn’t know,” Taylor said, ”but she suspects it.” She must have seen the worried look on my face. “Don’t worry, Sean-Paul, when we made Jasmine, we were consenting adults.” We heard a knock on the door. Taylor got up and opened the door. She was greeted by her aunt, her mother, and our daughter. “Hi pumpkin! Oh mommy missed you!” Taylor grabbed and hugged Jasmine. I stood and looked at Taylor holding our daughter, and I felt tears well in my eyes as I suddenly thought about Victoria, Anne, and Xavier. “Aunt Mindy, I’m gonna take Mom and Jasmine to my office. Why don’t you hang out with Sean-Paul?” And with that, Taylor, Jasmine, and Taylor’s mom Terri left, leaving me alone with Mindy for the first time since I practically raped her up the ass in the hotel room over four years ago.
“Long time no see,” I said calmly.
“You bastard,” Mindy said. “I just knew you were fucking Taylor back then.
“Okay Mindy, we need to talk,” I said. We sat down. “Want to know the truth? Yeah we were having sex back then.” Mindy slapped me in the face. Ouch, it stung. “But that’s not all, Mindy. We truly loved each other. We talked about getting married. We talked about having children. Hell, we were even engaged and were expecting a child when she miscarried.”
“So you fucked her, got her pregnant, and abandoned her when she really needed you,” Mindy said. “Wow you’re really classy.”
“I didn’t abandon her, bitch,” I said. “We mutually ended our relationship. After the miscarriage, we drifted apart. And my tenure at KCU was ending and I had to go back to running my company in New York City. Trust me, Mindy. At the time, I wanted to stay with Taylor. I loved her. But I went back to New York City, got back with Lanisha, and then I met Victoria.”
“You really loved Taylor?” Mindy asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“I was wrong about you,” Mindy said. “I always thought you were some creep who preyed on vulnerable teenaged girls. I owe you an apology.” She gave me a hug. “And I’m sorry about the loss of your wife and children. If I knew Lanisha were capable of something like that, I wouldn’t have gotten involved with her.
“Me neither, Mindy,” I said. “Thanks.
“I have to know,” Mindy said. “Are you Jasmine’s father?”
Taylor, Terri, and Jasmine returned to my office. “Terri, let’s go get something to eat,” Mindy said. Terri and Mindy left, leaving me alone with Taylor and Jasmine. We sat on the sofa. Jasmine sat in Taylor’s lap. “Jas,” Taylor said, “I want to introduce you to somebody. I looked at Taylor and my daughter, my heart swelling with love. “This is Sean-Paul.” There was a long pause. “Jas, Sean-Paul is your daddy.” Jasmine got up and sat between me and Taylor, and then Jasmine gave me a hug. “I love you daddy.”
I felt tears spill out of my eyes as my daughter said those words. I hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “I love you too, honey,” I said. After a while, Terri and Mindy returned from lunch. “How long are you two staying?”
“We’ll be staying for a week,” Terri said.
“Oh nonsense,” I said. “Take my corporate jet to Orlando and treat her to Mickey Mouse. I’ll pay for everything.”
“Yay, Mickey Mouse!” Jasmine shouted with glee.
Terri and Jasmine left, and Mindy paused at the door. “Taylor, you’ve got a great guy right there. Better not let him slip away.” Terri left and closed the door, leaving me alone with Taylor.
“Wow she warmed up to you fast,” Taylor said.
“Yeah,” I said. “I can’t believe how understanding Mindy was.”
“I was talking about our daughter, dumbass,” Taylor said. We laughed. “But yeah, we could say the same thing about aunt Mindy.” We sat together for the longest time. Finally, Taylor rested her head on my shoulder. “But aunt Mindy’s right,” Taylor calmly stated. Taylor started holding my hand.
I looked into Taylor’s eyes. I felt my heart racing as my feelings for Taylor were rising up from the shallow depths. I slowly rubbed my fingers against hers. We scooted closer together. I was falling in love with Taylor all over again. I glanced down and noticed that she was wearing a tight sweater and that motherhood had caused her breasts to grow to what looked like B cups. I wondered if she could still cum just from nipple stimulation. I looked into her face. She was blushing and lightly panting. I felt warm. I could feel myself panting. And I could feel my cock hardening in my slacks. We slowly drew our faces together, and we closed our eyes and lost ourselves in the moment as we shared our first romantic kiss in over four years. We groaned into each other’s mouths as our long-suppressed feelings poured out. I felt her part her lips, and I took that as an invitation to slide my tongue into her mouth and across her teeth, her upper palate, and her own tongue. We took turns frenching until I received a phone call. I broke the kiss. “Sorry baby,” I said. I answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Sean-Paul, it’s Dunne. You need to get to your in-laws’ house right now. Something’s happened to them.” Taylor and I got up and drove to my in-laws’ house. There were police cars surrounding the place. I walked up to Dunne. “Phil, what happened?”
“Son,” Dunne said,” your in-laws were murdered. I saw Gustav and Eva being carried out in body bags. “And we found this.” He handed me a piece of paper with the following words:
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myeroticstories · 10 years
Destiny Awaits Us: Chapter One
“Sean-Paul, are you forgetting something?”
“Huh,” I asked while looking at Victoria. Then I noticed the keys in her hand. I gave her a sly smile. “What would I do without you, baby,” I asked. I took the keys, embraced my wife in my arms, and we exchanged sweet kisses. “Are you sure your parents are going to take care of Anne and SP tonight?”
“Yes, dear,” she said with a wink. Then our lips met again, and we passionately kissed. It’s been roughly four years since we exchanged wedding vows and almost nearly as long since our daughter Anne was born in a San Francisco hotel. She and her little brother Xavier were my pride and joy. For the last several weeks, we have been trying to make Anne and Xavier a baby brother or sister, but when you have a baby who’s already walking and you have a busy career where you have to travel the world, you really don’t have time to try to make a baby.
“We haven’t been alone in so long,” I said in between kisses. Then I looked at my watch. “Shit, I’m gonna be late. I’ll see you tonight. Love you.”
“Love you, too,” she replied. After a parting kiss, I left the house and drove from Ansbach to Munich.
After a roughly one hour drive, I arrived at XC International. Ever since the massive success of XCOS, business has been hopping. We’ve made so much money since the release of XCOS that we’ve been able to expand our workforce and add some new executive positions. I would be meeting the new members of our staff today in a special board meeting.
I headed straight for my office to bury myself in paperwork. Doing business in Germany isn’t the same as doing business in America. There are different regulatory laws as well as higher minimum wages and work safety regulations. I believed in the good old fashioned “40 hours a week” guideline and set my policy: All employees are guaranteed 40 hours a week with three days off. Unfortunately, this means everybody has to work 10 hours a day.
I turned on the TV and switched to the BBC World Service. While going over some sales figures for tax purposes, I overheard a news anchor talk about a female prisoner escaping from Sing Sing, and I could have sworn that I heard my former lover Lanisha’s name mentioned. While listening to details of the report, I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the door’s window and noticed it was Cristian, the president and chief financial officer. Cristian was the investor to whom I sold my American-founded company. Cristian was excellent at the financial side of business. It must be that Rothschild blood. I motioned for him to come in. “Is there something, Cristian,” I asked.
“The new vice president of software development is here,” he said in his thick German accent.
“Send him in, please,” I said.
“You mean ‘her’.” I looked at him quizically. He made a motioning gesture with his arm. And then I saw a petite woman enter my office. I saw the green eyes, I saw the beautiful smile. “Taylor,” I said softly.
“Hello, Sean-Paul,” my former girlfriend said. We walked to each other and hugged tightly. We looked into each other’s eyes and just stared at each other. I pulled her in for another hug. “It’s been so long,” she said.
“I know,” I said. “Let’s sit down.” We sat on my sofa. I grabbed some bottled water from my mini-fridge. “So, how’s your mom and aunt?”
“Mom’s still Mom, and aunt Mindy’s still a bitch on wheels,” she said. “They’re babysitting Jasmine right now.”
“Who’s Jasmine,” I asked.
“Our daughter, silly,” she said with a smile. Taylor pulled her wallet out and showed me a photo of our daughter. I had never seen our daughter before. She looked so adorable. I was getting misty-eyed just looking at her. “I just wish Angelica would have stuck around.”
“What happened?”
“Well, ever since that night that us three fucked, she got weird,” she said. I recall that day vividly. It was truly the most amazing sexual experience of my entire life. It was the first and only time that I have ever been in a threesome. I still remember the taste and aroma of Taylor’s sexual fluids as she squirted in my face and Angelica’s face. My cock was coming to life as the memories rushed into view. “And then she left me...for a guy.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. I hugged Taylor. “It’s my fault. If I hadn’t touched her, she wouldn’t have gotten interested in guys.”
“It’s not your fault, hun,” Taylor said. “If it hadn’t been you, it would have been another guy.”
“I guess,” I said. Taylor leaned her head against my shoulder, and we just sat there for what seemed like an eternity. Then I felt fingertips tracing the length of my erecting cock. I looked down and noticed that Taylor was slowly dragging her fingers over my bulge. Although it felt amazing, I just couldn’t give in to our former passion. “Taylor, I can’t. I’m married,” I said between gasps.
“I’m so lonely,” she said. Then she got up and straddled me. And then she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her lips to mine. We both moaned low in our throats as we kissed for the first time in almost four years. My cock was straining in my slacks. Taylor grinded her denim-covered cunt against my bulge, and we were both rapidly approaching our mutual peaks.
But I had a wife to whom I made a commitment. I pulled Taylor off. “I’m sorry, Taylor. We can’t do this. I have a wife and two kids with her. What we had was amazing, but it’s in the past. You moved on, and so did I.” Then I walked to my sink and splashed some cold water on my face to alleviate the sexual tension. After drying my face with a towel, I sat next to Taylor. She was crying. “I’m sorry, Tay. Listen, you have an amazing gift with computer science, and I want you to stay here. Don’t let this affect your career here. Please stay on.”
“Okay,” she said in between sniffles. I hugged Taylor, and then I heard my phone ring. “Your phone’s ringing.”
“Okay I gotta answer it,” I said. I got up and walked to my desk and picked up the phone. “This is Sean-Paul DeCraig,” I said.
“Sean-Paul, it’s Eva,” my mother-in-law said. “You need to get home now. Something terrible has happened.”
“What happened?”
“I don’t know, but there are police cars at your house,” she said.
“Okay I’m coming home now,” I said. After hanging up the phone, I got up and got my cellphone and keys. “Sorry Taylor, but an emergency has come up. I have to go home. Get with Cristian. He’ll show you your office, and then he will set up a meeting with you and the rest of your department.”
“Be safe,” Taylor said.
“Thanks, babe,” I said. I rushed out of the office and headed straight for my car. I speeded out of the parking lot and hit the Autobahn and drove much faster than usual. I arrived home in 45 minutes. I got out of the car, and I ran for my house, but a cop stopped me from entering the doorway.
“Sir, this is a crime scene! We can’t let you in,” he said.
“What do you mean crime - “ and then I saw inside, and my entire world came crashing down. I was Victoria. I saw Anne. I saw Xavier. They were lying on the floor covered in blood. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO,” I screamed desperately. I collapsed on my knees. Tears burned my eyes as I was subject to the worst thing any person could experience.
I watched helplessly as police officers and detectives took photos of my dead wife and my dead kids. I walked away, trying to convince myself that this was just a bad dream. Then I noticed the outside of the front door. It had some kind of writing. “Officer, what’s this shit on the door,” I asked. The officer escorted me to the door, and then I saw what was written on the door:
It was then that I knew who did this.
The following week was the worst week of my entire life. Not only were my wife and children dead, but I was also informed by forensics that Victora was pregnant with our third child. Since the murders were so gruesome, all three caskets were closed. I sat with Gustav and Eva as the priest eulogized my wife and children. Cristian, Steven, Sarita, and Taylor attended the funeral to give me moral support. After the funeral was over, we left for the cemetery which would be the eternal resting place for Victoria, Anne, and Xavier.
After the burial concluded, I drove back to XC International and headed straight for my office. My secretary Cheryl stood up and gave me a hug. “Thanks Cheryl,” I said calmly. “I don’t want to be disturbed by anybody. If I receive any phone calls, just take a message. I need to be alone right now.”
“Yes sir,” Cheryl said with tears in her eyes.
I opened the door to my office and locked the door. I sat down on my sofa and pulled out my wallet and looked at a photo of Victoria and I from our wedding. Just last week, I was able to hold her in my arms and make love to her. And now she was gone. I felt a mix of anger and sadness. Ever since the day I found my wife and kids dead, I buried my feelings for the sake of the company and for the sake of Gustav and Eva. But I could bury those feelings no longer. I got up and in a fit of rage, I flipped my desk over, sending papers and trinkets flying. And then I collapsed on the sofa, and for the first time since I was a kid, I cried in sorrow. Once the tears stopped flowing, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It was as if Victoria were there comforting me.
After what seemed like an eternity, I stood up and picked up my desk and reorganized the paperwork and the trinkets. I wiped the tears from my face and grabbed my cellphone and called Philip Dunne, the New York City detective who arrested Lanisha for murdering her husband. “Phil, it’s Sean-Paul deCraig.”
“Hello, Sean-Paul,” said Dunne. “I want to express my condolences.”
“Thanks,” I said. “I need to know something, Phil. Did Lanisha escape from Sing Sing?”
“Yes she did,” he said.
“She’s the one who murdered Victoria and our children,” I flat-out stated.
“How can you be so sure?” Dunne asked.
“I found the words ‘DIE KRAUT FUCKER’ written on my door. Weren’t those the same words Lanisha sent me in a Facebook message?”
“Let me check,” Dunne said. After a few minutes away, Dunne returned. “The same words indeed, Sean-Paul.”
“Then you better contact the Munich police to be on the lookout for her,” I said.
“I’ll do my best Sean-Paul,” Dunne said.
“I’m serious, Phil,” I said. “They better find her before I find her. She stole my wife and kids away from me. If I find her first, it may not be pretty.”
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myeroticstories · 10 years
You won't believe it, but I have been working on Destiny Awaits Us!
Chapters one and two are complete.
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Been busy with other projects which doesn't leave me a lot of time to work on stories.
However, later this week I will begin preliminary work on Destiny Awaits Us.
Thanks for being so patient!
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Just got an email claiming that a site wants to publish my stories and pay me.
Well, I checked the site.
I know a scam operation just by looking at it, and I could tell it's a scam.
Politely bugger off, scammers.
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Kansas City, Here I Come: The Complete Saga
It was a day of remembrance. Ten years ago, I witnessed the horror of 9/11 with my very own eyes. I stood overlooking the WTC memorial at Ground Zero as a lone person at a microphone read the long list of the victims who died on that day. I’m not a very emotional person, but when they read Gregory’s name, a wave of sadness ran through me.
I founded a tech company named XC Systems three months before that fateful day. Gregory, my best friend Steven, and I had known each other since high school. We graduated from the same high school in 1991, and four years later we graduated with honors from Dartmouth. We were very ambitious even in those days. We even had our fair share of girlfriends back in the day. Shortly after we graduated from Dartmouth, we began our own small business where we wrote software. We did everything on shoestring budgets, and within three years we were millionaires. We eventually made enough money to where we could afford to expand our operations, including renting office space on the sixteenth floor of WTC 1 three months before the world changed forever.
While I was lost in my memories of my dearly departed friend, I felt somebody pat me on the back. I turned around and saw my friend Steven. “Hard to believe it’s been ten years,” I calmly stated.
“I know, buddy,” Steven replied. “It seems like last week that we were drinking with Gregory at our favorite pub.” After the memorial ceremony, Steven and I went to the pub and ordered scotch on the rocks. Steven raised his glass and stated, “This is for you, Greg.” I raised my glass, and we toasted our friend, an annual tradition we started one year after 9/11. “You’d be a billionaire now.”
“He sure would,” I said. 9/11 almost put us in financial ruin, but we restructured our operations by temporarily relocating to a shared apartment in Central Park where I still reside. We worked our asses off, and the hard work resulted in more money. Eventually, we rebounded to a point where we could afford a proper office in Queens. I picked up today’s issue of the New York Times and was immediately drawn to a pretty sensationalistic headline:
“Hey Sean-Paul, did you hear about that attorney who killed himself,” Steven asked.
“I’m reading about it right now,” I replied. I glanced through the article and noticed a familiar name: Lanisha LaPraix-Hastings. Lanisha was my former secretary. She was the first employee we hired when we relocated our business to Queens. She was a sweet person, but for some reason she seemed sad and distant. Eventually, she left our company to get her master’s degree in journalism at Duke. “Holy shit,” I said, “he was married to Lanisha.”
“Our old secretary?” Steven asked.
