myetherealdream · 3 years
If anyone wants to request something they can! I want to start writing for enhypen and ateez since I like them too ^^
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myetherealdream · 3 years
I’m back from the dead. Need to update my layout 😫
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myetherealdream · 3 years
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Curse kids 😈
https://ko-fi.com/medertaab | twitter.com/MederTaab | instagram.com/MederTaab
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myetherealdream · 4 years
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➯ Happy birthday Hwang Hyunjin ♡ (2000.03.20) (ps : we all miss you, we hope you’re doing well and that you’ll have an amazing birthday) 
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myetherealdream · 4 years
hello! could you please write a doyoung imagine where he is cold and intimidating to the reader but warms up later?
Hello anon! This is late I’m so sorry! I didn’t expect an ask. But I hope you like it! Thank you for your ask🥺💕🦋
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There he was once again. The mysterious, cold and quiet stranger. He was definitely a student here, no non-student comes to the university’s library this often.
He moved swiftly throughout the library, searching for whatever he needed. His dark hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at the bookshelf. I tried not to make it a habit of watching him, but there was something intriguing about him. I couldn’t help it.
When he grabbed what he desired he started to turn towards me. I jumped and averted my eyes so I wouldn’t get caught. Once I had gotten caught staring and he upfront asked me why I was doing so. His voice was cold and harsh when he asked. After that, I made sure I wasn’t caught again. Honestly I didn’t want to stare at him anymore after that, but it seemed nearly impossible for some reason.
He came up to the counter and set down the book a little to harshly. It made a loud sound which made me jump.
“I want this book.” That was all he said. I never got a please and I never got a thank you. He was very demanding. I sighed but nonetheless grabbed the book.
“Your school ID please.” I told him. You would think he remembered after the thousands of books he’s checked out.
He rolled his eyes before digging in his pocket to pull out the ID. I scanned the barcode quickly on the back of it and proceeded to scan the book. I was starting to hand him the book but he took it out of my hands before I could. He didn’t snatch it, but I still felt anger bubble up inside of me. He was rude for absolutely no reason.
He turned and starting walking away but ended up turning back around. He dug out a book from his bag and tossed it onto the counter.
“I need to return that by the way.” And he left.
I just stood there and watched him walk away.
“You’re welcome.” I muttered as I snatched the book he left.
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It was pitch black outside, midnight already long and gone. When I didn’t have class early the next day, I worked late at the library. Students rushed their studies, caught up with friends, and some studied so much they ended up knocking out. When I had to ask people to leave, I felt bad waking them the most. I would softly shake their shoulder and politely ask them to go home.
After asking everyone to leave, I began cleaning up quickly. I didn’t have to do much as someone came twice a week to deep clean.
I had grabbed a random book I found on a desk while cleaning and began walking to the area it belonged. I was shocked to see a familiar tall figure standing there, casually looking over the books.
“Um,” I cleared my throat, “I’m sorry, but the library is closed. I need to ask you to leave.” The stranger didn’t even spare me a glance.
“Listen, I really need to finish up some work tonight. I don’t have time for this.”
I furrowed my eyebrows at his rudeness and complete ignorance.
“I’m sorry sir,” my voice began to rise and he looked over at me. Before I could go on, he said something.
“Please.” I instantly shut my mouth. I’d never heard him be so polite, and all he said was please. “I really really need to finish some things up. Please can I stay here?” I stood there shocked. He sounded like he was pleading. I looked around nervously before answering.
“Sure.” I said quietly. “But only because you asked nicely.” I quickly put the book I had back in its place, accidentally making eye contact when I turned around to walk away. If I had turned any later, I would’ve missed the small smile on his lips.
I walked back to the counter confused. That whole encounter was confusing and left me frustrated. After thinking about it for a while I decided to open up a book and read. Maybe doing that would get him off my mind.
It really didn’t.
I was so conscious of him sitting only a few tables away. I kept stealing glances at him which caused me to lose my place in my book or having to read a sentence ten times before fully comprehending it.
Eventually I was able to keep my attention on the book and get through a few chapters. I hadn’t looked up for a while, actually finding myself interested in the book.
“Hey.” My head snapped up to see him standing in front of me on the other side of the counter.
I looked at the clock and realized it had been an hour and a half. Thank goodness I didn’t have class.
“Hey,” a yawn slipped out, “you’re done?” I asked.
He nodded, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Alright.” I closed the book, grabbed the keys and made my way around the counter. He followed me out into the cold night and watched as I locked the library up. We stood there awkwardly.
“Okay.” I spoke up. “Well, see you.” I waved slightly.
“Wait.” I didn’t even get a chance to take a step.
I looked at him expectantly.
