myheadcannons · 6 years
Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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myheadcannons · 7 years
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he has his ways
and he’s absolutely not gonna sneak in every week to check it what are you talking about it’s a personal diary sort of
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myheadcannons · 7 years
Anonymously tell me why you follow me
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myheadcannons · 7 years
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Do YOUR part to save the world.
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myheadcannons · 7 years
The Brave and the Dragon
A How to Train Your Dragon Au
Starts right in the middle of the second movie after Hiccup gets in an argument with Stoick and flys away.
∞ Valka isn’t the one to find Hiccup. As he flys, he runs into Drago instead of his mother.
∞ Drago manages to catch Hiccup and Toothless. Hiccup battles with Drago in an attempt to escape. He’s badly injured and Drago starts to set course to Berk planning to take the island.
∞ Hiccup manages to escape with Toothless injured and mortally wounded. Toothless flys him out of there as fast as he possibly can. They leave right before Astrid and the gang make their attack on the approaching boat. 
∞ Toothless flys them to an island on the outside of the map they’ve drawn up. He lays Hiccup down and watches over the knocked out boy.
∞ The two hide in a cave next to the beach. Toothless brings Hiccup fish he gathers and cooks them so his rider can eat them. Hiccup fades in and out of consciousness for the first 3 days. He’s able to stay awake for more than 2 hours on the 4th day.
∞ On the 5th day, these people pop out of the woods. They’re friendly but cautious of Toothless. The group help Hiccup up on his dragon careful not to move him too much as to not aggravate his wounds. They take the two to their boat that sits on the shore and set sail.
∞ They arrive at their intended destination 2 days later. The crew of the large boat managed to keep infection out of Hiccup’s wounds and he’s feeling better. (He tried to fly away with Toothless once or twice wanting to get back to Berk and Astrid but they stop him not wanting him to injure himself more.)
∞ They take him to a person they call the clan’s “Doctor” a word Hiccup is unfamiliar with. He learns that it’s these people’s version of a healer. 
∞ Hiccup is forced to stay in a bed and with the doctor for 3 days. They stitch up his wounds and prevent infection. Soon enough Hiccup is healthy enough to walk with a cane to help him
∞ It’s at this point they take Hiccup to their clan’s leader. The man reminds Hiccup of his own father. Large with red hair. The leaders also missing a leg. He boasts that he lost it to a demon bear.
∞The king and his family offer Hiccup shelter and allow him a place with them till he’s healed. He tries to refuse, saying he needs to get back to Berk but they don’t let him turn down their offer stating that he needs the rest. He reluctantly agrees.
∞ He gets close with the king’s daughter, Merida, working to help her wrangle up her 3 brothers. He takes her on dragon rides atop Toothless, helps clean her horse’s stall, and tries to learn archery from her while he teaches her sword fighting. She becomes his sister.
∞ He stays with the clan for 6 months. He’s preparing to leave when the kingdom is attacked. In an action of thanks, he agrees to stay and help them in the war. Learning strategy and battle tactics without difficulty. It’s a long and brutal war but eventually, they win. It takes 2 years though. He never stops thinking of Astrid through them.
∞ When the war is finally over the clan is victorious. The clan celebrates. Hiccup knows he can finally leave now. He gets Toothless ready and is set to leave without a goodbye when Merida stops him. She’s now a full blooded soldier (though her mother still disapproves). She insists she go with the boy she’s come to see as her brother. Hiccup caves in and lets her come.
∞ The two don’t encounter any dragons until their 7th day of flying. Hiccup has no clue which way north Berk is and if Drago’s even there, so the trio had been using the stars to navigate themselves to Berk. The dragon they spot is a terrible terror and it’s on its own. It’s scared as if it was badly injured once and when it flies it’s not the smooth flying, it’s choppy and fully of effort. 
∞ The terror flys past Toothless without so much of a glance at the larger dragon. It flies like it’s running away from something.
