myrrhion · 7 months
“A robot’s trying to hunt down and kill you?” … “Don’t you know that the first law of robotics-” … “H-How the hell did you piss off a robot so bad it stopped seeing you as human!?”
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myrrhion · 7 months
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'“Not hear it? --yes, I hear it, and have heard it. Long --long --long --many minutes, many hours, many days, have I heard it --yet I dared not --oh, pity me, miserable wretch that I am! --I dared not --I dared not speak! We have put her living in the tomb!”'
And so we reached the final Part of Inktober. And thus the House of Usher falls. Second story I got into my fingers back in the days. Thus my brain is convinced it is one of Poe's most well known stories. Thus it would feel incomplete without the Fall of House Usher.
Really glad I made it this year and finished all the 31 drawings. I managed to fill the entire rest of the first sketchbook with all of this and I feel like this brought me a lot of improvement.
Big thanks to Inktober
It is always an absolute joy to do this challenge :)
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myrrhion · 8 months
(Context: Session zero, we're discussing our character concepts.)
Bloodhunter: "Wait, Paladin, are you a communist?"
DM: "No, he's more anti-fascist."
Paladin: "Yeah."
Bloodhunter: "Oh, that's actually based."
Warlock: "That's not based."
Paladin: "What? Warlock, have you been a fascist this whole time?"
Bloodhunter: "Are you Hitler, Warlock?"
Warlock: "The term 'based' would describe a moral standing that is higher than average, or exceptional. Opposing fascism shouldn't be the exception. It should be the rule."
Paladin: "... he's got a point."
Warlock: "And yes, I am Hitler."
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myrrhion · 8 months
Chaos Magic is the hardest to learn but the easiest to master. All it requires is the abject belief that your ritual will have an effect, despite all evidence to the contrary, and then it will.
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myrrhion · 8 months
I don’t have the brain cells to make a fic with this but while riding the subway this weekend I was thinking about the Hexsquad using the bus alot in the human realm and like okay
I imagine that whenever Hunter is with them he always makes sure his friends have a seat first. The bus fills quickly so he always volunteers to stands, it’s the public servant in him. If they all have to stand, he stands between them and the strangers to make sure no one messes with them. No one does, everyone is minding their own business but he’s always in guard mode he just can’t help it.
So one day the Emerald trio is coming home from getting some things for dinner and they are just exhausted and the bag is heavy and the bus is busy. There are two seats left and Hunter of course insists that Willow and Gus sit and he’ll hold the railing and the groceries but the bag is so heavy, they’ve all been taking turns carrying it and they need a break. So Willow says no, Gus should sit and put the bag next to him so they won’t have to put it on the gross ground and she and Hunter will stand.
Hunter is fine with this, but soon they realize the only things to hold onto without crowding people are the ropes and Willow is just a smidge too short to hold onto it comfortably without like hanging from it. So Hunter holds onto the rope and Willow holds onto his bicep, like her own makeshift rope. It’s awkward at first, Hunter’s mind goes totally blank at how close this makes them and Willow’s preoccupied with the muscle hiding beneath his sweatshirt. They’re both so lost in thought that they nearly miss their stop and Gus has to snap them both back to reality.
This soon becomes routine. They don’t questions it; it’s just easier, right? It’s polite to leave seats open to other passengers, right? It’s normal to ride the bus just to get off at the next stop, right? Sometimes the bus stops suddenly and Willow will crash into Hunter’s chest and his free hand with instinctively dart to her waist to steady her because of course he doesn’t want her to fall! And maybe they don’t leave the position right away because hey, the bus might stop suddenly again, right?
One day after such an occurrence, an older lady leans over to say what a cute couple they make, how sweet it is to see them care so much for one other. Hunter freezes, but Willow just blushes and says thank you. It would be rude to correct her, Hunter thinks. And besides, maybe she meant a couple of friends. Friends care about each other and look out for each other on the bus, right? Friends stand this close when there’s plenty of room sometimes, right?
