mymbios · 1 year
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mymbios · 1 year
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mymbios · 1 year
“A man is not a necessity. A man is a luxury. Like a dessert.”
Name: Jacqueline Quayle Age/Date of birth: 34/April 10th Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi-curious  Neighborhood: Downtown Occupation: PR Specialist 
Jack’s life was relatively normal, but when it wasn’t it always ended up on national, and sometimes international, news. It started when her father became Vice President of the United States in the late 80s. Jack was three when her father took office, so most of her earliest memories don’t feel like her own; as if she were observing someone else’s life through her own eyes. The four years went by in a flash and her father’s political career fizzled just as quickly. The family of three moved to a posh neighborhood in the elite suburbs of Pennsylvania where her father joined an equity firm when all of his political aspirations fell flat. 
Things were quiet— normal, for a time— as Jack grew older. She attended a small private school and took one on one ballet lessons from a Russian ballerina. Her life was charmed, to say the least. It wasn’t until Jack was around thirteen that her mother found out her father was having an affair with his secretary. The divorce made the news, but mainly just trashy, entertainment news outlets were giving it a spotlight. Jack and her mother moved west, as far west as they could get, and settled into a beachfront home in Malibu. Her mother refused to be reliant on her father and wasn’t waiting around for the divorce to be finalized before making her own money.
With fashion always having been a passion of her mothers, having a clothing brand of her own just made sense. Jack was old enough to give her opinions and help grow the empire her mother was bound to establish. It was a luxury brand, of course, but it was also sustainable, making her mother way before her time. The pieces were limited to just a handful, therefore making them even more exclusive. It was like wearing a Bugatti, but less involved. Talking about the brand and the pieces of clothing being designed season after season brought the mother daughter duo even closer together than before. 
Jack found herself in the headlines once again when she was a freshman at Stanford University. Most of the parties she’d attended were high brow, socialite events. A very different scene from the Greek life parties she found herself attending nearly every weekend. It was at one of these parties that less than flattering pictures of Jack were taken and then spread throughout campus; eventually making it to tv screens across America. Her new nickname became Jackie-O since one of the pictures featured her “O face”, as the frat boys had explained to her later. That’s when she decided to start going by Jack. 
By the time graduation rolled around, most everyone had forgotten the scandal and Jack was known for her diligence and fearlessly when it came to debates. Professors and students alike admired her unwavering tenacity. She moved back to the shores of Malibu to work side by side with her mother. It wasn’t long before Jack was wrapped up in a whirlwind romance with a chart topping musician. She’d always fallen for the artistic type, so when he said she was his muse, Jack fell head over heels. The relationship had its ups and downs and the downs came around a lot more frequently than ups. 
Despite their troubles, the couple stayed together for ten years. There was never a proposal or even a ring, which Jack pointed out regularly, but they both knew they belonged to one another. At least that was the impression Jack was under. It wasn’t until she found the man she loved in bed with one of the models from his recent music video that she realized they were on totally different pages. She moved out and this time it was for good. After a few days of research to find the best place for her PR career to flourish, Jack was packing her bags and boarding a plane to move her life halfway across the country. 
Jack can come across as bitchy, like most women who assert themselves efficiently. She’s head strong and determined, but still has a wild streak running through her. Her business has been her life ever since she split off from her mother’s business, but still managed the company’s public relations. She’s slowly starting to figure out how to separate her work life from her personal life since the two have been blended together for so long. 
Faceclaim: Olivia Munn
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mymbios · 1 year
Juliet Meyer
Juliet was born with a thirst for exploration and a heart filled with curiosity. Raised in a bustling metropolis, Jane possessed an insatiable longing for the wonders of the natural world. Her passion for wildlife and conservation led her to pursue a degree in environmental studies, where she gained valuable knowledge about the delicate balance between humanity and nature.
During her studies, Jane embarked on numerous expeditions to remote locations across the globe, venturing into the depths of untamed wilderness. Her unwavering commitment to conservation and her deep connection to the natural world quickly made her a rising star in the field.
With her keen intellect and adventurous spirit, Jane specialized in primatology and anthropology, dedicating herself to the study and protection of endangered species and their habitats. Her fieldwork often took her to the most remote corners of the Earth, where she immersed herself in diverse cultures, forging deep connections with local communities and gaining invaluable insights into the interplay between humans and wildlife.
Jane's unique perspective and passion for conservation made her a sought-after speaker and advocate. Through captivating writing and engaging public appearances, she shared her experiences and knowledge, inspiring others to appreciate and protect the fragile beauty of our planet.
