mysmeheadc · 3 years
⚠️AOT season 4 Spoilers⚠️
Dear Eren,
Fucking piece of shit you ruined Armin's moment at the beach it was his fucking dream then you treat him like shit? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't care what your motives are you genocide motherfucker why the fuck you you do something like that to Armin and Mikasa? Edgy son of an assfuck.
Levi should have been there to kick some sense on your little itty stupid ass brain.
Fuck you.
Not yours, fuck you.
Me 💖
Okay so I made this because none of my friends finished season 4 and I'm pissed at Eren. Right now at this precise moment I don't really care if he has a purpose I'm pissed and I hate him. I need therapy.
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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it’s a little late at my timezone but i wanted to draw something cute for Pocky Day!
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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Stop eating sweets gosh
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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Glasses series. Vanderwood
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for prompt number 4? The one with the hugging with Sirius and female reader? Thanks !!
It's been a long, long time.
Sirius Black x Female!Reader oneshot
Warnings: Reader is a healer (for the mini-plots sake), spoilers? if you haven’t seen the movies? I hope you have?!
A/N: Hi Anon! I hope you are talking about “a hug after not seeing someone for a long time”. This calls for a big post-Azkaban scenario 😭 full of angst and fluff, hope you enjoy!
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“Is this twisted sick prank?” she asked to no one in particular, the letter from Remus dropping to the polished hospital floor. The poor letter detailed the truth of what happened in Godric’s Hollow 12 years ago, or was it 13 now?
She remembered how she had woken up late the 1st of November, she had almost fainted when she reached her flat on Halloween. Going on missions for the Order wasn’t always that taxing, she usually had time to sleep in near the location, but seeing as she had to go into the deep woods to look for special plants for potions and ointments needed in the order. The war was starting to look particularly nasty on their side, and as the most qualified healer in the Order she was to roam around the woods and up the hills looking for the bloody herbs and as cozy as the woods were (obviously they weren’t), it was highly dangerous to sleep, not only because of the creatures, but because of the death eaters and she had no partner, so she had to be extra cautious.
Therefore, she was woken up not because of the rays of sun coming through her window, but because of the hurried knocks on her door. Warily she opened the door, Remus, her best friend looked defeated, pale and horribly miserable. Her gut knotted in anticipation, expecting bad news.
Nothing could have prepared for what Moony had to say.
Lily and James were dead, little Harry was with Lily’s awful side of the family, Sirius, the love of her life (although he didn’t know) was on Azkaban, Peter, squeaky and innocent Peter was dead as well. And everyone was happy, because the war was over. To say that (Y/N) was falling in a deep pit of depression and hopelessness was an understatement. 
Then, she had parted ways from Remus. He thought Sirius was the awful coldhearted mass murderer everybody said he was. She was sure, so goddam sure it was impossible. Padfoot had defied all his life the beliefs of what the Black family, what Voldemort, believed in, blood supremacy. It didn’t make sense, no matter what witnesses had witnessed, it didn’t sound like Sirius. “You know Padfoot! As well as I do, how can you believe what anyone says!” She had told Moony, tears in her eyes.
“You are letting your stupid sentimentalism get in the middle of your reasoning!” He spat back, enraged on how blind his best friend was.
Needless to say, they never spoke again. Of course, until the unexpected happened. She saw all the tabloids, it was the only thing anyone in the wizarding world would talk about. Sirius Black, the mass murderer, gone from his prison cell in Azkaban. (Y/N) was able to live her life as she had till now, without too much excitement on her life, apart the long shifts at St. Mungo’s, of course.
She wrote back to Remus, asking for a further explanation, maybe they could get together for tea or something, it had been quite some time and she missed her best friend. Her shift was over, and decided to get home, deciding to dine some take out, her comfort food to be specific.
She was humming to an old song from the 70s, one that particularly reminded her of Sirius, of course she couldn’t get him out of her head. She almost dropped her take out upon looking at her door, where a black dog sat with his tongue out. He barked at her and wiggled his tail, walking to her and nudging her leg. She couldn’t even say hi, she just opened the door and let the dog in, closing the door behind her and walking to the kitchen. She heard human steps behind her and she forgot to how to breath when she turned around. 
