Common Siberian Husky Mixed Breeds#DogTraining
Of the hundreds of different breeds of dog that you can choose to have as a pet, one that you may not have considered but definitely should is the Siberian Husky mix. The Siberian Husky mixed breeds are great because they offer the appeal of a Siberian Husky but also the uniqueness and positive qualities of the other breed as well.
Just make sure that you are aware that although there are many positive characteristics of Siberian Huskies and Siberian Husky mixed breeds, at the same time there are also many things that they bring that you may not want to deal with. They tend to be very hyper and rowdy for instance, and this can definitely be hard for a lot of people to put up with. They also have strong instincts to chase and grab anything that runs and so you will have to make sure that you have them properly trained before trying to get them to socialize.
They tend to be quite strong willed and have a mind of their own, so unless you train them fully and properly then you may have difficulties getting them to listen to you. As long as you consider both the good and bad here then you should have no problems and will be fully aware of what you are getting yourself into by choosing this breed of dog.
They must have regular opportunities to vent their energy otherwise they will become overly rambunctious and bored. Also keep in mind that unless you want to specifically have a dog for sledding or backpacking or other outdoor related activity, then you should probably not consider this breed.
In terms of temperament, know that these dogs are gentle and playful but at the same time they can be very willful and mischievous. They have a lot of energy even when they are full grown, and although they are typically well behaved around children again this is all going to depend on how you raise them and how they react to socializing. They like to howl and make a lot of noise but this can be deterred as well if you want, and they are also good with other pets, as long as they are raised with them from puppyhood.
If you have decided that you are in fact interested in getting a Siberian Husky mix, then the first step is going to be for you to check around at your local pet shops. You may not find all that great of a selection here but if you go to specialty pet shops they will have a lot more to offer. Siberian Husky mixed breeds used to be hard to find because they were unwanted, but now they are harder to find because they are so popular.
Siberian mixed breeds of any sort are often difficult to find, so it may take a bit of time but if you check around at a few different stores and particularly specialty pet shops then you should be able to find a Siberian mixed breed dog for sale.
If you do get a grown Siberian Husky mixed dog, then just make sure you get a professional dog trainer to help you, especially if they have been raised improperly and learned bad behavior skills.
About the author: Andrew Preston is an avid lover of the Siberian Husky and has a popular website that can show you how to have a happy, healthy and well behaved Siberian Husky. Among other topics at this website, you can also learn all about Siberian Husky Mixed Breeds plus a whole lot more.
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Patience and Consistency: Key Factors to Training Min Pins#DogTraining
Miniature Pinschers or more affectionately called Min Pins are in actuality very sweet dogs. They possess abundant energy and are known as fearless protectors of their human companions and domiciles. These dogs are fiercely loyal, extremely curious and yes, sometimes quite stubborn. In fact, dog enthusiasts claim that Mini Pinschers are not suitable pets for everyone. Training Min Pins entails two key factors: patience and consistency.
Before training your Min Pins, you have to know some very basic things about this breed. First of all, Mini Pinschers often act like puppies for most of their life. They like to frolic and their energy levels are almost never depleted. They also like wide open spaces and can stay outdoors for long periods of time. Because this breed of dog can become a handful, pet owners often fail to give their pets proper training or instructions. The Mini Pinscher eventually suffers from the “Little Napoleon” syndrome (spoiled or unmanageable,) suffer form obesity and / or both.
Training Min Pins can be tough, and it is said that you as pet owners, must find extra reserves of patience in case you decide to train your dogs by yourselves. Because of their puppy-like attitudes, the Min Pin can become extremely difficult during training. However, holding firm to your resolve may be just the thing to help your pets overcome this seeming “behavioral problems.”
One essential element in training your Min Pin is safety. You need to puppy-proof your home. Because this breed of dog is extremely curious, every part of your house will be subjected to your pet’s inquisitive nature. Also, try to remove possible choking hazards like bottle caps, thumb tacks or even nails. Training a Min Pin is advisable when the puppies are still relatively young. Older dogs will definitely be more difficult to handle, and because older dogs are more strong willed, you may spend many days of exhaustive and exasperating training with little progress.
Gentle but firm: in training Min Pins, one must learn the value of patience and consistency. Min Pins do not relate well at all to any form of abuse or neglect. In fact, they get more destructive or even harmful when subjected to cruelty and depravity. By the way, should you decide to train your dogs personally, you may want to visit one or two dog training center first or seek the aid of a professional dog trainer. Min Pins can be too much to handle without proper guidance, so be forewarned.
Some people who are well versed with training Min Pins often claim that the Min Pins will often mis-perform just for amusement sake. So unless you have a great deal of humor and can see how ludicrous the situation is, you might as well find a different breed to train. However, in case you begin your training, make sure that your pet knows that you will be the boss — and not the other way around. Make sure though that training isn’t painful or distressing to your pet. Otherwise, the next time around, you will only have a harder time training your Min Pins.