“Yup,” I replied. I hadn’t seen Lanisha in almost six years. She was a very beautiful black woman. We began a brief relationship not long after she was hired and even had sex a few times, but she ended the relationship when she left for Duke where she met Hastings. I felt sad for her. Then I looked at my watch. Oh shit, I had a plane to catch in thirty minutes. “Dude, I got to take my flight to Kansas City.” I had been paid a hefty sum by a college in Kansas City, Missouri to give a lecture to some computer classes for six months. “Thank God I’m already packed and my suitcase is in your car,” I said with a laugh.
Steven laughed in return. Then he spoke in a serious voice. “Aren’t you a little uneasy about flying today?”
“Somewhat,” I replied. Truth is, I was deathly afraid of air travel for several years after 9/11. My fears have since eased over the years, but still yet, there was a part of me that was worried something would happen on my flight. “Anyway, let’s go before I miss my flight.” We left for La Guardia. After we arrived at La Guardia, we went to Starbucks and grabbed some coffee, then I went through security and boarded my flight.
The flight to Kansas City was pretty much standard fare for me: Obviously-overworked flight attendants, obnoxious passengers under the influence of alcohol, and a kid throwing a tantrum and kicking the back of my seat.It never fails. Every time I fly on an airplane, I always have to sit in front of a kid throwing a tantrum and kicking the back of my seat. I got up and looked at the kid. “Hey kid, if I give you $100, will you stop kicking my seat?”
The kid’s eyes widened in surprise. “Sure, Mister!” I gave the kid a Benjamin.
“Now if you start kicking my seat again, I’ll take that away from you,” I said with a grin on my face. Needless to say, the kid didn’t kick the back of my seat for the rest of the flight. Two hours later, the plane finally arrived in Kansas City. I went to the car rental service and rented a car and drove to a Hampton Inn five minutes away and checked in to a hotel room. After I got situated, I took a shower, changed clothes, and drove to the college.
I was amazed at the size of the campus. I was met by the college dean who escorted me to the college computer building. I noticed there had to have been well over a hundred college students waiting to listen to the history of computer operating systems. While entering the door into the lecture hall, I bumped into a very short girl. She looked like she was about 4’10”. She turned around, and our gazes met. My God, she was beautiful. Then she smiled at me. Sweet Jesus, she had the sexiest smile I have ever seen in my life. I could feel my cock starting to stir in my slacks. I smiled back. She walked away, and I was given a perfect view of her sexy bubble butt in her tight skinny jeans. My cock began to harden as I stared at her sexy ass as she walked. I regained my composure and made my way to a podium situated up front.
For well over two hours, I gave a very detailed lecture on the history of computer operating systems. I began the lecture with the history of UNIX, followed by the history of MS-DOS, the Macintosh OS, Microsoft Windows, Amiga OS, Atari’s TOS, and last but not least, GNU/Linux which was my favorite OS and the basis of a new operating system Steven and I were currently developing. It amazed me how many of these students were familiar with operating systems such as Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, and even BSD. I finished the lecture by pointing out that if they were to ever come to New York City, they should seek employment with my company.
After I finished the lecture, the professor left, and the students filed out. However, one student remained. It was the girl I bumped into earlier. I looked at her and noticed that she was staring at me. “So what’s your favorite operating system,” I asked her. She just sat there staring at me with a sexy smile. Once again, I felt my cock stirring in my slacks. I walked over to her and sat beside her. “Helloooo,” I said with sarcasm in my voice.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she finally spoke. “I really like Ubuntu,” she said. I smiled at her choice of operating system. “God you’re so fucking hot,” she said.
“So are you,” I replied. Then I felt her hand on my thigh, and my cock shot to full hardness instantly. I knew I shouldn’t be letting a college girl - who’s probably young enough to be my daughter - getting me worked up in this way, but I couldn’t help it. She was gorgeous. Her smile was VERY beautiful. My right hand reached for her face and began gently caressing her left cheek. Then I lowered my head to hers. I gently lifted her chin with my fingers, and then our lips met.
“Ohhhh,” the girl moaned into my mouth as our tongues intertwined with each other. We deeply kissed for well over a minute. Her hand slipped down and gently squeezed my fully-erect cock through my slacks. It was maddening torture, and it took all my might to keep from cumming in my underwear. Then she broke the kiss. “I’m Taylor O’Hare,” she said.
“I’m Sean-Paul DeCraig,” I replied. Then we kissed harder and deeper, but when we heard what sounded like a door opening, we broke the kiss. “Let’s go to my hotel,” I said.
“Okay,” Taylor replied. We left the building, got in my car, and I drove us to the Hampton Inn. Once we arrived, we went to my hotel suite, and once we entered the suite, I lifted Taylor in my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and then she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I pinned her against the door, and we kissed hungrily as if it was our last meal. We were lost in our passion, but then we heard a phone ring. It was coming from her purse. “Dammit,” she said.
“It’s okay,” I whispered into her mouth. She got the phone out and looked at the caller ID.
“Shit it’s my aunt Mindy,” she said. “I have to answer it.” She opened the phone. “Hello? Yes aunt Mindy. No, I’m gonna stay here for a while and do some extra studying. No I’m sure. Yes. Yes I’ll call. Lisa’s here, too, so she can give me a ride home. Okay. Love you, too. Bye!” She hung up the phone. “Now where were we?”
“Right here,” I replied. I pulled her head to mine, and we were once again lost in our passion as we deeply kissed. My cock was straining in my slacks. I had to get my rocks off soon. With Taylor’s limbs wrapped around my body, I walked us to the bedroom, and then I laid her down on the bed. My lips left her lips, and I slowly kissed and licked my way down her chin and her throat. I slipped my hands underneath her pink t-shirt and slowly dragged my fingernails up her taut stomach until I reached her breasts. I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. Then my right index finger made contact with her erect left nipple.
“AAAHHH!” Taylor cried out and arched her back at the sensation. Wow. Of all the women I’ve ever been with, I’ve never encountered one with such sensitive nipples. Then all of a sudden she removed her shirt, and then she was nude from the waist up. I noticed that her breasts were small enough to where she barely qualified as an A-cup. But then I noticed her erect nipples. For a girl who had tiny breasts, her nipples were rather large, the size of pencil erasers. I teasingly flicked the nipple again. “AH! AH! AH!” Taylor cried out as her nervous system was becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. I wondered if she could cum just from nipple stimulation. Then I seized both erect nipples between my fingers, and then I pinched then between index finger and thumb. And then she came. “AH! AH! AHH! AHH! AAAHHHHIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!” I noticed a wet spot growing exponentially at the crotch of her skinny jeans.
After Taylor came down from her orgasm, I brought my lips down to hers, and we kissed lightly for about half a minute, then once again I kissed and licked my way down her throat until my lips reached her breasts. I planted a gentle kiss on her erect left nipple. “AAIE!” Taylor cried out as I once again began to stimulate her already-overstimulated nipples. Then my tongue flicked out to tease the erect nub. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” And then I seized the nipple between my neeth and gently bit down. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Taylor cried out, arched her back, and spasmed violently as yet another nipple-induced orgasm washed over her. The wet spot on the crotch of her jeans spread out even more, and I could smell her arousal. 
I undid the snap of her skinny jeans and worked them down along with her panties. I was offered a view of the most beautiful cunt I had ever seen. It was completely shaven and soaked with her feminine fluids. I brought my head within inches of her wet snatch. Her clitoris was fully erect, flushed with blood and standing up proud. I inhaled the sweet scent of her steaming pussy. It was heavenly. It was the best smelling cunt I have ever smelled. I had to taste it.
“AAH!” Taylor moaned as I swiped my tongue from her perineum all the way up her slit. My God, she tasted delicious; sweet like honey with just a hint of saltiness. I shoved my tongue into her slit, probing deep until my tongue could probe no deeper. I pulled my tongue out, only to slip two fingers in her tight cunt. “YIII!” Taylor cried out at the unexpected penetration. My fingers began stimulating her hot insides, wetting my fingers with her juices. And then I stared at her erect clit. It was begging to be touched - or licked or sucked. I gently blew on the erect nub and was amazed to see it pulse and throb. Then I went in for the kill.
I pulled my fingers out of her snatch and probed for the wrinkled star of her anus. My index finger coated her asshole with her cunt juices. I massaged the sphincter, and when I felt her anus expand, I pushed the fingertip inside. “YAARGH!” Taylor groaned as my finger was slowly absorbed into her back passage. I slowly plunged my finger in and out of her ass. Then I pulled my finger out only to plunge both wet fingers in her ass. “AHH!” Taylor moaned as I rotated my fingers in her ass, stretching her anus out. I began finger-fucking her ass faster and faster. Then I delibrately flicked my tongue against her erect clit. “AHH! AHH! AHH!” Taylor cried out sharply as the dual stimulation was driving her to a third orgasm. And then I seized her button between my teeth and gently bit down. “AAAAAAOOOOWWWEEEEEE!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut, threw her head back, arched her back, and trembled violently as yet another orgasm swept her away. Her juices flowed out, and I eagerly lapped up her sweet, tangy nectar. 
After a minute, she came down from her peak. I couldn’t stand it anymore. My cock was leaking pre-cum like a fountain, and it was so huge and swollen that it felt like it threatened to blow apart from the seams. I quickly stripped out of my clothes, and then Taylor’s eyes widened in surprise as my cock was finally revealed to her.
“WOW!” Taylor shouted in surprise as she saw my ten-inch erection. “Oh my God, your cock is huge!”
“Do you want it inside you?” I asked her.
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” She replied. We both laughed. I laid down with her, and we began kissing deeply. I brought my wet cock to her steaming cunt, and she moaned as we began hunching our genitals against each other. Then Taylor broke the kiss. “Wait a minute. I’ll be right back.” She got up and went to the bathroom. Nature calls, I guess. But after half a minute, she came back with something in her hand. It was a shampoo bottle.
“What’s with the shampoo bottle? I asked.
“I have a shampoo bottle fetish,” she replied. “I like to fuck myself with shampoo bottles. One time, I fucked myself with two shampoo bottles, one in each hole. God, those orgasms were fucking amazing.” Then she plopped on the bed and shoved the shampoo bottle in her cunt and began fucking herself with the shampoo bottle. “AHH! AHH! AHH!” Then she stopped pumping. “But I’ve never had a cock before. I need your cock inside me.” She held the shampoo bottle up. “Put this in my ass.”
Holy fuck. This was hot. I took the shampoo bottle in my hand and began massaging the tip against her stretched anus. And then I shoved it in. “AAARRGGHHHHIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor cried out as the unexpected anal penetration brought her to a fourth orgasm. Her fists beat against the mattress as spasm after glorious spasm tore through her. I couldn’t wait any longer. I lined the crown of my cock against her slit. I didn’t even give her time to come down from her orgasm as I shoved myself in. “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor cried out as her orgasm was interrupted by a stronger orgasm. My God, I’ve never known any woman who cums so quickly, so often, and so powerfully. It was as if she were a living orgasm machine.
I began pushing my cock in and out of her soaking wet vagina. I was getting exhausted. Without disengaging our genitals, I maneuvered ourselves until she was on top of me in the cowgirl position. Taylor rode my cock like a pro, bouncing wildly as she relished the feeling of a cock inside her for the first time. My right hand continued to work the shampoo bottle in and out of her ass. My left hand began teasing her erect right nipple and when I pinched it, she came once again. “YIIIIIEEEEEE!” Taylor cried out as the sixth orgasm of our lovemaking swept over her. The feel of her cunt ripping all over the length of my cock was maddening torture; how I avoided to cum was beyond me.
Then I decided it was time to bring this to a satisfying climax for both of us. “Take the shampoo bottle in your hand and fuck yourself with it.” Taylor’s hands reached around her and grabbed the shampoo bottle. As she began fucking her own ass with the makeshift dildo, I once again seized her erect right nipple with my left thumb and index finger, and I seized her erect clitoris with my right thumb and index finger. And then I pinched both at the same time…HARD.
“EEEEEEEEEEOOOOOAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIII!” Taylor screamed as the vaginal stimulation, anal stimulation, clitoral stimulation, and nipple stimulation all combined into a cataclysmic orgasm of ginormous proportions. Her entire body trembled violently as her body was wracked from head to toe with spasm after spasm after spasm. Her juices shot out like a fountain, arching high in the air and drenching me in her sweet, tangy, aromatic essence.
The glorious feeling of her cunt spasming and contracting hard on my cock, the sweet taste and heavenly smell of her girl-cum, the entire situation was too much for me. I felt my testes drawing tight against my body, and then I shot. “AAAAURGH!” I howled as I spurted shot after shot of cum deep in Taylor’s cunt. A pearly froth of our mingled juices squelched out around my cock, matting my pubes and trickling down until it pooled on the bedspread. We collapsed on the bed in a loving embrace and gently kissed until we fell asleep.
We woke up three hours later underneath the bed covers. I wrapped my arms around Taylor, and we gently kissed again. My hand slipped down to her cunt and began stroking her tender girlflesh. Then I felt her hand wrap around my hardening cock. When my cock reached full hardness, I positioned ourselves so that I could fuck her once again, but then Taylor got up. “Oh shit, I forgot to call mom,” she said.
“Go ahead and call her,” I said.
Taylor opened her phone and dialed. “Hey mom, it’s me Tay. Yeah I’m getting ready to come home. No Lisa already left, so one of the professors offered to take me home. Yeah he’s pretty cool! Okay. Okay you can meet him. Okay, bye!” Taylor hung up. “I need to get home.”
“Okay,” I said. We got up, got dressed, got in the car, and I drove her home. Ten minutes later, we arrived at her house. It was on a cul-de-sac. We got out of the car, and we were met by two older-looking women. One was about Taylor’s height, and the other was about six inches taller.
“Hello,” said the shorter woman. “I’m Terri, Taylor’s mom.”
“I’m Sean-Paul DeCraig, your daughter’s professor,” I replied. I extended my hand out to Terri, and we shook hands. “Your daughter is quite intelligent and will be a success in the tech industry.”
“Thank you, Sean-Paul,” Terri said. Terri looked at the taller woman. “This is Taylor’s aunt Mindy. She’s my sister-in-law. My husband, her brother, died when Taylor was two.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “Mindy, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I extended my hand to Mindy. She did nothing. I pulled my hand back. “Okay. Well Taylor, I’ll see you in class tomorrow. Good night.”
“Good night, Sean-Paul,” Taylor and Terri said in unison. Then they walked to the front door and entered their house.
“Well Mindy, I must be going,” I said. I went to get in my car, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Is there something you want to say, Mindy?”
“Yes there is,” Mindy said. “Taylor’s just seventeen.”
I looked out the window in my office at KCU and admired the scenery. After a couple weeks of torrential rain and severe thunderstorms, the weather had cleared up. The bright, clear blue sky was a welcome relief from seeing nothing but dark clouds. College students were bustling from classes to other classes, from classes to dorm, and from dorms to classes. It brought back memories of my education at Dartmouth where I excelled at academics as well as baseball. Before becoming a businessman, I had planned on sticking with baseball in hopes of being drafted to the major leagues and playing for the Yankees. Unfortunately, a freak accident which severely injured my knee put my baseball dreams to rest. Thank God I had business to fall back onto.
I had just finished grading exams taken during my computer sclence classes. Some of my students had some difficulty, while most had a general understanding of the material presented during the classes. Only a select few truly understood the material and have far exceeded my expectations. One of those select few was Taylor. She was truly gifted in computer science. I knew she would have a great career ahead of her. And in a way, her excellent aptitude made me feel less guilty for being in a relationship with her.
I was curious as to how business was progressing at XC Systems. I picked up the phone and decided to call Steven. After about three rings, I heard somebody pick up the phone. “Thank you for calling XC Systems,” said a female voice.
“Hello Cheryl,” I said. “It’s Sean-Paul. Can you put me through to Steven, please?”
“Of course, Mr. DeCraig,” she replied. She put me on hold. I swear we need to change our hold music. I absolutely cannot stand that Celine Dion song “My Heart Will Go On.” After a couple minutes, I heard the phone pick up. “Hey Sean-Paul,” said Steven.
“Hey buddy,” I replied.
“So how is the teaching thing,” he asked.
“Not too bad,” I said. “We have some bright minds here. Some of them here such an amazing aptitude for the industry that they would be great workers for our company. And a few of them would be great to help run the software development division, especially Taylor.”
“Already got a teacher’s pet, eh” asked Steven in a sarcastic way. “Dude you are such a hopeless romantic. At least she’s taking your mind off Lanisha.”
“Yeah,” I said. I hadn’t dated or been intimate with a woman since Lanisha broke up with me over the phone to inform me she met Lawrence Hastings and fell in love with him. I was deeply in love with Lanisha, and being dumped in that way broke my heart. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the glass. It was Taylor. “Listen, Taylor’s here. I’ll talk to you later. Keep everything running smoothly, bud. Bye.” I hung up the phone and got up to open the door. “Hello, beautiful,” I said with a smile on my face.