Sirius Black past glorious appearance was completely lost. The mischievous glint in his grey eyes was lost, his once silky hair was mated, knotted and reached his elbows, his body skinny and frail. His once healthy pale skin now looked sick, yellowish pale skin and dark circles down his eyes, talking about the horrible treatment he received all this years because of those foul creatures that surrounded Azkaban.
And maybe this was the worst state Sirius had ever been, but (Y/N)’s eyes twinkled and filled with tears, and she was sure she had never loved someone so much as she loved Sirius in that exact moment. Meanwhile, Sirius was afraid she was frozen in her place out of fear, but soon felt relieved when she lounged at him, wrapping her arms around him, embracing him and crying loudly.  She started repeating  I knew it, I knew it over and over again. She pulled back and pecked his lips, then caressed his cheeks smiling at him. “You look terrible.” she told him, a pitiful smile scanning his face.
“Yeah, I know.” he rasped, his hands had fistfuls of her jacket, holding her close to him.
“Do you need anything? Food? Water? Do you want me to fix your hair? Clothes that can warm you properly?” She asked, looking around and thinking. His lips corners twitched, and nodded.
“A shower sounds nice.” he muttered, squeezing (Y/N)’s hands. She nodded eagerly. Although she had her comfort food waiting for her, she cooked something quick and warm for Sirius. Then she rummaged around her wardrobe for his old jumpers she used to sleep, and had to Engorgio some warm sweatpants for him. 
Maybe Sirius took a little too long in the shower, but she expected it mostly because of his long hair. When he emerged from the bathroom his cheeks were flushed because of the warm water and he had a towel around his waist. The witch blushed and gave him the clothes she could offer, asking him to please change in the bathroom.
After a warm meal, (Y/N) took a brush, some scissors and turned on the muggle radio she loved, because they played music from when she was in Hogwarts. With a little bit of work, she recreated a similar haircut to the one he had before. She ran her hands through his hair, it smelled like her shampoo. 
“There, handsome as always.” She commented smiling brightly, sitting beside him. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, she looked at him and was almost hypnotized by his eyes. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply.
“I missed you, love.” he muttered, kissing her again. “I missed you, so much.”
That night, they both slept together hugged and tangled, whispering sweet words to each other, and how much they had missed each other.
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
Wotcher my dear, and welcome to my new writing blog!
Currently I’m writing a Sirius Black x OriginalFemaleCharacter! fanfiction which will be published here and in Wattpad. I’m have most of the story planned, but writing takes time, so please bare with me!
In the mean time, please send me any requests for Oneshots, Headcanons, AU’s, whatever you want me to write about HP; I’ll take any pairing as long as it’s legal (no professor/student bits, incest or anything looking like it) and as long as I can find chemistry between the characters, I won’t write request that make me uncomfortable or that I’m unable to write. I can imply NSFW, I don’t know if I can write it really well. If you want a Sirius Black oneshot after Azkaban, for example, reader will be at least older than 18. Also, I’ll always imply you want something romantic, but if you want something platonic, tell me!
Currently I’m reading the books, so depending on what you ask I’ll be relaying on the book knowledge or the movie knowledge (I’m reading OOP rn)
The hc or oneshots could be character x character, character x reader. As you request, I’ll be adding them on this same post, to keep track!
If I didn’t list a character I might not know how to write about them, but if you have an idea of what you want, maybe I can work with that, so ask me!
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Lily Evans
Severus Snape
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron, George, Fred, Charlie, Bill, Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy 
That’s it (for now), I know that there are a dozen more characters (Tom Riddle, Newt Scamander)  so send me a request and I’ll see if I can work on whatever you want me to write. 
Mind you, english isn’t my first language so yeah, expect typical errors, I’m trying my best here!
See you around darlings!
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
Sirius used to take James's glasses off and always told him he couldn't see shit.
It's canon, I could write it. Don't try to convince me otherwise.
