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Movie: Exit Through the giftshop
Banksy, Space Invader, Mr. Brainwash
The story of how an eccentric French shop keeper and amateur film maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy
I'm a big hardcore art student and  heard about this movie in one of my art history classes and I finally got around to watching it! It was really really good. It wasn't scripted since it was pretty much a documentary. It showed a lot of art from Banksy, a really great graffiti artist and the work and mindset of the guy trying to film him. Really cool insight into the graffiti world.
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Movie: Buried
Ryan Reynolds
Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
Number one way to give me the heeby jeebys; make me watch a movie like this one. It was really great and Reynolds played a really interesting character. Had my heart in my throat the whole time. It's super suspenseful without being like a scary movie kind of suspense which i thought was great. And you end of feeling so much for this character and his well being and the emotion throughout the film is fantastic.
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Movie: Repeaters
Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew
A gritty mind-bending thriller about three twenty-somethings who find themselves in an impossible time labyrinth, where each day they awaken to the same terrifying day as the preceding one.
Another good ol' mindfuck tho maybe not as 'toss you over a table' as others. Really interesting character development, seeing how the characters react so differently to their situation. The dark and 'girtty' atmosphere really set a good tone to the movie as well. Another one i wouldn't mind watching again.
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Movie: Moscow on the Hudson
Robin Williams, Maria Conchita Alonso
When a Russian musician defects in Bloomingdale's department store in New York, he finds adjusting to American life more difficult than he imagined.
I have never seen a serious Robin Williams movie but I'm glad I watched this. He's just such a great actor and even though the overall tone of the movie was very serious, he still added the right amount of humor that didn't overpower the original mood. It also had an interesting group of characters and a nice insight to a foreign lifestyle.
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Movie: The Perfect Host
David Hyde Pierce, Clayne Crawford
A criminal on the run cons his way into the wrong dinner party where the host is anything but ordinary.
I do enjoy a good mind fuck and man this movie did NOT disappoint. Holy cow just thinking about it makes me want to watch it again. Really interesting characters and chain of events. Totally...unexpected.
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Movie: The Other Man
Liam Neeson, Antonio Banderas
The story of a husband who suspects his wife of adultery, and sets out to track down the other man in her life.
I really liked this movie. I'll admit I'm biased toward Liam Neeson, I adore that man, but even so it was great. The way it was put together was really interesting, with the storyline not entirely linear but full of flashbacks as new information comes to light. Really good!
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2012 Review
Wow...I am so flaky it's painful
I indeed watched all 50 movies! And then some! But as you can see, I've hardly reviewed any here. I'm debating on scratching my previous poasts and try to keep up with 2013
finish my reviews for my 2012 haul and then start on 2013?
also thank you for everyone who's followed this blog!!
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Movie: Wrecked
Adrien Brody, Caroline Dhavernas
A man trapped in a car wreck at the bottom of a ravine must overcome incredible odds to survive.
Gosh I love movies like this. Another favorite! lol It's so...it really keeps you guessing! Like seriously you don't understand anything until the very end and the way they keep you guessing is amazing. And umm~ Adrien Brody? Love the guy! The flow of the movie was interesting becasue for the first few minutes, Adrien's character doesn't even really talk. He just screams and cries and you get such a sense of the situation just from that.
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Movie: Pontypool
Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle
A psychological thriller in which a deadly virus infects a small Ontario town.
This movie...It's one of my favorites since I've started this. It was...The idea behind it was amazing. I hadn't heard of the book but I'm going to read it now for sure. The poster says 'funny' and the picture is rather comedic looking but I really think it was pretty serious...It certainly had its funny parts but...I don't know I just really loved it. Stephen McHattie and Lisa Houle were really good acting across from each other. The characters played off one another really well and again, the premise of the whole thing was so engaging!
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Movie: Monster: Humanoids from the deep
Doug McClure, Ann Turkel
Scientific experiments backfire and produce horrific mutations: halfman, halffish which terrorize a small fishing village by killing the men and raping the women.
I actually
This movie was one of those ones where you create a drinking game out of how many times you see the zipper on the costume ahhaha It was ridiculous. 1980's so it's kind of excusable but....really? I think it was worth watching tho if only becasue it passed the time. The acting is...well...80's...The terrible monsters...ahhahaa just...all around ridiculous
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Movie: The Trotsky
Jay Baruchel, Liane Balaban
Leon Bronstein is not your average Montreal West high school student. For one thing, none of his peers can claim to be the reincarnation of early 20th century Soviet iconoclast and Red Army hero, Leon Trotsky. When his father sends Leon to public school as punishment for starting a hunger strike at Papa's clothing factory, Leon quickly lends new meaning to the term 'student union', determined as he is to live out his pre-ordained destiny to the fullest and change the world.