∞ Hiccup and Merida have to stop often, they didn’t bring a lot with them in the first place so they have to hunt for their own food, though with Merida’s archery skills and Toothless with Hiccup it’s not that hard. Hiccup managed to bring the new helmet and gear he’d crafted back at the clan though, along with a backup bow and sword. 
∞ It takes 2 more weeks after they saw the Terror when they find Berk. It’s dark with not a single light in the village on. Hiccup doesn’t like it at all. He doesn’t dare take Toothless close to the village in fear of what’s happening. Berk isn’t how he left it. 
∞ He forces Toothless to fly to the back of the island and land in Black Heart Bay. As soon as they land and slide of Toothless there’s a rustling of leaves. An arrow flys past Merida’s head. Before Toothless can jump on one of their attackers a chain net is thrown over the beast. 3 hooded figures emerge from the forest line armed with crossbows. Merida and Hiccup are forced to surrender but Hiccup refuses to take off his helmet in fear that if these are Drago’s men they’ll recognize him. 
∞ The figures force Merida and Hiccup to follow them to a hidden town/camp in the mountain. Toothless is forced away from Hiccup and Merida into a dungeon below the camp. 
∞ Hiccup and Merida are brought before the council which is supposedly made up of the greatest Vikings in the rebellion. It’s made of a council of 5 people, but there are six chairs. The middlemost one is left open as if in tribute. The council members all wear masks. 
∞ When Hiccup and Merida are brought before the council the supposed leader orders Hiccup to take off his helmet. Hiccup hesitates before unclipping his helmet and pulling it off letting his shaggy hair fall.
∞ The Council falls silent for a moment before one of the larger ones start yelling at Hiccup that he’s a ghost, an imposter sent by Drago. Before Hiccup can defend himself a loud roar. Suddenly the doors to the room burst open, Toothless in the door frame angerly growling.
∞ Hiccup runs over to the dragon Merida behind him as he works to calm his best friend down. The council members are silent. Merida rests a hand on Toothless’s back to help keep him calm as Hiccup turns to look at the council, fury, and strength gleaming in his eyes.
∞ The one who appears to be the leader walks up towards Hiccup, their eyes not daring to unlock with Hiccup’s as they approach. They stop in front of Hiccup and say nothing. Hiccup looks down on them. He can now notice the blond hair that pokes out from the sides of their mask. It’s like a punch in the gut when he realizes who this is.
∞He brings his hands up to the corner of the mask. They don’t refude the action as Hiccup slowly pulls the mask off their face. 
∞ It’s Astrid. She’s looking at him with so much pain and hope in her eyes as her eyes look into his.
∞ Before anyone can blink the two are kissing like there’s no tomorrow. 
To be Continued.........
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myheadcannons · 7 years
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Medusa and Black Bolt
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myheadcannons · 7 years
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myheadcannons · 8 years
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MCU 2016 Retrospective
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Anyone want to pick it up?
Justice League, Young Justice Crossover Collaboration
This is a crossover between Justice Leauge Unlimited and Young Justice. The plan is I’ll write something then someone else will respond by reblogging and adding and we’ll continue it, always @ the person who was before you so that they know you replied! So we’ll go back and forth building upon the story! PLEASE JOIN ANYONE IS WELCOME TO ADD ON! (This is after endgame and Wally is the Flash in the JLU universe.)
Wally had been in this universe for so long he’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be in his original one where he had a family. Barry, Aunt Iris, Mom and Dad, Artemis…. They didn’t exist in this world, or at least they weren’t his family here. It been almost 15 years since he’d seen her, since the North Pole, since he landed in this universe and became the Flash.
He’d been stationed on monitor duty when it happened when almost 10 kids dropped through a portal and appeared on the floor of the watchtower. Green Arrow, Black Canary, Shiera, Captain Atom, and Supergirl were on the tower in the room when they dropped through. All the kids were in costumes and looked to be between the ages of 8 to 16. 
He zipped down to the group, the first one of the heroes to reach the group. He counted 10 kids in total, an astounding amount of them in superhero costumes. They were piled on top of each other, most of them groaning in pain, one or two complaining. 
