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12 Fun Content Marketing Ideas for Restaurants It’s a straightforward approach to leveraging content to make your restaurant concept stand out and get found online. Well, how about we piggyback that practical, blocking-and-tackling approach with some far more adventurous ideas you could incorporate into your restaurants content marketing, to keep building your brand voice and social following? Implementing some of these content marketing ideas may come easier for some than others, duly acknowledged. But don’t feel a need to be too precise in following them — let ‘em serve as idea generators for you to steal from and implement based on your available resources. 1. Start a blog on your restaurant’s website. Today. Now. Any number of creative ideas from this list or from your own brain can be put into motion so much easier with a blog on your restaurant’s website. Heck, you could even be funny with this and keep or add the default, initial post headline, “Hello world!” as your entry into blogging. To read more check out http://nextrestaurants.com/seo/fun-content-marketing-ideas-for-restaurants/ #contentmarketing #restuarantblog #restaurantvideo #resturantmarketing #mlpn
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Creative briefs are concise documents that spell out: Why a certain piece of content is being createdWhat that content needs to accomplishWho it is written forWhy use a creative brief? Creative briefs can often be met by resistance by some departments. Perhaps it’s because they add yet another layer to the creative process. Or, perhaps it is because they require a little bit more work. Marketers are busy people, after all. Marketers will often ask “Why can’t we just hold a meeting to tell the creatives what we want, and be done with it?” The trouble is, three weeks from now (much less three months from now), will you remember exactly what you said in that meeting? And if you aren’t going to remember what was discussed that far out, can you really expect everyone else at the meeting to remember it too? We are also assuming that everyone who is present will remember the meeting in the same way. But as you know, recollections of past conversations can be very different. This is why we have legal contracts, why we take notes, why we record interviews and hearings. Because what one person remembers from a conversation can be a world away from what another remembers. The reasons mentioned above are only just a snapshot of why creative briefs are so imperative. That is why we have put together five important reasons why you should use a creative brief. To read more check out https://www.getmintent.com/blog/4-ways-you-can-use-creative-briefs-to-save-time-money-and-morale/ #mintent #contentmarketingislife #mlpn
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If you believe the phrase you are what you think, then life truly stems from your thoughts. But we cannot rely purely on thoughts; we must translate thoughts into words and eventually into actions in order to manifest our intentions. This means we have to be very careful with our words, choosing to speak only those which work towards our benefit and cultivate our highest good. Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible. The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen.” Affirmations do indeed strengthen us by helping us believe in the potential of an action we desire to manifest. When we verbally affirm our dreams and ambitions, we are instantly empowered with a deep sense of reassurance that our wishful words will become reality. Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains. Much like exercise, they raise the level of feel-good hormones and push our brains to form new clusters of “positive thought” neurons. In the sequence of thought-speech-action, affirmations play an integral role by breaking patterns of negative thoughts, negative speech, and, in turn, negative actions. The art of the spoken word is critical in crafting our futures. As a teacher of spirituality, it is my firm belief that we influence the universe word by word. If we dictate to it our wishes, it will respond. When we utter a sound, we emit a sound wave into the universe. This sound wave pierces through the air and becomes a real object. It therefore exists in our world, intangible and invisible. No words are empty words, as every syllable we speak engages energy towards or against us. If you constantly say “I can’t,” the energy of your words will repel the universal force against you. But if you say “I can!” the universe will endow you with the abilities to do just that. So speak away; relinquish your fears and purge your anger, predict your own future and live up to your potent #icreatemylife
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Should we do this for everything?
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You may not know this but Content marketing is everywhere. It's what drives us to using the internet. It's the influencer on the things we interact with on a day to day basis. The thing that affects our buying decisions. Its how we know what’s going in the world today. Content is how we communicated with each other. You may be asking yourself, “ How can content marketing be so many things at once?”. Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. Rather than pitching your products or services, you are giving important and valuable substance. To your prospects and clients to help them explain their issues. TO READ MORE CLICK THE LINK http://aminoapps.com/page/mlpn/6325513/what-is-content-marketing The next time you want to get your CONTENT MARKETING Strategy started. Dont be afraid to send us, My Launch Pad Network an email to see how we can help you along your journey. [email protected] Also follow us on Tumblr & Facebook @ My Launch Pad Network Come join our community for you tips and tricks for digtial marketing and discuss any ideas you have. See you there.
