god my neighbor just called me and she’s like… is this your chicken in our driveway… like who else has a chicken in this neighborhood yes it’s my chicken… so i get over there and kylo hen is chilling in their driveway eating some specs and stuff and there’s this actual crowd of people around her and i’m like… hi sorry mb let me get her… and oh my god… they’re like do you need us to call someone?? should we get help?? how should we do this?? do you need a net? like bitch it’s a chicken not a fucking komodo dragon. so i just… i was kind of joking around so i crouched down and patted my thighs and all the chickens are trained to come to me on sight because me = food… so i got down there and went “here girl!! come here!!” and the chicken comes running over and this group of actual adult ass individuals were staring at me like i was the fucking pied piper… and i didn’t know what to say…. so i just kind of walked back to my yard with the chicken following me and none of them moved or said a damn word and i think i literally just convinced them this chicken is trained like a dog…
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Don’t armchair diagnose mass shooters and other killers. The misconception that all violent people must be mentally ill (and the following conclusion that all mentally ill people must be dangerous) has horrible real life consequences for visibly mentally ill people.
Schizophrenic people are 14 times more likely to be a victim of a violent crime than committing one because people assume that we’re homicidal and dangerous and may react very negatively to visibly mentally ill behavior, partly due to all the media portrayals of schizophrenics as violent killers.
50% of people killed by police are disabled or mentally ill (and the victims are disproportionately black or other people of color) because the unusual behavior of visibly disabled and visibly mentally ill people is read as inherently threathening and dangerous.
Please consider the real life consequences of reinforcing the association between mental illness and violence - people are dying because y'all want to blame all evil in the world on severe mental illness so that you can clearly separate yourself from it. You’re harming an already extremely vulnerable and marginalized group of people and it’s time to stop!
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So, few years ago, I came across this soap called “Vagisil”. We all know what it is, but my ass didnt know what it was really for. All I knew was that women used it.
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One day, I took a shower, and I forgot my new soap in my room I brought from Duane Reade (pharmacy store). Too lazy to get out to get soap, I see the Vagisil soap. I read the bottle, and it’s sayin shit like “build confidence”, “blocks/eliminates odor”, and im standing here taking a shower like okay im ugly but confidence can carry a nigga a long way! So I took it and poured some on a wash cloth and wash my whole body with it. Now I’m feelin more clean and this would definitely boost my confidence
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Now, the bottle is pink, but idgaf. I knew it was for women. Deodorant for women works best for some guys for god knows what reason, so I didnt care if it was for girls. All i knew was that this shit was gonna block my body odor and boost my confidence.
I didnt even use my new soap. I stuck with Vagisil for a good 2 weeks. I live in a house with 4 other women, but I couldnt believe they was hiding this shit from me. I was really feelin myself - for a minute.
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So one day, at home, my aunt has the bottle in-hand. She goes around asking my two cousins and grandmother if they’ve been using her Vagisil. They said no. So she goes to my room, and asks me:
“Hey, this is going to sound so random, and this may not involve you, but have you been using this?” She shows me the Vagisil…
“Uhhh… yeahhh, I have. I have, actually. Im sorry but that Vagisil is lit! That shit really protects you from odor. I’ll buy another one, its on me, my fault that I been using your Vagisil.” My aunts face starts smirkin’ and she’s crine!
She goes: “Dev, Vagisil is for women… Women… For a reason.” (Emphasis on the “Women”). Im listen to her like she takin this shit too seriously. its  not that deep. it’s just soap.
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So I pause my PS3, take off my headset and I’m like: “What reason? What reason is it for women? Just because it says feminine and the bottle is pink, doesn’t eliminate the fact it’s just body soap, its not that serious.”
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My aunts eyes got big and she goes… “Jesus Ch-… D, Vagisil is for women’s private areas…”
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So I’m sittin there lookin’ at her like: “Private as in her pussy?” but she closes the door quick and started dying, all she could do was nod because of how hard she was laughin.
“So you tellin me I been washin my body with coochie soap for 1-2 weeks?? All that confidence I been buildin up came from soap made for girls’ coochies??” I had a serious look on my face and my aunt was still nodding and laughing, eventually, that attracted the whole family to my room.
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My aunt, bein the loudmouth she is, tells the whole house about how i been washing my ass with coochie soap for the past week or two. now the whole family dyin of laughter that night.
But I wouldnt no that shit was for yo pussy, tf? I wouldnt think the term “Vagisil” would hint that its soap for yo vagina. I just wanted to smell good. That bottle said “Light & Clean” and “Confidence” and “Eliminates odor” and I was sold. 
Anyways, i didnt use it again since. I paid my aunt back for the bottle. If it was meant for your pussy, why didnt the bottle say so? Beatin ‘round the bush n’ shit. Just say “Blocks Vaginal Odor” and I would’ve steered clear but nope! People out here treatin “Vagina” like its a cuss word. It said “feminine” instead, and for 2 weeks I been washin my balls with coochie soap all along.
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Whats up
Hey it's Sabriya you remember me?! @http://deadlyb0y.tumblr.com/
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reblog if ur mom is smart and beautiful
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When you accidentally touch your soul
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funny story
when i was little, i used to always hold in my pee for as long as i could without telling my mom. one time we were at the grocery store and i really needed to pee but i didn’t want to tell her. needless to say, i started peeing myself and she had to pick me up and run across the grocery store to the bathroom as fast as she could while leaving droplets of pee in our trail. i feel bad for whoever had to clean it up.
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Reasons Why Being A Nature Photographer Is The Best Job In The World.
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Treat a nigga how he treats you.
Watch the reaction.
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