“I just wanted to apologize.” He looked down at his hands, nervously picking at them. “I was unreasonable and rude.” I nodded in agreement which made him bite the inside of his cheek.
“And thank you for letting me stay tonight, I really needed it.”
I nodded once again. “You’re welcome. Thank you for your apology. You’re forgiven.” A smile formed on my face which caused him to do the same.
“Thanks.” He let out in a whisper. “I’m Doyoung by the way.”
“I know.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his confused expression. “I must have seen your ID at least a thousand times.” He made and ‘o’ shape with his mouth.
“Right.” He nodded. “And your name?”
“Well Y/n,” he stated, taking a step closer, “thank you again. Hopefully one day we can study together after the library closes.” He smiled at me before walking away, leaving me there in confusion. I stood there for a while thinking about his words. After some thought, I ended up smiling the whole way home
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myetherealdream · 4 years
sometimes you need to remind yourself that you’re a part of something bigger. you’ll step into the sun feeling like a ghost, but you will return with something new and hopeful stirring in you. maybe you need some time to sit under a shade of a big tree and do nothing else except feel a sense of connection and unexplainable fondness to that tree. maybe you need time to lie beside the stream and watch the way sunlight falls on water, thinking nothing except “how pretty...” feeling close to the earth and sky will remind you of how little your worries are. the trees and stars understand your solitude, and creatures and birds accept you as part of their landscape without asking anything of you. when you’re alone, nature reminds you that even if you are invisible and fleeting, your existence is a miracle and you’re part of the earth. you exist at the same time as the little black cat you saw in your garden and that alone connects you to them. you belong here, just as much as the sparrows and flowers do. you’re alive and you belong. everything else is so small and temporary.
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myetherealdream · 4 years
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myetherealdream · 4 years
😲me too
whoa whoa.. there’s a cherry blossom festival in d.c.??! I wanna go so bad😫
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myetherealdream · 4 years
Jungwoo is my main chick
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myetherealdream · 4 years
an: hi hi. I haven’t posted in a while 😣🥺 so I’ll say I do take requests! This may help me in getting things out more often. I know I’ve written only for nct, but I’ll also write for bts, ateez and possibly got7 and stray kids. I’ll try others if you wish, but those are the groups I know the best. Okay, now that that’s done, here is a small renjun imagine I wrote a while ago when he had that one live and I fell in love 💀 I don’t know how I feel about it, but here you go!
My Star
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The night was cold which caused red noses and cheeks, the need for heavy clothing as well as extra blankets. Cuddling also assisted in keeping one warm.
I laid in bed doing just that, Renjun’s arm wrapped around my waist tightly, my back pressed to his chest. His breaths were slow and relaxed. I could feel his heartbeat, which was also calm and steady.
“Are you awake?” I whispered, turning around to face Renjun. His eyes were closed, his eyelashes laying against his cheeks. His hair was still slightly wet from the shower he previously had.
“Well, can you wake up then?”
“No.” A small smile began forming on his face. I started poking his cheeks.
After a few pokes he turned his head and bit my finger slightly, not hard enough to hurt of course. I snatched my finger back and he finally opened his eyes. They sparkled even in the dark with a playful glint.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“I don’t want anything. Who said I wanted something.” I started playing with the strings of his grey hoodie. I could feel his eyes staring down at me as I did.
“You wouldn’t just wake me up for nothing.”
“Maybe I just want to talk?” I looked up to see him smiling down at me. “I’m just bored and can’t sleep. You obviously can’t either.”
“Do you want to go look at the stars?”
“Isn’t it cold out?” I asked, looking towards the window.
“That makes it better.”
I thought about it for a while and then smiled. “Okay, that sounds like a great idea.” I threw the covers off and jumped out of the bed. The cool air hit me as I left the warmth of the bed. It gave me goosebumps instantly. I pulled a pair of sweatpants on over my shorts. I already had a hoodie on, I debated on throwing on another sweater, but I decided not to.
I began walking out of the bedroom, expecting Renjun to follow. Instead, I felt his hand grab mine and then turn me around. His hand brought instant warmth up my arm.
“What?” I asked confused.
He motioned towards the window and my eyebrows shot up.
“I thought we were going out the front door.”
Renjun shook his head and laughed, “Where’s the fun in that?” He asked. His smile made my stomach twist and my face hot even though I still have goosebumps from being cold.
He lead me to the other side of the room to the window and unlatched it. He opened it swiftly and slipped out just as swiftly. He turned around once he was stable enough and reached for my hand. I took it and climbed out of the window slowly, scared I would slip and fall. Renjun didn’t laugh at me or rush me, instead he held my hand tight and helped me keep my balance.
Once I was fully outside on the roof, we moved carefully to an area we could sit comfortably. We sat close to each other, his arm wrapped around mine and our fingers intertwined.
