mysitcrowan · 7 years
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Bearded Vulture
Bearded vultures have reddish yellow or white plumage on the head and breast with a grey black tail and wings. In the adult individual the black strip over the eyes and the bristles at the base of the beak form the distinctive appearance of a beard. The reddish plumage on the neck and under parts are derived from iron oxide which the birds rub into themselves.
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
here’s to every girl working so so hard to reach her goal. i see you. you can do it.
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference.
Max Lucado (via h-o-r-n-g-r-y)
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
Reblog if you're an empath
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
following all witchblrs that reblog ♡
please reblog if you post witchy things like tips/spells or even just aesthetic please !! i need more blogs to follow ♡
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
♌ Leo Romantic Compatibility ❤️️
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Leo And…
♈ Aries - Leo and Aries are an extremely compatible couple. The key to this pairing is the balance between what the signs have in common and their differences. There is just enough competition and exciting differences to keep the relationship fresh and active.
♉ Taurus - Leo and Taurus is a pairing that requires balance. There are strong characteristics that are in constant competition with one another at play. Taurus’ practicality and patience and Leo’s passion and ego are at odds. Taurus will find themselves trying to reel in Leo’s outgoing and sometimes reckless tendencies while Leo may feel suffocated. Money is likely to be an issue in this pairing.
♊ Gemini - Leo and Gemini is considered a very fun and harmonious match. Both enjoy an active and adventurous lifestyle, though Leo enjoys the dramatic more than Gemini. Leo is more organized than Gemini, which can lead to a bit of tension. Both signs are flirtatious, but Leo can become jealous easily so communication is important when it comes to fidelity.
♋ Cancer -   Cancer and Leo are more compatible than most, but still face a fair amount of challenges. Cancer is good at making Leo feel admired and loved, but Leo has to go the extra mile to assure Cancer that they are valued. If Cancer can communicate their needs to Leo without criticizing, Leo can rise to meet Cancer’s needs.
♌ Leo - Leo and Leo can be a playful, intense, and powerful coupling. This relationship can very easily become a power struggle. Both partners have to compromise for this relationship to work. Leos love being complimented as well as showering their partners with compliments, so in this respect a Leo/Leo pairing is perfect. This pair can be competitive in fun ways as much as it can be competitive in hurtful ways, this is why compromise is important. In other aspects, such as in the bedroom, this couple is often dramatic, energetic, and passionate.
♍ Virgo - Leo and Virgo is a pairing that relies on the partners’ ability to compromise. While this relationship may seem easy initially, both signs are organized and motivated, which they respect in one another, but can cause clashes over how to work within each others’ systems. Both signs are strong willed and like to be the decision maker in a relationship. Virgo is likely to take on a submissive role when confronted with Leo’s stubbornness, but this can ruin the relationship for Virgo who will feel resentment toward Leo. When it comes to the physical relationship between Leo and Virgo, both signs need to take the others’ needs into consideration. Leo can often become impatient in this area, while Virgo needs time to reset their focus from work to play.
♎ Libra - Leo and Libra are a powerful coupling. These two are just different enough to keep each other interested, but they also share very similar outlooks which makes decision making easy. Both partners are outgoing and have healthy social lives and like showing themselves off. The problem with this pair arises each partner feeds the others’ adventurous and reckless side too much, which can cause problems. Financial stability does not come naturally to this couple.
♏ Scorpio - Leo and Scorpio are a very passionate pair. Both partners like to be in control and this can create competition within the relationship. The sexual chemistry between Scorpio and Leo is explosive and often helps to mend the rift after arguments. Arguing is something both of these signs enjoy to an extent. Leo is naturally flirtatious and this can deeply upset and anger Scorpio, who is prone to jealousy. Though Leo may find Scorpio to be moody and Scorpio will think Leo is too controlling, both signs prefer imperfect partners to boring ones.
♐ Sagittarius - Leo and Sagittarius are a very well matched couple. They have a lot in common, including optimism, generosity, enthusiasm, and sociability. Both have a tendency to be somewhat impulsive which leads to many adventures. Leo is more stubborn than Sagittarius, and Sagittarius can help open Leo’s mind to other ways of thinking. Sagittarius is likely to be more commitment-phobic than Leo, which can hurt Leo’s feelings even if Sagittarius’ reasoning to not settle down has nothing to do with how much they love Leo. The sexual relationship between these two fire signs is explosive and passionate.
♑ Capricorn - Leo and Capricorn are a complex coupling. Because both signs have a tendency to be stubborn, this relationship has the potential to be long lasting, if only because neither one will accept that it should end. Each could be considered the opposite of the other, but this can help create a very complete and able couple. Capricorn has a pessimistic nature, while Leo is likely to be an optimist. This can be frustrating to Leo who may view Capricorn as a wet blanket. Alternatively, Leo’s optimism can inspire ambition in Capricorn which can lead to healthy competition within the relationship. Leo and Capricorn often have a light and fun sex life. Although Capricorn has a tendency to neglect the sexual needs of their partners, Leo is skilled enough to attract Capricorn’s attention.
♒ Aquarius -   Leo and Aquarius can be an unusual and exciting pairing. There is an undeniable physical attraction, but Leo and Aquarius tend to have little in common. Aquarius has a rebellious spirit, but Leo craves outside acceptance and approval. Communication between the two can be difficult. It’s not that Leo will not listen to Aquarius, it’s that Leo will misunderstand. Leo may find Aquarius to be cold and aloof.
♓ Pisces - Pisces and Leo can be a challenging match. There is a strong sexual connection between the two, but a lack of communication. Leo is likely to take the dominant role in the relationship, and therefore the success of the pairing largely depends on Leo. Pisces does not like confrontation or friction and is much more likely to give into Leo’s wishes. Leo can become frustrated with Pisces’ indecisiveness and perceived ambivalence. It is important for Leo to learn how to sense when Pisces is trying to communicate or take the lead in a situation.
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
Follow for follow witch edition
Hey witches! Looking for more people on their spiritual journey to talk to and follow. Reblog and let's be friends
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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Teagan White
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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At last I finished this one ! Yeah !
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
me as an Ancient Greek
me: hey Poseidon whats with the pitchfork huh???? There’s a lot of hay to stack in the ocean huh??? fucking loser me: *gets killed by a tsunami*
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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Whimsical abandoned house in Nova Scotia, Canada
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
Hey sex is great and all, but have you tried not throwing trash in the ocean?
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
If I die and become a ghost, I’d be exploring the deep ocean or other adventures I wouldn’t be able to do while I was alive.
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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Kelsey Smith on Instagram, Tumblr and Society6
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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mysitcrowan · 7 years
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Starry Sky—Attempt, Wenzel Hablik (1909)
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