Katia Lorenzen learned about training min pins when her dog was a puppy. And now she is pleased to tell you about the ultimate source of min pin training information: http://ift.tt/2mIcrQI.
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Dog Training in Hawaii#DogTraining
Fido’s Boot Camp! Your most popular service is Boot Camp, I train your dog for you, and provide you with the knowledge of how to handle your newly trained companion. One of the advantages of boot camp over Private Lessons or Group Classes is that proper behaviors are taught by a professional in a fraction of the time it will take you to train your own dog. For certain issues – such as severe cases of destructive, fearful or aggressive behavior – the full-time attention of a trainer may even be a must. Board & Train programs are also a great solution for those who may feel overwhelmed by the task of training or where incorporating not only the lessons, but also following up in-between sessions while faced with a busy schedule is close to impossible. What one happy dog owner has to say about Boot Camp….. A little over a year ago our family adopted Brodie, a four-month-old pure bred yellow Labrador retriever pup. Over the next six months we tried our best to properly train Brodie based on the limited knowledge that we possessed as pet owners. While there was no question that this beautiful animal was very cute and charming, he was also a typical puppy and quite obnoxious. Because of his large size, members of the family found it difficult to control his behavior. In short, while we loved Brodie tremendously but the enjoyment of having him in our family was not at the level that it could be. After struggling for those six months and finding little success in whatever we tried to do, we learned of Mr. Waylon Brun and his company, Aloha Fido, LLC. At the time, we knew very little about Waylon and his company. But because he came so highly recommended by family and friends, we gave him a call and he was kind enough to meet with us and accept us as clients for training purposes. Waylon boarded Brody for two consecutive weeks as part of his boot camp and behavior modification program. During the training program, Waylon spent a good amount of time meeting with all of our family members to ensure that we fully understood the training requirements for Brodie so that we could follow-up appropriately to maintain the learning cycle. As a result of this expert guidance, training was not only provided to Brodie but we as his owners acquired a tremendous skill set in being able to ensure proper behavior of the new member of our family. As a result of the tremendous level of skill and dedication provided by Waylon, we all now enjoy the benefits of a fully trained and responsive family pet. Our ability to enjoy Brodie and all the joys of ownership has been tremendously enhanced as a result of Waylon’s work . And notwithstanding the period of paid service has expired with Waylon, he continues to be accessible to our phone calls and provides follow-up guidance as the need arises. We are extremely thankful to Waylon for his amazing dedication and love for the animals that he takes under his care and for sharing his impressive skills and talents in the area of animal training. We highly recommend Waylon for anyone who is encountering challenges or difficulties in the management of their family dog. Because of Waylon’s commitment, we are now enjoying the benefit of a loving and responsive canine member of our family. Thank you for all that you’ve done for us. And Brody thanks you as well. The Barreira family (Ernie, Annette, Aaron, Brittney, and Erik).
I completed an intense and extensive program to receive certification as a Canine Behavior & Training Specialist from Triple Crown Dog Academy in Hutto, TX.
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Dogs Can Help Children Develop#DogTraining
There are many ways that dogs can help children with their overall emotional development as they grow up. There are many vital things which are learnt by a child having a pet, particularly one as loving and loyal as a dog and in learning these things their development is aided along with the fact that they have made an emotional bond and understood what it means to be responsible for a being other than yourself.
With a dog there is also the fact that it helps all of the family to embrace an active outdoors lifestyle which has been proven to be better for your physical and mental health. It encourages regular walks in all kinds of weather which makes them more formidable and less likely to be put off by minor inconveniences like rain or wind.
It can also teach them about other aspects of nature and the outdoors and introduce them to activities such as tracking and hunting. It’s also a good way to introduce them to running, throwing and catching. This will help them to appreciate what is needed to maintain a healthy heart and is generally seen to be a way in which to foster a greater appreciation of the simpler things in life.
Routines are established early on when they are introduced to the household and these will involve feeding, walking and bed times. Establishing a structure of this nature and having a young mind exposed to it is beneficial and will give them a positive example of how routines benefit others and how we can establish them in our own lives to underpin the importance of discipline.
The emotional bond that exists between a person and an animal should not be underestimated and the memories we have ourselves about family pets often live in our memory for many years. It is a part of the growing experience, even if it does mean that some feeling of loss will eventually have to happen when the dog ages and then passes on.
This is applicable to young people and their experiences and it is of great importance that they get to go through this and understand that emotional bonds are vital for us to have lives which are enriched with meaning. This can only happen if we allow ourselves to experience feelings which may often prove difficult for us to come to terms with.
This will also assist in helping them to understand how better to handle matters such as grief and difficulties dealing with sadness and issues of this kind and will be useful when they have to deal with matters that will affect older relatives.
