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4 relevant sites to the novel
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4 links to historical sites
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Quote #4
“ The German official  that told the Danish government was G.F Duckwitz” (pg 194).
This man warned the Jewish people on New Years that the Germans were going to relocate the Jews. This man saved many lives and is a hero
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Quote #3
“ That all that is brave which means-not thinking about the dangers, just thinking about what you must do.”( pg 166).
When her uncle forgets the package she has to go deliver it back to her uncle. She gets stopped by two soldiers but they let her go when they check her and see the package is just a handkerchief. We learn that that handkerchief was made to block the smelling of dogs so they would’ve smell the Jews hiding in the boat.
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Quote #2
“ i’ll come back Someday,” Ellen whispered fears Fiercely, “I promise,”( pg 122).
Ellen has to evacuate because she’s Jewish and they are relocating all of them. Her mother has the task to wait until very dark to take these Jewish people through the woods onto Annemarie’s uncles bloat so they can get to a safe place. Annemarie wonders if she’ll ever see Ellen again.
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Quote #1
“ The boy looked right at the soldier and he said, all of the Denmark is his bodyguard” (pg 14).
Annemarie’s father tells the story of when some German soldiers asked why king Christian did not have a new bodyguards the boy said that Denmark was his bodyguard. After this she asks her father if she will protect him and he says yes then she follows and says she will too. Even tough king Christian had lost the war because the Germans were way bigger than Denmark he still rode his horse every morning without bodyguards because he knows that nobody would try to attack him. Everyone loves him.
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Personal Narrative
In the novel, Number the stars, written by Lois Lowry, it tells a story of a young girl name Annemarie Johansen. Her country, Denmark, surrender the war against Germany in 1940. Did Germans occupy the country for five years until the war ended. Annemarie Learned that she Has to be brave and courageous during this period. Her best friend,Ellen, is Jewish and has to be in hiding with Annemarie’s family. She pretends to be Annemarie’s older sister, Lise, Who has been dead for three years. Her family has to go to Hiding with a man named Peter, who was also Lise’s fiancé. They have to go to hiding on New Year’s Day for the Jews. A high German official warnes the Jewish people that they will be relocated. This helps him escape and go into hiding. When the girls go to Annemarie’s uncles house, they figure out their there for a funeral. Annemarie figures out there is no one in the casket and it’s just a way to help some Jews escape and go to a safe place. When a man forget the important package, Anniemarie Has to deliver the package to her uncle. She later figures out that the package was a handkerchief, that was used to block out the smell so dogs can smell humans being in the boat. When the war is finally over peter guys because he has been captured by German soldiers and executed. I think this book was really good, but I needed a better ending because I kind of let us hanging and didn’t let us know what happened after the war. I wanted to know if Ellen came back and if all the German soldiers left and if it became happy in the country.
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Dear diary #4
I woke up today extremely happy. The war had ended and all that my sister, Peter, my uncle, and many more have fought  to end this terrible war. Today was the first day in a long time that I’ve eating a cupcake. Mother said since it was a special occasion she would let us eat one for breakfast. As Kristen and I ate our cupcakes we fell in love. We turn on the lights in our kitchen and our bathroom. We haven’t done that in a long time. There was no more German soldiers at every corner everywhere, restaurants and stores were back open, and life is better. Everyone felt extremely happy and The Jewish people began to return. I’ve been to Worry because Ellen and her family had not returned yet. Father told me that he would get the necklace fixed so I can give it to her when she comes back. I wore every single day till she came back. Although we couldn’t get peters body back so we can lay next to my sisters, we went over there and put flowers on his grave. Today king Christian would ride his course once again around the city in the morning as he always does and everyone would be watching. As he began to Ride and whatever everyone, he looked happier. I certainly hear someone yelling my name. From the corner of my eye I can see it is Ellen. I run and give her a big hug and I give her a necklace. I told her how much I missed her and she says the same.