Despite the challenges she encountered along the way, Jane's adventurous spirit and determination never wavered. Her expeditions often pushed the boundaries of what was thought possible, as she ventured into uncharted territory and overcame obstacles with grace and resilience. Jane's courage and unwavering commitment to her cause earned her recognition and respect among fellow scientists, conservationists, and adventurers.
Beyond her professional pursuits, Jane is known for her compassionate heart and genuine warmth. Her ability to connect with people from all walks of life has allowed her to bridge cultural divides and build lasting relationships. Jane's infectious enthusiasm and optimistic outlook on life continue to inspire those around her, encouraging them to embrace their own sense of adventure and to join her in protecting the wonders of our natural world.
Jane Everly's story is a testament to the power of curiosity, determination, and the human spirit. Her unwavering dedication to conservation and her ability to foster connections between humans and nature make her a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations. Jane's legacy will forever be intertwined with the preservation of our planet's most precious resources and the celebration of the awe-inspiring beauty that lies within the wild.
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mymbios · 1 year
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Jordan Preswick (fc: Aly Michalka) - 34
Taylor Preswick Arnold (fc: Laura Haddock) - 37
Kylie Preswick Gregor (fc: Rebecca Ferguson) - 39
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mymbios · 1 year
Kitty is one of three. He has an older brother and a younger sister. His older brother is an actor that’s making hella moves so I’m thinking like Brad Pitt in the late 90s kinda thing? Total heart throb and is popping up in like every third blockbuster that comes out. Kitty is in college obvi and a singer. In high school he was in a band that didn’t really take off but we’re big enough for a small US tour but they “broke up” and went their separate ways and are kinda all still pursuing music. He’s like his brother on the whole heart throb front but he’s less of a dick than his brother?? Like his brother is the type to pull a *don’t you know who I am?* at a restaurant meanwhile kitty is just chillin and apologizing for his brother. He’s v sweet and relaxed but takes his music v seriously. His dad is a music producer, but he wants to make a name for himself in the industry so he goes by his mother’s maiden name. His younger sister is a model and a lot like Kendall Jenner in my head? She’s got some v basic looks and is more “girl next door” than high fashion but who her parents are have gotten her where she is. She’s still v nice and sweet and soft spoken in the grand scheme of things. She’s kind socially awkward but has a YouTube channel and is like really good on there and in front of a camera, but face to face she’s a little more shy.
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mymbios · 1 year
Biography of Gunnar McKinsey: The High-Flying Millionaire Playboy
Gunnar was born into a life of luxury and privilege on a balmy summer day in Nashville, Tennessee. From the moment he took his first breath, it was clear that Max was destined for greatness. As the second son of the esteemed McKinsey family, owners of McKinsey Distilleries, a renowned liquor company, Gunnar was heir to a vast fortune and a legacy deeply rooted in Southern charm.
Growing up amidst the rolling hills of Nashville, Gunnar developed a taste for the finer things in life, infused with the rich heritage of his hometown. However, it wasn't just the trappings of wealth that captivated him. From a young age, Gunnar's heart soared with a passion for aviation. Inspired by the tales of daredevil pilots and the allure of the open skies, he dreamt of becoming a pilot himself.
As he matured, Gunnar's captivating personality and adventurous spirit became evident. Blessed with rugged good looks, effortless charm, and an undeniable charisma, he effortlessly drew the attention of those around him. Gunnar embodied the epitome of the Southern playboy, frequently spotted at extravagant soirées, surrounded by a captivating entourage.
Beneath the veneer of a carefree playboy, Gunnar possessed an insatiable appetite for adventure and a relentless thirst for adrenaline. He spent years dedicated to honing his piloting skills, amassing various licenses and pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the sky. Flying became Gunnar's escape, a sanctuary amidst the pressures of his privileged existence.
When the time came for Gunnar to inherit the reins of McKinsey Distilleries, he artfully intertwined his love for aviation with his responsibilities as a business magnate. Under his astute leadership, the company thrived, reaching new heights while preserving the authenticity of its Southern roots. Gunnar's shrewd business acumen, coupled with his innate understanding of the art of distillation, propelled the family enterprise into a prosperous future.
In the public eye, Gunnar was known for his larger-than-life persona, gracing the stages of country music festivals and philanthropic events, living up to his reputation as a Nashville socialite. Yet, behind closed doors, Gunnar's life bore its own complexities. Despite his penchant for adventure and the adoration of countless admirers, there lingered within him a longing for a genuine connection, someone who could see beyond his playboy image and love him for the man he truly was.