There has also been research carried out that suggests dogs can be useful in helping children educationally as well. Children who have problems reading aloud can improve this by using dogs as subjects for their readings. This may help them overcome shyness that they feel and better prepare them for reading based activities they will have to do throughout their academic lives.
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Discover Your Best You With Cambridge Personal Trainer Callie Durbrow#DogTraining
After a lifetime of negative behavior, do you think that it is feasible to completely modify your way of life? Can you really teach an old dog new tricks? Cambridge personal trainer Callie Durbrow of Durbrow Performance Personal Training thinks that with some guidance, yes, you absolutely can.
Losing weight can be extremely exasperating. Health and fitness are usually one of the most difficult things to master. The normal American has a busy day-to-day life jam-packed with obligations to children, spouses, jobs, extracurricular activities, and numerous other elements. Some people claim it’s not easy to come across the time or build the momentum needed to exercise and diet in the course of a busy day.Well, here’s a little known fact – the secret to maintaining a demanding daily routine is making sure you can keep up with the demands. How do you do that? Get healthy! In order to be the best you, health and wellness should be a critical component to your life. But how? Cambridge personal trainer Callie Durbrow shares some guidelines to follow in taking back your wellbeing and becoming a better you.
Strategic Cardio – Cardio is vital portion of any exercise routine. But walking steadily on the elliptical for an hour is not always the best approach. At Durbrow’s Cambridge boot camp, clients do concentrated spurts of cardio multiple times. This includes running, jumping rope, and other activities. This can be incorporated into a normal cardio routine as well. This provides for a heart healthy and fun cardio session. So use that hour on the elliptical to change speeds, and the resistance at regular intervals.
Write in a food journal – The best way to track your food intake is to keep a food journal. Record what you eat at each meal into a notebook. You can see when you are hungry and make better, more filling decisions about what to eat. To start, substitute any white carbs for brown (rice, bread, etc.) and watch your portion sizes. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, too.
Strength Training – A great way to achieve weight loss is interval strength training, specifically utilizing your body’s own resistance to strengthen itself. Examples of this include push-ups and squats. Consider using kettle bells or jump rope, joining a Boston boot camp, and bringing a friend. This will keep you accountable and working hard.
Put your back into it – Be willing, ready, and able to work hard! It’s your life and your body – take control of it! When things get hard, remember how great you’re going to look. Confirm you are physically able to do so with your doctor or physician, and get started!
Most importantly – remember to breathe, have a positive attitude, and locate things you love on your fitness journey! Remember the destination on the journey. Try something new! Why not? In the end, it’s more than worth it.
Callie Durbrow is a Cambridge personal trainer specializing in fitness and fat loss for local men and women who want to tone up, lose fat and feel energized all in less time.
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Jack Russell Training: Reasons Why You Must Do It Yourself#DogTraining
Even though it’s an important obligation that comes with being a dog owner, jack russell training doesn’t need to be extremely hard neither impossible to achieve. In fact, there are so many ways to achieve successful training. An owner can choose to enroll his precious pooch to a puppy class or hire a professional dog trainer to give one on one training. But while the two methods have been proven effective, another way, and perhaps the most popular way, to produce an obedient jack russell terrier is to train him yourself.
But exactly what can you gain from training your pet on your own? Below are the answers:
– Jack russell training at home is the perfect opportunity for you and your pet to bond. By spending more time with your pet during training, you’ll be able to learn more about him, what training approach he best responds to and how he responds to commands as well as everyday sights and sounds. It will also be less difficult for you to obtain his trust and respect when you are the one training him.
– Hiring professional help or enrolling to a dog class can be costly. Considering the things a dog needs (food, training tools, grooming as well as vet bills when he gets sick), owning a dog could possibly hurt your bank account if you don’t know how to manage your resources. Instead of paying for the training, you can use the money on his other needs like high quality pet food or saving it for unexpected expenses like medicine and vet bills should he get sick.
– Being with him quite often, you are the best person that can evaluate if he’s ill, stressed, ecstatic, happy or scared. Know that a dog that isn’t in best emotional condition will not learn efficiently so putting off jack russell training during these times is highly advised.
– Spending a few minutes training your smart pet can be a great way to end a busy and stressful day. Just remember not to set high expectations from him else it’ll make you more stressed rather than reduce it.
Gillian Butler trains her dog by herself using the best Jack Russell training strategies. Go to Jack Russell training to discover the technique she is using.
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Avoid These 4 Common Blunders Other Dog Owners Make#DogTraining
With nearly 50 million households owning dogs, there’s a good chance many owners are committing one or more blunders. Sometimes, the mistakes have little to no long-term impact. An occasional missed meal or training opportunity is unlikely to have far-reaching effects. Other times, mistakes that are perpetuated over and over can heavily influence the relationship shared between a canine and his owner.