“Get off me Grayson!” a young 16-year-old boy yelled at the 8-year-old that sat on top of him. Wally was shocked by the name.
“Damian! Don’t yell at Mari!” snapped a red head girl that looked 16. Walle watched the young 8 year old get off of the boy but she didn’t stand, instead floating and flying, it reminded Wally of how M’gann use to.
By this time the other heroes had managed to run over to the group. 
Wally watched as a 13-year-old girl with blond hair with one green eye and one blue eye looked up. Her eyes went wide as she set them on Green Arrow and Black Canary. 
“Mom? Dad?” she asked. Dinah and Ollie looked at each other in shock before looking back down at the girl. 
“Liv. Stop,” the 16-year-old stated, “This isn’t our world.” 
“What ya mean Lian?” a 15-year-old boy with blond hair questioned. 
The girl who was clearly the leader figure didn’t answer and instead looked to Wally. 
“My names Lian Harper I’m 16 and this is my team, we’re from an alternate dimension in which we’re the kids of the Justice League, I’m the daughter of Red Arrow,” she explained before looking to her team, “Full names, Parents, and Age,” she barked. 
The 15-year-old boy cleared his throat and stepped forward before looking over to a blond haired girl that looked to be his age. She had a red colored streak running through her hair. “My names Don and this is my sister Dawn, we’re 15 and we’re the kids of the second Flash.” Wally’s mind froze at the idea that these were Barry’s kids.
Wally could feel his teammates’ eyes on him but he did nothing as the next girl spoke up. 
“Name’s Olivia, I’m 14, Daughter of the first Green Arrow and Black Canary,” she stated her different colored eyes landing on Dinah and Ollie. 
Before Ollie could make a quip the 16-year-old boy spoke. 
“Damian Wayne. Batman. 16,” he spat viciously. Wally could see the eyes that popped out of his teammates’ head at the mention of Batman. 
Next spoke the 8-year-old girl with black hair and glowing green eyes, “I’m Mari Grayson…. I’m 8 and a half… and My parents are Nightwing and Starfire.” 
A dark skinned pixie cut kid came forward next. “Name’s Kaimana but I go by Kai, I’m 13, and my father is the second Aquaman,” they explained as they ran a hand through their black hair which Wally noted had a purple streak running through. Kai even had Kalder’s eyes. 
“I’m Lyra,” started a 10-year-old girl with blue eyes and reddish hair that looked almost black to Wally, “My parents are the second Superman and Miss Martian, I’m also 10.” 
Wally looked to the last two kids who’d yet to speak, a girl and a boy. The boy had red hair with gray eyes while the girl had blond hair with green eyes. Wally was struck with fear as he watched the girl step forward. He knew their names before they even spoke them. He knew their age and their parents…. he knew who these kids were. 
“I’m Irey West and this is my brother Jai, we’re both 15, our parents are the second Green Arrow and our father…. was the first Kid Flash….” she spoke. 
Wally’s eyes widened as he focused in on the set of twins. Artemis was pregnant when he disappeared. These were his kids… these kids were here, and that meant they were from his world, there was a way back. He could see her again. No… he WOULD see her again. He wouldn’t leave her alone again before she had the twins, now she had no one. He promised himself he’d get back, no matter the cost.
Your turn….
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Day 7
Day 7: Injustice
Injustice: Lack or Fairness of Judgement.
“The court of Justice has now been called to session,” the judge announced as he banged the gavel upon the wood podium.  “The case of Wallace Rudolph West has now been called to order over the issue of the stealing of one Robin’s cookies.”
“Why the hell are we holding a court over eaten cookies?” Connor muttered.
“Apparently Alfred's cookies are legendary,” Artemis scoffed, “No cookies are that good that we need to hold a court over them.”
“The prosecutor now calls Kaldar’am to the stand,” The Judge stated.
Kaldar stood and walked over to the chair they’d designated as the stand.
“Do you promise, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” M’gann holding out the bible as Kaldar set his hand on it. Kaldur nodded as he spoke a yes.