“I missed you,” Taylor said. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled herself tight against me. The feeling of Taylor’s body against my own was a welcome relief from the boring tasks I had engaged in for the last three hours, and I felt my cock rapidly coming to life. Taylor was wearing a tight sweater which accentuated the slight bumps of her A-cup breasts, and she was wearing her favorite tight white jeans which accentuated her best feature - her ass. I had never seen such a tiny girl have what many would call a badonkadonk. But Taylor had a badonkadonk. I closed the door and lowered the blinds so we would have privacy.
“I missed you, too,” I said. I slid my hands down her back until my hands were resting on the pillow twin mounds of her voluptuous ass. I squeezed each cheek lovingly. I brought my head down to her left ear. "You have such a sexy ass," I whispered into her ear as I slid my hands all over her ass, reaching down to squeeze her juicy asscheeks. Then I slid a hand down lower and began rubbing her cunt through her tight jeans.
"Ahh, ahh, ahh," Taylor moaned as I began fondling her sex. I could feel the warmth and wetness already building up. Then I picked her up in my arms and wrapped my arms around her waist. I gazed into her perfect, flawless face. Her green eyes were beautiful. Her smile was sexy and radiant. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck, and our faces were slowly drawn to each other until finally our lips met. We exchanged sweet, tender kisses for well over a minute. “I love you,” I whispered into her mouth.
“I love you, too,” replied Taylor. “Even if you are old enough to be my father, I still love you.” Then she began gently chewing on my bottom lip.
“Ohhh baby,” I moaned into her mouth. My cock shot to full hardness as I felt my seventeen-year-old lover gently sucking on my lip. The last time I had such a young girlfriend was back in high school. I pinned Taylor’s back against the wall, and I began kissing her hard. It had been two weeks since the first time we first fucked. I needed to fuck her soon, but I couldn’t risk engaging in sex with one of my students in my own office, knowing that back in 1995, an English professor at the University of North Carolina lost his job for fucking one his students - whom he later married - right on top of his desk in his office. “Wanna go out for dinner and go back to the hotel,” I asked Taylor.
“Oh yes,” said Taylor in an excited way. “I want to spend the night with you. I’ll call Mom and tell her I’m gonna spend the night at Maddy’s.” Maddy was Taylor’s best friend. She wasn’t in any of my classes, but I’ve seen her and Taylor together. Taylor dialed her cellphone. “Hey Mom, it’s me. Yeah I’m gonna spend the night at Maddy’s dorm. Okay I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.”
To keep our relationship away from prying eyes (especially Taylor’s aunt Mindy), I decided that we would go have dinner about twenty miles from Kansas City. We found a nice Chinese restaurant which was very popular amongst the vegan crowd. As with me, Taylor was a vegan. We ordered miso soup and vegan tofu stir-fry. Over the course of two hours, we enjoyed our dinner as well as pleasant conversation. Taylor was very mature for a seventeen year old girl. We talked about current events, politics, business, and many other subjects which I’m surprised she was well-versed in.
After dinner was over, we decided to go to my hotel. As soon as we entered my suite, I lifted her in my arms, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, and we began kissing hard, fast, and deep. With Taylor wrapped around me, I walked her to the bedroom and gently laid her down on the bed. I broke the kiss and kissed the length of her jaw until my lips were resting against her ear. “I want to make love to you all night long, baby,” I whispered into her ear. My left hand snaked down until I found the juncture of her thighs, and I began rubbing her cunt through her tight white jeans.
“Ahh, ahh, ahh,” Taylor moaned. Her hips began bucking and gyrating against my hand as her sexually-overcharged body was becoming aroused at an extremely rapid rate. Taylor could go from zero to orgasm in just a matter of seconds. She rose up long enough to remove her tight sweater. Then she slipped her lacy black bra off, exposing her small breasts. I was captivated by her breasts. They were small, but her pencil eraser-sized erect nipples made them oh so inviting. My right hand went straight for her left nipple. “AAAH!” Taylor cried out sharply as I began deliberately teasing her swollen nub. Her gyrations against my hand became more frantic and more urgent as she rapidly approached her orgasm. Then I seized the stiff nipple between index finger and thumb and gave it a slight pinch and pull. “AAAH! AAAH! AAAH! AAAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEE!” Taylor shrieked and trembled violently as her body was seized by an intense orgasm. I felt warmth and wetness spread against the palm of my hand.
But before Taylor could come down from her orgasm, I switched hands. My right hand began rubbing against the crotch of her tight jeans, and my left hand seized her erect left nipple and began pulling it and tugging it. And before she knew it, she was flying towards a second climax. “Ah! Ah! Ah! AH! AH! AHH! AHH! AAAAHHHIIIEEEEE!” Her orgasm was interrupted by a stronger, more ferocious climax which caused tears to spill from the corners of her eyes. “AAAIII! AAAIII! AAAIII!” Taylor repeatedly cried out as each spasm tore through her.
Finally, I let her orgasm taper off. She slowly relaxed as the tension drained out of her body. After she became relaxed, I unsnapped the button of her tight white jeans and slowly pulled them down along with her panties. I admired my girlfriend’s nude form. Her shaved cunt was flushed with arousal and soaked with her secretions. Her erect clitoris stood up dark, wet, and proud. I was going to let her rest. “I want to suck your cock,” she suddenly said.
A wicked thrill rushed through me. I quickly stripped out of my clothes. Taylor’s eyes widened, and she licked her lips as my wet ten-inch erection was before her eyes. “Only if I get to lick you,” I said.
“Deal,” she replied. I reached in my bag and pulled out the same shampoo bottle I had used on her two weeks ago. I teased her clitoris and her vaginal entrance with the blunt tip, wetting the shampoo bottle with her natural lubrication. And then with my left hand, I shoved it in. “EEE!” Taylor shrieked as she felt the makeshift dildo penetrate her steaming cunt to stimulate her hot insides.
“AHH!” Suddenly I felt her hands wrap around my erect cock. She began a slow jacking motion. It felt fucking incredible. Then I felt something warm and wet against my tip. “Ah FUCK!” I shouted as I felt her tongue flicking out against my piss slit, lapping up the pre-cum which was freely leaking from the tip. And then I felt hot, wet warmth engulf my glans. “Oh God,” I moaned as my penis was being slowly absored into the warm, wet confines of her mouth. She began rapidly plunging her mouth up and down on my cock, and her hands jacked me in return. I felt my nuts tighten as I was rapidly approaching my own release.
I couldn’t take it any more. I began pistoning the shampoo bottle in and out of her pussy faster and faster. I fastened my mouth on her engorged clitoris. I was deliberately teasing her most sensitive part with my tongue. I began giving it playful nips with my teeth. My right hand slid up and began roughly pinching her erect right nipple. “OooOOOOoooOOOOOUUMMMPPPHHHHH!” Taylor shouted around my cock as the stimulation of her nipple and clitoris brought her to yet another orgasm. Her juices flowed out around the shampoo bottle. And then I felt my cock surge all the way into her throat.
The knowledge of being deep-throated by her hot wet mouth, and the taste of her juices was too much. I felt my cock rapidly expand in her mouth, and without warning, I shot. Shot after shot of semen shot out forcefully. Every muscle in my body contracted violently as two weeks of pent-up desire for my girlfriend was released in orgasmic ecstacy. Taylor’s throat spasmed around my cock and milked me as she greedily swallowed my spunk until not a drop remained.
We collapsed on the bed in a heap. I pulled the shampoo bottle out of her wet snatch, and she crawled back up to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I placed the shampoo bottle on the nightstand, and I embraced her in my arms as we cuddled in the afterglow of our orgasms. I ran my fingers lovingly up and down her sweaty back until I finally reached her juicy bubble butt. God, her ass felt amazing. I gently kneaded each delicious cheek with my hands.
“That feel so good,” Taylor sighed. My finger slid down the length of her crack until it finally found her anus. Taylor’s breath caught in her throat as my fingertip deliberately teased her hot, twitching sphincter. Taylor whined disapprovingly as I removed my finger, but then I plunged my index finger and middle finger into her plundered cunt to coat my fingers with her juices. “AHH!” Taylor cried out as my fingers stimulated her hypersensitive genitals. Then I removed my fingers from her cunt. And before I could Taylor a chance to whine in disappointment, my index finger began teasing her anus. “Ah! Ah! AHHH!” Taylor’s moans turned into a cry of pleasure-infused agony as her sphincted yielded and my finger surged into her rectum.
“AH! AH! AH!” Taylor moaned explosively as I began pistoning my finger in and out of her ass, coating her rectal walls with her juices. I brought my lips to her left breast and deliberately attacked her erect nipple with my tongue. “AAAHHH! AAAHHH! AAAHHH!” I began finger-fucking her ass faster and faster. I could sense that she was close to another climax. Then I pulled my finger out. “No, put it back in,” Taylor begged.
“Okay, you asked for it,” I said. Then I brought both my index finger and my middle finger to her slightly gaping asshole and shoved them in to the hilt.
“AAAHHHHH!” Taylor cried out harshly as I began stretching her rectal walls in preparation for her shampoo bottle. I redoubled my oral assault of her nipple. I was kissing it, licking it, sucking it. And when my teeth seized the erect nub and gently bit down, Taylor reached the point of no return. “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Taylor’s moans rose to a shriek as her sexually-overcharged body reached yet another climax. I could feel her heart fluttering in her chest, and I could feel her rectum clamp down hard on my invading digits.
After Taylor came down from her orgasm, my fingers slipped out. My cock had come back to life, and it was rock hard. I needed to fuck her soon. I began sliding the entire length of my erection against her steaming slit. “AH! AH! AH!” She began lightly bucking her hips, relishing the feeling of my cock rubbing against her throbbing clitoris. Suddenly, Taylor began hunching her bald cunt against my penis, increasing the friction against our genitals. Her moans rose in volume and pitch until her oversexed body finally reached another peak. “Aah! Aah! AAH! AAH! AAAAH! AAAAH! AAAAAAH! AAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAIIIEEEEEEE!” Taylor cried our hoarsely as another orgasm tore through her body.
My penis was aching with desire for her tight cunt. I couldn’t wait a moment longer. I didn’t give her time to come down from her sexual high as I wedged the crown of my cock against her hot, twitching entrance, and without warning, I shoved myself in. “AAAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut as her orgasm was suddenly interrupted by a much stronger orgasm. I began fucking her hard, deep, and fast. “AAH! AAH! AAH!” Taylor moaned exlosively as my glans repeatedly butted against her cervix. I swear I could have felt her inner entrance prepare to surrender itself so I could surge all the way into her uterus.
For roughly ten minutes, I pounded into Taylor’s cunt harder and faster than I had ever fucked a woman before. Over the course of ten minutes, Taylor reached six agonizing peaks until I could sense that she was becoming too overwhelmed with pleasure. Reluctantly, I pulled completely out of her cunt. I brought my head to hers, and we kissed with a burning passion. Then she brought her lips to my ear. “Please fuck my ass,” she whispered. And without giving me a chance to protest, Taylor rolled over so that her sexy bubble butt was poking up.
My heart was pounding. The first time I had met Taylor, I was spellbinded by her badonkadonk, and I had momentary vision of sinking my cock deep into her rectum. And two weeks later, my girlfriend was offering her ass so I could plunder it at will. Now what kind of boyfriend would I be to deny my girlfriend some hardcore anal sex?
My cock was still coated with her feminine secretions, and her anus was still slightly gaping from being fingerbanged earlier. I knew anal sex could be quite painful, so I wanted to make it as enjoyable and pleasurable as possible for her. I reached into the nightstand and pulled out an ampoule of amyl nitrate. I first learned of the recreational drug in a story somebody sent to me and how it enhances and prolongs orgasms. I wedged the crown of my cock against her sphincter. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and put it in her hand. “Fuck yourself with this, baby.” I helped Taylor guide the shampoo bottle to her vaginal entrance, and as I helped her slide the makeshift dildo into her cunt, I shoved my cock into her ass.
“AAAARRRGHHHHIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as the double penetration - the burning pain of anal stimulation and the burning pleasure of vaginal stimulation - gave rise to yet another orgasm. This was one of the strongest orgasms I’ve ever felt a woman have. Her tight ass clamped down repeatedly, and it took all my might to keep from cumming on the spot. After she came down from her sexual peak, I began pounding her ass. I alternated between short strokes and long strokes and between gentle strokes to hard strokes.
I felt a major orgasm brewing in my testicles. I was rapidly reaching the point of no return. I crushed the popper in my hand, and the cloth instantly became saturated with amyl nitrate. I thrusted the popper under Taylor’s nose. “Breathe deep, baby,” I said as I pounded her ass faster and faster.
I could feel her inhaling deeply, taking the fumes into her lungs. The effect was immediate. Sweat broke out all over her body. She began fucking herself harder and faster with the shampoo bottle. She felt burning hot prickles all over her body. Her erect clitoris, already hot and throbbing, flared like a torch against the invading shampoo bottle. And her over-sensitive nipples burned hotter than ever before.
My right arm grabbed her around her hips and met her hand, and we fucked the shampoo bottle in and out of her cunt as I redoubled my efforts to fuck her ass. Meanwhile, my left arm reached for her erect left nipple. “AAAAAAAAAH!” Taylor screamed as my fingers made contact with the super-sensitive nub which was more sensitive than ever before. Then I decided it was time. I seized her stiff nipple between thumb and index finger, and I pinched it hard.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as the combined stimulation of anal stimulation, vaginal stimulation, clitoral stimulation, and nipple stimulation exploded in the most powerful orgasm of Taylor’s life. Her body trembled violently as spasm after spasm tore through her. I could feel a torrential flood of hot liquid flow out heavily around the shampoo bottle.
Her ass clamped down hard on my cock, and the entire situation was finally too much for me. I shoved myself in to the hilt one last time, and I exploded. “AAAARRGH!” I howled as seven massive shots of semen spurted out and spattered against her rectal walls. A pearly froth of brown-tinted santorum squelched out around her distended anus, coating and matting my pubes. Even as my orgasm tailed off, Taylor’s continued until it tapered off a couple minutes later.
We collapsed on the bed with Taylor laying on top of me. Her spasming body still twitched in the afterglow or orgasm. After our bodies finally calmed and our breathing and heart rates got back to normal, I pulled out of her ass. We cuddled in bed and listened to the faint sounds of a woman in the next suite. It sounded like she was getting reamed pretty good. We lightly kissed until finally our exhausted bodies fell asleep. Before I fell asleep, I noticed the clock. It was 12:07 AM.
I finally awoke, and noticed the clock said it was 7:45 AM. I got out of bed and made my way for the bathroom. I had a piss hard-on, and after I expelled what felt like a gallon or urine, it started to deflate. I looked down. My penis and my pubes were fouled with dried santorum. I got a washcloth, soaked it in warm water from the bathroom sink, and washed myself until the mess was gone. I went back to the bedroom and noticed Taylor was awake and watching some TV.
An hour later, we got ready to take her back to the college. We had another class today. After we got dressed, we exited my hotel room. “Go ahead and go to the car, and I’ll meet you there.” Taylor took the keys and rode the elevator down. I locked the door to my suite, and then I saw the door to the next suite open up, and out of the door came Taylor’s aunt Mindy.
Christmas break was rapidly approaching. That means after my last class for the calendar year, there would be no classes until a few days after New Year’s Day. After that, I still had three months left in my tenure at KCU, and after my tenure was up, I would have to leave all this behind and go back to being a billionaire businessman.
Of course there was one thing that I would find very hard to leave behind: Taylor. Her eighteenth birthday was tomorrow, and I had no idea how we’d celebrate it together. I wanted to do something special for her because I loved her. I’ve had relationships with women before, but I’ve never felt so strongly for somebody as much as I feel for Taylor. We’ve been together for three months, and these three months have been the best three months of my life.
But I had no idea how we’d celebrate together. Considering that the college was on Christmas break, it would seem too weird to casual observers to see a 17-year-old college student hanging out with her teacher who was 20 years older than her. It would just raise suspicions with many people including the faculty members, Taylor’s classmates, and Taylor’s family…especially her aunt Mindy.
Speaking of Mindy, Taylor and I had spent the night together making love all night long while we heard a woman in the next suite crying out in orgasmic ecstasy as she got fucked pretty good. The next morning, Taylor and I had gotten ready to take her home, and while Taylor had gone to the car, I saw Mindy exit the adjacent suite. Her hair was a wild jungle, and she walked slightly bow-legged. And when she turned around and saw me, I greeted her with a sly grin. “Why hello there, Mindy,” I said.
“Wha - wha - “ she stammered out. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m renting this suite for the duration of my tenure at KCU,” I said. “But why are you - a woman with a husband and a young child - doing here? Let me guess. Your hubby hasn’t been satisfying you lately, so you decided to get some from some young buck who can keep it up for much longer.” Mindy blushed furiously.
