mysecretsdesires · 5 months
The Bear Season 2 thoughts
After watching The Bear season 2 and letting things marinate, I think I’d like to share my thoughts. First, as a therapist, for me this show perfectly depicts trauma and its effects in its most raw form. It was so uncomfortable and heartbreaking to watch at times, I felt like one of the themes of this season is sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice to A. Discover your purpose and B. is it worth sacrificing so much for success? I saw this theme numerous times throughout the season particularly with the Star convo and from Chef Luca when Marcus asked if it is all worth it and the convo Carmy had with uncle Jimmy about the story of failure
The Xmas episode: This was hard to watch. I had to keep pausing it. Donna is so dysregulated and disturbed. But what I really want to discus and Mikey and Carmy’s dynamic. Mikey is so troubled. He is so unwell. Mikey is Carmy’s hero, but I think Carmy doesn’t see how deeply troubled his brother is. Mikey admires Carmy so much because Carmy was brave enough to get away from the family to pursue his dreams. So heartbreaking.  SO MUCH DYSFUNCTION.
Claire- Her character wasn’t fully developed, but I feel like maybe it was done purposefully. We are seeing her through Carmy’s eyes and Carmy doesn’t seem to really know how he feels about her, or know her.  He says he’s in love after being forced to choose a feeling, but really he’s only just connected with her. I think perhaps he is equating that feeling of enjoying being with her with love, or maybe even having sex with her with love. He latched onto Claire because she is good at comforting him. Many people who come from dysfunction struggle with this and will latch onto people who appear to be good at this.  He’s with her because he thinks, oh, this is fun and normal. He used the term seeking “FUN” but he is searching for normality without a clue as to what normal is. Even deeper, he’s searching for a true path to becoming a healthy adult.
Carmy: I empathize with him so much.  I do see Carmy has made some progress. His insight has improved a bit as he recognizes how much trauma he has experienced and how it has manifested in his adult life.  He is trying. He is seeking to change. He has recognized the need to be less emotionally inhibited. His judgement is a little impaired though. He sort of thrives In Chaos. That’s why the alarm going off wasn’t bothering him. That’s why he created this entire scenario by getting in a serious relationship with a stranger. He is so emotionally inhibited: The excessive inhibition of spontaneous action, feeling, or communication, usually to avoid disapproval by others, feelings of shame, or losing control of one’s impulses. inhibition of Positive impulses (e.g., joy, affection, sexual excitement, play); © difficulty expressing vulnerability or communicating freely about one’s feelings, needs, and so forth; or (d) excessive emphasis on rationality while disregarding emotions. I think this is his main Schema. Yah boy is messed up and needs some one-on-one therapy. I can go on and on about this. There’s so much. Carmy’s actions are pretty on point for someone coming from trauma, dysfunctional parents, and alcoholic parents. He behavior breathes asshole, but really, he has a deeply wounded, lonely, angry, abandoned and abused inner child and his adult self needs some serious healing.  
Sydney: I love how they wrote and expanded her character this season.  I love how vulnerable they showed her to be. How hard she worked to deal with the growing anxiety. I felt her loneliness when she was eating that giant sundae alone, but I also loved seeing her in her element. Her dad is an ace. She has such a grounding, funny, hardworking energy.
Carmy and Sydney: my babies. Their dynamic is so sweet. So genuine. So raw and real. How many times has he had a panic attack and thoughts of Sydney grounded him? Like..sir. I also feel he’s trying to protect Sydney in a way, and I see this in the star conversation. Underneath his words he is saying: I had to give up so much to get this and I don’t want that for you. It’s hell. It’s fucking terrible pressure. You don’t want this, but also not saying it because maybe he doesn’t want to shatter or shit on her dreams and ambitions. The foreshadowing of the growing anxiety she’ll likely face in the next season with the receipt machine going off in her head was telling. I think this is what Carmy is warning her about. I love when she jokingly teases him. I appreciate how he notices things about her: “you like making people happy.” I like that she calls him out and communicates her needs to him. This is a slow burn. They’re so awkward. They want to hang out. I don’t think they realize they may have feelings yet or if they ever will. They are so much a like in certain aspects but so different in how they view the world because of how they were raised.
Lastly, Richie is the MVP for me this season. I have a soft spot for him.
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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the reason Michael Caine and Tim Curry are so good in their respective Muppet movies is that Michael Caine treats the Muppets as fellow actors, and Tim Curry treats himself as a fellow Muppet
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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so this episode huh
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
It’s finally happened.
After almost a decade on this site, I found another Tumblr user in the wild. I stopped to tie my shoe with rainbow laces this morning outside the silversmith at Colonial Williamsburg, and I heard it.
“I like your shoelaces.”
Oh. Oh no.
I responded the only way I could. “Thanks.” And then I reluctantly added, “I stole them from the president…and if that makes sense to you, I’m very sorry.”
The poor man, in full Colonial dress, stared at me for a long moment. And then burst into laughter. And said, “I haven’t thought about that in YEARS and this has never happened to me before.”
Yeah. Me neither. Not until today.
Tumblr rite of passage. Achievement unlocked.
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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we did it tumblr
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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i found the second funniest map in the world today
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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Today was my last day of work at the library, so I went full Chaos Goblin, photoshopped a Goncharov DVD cover with the poster, screenshots from posts in the tag, part of the Polygon article, and some vague plot insinuations, and I left it on the shelf for whoever to find. Only one coworker knows what I did, and we're friends, so she's all for it.
For bonus points, I photoshopped the spine to look like it had a library spine label on it. Let the games begin.
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
"No le escarbes" dices mientras desvias la mirada
Pero no piensas en que he tomado la pala y quiero terminar con esto,
Quiero hacerlo hasta que tope con el nucleo, o la tapa; hasta que algo me detenga y me obligue a voltear hacia arriba y darme cuenta que estoy a 2 metros o quizas solo a 5 cms
Porque lo que he encontrado no es oro ni un tesoro; son miedos y odios, son reclamos y lagrimas, es todo aquello que has enterrado tan bien que solo dando picos podria encontrar,
Es todo aquello que temo pero que me libera y me hace entender que el andar escarvando en cementerios ajenos no es lo mio
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
“Never to go on trips with anyone you do not love.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
“My life is made up of ‘I’m sorry’. I feel like I have to apologize to people, to things, to life itself. It’s like, ‘I’m sorry to be here’. I don’t want to disturb anyone.”
— Yohji Yamamoto
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
You know how the Goncharov (1973) poster has "winter comes to Naples" on it? I want you all to know that currently, Naples is very cold (for our tastes), we have snow on top of Vesuvius, our mountains have snow, and some of the surrounding towns have snow. This is not normal. You all did this to us. You cursed us.
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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“look how much fun they’re having, man.” “of course they are. they haven’t realized how much life sucks yet.” it’s always sunny in philadelphia - season 1 (alt)
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
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VALENTINO Couture Spring/Summer 2023 if you want to support this blog consider donating to: ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
call me cephalophoric the way i carry my own severed head around
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mysecretsdesires · 1 year
The Lego Movie is something that only happens once in life because you cannot recreate the experience of being dragged to “stupid marketing ploy to sell plastic bricks to 5 year olds” and 90 minutes later come out of “surreal cosmic horror comedy about the existential dread of artistic expression and the meaning of free will with commentary on capitalist oligarchy. To sell plastic bricks to 5 year olds.”
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