mynameistaurus · 5 years
what the zodiac signs mean when they say i love you:
real love/ you excite me & i can see us ruling the world together
fake love/ you are a challenge i want to conquer
real love/ i can see us growing old together
fake love/ i just don’t want to be alone
real love/ we understand each other
fake love/ i only want to figure u out
real love/ i can’t see myself loving anyone else
fake love/ i want to change u
real love/ everything that lead up to this moment was to end up with you
fake love/ u gas me up
real love/ i wanna make it work no matter the flaws
fake love/ isn’t that what i’m suppose to say?
real love/ i want to share everything in my life with u, good and bad
fake love/ i’m just in it for the fun of it
real love/ i’ll go thru hell and back with u
fake love/ i want to control you
real love/ you are my whole world
fake love/ this is reckless but it’s a thrill
real love/ its a loyalty thing, i got ur back no matter what
fake love/ it’s a status thing
real love/ i accept you on ur good days and bad days
fake love/ u seem interesting like a puzzle
real love/ we understand each other’s soul
fake love/ ur just another face in the crowd of lovers but ur always around me so why not
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Clearing the air about commonly accepted Astro facts that aren’t really true or really are just 100% wrong.
(1) Venus
MYTH Venus represents what you love and how you need to be loved your passions xoxox your heart so sweet Venus in Pisces such dreamers Venus in Virgo cooking Taurus sweater
TRUTH (Not really) Venus actually represents how you respond to the shit that you love, not the shit itself. It’s how you approach the world - your perspective, biases and beliefs. On everything. Not just love.
(2) Mars
MYTH Physical all the sexualities in the land love to have sex Libra in Mars oh no getting so mad conquest
TRUTH (100% Wrong) Mars actually has more to do with “the heart” than Venus does - this little homie shows how you move forward towards your truth and how you strive to make life better for yourself. Maybe in the 1600s this had to do with who you fucked to get that title of nobility, but today it has to do with everything from how you expand your mind to how you heal from trauma.
(3) Mars in Libra
MYTH The worst detriment ugh can never make a decision vanilla sex crippled not a single emotion
TRUTH (100% Wrong) This placement has literally not one thing to do with the stereotype. Mars in Libra shows up for people who want to approach the world in a totally new, more authentic ways, always.
(4) The Descendent
MYTH The DC shows you what you need in a life partner it’s the partners you attract love of your life the parts of yourself you can’t accept so you project uh oh
TRUTH (100% Wrong) The DC is way deeper than this. It’s showing you some shit you need to really think about in order to kick your life into high gear. It represents shit that inspires you to get growing and take your shit to the next level.
(5) Saturn
MYTH Saturn represents your dad authority responsibility limitations you feeling bad about yourself weaknesses
TRUTH (Misunderstood) Saturn does have to do with limits - this is true. But it’s not like a road block limit, it’s more like the walls of a house limit. Saturn is all about giving you a structure and goals to grow towards so you don’t get (1) out of control or (2) too bored. This planet is your support, your guide, keeping you in line and helping you make dreams into realities. Very positive.
(6) Compatibility
MYTH Some signs pair better with other signs
TRUTH (Not really) Astrology does not take your level of awareness into account. Two self-aware people can have a successful relationship regardless of their respective solar states. All signs do naturally have different ways of interacting with other signs - but as long as you’re aware of your patterns, biases, truths, etc. you’ll see clearly and you’ll be fine. Even you two, Scorpio-Scorpio.
Peace out, bitches.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Dear Taurus, from Taurus
I’ll keep it simple because if I start, I will never stop.
I can’t look back at any memory without feeling the remorse.Because no matter what you said to me….What you wrote to me, Where you kissed me, Your heart was stone. And now I’ve never felt so lonely And so afraid of not feeling lonely.
I put my soul into our relationship and cared for you deeply. I wanted us to last and I wanted to learn more about you. I loved the way you looked at me. But either you’re a good liar, or I’m naive.
You used me in a way. You have always been a pessimist when it comes to relationships. You knew that and you allowed me to fall for you harder each day while you stayed comfortably detached. You confessed your feelings for my friend after our mutual split while you knew damn well my heart still wanted you. I was your second choice because you are lonely. And you will always be lonely if you keep using hearts the way you do.
I should have realized it would come to this. I always fought for you and not once did you ever fight for me.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Dear Taurus, from Taurus
I’ll keep it simple because if I start, I will never stop.
I can’t look back at any memory without feeling the remorse.Because no matter what you said to me....What you wrote to me, Where you kissed me, Your heart was stone. And now I’ve never felt so lonely And so afraid of not feeling lonely.