“Not exactly,” Mindy said. “It’s hard to explain, and I don’t have a lot of time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for work.” She walked away, but after a few steps, she turned around. “By the way, I could hear you and your girlfriend through the walls.” I felt a cold shudder. I feared that Mindy would find out about my relationship with Taylor. I knew that if she found out, she would ruin my life by accusing me of statutory rape, and I knew that the college would investigate as well. The college had a strict policy concerning relationships between students and faculty members: Faculty members found to have inappropriate relationships with students would be fired, and students found to have inappropriate relationships with faculty members could be accused of academic dishonesty which was punishable by up to and including expulsion. I didn’t want to ruin Taylor’s academic career.
“Well, we’re all consenting adults, right,” I asked Mindy.
“I guess,” she said. “I just want to say this, Sean-Paul. I feel uncomfortable seeing you and Taylor hang around together so much. I’m very protective of her because my cousin sexually abused her when she was about nine years old. But then again, I admire you because you take a great interest in her work. Do you really think she’ll be a success in the computer industry?”
“I don’t think she will be a success,” I said. “I know she will be a success.”
Mindy smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to work. Please don’t let Taylor or Terri know about me being here.”
“I won’t,” I said. “I promise.” Mindy smiled and walked away. I headed down the stairs and joined Taylor, and I drove us to the college.
Today was the last day of college before Christmas break. We had final exams today. After class was over, I had to go to my office and grade the exams. Three students failed their final exams, but they were lazy students who paid no attention, did no homework, and put in no effort at all. Most of the class passed with a B+, and three students - including Taylor - got an A+.
While in my office, I got a call from Steven. He informed me that the company’s Christmas party was in a few days, and everybody wanted me to attend. I kind of missed Manhattan, so I told him that I would be there. He also told me I could bring Taylor along. But I don’t think Taylor’s mom - much less her aunt - would approve of her going to New York with her temporary professor.
Then Taylor came in and closed the door. She was accompanied by a redheaded girl who was much taller. “Hi, sweetie,” Taylor said. She walked over to me and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. I was taken aback by the public display of affection in front of her best friend. “It’s okay, Maddy knows we’re seeing each other. She promised to keep quiet.”
“Okay,” I said. “I’m going to New York for Christmas break. I’m going to the company’s Christmas party. I wish I could ask you to come with me, but I don’t think your family would be okay with it.”
“You can be our chaperone,” Taylor said.
“What?” I inquired.
“Well,” Taylor continued, “Maddy’s going to spend Christmas break with her grandparents in Brooklyn. She invited me to come with her, so why don’t we just all travel together?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” I said.
The next day, we flew from Kansas City and arrived at La Guardia. I was met by Steven and a pretty woman of Hispanic descent. “Sean-Paul,” said Steven, “this is Sarita Felipe. She just graduated from college in Mexico and is our new director of Latin affairs.
“Pleased to meet you,” I said.
“Gracias, senor,” she said.
“Anyway, Sean-Paul, our Christmas party is tomorrow in the board room. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Steven said. He and Sarita made their way to a taxi and rode off. I hailed a taxi. I had the driver take us to Brooklyn so we could drop Maddy off at her grandparents’ house. I recognized the house. It was the house I grew up next to. I recalled dating their daughter when I was a freshman in high school. We even had sex a few times. After we dropped Maddy off, I had the driver drive us to my apartment building.
We rode the elevator to the top floor and walked to my front door. I opened my door, and Taylor was astonished by my apartment. Upon entering my apartment, you were greeted with a spiral staircase which led down to the main area of my apartment. The main area was very spacious with a large living room which was bigger than your typical middle-class suburbia home. My kitchen and dining area was against the windows which offered a breatktaking view of Manhattan, Liberty Island, Brooklyn, Queens, and even New Jersey. “I think I want to marry you and live here,” Taylor said.
I chuckled. “We’ve been travelling for many hours,” I said. “How about we relax?”
“Okay,” she said. We retired to the living room. I got up and walked to the bar and fixed a glass of brandy - bottled in 1783 - on the rocks. The ice-cold hard liquor tasted wonderful. I asked Taylor if she wanted a sip, and she said okay. She took a tenuous sip, and she actually enjoyed the drink. I got up and fixed another glass of ice, and we had a few drinks of brandy. We sat like that until day became night and the apartment became illuminated by city lights and moonlight.
I turned on the TV, and we snuggled on the sofa. Taylor rested her head on my shoulder, and I gently rubbed her back with my fingertips. I felt her hand on my thigh. She was rubbing my thigh up and down with her hand, and her upstroke inched closer and closer to my crotch. My free hand reached for her face and gently caressed her cheek. She raised her head up, and our faces came in closer until our lips met.
Taylor moaned into my mouth as I slid my tongue past her lips to slide it playfully against her own tongue. The feeling was exquisite. Now it was my turn to moan as Taylor slid her tongue into my mouth. Then she broke the kiss and kissed her way up my jawline until her lips rested against my ear. “I love you, Sean-Paul.”
“I love you, too, Taylor,” I replied. I couldn’t help it. This soon-to-be-eighteen-year-old girl owned and captured my heart. She was everything that I’ve ever wanted in a woman. And it was so frustrating to keep our relationship private in order to protect our own lives. In a perfect world, we would be able to let the whole fucking world know that we were in love and wanted to be together for all eternity. Sadly, we do not live in a perfect world.
“I want to marry you someday, baby,” she said. “I want to be your wife and have your children.” My heart warmed at her tender expression of true love. “I want to live with you, live for you, and when the time comes, die for you and die with you.”
“I need you right now, darling,” I said. We got up and held hands as I led her to the bedroom. I found some unused candles and lit them and placed them all around the bedroom. I closed the bedroom door, and I picked Taylor up in my arms. I pinned her against the bedroom door, and then she threw her arms and legs around me as we kissed hard, deep, and fast. My cock felt huge and swollen as it throbbed in my slacks. I could feel the pre-cum oozing out around the head. I broke the kiss and whispered into her ear. “I, Sean-Paul DeCraig, take you, Taylor Lynne O’Hare to be my lawfully-wedded wife.” I nibbled on her earlobe and began grinding my bulge against her crotch.
“Ahhh-HAH!” Taylor moaned explosively. “I, Taylor Lynne Oh!-Oh!-Oh!-O’Hare, take you Sean-Pa-AH-ul DeCraig, to beEEE my lawfully wedded husband-AH! AH! AH!” Taylor cried out as the friction of our cloth-covered genitals was driving her closer to an orgasm. Suddenly Taylor drew her arms up. I knew what she wanted. I quickly removed her tight sweater and unsnapped her pink bra until her ultra-sensitive breasts were exposed. My left hand went straight for her right breast. “YEEESSSS!” Taylor shrieked as I began teasing her swollen nipple. She began grinding her denim-covered cunt against the bulge in my pants faster and faster until her sexually-overcharged body could take no more. “AAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEE! EEE! EEE! EEE!” Taylor cried out repeatedly as her body was seized by a powerful orgasm. She trembled violently as spasms tore through her body.
But I wasn’t done. I laid my girlfriend on the bed and redoubled my digital assault on the aching nub. My mouth dove on her right breast, and I began sucking for all it was worth. “YES! YES! YES!” Taylor shouted repeatedly as my tongue lashed out against the sensitive pointed tip. I began sucking harder on her right breast, and I stroked her left nipple harder and harder until the good feelings reached another crescendo. “AHHH! AHHH! AHHHHHEEEEEEE!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut, threw her head back, and arched her spine as another orgasm took control and seized her mind, body, and spirit.
I unsnapped her tight skinny jeans and pulled them down along with her thong panties until her naked cunt was exposed. The moonlight and candlelight made her soaking wet cunt glisten with her feminine secretions. Her vulva looked so fucking inviting. I loved the taste of her juices. I always craved the taste of her juices. I could eat her for hours and hours and never grow tired of the sweet, heavenly taste and aroma. I slid two fingers into her slit. “AHH!” Taylor moaned as I penetrated her cunt and stimulated her hot insides. I tortured her G-spot , and then I pulled my fingers out. I spread her juicy asscheeks apart and searched for her anus with my glistening fingers. I heard her breath catch in her throat as my fingers found their target.
And then I slid my fingers in to the hilt. “ARRRRGHHIEEEE!” Taylor cried out hoarsely as the unexepected anal penetration gave rise to yet another orgasm. I began rapidly pumping my fingers in and out of her back passage, lubricating her anus and rectum so I could shove my cock deep into her nether region.
After I felt that her anal sphincter was stretched out enough to make anal entry easier, I pulled my fingers out. I quickly stripped out of my clothes. My wet, sticky erection was huge and swollen and ached to be inside my girlfriend. “Then by the power vested in me, I declare us husband and wife,” I said, and then I shoved myself in.
“YIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as my cock filling her bowels brought her to yet another tremendous release of pure sexual energy. I began pounding her ass as a feverish pace. I could feel my nuts tighten as my orgasm rapidly approached. But I wanted to be inside her cunt when I shot my load. I wanted to marry this girl. I wanted to have children with her. I wanted to get this girl pregnant so we could share a sacred bond for all eternity. I pulled out of her ass, wiped my cock clean of fecal matter, and placed the head of my cock against her womanly entrance. I shoved myself in with one plunge. “OOOOWWWWEEEEEEEE!” Taylor cried out as another orgasm crested over her.
I maneuvered ourselves so that I was laying on my back. This was our favorite sex position. Taylor could freely ride my cock while I play with her ultra-sensitive nipples. Taylor began bouncing herself wildly on my cock as I began roughly manipulating her aching nipples with my fingers. “AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHH!” Taylor cried out as she was riding the wave to the seventh orgasm of the night. My nuts were tightening as my orgasm inched closer and closer. Taylor fucked herself harder and harder on my cock. I could feel the head butting repeatedly against her cervix, the inner entrance to her uterus where I hoped someday that our child would grow inside. Suddenly, I felt a new tightness slide past the head of my cock. I felt her cervix surrender itself to my invading erection. I was inside her uterus! I was inside her womb!
The sudden penetration of her cervix was way too much for Taylor’s sexually-overcharged body to take. “AAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed out horasely as the most powerful orgasm of her life erupted like a volcano. Her vagina spasmed around the root of my cock, and her cervix clamped down hard on the upper part of my shaft including the head. Her juices shot out forcefully around our joining, drenching us in her girl-cum.
The sudden tightness of her cervix was too much for me. “AH! AH! AAAAARGHHHH!” I howled as the biggest orgasm of my life overtook me. My vision went grey, and I saw bright colorful lights as my entire body was engulfed. Shot after shot of cum spurted directly inside her uterus, painting her womb with my spunk. Deep down inside, I hoped that she was ovulating so I could get my future wife pregnant.
We collapsed on the bed, We were both sweating profusely and gulping for air. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I could feel Taylor’s heart fluttering against my own. I rubbed her sweaty back all over, gently caressing her naked skin. We stayed like that until my cock finally deflated and slipped out of her snatch. Since most of my cum was shot into her uterus, not much leaked out of her slit.
We retired into a cuddle. Taylor rested her head on my chest. I inhaled the musky scent of her sweat-drenched hair. It was intoxicating. I lightly kissed the top of her head. “Oh fuck, Sean-Paul,” Taylor gasped out as she fought to regain control of her breathing. “That was the most amazing experience of my life. Please tell me it will be like this forever.”
“It will, baby,” I said. “And I’ll make sure of it.” I reached over to the nightstand and retrieved a box. “I want you top open this.” Taylor opened the box. She was greeted by a diamond ring. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re already married. But I want to make it official. Taylor Lynne O’Hare, will you marry me?”
Tears spilled from the corners of Taylor’s eyes as feelings of true love washed over her. “Yes, Sean-Paul,” she sobbed out. “Oh yes I’ll marry you!” We shared a tender, loving kiss as I slipped the diamond engagement ring over my fiancee’s ring finger.
I looked at the clock. It was now 12:05 AM. My fiancee was now eighteen years old. “Happy birthday, darling,” I said. We shared a gentle kiss. I wrapped my arms around my fiancee and held her tenderly as sleep was beginning to overtake us. “I hope you’re ovulating,” I said.
“I am,” she said.
It was about 7:00 AM when I finally awoke from my slumber. I opened my eyes and absorbed myself in my surroundings. I was in my bedroom in my apartment. The morning sunlight was beginning to come through my window, giving me a perfect view of downtown Manhattan all the way down to where the World Trade Center formerly stood. I looked around my bedroom. The candles had long since burned out. And then I rolled over and saw a vision of loveliness. Taylor was rolled over on her side sound asleep. The covers had rolled down enough to give me a perfect view of her naked back. Her long blonde hair flowed like honey over her bare shoulders. I stared at her as she inhaled and exhaled softly in her sleep.
I scooted closer to her sleeping form and wrapped my arms around her. We had spent the last three weeks living in my apartment. We were pretty much living together as live-in lovers. My neighbors actually thought that Taylor and I were married. I inhaled the slightly musky scent of her hair. I slowly slid my fingers down the length of her thin arms, relishing the erotic sensation of her silky smooth skin until I reached her hands. I took her hands into my own, interlocking our fingers together. I felt her engagement ring against my fingers; she wore it even when she was asleep. I began planting delicate kisses against the back of her neck.
Suddenly, I felt Taylor stirring against me. I let go of her hands, and she rolled over to face me. She rested her head on my shoulder, and the feeling of her warm breath against my neck felt amazing. My penis, which had to be exhausted from last night’s lovemaking, began to grow and stiffen as I felt desire for my fiancee wash over me once again as it has many times before. I looked down at her face and noticed her eyes were open. Her green eyes melted my heart. And then I saw her smile.
I gently caressed her left cheek with my fingers. Then she took my hand in her hands and pulled my fingers to her mouth. I felt her sweet lips kissing my index finger. Then she pulled her head up to mine. Our faces drew closer together until our lips finally met. My cock was throbbing as I was overcome with the urge to once again sink myself into her tight vagina and shove myself all the way inside to her uterus where I knew that our children would grow inside. And then I looked at the clock. It was 8:32 AM.
“Oh shit, we better get ready,” I said. We had to pick up Maddy in Brooklyn and be ready for our flight back to Kansas City which was due to depart from La Guardia at 11:45 AM. Reluctantly, we got out of bed and put our clothes back on. I looked at Taylor and noticed she looked more radiant than ever before. “You look so beautiful, Tay,” I said.
She smiled at me. “Thank you, sweetie,” she replied. “It’s because you make me feel beautiful.” Suddenly, she clutched at her stomach. “Oh I have to go to the bathroom. I feel like I’m going to throw up.” She got up and went to the bathroom. I could hear the faint sounds of retching and splattering coming from the loo. This has been going on for the last several days. Then she came out.
“Feel better, sweetie?” I asked.
“Much better,” she said. We shared a gentle kiss and left my apartment. I hailed a taxi to go to Brooklyn to pick up Maddy, and then we went to La Guardia and flew to Kansas City.
Upon arriving at Kansas City, I got my rental car and drove Maddy to her home. She lived a few blocks away from Taylor. After we dropped Maddy off, I drove Taylor to her home, but it looked like nobody was home. I asked Taylor if she had any keys. “I never carry any keys, silly,” she said. “So how are we gonna kill time?”
“This car has tinted windows, baby,” I said. Taylor smiled seductively at me. We hurriedly got in the back seat, locked the doors, and rolled up the tinted windows. As soon as we got in the back seat, we kissed hard, fast, and deep. Taylor straddled my lap. I slid my hands up and down the length of her bare legs. Her skin felt so soft and so warm. Her miniskirt had ridden up to reveal the white cotton of her panties. She fumbled with the zipper of my slacks, and after she worked it down, she fished my fully-erect cock out of my pants. She pulled the crotch of her panties to the side, exposing her slit. Her juices were already flowing, lubricating her vaginal passage in preparation for my cock. And then she sank herself down on my waiting erection.
“AAAAIIIEEEEEE!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut, threw her head back, and cried out loud as she came instantly from the feeling of my cock surging into her vagina. I held my fiancee tenderly against me as her orgasm swept her away. Gradually her body calmed, and she looked at me with half-closed eyes. She smiled at me, and we began kissing lightly. Then she began to ride my cock like a pro. “AAIE! AAIE! AAIE!” Taylor moaned explosively as my invading cock repeatedly butted against the head of her cervix, threatening to once again to surge all the way inside her womb.
I snaked my hand down to our intimate joining in order to coat two fingers with her leaking juices. My other hand slid down her back, relishing the feel of her sexy badonkadonk. I pulled the back of her panties aside to expose her backdoor. After wetting my fingers with enough of her juices, I wormed my fingers around her until my fingers were pressing against the wrinkled star of her anus. “OOO!” Taylor squealed as my fingers began teasing her backdoor entrance. The car was beginning to reek of sweat and cunt juice. Her gyrations became more frantic as the dual stimulation threatened to send her over the edge again. I could feel the head of my cock pressing harder against her cervical hole. Without warning, I shoved my slick fingers inside her ass.