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
hi y’all!
I’m having exams next week and the week after that, but I really need some fic recommendations to read before sleeping, it really relaxes me 💕🥴
If you know any fanfic or author that has a really long masterlist about any of the following characters please dm me or reply to this post tagging them!
Characters I wanna read about (if possible character x reader fics/ masterlists):
Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Javier Peña, Din Djarin, Francisco Catfish Morales, Loki Laufeyson 
Thanks for the help loves 💕💕
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
I need your support
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Hi, lovely people, I’m Mako, your friendly disabled agender neighbor. I’ve been quiet lately, and not present much on here. I did put out some art, which I’m really happy about because I’m not in a situation that encourages creativity. And the situation is what I want to talk to you about. Basically, I was kicked out. I’m not getting into details, because it hurts and it’s personal, but the tl;dr is that I was living with one of my parents after finishing uni, while I was job hunting and trying to grow a small art business online with commissions. Unfortunately, although the money helped a lot, right now commissions aren’t enough to support me at the rate I’m receiving them. 
At the same time, I was still job hunting, but as some of you may know, I have a physical disability, I can’t really walk and I can’t stand at all for more than a few minutes, so you can imagine that the “classic” young people jobs like waiter, barista and cashier aren’t really suited for me. But despite that, I still applied for jobs that will basically destroy me because of my chronic pain, and that’s because I don’t have any other option. 
I don’t have a home anymore. Right now, I’m living with my other parent but it’s temporary, because they are living with their spouse and it’s not their house, it’s their spouse’s so I can’t stay for long. Today, I’m leaving the house after about three weeks of being able to live there. I’m not really sure where I’m gonna go. I’m going to my other parent’s place to pick up some stuff, and then I’ll see where I end up. 
As you can imagine, it’s not the best situation at all. You know where this is going, but the little twist is that I can’t accept donations. Not only for my, admittedly stupid, dignity, but because the employment center is checking the money I’m getting and it’s illegal to get donations this way in France. 
So here I am, sincerely asking. If you like my stories, if you like my art. If I ever brought you good feelings, emotional times, joy and distraction from the world, if only for a moment. If you’ve ever commented on one of my stories with the nicest words I’ve ever received (really, thank you so much. Some days, your tags and comments are the only thing keeping me going). If you’ve ever cared about me, a bunch of pixels and words on the other side of the world. If you’d like to help out a disabled person, for your own peace of mind, to feel better, I’m not judging, far from it. Then please, consider helping. Please.
I take art commissions, in the Naruto/comics style, I do photorealistic portraits you can gift to family and friends or even to yourself. I do reimagining of Tarot cards with your OC or fanart.
I do writing commissions, drabbles or longer fics, from a number of fandoms and ships.
I have a wishlist, with supplies to grow my art business, a couple of books, and some “survival” stuff in case I end up in my car.
If all the above are too expensive for your budget but you can still spare a few bucks, I have a ko-fi, where for two (2) ko-fi you can get a short drabble or a character sketch of your choice. Nothing as refined as commissions, but still.
And if you can’t afford to help (trust me, I’m the last one to judge), please share this around, send it to people who might want to help me, or who would be interested in an art or fic commission. I would be truly grateful. Thank you for reading, and for reblogging. I wish you well, and for the world to be kinder to you than it has been to me.
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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Rest in peace king 🖤
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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No se porque pero no me deja poner la versión en español TT-TT no se si es por el peso, tratare de ponerla en instagram a ver si me deja 
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
If anyone needs someone to correct Spanish dialogue or terminology for their fics/essays or whatever you need I'll gladly help, hit my DMS ✨🖤
Google translate and other internet translators sometimes aren't as trustworthy when writing dialogue, more so when you want so write something more local. Always research and try to ask someone who is a native speaker 🥺🖤✨
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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boys night ✨😳💕😜💖
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
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mysmeheadc · 4 years
Did I sent a Javier Peña pic to print in a t-shirt because I'm in love with Pedro Pascal?
when it arrives I'll post a pic
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