As Gunnar McKinsey continues to soar through the skies, his journey is a testament to ambition, wealth, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. From the vibrant honky-tonks of Music City to the cockpit of his private jet, he lives a life that many can only dream of. Yet, amidst the glitz and glamour, Gunnar yearns to discover meaning beyond his family's fortune and the enchanting allure of his playboy lifestyle, searching for a love that will truly capture his heart in the heartland of Tennessee.
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mymbios · 1 year
“I was raised on radio waves.”
Name: Emma Copeland Age/Date of birth: 24/June 12th Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi-curious  Neighborhood: Spring Creek Occupation: Receptionist
At five years old, Emma knew she wanted to be famous. Her older brothers always said she was over dramatic, so obviously it was meant to be. She’d taken dance lessons since she was three and the back seat of the family car was basically center stage for her solo concerts. Disney Channel was the goal; after all, that’s what all of her friends watched, so why would she want her breakthrough to happen anywhere else? Luckily for Emma, her mother was a saint and took her dreams of stardom as seriously as she could while running the household. 
Her mother had connections that ran deep in the town, so when word got out that Emma was looking to start her acting career, some local businesses were happy to help. She became the face of the local furniture store, bait shop, and marina. Her voice made the radio in an advertisement for the local children’s dentist too. She even became an anchor for her elementary school morning announcements. As far as Emma was concerned, she was on the fast track to Hollywood. 
Middle school was a little rough, as it was for most everyone. She got braces, glasses for reading, and she was no longer the baby or the only girl in the family. While she and her sister got along, Emma didn’t like that she didn’t have anything that set her apart. Especially when her younger sister wanted to do everything that she did. It didn’t help that her acting jobs were nonexistent since she’d lost the cute baby factor and was now an awkward preteen. So, to distract herself, Emma decided to join her middle school’s band. 
Her world as she knew it came to an end the summer before her first year of high school. It was a humid July night when her mother was driving home from work and was hit head on by a drunk driver. The whole night and two weeks prior were a blur to Emma and held memories she didn’t want to recover. She’d run out of tears after the funeral, but she didn’t speak, didn’t eat for weeks after. It became such an issue that she was diagnosed with an eating disorder and spent most of her freshman year in and out of mental health facilities. 
By the time she was sixteen, things had greatly improved for Emma. She was still struggling, but was a lot more stable than she’d been in the past two years. So, when a teen movie was being filmed nearby, everyone in Emma’s life thought being an extra would be a great way to revive her passion for acting. She was reluctant at first, but eventually agreed to try it out with a few of her friends. It wasn’t until she was separated from the rest of the group that she felt like maybe something good could come of this experience. 
The casting director had picked her along with two other girls and instructed them to walk past the movie’s main character when action was called. Emma felt a rush of excitement at the idea of being an extra that got actual recognizable screen time. That excitement fell flat when she heard the main character’s line when she and the two other girls walked past. Why are there no hot girls at this school? Her heart sank to her stomach as all of her insecurities were confirmed in a matter of seconds. 
Emma decided then and there that acting wasn’t for her. She stuck with playing flute in the band though and sang obnoxiously loud in the shower, mainly to annoy her siblings. She stayed home for college, not really sure what she wanted to do for the rest of her life and not really sure if she could handle being so far from everything she found comfort in. Her confidence grew once she was out of high school and she found a group of friends that liked music as much as she did. 
After two years of college, Emma was satisfied with getting her associates in communications. She was working full time during the week as a receptionist and spent her weekends as the lead singer in a wedding band. It was far from the future five year old Emma saw for herself, but it made present Emma perfectly happy. 
Emma radiates girl next door energy. She’s kind, caring, and responsible, but isn’t afraid to have fun. She has a big heart and gives it willingly to others. Her passion is what she’s pretty much loved for. Friends frequently count on it and her ability to put herself in someone else’s shoes when they’re in need of support. Nobody’s perfect of course and Emma has less pleasant traits too. Her forgetful nature tends to get in the way, though more on a personal level than for others.