“OWWEEEE!” Taylor cried out as the burning pain of anal violation gave rise to another orgasm. As the orgasm slammed into her, she thrusted hard against me, and the extra thrust allowed my cock to surge past her cervix and all the way inside her uterus. “AAAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as the internal penetration gave rise to a second consecutive orgasm, much more fierce and much more powerful than her previous release. Tears flowed freely from her eyes, and she sobbed out her rapturous cries of pleasure as her body trembled violently. The exquisite sensation of her vagina and cervix spasming around my cock was too much for me. I felt my nuts tighten and my cock expand as I spurted deep inside her womb.
After a long minute, we both came down from our sexual highs. Taylor fell against me, resting her head on my shoulder as she fought to regain control of her breathing and her heartrate. I pulled my fingers out her ass and ran my hands lovingly up and down her back. I couldn’t resist caressing her sexy ass. I began lightly kissing her jawline until my lips met her ear. I began gently nibbling on her earlobe. Then I looked toward the windshield and saw a car pull up. There were two women in the car. It was Terri and Mindy! “Oh shit, Tay,” I exclaimed. “Your mom and aunt just pulled up.”
“Oh fuck,” she said. We hurriedly disengaged. “Ow!” Taylor exclaimed as my cock pulled quickly out of her cervix and her cunt. I got an unused dress shirt to quickly wipe up our sweat as well as the cum and cunt juice that leaked from her slit. I quickly put my erection away and zipped up my pants. After we looked presentable, we exited the car. “Hi, Mom!” Taylor said as she saw her mom and aunt exit the car.
“It’s so good to see you, Taylor,” Terri said as mother and daughter hugged. “So how was New York?”
“It was awesome,” Taylor said. “I got to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and ever Rockefeller Center.” Then she saw her aunt Mindy walking toward her. Taylor walked to her and gave her a hug as well. “Hi, aunt Mindy.”
“Why are you walking funny?” Mindy asked.
Oh shit. This didn’t look too good. I knew that Mindy already suspected that something was going on between Taylor and I. Now I feared that her suspicions would be confirmed. I had to think of a plausible excuse. “I took Taylor horseback riding at the Blue Star horse sanctuary.” I prayed to God that Terri and Mindy would buy my story.
“You went horseback riding?” Terri asked Taylor. “Dear, I am so proud of you! You haven’t been horseback riding since you were a little girl.” Then Terri looked at me. “You have no idea how grateful I am for you. Taylor has been afraid of horses ever since she was thrown off one when she was nine. She was hurt pretty badly. She broke her leg. She had to spend such a long time in bed. And that’s when my cousin offered to take care of her.”
“Terri, I don’t think he wants to hear about your cousin,” Mindy said.
“It’s okay, aunt Mindy,” Taylor said. “He already knows about him.”
“Why would you tell him such a secret?” Mindy asked.
“Because we’re friends, that’s why,” Taylor said.
“Now now, let’s behave our here,” Terri said. She walked up to me and hugged me. “You have no idea how grateful I am for you making Taylor so happy. She’s been unhappy for far too long. It’s like you’ve brought her out of her depression.”
“You’re welcome,” I said.
“I have to go to the Hampton Inn,” Mindy said. “Sean-Paul, can you come with me so we can talk in private?” Mindy asked.
“Sure,” I said. When I saw Mindy walking to my car, I nearly panicked. I knew that if she opened the car door, she would be overcome with the smell of sex, and then my world would come crashing down. Her suspicions would be confirmed, and then my career - as well as my life - would be ruined forever. “It’s out of gas,” I immediately said.
“Oh,” Mindy said. “Okay, we can just go in my car.” We got in her car and went down the road. I felt uneasy sitting in a car with Mindy. “Horseback riding, eh? That’s a good one,” she said.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
Suddenly she pulled to the side of the road. “You’re just like her cousin,” she said. “He took advantage of her when she was at her weakest, and now you’re taking advantage of her when she’s at her weakest. Do you honestly think I believe that you took her horseback riding? So how long have you two been fucking?”
I felt a cold chill throughout my body. This wasn’t good. “Listen,” I said, “there’s nothing going on between us. We are friends. I am helping her with her studies so she can be successful in the computer industry. I think she would be a great worker for my company.”
“Oh bullshit!” Mindy exclaimed. “Don’t play me for a fool! I saw the way she was walking! You don’t walk like that from riding horses! You walk like that from riding cock! I bet there’s no such thing as a Blue Star horse sanctuary!”
“I just happen to be a part owner of that place, bitch!” I said out of anger. “Do you want to know what I do for a living? I run a successful billion dollar business! I am a vegan! I pride myself in bringing awareness to animal suffering! That place - which you claim doesn’t exist - adopts retired carriage horses from the NYPD and treats them with love and care! Don’t EVER say otherwise!”
“So why didn’t you want to take your car?” Mindy said.
“Because it’s out of gas,” I said. “God Damn you’re like those fucking conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones who makes up bullshit stories to fearmonger his idiot followers into sending him money! I saw that fat motherfucker at Ground Zero on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 spreading his whackjob 9/11 conspiracy theories on a day of mourning and remembrance! Do you know how much I wanted to punch that asshole in the face for denigrating the memory of a close friend of mine who was killed on that day?! For the last fucking time, there is NOTHING going on between Taylor and I! NOTHING! And if you don’t drop this bullshit, I’ll let your whole family know about you at the hotel the other night!”
“Fine,” Mindy calmly stated. “You want to know what was going on that night? Well, let’s go then.” We got back on the road and kept on going until we arrived at the Hampton Inn. “We’re going to my suite,” Mindy said. We rode the elevator to the top floor, and then we headed for her suite. Upon entering her suite, I noticed something laying on the bed. It was a flesh-colored strap-on dildo. “You’re cheating on your husband with another woman?” I asked.
“Bingo,” Mindy said. “Lanisha! I’m back!” Lanisha? I looked at the key card used to unlock the front door:
     ROOM 689 - LAPRAIX
“No way,” I thought to myself. Then I saw the door the bathroom open up, and out walked a gorgeous African-American beauty with exotic looks, dark curly hair, and the sexiest lips I’ve ever seen in my life. “Yes way,” I thought to myself. It was my ex-girlfriend Lanisha LaPraix. It had been six years since we last saw each other, and nearly as long since the last time we spoke to each other when she broke up with me over the phone. “Lanisha? Lanisha LaPraix?”
“Oh my God,” Lanisha said. She walked up to me. “Sean-Paul. Sean-Paul deCraig. AAH!” She ran to me and gripped me in a fierce hug. I heard her faintly crying. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you, darling. I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” I said. “What are you doing in Kansas City?”
“I just had to get away from New York for a while,” she said. “I’ve been so down ever since I lost Lawrence. Just being around the area brought back all the painful memories.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” I calmly said. “How did it happen?” She hesitated for a few moments. I knew I shouldn’t have asked. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
“No it’s okay,” she said. “Our marriage had fallen apart ever since I got hired to anchor the local evening news. He felt I should have been a housewife, but I got my master’s for a reason. I wanted to be a journalist. So I got wrapped up in my work, and we just drifted apart. And then it all came to a head when he shot himself.”
“Wow,” I said. “I’m sorry you had to go all through that. But why are you here in Kansas City? And why are you here with Mindy?”
“We’ve been having an affair for the last several months,” Mindy said. “It began long before you came here. Come, Lanisha. Let’s show Sean-Paul what we do. Sean-Paul, you can watch.” And with that, Mindy began taking off her clothes. For a woman of her age, she had a fantastic body. Unlike Taylor, she had full breasts with large areolae and large nipples. And as she slipped off her dress, I could tell where Taylor got her badonkadonk from. Mindy’s ass was magnificent. I couldn’t believe how firm yet so voluptuous it was. And then she slipped off her panties, and I was greeted with a shaven cunt. She plopped down on the bed and spread her legs, giving Lanisha and I a perfect view of her sex. “I’m ready for you, darling,” Mindy said.
“And I’m ready for you, too, my love,” Lanisha said. Lanisha picked up the strap-on and put it on. To the casual observer, it looked like Lanisha was sporting a magnificent nine-inch erection. She slid the shaft up and down the entire length of Mindy’s slit, gathering up the leaking juices. Then she placed the head of her fake penis at Mindy’s opening, and without warning, she shoved herself in.
“AAAAIIEEEEEEEEEEE!” Mindy howled as she instantly came from the sensation of nine inches of rubber cock filling her womanly entrance. Now I knew where Taylor inherited her sex drive from. Lanisha pounded Mindy’s cunt harder than I ever thought possible. Then Mindy grabbed a small vibrator and a bottle of mineral oil from the night stand. Mindy squirted a generous portion of the lube on the sex toy and brought it to her own anus. She moaned as she felt the butt plug slowly enter her rectum. And then she flicked a switch at the base. “OOOWWWEEEEEE!” Mindy howled as the anal stimulation gave rise to yet another orgasm. She squinted her eyes shut and arched her spine as her body trembled violently from the release of sexual energy.
This was the hottest thing I have ever personally laid my eyes on. My cock was aching with the need to bury it in something. Then I laid my eyes on Lanisha’s ass. Her badonkadonk was breathtaking. I unzipped my slacks and pulled my penis out. I grabbed the mineral oil from Mindy and squirted it wildly on my penis. I massaged the slippery gel in until my cock was glistening. I began jacking my cock furiously as I observed the hardcore lesbian sex. I fantasized about sinking my erection inside Taylor’s ass and fucking her into countless orgasms, and the fantasy was too much. I felt my nuts tighten, and then I boiled over. “AAAARGH!” I howled as my orgasm rocketed out of me. Shot after shot of pearly semen arched out, splattering on Lanisha’s back and into her hair and onto Mindy’s face.
Lanisha’s thrusts became harder and faster until finally she could take no more. “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” She howled as her body was seized by a crippling climax. She shoved herself harder into Mindy, and the added sensation sent Mindy over the edge. “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE!” Mindy screamed repeatedly as spasm after spasm tore through her and caused her entire body to tremble violently.
I stumbled backwards into the sofa and plopped down. I was exhausted. Lanisha and Mindy collapsed on the bed and embraced each other. I looked at my watch. It was getting late. “Well I guess I’ll leave you two lovers alone for a while,” I said. “Mindy, I won’t say a word about this. I promise.”
“Thanks, Sean-Paul,” Mindy said. “I promise I won’t be so quick to judge you anymore.” And with that, I left the suite and went to mine.
As soon as I entered my suite, I sat down and reminisced about my past with Lanisha. Did I still have feelings for her? After all, I was heartbroken when she left me. I was deeply in love with her. But with Taylor, I found love again. I loved Taylor. I was deeply in love with Taylor. If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t have asked her to marry me. I got my cellphone out and called Taylor. She picked it up after two rings. “Hello?” she asked.
“Hey baby,” I replied. “I miss you so much.”
“I miss you, too,” she replied. “I’m not feeling too well. Mom and I had dinner, and I just got done puking my guts out. She asked if I wanted to go see a doctor, and I told her no. I can’t go to the doctor. Then they’d find out about our relationship.”
“How would they find out?” I asked.
“After you and aunt Mindy left, Mom and I went to the store,” she continued, “while Mom was doing her shopping, I went to the family planning department and bought a pregnancy test. Well, I just got done testing myself.” There was a long pause. “Sean-Paul, I’m pregnant.”
I was sitting in my office. Having to deal with so much paperwork made me glad I didn’t make teaching a career choice. Back at my company, I had other people to help me with company paperwork. Here, I didn’t have that luxury. While going through the paperwork, I kept thinking about things which were going on in my life. I had met the woman of my dreams. I was engaged to the woman of my dreams. And most importantly, I was going to become a father.
When Taylor told me over the phone that she was pregnant with our child, I became misty-eyed. Before Taylor came into my life, I thought I had everything I needed in life: a successful career, wealth beyond imagination, a place to live, and the desire and passion to give to the world. Yet I had nobody to share that with. That is, until I met Taylor. I finally had the missing ingredient in my life. I kept thinking about a conversation I had with Taylor the first night we spent together at my apartment in Manhattan. It was that night that Taylor told me she wanted to marry me, have our children, and share the rest of our lives together. Later that night, we made love in my bed, and after I had finished spurting my semen directly into her womb and impregnating her, I asked her to marry me, and she readily accepted. Once we arrived back in Kansas City, I had taken her home, and when we realized nobody was home and she didn’t have her keys with her, we made a nearly foolish decision to engage in some quickie sex in the back seat of my car. We were nearly caught in the act by her mom and aunt. But her aunt Mindy knew what was going on when she saw her niece walk gingerly towards them. Mindy angrily confronted me in private over what she saw, and after I denied her allegations and threatened to expose her secret affair, she showed me who she was having an affair with: my ex-girlfriend Lanisha. I had just finished my paperwork when I heard a knock at the door. I looked up at the window. It was Taylor’s friend Maddy. “Come in,” I said. Maddy opened the door, came in, and closed the door. “How’s Taylor?” I asked. “She’s fine,” she replied. Taylor hadn’t been feeling well today, so she wasn’t able to be in class today. “Listen, I know that she’s pregnant.” I felt a cold chill go up my spine. “She told you?” I asked. “Yeah,” she replied. “But don’t worry. I know that if this comes out, both of you will get hurt. Besides, I have never seen Taylor so happy before. Before you came into her life, she was so depressed because her heart was broken.” “I’d like to have five minutes with the jerk who broke her heart,” I said. “What’s his name?” “It’s not a he,” she said. “It’s a she.” “What?” I asked in a slightly surprised tone. “Taylor’s bisexual,” she continued. “She’s been dating guys and girls for the last couple years. Until you came into her life, she had never been sexually involved with a guy. But she had been having sex with girls for a while. Her last relationship was with a girl named Angelica Cruz. Taylor and Angelica were having a relationship last year when they were in high school. But Angelica got accepted at the University of Florida, and a few weeks before you came here, Angelica called Taylor to let her know that she had fallen in love with another woman.” “I had no idea,” I said. “Well, now you know,” Maddy said. “I’m glad you came into Taylor’s life. You’ve made her forget about all the bad things that happened between her and Angelica.” Maddy walked up to me and hugged me tightly. Maddy’s skin felt so soft, and her gorgeous curly red hair framed her face, making her sultry looks oh so sexy. But even so, her beauty could not compare to Taylor’s. Maddy looked into my eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to have an identical twin brother who happens to be single, would you”? Maddy asked with a wink. “I’m sorry,” I replied. “Okay,” Maddy said. “I have to go. Please don’t tell her that I told you about Angelica. She’d never forgive me.” I nodded my head. “Oh thanks! Bye, Sean-Paul!” And with that, Maddy left my office. I sat back down and read the newspaper. I noticed the national headlines:     NYPD DETECTIVES TO REOPEN LAWRENCE HASTINGS CASE Reading the article about the Hastings case made me think of Lanisha. I hadn’t seen her in six years, and she was still as gorgeous and sexy as she was when I last saw her. I couldn’t stop thinking about last night when I saw her and Mindy having hardcore lesbian sex. I was seriously tempted to join in on the action and to sink my erection in Lanisha’s tight ass, but I didn’t want to cheat on my fiancee. Instead, I settled for a good old fashioned handjob. My cock was hardening from thinking about last night, and then I heard my cellphone ring. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mindy. Why would she be calling me? “Hello?” “Hello, Sean-Paul. It’s Mindy. Can I see you?” “Where at?” I replied. “The hotel,” she said. “Where else? I’ll be waiting. Bye.” Then I heard the phone click. I wondered what she was up to. Did she want to make more accusations about Taylor and I? Or maybe she wanted me to see she and Lanisha get it on again. “This could be interesting,” I thought to myself. I left my office and drove for the hotel. I headed for the sixth floor, and then I headed for Room 689. I knocked on the door. Then the door opened, and I greeted by Mindy. She was wearing a white terrycloth robe. “Come in,” she said. I followed her and couldn’t help but to stare at her badonkadonk as she walked in front of me. “Where’s Lanisha?” I asked. “She went back to New York,” she replied. “Apparently the cops want to question her about her husband’s death. It seems like when a man or woman dies these days, their husband or wife is automatically a suspect.” “Yeah,” I said. “So why did you want to see me?” “Because I want to know why Taylor loves your cock so much,” she said. I noticed that she was slurring her words. I looked around and noticed two empty bottles of brandy on the nightstand beside her bed. It was obvious that she was drunk. “I want to know what makes her feel good.” “You’re drunk,” I said. “I’m not drunk,” Mindy said. “I’m horny. I want a cock. I want your cock.” Then she untied her robe and slipped it off. I was left breathless. Mindy now stood before me completely naked. Her large, firm breasts stood out proud. Her nipples were pointed and flushed a deep brown. Her firm stomach betrayed the fact that she was a mother of a two year old. Then she turned around and allowed my eyes to feast on her badonkadonk. Then Mindy turned back around and looked into my eyes. “Do you like what you see?” she slurred out in a seductive manner. “I can’t,” I said. “You’re a married woman. I can’t mess around with another man’s wife.” “But you sure as hell can prey on and seduce a seventeen year old girl,” Mindy said. “There’s no way somebody walks like the way Taylor walked from riding a horse. I know she was riding you, big boy. I saw the flush in your faces. I know why you didn’t want me to ride in your car. You knew I’d smell the stench of a forty year old man and a seventeen year old girl fucking each other!” “She’s eighteen, idiot,” I said angrily. “You admitted it!” she exclaimed. “So you ARE fucking my niece! My idiot sister-in-law Terri is so fucking gullible! I would tell her that you’ve been fucking her own daughter, but knowing her she’ll turn it around and blame it on me! So prove it to me! Prove to me that you aren’t fucking my niece! Prove it by fucking me!” “Why would I want to fuck you?” I said. “What’s the matter?” Mindy said. “You don’t like my big tits? You got a think for small tits like Taylor’s? Are my nipples not sensitive enough for you? Do you get off from making Taylor cum just from rubbing her nipples? Want to know how Taylor got her first orgasm? Because I caught her cousin playing with her tits! He was touching her nipples, and then she had an orgasm in no time at all! “Stop it,” I said. “Want to know how Taylor started fucking herself with shampoo bottles?” Mindy continued. “Because while Danny was playing with her tits, he shoved a shampoo bottle up her cunt and fucked her with it! And then he shoved his cock up her ass and sodomized her! The only reason Taylor has sex with you is because she was raped by her cousin when she was nine!” “ENOUGH!” I shouted. I pushed Mindy onto the bed and pinned her down. “Don’t you EVER talk about Taylor LIKE…THAT…AGAIN!” I placed my hands around Mindy’s throat. I was about to strangle her. “You want to get fucked, bitch?! You got it! I’ll fuck you!” I unzipped my pants and pulled out my erect cock. And without warning, I shoved myself up Mindy’s ass to the hilt. “AAAARRRGHHHIEEEEEEEEE!” Suddenly Mindy let out a horrific shriek of pain-infused pleasure as the sudden anal violation gave rise to a monstrous orgasm. I stabbed into Mindy’s ass brutally. I angrily pounded into her rectum. My penis felt so huge and swollen. I lowered my head to Mindy’s and brought my lips to her right ear. “Does…THIS…convince…YOU?!” My voice raised in volume as I sank myself deeper into her colon. “There…is…NOTHING…going…ON…between…ME…and…TAYLOR!” I dug into my pocket and pulled out a popper. I crushed it one-handed and thrust it under Mindy’s nose. Mindy inhaled the fumes of the amyl nitrate. It was immediate. “AAAAH! AAAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Mindy howled as the most powerful orgasm of her life completely destroyed her. Thick, pungent cream squirted forcefully from her slit and her body was seized by debilitating spasms of pure, raw sexual energy. The pleasure sensation was so unbearable that she passed out. Knowing that she was passed out, I spoke into her ear. “Oh…I…LOVE…your…NIECE! I…LOVE…fucking…HER…tight…CUNT! I…love…fucking…HER…tight…ASS! I’m…gonna…MARRY…Taylor…and…have…CHILdren…with…HER! I’ve…ALREADY…gotten…her…PREGNANT!” My words were turning me on something fierce. I suddenly visualized that I was fucking Taylor, and the visualization sent me over the edge. “Oh…I…WANT…to…FUCK…TAYLOR…OH…OH…OHHHHAAARGH!!!!!” I howled as my orgasm rocketed out of me. My vision went grey, and I saw bright colorful flashes of light as my body contracted violently. Shot after shot of pearly jizz spurted deep inside Mindy’s rectum, splattering against her rectal walls. A pearly froth of santorum squelched out around her distended anus. I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. Two hours later, I woke up. Mindy was still asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. I cleaned up and got ready to leave. When I exited the bathroom, I noticed Mindy had woken up. I looked at her. “Are you convinced that there’s nothing going on between me and Taylor?” I was hoping that she was too out of it to hear me confess my relationship with Taylor. “Yeah,” she replied. “I’m sorry.” “I have to go to my room. Bye.” I said, and I left her room and went to my room. I sat down, and then I heard my cellphone ring. I checked the caller ID. It was Taylor. “Hello?” “Sean-Paul,” Taylor said. She sounded like she was in pain. “Taylor, are you okay?” I asked. “I don’t think so,” she replied. “I think something’s wrong with the baby.” “Where are you?” I asked. “I’m at Maddy’s,” she said. Then I heard her let out an ungodly cry of pain. “AAAAOOWWWWW!” “I’m coming right now!” I said. I hung the phone up and rushed for Maddy’s dorm room. Upon arriving at Maddy’s dorm room, I asked Maddy where Taylor was. “She’s in the bathroom” Maddy said. I rushed for the bathroom. Once I opened the bathroom door, I saw Taylor sitting on the toilet. She was sobbing hysterically. I bent down and embraced her in my arms. I rocked her and cradled her as I murmured nonsensical words of comfort into her ear. And then I looked down at the toilet, and my heart sank. She had suffered a miscarriage. EPILOGUE - TWO MONTHS LATER It’s been two months since my fiancee had the miscarriage. It seemed like our relationship had been falling apart since that event. We hadn’t had sex since then. We still let each other know that we loved each other, but I just got a feeling that Taylor’s feelings for me were changing into something alien. Today, I hosted my last class at KCU. It was great yet so heartbreaking. I had formed friendships and companionships with my students. I had molded these students into future tech executives. I knew that some were qualified enough to work at my company. I would miss these students. But most of all, I would miss Taylor. I looked at my watch. It was 12:05 PM. I had to catch a flight to New York at 5:20 PM. My belongings were already packed away at my hotel. I went to the dean’s office and signed forms which indicated that my tenure at KCU were officially over. After exchanging kind words and a handshake, I left KCU and headed for the airport. I got ready to check my luggage in, and then I turned around and saw Taylor. “Leaving without saying goodbye?” Taylor asked. She had been depressed since the miscarriage. I walked up to her and embraced her in my arms. “I could never say goodbye to you, baby,” I said. I bent down, and after making sure nobody was looking, we shared a tender kiss. “I love you, Taylor Lynne O’Hare, and I will always love you.” Then I heard Taylor sobbing into my chest. “What’s wrong, honey?” Then she looked into my eyes. Her eyes were glassy with shedded tears. “I love you, too, Sean-Paul,” she said, “but I can’t marry you.” She slipped the engagement ring off her finger and handed it back to me. “At least not now. You’re going back to New York, and I’m stuck in Kansas City.” “Tay,” I said, “I’d give up everything that I have just to be with you.” “I know you would,” Taylor said, “but I don’t want you to give up your life just for me. Maybe one day I’ll end up in New York, and then we can get married and live our dreams together. But until then, this cannot be.” I looked into Taylor’s eyes. A river of tears were flowing freely from the corners of her eyes. “I will always love you, Sean-Paul deCraig. Always and forever.” Then she hugged me, and we shared a final kiss. Then she walked away.
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Kansas City, Here I Come is now complete.
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Kansas City, Here I Come: Chapter Five - Mindy’s Affair 2
I was sitting in my office. Having to deal with so much paperwork made me glad I didn’t make teaching a career choice. Back at my company, I had other people to help me with company paperwork. Here, I didn’t have that luxury. While going through the paperwork, I kept thinking about things which were going on in my life. I had met the woman of my dreams. I was engaged to the woman of my dreams. And most importantly, I was going to become a father. When Taylor told me over the phone that she was pregnant with our child, I became misty-eyed. Before Taylor came into my life, I thought I had everything I needed in life: a successful career, wealth beyond imagination, a place to live, and the desire and passion to give to the world. Yet I had nobody to share that with. That is, until I met Taylor. I finally had the missing ingredient in my life. I kept thinking about a conversation I had with Taylor the first night we spent together at my apartment in Manhattan. It was that night that Taylor told me she wanted to marry me, have our children, and share the rest of our lives together. Later that night, we made love in my bed, and after I had finished spurting my semen directly into her womb and impregnating her, I asked her to marry me, and she readily accepted. Once we arrived back in Kansas City, I had taken her home, and when we realized nobody was home and she didn’t have her keys with her, we made a nearly foolish decision to engage in some quickie sex in the back seat of my car. We were nearly caught in the act by her mom and aunt. But her aunt Mindy knew what was going on when she saw her niece walk gingerly towards them. Mindy angrily confronted me in private over what she saw, and after I denied her allegations and threatened to expose her secret affair, she showed me who she was having an affair with: my ex-girlfriend Lanisha. I had just finished my paperwork when I heard a knock at the door. I looked up at the window. It was Taylor’s friend Maddy. “Come in,” I said. Maddy opened the door, came in, and closed the door. “How’s Taylor?” I asked. “She’s fine,” she replied. Taylor hadn’t been feeling well today, so she wasn’t able to be in class today. “Listen, I know that she’s pregnant.” I felt a cold chill go up my spine. “She told you?” I asked. “Yeah,” she replied. “But don’t worry. I know that if this comes out, both of you will get hurt. Besides, I have never seen Taylor so happy before. Before you came into her life, she was so depressed because her heart was broken.” “I’d like to have five minutes with the jerk who broke her heart,” I said. “What’s his name?” “It’s not a he,” she said. “It’s a she.” “What?” I asked in a slightly surprised tone. “Taylor’s bisexual,” she continued. “She’s been dating guys and girls for the last couple years. Until you came into her life, she had never been sexually involved with a guy. But she had been having sex with girls for a while. Her last relationship was with a girl named Angelica Cruz. Taylor and Angelica were having a relationship last year when they were in high school. But Angelica got accepted at the University of Florida, and a few weeks before you came here, Angelica called Taylor to let her know that she had fallen in love with another woman.” “I had no idea,” I said. “Well, now you know,” Maddy said. “I’m glad you came into Taylor’s life. You’ve made her forget about all the bad things that happened between her and Angelica.” Maddy walked up to me and hugged me tightly. Maddy’s skin felt so soft, and her gorgeous curly red hair framed her face, making her sultry looks oh so sexy. But even so, her beauty could not compare to Taylor’s. Maddy looked into my eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to have an identical twin brother who happens to be single, would you”? Maddy asked with a wink. “I’m sorry,” I replied. “Okay,” Maddy said. “I have to go. Please don’t tell her that I told you about Angelica. She’d never forgive me.” I nodded my head. “Oh thanks! Bye, Sean-Paul!” And with that, Maddy left my office. I sat back down and read the newspaper. I noticed the national headlines:     NYPD DETECTIVES TO REOPEN LAWRENCE HASTINGS CASE Reading the article about the Hastings case made me think of Lanisha. I hadn’t seen her in six years, and she was still as gorgeous and sexy as she was when I last saw her. I couldn’t stop thinking about last night when I saw her and Mindy having hardcore lesbian sex. I was seriously tempted to join in on the action and to sink my erection in Lanisha’s tight ass, but I didn’t want to cheat on my fiancee. Instead, I settled for a good old fashioned handjob. My cock was hardening from thinking about last night, and then I heard my cellphone ring. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mindy. Why would she be calling me? “Hello?” “Hello, Sean-Paul. It’s Mindy. Can I see you?” “Where at?” I replied. “The hotel,” she said. “Where else? I’ll be waiting. Bye.” Then I heard the phone click. I wondered what she was up to. Did she want to make more accusations about Taylor and I? Or maybe she wanted me to see she and Lanisha get it on again. “This could be interesting,” I thought to myself. I left my office and drove for the hotel. I headed for the sixth floor, and then I headed for Room 689. I knocked on the door. Then the door opened, and I greeted by Mindy. She was wearing a white terrycloth robe. “Come in,” she said. I followed her and couldn’t help but to stare at her badonkadonk as she walked in front of me. “Where’s Lanisha?” I asked. “She went back to New York,” she replied. “Apparently the cops want to question her about her husband’s death. It seems like when a man or woman dies these days, their husband or wife is automatically a suspect.” “Yeah,” I said. “So why did you want to see me?” “Because I want to know why Taylor loves your cock so much,” she said. I noticed that she was slurring her words. I looked around and noticed two empty bottles of brandy on the nightstand beside her bed. It was obvious that she was drunk. “I want to know what makes her feel good.” “You’re drunk,” I said. “I’m not drunk,” Mindy said. “I’m horny. I want a cock. I want your cock.” Then she untied her robe and slipped it off. I was left breathless. Mindy now stood before me completely naked. Her large, firm breasts stood out proud. Her nipples were pointed and flushed a deep brown. Her firm stomach betrayed the fact that she was a mother of a two year old. Then she turned around and allowed my eyes to feast on her badonkadonk. Then Mindy turned back around and looked into my eyes. “Do you like what you see?” she slurred out in a seductive manner. “I can’t,” I said. “You’re a married woman. I can’t mess around with another man’s wife.” “But you sure as hell can prey on and seduce a seventeel year old girl,” Mindy said. “There’s no way somebody walks like the way Taylor walked from riding a horse. I know she was riding you, big boy. I saw the flush in your faces. I know why you didn’t want me to ride in your car. You knew I’d smell the stench of a forty year old man and a seventeen year old girl fucking each other!” “She’s eighteen, idiot,” I said angrily. “You admitted it!” she exclaimed. “So you ARE fucking my niece! My idiot sister-in-law Terri is so fucking gullible! I would tell her that you’ve been fucking her own daughter, but knowing her she’ll turn it around and blame it on me! So prove it to me! Prove to me that you aren’t fucking my niece! Prove it by fucking me!” “Why would I want to fuck you?” I said. “What’s the matter?” Mindy said. “You don’t like my big tits? You got a think for small tits like Taylor’s? Are my nipples not sensitive enough for you? Do you get off from making Taylor cum just from rubbing her nipples? Want to know how Taylor got her first orgasm? Because I caught her cousin playing with her tits! He was touching her nipples, and then she had an orgasm in no time at all! “Stop it,” I said. “Want to know how Taylor started fucking herself with shampoo bottles?” Mindy continued. “Because while Danny was playing with her tits, he shoved a shampoo bottle up her cunt and fucked her with it! And then he shoved his cock up her ass and sodomized her! The only reason Taylor has sex with you is because she was raped by her cousin when she was nine!” “ENOUGH!” I shouted. I pushed Mindy onto the bed and pinned her down. “Don’t you EVER talk about Taylor LIKE...THAT...AGAIN!” I placed my hands around Mindy’s throat. I was about to strangle her. “You want to get fucked, bitch?! You got it! I’ll fuck you!” I unzipped my pants and pulled out my erect cock. And without warning, I shoved myself up Mindy’s ass to the hilt. “AAAARRRGHHHIEEEEEEEEE!” Suddenly Mindy let out a horrific shriek of pain-infused pleasure as the sudden anal violation gave rise to a monstrous orgasm. I stabbed into Mindy’s ass brutally. I angrily pounded into her rectum. My penis felt so huge and swollen. I lowered my head to Mindy’s and brought my lips to her right ear. “Does...THIS...convince...YOU?!” My voice raised in volume as I sank myself deeper into her colon. “There...is...NOTHING...going...ON...between...ME...and...TAYLOR!” I dug into my pocket and pulled out a popper. I crushed it one-handed and thrust it under Mindy’s nose. Mindy inhaled the fumes of the amyl nitrate. It was immediate. “AAAAH! AAAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Mindy howled as the most powerful orgasm of her life completely destroyed her. Thick, pungent cream squirted forcefully from her slit and her body was seized by debilitating spasms of pure, raw sexual energy. The pleasure sensation was so unbearable that she passed out. Knowing that she was passed out, I spoke into her ear. “Oh...I...LOVE...your...NIECE! I...LOVE...fucking...HER...tight...CUNT! I...love...fucking...HER...tight...ASS! I’m...gonna...MARRY...Taylor...and...have...CHILdren...with...HER! I’ve...ALREADY...gotten...her...PREGNANT!” My words were turning me on something fierce. I suddenly visualized that I was fucking Taylor, and the visualization sent me over the edge. “Oh...I...WANT...to...FUCK...TAYLOR...OH...OH...OHHHHAAARGH!!!!!” I howled as my orgasm rocketed out of me. My vision went grey, and I saw bright colorful flashes of light as my body contracted violently. Shot after shot of pearly jizz spurted deep inside Mindy’s rectum, splattering against her rectal walls. A pearly froth of santorum squelched out around her distended anus. I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. Two hours later, I woke up. Mindy was still asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. I cleaned up and got ready to leave. When I exited the bathroom, I noticed Mindy had woken up. I looked at her. “Are you convinced that there’s nothing going on between me and Taylor?” I was hoping that she was too out of it to hear me confess my relationship with Taylor. “Yeah,” she replied. “I’m sorry.” “I have to go to my room. Bye.” I said, and I left her room and went to my room. I sat down, and then I heard my cellphone ring. I checked the caller ID. It was Taylor. “Hello?” “Sean-Paul,” Taylor said. She sounded like she was in pain. “Taylor, are you okay?” I asked. “I don’t think so,” she replied. “I think something’s wrong with the baby.” “Where are you?” I asked. “I’m at Maddy’s,” she said. Then I heard her let out an ungodly cry of pain. “AAAAOOWWWWW!” “I’m coming right now!” I said. I hung the phone up and rushed for Maddy’s dorm room. Upon arriving at Maddy’s dorm room, I asked Maddy where Taylor was. “She’s in the bathroom” Maddy said. I rushed for the bathroom. Once I opened the bathroom door, I saw Taylor sitting on the toilet. She was sobbing hysterically. I bent down and embraced her in my arms. I rocked her and cradled her as I murmured nonsensical words of comfort into her ear. And then I looked down at the toilet, and my heart sank. She had suffered a miscarriage. EPILOGUE - TWO MONTHS LATER It’s been two months since my fiancee had the miscarriage. It seemed like our relationship had been falling apart since that event. We hadn’t had sex since then. We still let each other know that we loved each other, but I just got a feeling that Taylor’s feelings for me were changing into something alien. Today, I hosted my last class at KCU. It was great yet so heartbreaking. I had formed friendships and companionships with my students. I had molded these students into future tech executives. I knew that some were qualified enough to work at my company. I would miss these students. But most of all, I would miss Taylor. I looked at my watch. It was 12:05 PM. I had to catch a flight to New York at 5:20 PM. My belongings were already packed away at my hotel. I went to the dean’s office and signed forms which indicated that my tenure at KCU were officially over. After exchanging kind words and a handshake, I left KCU and headed for the airport. I got ready to check my luggage in, and then I turned around and saw Taylor. “Leaving without saying goodbye?” Taylor asked. She had been depressed since the miscarriage. I walked up to her and embraced her in my arms. “I could never say goodbye to you, baby,” I said. I bent down, and after making sure nobody was looking, we shared a tender kiss. “I love you, Taylor Lynne O’Hare, and I will always love you.” Then I heard Taylor sobbing into my chest. “What’s wrong, honey?” Then she looked into my eyes. Her eyes were glassy with shedded tears. “I love you, too, Sean-Paul,” she said, “but I can’t marry you.” She slipped the engagement ring off her finger and handed it back to me. “At least not now. You’re going back to New York, and I’m stuck in Kansas City.” “Tay,” I said, “I’d give up everything that I have just to be with you.” “I know you would,” Taylor said, “but I don’t want you to give up your life just for me. Maybe one day I’ll end up in New York, and then we can get married and live our dreams together. But until then, this cannot be.” I looked into Taylor’s eyes. A river of tears were flowing freely from the corners of her eyes. “I will always love you, Sean-Paul deCraig. Always and forever.” Then she hugged me, and we shared a final kiss. Then she walked away.
