Reblogging for all the other digital artists out here
A bruise color palette?
Here’s a palette for a bruise!
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Hope this helps!
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So, I made this! It's Habrin and his wonderful husband, Zulu! What do you think?
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Ok, this is something I made for one of my paragosm characters, hope you enjoy. Feedback would be nice.
Basic Character Questions
First name? Hamilya Surname? Criellen/Jules Middle name? Avery Nicknames? Aves, Avy Age? 141
Physical / Appearance
Height? 7' 11" Weight? 200 lbs Build? Tall, lean Hair colour? Black Hair style? Braided, down Eye colour? Bieyed, one's green, the other is black Eye Shape? Wide, expressive Glasses or contact lenses? Glasses Distinguishing facial features? A small scar Skin? Dark brown Hands? Large, but almost feminine Makeup? Eyeliner Scars? Face, torso Tattoos? Ankles; dolphins. Chest; Ivy. Left arm; Broken, bleeding, and repaired hearts Type of clothes? Casual, royal Race / Ethnicity? Zaminalian/Dark Elvana Mannerisms? Cursing, extremely clean Do they have any disabilities? Bipolar Disorder, visually impaired
What words or phrases do they overuse? Fudge, made up curses, sarcasm in general Do they have a catchphrase? No Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted Do they ever put on airs? YES. What bad habits do they have? Cursing, drinking, interrupting others What makes them laugh out loud? Physical humor, or a good joke How do they display affection? Hugs, kisses, shoulder punches, etc Mental handicaps? Bipolar Disorder, suicidal thoughts, depression How do they want to be seen by others? Kind, funny, sassy, a good father and mate How do they see themselves? Worthless, useless, abandoned How are they seen by others? Arrogant, sarcastic, disrespectful, gentle, sweet, respectful, annoying, flirty (Really depends on how well you know eachother) Strongest character trait? Determination Weakest character trait? Easily irritated How competitive are they? Not very Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Snap judgements How do they react to praise? "Oh stop it, you.....please continue" How do they react to criticism? Takes it, builds on it What is their greatest fear? Losing others What are their biggest secrets? He actually loves snakes; he thinks they're  aodrable, even though he denies it What is their philosophy of life? Do what you can for others, treat yourself, learn from others experiences What haunts them? His drunk treatment of his mates, the preventable death of Andreas by friendly fire What are their political views? End corruption, equal opportunities, equal pay, etc, etc What will they stand up for? Ending slavery, stopping domestic, physical, child, and animal abuse, helping veterans and victims of substance abuse Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Very outdoorsy What sense do they most rely on? Hearing What quality do they most value in a friend? Listening skills or moxie What do they consider an overrated virtue? Patience If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? He would be more careful with his words and actions What is their obsession? Song writing, drinking What are their pet peeves? Leaving doors open, unkempt rooms What are their idiosyncrasies? Tapping his feet, humming under his breath, bursting out in song at random (And often inappropriate) times
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? HUGE. JUST, HUGE Who does it consist of? His Father and his mate, siblings, a 2nd cousin, his 2 concubines(Male), his 2 mates(Also both male), and his children What is their perception of family? Really? Not traditional, that's for sure Do they have siblings? 5 of them, 3 brothers and 2 sisters Older or younger? An older brother and sister, and 2 younger brothers and a younger sister Ideal best friend? Someone who listens and gives advice, but also knows when he needs to be punched Do they have any pets? Yep. Lots of pets Who are their natural allies? Most of his people Who are their surprising allies? The Star-Wolves
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? Quiet and easily distracted As a child? Respectful, but not afraid to speak up Did they grow up rich or poor? Lower middle class Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured to a degree What is the most offensive thing they ever said? Cursing out his advisors when his concubine Ashler lay in a coma after giving birth to his child What is their greatest achievement? Marrying the love of his life What was their first kiss like? Tentative, afraid of being caught, sweet What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Beating his mates while drunk What are their ambitions? To end slavery and break his addiction What advice would they give their younger self? Don't take the canteen, they said it's ok if you don't want to, marry Melees, not Sierra, get help for your problems What smells remind them of their childhood? Paint, bread, rooibis   What was their childhood ambition? To become a ZLE (Zamanalian Law Enforcer) What is their best childhood memory? Playing video games with friends, getting his first horse What is their worst childhood memory? Finding out who his father was Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? Yes. He was an angel with a trenchcoat. His name was Felix. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When he couldn't get the Trans School Goers Protection Act through the Dasin Council What past act are they most ashamed of? Nearly raping Moroko (One of his concubines) What past act are they most proud of? Signing the Women's Workplace Act Has anyone ever saved their life? Crispus and Habruin have talked him out of suicide several times Strongest childhood memory? Helping his mother make and paint her pottery
Do they believe in love at first sight? His feelings are mixed, but over all, yes Are they in a relationship? Yes. A polygamous/polyamourous one, that's for sure. When did you character last have sex? Ha. HA. HAHAHA....no, Melees says it's pretty intense most nights What sort of sex do they have? Loud, slow, and if consensual, mild BDSM. (Never further than collars/harnesses and toys Has your character ever been in love? Um...yes? Have they ever had their heart broken? Yep. Many times.