Faceclaim: Alycia Debnam-Carey
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mymbios · 1 year
Lincoln Parrish
Backwards hat wearing, baseball playing, Dylan O’Brien face ass named Lincoln. He’s the oldest child and only boy. Not super into baseball but plays it because his dad pushes it. He’s an engineering major and a frat boy. He makes up weird food dishes at three in the morning that are bomb af and can’t remember how to recreate them. He had a massive shoe collection and keeps them all lookin noice. He’d eat lasagna every day of the week if his grandma made it. He’s stops to pet every single dog on campus. He’s one of those annoying bros that carries around a whole ass gallon of water and drinks it throughout the day. He has a black jeep that his parents got him for graduation. He likes camping. He wishes every week was shark week. If he’s watching tv it’s either the history channel, food channel, or something sports related. He’s the only frat boy that reads the news and is up on current events. If he wasn’t an engineering major he’d have wanted to be a political science major. He wakes up at the ass crack of dawn to go jogging but comes back home and sleeps before his noon class. He’s been to counseling services on campus to help with some minor OCD. He is the king at beer pong. He had a rough second semester freshman year and was basically a functioning alcoholic, but now had things under control. He eats yogurt for meals most of the time. He makes jokes a lot in class but is a really good student. He accidentally flirts with everyone. He really likes getting involved on campus and takes the volunteering part of being in a frat v seriously. He’s a champ at fundraisers. He didn’t have to study much in high school but now has a very strict study routine that works for him. He had two dates to senior prom. He’d sleep 16 hours a day if he could. He’s the only frat bro that knows how to do laundry. His dad is an alcoholic but won’t admit it so that’s why they butt heads a lot. He hates coffee and tea, but will kill a smoothie in no time. He always has a fresh pair of socks and granola bars in his book bag. He likes playing golf, but sucks at it.
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mymbios · 1 year
Kinsley Adams 
She’s from a small town and one of six kids. She’s always been a wild child and kinda fell through the cracks with her parents because she had younger siblings with issues that took up a lot of their time and energy, so she really got to do whatever. She had an affair with her science teacher in high school but mainly did it to get the grade. She didn’t want to go to college because she was never really too great at school anyways, but she did want to get the fuck all out of her hometown, so she packed up with two of her friends and left for the closest city the night after they graduated. She ended up going to cosmetology school and is a hair stylist, but bartends on the side of extra cash. She still lives with the two friends she moved to town with and they’ve been roommates for about three years now.
Raven Thompson was born and raised in a small, tight-knit town where she learned to march to the beat of her own drum. She came from a large family, being one of six kids, and from an early age, Raven's wild and adventurous spirit set her apart. Growing up, she often found herself navigating life's twists and turns independently, as her parents' attention was consumed by her younger siblings' challenging issues.
Due to her circumstances, Raven became a bit of a maverick, slipping through the cracks of her family's attention. With limited supervision, she had the freedom to explore and embrace life on her own terms. It was during her time in high school that she found herself caught up in an affair with her science teacher. While her motivations may have been fueled by a desire for a better grade, it served as a reflection of her resourcefulness and determination to carve her own path.
College held little appeal to Raven. She had never been particularly academically inclined, and the thought of being confined to a classroom for four more years didn't align with her free-spirited nature. However, her burning desire to break free from the confines of her small hometown remained strong. In the days following her high school graduation, Raven, along with two close friends, embarked on an impulsive journey, venturing to the closest city.
In the urban landscape, Raven discovered her passion for cosmetology. She enrolled in a reputable cosmetology school, honing her skills as a hairstylist. The creative outlet provided by her chosen profession allowed her to express herself and connect with others in a way that resonated deeply. However, financial independence was crucial to her newfound independence, so she also took on bartending gigs to supplement her income.
For the past three years, Raven has shared a home with the two friends she made her daring escape with. Their bond has grown stronger through shared experiences and the joys and challenges of navigating adulthood together. Living life on their own terms, they form a tight-knit support system that nurtures their individual dreams and aspirations.
Raven Thompson's journey is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the pursuit of personal freedom. With her vibrant personality, unyielding spirit, and dedication to her craft, she has crafted a life that reflects her true essence. In the hustle and bustle of the city, she continues to embrace the unexpected and savor the exhilaration of charting her own course, finding fulfillment both in the art of hairstyling and the connections she forges behind the bar.