Robin stood up and walked over to the stand, “You were witness to the stealing of the cookies weren’t you sir?” he asked.
“Yes. I was,” Kaldar responded.
“And did I not tell Mr. West not to touch the cookies before I left the room?” Robin questioned.
“You did.”
Robin turned to look at the Judge. “See your honor? Mister West went and broke strict rules over the cookies, a crime that he must be punished for.”
“Objection your honor! That’s totally unfair!” Wally exclaimed standing up in his seat, “The so-called ‘victim’ offered a cookie before he left the room to grab the rest of the batch!”
Artemis groaned in annoyance.  “They really watch too much Law and Order,” Artemis muttered.
“You can only blame yourself. It’s your job to keep your boyfriend in check ‘Mis,” Zatanna told her, “I just can’t believe Arrow agreed to be the judge.”
“Oh I can,” Artemis scoffed, “And what do you have to say for your boyfriend?”
Zatanna didn’t respond.
“Objection overruled, sit back down West,” Oliver Queen ordered, “Continue Robin.”
“As I was saying, as stated in the cave rules, All cookies brought to the cave by a team member are hereby considered the property of that team member who holds the right to a trial if said cookies are eaten or taken without permission.” Robin read.
“Objection!” Wally cried again, “Article 13a! Cookies are open to teammates if left in the kitchen on a platter with no note or protection upon it!”
“Do we really have a rule book with that rule in it?” Conner grumbled.
Megan nodded, “We had to create it after Wally ate all my cookies and there were none left for anyone else. If you actually read it there are a lot of unusual rules.”
“Section 7, Article 4 for example,” Artemis started, “The vents of the cave can only be used for emergency situations such as escaping. Games of paintball, hide and seek, war, pranks, etc. are not considered as emergency situations and will result in loss of privileges to the TV remote for a month.”
“Or Section 2, Article 18. Wolf is not to be used as a horse or feed Nachos. Last time this resulted in a fart filled cave for 3 months prior.” Zatanna quoted, “Apparently Canary made that one.”
“Objection received, evidence overturned. Find another reason Robin or give up the floor.”
Robin huffed in annoyance before walking over to his table and chair and sitting down.
“You have the floor Mister West,” Ollie proclaimed.
“No, he doesn’t,” a voice proclaimed over the crowd. Everyone turned to the mouth of the room to see Black Canary standing in the doorway. “As Section 9, Article 21 states, All fake court hearings over breakage of the rules must first be approved by Black Canary before going into session. A judge other than Green Arrow will preside over the hearing, which will be appointed by Black Canary. All Courts must be recorded by Red Tornado and Canary must be present. Breakage of this rule will result in the defendant, prosecutor and judge (if it is Green Arrow) doing ALL the cave’s chores for the next month. Sorry boys,” she grinned. “Now get to work, the zeta tube needs to be cleaned.”
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Day 6
Day 6: Soulmates
Everyone was born with an important quote from their soulmate etched into their skins and once those words were said by their soulmate the words would change into the soulmate’s name. They were supposed to be words that changed your life. Artemis never heard hers.
She always waited for Wally to say the words marked on her skin. The phrase It’s really me Babe. I’m Alive, I’m here. She wanted Wally to be her soulmate so bad. She’d seen the words marked on the right of his lower back. You Idiot! I thought I lost you! And the first thing you do is try and propose!
Every morning she looked at the words that ran parallel to her left collarbone, praying, hoping that the words would change. That she’d heard Wally say them without realizing and he’d be her soulmate. She highly doubted it, the words were etched into her mind waiting for one utter of one of the words.
The day after Wally’s death she looked at the words that were still etched into her skin. People said that the quotes were supposed to turn white once your soulmate died. Hers were still a night black. She broke down crying. Wally hadn’t been her soulmate. He hadn’t been her soulmate.
She didn’t go back to the team for a week after that morning. Being Tigress helped her. It detached her from Wally. It helped her forget the 5 years she spent with him.