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Check out out post at the link above to read more of the article
You may not know this but Content marketing is everywhere. It’s what drives us to using the internet. It’s the influencer on the things we interact with on a day to day basis. The thing that affects our buying decisions. Its how we know what’s going in the world today. Content is how we communicated with each other.
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A step close to better understanding,analyzing & managing data. Data analysis certification here i come. You too can level up your skills my simply downloading SoloLearn or Teamtreehouse from the app store. I use both to get a double dose of learning. Think of it as reinforcing my learn. I may have forgot something or didnt catch something on one of the apps. Usally I am able to pick it up from the other. There are many skills set of coding you can from them. Check them out and tell me what you all think. #dataanalysis #icreatemylife #mlpn
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I am excited about getting this certification because its a step closer to becoming a consultant for small businesses and individuals that need help getting out to the world. The next time you have an awesome idea, products you want to sell or just getting more business for your company dont be afraid to send us My Launch Pad Network an email to see how we can help you along your journey. [email protected] #inboundmarketing #contentmarketingislife #icreatemylife #mlpn #onestepcloser
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There is a simple method you can use call the INBOUND Marketing Method. What is inbound marketing? INBOUND MARKETING is creating marketing that people love
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Inbound Marketing
In today’s business environment there are products and services everywhere. From walking down the street or browsing your favorite search engine.
With so much to choose from, how do you stand out to the customers that you want to attract to your business. How do business stay fresh and relevant in customers mines.
What makes a customers want to buy from a business? How do they know that they are getting the best price for their money? Are these business experts in their field.  MOST IMPORTANT can they trust the business they are giving their money to?
When businesses understand these questions it allows them to make better informed decisions. There is a simple method you can use call the INBOUND Marketing Method. What is inbound marketing? INBOUND MARKETING is creating marketing that people love.
Before things like the internet, the seller had more power than the buyer. The  seller had valuable information that the buyer couldn’t get to or find. Weather this was a good price, are their other competitors and is this a good product to buy.
Today the buyer has more power than the seller because of how fast information is gather. To checking out other competitors for the best prices for their budget. Seeing reviews of what other people are saying about that company.
Business must now focus on the needs of the customers and not the needs of the business. We call this customer centric. Where the focus is on SEO, blogging and attracting the customer. Rather than TRADITIONAL Marketing strategy that focus on cold calling and cold emails.
Inbound marketing you first attract strangers with blogs, keyword and social publishing. Within these methods your strangers then become visitors.
Next you convert your visitors into leads with forums, Call-To-Action and Landing Pages. Using these methods your leads then become customers.
Now that you accomplished the closing phase of the inbound method. The goal of getting customers. You must stay on top of them with CRMs (customer relationship management) , emails and work flows.  
Finally the last phase of the inbound method which is delight. Where your customers then become promoters. Using surveys, smart content and social monitoring.
Who would have thought that there is a lot to consider when using inbound marketing. You may be be asking yourself “How do i know who is my ideal customers.?”  I’m glad you asked. When it comes to finding the perfect customers you want to follow these practices.
The 4 Best Practices for Inbound Marketing
Use buyer personas
Semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer. Based on real data and some select educated speculation. Like customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.
Use the Buyer’s Journey
The Awareness Stage The Consideration Stage The Decision Stage
Create awesome content
WHEN CREATING CONTENT, KEEP IT EDUCATIONAL. Not educating your buyer personas on who you are and what you do.  educating them on their problems and solutions to those problems.   
Leverage your content
With the right distribution technique, it gets the right content in front of the right person.  the right time.
Next time you want to get your products or services out try the INBOUND METHOD. What methods or techniques you use to stay fresh and relevant and customers minds?
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