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Kansas City, Here I Come: Chapter Four - Mindy's Affair
It was about 7:00 AM when I finally awoke from my slumber. I opened my eyes and absorbed myself in my surroundings. I was in my bedroom in my apartment. The morning sunlight was beginning to come through my window, giving me a perfect view of downtown Manhattan all the way down to where the World Trade Center formerly stood. I looked around my bedroom. The candles had long since burned out. And then I rolled over and saw a vision of loveliness. Taylor was rolled over on her side sound asleep. The covers had rolled down enough to give me a perfect view of her naked back. Her long blonde hair flowed like honey over her bare shoulders. I stared at her as she inhaled and exhaled softly in her sleep.
I scooted closer to her sleeping form and wrapped my arms around her. We had spent the last three weeks living in my apartment. We were pretty much living together as live-in lovers. My neighbors actually thought that Taylor and I were married. I inhaled the slightly musky scent of her hair. I slowly slid my fingers down the length of her thin arms, relishing the erotic sensation of her silky smooth skin until I reached her hands. I took her hands into my own, interlocking our fingers together. I felt her engagement ring against my fingers; she wore it even when she was asleep. I began planting delicate kisses against the back of her neck.
Suddenly, I felt Taylor stirring against me. I let go of her hands, and she rolled over to face me. She rested her head on my shoulder, and the feeling of her warm breath against my neck felt amazing. My penis, which had to be exhausted from last night’s lovemaking, began to grow and stiffen as I felt desire for my fiancee wash over me once again as it has many times before. I looked down at her face and noticed her eyes were open. Her green eyes melted my heart. And then I saw her smile.
I gently caressed her left cheek with my fingers. Then she took my hand in her hands and pulled my fingers to her mouth. I felt her sweet lips kissing my index finger. Then she pulled her head up to mine. Our faces drew closer together until our lips finally met. My cock was throbbing as I was overcome with the urge to once again sink myself into her tight vagina and shove myself all the way inside to her uterus where I knew that our children would grow inside. And then I looked at the clock. It was 8:32 AM.
“Oh shit, we better get ready,” I said. We had to pick up Maddy in Brooklyn and be ready for our flight back to Kansas City which was due to depart from La Guardia at 11:45 AM. Reluctantly, we got out of bed and put our clothes back on. I looked at Taylor and noticed she looked more radiant than ever before. “You look so beautiful, Tay,” I said.
She smiled at me. “Thank you, sweetie,” she replied. “It’s because you make me feel beautiful." Suddenly, she clutched at her stomach. "Oh I have to go to the bathroom. I feel like I'm going to throw up.” She got up and went to the bathroom. I could hear the faint sounds of retching and splattering coming from the loo. This has been going on for the last several days. Then she came out.
"Feel better, sweetie?" I asked.
"Much better," she said. We shared a gentle kiss and left my apartment. I hailed a taxi to go to Brooklyn to pick up Maddy, and then we went to La Guardia and flew to Kansas City.
Upon arriving at Kansas City, I got my rental car and drove Maddy to her home. She lived a few blocks away from Taylor. After we dropped Maddy off, I drove Taylor to her home, but it looked like nobody was home. I asked Taylor if she had any keys. “I never carry any keys, silly,” she said. “So how are we gonna kill time?”
“This car has tinted windows, baby,” I said. Taylor smiled seductively at me. We hurriedly got in the back seat, locked the doors, and rolled up the tinted windows. As soon as we got in the back seat, we kissed hard, fast, and deep. Taylor straddled my lap. I slid my hands up and down the length of her bare legs. Her skin felt so soft and so warm. Her miniskirt had ridden up to reveal the white cotton of her panties. She fumbled with the zipper of my slacks, and after she worked it down, she fished my fully-erect cock out of my pants. She pulled the crotch of her panties to the side, exposing her slit. Her juices were already flowing, lubricating her vaginal passage in preparation for my cock. And then she sank herself down on my waiting erection.
“AAAAIIIEEEEEE!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut, threw her head back, and cried out loud as she came instantly from the feeling of my cock surging into her vagina. I held my fiancee tenderly against me as her orgasm swept her away. Gradually her body calmed, and she looked at me with half-closed eyes. She smiled at me, and we began kissing lightly. Then she began to ride my cock like a pro. “AAIE! AAIE! AAIE!” Taylor moaned explosively as my invading cock repeatedly butted against the head of her cervix, threatening to once again to surge all the way inside her womb.
I snaked my hand down to our intimate joining in order to coat two fingers with her leaking juices. My other hand slid down her back, relishing the feel of her sexy badonkadonk. I pulled the back of her panties aside to expose her backdoor. After wetting my fingers with enough of her juices, I wormed my fingers around her until my fingers were pressing against the wrinkled star of her anus. “OOO!” Taylor squealed as my fingers began teasing her backdoor entrance. The car was beginning to reek of sweat and cunt juice. Her gyrations became more frantic as the dual stimulation threatened to send her over the edge again. I could feel the head of my cock pressing harder against her cervical hole. Without warning, I shoved my slick fingers inside her ass.
“OWWEEEE!” Taylor cried out as the burning pain of anal violation gave rise to another orgasm. As the orgasm slammed into her, she thrusted hard against me, and the extra thrust allowed my cock to surge past her cervix and all the way inside her uterus. “AAAAAAAAOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as the internal penetration gave rise to a second consecutive orgasm, much more fierce and much more powerful than her previous release. Tears flowed freely from her eyes, and she sobbed out her rapturous cries of pleasure as her body trembled violently. The exquisite sensation of her vagina and cervix spasming around my cock was too much for me. I felt my nuts tighten and my cock expand as I spurted deep inside her womb.
After a long minute, we both came down from our sexual highs. Taylor fell against me, resting her head on my shoulder as she fought to regain control of her breathing and her heartrate. I pulled my fingers out her ass and ran my hands lovingly up and down her back. I couldn’t resist caressing her sexy ass. I began lightly kissing her jawline until my lips met her ear. I began gently nibbling on her earlobe. Then I looked toward the windshield and saw a car pull up. There were two women in the car. It was Terri and Mindy! “Oh shit, Tay,” I exclaimed. “Your mom and aunt just pulled up.”
“Oh fuck,” she said. We hurriedly disengaged. “Ow!” Taylor exclaimed as my cock pulled quickly out of her cervix and her cunt. I got an unused dress shirt to quickly wipe up our sweat as well as the cum and cunt juice that leaked from her slit. I quickly put my erection away and zipped up my pants. After we looked presentable, we exited the car. “Hi, Mom!” Taylor said as she saw her mom and aunt exit the car.
“It’s so good to see you, Taylor,” Terri said as mother and daughter hugged. “So how was New York?”
“It was awesome,” Taylor said. “I got to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and ever Rockefeller Center.” Then she saw her aunt Mindy walking toward her. Taylor walked to her and gave her a hug as well. “Hi, aunt Mindy.”
“Why are you walking funny?” Mindy asked.
Oh shit. This didn’t look too good. I knew that Mindy already suspected that something was going on between Taylor and I. Now I feared that her suspicions would be confirmed. I had to think of a plausible excuse. “I took Taylor horseback riding at the Blue Star horse sanctuary.” I prayed to God that Terri and Mindy would buy my story.
“You went horseback riding?” Terri asked Taylor. “Dear, I am so proud of you! You haven’t been horseback riding since you were a little girl.” Then Terri looked at me. “You have no idea how grateful I am for you. Taylor has been afraid of horses ever since she was thrown off one when she was nine. She was hurt pretty badly. She broke her leg. She had to spend such a long time in bed. And that’s when my cousin offered to take care of her.”
“Terri, I don’t think he wants to hear about your cousin,” Mindy said.
“It’s okay, aunt Mindy,” Taylor said. “He already knows about him.”
“Why would you tell him such a secret?” Mindy asked.
“Because we’re friends, that’s why,” Taylor said.
“Now now, let’s behave our here,” Terri said. She walked up to me and hugged me. “You have no idea how grateful I am for you making Taylor so happy. She’s been unhappy for far too long. It’s like you’ve brought her out of her depression.”
“You’re welcome,” I said.
“I have to go to the Hampton Inn,” Mindy said. “Sean-Paul, can you come with me so we can talk in private?” Mindy asked.
“Sure,” I said. When I saw Mindy walking to my car, I nearly panicked. I knew that if she opened the car door, she would be overcome with the smell of sex, and then my world would come crashing down. Her suspicions would be confirmed, and then my career - as well as my life - would be ruined forever. “It’s out of gas,” I immediately said.
“Oh,” Mindy said. “Okay, we can just go in my car.” We got in her car and went down the road. I felt uneasy sitting in a car with Mindy. “Horseback riding, eh? That’s a good one,” she said.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
Suddenly she pulled to the side of the road. “You’re just like her cousin,” she said. “He took advantage of her when she was at her weakest, and now you’re taking advantage of her when she’s at her weakest. Do you honestly think I believe that you took her horseback riding? So how long have you two been fucking?”
I felt a cold chill throughout my body. This wasn’t good. “Listen,” I said, “there’s nothing going on between us. We are friends. I am helping her with her studies so she can be successful in the computer industry. I think she would be a great worker for my company.”
“Oh bullshit!" Mindy exclaimed. “Don’t play me for a fool! I saw the way she was walking! You don’t walk like that from riding horses! You walk like that from riding cock! I bet there’s no such thing as a Blue Star horse sanctuary!”
“I just happen to be a part owner of that place, bitch!” I said out of anger. “Do you want to know what I do for a living? I run a successful billion dollar business! I am a vegan! I pride myself in bringing awareness to animal suffering! That place - which you claim doesn’t exist - adopts retired carriage horses from the NYPD and treats them with love and care! Don’t EVER say otherwise!”
“So why didn’t you want to take your car?” Mindy said.
“Because it’s out of gas,” I said. “God Damn you’re like those fucking conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones who makes up bullshit stories to fearmonger his idiot followers into sending him money! I saw that fat motherfucker at Ground Zero on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 spreading his whackjob 9/11 conspiracy theories on a day of mourning and remembrance! Do you know how much I wanted to punch that asshole in the face for denigrating the memory of a close friend of mine who was killed on that day?! For the last fucking time, there is NOTHING going on between Taylor and I! NOTHING! And if you don’t drop this bullshit, I’ll let your whole family know about you at the hotel the other night!”
“Fine,” Mindy calmly stated. “You want to know what was going on that night? Well, let’s go then.” We got back on the road and kept on going until we arrived at the Hampton Inn. “We’re going to my suite,” Mindy said. We rode the elevator to the top floor, and then we headed for her suite. Upon entering her suite, I noticed something laying on the bed. It was a flesh-colored strap-on dildo. “You’re cheating on your husband with another woman?” I asked.
“Bingo,” Mindy said. “Lanisha! I’m back!” Lanisha? I looked at the key card used to unlock the front door:
“No way,” I thought to myself. Then I saw the door the bathroom open up, and out walked a gorgeous African-American beauty with exotic looks, dark curly hair, and the sexiest lips I’ve ever seen in my life. “Yes way,” I thought to myself. It was my ex-girlfriend Lanisha LaPraix. It had been six years since we last saw each other, and nearly as long since the last time we spoke to each other when she broke up with me over the phone. “Lanisha? Lanisha LaPraix?”
“Oh my God,” Lanisha said. She walked up to me. “Sean-Paul. Sean-Paul deCraig. AAH!” She ran to me and gripped me in a fierce hug. I heard her faintly crying. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you, darling. I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” I said. “What are you doing in Kansas City?”
“I just had to get away from New York for a while,” she said. “I’ve been so down ever since I lost Lawrence. Just being around the area brought back all the painful memories.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” I calmly said. “How did it happen?” She hesitated for a few moments. I knew I shouldn’t have asked. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
“No it’s okay,” she said. “Our marriage had fallen apart ever since I got hired to anchor the local evening news. He felt I should have been a housewife, but I got my master’s for a reason. I wanted to be a journalist. So I got wrapped up in my work, and we just drifted apart. And then it all came to a head when he shot himself.”
“Wow,” I said. “I’m sorry you had to go all through that. But why are you here in Kansas City? And why are you here with Mindy?”
“We’ve been having an affair for the last several months,” Mindy said. “It began long before you came here. Come, Lanisha. Let’s show Sean-Paul what we do. Sean-Paul, you can watch.” And with that, Mindy began taking off her clothes. For a woman of her age, she had a fantastic body. Unlike Taylor, she had full breasts with large areolae and large nipples. And as she slipped off her dress, I could tell where Taylor got her badonkadonk from. Mindy’s ass was magnificent. I couldn’t believe how firm yet so voluptuous it was. And then she slipped off her panties, and I was greeted with a shaven cunt. She plopped down on the bed and spread her legs, giving Lanisha and I a perfect view of her sex. “I’m ready for you, darling,” Mindy said.
“And I’m ready for you, too, my love,” Lanisha said. Lanisha picked up the strap-on and put it on. To the casual observer, it looked like Lanisha was sporting a magnificent nine-inch erection. She slid the shaft up and down the entire length of Mindy’s slit, gathering up the leaking juices. Then she placed the head of her fake penis at Mindy’s opening, and without warning, she shoved herself in.
“AAAAIIEEEEEEEEEEE!” Mindy howled as she instantly came from the sensation of nine inches of rubber cock filling her womanly entrance. Now I knew where Taylor inherited her sex drive from. Lanisha pounded Mindy’s cunt harder than I ever thought possible. Then Mindy grabbed a small vibrator and a bottle of mineral oil from the night stand. Mindy squirted a generous portion of the lube on the sex toy and brought it to her own anus. She moaned as she felt the butt plug slowly enter her rectum. And then she flicked a switch at the base. “OOOWWWEEEEEE!” Mindy howled as the anal stimulation gave rise to yet another orgasm. She squinted her eyes shut and arched her spine as her body trembled violently from the release of sexual energy.