That was until she found the black velvet box buried in one of their drawers. In his sock drawer. It was a ring, a princess-cut diamond & emerald ring band made of 14k white gold. She broke down once more at the sight of it.
After that, she started wearing the ring on a silver chain necklace. It fell right over her heart. She never took it off in fear of losing it. She slept in one of Wally’s old shirts each night to remember him.
She continued on like that for a year and a half after that.
She was coming back home after an exhausting mission when she noticed the front door was ajar. She quickly thought there was a robber in the house. She pulled out the crossbow she had hidden in the duffel bag she was carrying that held her costume.
She stepped into the house slowly, her crossbow ready to shoot within a millisecond. She heard ruffling and mumbling coming from her room. She walked into the bedroom to find a red head shuffling through the drawers like he was looking for something.
“Put your hands above your head or I’ll shoot!” Artemis sneered.
The redhead quickly stood up his hands in the air before he slowly turned to look at Artemis. Her eyes widened in shock.
“Impossible! YOU DIED! You’re dead!” she sneered at Wally. His response shocked her. “It’s really me Babe. I’m Alive, I’m here. I managed to get out of the speedforce.”
Artemis froze at his words. She half thought she was just imagining it, she’d done it before, but this time was different. He was here. He was alive.  
“Uhh... I had a ring in one of these drawers.... Do you know where it is?” he stammered.
At this Artemis shot her crossbow at him, pinning the shirt he was wearing to the wall behind him. “You Idiot! I thought I lost you! And the first thing you do is try and propose!!!” She yelled angrily as she stomped towards him.
“I never said I was going to propose now!” he panicked, “Maybe later!”
She wanted to punch him. Kick him in the groin. Shoot an Arrow through his leg. But she didn’t. Instead, she kissed him, suddenly and fiercely. Wally didn’t hesitate to kiss her back. Soon enough they’d both ended up on the bed.
The next morning when Artemis woke up she was staring at the words underneath her left collarbone once again. This time there were no quotes, only the name Wallace West written in curly black ink. She smiled and held the necklace in her right hand, rolling the ring in between her fingers.
“Huh. That’s where it went,” Wally smiled, his voice sounding silvery, “I like it. It fits you like that,” he told her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest. Artemis smiled at his comment leaning back into him.
“I do too,” she told him, “But I think I should get rid of the necklace part. I’d much rather have the ring on my finger now.”
“Is that a yes?” he asked. He didn’t need a vocal answer after seeing the smile on her face. “Alright then.”
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Day 5
Day 5: Social Media. 
-Chat group activated by TheFastest(kid)Alive-
TheFastest(kid)Alive- Just bought 50 bags of Chicken Whizzies!!!! PARTY TIME!!! ~~~~
PrepareforArrows- Don’t you dare Wally. Last time you had that many chicken Whizzies at once we found you and Brucely passed out in matching cat costumes.
FromUndertheWaves- Artemis is correct. Robin even took pictures saying they’d be worthy blackmail later on.
EvilRobinLaughter- It was awesome man. I say we let him do it again. More Blackmail for us. Sent Image Attachment.
TheFastest(kid)Alive- DUDE! WHY DID YOU SEND THAT!
PrepareforArrows- Thank you, Robin. Now I can actually get Wally to do stuff for me, or I’m giving this to his Aunt and Uncle.
TheFastest(kid)Alive- BABE! Don’t betray me too! If you give it to Aunt Iris I’ll never live it down!
SickofEverything- Why does Wally even care about some stinking photos?
LovingEarth- Conner, Wally’s family is very.....
PrepareforArrows- Joyful. They’ll tease him about it till his children have children.
TheFastest(kid)Alive- You mean our children.
PrepareforArrows- Nope. Your Family, your children.
EvilRobinLaughter- Dude she has you there. Your family is intense. You’re like all speedsters and you guys have adopted like 5 more speedsters into the family in the past month alone.
TheFastest(kid)Alive- That’s not true.
PrepareforArrows- Jesse Quick?
