myosset · 27 days
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i've discovered adeline really likes stuff with lemon in it
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myosset · 29 days
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my fields of mistria oc, melo!! she may have not have found a permanent place among the adventurer's guild, but she's definitely got a place in mistria, now.
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myosset · 1 month
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big fan of @ousamars 's fields of mistria character, kikyou, who i saw while scrolling over the fields of mistria tag for the 50th time in a row
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myosset · 9 months
i've said this before but i suppose it bears repeating and clarification. it is arabs and palestinians who have suffered the most under islamist rule. we (middle easterners, revolutionaries, religious minorities, gender and sexual minorities) as people, understand what hamas represents better than israelis do, better than anyone does. we understand what the entire spectrum from political islam to outright jihadist extremism does. we understand dictatorship. we understand theocracy. we understand fascism.
the repression israel has created is so absolute, has destroyed civil, diplomatic, intellectual and peaceful avenues so absolutely, that it leaves no avenues for anyone to condemn hamas anymore. even the representative of hamas's ideological and political opponents, the PLO (which oversees the West Bank), is openly frustrated at the request to condemn hamas. and it's not because he sympathizes with them. he has absolutely no political, personal, ideological or economic reason to.
israel has bombed gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2021, each and every time with the declared intention of targeting hamas and instead murdering civilians en masse. everyone familiar with israel understands that 'hamas' is meaningless, that israel has no real interest in defeating them (and that defeating militant resistance to an occupation with military force is not possible), that they went so far as to fund them as their choice of preferred enemy. when palestinians hear 'hamas' they correctly understand that israel intends to kill everyone. it is, to use the lingua franca of this period, a dogwhistle. on october 7th, israelis were horrified to see this dogwhistle suddenly become an actual whistle, but nothing else changed except for the intensity and savagery of their attacks on gaza. instead, the more they say hamas, the more they murder civilians en masse, just as they always have. everyone in gaza has said "this is not new, just worse." they have always understood that they are the target. no amount of condemning hamas, being a good palestinian, a good civilian, or even a newborn will change that.
this includes all of hamas's ideological opponents and so-called victims as well. peace activists, intellectuals, palestinian christians, and queer palestinians alike are not condemning hamas right now. they can't because they are busy fighting for their lives and homes against the israeli occupation. if you understood the personal toll this takes on them, if you understood how deeply their trauma runs, you would understand just how evil the israeli narrative on hamas is for all palestinians.
if you want a plurality of palestinian opinion, get rid of the israeli apartheid state. if you want tolerance, get rid of the israeli apartheid state. if you want israelis to be safe in their homes from the threat of hamas militants, get rid of the israeli apartheid state.
the truth is, there is a base and deeply evil racism at the core of asking to condemn hamas, especially by those who would never condemn israel or the violence it requires to maintain itself. it presumes that they have the right to ask for a condemnation of child murder, without ever giving an apology for child murder or the promise to stop murdering children. ghassan kanafani once called this "a conversation between the sword and the neck."
it is absurdity in full display, a macabre delight in impunity disguised as moral superiority. more than treating every palestinian as a terrorist in interrogation, more than its dehumanization and islamophobia, it is at its core asking "do you agree our children are more important than yours?"
and lest you forget, Israel's current minister of national security has already said it directly. as he famously once told arab-israeli reporter mohammad magadli, “Sorry Mohammad, my right to life precedes yours, that is the reality.”
in many ways, that's far more honest than asking "do you condemn hamas?"
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myosset · 9 months
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myosset · 10 months
by the way your voice always matters in the fight against injustice. every single time you speak out against an injustice it matters. it sheds light on it. it empowers others to speak up. it matters
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myosset · 10 months
the municipality of gaza announced it has to halt all waste collection and sewage treatment operations because of the war…..many have said it already but the long-lasting impact this war is going to have on the health of palestinians in gaza can’t be overstated. i think about water stations being targeted by israeli bombers, about the millions of displaced palestinians sharing limited bathrooms, about bisan sharing that she’s been very sick. i think about how contagious covid still is even with normal access to resources like clean water, medication, masks, i think about how many are rightfully concerned about the transmission rates in the us and other countries with relaxed restrictions. where are those people now???
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myosset · 10 months
bisan has just posted a video that israel has lit up the sky, signalling they will bomb tonight, and that she has nowhere to go. she is in khan yunis--the south, where she was told to go to.
you can hear planes overhead as she speaks.
she wants israel to finally admit the truth--they do not want palestinians to go to "safe" parts of gaza, they want people to leave entirely and recreate the 1948 nakba.
please spread the word, please keep bisan in your thoughts, and do not let this happen in silence.
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myosset · 10 months
on december 9th, there is a wisconsin all out for palestine rally in madison. i really encourage anyone who is in this state and has the means to travel to madison to show up for this especially as more people are showing "fatigue" for the palestinian cause and social media posts dwindle.
if you're in milwaukee, the local chapter of JVP is arranging transportation help if you dont have a car and the badger bus is also a relatively inexpensive and convenient option, it runs multiple times per day and will take you about 30 mins walking or a quick uber trip to the capital if you select the 'campus and lake' stop.
p.s. i know madison in general is pretty milquetoast + white liberal-y, but the activism and rallies for palestine specifically lately have been extremely well organized, meaningful, actually leftist and abolitionist, calling for more than a ceasefire, and led by/centered palestinian-americans & other SWANA organizers.
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myosset · 10 months
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"... a stark reminder that genocide is about more than just the premeditated mass extinguishing o human life; it's also about the calculated, and often vindictive, destruction of a people's culture, language, history, and shared sites of community." [source: Gabrielle Bates on X, formerly known as Twitter. 11/27/23.] Original post they are responding to on Literary Hub: "Gaza's main public library has been destroyed."
