myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
So my school had an activities fair yesterday and because it's a Christian school, the queer club isn't supposed to exist, but it does, and there was a table downstairs. I went, but was anxious the whole time because there's two people on the small campus who I am not out to, but anyway. Here's some highlights:
They had a ton of rainbow snacks, such as fruit loop bars (rice crispier treats but with fruit loops), Skittles, and rainbow twizzlers
They're holding a ren fair next week! They called it gen fair because it's a gay Ren fair
One of the leaders is an ATLA fan, which is fantastic, i showed her some ATLA fanart i had made
Sitting at a table with a bunch of other enby folks and chanting "theyble!"
One of the other people there is in a class with me
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
So I'm trying to learn to pace myself better and actually rest (lol wicked hard as a perfectionist) so I'm forcing myself to not do schoolwork on Saturdays. Hopefully I will get better at resting in the future but today was PAINFUL
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
Me and my friend group watched dead poets society today (i have seen it multiple times already and i love it so much) and a couple thoughts.
1. My friends were sad about Neil dying and wanted the movie to end after the play. But if you do that, you miss the whole point of the movie - standing up for what you believe in even if it goes against the status quo, even if you could lose something for it. That message doesn't hold as much meaning unless someone actually DOES lose something for it
2. The poetic final scene where they all stand on their desks is my favourite thing. CARPE DEIM, BOYS!
3. One of my friends was talking about how she didn't get why Neil killed himself because he was turning 18 in a few years anyway and could just do what he wanted after that but. I guess she doesn't have abusive parents who force their child into being perfect, but. It's actually really hard to stand up to people (especially your parents) when you grow up in a situation like that, and being legally able to do something doesn't mean you can do it. As a queer (now adult) who still isn't fully out to my parents and cannot imagine actually standing up to them, that part of the movie really rang true to me
4. The aesthetic!!! Like, dark academia? Boarding school? Yes!!!!
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
The college I'm going to is in smalltownville, middle of nowhere U.S., so whenever there's an emergency this loud alarm goes off so all the volunteers in the area can hear it so anyway it's kinda disconcerting to be chilling in a hammock reading and hear what sounds like an air raid siren going off
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
Melody is also ace, and she recommended a podcast about asexuality to me and also invited me to the rainbow alliance kick off meeting next week. (It's not actually supported by the school, it's fully student-run) and I'm really nervous about going in case Kallie (the junior who went to school with me) or my uncle finds out. Ah well it's alright if they out me they out me
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
My RA's roommate from last year is on the same floor (let's call her Melody) and she is FANTASTIC like let me tell you she is in the same science class as me and she's also ace. She and Eva (my RA) invited me to go with them to their church which is apparently more accepting than most churches (I grew up Baptist, for context)
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
My RA is the only queer RA to my knowledge. On the first day of freshman orientation they put all the names next to people's dorms, but mine was my deadname and she switched it so fast. I'm hoping my mom didn't notice the mutual understanding that passed between us
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myshrooms-mystories · 2 years
So I started university like last week or whatever and it's a Christian uni but I'm not only Christian but also very queer. I am only out about being ace to my family. My uncle works at the school and an acquaintance of mine from hs is a junior. Let's see how this goes, yeah?
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