myklaineficlibrary · 9 years
Okay so once I started to read a klaine fanfiction - Kurt was a fairy or something and he lived in a forest and followed Blaine home because he had a colorful ring or a pride ring I think?! Do you know it? I copy&pasted it so I could read it when in the car, and I never got to finish it because I deleted the note by accident. Help!
I never really got into the fairy!klaine thing...sorry! I'm going to publish to see if any followers know the story you're talking about! 
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myklaineficlibrary · 9 years
Do you read WIP's? I recently read one but I can't find it... It was with Kurt and New D being super popular and Blaine was a loser and also had a secret identity thing?!
I try not to read WIPs but they catch my attention every now and then. I'm sorry to say the one you asked about doesn't ring a bell with me but I'll keep an eye out! 
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
My reaction to Kurt talking to sue about blaine
Kurt: I don't want to get back together with Blaine.
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
That Fateful Moment
Based on this post
When Puck suggested he go spy on the Warblers, Kurt wasn’t sure it was a good idea. The timer on his wrist was down to just 2 hours and change and, while he wasn’t sure how the fates knew when and where a person would be at any given time, he was sure he believed he was meant to meet his soulmate today. What if going to spy on the Warblers ruined everything and he became the one person in history to miss meeting his soulmate?
After about 20 minutes of internal debate, he decided to tempt fate and make the trip to Westerville. As he pulled his Navigator out of Mckinley’s parking lot he muttered to himself, “If this backfires, Puck will pay.”
Blaine was so utterly distracted by the fact that his soulmate timer as he had taken to calling it was quickly counting down to zero and he was certain he already knew every student at Dalton. What if the fates were wrong and his soulmate was about to be disappointed by his lack of appearance. 
He was just pondering what this on his way to the Warbler’s performance when he heard a beautiful voice ask him “Excuse me. Um, hi. Can I ask you a question? I’m new here.”
Without skipping a beat, Blaine responded. 
"Hi, I’m Blaine and I believe I’m your overjoyed soulmate if the timer on my wrist is any indication."
Kurt couldn’t believe it. His soulmate was a Warbler. A gorgeous Warbler who had just dragged him, the long way, into an impromptu performance with his fellow classmates. 
You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream The way you turn me on, I can’t sleep Let’s run away and don’t ever look back Don’t ever look back
He was being serenaded by his soulmate with Katy Perry and he was every bit Kurt’s teenage dream. 
With the biggest grin he’d probably ever had on his face, he dragged Blaine away from the performance space as soon as he could so he could get to know the man he was going to spend the rest of his life with.
Blaine was overcome with joy at finally meeting the man he would one day call his husband.
They talked for hours once they found some privacy at a local coffee shop.
Blaine knew Kurt was interested in fashion and also a member of his school’s glee club. That he had lost his mother when he was 8 at the hands of a drunk driver and that he admired and loved his dad more than anyone else in the world.
But Kurt didn’t have to say anything for Blaine to be able to tell that Kurt was lonely and desperately in need of someone to notice him for once. And damn it if Blaine wasn’t going to make sure he knew that he had Blaine’s full attention. He may not have any experience with romance but he was already head over heels for this man and he was going to make sure Kurt knew that.
Kurt was over the moon at the fact that his soulmate was so eager to listen to him and really hear what he had to say. He felt the same way about him. He wanted to know everything he could about Blaine as well.
It was a new experience for him, talking and knowing for sure that what he was saying was being heard, but he guessed that came along with the territory of soulmates, and he couldn’t be more grateful that this moment had finally come.
Over the past few hours, he had learned that Blaine had a brother who lived in LA and that his parents weren’t exactly attentive towards him due to his sexuality. Despite the soulmate timer’s on everyone’s wrist eliminating the choice of who one ended up with, there were still some people in the world who believed being gay was inherently wrong and the people who ended up with someone of the same gender had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kurt couldn’t imagine how people could still think that way but, hey, who was he to know what he wanted.
When it came time to part ways for the time being, they exchanged numbers and promised to text each other as soon as they were home. They also agreed to make sure to spend their weekends together from now on to really get to know each other and each other’s family’s, or at least to have Blaine get to know Kurt’s.
As soon as he walked in the door, his dad was hugging him and wanting to everything about the man that would soon be his son-in-law, because of course Burt Hummel knew when his son’s big moment was going to happen.
"Dad, he’s a teenage dream."
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Fact: I still swoon every time I watch Never Been Kissed and Blaine starts singing Teenage Dream
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Inspired by the cuteness that is Blue Ivy as the VMAs, Papa Kurt is about to get the surprise of his life at the Tonys.
G, 970 words.
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Standing Still (part one) - Despite his better judgement, Kurt signs up for an online dating website and is surprised to find he’s a pretty popular potential love interest. But amidst the six-packs and shirtless profile pictures, he gets a message from a boy name Blaine. A shy, mysterious boy, who Kurt finds himself inexplicably drawn to. But Blaine has a secret, one he’s not sure if he wants Kurt to know. 
1909 words. 
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
I somehow knew the dad was writing the book the whole time! Her parents kind of suck! But her siblings are kind of awesome!
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Klaine Bingo : Band!fic
Title from the lyrics of the song “Rockstar” by A Great Big World
Klaine AU Meeting, Famous Kurt - Famous Blaine ?
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Official [Kurt/Blaine] PG
Early!Klaine revealing that they’re dating to the New Directions for the first time via Rachel and Mercedes.  Prompted by and written for the wonderful Caroline.  
Her prompt: “Maybe a shopping date.  ’Oh guys, can I bring someone special?’ ‘Okay, who is it?’ ‘Just someone special.’ and then they show up and ‘Kurt, you could have just told us that you wanted to bring Blaine. No offense, but you’re not special anymore.’ ‘Guys, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend.’”
~1,300 words
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
I seriously think reading fic has made me a way bigger literature snob than I would have been otherwise. Because I can get novels worth of well written fic anytime I want for free, so if I bother to read an actual paper book, it better be fucking brilliant.
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
jillypickle prompted: How about single dad Kurt meets single dad Blaine because their teenagers start dating?
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Rating: NC-17
Words: 5317
Characters: Kurt/Blaine, with a side order of Elliott and Santana
Summary: Two OSU boys, one last night before they leave for their second stage in college—NYC. Add one squad leader that has been on the edge of Kurt’s fantasies for two seasons.
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
Life can literally change in two seconds: a moment on the couch and Kurt and Blaine suddenly have a son instead of a daughter. 
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
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The Symphony Verse
“I won’t think of them as blocks, Blaine. I’ll think of them as … interludes.”
Highlights include: a guitar guest book, gourmet “tuna salad”, a mix tape usb stick featuring all of the couple’s favourite songs, red velvet cupcakes, and, of course, some roasted chicken.
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myklaineficlibrary · 10 years
This is based off of zero actual experience and also kind of a cheesy YA novel I read when I was like 14. Kurt and Blaine are the drum majors at McKinley and Dalton, respectively, and things really heat up when they’re forced...
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