Then one day, the whole Hexsquad is heading out to do something fun after a long week of portal attempts and research and they get on the bus. There are three free seats at the back next to a man using the seat beside him to keep his bag. This is fine because of course Hunter stands and Willow goes to stand with him. The man sees this and insists they take his seat so they can sit with their friends. They politely decline at first, both secretly preferring their routine but he insists saying he feels rude taking up two seats when they clearly came as a group and he’s getting off soon anyway. They begrudgingly take the seats, knowing like this there’s no need to touch. They could, but it would harder to play off as a safety precaution.
When they stood together, they could look out the window and marvel at things together side by side. They’d guess things about the buildings and other vehicles but now it’s hard to renter the bubble. Willow would often make a fuss of adjusting his hat to make sure his ears were covered but now facing forward made her less bold for some reason. She wished she could find a way to crash into him but buses didn’t stop sideways as far as she knew.
Gus notices the pair seem less enthusiastic and instantly realizes they are such losers. He spreads out as much as he can, moving everyone’s backpacks and bags to the sides and Luz and Amity need little instruction to follow suit. Suddenly, the row of seats is very cramped. There’s still no reason to get up but the gang is shoulder to shoulder.
“Oh man, it sure is cramped back here,” lies Gus. “Hunter, can you put your arm around Willow to try and make some room so we’re not so squished?”
Hunter happily obliges soon enough Willow leans into the touch, her head naturally resting on his shoulder as they all plan their day. She says nothing of how roomy the seats seem to get after that despite no other changes being made, but she doesn’t really care anyway. Hunter’s arm hovers over her shoulders, restring against the back of the seats but she certain that soon enough it will know it’s okay to fall and bring her closer.
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myrrhion · 8 months
Day 8 - Toad(y)
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Welp, Tales of the Underverse doesn't have any toads so far, but Jazzy at least has Toady. Guess that also counts :P
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myrrhion · 8 months
Day 7 - Drip
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myrrhion · 8 months
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myrrhion · 8 months
“How many people have died to achieve this world domination of yours?” “769.” “…What?” “769 people died to achieve my plans. I counted them, and had each of their names etched on my throne so I never forget what my victory cost the world. Now tell me, how many have you killed to see me dead?”
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myrrhion · 8 months
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season 4 jong
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myrrhion · 8 months
Unmute !
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myrrhion · 8 months
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Finally more Dragon Age for this Inktober, Yaya! :D
Welp, that one's a bit late again, however, I'm honestly glad I took my time here, since.....heh, boi I actually nailed this one XD
Decided to simple plant the PC's of the P&PRPG Inquisition I'm playing with my folks at the war table and simple let them do their thing. Took some inspiration from this gorgeous piece of artwork and simply sprincled some bits of the game's wartable-room into the background. Sou yeah, I think I couldn't present these 4 dorks better in a nutshell than I did here XDDD
Tho let me introduce from left to right:
On the left we have our party's mage Farel. Former Dalish and now apostate (and if I remember right actually the youngest of the party), just as usual facepalming in the background about the attics of his companions.
Sharles here in the middle you probably have seen before (my PC ^__^). Proud Fereldan Rogue from Redcliffe, as usual blubbering random bs. Not sure if he's ranting bout how Orlais sucks, how Dorian is hot or just giving random silly comments about the current topic.
Next to him we have Dolph, our Inquisitor. Snakeoil-Conm- sorry - "totally not shady Merchant" from Orzammar. As usual reconsidering his life choices and wondering how Sharles keeps coming up with this crap XD
And last but not least we have our muscle on two little feet, Borzag. Surface dwarf, Mercenary and master in bitchslapping people with axe and shield, tho currently busy slapping the table while howling in laughter, probably still audible on the other side of Skyhold.
And with that I FINALLY finally now managed to give these four a worthy and proper group picture.
Currently we are approaching the end of our campaign, but I will deeply enjoy these guys while the story still lasts. Feels like we played this campaign for ages, it's an absolute joy tho to revisit Inquisition's plot with that alternative story line ^__^
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myrrhion · 8 months
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myrrhion · 9 months
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First Date Chapter 1
Order part 1
Next: 2 
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myrrhion · 11 months
I mean, we knew, but it's nice to hear so succinctly
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myrrhion · 11 months
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look me in the eyes and tell me he wasn't gay as hell (chang inspired by @professorcalculusstanaccount's awesome version)
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myrrhion · 11 months
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nothing worth questioning further
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