With this in mind, we’ll take a look at four blunders dog owners make. These gaffes can have a lasting effect on the relationship you share with your pooch.
Tip 1 – Neglecting Proper Nutrition
Proper nutrition for your canine is important to maintain his health over the long run. Besides an ample and ever-present supply of water, he needs food that contains the right blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The food you purchase for him should have a healthy supply of fats and proteins. He also needs carbohydrates for energy.
Ask your veterinarian for nutritional recommendations given your pooch’s size, weight, and normal activity level. By providing him with the right nutrition, you’ll help him keep diseases, joint problems, and even obesity, at bay.
Tip 2 – Neglecting Veterinary Care
Annual examinations by a veterinarian are critical to your canine’s health. The vet can identify potential problems early so they can be addressed before they worsen. For example, if your pooch develops glaucoma, he must receive treatment within a couple of days (and even within hours) to avoid permanently losing his vision.
From arthritis and respiratory problems, to skin conditions and kidney infections, the veterinarian is trained to recognize early warning signs. The sooner conditions can be diagnosed and treated, the less likely they’ll have a permanent effect on your dog’s health.
Tip 3 – Not Enrolling Into Professional Training Classes
Many owners take it upon themselves to train their canines. If your pooch is mild-mannered and was socialized as a puppy, you may be able to train him on your own. Otherwise, consider enrolling him into professional obedience classes. Not only will the trainer help prevent bad habits from forming, but the classes will give your canine a chance to socialize with other pets and their owners. That’s important to help him become a more pleasant companion.
Tip 4 – Punishing Rather Than Praising
Despite their love for their dogs, many people react negatively to their canines’ bad behavior rather than praising their good behavior. For example, if a puppy defecates on the carpet, his owner might punish him by yelling and rubbing his nose in the mess. Punishment rarely yields a sociable, pleasant pooch. Instead, it trains a dog to fear the person who is delivering the punishment.
Use praise to encourage acceptable behavior in your pooch. Not only will he do everything he can to please you, but praise will dramatically improve the relationship and bond you share with each other.
Owning a dog is a deeply rewarding experience that will last for years. Avoid the four mistakes above and you’ll be more likely to raise a canine companion who is healthy, happy, and loyal.
Find the best Dog Treats and Dog Chews at http://ift.tt/1iTDxNk
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Jack Russell Training: Reasons Why You Should Do It Yourself#DogTraining
Although it is an important obligation that comes along with being a dog owner, jack russell training doesn’t have to be very difficult neither impossible to achieve. In fact, there are so many ways to reach successful training. An owner can choose to enroll his precious pooch to a puppy class or hire a professional dog trainer to provide one on one training. But while the two methods have been proven effective, one more way, and perhaps the most popular way, to produce an obedient jack russell terrier is to train him on your own.
But exactly what can you benefit from training your pet on your own? Below are the answers:
– Jack russell training at home is the best opportunity for you and your pet to bond. By spending more time with your pet during training, you will be able to learn more about him, what training approach he best responds to and how he responds to commands as well as everyday sights and sounds. It will also be easier for you to obtain his trust and respect when you’re the one training him.
– Hiring professional help or enrolling to a puppy class can be expensive. Considering the things a dog needs (food, training tools, grooming in addition to vet expenses when he gets sick), owning a dog can potentially hurt your bank account if you do not know how to manage your resources. Rather than pay for the training, you can use the money on his other needs like high quality dog food or saving it for unexpected expenses like medicine and vet bills should he get sick.
– Being with him quite often, you are the ideal person that can see whether he’s sick, stressed, ecstatic, happy or scared. Know that a dog that isn’t in best emotional condition will not learn efficiently so putting off jack russell training during these times is greatly advised.
– Spending a few minutes training your intelligent pet can be a great way to end a busy and stressful day. Just remember not to set high expectations from him else it’ll make you more stressed rather than alleviate it.
Gillian Butler trains her dog by herself using the most effective Jack Russell training methods. Visit Jack Russell training to discover the technique she’s using.
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Your Dog Wants to be Trained…Here’s the Proof#DogTraining
Dogs are extremely social animals, unlike many other house pets. Cat training is something that is not often heard of. Many people give up quickly because unless it is something like scratching furniture up, cats don’t learn quickly. Cat training is very difficult.
It’s all about approval. When you are training a dog, you can rely on the fact that he or she wants your approval. They genuinely want to please you and they will work hard to earn it. Cats are different. When it comes to the human/cat dynamic most people will say that it’s the humans who seek the cat’s approval. That alone makes it much harder to train.
Dogs are pack animals and one of the reasons they have adapted so well to living with humans is that they can transfer their natural pack association to your family. It’s this which makes them so easy to train. The same desire to please the pack leader that works so well for them in the wild works to your advantage when it comes time to train.