DFJHADFLA i love this fifty fifty thing cuz it gets me to watch movies i wouldn't normally watch~ This was another really good one~ I learned some stuff about some stuff I wouldn't normally go looking for and i looooved the characterssssss
Jay Baruchel did an amazing job acting the frantic, awkward kid and the actors and actresses that played his friends were great~ And the story was interesting~ like the way they followed the path of Trotsky while still making it modern was really really cool
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Movie: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Tyler Labine, Alan Tudyk
Tucker & Dale are on vacation at their dilapidated mountain cabin when they are attacked by a group of preppy college kids.
Alright~ I was skeptical going into this cuz my friend recommended it and he has shitty taste in humor~ BUT! This was an amazing movie. It was overthetop ridiculous but it worked perfectly. It was your average horror movie flipped upside down and reversed. The cases of death, the dialogue, the characters, everything was perfect and funny and I'd watch it again and probably laugh just as much as I did the first time.
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Movie: "Masters of Horror" The Screwfly Solution
Jason Priestley, Kerry Norton
When a virus overcomes the male population of the United States and turns them into murderous psychopaths, a mother and daughter escape across a country where their safety is in question.
....Well......I mean.....it was....I watched the whole thing...so it wasn't....TERRIBLE but....It was...the premise is interesting...Actually, ok, the acting was ridiculous and the story was ridiculous (and the ending was stupid ridiculous but that's a personal thing so~) My friends and I watched it only becasue the summary was so...ridiculous ahhaha It was pretty well thought out though. It was engaging....There were times I couldn't help but laugh but overall it was pretty good~ At least good enough to try it out.
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Movie: Love is the Devil
Daniel Craig, Derek Jacobi
Biography of British painter Francis Bacon focuses on his relationship with his lover, George Dyer, a former small time crook.
Not gonna lie, I do love me some homolove~ This movie....was confusing in the way that artistic films often can be. There were a lot of colors and noises but the basis of the story was amazing. It was sweet and sad and hello~DanielCraig. The emotion between the two main characters, or even the emotion Daniel Craig poured out, was fantastic and moving and the whole movie was interesting enough to keep my focus
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Movie: Tales from Earthsea
Matt Levin, Timothy Dalton
Something bizarre has come over the land. The kingdom is deteriorating. People are beginning to act strange... What's even more strange is that people are beginning to see dragons, which shouldn't enter the world of humans. Due to all these bizarre events, Ged, a wandering wizard, is investigating the cause. During his journey, he meets Prince Arren, a young distraught teenage boy. While Arren may look like a shy young teen, he has a severe dark side, which grants him strength, hatred, ruthlessness and has no mercy, especially when it comes to protecting Teru.
Alright...not gonna lie....I was SO confused for a majority of this movie. Most of this can be attributed to the fact that I was watching it with my sister so that made focusing really difficult ahahha But it was interesting if not a tad predictable~ It made me want to read the books so I could get the full story (haven' done that yet but they are in my room....) and understand the background of the characters. The animation, as all things from Ghibli, was beautiful and the designs of the dragons were awesome.
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Movie: John Carter
Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins
Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a savior.
Gonna do this before I forget my feels ahhahaOk so I had heard everywhere, internet wise, that this movie was going to be terrible. I heard from my friends that it was awesome. I personally had seen previews and was not impressed~
But gosh~ It really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be~ The story was maybe a little unoriginal (I haven't read the book but aspects of the film were reminiscent of Dune and Star Wars) but I ADORED the designs of the creatures~ The aliens, I forget what they were called, they were amazingly designed~ and the critters and the tattoos on the humans were all so beautiful~~ <3
The movement of the movie was really good too~ They tied everything together well and it was definitely engaging~ Some of the CG was a little wonky but forgivable...and I wish they had elaborated more on the end but overall I'd recommend watching it, at least on DVD if you don't want to spend the money for the theater :D
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Movie: Amusement
Katheryn Winnick, Keir O'Donnell
Three women are stalked by a killer with a grudge that extends back to the girls' childhoods.
SO. ohmygod This movie was amazing. It was like...It wasn't really....no I lied. It was scary! It was...more...edge of your seat than HOLYGODIMGOINGTODIE you know? The bit with the clown freaked me out the most but the rest of the movie was amazing. The evil character was crazy and believable, entirely encounter-able which I think added to the scariness. The thought process for each character was cool and of course, the innovative ways of dying are always welcomed~
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