He grabbed the side of my head, surprising me. He gently pushed my head towards his shoulder, making me rest it there.
“Relax.” He whispered.
“I’m relaxed.” I wasn’t lying, but I wasn’t tell the truth either. I was a little nervous up here, but then again the feeling was exciting.
“You know you can’t lie to me,” he squeezed my hand. “Don’t worry, I have you. If you fall I’ll make it go by quicker and throw you off.”
My mouth dropped at that, taken aback by his comment. He broke out into loud laughter as he watched my expression.
“Renjun!” I shouted. “I didn’t expect that to be your response.” I snatched my hand from his and folded my arms across my chest.
“Hey.” He laughed as he spoke, reaching for my arm again. He was unable to grab my arm as his shoulders were shaking from his laughter. I just stared down at him with a straight face. I tried so hard no to smile watching him, but I was struggling.
Eventually he calmed down and rested one hand in my shoulder, the other on my thigh. I switched from smiling to my straight face to make him think I was serious. I could tell from the look in his eyes that I knew I wasn’t though.
“I’m sorry, your reaction was just too funny.” He started tugging at my arms, trying to get me to budge.
“C’mon!” He whined pulling harder. A smile couldn’t help but break through as I stayed put.
“No.” I said, trying not to laugh.
He began rocking us back and forth, trying to get my arms unfolded without being too rough or making us slip and fall. One pull caused me to slip and I began to freak out as I felt myself sliding down. Renjun’s eyes widened as he grabbed for me, slightly slipping himself.
We were able to grab each other and keep ourselves grounded after us crazily flapping our arms and legs around.
We stared at each other with wide eyes for a while. I was the first to crack a smile which turned into us laughing hysterically.
“That was crazy!” I said as Renjun pulled me back up towards him.
“You looked so funny.” He laughed at me. I nudged him and shot him a playful glare as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“And I thought you were going to throw me if I slipped,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone, “you looked pretty scared.”
“It was instinct.”
“Oh, okay,” I said sarcastically, “sure.”
“I’m serious!” He insisted.
“Can we look at the stars like we came out to do?” I asked. “I didn’t almost risk my life to not do so.”
“Sure.” He smiled softly, trying to scoot closer to me. I rested my head in his shoulder and stared up at the sky. The bitter cold of the night had faded a while thanks to the near fall and being close to Renjun. The stars literally twinkled, winking at us from up above. They assisted the moon in lighting the night.
My eyelids began to get heavy, closing slowly. I began to let all my weight fall on Renjun.
I felt a soft kiss on the top of my head and a small squeeze which made my eyes flutter.
“Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight.” I whispered.
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myetherealdream · 4 years
This is a tumblr hug! if you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate but if you break the chain it's okay cause the most important thing is that you know you're loved and appreciated 💖💕💓💗💝✨
🥺🥺 aww thank you so much! You’re probably the only one I have to send it to though💕😭
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myetherealdream · 4 years
➷ [8:39 pm]
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❝They don't know what we do best, it's between me and you, our little secret❞
-They don't know about us (One D)
"Thank you for your hard work" the staff and the members bowed to each other in sync. The members of NCT had just finished their performance and were saying their farewell.
“Thank you”
Renjun and you greeted each other as you both made eye contact.
You greeted the rest of the members and were about to get back to work, because the next act was going to go up on stage.
While you were walking back to your post, you felt a strong grip on your arm, and were pulled into a dark room.
“Who is this-?” You inquired, trying your best not to freak out.
“Your one and only” you felt his grip loosening, and you were embraced into a back hug.
You heaved out a sigh of relief when you heard his voice, oh how he didn’t know the fact that you thought that you were being abducted by aliens and it was finally your time to leave this cruel planet. If only.
“You really do love surprising me, don’t you?” You nudged his arm and giggled.
He hummed in response and rested his chin on your shoulder. You both stood there in warm silence, senses intoxicated by your bond, his scent and body.
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Pairing: boyfriend!renjun × gn!reader
Word count: 0.2k Genre: fluff (➷) « @bluejaem »
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myetherealdream · 4 years
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Happy Ten Day to this mf man right here. Literally I can’t get away from him. He became my bias and will not let me forget it. 🥳🦋🦋🥺💕🎉
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myetherealdream · 4 years
Happy Birthday Ten
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The airport was quiet and cold. It was pretty much empty, a few people here and there. Coffee filled hands, sloppy sandwiches and tired faces were all that I saw. It was early to be fair, 4:02 to be exact.
It was still dark outside, no light to be seen except for the dim car lights and the lights provided from the airport lamps.
My eyes wondered the area, confused that I couldn’t find my boyfriend even though it was nearly empty. I looked down at my phone debating whether or not I should call him. I texted him first and began to walk around.