Successful packs are those where the members cooperate. They can hunt more efficiently and they don’t waste either time or energy in competition with other members. This natural instinct for cooperation is a powerful tool for any trainer. As long as you treat the dog as a valued member of your pack, you will have a willing student.
While your dog gains more acceptance and is taught more, you can teach anything!
About the author: Johathan Bash will help you potty train your puppy in 7 days. If you want dog training tips that are guaranteed to work then go to http://ift.tt/2kyEXXF and download your free report
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Is Your Canine a Cancer Sleuth?#DogTraining
In the next few minutes you are going to be amazed what your “Fido” may be capable of!
Unbelievable as it may sound dogs can be trained to sniff out cancer.
There have been many stories about dogs sniffing out cancer in their owners.
The most notable story was reported in the prestigious medical journal, Lancet, in 1989. A female patient went to her doctor to have a mole on her thigh looked at after her pet dog would often spend several minutes sniffing at a particular mole on her body. Her dog, a mix between a border collie and a Doberman, ignored any other mole on her body. In fact one day when she was wearing shorts, her dog actually tried to bite the mole off!
The results of her testing showed that the mole was a malignant melanoma.
Doctors Hywel Williams and Andres Pembroke stated “The dog may have saved her owner’s life by forcing her to seek medical advice while the mole was still at a thin (noninvasive) stage.”
This is not the first time that “Fido” saved its owner’s life. There have been many reports how dogs sniffed out breast and lung cancer in their owners.
Now that researchers have proved, scientifically, that dogs can spot cancer, researchers at Amersham Hospital in England hope to build a tool as good or better than your own pet’s nose.
“Using sniffer doges to detect the minute traces of molecules associated with cancer is a fascinating concept” said Cancer Research UK’s Professor, David Neal.
Dogs, with their exceptional sense of smell, have been trained to sniff out certain odors produced by cancer cells. In fact, during one training to determine bladder cancer, all of the dogs signaled a particular patient as positive for bladder cancer. However, this patient had been screened prior to the test and was determined to be cancer free.
Concerned by all of the dog’s behavior the researchers decided to do further tests on the patient. Surprisingly these additional tests revealed that the patient had a tumor in their right kidney. This was totally missed in conventional medical tests!
Dr. Armand Cognetta of Tallahassee, Florida, an expert in melanomas, began researching if dogs could detect skin cancer. He enlisted the help of a dog trainer, and with samples of melanomas tried to train dogs to sniff out skin cancer. George, the dog used in the study, was able to detect the melanoma 99% of the time. Further research proved that George could detect malignant melanoma lesions from benign lesions on patients successfully.
So the next time your Fido starts paying a little too much attention to a certain part of your body, take Dr. Fido’s advice and get immediate medical attention. Fido may just have saved your life!
Valerie Slaughter, a veteran marathoner herself, runs a beginner marathon website and is the author of ?You Want to Do What!?? For articles, tips and more information about how to care foryour canine visit: http://ift.tt/2lPGVBk
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Bringing your newly adopted San Diego puppy home to a resident dog#DogTraining
If you already have a well mannered dog with good social skills, then adding a new family member through San Diego puppy adoption should be fairly easy. This is because exposing a puppy to other friendly dogs is one of the top ways to impart vital social skills to the new dog. Through playtime with other non-aggressive dogs and puppies, your newly adopted puppy can learn how to read and talk ‘dog language’ by taking on the responses of the other dog.
It is important that this happens before your puppy is 6 months old, which is the critical learning period. Otherwise, your new pet may have a hard time socializing with other pets. Although the resident dog may be friendly, you should proceed with caution when introducing the new puppy to your home.
You can learn a lot from observing the body language to determine whether the interaction is going well. Here are some things to watch for:
If both pets stiffen their bodies and glare into each other’s eyes, teeth bared and hair up, it may take a while for them to adjust to each other. Separate them if they try to fight and keep them apart until you seek the help of a trainer. Some dogs don’t enjoy the company of other animals in the house, but they can be trained to ignore other dogs and animals while in public.
Watch out for nose-to-nose greetings, especially when one of your pets is fearful. If he feels threatened by the greeting, he may take defensive action and bite out of fear. This greeting is especially risky if one of the dogs is staring into the other’s eyes without looking away. A hard stare can be interpreted as a challenge. It is best that you calm them down to avoid aggressive action.
Some pets may rush up to each other and immediately engage in loud, raucous play. Although this is a good sign, you should stay alert in case the play escalates to fighting – especially if the dogs don’t know how to calm down.
If you notice one of the dogs constantly pursuing the other and ignoring any corrections (such as air snaps, growls, or lip curls), the play could turn into bullying. These corrections are indicators that your pet wants a break, rather than signs of aggression. They are a healthy way for dogs to communicate, and your pets should learn to understand another dog’s corrections.