I put my soul into our relationship and cared for you deeply. I wanted us to last and I wanted to learn more about you. I loved the way you looked at me. But either you’re a good liar, or I’m naive.
You used me in a way. You have always been a pessimist when it comes to relationships. You knew that and you allowed me to fall for you harder each day while you stayed comfortably detached. You confessed your feelings for my friend after our mutual split while you knew damn well my heart still wanted you. I was your second choice because you are lonely. And you will always be lonely if you keep using hearts the way you do.
I should have realized it would come to this. I always fought for you and not once did you ever fight for me.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Signs as famous quotes(Art & Astrology)📑✨
*Check your rising sign and Moon sign too*
Aries:“But just because you’re strong and resilient doesn’t mean you never need someone to be there for you, to take care of you.”
Taurus:“I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.”
Gemini:“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.”
Cancer:“But how do you find the right people-how do you love without smothering them? How do you not suffocate them with all the love you’ve built up in their absence?”
Leo:“I don’t want to be a sweetheart. I want to be the f*cking love of your life.”
Virgo:“I understand. That’s the trouble. I understand. I’ll understand all the time. All day and all night. Especially all night. I’ll understand. You don’t have to worry about that.”
Libra:“Really I don’t like human nature unless all candied over with art.”
Scorpio:“Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of hell.”
Sagittarius:“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”
Capricorn:“I am awfully greedy; I want everything from life. I want to be a woman and to be a man, to have many friends and to have loneliness, to work much and write good books, to travel and enjoy myself, to be selfish and to be unselfish… You see, it is difficult to get all which I want. And then when I do not succeed I get mad with anger.”
Aquarius:“I never change, I simply become more myself.I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.”
Pisces:“What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.“
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Taurus needs touch. Needs it for survival. Handling the vanilla, frozen limbs kissing is not for them. Touch them everywhere. Ask them where they want to be touched and kissed. It is never just about the lips. Feel the rest of their body. Ignite the senses.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
soft titties & fresh fruit energy
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Little Things
Taurus is an observer. Taurus sees your behavior, your actions, your personality and the moment things suddenly change or become different, Taurus worries. Change is a scary thing for Taurus. Taurus even notices even the slightest, most invaluable changes.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
A Taurus will always feel a bit heartbroken when someone they care about doesn’t feel comfortable to confide in them
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
A Taurus is often attracted to someone talented in the arts
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Taurus season starts on 4/20 so you know we lit 😏🔥
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Taurus season starts on 4/20 so you know we lit 😏🔥
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Mind Games
Don’t touch a Taurus if you don’t feel something for them. Don’t do it. It will do more harm than good. Taurus navigate this world through love—implementing affection through the five senses is there mindset. Even the little things like a hand around the waist or a hand to the back. Don’t say “I love you” so carelessly. Don’t confuse a Taurus by such.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Taurus: “ehh I guess I’ll text first so they don’t think I’m uninterested”
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Taurus loves Money
...But maybe not in the way you may think. We have drive, and our hands were meant to create. We work hard for the life we want and we want the people around us, sometimes specifically our significant others to care just as much about our lifestyle. We strive for education and jobs because we want to feel secure in this cruel world. When people around us don’t have the same drive to be successful and aim high, we can’t help but lose just a bit of respect.
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
“Aries:I hope you learn to forgive yourself, even for the things you never apologized for. For the things you never got to admit to. I hope the guilt goes away and you can sleep at night. I hope your life is better. Taurus: Make your own choice for once. Stop letting whoever holds your heart strings decide how your life is going to play out. You could make so much more of yourself if you just woke up. Please Gemini:I hope you know you’re missed. That your absence feels like the universe screaming. That you are loved. That nothing will ever be able to take your place. You are something truly miraculous Cancer:Being sick is not weakness. Being brave does not mean you are not scared. It is okay to be sick. It is okay to be scared. Fuck, it is even okay to be broken. As long as you know those are not bad things. You are not a bad thing. Leo:Your cries are being heard. You are being heard. Keep fighting. Do not let their indifference fool you. They hear you. They hear your power. You are a fucking storm, and we all see it. Stand strong. Virgo: Just stop being an asshole. Please. Stop pushing everyone whose standing by you away. You’ve got so few people from your past still saying they can see the good in you. Listen to them. Trust them. Libra:Making an impulse choice is not the same as making a choice. Split second decisions and having your back against the wall is not the same as making an actual smart decision and doing what you want to do. Learn the difference, please. Scorpio:Stop being scared of the flames, they aren’t going to hurt you. If you flinch every time you even feel a little bit of heat you’ll never let anything great in again. Sagittarius: Your past doesn’t hold shit for you. You know this. I can see it. So please, run. Run as far and fast from who you were and the people you use to hang out with. You should have higher standards by now, my dear. Capricorn: Stop being scared of getting your knuckles bloody. Sometimes you have to tear something apart with your bare fists to make it all work again. Sometimes you need to start with the rubble. Don’t let it scare you. Aquarius: You look over your shoulder like their around the corner. You are safe. You are out. You have nothing to run from now. take a breath and stop living in survival mode. Because we both know that isn’t living at all, is it? Pisces: Close the blinds. Put on your best music. Dance. Sing. Collapse on your bed and let every bit of emotion out. Be the movie montage but in hours. Learn how to heal yourself. Learn how to help the ain yourself.”