TheFastest(kid)Alive- SHE WAS VISITING! She left for home two days later!
SickofEverything- But didn’t you guys offer her a place to stay for the 3 days she was here? Along with feed her and do patrol with her?
TheFastest(kid)Alive- Conner, you’re not helping.
LovingEarth- Why don’t we just drop the subject? How’s this? We all have a movie night as a team at the cave? We can stop Wally from eating 50 bags of Chicken Whizzies and have a nice team building night!
FromUndertheWaves- It would be a nice break from the usual team bonding activities we do.
TheFastest(kid)Alive- It’s not my fault that we decided on paintball!
PrepareforArrows- It was your choice. And it was your suggestion to do boys vs girls. Suck it up.
~~MAGIC~~- We did, in fact, kick your guy's butts.
PrepareforArrows- Girl power. Buck up. And since the girls won we get to choose the movie.
~~MAGIC~~- I vote Star Trek!
PrepareforArrows- Let's do it!.
TheFastest(kid)Alive- For some reason, I expected worse.
PrepareforArrows- Nevermind we’re watching Mamma Mia. 
TheFastest(kid)Alive- What No! I take it back! Star Trek is horrible!
~~MAGIC~~- Wally stop complaining we all know you love Mamma Mia. 
TheFastest(kid)Alive- YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF THAT!
EvilRobinLaughter- I do though. -Attached Video-
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Day 4
Day 4: “what could possibly go wrong?”
Wally’s the one to say it to Dick. Next thing he knows Wally’s been gunned down. Bullets hitting his chest and redness splattering across the walls as Wally stumbled back, then fell. Dick doesn’t have time to react to Wally being shot before they start firing at him.
Dick rolls out of the way not glancing back at Wally as he tucks himself behind the walls that separate him from his shooters.
He doesn’t expect to hear the mumbling he does. Ekam eht llaw reappasid. His covers gone as soon as the words are finished.
Dick dives to the ground before crawling away from enemy fire. He’s reaching for his grappling hook when he hears the shifting in the air.
He’d forgotten about M’gann.
He feels the two bullets hit him in the back.
The PA system announces the victory for the enemy.
Dick hears Wally cursing. “Damn Paintball, damn it!” The team never does Boys vs Girls Paintball again.
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Day 3
Day 3: Age Reversal
-Dick’s the first one to get a sidekick. No one is really shocked by it, the dude had been considering adopting a kid after he and Barbara found out they couldn’t have kids. Nightwing (Dick) was out one night on partrol with Batwoman (barbara) when they stumbled across a small boy crying over his dead parents. 2 months later Dick brings 9 year old Bruce Wayne to the Watchtower with Barbara. Bruce doesn’t act all that happy around the team but everyonce in a while when Dick is teasing the little boy he’d crack a smile.
-Wally’s the next one. Some idiotic kid managed to replicate the lighting strike that gave him his powers. The most hallarious thing is the kid goes to the same school as his ‘aunt’. Wally was more her uncle then she was his aunt. The kid, Barry Allen, picked up the superhero thing pretty quick. When he introduces the kid to Bruce the two get in a fight. After that Wally and Dick secretly agree to never let the kids be on the watchtower on the sametime after that.
-M’gann’s 3rd. She’d come back from an excertion to Mars to visit her siblings. On her way back she heard clattering coming from the back of her ship. It turned out that one of her nephews had snuck on board, managing to density shift, an amazing capabilty for someone of such a young age in martian years.
-Artemis and Roy both pick up the same sidekick, rotating the young Oliver Queen between the two of them so that he gets more practice. Plus, both of them need date nices with their spouses, the altering schedule allows them to do this. Though they sometimes disagree on bow techniques and get in fights. Oliver’s the one who has to continue to brake them up saying that he’d be making his own tweaks to the techniques and they’re both wrong. This results in Oliver being forced to do watch duty and no patrols for a month. He never says they’re wrong again. -Conner is forced to take a new kryptonian under his wing by Kara.He’s reluctant and closed off from the young Clark Kent but eventually the two open up and get to know each other.