Play-bowing or pawing with their legs stretched out is another sign that your pets are friendly to each other. Allow them to socialize and reward them later for the positive interaction.
Lastly, when you adopt a six month old San Diego puppy, you should give both the puppy and dog regular breaks from each other when interacting. This is because adult dogs may not be able to keep up with puppy energy, causing them to lose patience quickly and possibly hurt the interaction.
To learn more visit http://ift.tt/1EYfYzs
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Your Fish Can be as engaging as Your Dog#DogTraining
Although most owners of fish love their pet as much as a dog owner would love their dog, there is one big difference between the two. A dog owner normally spends much more time with their dog than what a fish owner would spend with their fish. Now you really cannot blame a fish owner for this because for most people, other than simply staring at their fish or maybe at the most tapping at the glass of the home aquarium, they feel there is nothing else they can do. They feel the only time you get to actually interact with your fish is when you are feeding them or while cleaning the fish tank.
The good news for anyone who owns a fish and wishes they could have much more interaction with their lovable pet is that fish in reality can be as engaging as your dog. For too long now we have been hearing about myths such as the 3 second memory myth or that fish do not develop feelings towards their owners. As you learn more about your aquatic friends, the more amazed you will be on what fish are capable of. As a matter of fact, with positive reinforcement and other techniques, you can actually teach your fish several tricks that otherwise you thought were completely impossible to do. Just like a dog trainer would use specific methods to train a dog certain tricks or teach them how to interact with humans, there are specific techniques that can be used for fish as well.
The most important aspect of training a fish to do anything is that of awareness. Fish owners are simply not aware of what they can do with their fish. They feel because fish cannot express themselves like a dog or other domestic pet, it will be extremely tough to train a fish to do any interesting behavior. The reality however could not be further from the truth. The fact is that fish can grasp things fairly quickly and the methods used to train them are simple, fast and easy to learn. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to train a fish! All you need is the right set of tools and of course the correct knowledge of training a fish.
A variety of fish (goldfish, bettas, oscars, cichlids etc) can be trained to learn several tricks including fetch, limbo, slalom and sports skills. Of course most owners who have trained their fish say the best part of teaching their fish any tricks is the interaction they have with them. They start seeing their fish in a completely new light. Fish are no longer simply pets used for decorative purposes in a corner of your house. Training a fish actually makes you aware of the intelligence present in marine life and the fact that they can feel things just like any other living being. It makes owning a fish that much more fun and enjoyable. The thrill of watching your fish do all kinds of tricks is incredible and it is sure to leave your friends and family completely amazed.
Lola Smith is a fish enthusiast. To learn more about specific techniques and methods on how to train your fish and to see video of “Comet” a trained fish in action please visit http://ift.tt/2jn5s0R
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Different Dog Breeds#DogTraining
They say that “dogs are man’s best friend”, it’s quite true actually because people who love dogs very much tend to create a special kind of bond and connection that others cannot see. Since many of them prefer dogs as their pet and as a companion, they can benefit in being familiar with different kinds of dog breeds and effective ways in training them.
The Akita dogs are recognizable with their curled tail and bear shaped head that is best characterized by the Spitz breeds. They are easy going dogs with a laid back personality which makes them an excellent pet in the family. In training this kind of breed, it is important that they know who the boss is because these dogs tend have a strong will power. It is advised to make sure the owner should have a consistent routine so that the dog will learn as desired.
The American Pit bull Terrier belongs to the breeds of the Terrier. They are known for their strength, intelligence and friendliness. Some of which even describe them as goofy dogs because they tend to play around with their owners. When training them, the best way to start is obedience with a firm voice. They also do well in competitions that involve agility and strength like weight pulling.
The Beagles are famous with their long wide ears with a pendant shape and recognized with their pleading expression. They can get along very easily with adults and children and with other dogs as well. These breeds are known to be expressive dogs and get attached right away who gives affection and care. They have a very short attention span in training so it is advised to accurately train them within 10-15 minutes a day. They are known to be the oldest breed of gundogs and they are trained to hunt rabbits and hare at an early age.
The Bullmastiff is recognized as courageous dogs because they have the ability to protect those who need it. They have the nature to protect people and not essentially things. They have a very strong appearance but can be very intimidated easily. It is recommended that in training these breeds, one should start to an early age by socializing them with other dogs.
The Miniature Pinscher breeds are small dogs that are very energetic and a good escape artist that can make their way out easily. During the classes of training, they must know who the “alpha dog” is and the trainer should be firm and consistent. This breed also loves to bark so it is important to include this part of the training of when is the right time to bark or not.
