myfanfictionstory · 5 years
first loves
Kimberly Hart Stratton pulled her sleek, shiny red BMW into a parking space and parked. She contemplated leaving her engine running because she wasn’t sure if she should stay or even be here but finally she cut the engine off.
Her worried brown eyes looked into the rear view mirror at her 14 year old daughter Krissie who slept soundly now in the back seat. She looked around at all the familiar spots this place held for her, The former Angel Grove gym and juice bar now a Karate Dojo. The basketball courts still remained that she and her friends once played. The rock she sat upon when she sadly told her best friend Trini that her parents would be divorcing soon was still there and her heart winced at the thought even still. So long ago she left this place she called home to attend the pan global games in gymnastics. It took her far indeed in life and eventually to the Olympics where she won a Silver medal on bars and a Gold on beam, that had always been her specialty. After that, she had entered the world of acting and was now a world famous name… Kimberly Stratton the Oscar winning actress. It was about an hour drive from her Beverly Hills home to Angel Grove, and the drive did her good too let her mind think clearly. Her husband writer and best selling author and former olympic gymnast Aiden Stratton and she were in the middle of a heated divorce that was all over the tabloids also of the affair he had had with another actress. 1 year before Kimberly and Aiden had lost their young 3 year old son Joshua when he drown in their home pool. Aiden, away on a book promotion and Kim away in Ireland filming her romance movie. Aiden had bitterly blamed her for the accident saying she should have been there that week with their son. Kim’s director had called only 2 days before saying he needed her in Ireland as he had made some rewrites for her character Bridget. 
“If only I had stayed home”. Her mind screamed “My sweet baby boy” 
She yanked her mind back to the present, her therapist was right… she had to forgive herself. She slowly and quietly as she could opened the door and got out and walked around up to the front of the building.
Life had been so simple here in Angel Grove, she thought. She was teen queen of her school and Pink Power Ranger. She had the cutest guy in school as her boyfriend… Tommy Oliver, her life had been simply perfect.
 For a moment she wished she had never left.“How different my life would be…We might even be married to each other”  she smiled a slight smile and then wondered where he was and what he was doing right now. 
She had not dared to contact him after his angry letter he had sent her for ending their relationship the way she did, stating how she broke his heart and he was not sure he could ever forgive her. Sure, she checked in on him from time to time on Facebook but she hadn’t had time or done so recently, She had always wanted to send him a friendship request but she always chickened out at the last moment. His page was very private and without being friends she couldn’t see too much. Only that he had 2 kids, a boy whom looked just like him and a daughter..a blonde daughter.
“I wonder where she gets that blonde hair from”? she wondered “ Certainly not from him or his family.”  she thought 
She pulled her sleek iPhone out of her purse and hit the facebook app. She typed in his name in the search and he popped up immediately. Still the page was on private but he had changed his header image to himself at the beach with his kids. He had the same long dark hair she remembered, he looked the same just older and not as boyish but still handsome. It made her feel good that he was happy and had such a good life. She just desperately wished she could talk to him, after all he had been her best friend at one time but that was a lifetime ago. What would he say if she just hit the send friend request button? After a few more minutes she got back into her car and noticed her daughter was stirring awake.
“Mom”? Where are we”? She moaned sleepily 
“Were in Angel Grove honey” she replied smiling back at her in the mirror”
“ That small town where you are from”? She asked still looking groggy
“Yes, I just needed to get away for a little bit” She said turning around to look at her young daughter who was basically a carbon copy of herself at that age. 
 Krissie had long auburn brown hair , she was super slim with a radiant smile. She was a gymnast just like her parents but made it clear her ambition was to be an actress like her mom, her own personal heroine. Kimberly put her phone back into her purse and started the car she decided they were going to get a hotel room for the few days close by, she was unaware that when she put her phone away she hit the friendship request button on Tommys page. 
Coming... what is Tommys reaction to Kimberlys mistaken request?
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