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Dear diary #3
It was very late one night when I realized how late it was. I was playing around with Thor, our little cat we found our uncles house. I Went downstairs to get a glass of water and started to see that everyone that was here he left. I went upstairs to check on mom and Kristen. I found them sound asleep. I decided to go outside and look at the ocean. I knew how late it was and I knew if I got caught outside I would be in big trouble, but I needed some fresh air and what better way than the ocean. I put my shoes on and my coat and I walk to the ocean. It’s not that far It’s really close. When I sat down on the sand I thought about Lise, my older sister that passed away. I remember the old times when we used to come here and play in the sand and swim in the ocean. I miss her so much. My parents still haven't told me the truth of how she died. When I looked at the ground I found a seashell and you remind me of the one that Peter, Kristen‘s fiancé gave to me. Oh how he changed. I wonder how Kristen’s future would happen if she lived. How disappointed would you be if she saw what had happened to her home and what’s happening to all the people.I wonder if she was here what would she say, what would she do. As I begin to walk home I looked over the ocean side,Oh God how I miss her.
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Dear Diary #2
It has been a couple days since Ellen’s parents have left. Ellen is worries about her parents not being safe. I tried to convince her these past days but she still keeps worrying. Father promises me that they are going to be in a safe place but he still does not tell me where they are. When me and Alan begin to get ready for bed she starts to cry. I tried to comfort her but she pushes me away. I ask her “are you OK?”. She says she’s fine that she just misses her parents a lot and hope they are Ok. After I calm her down I asked her if she wants to hear a story. I don’t her that Kristen, my younger sister loves to hear stories. She says yes and I begin to tell my story. I say once upon a time there was a cute little family that live in a barn on top of the mountains next to a beautiful river. The family is super happy, they always eat delicious food, and they are safe. I tried to related to her family so I can make your feel better, but I think it just makes her feel bad. I continue with my story and say, one day a man comes knocking to the door and takes the parents away. The daughter does not know what to do but no she needs to stay strong and find a way to get to your parents. The daughter travels far and long to find her parents, but she can’t find them. After two days the parents return again. They said they fought hard and bravely to come back after they were taking just to get to the daughter. I began to talk to her and tell her that that’s what that’s exactly after two days the parents return again. They said they fought hard and bravely to come back after they were taken just to get to the daughter. I began to talk to her and tell her that that’s exactly what her parents are going to do. When I looked over she had fallen asleep
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Dear diary #1
It was just another regular day today. I got up eat my bread and tea as always. I can't even remember the taste of sweet sugary anything or the taste of something as simple as cheese. We don't have much of that since our country has surrendered to the Germans. Anyways i asked Mama if i could play with Ellen today and she said yes but to stay inside. There are many German Soldiers everywhere these days. I probably can't even go to the bathroom by myself without one being outside the door watching me. Ellen house is not far it's actually very close. Our community lives really close together. As i was walking, i heard a man begin to yell. I was ignoring it at first because mother said to go straight to Ellen house, but when  I turn around and i see i man getting arrested. I tried to peak at what was going on. I believe the man was getting arrested because he stole some food. The German officer was yelling at him back saying,” You know you kind is not supposed to have this correct?,” he said loudly. The other man pleaded and said, “ please I am very hungry.” he said.  The soldier ignored him and took him away. As i walked to Ellen house i taught about what the German soldier  said. He said “your kind” as if they were two different species or something.  I did not get why he said that till later on.
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Tumblr Discussion Question #4 Who are the most important people in your life? Why are they so meaningful to you?
There are many people that very important in my life. The first person is my mother. My mother is very important to me because she has taught me never to never give up. When my mother was coming back from taking the people to the boat she hurt her foot from the trail she came back from. We later learned that she actually broke it. That morning i stayed at my uncle's home waiting for her to come back but she did not come. I finally decided to go look for her. I found her lying on the ground not so far away from the house. She had told me that she had crawled and pushed herself to get over to the house to see us. She knew i would be worried that's why she keep going. She wanted to make sure we were safe. This is why she is very important to me. Next is my best friend, Ellen, who showed me too always be brave. She was terrified when her parents had to leave, but she held a brave face. Also when the German officers came to search the house she was very brave to lie and say she was my sister Lise. Another person is My sister Lise and her fiance, peter, who fought for justice. They bought were in a group called the resistance that helped Jewish people escape using secret codes. They took a humongous risk in joining this group but they still did it. They died heroes in my family and in others too. Last but not least my father and uncle, Henrick, who had showed bravery too. They both helped transport Jewish people to safety in secret wit the risk of being caught. These two are so meaningful in my life.
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