How do they respond to a threat? Dark Elvana usually flee or fight. He's fights   Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists What is your character’s kryptonite? Both his strength and weakness is his family If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Probably his pets How do they perceive strangers? Typically friendly, unless you prove to a jerk from the beginning   What do they love to hate? Llamas. I am not joking What are their phobias? He is both Astra and Autophobic What is their choice of weapon? Sword, Dagger-gun What living person do they most despise? Sierra, (His ex-wife) Have they ever been bullied or teased? He was a Tuber (gotta love copyright) it comes with the territory Where do they go when they’re angry? The stables, the kennels, or the sparring field Who are their enemies and why? King Emerald and Queen Liberia are both murderers and slavers who refuse to honor agreements
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? King of Zamanalia What do they think about their current job? It sucks, but when your older brother dumps the family business on you so he can have a vacation, you adapt What are some of their past jobs? Groom, Tuber What are their hobbies? Riding, writing music, making videos Educational background? Homeschooled until 13, self-taught afterwards ("It is amazing how much you can accomplish and learn after a Three Leaf Search" -Avery Criellen) Intelligence level? He took an IQ exam, refuses to tell anyone the results were 179 Do they have any specialist training? Does How-To-And-How-Not-To-Take-Care-Of-A-Horse and How to make and add special effects, music, and thumbnails count? Do they have a natural talent for something? Well, there is...nope, nothing innate Do they play a sport? Yep, Ping-pong Are they any good? He's horrible and he knows it
What is their favourite animal? Cats Which animal to they dislike the most? Monkeys What place would they most like to visit? The Camya Library What are the most beautiful things they’ve ever seen? His mates What is their theme song? I'm So Humble, Self-Made, Weak, and Dollhouse are just some of my theme songs for him Music, art, reading preferred? Music, fanart, fanfiction reading. (He loves ranting at people in comments of disgusting fics, especially if they feature people he knows and cares about *cough*stufflikethemilkfic*cough*) What is their favourite colour? Green What is their password? I have the wine Favourite food: Pizza, chocolate What is their favourite work of art? A piece of fanart someone made for his father and his father's mate Zulu What is their favourite day of the week? Sun.Freaking.Day. (The one day no one can come to him with matters not of national or international importance)
What is on their bedside table? Glasses, the Royal Jewel (A ruby in the middle of gold on a black velvet choker) Probably some lube What is in their pockets? Trash, probably some candy he stole from the kitchen, the smallest flask he could find What is their most treasured possession? A photo album of his family, both nuclear and extended
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? Like I said, Felix. Just because he stopped believing doesn't mean he isn't there Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes What are their religious views? He doesn't believe in Tango, his people's ancient Goddess, or the White Elvana's Overall or guardian spirits What do they think heaven is? Somewhere he can see people who has missed again What do they think hell is? Where abusers, serial killers, pedophiles, etc, etc go if they know what are doing and do it on purpose Are they superstitious? Nope What would they like to be reincarnated as? A horse or dog How would they like to die? In a battle, no matter  what kind What is your character’s spirit animal? The Wolf
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Rape, torture, or not accepting who they are When did they last lie? He told his 6 year old son it was gonna be ok What’s their view of lying? Don't unless necessary When did they last make a promise? When he said he was gonna stop drinking and take his medicene Did they keep or break their last promise? He's working on it! 😁😁😁
Daily life
What are their eating habits? EAT IT ALL. YOU CAN WORK IT OFF LATER Do they have any allergies? A mild soy allergy Describe their home. He lives in a castle. Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? He hoards everything. EVE.RY.THING What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Hope nobody is an idiot that day What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? He spends time with his family What do they do on a Friday night? Get dragged away before he downs the cellars What is the soft drink of choice? Cream soda What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Wine or Nar'him
What 3 are their character archetypes? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler) Rebel, Lover, Ruler Who is their hero? His older sister, Jhess! *snuggles up to awesome warrior who is leader of a matriarchal clan* What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? If he found himself on this this world? Probably a traditional Zamanalain costume, leaving people to wonder where it came from Are they comfortable with technology? Tuber. He was a Tuber. He still is a Tuber. Think about it If they could save one person, who would it be? Montezuma, Crispus' brother If they could call one person for help, who would it be? His father What is their greatest extravagance? Fine silk clothing, their native foods, and bedding for his mates What would they do if they won the lottery? Give it all away Do they believe in happy endings? No What is their idea of perfect happiness? A mate (or mates) you love, a job you want,  friends, and a warm dog or cat What would they ask a fortune teller? If things will get better If your character could travel through time, where would they go? To Sunray's time, to make sure Hezekiah Criellen, first King of Zamanalia, didn't sign the treaty that would subject them to slavery If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Pyrokinetics, for sure
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