The Chihuahua breeds are charming and intelligent dogs. They are loyal to the owners and most likely to demand for affection. Their devotion to humans can sometimes make them feel jealous to human relationships. In training these dogs, socialization at an early age is very significant. They should be exposed to other dogs because they can be dog-aggressive.
The above mentioned breeds of dogs are commonly cared as family house pets. They are loyal and devoted to their masters and can do very well when it comes to training. There are actually many dog breeds to choose from, and it takes love and affection in caring for these men’s best friend.
Learn more about the different dog breeds. Get more information from Roger Thompson’s helpful articles online.
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How To Curb Your Dog’s Biting Tendency#DogTraining
Millions of people are bitten by dogs each year; young children are usually the victim. Not only does this result in a possible health risk for the person who has been bitten, but in the case of kids, it can leave a damaging impression of canines. That is unfortunate. The bond shared between humans and dogs is incredibly strong. Being bitten at a young age can lead to an emotional scar that destroys any chance of enjoying that connection.
The good news is that a canine’s biting tendency can be eliminated. Below, I’ll explain a strategy that relies heavily upon startling a dog when he bites. I’ll also describe the steps you need to take in the event your pooch sinks his teeth into someone.
Curbing The Tendency Through Startle Response
Dogs learn to bite as puppies. If you were to observe them playing with their littermates, you would notice them biting each other while playing. It is natural to them because their mouth is the primary tool they use to hunt. Unfortunately, if your canine’s natural tendency to bite is not curbed, it will continue to grow and become a problem for you, your family, and guests.
Many trainers and veterinarians suggest using a “startle response” strategy to teach your pooch not to bite. When he does, make a sharp noise at a high pitch that startles him. If, as a puppy, he were to hurt one of his littermates by biting too hard, this is the noise they would make. When he hears it, he’ll know instinctively that he has done something wrong. In some cases, you’ll notice that he’ll look confused. Take that opportunity to substitute a chew rope or another toy that he can bite. That teaches him that biting is acceptable as long as he doesn’t do it to people.
You should also socialize your puppy as soon as possible so he’ll learn at an early age what kind of behavior is appropriate around people. Spaying or neutering your dog can also reduce the likelihood of biting.
What To Do If Someone Is Bitten
If your canine bites someone, control him immediately. Then, ask the person who has been bitten whether he or she needs medical attention. Give that person all of your contact information as well as that of your veterinarian. Also, provide your pooch’s last vaccination date.
If animal control workers arrive, answer their questions openly; they’ll likely want as much information about your canine and the events surrounding the bite as possible. Finally, ask your vet to recommend a professional trainer to help curb the behavior as quickly as possible.
Your dog’s biting tendency can be eliminated easily if you devote time toward it when he is still a puppy. Even as an adult dog, the tendency can be suppressed by enrolling him into professional obedience classes. The investment helps ensure the safety of your family and guests.
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The Dog Who Loves and Hates You: Shar Pei#DogTraining
The descent of both the Shar Pei and the Chow Chow is supposed to be the same, because they both have black-blue tongue. They are also famous for their wrinkles. If you take the history of these dogs, it is said that, these dogs were used as guards in Chinese empires and after that they were used to fight. Because of this fighting character they were popularly called as Chinese Fighting Dogs. Shar Pei means Sand Skin, because their coat is very rough and short. The Shar Pei puppy looks very cute with a lot wrinkles on it, but when they begin to grow, the wrinkles smoothen out and become skin.
Their ears are small and have a very unique triangular shape. They have a feature which looks just like a hippo. Their weight is around 40 to 45 pounds and their height is around 18 to 20 inches. You will find the Shar Pei in different types of coats; they have the horse, brush and the bear coat. The proximate coat to the maiden Shar Pei coat is the horse coat, because it is very thorny and rough. Do not try petting this dog in the opposite direction of the fur, because you will get yourself hurt. But, if the dog has the brush coat, then nothing to worry, because its texture would be very soft and smooth, the length of the hair is also a bit longer. Just regular brushing will do for these kinds of dogs. And they have a wide variety of colors like the chocolate, cream, black, reddish brown and cream.
Again their wrinkle pattern differs, and they are of two kinds. One kind is where the wrinkles appear only on the face of the dog and not on the body. The skin is pretty tight on the body. Whereas the other kind has wrinkles all over the body, even when they become adults it remains. It looks very good, when the wrinkles falls as folds on their body.
The food to be given to this breed is usually 1.5 cups of meat or around 3 cups of dog food, which is available at pet stores. But when you buy them, make sure that the food contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins in them.
Good training has to be provided to this breed of dogs, as they become very furtive when it comes to strangers. Over the years, this breed has proved to be very dedicated and affectionate family dog. Even though they are considered to be very self-governing sometimes they stay aloof. These dogs have to be trained from the time they are puppies, if this is not done at the right time, they can become very restricted and hostile. By nature these dogs are perfect watch dogs. They will keep a watch on the strangers, when their masters are not around and act as excellent protectors of the family. While training is provided to these dogs, you should make sure they are not spoiled. This breed of dogs, tend to get bored very easily, therefore, the trainer has to try different techniques to teach the dog.