-Kaldar becomes mentor to the young king of Atlantis. In order to train the teen to one day take the throne Kaldar not only trains him in the way of royalty and ruling but also fighting for one day the young teen will have to defend the 7 seas.
-Finally the rule of no more then one sidekick at a time drops. After that the watertower basically becomes a sidekick club hosue with members without mentors joining. No one argues. New members join the team, and more sidekicks appear. In all honesty it doesn’t bother the team. They like it.
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myheadcannons · 8 years
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# you two had one job
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Day 2.
Day 2: Sports AU
Dick the Gymnast trying to get to the Olympics
Wally the track star w sweet tooth
Conner the boxer
M’gann the pentathlon champion
Artemis the archer that always competes against Roy
Roy always argues with the Archery Coach Oliver Queen who was nicknamed “Green Arrow during his Olympics time.
Kalder the Star Swimmer.
Zatanna the Ultimate Equestrian Rider.
They’re all a part of this prestigious school run by previous Olympians. The teachers are all nicknamed, but as a group, the students call them “The Justice League.” Because they’ve all crashed the Olympics and brought justice to the number of medals they wanted to bring back.
Dick trains under his adoptive father the famous Bruce Wayne. Dick’s talent with acrobatics was what originally caught the billionaire’s eye. Dick always says that Bruce is actually really nice but no one believes him because at the school the man always seems cold and cut off. Everyone calls him Batman due to a legend about Bruce staring down a bat and causing it to die.
Dick’s nicknamed Robin after once trying to do the same thing with a Robin.
Wally’s Uncle Barry is what inspired him to be a track star, running the 100m and 200m, and sometimes the 500m. He’s better at the shorter races. His nicknamed Kid Flash, taking after his uncle.
M’gann the obsessive baker of the group. She can always be found in the dorm’s kitchen baking cookies when she’s not training. Much like Wally she was inspired by her estranged uncle to compete. Her parents weren’t big fans of the idea, not having the time or money to support her training, most of the money was already being split between her and all her siblings. She started competing behind their backs, using the allowances she’d saved up over the years to fund herself. She eventually met her uncle accidentally at a competition. Her uncle took interest in her and helped her to continue competing.
Artemis came from a family of almost Olympians. Everyone in her family competed in sports but they didn’t work on just raw talent, they used drug enhancers to compete. It ruined the family’s life. First her parents then her sister. Her father forced her to compete in sports trying to correct his mistakes and finally get an Olympic medal. She refused to cheat her way to victory though and left to train on her own. She was eventually picked up by Oliver Queen and brought to the school.
Kalder was recruited for the school after competing at the national level at a striking young age. His best friends Garth and Tula competed alongside him and were offered a place at the school but turned it down unlike Kalder.
Zatanna’s the newer member of the group, joining the group after her father started bringing her to the school to use the ring for training. Though she doesn’t live on campus like the others she’s still considered a valuable part of the group.
Conner ‘trains’ under the legendary Clark Kent, aka Superman, the man who never lost a fight. Conner always gets the cold shoulder from his mentor he had no clue why, though it suddenly stops after his first major fight. After that Clark becomes a father figure to Conner, whose parents were never around when he was growing up. He later learned the reason why Clark was cold towards him was due to the fact his father was Lex Luthor, the man who almost ruined Clark’s Olympic career.
The League usually finds the team in trouble in the dorms, whether is be Wally hanging from the ceiling with arrows pinning him there or all the dishware smashed and the floor covered in 3 inches of water.
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myheadcannons · 8 years
Steps to being Batmom: Part 6
 Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
Y/N= Your Name
You bang your head against the steering wheel as soon as you park the car in the garage of the manor. Sure you could have dealt with your mother screaming in surprise that you’re living in Wayne Manor and that your soulmate is Bruce Wayne on any other day and time. You just can’t right now. 
Damian sensing your panic distracted your mother and took her inside. It’s only 10 and you know Bruce has the day off. By now your mother should have jumped your poor soulmate and even though he’s batman you’re pretty dang sure he won’t be able to handle your mother. 