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myosset · 10 months
Israel delayed the ceasefire.
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They’re trying to kill and destroy as much as possible before the “ceasefire” (calling it that is a joke, it’s a 4 day pause on bombing, only for the plan to be them immediately resuming their genocidal activities the second it’s over)
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^This all happened today by the way. November 22nd 2023.
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myosset · 10 months
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An X/formerly known as Twitter user writes: Calling a "ceasefire" before a major spending holiday. DO NOT STOP BOYCOTTING. A temporary ceasefire isn't a ceasefire. (source: @ sicktoot)
Just a reminder -if it's not essential, we don't need it. Now is the time to continue to hurt these huge corporations for being complicit and for supporting genocide and war crimes.
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myosset · 10 months
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do not stop talking about Palestine!
there are Shut It Down For Palestine actions planned for Friday, look for one in your area if you can. they're not all registered on the Shut It Down website, so check social media as well as their list.
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myosset · 10 months
Is there anything I can do to help Palestinians besides call my representatives and beg them to stop killing people?
This is a great question. There are a few things you can do—just off the top of my head:
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) https://bdsmovement.net/
Direct Action https://www.palestineaction.org/
Urge your University/School/Organization to put out a statement denouncing Israel
Organize a Protest/Participate in a local one
You might already be doing this but while calling your reps, tell them that as a voter, you're unwilling to support them in the upcoming election unless they urge the White House to take a stand against Israel and stop funding them
Share art/writing/films around Palestinian culture
If you're part of a union, ask them what they're doing to urge their industry leaders to take a stand against Israel + pressure the White House OR urge them to start a strike/walkout/etc if they're not doing anything already
Talk with your friends IRL about Palestine, whether in an activist capacity or watching a movie or literally anything
Reach out to a mosque to see if you can help them with anything
See if your city/state council has put out a statement in support of Gazans. If not, try to push them to do so.
Donate to Palestine Legal or Direct Action if you have some money to spare
I know some of these don't feel like they have as big of an impact on helping Palestinians, but we do need to make an effort not to forget their humanity in the face of continued erasure and the media's sensationalist rhetoric.
Talking on social media and posting—while not seeming like a lot—does SO much. I know in USAmerica, it's like yelling into a void, but political analysts are saying that most of the "Global South" has completely lost any amount of goodwill it may have had the past few years. Hopefully, countries will start to put sanctions and embargoes en masse on the US and Israel soon.
Our goals here are BOTH short-term and long-term. We hope for the life and liberation of the Palestinian people, so anything that you can think of might help at some point in the future is encouraged to at least try.
If anyone else has any more ideas, feel free to reblog and add on. Thank you for asking, and here is to a liberated Palestine where Palestinians can live and thrive without fear.
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myosset · 10 months
patients who were in al shifaa hospital had to evacuate and leave to southern gaza. patients with first degree burns, patients who have lost limbs, patients who have lost blood, patients who have been starved by the israeli-american-british-french-egyptian-arab siege and blockade on gaza, patients who had no access to any food or water or medicine for the last few days ARE FORCED TO LEAVE A HOSPITAL AND WALK 15 KILOMETERS SOUTH ON FOOT.
an eyewitness journalist told al Jazeera: "i've seen men, women and children falling on the streets, barely able to stand on their feet let alone walk FIFTEEN KILOMETERS, THEY WILL DIE (HE SAID) THEY'VE BEEN GIVEN A DEATH SENTENCE BY THE IOF. if these people don't die from the fatigue they will be murdered by iof snipers who have been killing people randomly at check points or they will be kidnapped like many more.
the israelis refused to let ambulances get to al shifaa to help evacuate people. and the idf forces destroyed all the vehicles parked in the hospital and put them on top of each other to make it impossible to use them. doctors refused to leave their patients behind, so around 250 patients who cannot move at all have stayed in the hospital accompanied by their doctors. the iof is planning to make al shifaa hospital a military base for his soldiers to rest and operate."
what has this world become. how can anyone of those politicians, leaders and international organizations lift their heads and bluntly support Israel and make excuses for its war. how are they still bluntly and shamelessly calling hamas terrorists when we are all seeing who the terrorists really are. how can any human being witness all of this and still thinks "zionism is sexy" and chooses to "stand with Israel" and still thinks this is "self-defense"
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myosset · 10 months
palestine masterpost-masterpost
i've been trying my best to collect a bunch of links to other, more structured resources about the genocide in gaza, and what you, reading this, can do about it, that i'm going to compile here.
less and less people are talking about gaza every day, but it is still a very real crisis.
education, donations, speaking out, global links (masterpost)
links to contextual articles
for americans - state/congressional contacts
how you can help palestine - donations, petitions, campaigns, upcoming protests (masterpost)
non-politically motivated charity links
canary mission
petitions and congressional contact (masterpost)
education, current news, taking action, direct action and donations, current protests (masterpost)
small monetary actions
2700 ebooks on israel and palestine, available for free
thorough article by storiesfromgaza, dated 10/30/23
targeted boycott + bds
how to find state/congressional contacts, bds, email template, donation links
sudan and congo
egypt, us/uk/canada/europe congressional contacts
direct links to help palestine
educate yourself (twitter links)
translating gaza (instagram link)
bds/targeted boycott information
compilation of palestine info and how to support it (masterpost), dated 10/28/23
latest info as of 11/3/23 and large amounts of immediate action to take (masterpost)
history of palestine and israel - articles, books, films, social media (masterpost)
socials to follow
journalists in north gaza
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myosset · 10 months
50-60 people abandoning their cars on the bay bridge during morning rush hour, throwing their keys into the fucking bay, holding a die-in, chaining themselves together… coolest motherfuckers in san francisco
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