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“Tell you what. Five years from this moment, if neither of us is in a relationship, we’ll go halves on a kid.”
“You and me? Have a baby together?”
“Yeah, with your looks and my brains? He’ll be…perfect.”
“And what if she has your looks, and my brains?”
“That could work too.  So, what do you say? Deal?”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.”
“I haven’t yet.”
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JAG - Yeah Baby (5x21) - in which the baby will have his brains and her looks or her brains and his looks.
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MAC: What did you just say? HARM: …that Brumby was right. MAC: About some people being in love with me? HARM: [looks down] Yeah. MAC: What people? HARM: … MAC: Harm? What people? 
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I don’t have to imagine it-it happened!
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Mac and Harm, “Lifeline.”
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I told you so!
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Jane will do anything for an Italian “donut.”
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Suspect: Honey, I'd like a mineral water, no ice.
Benson: And I'd like your balls in a blender, but ain't life a bitch?
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This is real sexy!!!
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Dean: How are you?
Olivia: I can’t complain, you?
Dean: About the same, …you have my number.
Elliot: Yeah, we all do.
Olivia: Give him a break.
Dean: You need a lift home?
Elliot: Nah… I’m  good. Thanks.
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favourite elizabeth moments → 26. “By “mystery” do you mean born out of wedlock or sired by aliens? ” (1.02 Another Benghazi)
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