You climb out of the car after composing yourself and walk into the house. You automatically hear your mother threatening Bruce as soon as you walk through the doors. 
“Mumbo’s been chewing up Father,” You hear Damian say as he comes up beside you. It’s weird, hearing him mix the word Mumbo with the properness of the way he called Bruce. “Also, Drake and Todd tagged along with Grayson,” he adds. 
You mentally scold yourself. You knew Dick was coming over today to tag along with You, Bruce and Damian to an arts festival that was going on downtown but you hadn’t thought of the idea that he’d drag Jason and Tim along also. 
You walk into the living room to she your mother shouting at your soulmate in Persian. It’s the first time you’ve seen Bruce shocked to silence. You catch the boys in the corner laughing their heads off at the sight of the 5′ 2′ woman striking fear into the heart of the famous Batman. 
“Mama, back off,” you tell her. Your mother’s eyes snap to you in fury. 
“Back off?! You know who this is!? No of course you do! He’s the man who knocked you up!” she snapped in anger. You knew your mother would be mad but you hadn’t imagined this mad. Her sudden burst had silenced the boys’ chuckling and kept Bruce shocked in silence his eyes not leaving you, but you didn’t dare to meet his eyes. 
“Mama,” You hiss in fury, “He’s my soulmate and if you can’t accept it that’s fine. I knew you’d be mad but that doesn’t give you the right to yell that I’m pregnant and accuse him of just knocking me up! He’s not like that.” 
“He’s your soulmate?!?!” she bursts in shock, “No way in hell is my baby girl the soulmate to a womanizer like him!” 
You clench your fists in anger at your mother’s words. You couldn’t handle her calling Bruce that, it wasn’t fair for her to judge him based on the public’s image of him, not an actual image like you had. 
“Mama, stop,” you order her. You didn’t want your mother to be the one to tell Bruce you were pregnant. She’d stolen that opportunity from you. “We were planning to go to the art festival downtown today and usually, I would have loved for you to come,” you state bluntly, “but after what you’ve just said I don’t anymore. You’re welcome to stay in the manor till we come back and if you want to leave that’s your choice, but until you accept Bruce as my soulmate I’m ashamed to call myself your daughter.” 
And with that, you walk towards the doorway of the living room. “I’m in the garage when you boys are ready to leave,” you add as you walk back towards the garage. 
As soon as you sit in the front seat of the 7 seater van you sigh in exhaustion and slump in your chair. You didn’t want any of this to go down today. You had just wanted it to be a nice happy Saturday in which you could spend time with Bruce and the boys, a rare treat in your opinion.  
You’re so consumed with your thoughts in your thoughts you don’t hear the door to the car open and Bruce slip in. 
“So....” he starts bringing your attention back to reality and the car the two of you were in, “The boys are already suggesting names and betting on whether it’s a boy or a girl, apparently Damian is the only one who agrees with me,” he tells you using a light happy voice. 
You let out a light chuckle and lean your head back against the headrest and turn to look at him. 
“Really?” You question, “And what do you two think?” 
“It doesn’t really matter what we think. In all honesty... the manor needs more than my black and gray theme we have going on now, plus I think you’re a little over powered with the boys and me,” he states. 
You scoff in disbelief, “Overpowered?!” You exclaim in doubt, “More like I overpower you all. You just want a daddy’s girl!” you grin. 
He smiles, “You’re the only one who I can’t hide anything from,” he chuckles.
“I know,” you smile back, “Now based on the boys they’re probably in a fight right now over names for the newest bat.” 
“And knowing your assumptions you’re probably right,” he answers, “Let’s get them out of the manor before they burn it down.” You laugh at his comment, knowing the chance of it had a higher than normal probably of happening. 
You grin and watch him climb out of the car and head back in the house to grab the boys. You sit back and lean into the chair once more resting a hand on your stomach. You’d have to set up an appointment with your doctor later on and figure out everything but in the moment you feel like nothing can bring you down.
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