myriadofcolors3 · 3 hours
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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myriadofcolors3 · 13 hours
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myriadofcolors3 · 13 hours
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watch out alliance scum
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myriadofcolors3 · 14 hours
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myriadofcolors3 · 14 hours
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myriadofcolors3 · 15 hours
I have a little paperwork tray next to my computer, and my cat will set next to me and scream until I pick her up and her in the tray like a freshly submitted assignment.
She won't settle for food, or for pets, or for being in my lap. She specifically wants to be in the paperwork tray. There's a stapler there, and a charger, and a bunch of lumpy things that would be annoying to sit on, but she insists.
Really, the worst part is already over, which was figuring out what she wanted. I spent months getting yelled at before I figured out that she wanted to be filed. In my defense it's a pretty unusual request.
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myriadofcolors3 · 15 hours
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- we are worth saving!!!!
unknown/ @rosesetonfire/ @transannecarson & @incrediblemath / @franzkafkagf/ @b0nkcreat/ @bloominghe11 on subreddit r/benignexistence/ ask answered by @stargirldotcom/ @soracities/ @eohiggins on twitter
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myriadofcolors3 · 15 hours
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Gravity Fowls ,,,,,
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myriadofcolors3 · 1 day
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I may or may not have a comic that I am REALLY supposed to be working on, but a little Star Trek comic won't hurt, right? (I am lying. I've done nothing but draw Data for weeks, he is not harmless.)
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myriadofcolors3 · 1 day
really really really important
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myriadofcolors3 · 1 day
cats know keyboard shortcuts even microsoft doesnt know about
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myriadofcolors3 · 1 day
queer themes in x-men my beloved. Angel binding his wings. Bobby’s parents asking if he’s tried just not being a mutant. Nightcrawler and catholic guilt. The existence of cherik. Everything with Scott/Jean/Logan. Mystique and Destiny.
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myriadofcolors3 · 1 day
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the Janeway
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myriadofcolors3 · 1 day
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myriadofcolors3 · 2 days
Queer communities in June: yay, it's pride month! Here's some things to be proud of! Here's our history! Here's some advocacy programs! Here's some resources! Here's some calls to action! Here's some things happening! Here's a party!
Some randos in june: we should have a month for veterans instead of a pride month!
Queer communities in july: -fucking exhausted from june-
Randos, july: pride month is over, fuck off gays- I'm so patriotic!
Randos, august: pride month was 2 months ago get over it, you should be supporting the vets.
Randos, september: why do you get a whole month to celebrate your perverse sexuality and the vets only get one day?
Randos, october: absolute insane that you're still rubbing your sexuality in our faces- june is over, deal with it!
Randos, november: we should have a veterans month, this is unfair! (November is Veterans Month and Military Families Month.)
Randos, december: why are the gays still talking and taking focus away from Jesus Christ's birthday?
Randos, january: you don't see me making everything about MY sexuality.
Randos, February: without veterans, you wouldn't even HAVE a pride month.
Randos, March: all we ever hear about is pride month, pride month, pride month- but none of you are supporting the troops!
Randos, april: we just want it to be fair- if you get a whole month to yourselves, the vets should have a month also.
Randos, May: it's absolutely insane that there's a month for the gays, but not one to honor the vets. (May is Military Appreciation Month.)
Queers in June: happy Pride month! We've got-
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myriadofcolors3 · 2 days
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The Ballad of Bella Buttons (based on a true story)
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myriadofcolors3 · 2 days
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*~the space between us~*
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