Written by Jeff Nenadic from My Dog Shop – check for current specials on chew toys online.
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The Loyal Bernese Mountain Dog#DogTraining
This Bernese mountain dog is a farm dog, which has its origin from Switzerland. It is popularly called as the Berner. These dogs were able to sustain very cold temperatures, because of their long and heavy coat. As their stature is very strong, they can perform their duties even during the deadly winters.
The height of this Berner is anywhere around 23 to 27.5 inches. Their weight is around 71 to 100 pounds. They can be recognized very easily due to the uniqueness in the pattern of their color. Their head and ears are black, eyes and stockings are tan and the remaining parts of the body are white. Generally all the Berners, has the same kind of pattern, if at all there are any differences, then it would only on the percentage of white on the body. They have very expressive brown eyes. To keep their coat, neat and glossy, you need to brush them regularly.
Though the Bernese is not known for their hardihood, still they have to be given exercises and many physical activities. They love to march along with you, and do not face any kind of joint problems. They are very affectionate dogs, so you have to give them a lot of attention.
Nothing can beat the attitude of these dogs. The Bernese Mountain dogs are also very smart and steady. The quality of being extremely affectionate and loyal forces these dogs to protect you, but do not match the level of a watch dog. They are very warmhearted with people and other dogs. Training these dogs can be successful only when he is trained regularly. This breed of dogs are good in thinking and slow in picking up things, so you have to be patient while you train them. The Bernese mountain dog is very friendly towards children; though they are massive in size they treat kids very gently. They are very patient and have a very firm outlook.
The Berners are a pleasure to watch when they perform at the wagon ride in any of the parades. Due to their composure and calmness, they were first made to pull wagons for kids in order to entertain them.
Food comprising of 1.5 cans of meat with some biscuit can be given to them. They also like having dog food which is nutritious. They can have about 5 cups.
In case you have a fence yard, then this Bernese Mountain Dog is the best choice. Training them at the initial stages would be extremely difficult. So the trainer has to be very good at his work and very forbearing. At a very young age, training and socializing has to be practiced. Trying to socialize or train them at later stages would be a tough task. If you have young children at home, then do not get a Berner. They hate to be governed. They are not a good pet for the elderly and the disabled people. They would not be able to manage this breed.
Written by Jeff Nenadic from My Dog Shop – check for current specials on chew toys online.
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Important Shar Pei Training Information#DogTraining
Of all the breeds of dog to choose from, the Shar Pei is definitely one of the very best. This is an incredibly popular breed of dog, and for good reason. They are loyal, loving, and make a great family pet, as long as they have been trained properly. Shar Pei training is incredibly important, and although it is going to go over better if you start when still a puppy, you can do this at any age.
Especially if you have children you are going to want to ensure that your Shar Pei is well behaved, and remember that even if you buy an adult Shar Pei you can still train them properly, although it will take a bit more time and effort. As long as you are willing to put in the time and effort required, you are going to come out with some great results and have a well-behaved dog.
This is why it is necessary for you to let them know that you are the dominant one; the one in charge, so they will act well behaved and listen to you.
If you are considering getting a puppy, the Shar Pei is definitely a great choice. These are beautiful, loyal and adorable dogs, but Shar Pei training is going to be a serious aspect if you choose this breed. This is because Shar Pei tend to be very dominant dogs and they will try to run the household if you do not let them know who is in charge.
Aversive training is the type typically used with Shar Pei, and this includes methods that will teach your dog to obey you in order to avoid something bad. Positive training is also very important here, as the Shar Pei respond better to positive reinforcement and kind words. You want to make sure that you stay firm and consistent to get the best results but at the same time never get angry or yell at the dog to try and get them to do what you want.
Whether you are training with positive reinforcement or just trying to bond more with your dog, Shar Pei potty trainingis an essential part to owning a Shar Pei dog. You want to make sure that they recognize you as being the master, the one in control, but remember that if you try to force it too much you may end up just doing yourself even more harm.
As long as you are consistent and remember to take the puppy out every hour or so and after each meal, success should be easy. Teaching the puppy to ring a bell on the doorknob when it has to go is a good idea. And using a crate at night and when you away from home can be the best training support you can buy.
Potty training your Shar Pei should not take too long and then you can go on to other kinds of training. For help you should contact your vet, a trusted breeder or even a professional dog trainer.
About the author: Melissa Coleman is an avid lover of the Shar Pei and owns a popular website that can teach you how to have a happy, healthy and well behaved Shar Pei . Among other topics there, you will find out more about Shar Pei Potty Training plus a whole lot more.
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