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mymbios · 1 year
Estelle “Elle” Dumont 
Keira Knightley age 33
Dermatologist for celebrities, mother of a four year old boy, divorced, originally from France, moved to the US at 18 for college, married her ex husband after graduating from college, divorced after her husband decided he didn’t want kids, got a sperm donor for her son, very organized
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mymbios · 1 year
Nicole Kardar 38 (had child at 19)
Often goes by Cole 
Was one of three kids, had super strict parents, did really well academically, got into an out of state college on scholarship, got pregnant during her second semester of freshman year and had to drop out, she didn’t tell her parents about her pregnancy so she basically cut herself off from them because she knew they wouldn’t approve, she got a job at a daycare so she had somewhere for her daughter to be while she worked so it was a good arrangement, around three years later she met and married a guy that worked at a used car dealership, they were married twelve years before he started having affairs, they lived separately and stuff but went to counseling on and off for three more years before getting divorced, now she’s been divorced for a year and wants to go back to school to get a degree in social work
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mymbios · 1 year
Riley Mavis
Her go to karaoke song is Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Her favorite ice cream is anything with Reese’s or peanut butter in it
She will try anything “salted caramel” flavored
She likes hot sauce on her pizza and on her eggs/omelets and other choice things but mostly those
She likes salt and vinegar chips
Her parents are flower children/hippies (kinda like the parents in Easy A, so they had pasts like that but have calmed down since)
She has three older siblings that are all adopted (two sisters and a brother)
Her parents took in foster kids on the reg but riley is their only biological child
Her mom is a sixth grade science teacher and her dad designs costumes for a theater in her home town
She had a early 2000s playlist that she only listens to when she’s cleaning
Otherwise her music taste is v much classic rock centered
She has a truck (like bella’s from twilight) that her and her dad built together
her and your guy drive around and find a field to park in when they want to just get away for a bit and talk or look at the stars or bring books to read and it’s one of their favorite things to do when it’s raining because they just sit in the cab of her truck all cuddled up and reading together and listening to the rain
She knows sign language because one of her older sisters is deaf
Her dad started a tradition of giving her biographies of the presidents when she first expressed interest in George Washington and has continued to give her a new biography every birthday and Christmas
She liked biographies so much she started to buy some of different people for herself and has them all organized on their own bookshelf in alphabetical order
When she’s not reading biographies it’s typically either a dystopian or syfy novel
Daisies are her favorite flowers
She still sleeps with a stuffed pig she’s had since birth
She plays coed soccer
She’s allergic to bees
When she’s upset she likes to play golf drunk
She likes 80s movies
She’s got a scar on the back of her upper right thigh from when she fell out of a tree as a kid
She loves riding bikes around town
She has to stop and pet every dog she sees
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mymbios · 2 years
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mymbios · 2 years
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mymbios · 2 years
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mymbios · 3 years
Old Town - With wide sidewalks and mature trees, the Old Town district is the residential area of Valenport. Most homes date back to the 1920s and line the streets of family friendly neighborhoods. Bike paths and parks are spread throughout the area, making it a very walkable part of town. Everything you need is just a stone’s throw away from the Old Town district.
- town hall
- library
- newspaper
- fire department
- dentist
- doctor
- school: named for the Vice President at the time of incorporation of Valenport, [Blank] Academy is a three floored historic building. The first floor serves kindergarten to fifth grade, the second floor serves sixth to ninth grade, and the third floor serves grades tenth to twelfth.
- church
- law firm
- drug store
- food truck: wickedwich takes your average sandwich and turns it on its head. Every week the menu consists of new, exciting options to try.
- grocery store: [blank] has been family owned and operated since the early 1970s. They take pride in keeping their shelves stocked with organic and locally made products and friendly customer service.
Old Town (Riverfront) - Old Town’s Riverfront district houses restaurants, cafes and craft shops. It’s half-mile-long, cobblestone pedestrian promenade is one of the city's major attractions for tourists and locals alike. Aside from its picturesque views, the Riverfront district often has street performers playing music for all to enjoy. The Riverfront is a great place for a relaxing, family friendly evening or somewhere to escape the heat on a summer day.
- antiques shop
- bakery
- coffee shop/bookstore
- restaurant
- restaurant
- art studio/art gallery
- Irish pub
- restaurant/bar
Downtown - The Downtown district of Valenport is the newest and fastest growing part of the area. Main street is filled with shops and restaurants to fit anyone’s interest, tourist or local. With walkability being a top priority throughout all of Valenport, the Downtown district is no different. Make sure to bring your walking shoes if you choose to spend your day wandering through the streets of Downtown.
- florist
- general store - the general store is the closest thing you’ll find to a big box or department store in Valenport. There’s everything from toys to tires and paint to plants in the building that takes up an entire city block. Anything they don’t have in stock, can be ordered and delivered within two business days.
- pet store
- consignment shop
- sandwich shop
- tattoo shop
- salon
- record store
- stationary store
- dance studio
- gym/yoga studio
- restaurant
- juice bar
- restaurant
- beachwear store
- arcade
- supply store
- bait and tackle store
- restaurant
- community center
- golf course
- casino
- restaurant
- spa
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