— This weeks horoscope
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mynameistaurus · 6 years
Horoscopes For March 2018
Remember to check your Rising sign, not your Sun sign!!
Aries - Be sure to get sufficient rest. You don’t need to do everything at once. Dig around for facts before making any big decisions. Very romantic and creative period. Stick to your ideas. Romantic passions will leap from one extreme to the other. Try to pace yourself in romance. Be careful about spending money. Philosophy will interest you, and you may reconnect with old friends.  Taurus - Get out and about with friends. Socialize and have fun. New friends will come into your life. You will receive news or insights about a romantic relationship. Your passions will be more volatile. Good month for reevaluating personal or business partnership. Good for focusing on a healthy diet.  Gemini - News related to your family, of a serious nature. Social calendar fills up quickly. You will spend more time than usual with friends, especially those who move you closer to your dreams. Your passions run fast and furious and your confidence is high. May meet romantic interest at club or group. If you have a partner, the two of you will go on more dates. More interested in exploring spirituality. New career opportunities surface.  Cancer - Able to see details in project and make corrections easily. News about neighbour or sibling. Mental focus is on professional matters, you take leadership role. Attract the right people at the right times. Spending more time socializing and hanging out with friends. Romance with someone met through friends or an organization. More concerned with spiritual awareness and how it is part of your creative endeavours and romantic relationships. Aggressively pursue your strategy and goals. Make things happen.  Leo - Able to budget income in a more realistic way. Might apply for a part-time job that will help you supplement your income or may land a freelance gig of some kind. Heart and head are on the same page. Eager about the ones you love and what you’re doing. Thinking and acting like a trailblazer. Reevaluate spiritual beliefs and how you are integrating those beliefs into your family life.  Virgo - Head and heart are in agreement. Passions run to extremes. Take risks you wouldn’t ordinarily take. Reconsidering romantic relationship. Focused on your worldview. Write down ideas you have. Opportunities in business and personal relationships. If you are in a relationship, you and your partner will deepen the commitment.  Libra - Challenge to balance your personal and professional life. Assuming too many obligations will lead to a crash. Make internal connections. News about projects. Heart and mind are focused on partner. Scrutinizing beliefs about money. May decide to renovate. Working hard to achieve your professional goals. New opportunities in daily work life and with creative endeavours. News of personal nature that is troubling. Gather all the facts. Plan something special for you and your partner.  Scorpio - Health issue or concern about work. Positive news. Busy socially and enhances communication skills. Propelled forward in your daily work life. Numerous ideas about a project. More impatient than usual. You and your romantic parter will deepen your commitment, or part ways. Broadening your spiritual beliefs and strengthening your intuition.  Sagittarius - News about profession or career. Romantic and creative period. Love life is stellar and filled with passion. Will become involved with someone, most likely. Jot down unusual ideas. Able to work longer with greater focus and patience. Making decisions about school. Opportunities connected to family and creative endeavours. Kicking social life in high gear, and news about a friend. More aware of the importance of balance in relationships. Capricorn - Positive news about publishing/schooling/travelling. Able to grasp smallest details of philosophy. Expect lots of impatience in your personal environment. Perfect time for family vacation. Take closer look at your friendships. Researching the paranormal. Create a regular exercise plan. Opportunities in communication. Perfect time to move. News about career. Aquarius - Positive news about mortgage or loan. Confusion about money. Communication skills are stellar. Relationships are infused with passion. Get to know yourself. Delving into your own psyche. New money-making opportunities. Family life is pleasant. Tendency to over-indulge. Culmination point in a relationship. Pisces - News about partner. Partnership will be solid. Increase in earnings and spendings. Spiritual beliefs expand and deepen. Great strides professionally through networking. Greater ease to all communications. News about mortgage or loan. Culmination to relationship.
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