This was the hottest thing I have ever personally laid my eyes on. My cock was aching with the need to bury it in something. Then I laid my eyes on Lanisha’s ass. Her badonkadonk was breathtaking. I unzipped my slacks and pulled my penis out. I grabbed the mineral oil from Mindy and squirted it wildly on my penis. I massaged the slippery gel in until my cock was glistening. I began jacking my cock furiously as I observed the hardcore lesbian sex. I fantasized about sinking my erection inside Taylor’s ass and fucking her into countless orgasms, and the fantasy was too much. I felt my nuts tighten, and then I boiled over. “AAAARGH!” I howled as my orgasm rocketed out of me. Shot after shot of pearly semen arched out, splattering on Lanisha’s back and into her hair and onto Mindy’s face.
Lanisha’s thrusts became harder and faster until finally she could take no more. “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” She howled as her body was seized by a crippling climax. She shoved herself harder into Mindy, and the added sensation sent Mindy over the edge. “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE! EEEEEE!” Mindy screamed repeatedly as spasm after spasm tore through her and caused her entire body to tremble violently.
I stumbled backwards into the sofa and plopped down. I was exhausted. Lanisha and Mindy collapsed on the bed and embraced each other. I looked at my watch. It was getting late. “Well I guess I’ll leave you two lovers alone for a while,” I said. “Mindy, I won’t say a word about this. I promise.”
“Thanks, Sean-Paul,” Mindy said. “I promise I won’t be so quick to judge you anymore.” And with that, I left the suite and went to mine.
As soon as I entered my suite, I sat down and reminisced about my past with Lanisha. Did I still have feelings for her? After all, I was heartbroken when she left me. I was deeply in love with her. But with Taylor, I found love again. I loved Taylor. I was deeply in love with Taylor. If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t have asked her to marry me. I got my cellphone out and called Taylor. She picked it up after two rings. “Hello?” she asked.
“Hey baby,” I replied. “I miss you so much.”
“I miss you, too,” she replied. “I’m not feeling too well. Mom and I had dinner, and I just got done puking my guts out. She asked if I wanted to go see a doctor, and I told her no. I can’t go to the doctor. Then they’d find out about our relationship."
“How would they find out?" I asked.
"After you and aunt Mindy left, Mom and I went to the store," she continued, "while Mom was doing her shopping, I went to the family planning department and bought a pregnancy test. Well, I just got done testing myself.” There was a long pause. “Sean-Paul, I’m pregnant.”
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myeroticstories · 12 years
Working on chapter four of Kansas City, Here I Come. It's shaping up to be an epic chapter.
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myeroticstories · 12 years
There are still a few chapters left in Kansas City, Here I Come.
The next chapter will most likely include more steamy action between Sean-Paul and Taylor as well as give further insight into Mindy's extramarital affair. And we will most likely find out if Taylor is indeed pregnant.
In chapter four of From Manhattan to Munich, I alluded to Sean-Paul and Taylor's relationship, especially:
their last sexual encounter where Taylor achieved eleven orgasms before Sean-Paul achieved his
Sean-Paul and Taylor fucking in the back seat of his car and nearly getting caught by Terri and Mindy
I plan on including those sexual encounters in this story arc.
I want to finish this story arc before I begin on Destiny Awaits Us.
0 notes
myeroticstories · 12 years
Kansas City, Here I Come: Chapter Three - Get Down, Make Love
Christmas break was rapidly approaching. That means after my last class for the calendar year, there would be no classes until a few days after New Year’s Day. After that, I still had three months left in my tenure at KCU, and after my tenure was up, I would have to leave all this behind and go back to being a billionaire businessman.
Of course there was one thing that I would find very hard to leave behind: Taylor. Her eighteenth birthday was tomorrow, and I had no idea how we’d celebrate it together. I wanted to do something special for her because I loved her. I’ve had relationships with women before, but I’ve never felt so strongly for somebody as much as I feel for Taylor. We’ve been together for three months, and these three months have been the best three months of my life.
But I had no idea how we’d celebrate together. Considering that the college was on Christmas break, it would seem too weird to casual observers to see a 17-year-old college student hanging out with her teacher who was 20 years older than her. It would just raise suspicions with many people including the faculty members, Taylor’s classmates, and Taylor’s family…especially her aunt Mindy.
Speaking of Mindy, Taylor and I had spent the night together making love all night long while we heard a woman in the next suite crying out in orgasmic ecstasy as she got fucked pretty good. The next morning, Taylor and I had gotten ready to take her home, and while Taylor had gone to the car, I saw Mindy exit the adjacent suite. Her hair was a wild jungle, and she walked slightly bow-legged. And when she turned around and saw me, I greeted her with a sly grin. “Why hello there, Mindy,” I said.
“Wha - wha - “ she stammered out. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m renting this suite for the duration of my tenure at KCU,” I said. “But why are you - a woman with a husband and a young child - doing here? Let me guess. Your hubby hasn’t been satisfying you lately, so you decided to get some from some young buck who can keep it up for much longer.” Mindy blushed furiously.
“Not exactly,” Mindy said. “It’s hard to explain, and I don’t have a lot of time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for work.” She walked away, but after a few steps, she turned around. “By the way, I could hear you and your girlfriend through the walls.” I felt a cold shudder. I feared that Mindy would find out about my relationship with Taylor. I knew that if she found out, she would ruin my life by accusing me of statutory rape, and I knew that the college would investigate as well. The college had a strict policy concerning relationships between students and faculty members: Faculty members found to have inappropriate relationships with students would be fired, and students found to have inappropriate relationships with faculty members could be accused of academic dishonesty which was punishable by up to and including expulsion. I didn’t want to ruin Taylor’s academic career.
“Well, we’re all consenting adults, right,” I asked Mindy.
“I guess,” she said. “I just want to say this, Sean-Paul. I feel uncomfortable seeing you and Taylor hang around together so much. I’m very protective of her because my cousin sexually abused her when she was about nine years old. But then again, I admire you because you take a great interest in her work. Do you really think she’ll be a success in the computer industry?”
“I don’t think she will be a success,” I said. “I know she will be a success.”
Mindy smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to work. Please don’t let Taylor or Terri know about me being here.”
“I won’t,” I said. “I promise.” Mindy smiled and walked away. I headed down the stairs and joined Taylor, and I drove us to the college.
Today was the last day of college before Christmas break. We had final exams today. After class was over, I had to go to my office and grade the exams. Three students failed their final exams, but they were lazy students who paid no attention, did no homework, and put in no effort at all. Most of the class passed with a B+, and three students - including Taylor - got an A+.
While in my office, I got a call from Steven. He informed me that the company’s Christmas party was in a few days, and everybody wanted me to attend. I kind of missed Manhattan, so I told him that I would be there. He also told me I could bring Taylor along. But I don’t think Taylor’s mom - much less her aunt - would approve of her going to New York with her temporary professor.
Then Taylor came in and closed the door. She was accompanied by a redheaded girl who was much taller. “Hi, sweetie,” Taylor said. She walked over to me and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. I was taken aback by the public display of affection in front of her best friend. “It’s okay, Maddy knows we’re seeing each other. She promised to keep quiet.”
“Okay,” I said. “I’m going to New York for Christmas break. I’m going to the company’s Christmas party. I wish I could ask you to come with me, but I don’t think your family would be okay with it.”
“You can be our chaperone,” Taylor said.
“What,” I inquired.
“Well,” Taylor continued, “Maddy’s going to spend Christmas break with her grandparents in Brooklyn. She invited me to come with her, so why don’t we just all travel together?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” I said.
The next day, we flew from Kansas City and arrived at La Guardia. I was met by Steven and a new hire named Sarita. She was a pretty woman of Hispanic descent. “Sean-Paul,” said Steven, “this is Sarita Felipe. She just graduated from college in Mexico and is our new director of Latin affairs.
“Pleased to meet you,” I said.
“Gracias, senor,” she said.
“Anyway, Sean-Paul, our Christmas party is tomorrow in the board room. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Steven said. He and Sarita made their way to a taxi and rode off. I hailed a taxi. I had the driver take us to Brooklyn so we could drop Maddy off at her grandparents’ house. I recognized the house. It was the house I grew up next to. I recalled dating their daughter when I was a freshman in high school. We even had sex a few times. After we dropped Maddy off, I had the driver drive us to my apartment building.
We rode the elevator to the top floor and walked to my front door. I opened my door, and Taylor was astonished by my apartment. Upon entering my apartment, you were greeted with a spiral staircase which led down to the main area of my apartment. The main area was very spacious with a large living room which was bigger than your typical middle-class suburbia home. My kitchen and dining area was against the windows which offered a breatktaking view of Manhattan, Liberty Island, Brooklyn, Queens, and even New Jersey. “I think I want to marry you and live here,” Taylor said.
I chuckled. “We’ve been travelling for many hours,” I said. “How about we relax?”
“Okay,” she said. We retired to the living room. I got up and walked to the bar and fixed a glass of brandy - bottled in 1783 - on the rocks. The ice-cold hard liquor tasted wonderful. I asked Taylor if she wanted a sip, and she said okay. She took a tenuous sip, and she actually enjoyed the drink. I got up and fixed another glass of ice, and we had a few drinks of brandy. We sat like that until day became night and the apartment became illuminated by city lights and moonlight.
I turned on the TV, and we snuggled on the sofa. Taylor rested her head on my shoulder, and I gently rubbed her back with my fingertips. I felt her hand on my thigh. She was rubbing my thigh up and down with her hand, and her upstroke inched closer and closer to my crotch. My free hand reached for her face and gently caressed her cheek. She raised her head up, and our faces came in closer until our lips met.
Taylor moaned into my mouth as I slid my tongue past her lips to slide it playfully against her own tongue. The feeling was exquisite. Now it was my turn to moan as Taylor slid her tongue into my mouth. Then she broke the kiss and kissed her way up my jawline until her lips rested against my ear. “I love you, Sean-Paul.”
“I love you, too, Taylor,” I replied. I couldn’t help it. This soon-to-be-eighteen-year-old girl owned and captured my heart. She was everything that I’ve ever wanted in a woman. And it was so frustrating to keep our relationship private in order to protect our own lives. In a perfect world, we would be able to let the whole fucking world know that we were in love and wanted to be together for all eternity. Sadly, we do not live in a perfect world.
“I want to marry you someday, baby,” she said. “I want to be your wife and have your children.” My heart warmed at her tender expression of true love. “I want to live with you, live for you, and when the time comes, die for you and die with you.”
“I need you right now, darling,” I said. We got up and held hands as I led her to the bedroom. I found some unused candles and lit them and placed them all around the bedroom. I closed the bedroom door, and I picked Taylor up in my arms. I pinned her against the bedroom door, and then she threw her arms and legs around me as we kissed hard, deep, and fast. My cock felt huge and swollen as it throbbed in my slacks. I could feel the pre-cum oozing out around the head. I broke the kiss and whispered into her ear. “I, Sean-Paul deCraig, take you, Taylor Lynne O’Hare to be my lawfully-wedded wife.” I nibbled on her earlobe and began grinding my bulge against her crotch.
“Ahhh-HAH!” Taylor moaned explosively. “I, Taylor Lynne Oh!-Oh!-Oh!-O’Hare, take you Sean-Pa-AH-ul deCraig, to beEEE my lawfully wedded husband-AH! AH! AH!” Taylor cried out as the friction of our cloth-covered genitals was driving her closer to an orgasm. Suddenly Taylor drew her arms up. I knew what she wanted. I quickly removed her tight sweater and unsnapped her pink bra until her ultra-sensitive breasts were exposed. My left hand went straight for her right breast. “YEEESSSS!” Taylor shrieked as I began teasing her swollen nipple. She began grinding her denim-covered cunt against the bulge in my pants faster and faster until her sexually-overcharged body could take no more. “AAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEE! EEE! EEE! EEE!” Taylor cried out repeatedly as her body was seized by a powerful orgasm. She trembled violently as spasms tore through her body.
But I wasn’t done. I laid my girlfriend on the bed and redoubled my digital assault on the aching nub. My mouth dove on her right breast, and I began sucking for all it was worth. “YES! YES! YES!” Taylor shouted repeatedly as my tongue lashed out against the sensitive pointed tip. I began sucking harder on her right breast, and I stroked her left nipple harder and harder until the good feelings reached another crescendo. “AHHH! AHHH! AHHHHHEEEEEEE!” Taylor squinted her eyes shut, threw her head back, and arched her spine as another orgasm took control and seized her mind, body, and spirit.
I unsnapped her tight skinny jeans and pulled them down along with her thong panties until her naked cunt was exposed. The moonlight and candlelight made her soaking wet cunt glisten with her feminine secretions. Her vulva looked so fucking inviting. I loved the taste of her juices. I always craved the taste of her juices. I could eat her for hours and hours and never grow tired of the sweet, heavenly taste and aroma. I slid two fingers into her slit. “AHH!” Taylor moaned as I penetrated her cunt and stimulated her hot insides. I tortured her G-spot , and then I pulled my fingers out. I spread her juicy asscheeks apart and searched for her anus with my glistening fingers. I heard her breath catch in her throat as my fingers found their target.
And then I slid my fingers in to the hilt. “ARRRRGHHIEEEE!” Taylor cried out hoarsely as the unexepected anal penetration gave rise to yet another orgasm. I began rapidly pumping my fingers in and out of her back passage, lubricating her anus and rectum so I could shove my cock deep into her nether region.
After I felt that her anal sphincter was stretched out enough to make anal entry easier, I pulled my fingers out. I quickly stripped out of my clothes. My wet, sticky erection was huge and swollen and ached to be inside my girlfriend. “Then by the power vested in me, I declare us husband and wife,” I said, and then I shoved myself in.
“YIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed as my cock filling her bowels brought her to yet another tremendous release of pure sexual energy. I began pounding her ass as a feverish pace. I could feel my nuts tighten as my orgasm rapidly approached. But I wanted to be inside her cunt when I shot my load. I wanted to marry this girl. I wanted to have children with her. I wanted to get this girl pregnant so we could share a sacred bond for all eternity. I pulled out of her ass, wiped my cock clean of fecal matter, and placed the head of my cock against her womanly entrance. I shoved myself in with one plunge. “OOOOWWWWEEEEEEEE!” Taylor cried out as another orgasm crested over her.
I maneuvered ourselves so that I was laying on my back. This was our favorite sex position. Taylor could freely ride my cock while I play with her ultra-sensitive nipples. Taylor began bouncing herself wildly on my cock as I began roughly manipulating her aching nipples with my fingers. “AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHH!” Taylor cried out as she was riding the wave to the seventh orgasm of the night. My nuts were tightening as my orgasm inched closer and closer. Taylor fucked herself harder and harder on my cock. I could feel the head butting repeatedly against her cervix, the inner entrance to her uterus where I hoped someday that our child would grow inside. Suddenly, I felt a new tightness slide past the head of my cock. I felt her cervix surrender itself to my invading erection. I was inside her uterus! I was inside her womb!
The sudden penetration of her cervix was way too much for Taylor’s sexually-overcharged body to take. “AAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Taylor screamed out horasely as the most powerful orgasm of her life erupted like a volcano. Her vagina spasmed around the root of my cock, and her cervix clamped down hard on the upper part of my shaft including the head. Her juices shot out forcefully around our joining, drenching us in her girl-cum.
The sudden tightness of her cervix was too much for me. “AH! AH! AAAAARGHHHH!” I howled as the biggest orgasm of my life overtook me. My vision went grey, and I saw bright colorful lights as my entire body was engulfed. Shot after shot of cum spurted directly inside her uterus, painting her womb with my spunk. Deep down inside, I hoped that she was ovulating so I could get my future wife pregnant.
We collapsed on the bed, We were both sweating profusely and gulping for air. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I could feel Taylor’s heart fluttering against my own. I rubbed her sweaty back all over, gently caressing her naked skin. We stayed like that until my cock finally deflated and slipped out of her snatch. Since most of my cum was shot into her uterus, not much leaked out of her slit.
We retired into a cuddle. Taylor rested her head on my chest. I inhaled the musky scent of her sweat-drenched hair. It was intoxicating. I lightly kissed the top of her head. “Oh fuck, Sean-Paul," Taylor gasped out as she fought to regain control of her breathing. "That was the most amazing experience of my life. Please tell me it will be like this forever."
"It will, baby," I said. "And I'll make sure of it." I reached over to the nightstand and retrieved a box. "I want you top open this." Taylor opened the box. She was greeted by a diamond ring. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen. "As far as I'm concerned, we're already married. But I want to make it official. Taylor Lynne O'Hare, will you marry me?"
Tears spilled from the corners of Taylor's eyes as feelings of true love washed over her. "Yes, Sean-Paul," she sobbed out. "Oh yes I'll marry you!" We shared a tender, loving kiss as I slipped the diamond engagement ring over my fiancee's ring finger.
I looked at the clock. It was now 12:05 AM. My fiancee was now eighteen years old. "Happy birthday, darling," I said. We shared a gentle kiss. I wrapped my arms around my fiancee and held her tenderly as sleep was beginning to overtake us. "I hope you're ovulating," I said.
“I am,” she said.
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