After wondering around for a while and getting no response I decided to call him. Before I could press the call button someone snatched my phone out of my hand. My eyes widened and anger began to build up in me as I turned to the person.
They had a mask covering the bottom half of their face, but I could tell from their eyes. It was Ten.
“Mind if I put my number in your phone?” He asked. “You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”
I rolled my eyes and snatched the phone from him.
“I do actually, and I was just about to call him.” I put my phone in my back pocket. “And that him is actually you, sir.” He smiled behind the mask, his eyes nearly disappearing.
Ten suddenly grabbed me and pulled me close to him, hugging me tightly. He let out a sigh.
“I missed you so much.” He whispered on my neck before kissing it gently.
“I missed you too.” I wrapped my arms around him. “Happy birthday.” I added, pulling away to see his face again.
I pulled his mask down to kiss his lips. They were sweet and cold.
“Thank you.” He smiled against my lips. “And thank you for coming, you didn’t have to.”
“Shh.” I silenced him. “None of that here.” He held in a giggle and nodded his head.
“Come, there’s a small bakery place I found while looking around for you.” I took his hand and began walking.
“Sorry you had to wait,” I shook my head, it was no trouble, I wasn’t even waiting long. “I wanted to find you and then we run towards each other like they do in the movies, but I ended up going for surprising you.”
“That is so cheesy.” I tried not to laugh too loud at his confession. He let go of my hand and instead put an arm around my waist.
“It’s cute.” He argued.
I didn’t say anything against that as we had made it to the bakery... and maybe he was partly right.
“Wait at a table, I’ll get the food.”
He pouted but complied without complaining. As he sat down I walked to the counter and ordered two small cupcakes and a milkshake we could share. I walked towards the table and Ten’s eyebrow raised at the sweets.
“Sweets this early in the morning?” He asked.
I sat down, “It’s a special occasion, a very very special occasion.”
His face started to turn pink.
“It’s not that special.”
“It’s extremely special so we’ll be celebrating today, tomorrow, and the day after.”
Ten laughed at that but shrugged, “Whatever you say, boss.”
He reached for one of the cupcakes but I stopped him.
“I have to sing happy birthday first.”
He deadpanned.
“Yes seriously!” I acted offended. “I promise I won’t sing loud.”
“Go on then.” He waved his hand dramatically.
With that I began singing softly, and quickly as I wanted to eat the cupcake just a badly.
“Okay,” I smiled, “now you can eat it.”
He smiled and shook his head as he took the cupcake.
We ate and sipped the milkshake in comfortable silence, just enjoying the company of one another.
As I was taking another drink from the shake, Ten took a bit of frosting from his cupcake and poked my nose.
“Thank you.” He said quietly.
“Of course.” I said even quieter. I was feeling small under his intense gaze, it held so many overpowering emotions.
He leaned in to kiss me. It was gentle but strong at the same time. He deepened the kiss, making me go back slightly.
We didn’t have to say any words. From that small action I could feel him telling him he loved me. I replied by kissing him back just as passionately.
Quick an: I’m sorry I didn’t post for junwoo’s bday or jhope’s 🥺😣 I have a lot going on. I’ll make up for it. But I had to for ten as he is the love of my life lol. Happy ten day!! 😘🎉🎂🥳
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myetherealdream · 4 years
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myetherealdream · 4 years
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renjun vlive ♡ 210226
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myetherealdream · 4 years
hihihi <3 can you maybe do a enemy!donghyuck, crack timestamp?
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“You made it cry!” I screamed at Haechan.
“I did not!” He argued back. “Also she’s a she not an it!” He held the faux baby in his arms, cradling it as a horrible sound came from it. “Shh, it’s okay, I know, she’s horrible.” Haechan cooed.
“Oh please.” I walked over and snatched the fake baby from his hands. “She knows I’m the better parent.”
“Not with the way you’re snatching her!” He screeched.
“She’s fine!”
For the past hour, all Haechan and I have been doing was yelling at one another and snatching the fake baby out of each other’s arms. We were paired up to work on this ridiculous parenting project. If I hadn’t gotten Haechan as my partner, I would have probably been way more excited.
“You’re so annoying.” He flicked his hand in my direction and walked off to the couch.
“I’m annoying?” I asked. “Have you met yourself?”
“Stop the yelling you’re only upsetting the baby more!”
Out of frustration I took the baby to the kitchen, Haechan following. I set it down and the countertop with a thud, unscrewed the back and took out the batteries. Instantly the crying stopped.
“There, no more crying.” I shot Haechan a look. He didn’t look at me, he just stared in horror at the baby on the countertop.
“You killed her!”
“Oh shut up.”
I hope you like it! I don’t know if I do that much, but I tried! Thank you for requesting!! ^^
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