myinternetcorner · 1 day
True name of the owner of shelf of dieased universe is fallen angel elvin fallen brigade ells.
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myinternetcorner · 2 days
You didn't think about the name,didn't you?
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Casualy just adding innuedo here.The big dipper,then this?
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myinternetcorner · 2 days
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Koka-is coins in Japanese-koka in Croatian means chicken/woman that is very attractive to men,also cocaine variation.
Ginko-bank and also type of tree,is called ginko and also is used for old people's remedy.
I'm reading next parts,seems to this is so not so strange,lots of words and English-Japanese words.
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myinternetcorner · 2 days
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I mean,what crazy egoistical alchemy fuckery does have with actual chemistry?Nothing!It's exactly first lie of Sri baghavam,you live forever,but in my machine computered regenerator and you will be killed and again!It's evil promoted so many times,that I wonder,those fuckers actual murdered others to have this?Total crazy mind of first murder is with them,and no compassion,they know only know evil and lust,and that's all.
Their symbol is death moth,which is end and no life afterwards,also person is no real anymore.
Witches,satanists,Church rituals,everything with death is evil.
PARASITISM IS main form of destruction here,no they will not live on food,but on energy,and that is energetic parasitism.
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myinternetcorner · 3 days
the truth behind the bazuul or smither
Bazuul did an vil,a creating devil in his home what was Uranus(Urantia).They smithed devil so can eat all his children,in other words he lost his sperm and able to have nobody except himself!So,the devil is in An vil,de vill is smithed!The de vil lives in the cube(machine),smith is a program.The Saturn just ugly machine,for his deranged people.An vil is real place,the de vil was product of alchemy and they smithed it in their Urantia.Why they are all cold.They are without power,so they force to have it.No life,just force,means de vil.AN VIL is birthplace of reimaging reality where the only smelly and rotten doesn't have even source,so they are all smith fake doubles!It's rotten society,with alchemical products of people left parts,meaning they eaten themselves and are no longer living.Everybody is and possible vampire of energy and life sources,so they are like parasites!An vil is gone,only Urantia was left!
Smith is program,fake people's only mind!
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myinternetcorner · 3 days
I swear,the colours were of Lidl.
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myinternetcorner · 8 days
I kissed a boy and I liked it.
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
Oblivion plants-the best chart I have seen.
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
You need biology master degree,chemistry is totally outdated,all bs.
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To perform Alchemy, you must have two ingredients, at least a Mortar, Pestle and a bachelor's degree in chemistry.
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
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I know that nobody asked, but here's some Telvanni lore for all the foodies.
Before you begin this culinary journey, check out this post about ash yams it's essential.
Telvanni Cuisine
It’s obvious that Telvanni have an extensive knowledge of fungi.  After all, they live in huge mushrooms and collect and plant numerous species from all across the Tamriel to use them in their potions. It goes without saying that their cuisine is also quite fungal. The commonfolk at Telvanni settlements as most of the Dunmer source their protein both from fungi* and insect meat. But Telvanni nobles love nurturing peculiar worldviews and traditions that differentiate them from other races - or even other Dunmer. One of them is their distaste for anything that doesn’t grow in soil. They frown upon hunter traditions of Ashlanders and stock-raising of house Redoran and regard them as “primitive” in contrast to the delicate art of growing fungi. The alchemy ingredients are an obvious exception from this rule, but in general as their occupations don’t usually include menial work, their light and low-calorie cuisine perfectly matches their lifestyle. This resulted in traditional cuisine of the nobility being solely plant-, or more specifically, mushroom-based**, that contrasts sharply with the cuisine of Skyrim that is rich in venison and other animal-based foods***. Noble Telvanni shun debilitating ingredients such as alcohol and moon sugar in their everyday cuisine, as keeping their minds sharp is their main priority. In order to get an indulgent sweet taste marshmerrow is used instead. Telvanni rarely import vast quantities of vegetables from other provinces as house Hlaalu does. They use commonly grown foods like saltrice, ash yams or mushrooms as the base ingredients of the dishes. In some aspects they prefer to stick to the Dunmer traditions. The nobles, though, indulge themselves in expensive imported berries - not only because of their magic-enhancing abilities but also because of their extravagant taste. As the Telvanni ranks feature numerous alchemists the import of alchemical ingredients is obviously very common. Telvanni chefs gradually incorporated some of the exotic spices into traditional cuisine. Especially valued are the most characterful of them that fancy up the bland taste of mushrooms, such as juniper, ginseng or garlic****. * In real life mushrooms are a rather poor source of protein compared to legumes like beans and lentil. But since there are no legumes in TES universe (at least as far as I know) let's suppose there are some protein-rich mushrooms Telvanni can plant. ** It’s also worth mentioning that I’m a Telvanni-fixated vegan ass myself so that’s a more probable reason why I made my beloved house also vegan xD *** A lovely example of that contrast you can encounter in @thana-topsy ‘s fanfic “Breathing Water”. This would nicely explain Neloth’s preference for apple cabbage stew. **** This recipe for example resembles Telvanni cuisine, it was one of the inspirations from my imaginary dishes above.
Above I’ve come up with some examples of what noble Telvanni would eat on a daily basis.
Thanks for reading that and take care :3
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
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PLAYING the old Yugoslavian songs,somewhere in forbidden place.
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
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Drinks Earl Grey-English.
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myinternetcorner · 12 days
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There is no perfect world,because it is made up in artificial system that will never prefer such people.
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myinternetcorner · 13 days
What's next level,potion of poison vampire death?
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myinternetcorner · 13 days
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The true face of evil,the undreground hog,the evil that is present in this world,is actually first man who made human replications.He is not and never will be a god.It is just fantay that he believes,and will never achieve it,no matter what,John,you are fucked and always will be,your god is delusion in your fucking eyes that no longer serve you.Fuck you.
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