mysmetarotproject · 4 years
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That’s a wrap, folks!
This project has been a journey of ups and downs, and it certainly took much longer than any of us expected when we began. We lost all of the original project admins along the way and several jobs changed hands on the mod team, but we managed to make everything work in the end, and we’re happy to present the final donation receipt for this project. It’s been a two year journey and it is time to put this project to bed.
Thank you for all of your support, patience, and kindness, and thank you one last time to all the contributors who worked hard on this project.
Admin Gwen, Admin Alex, and Mod Caro
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Are the tarot cards completely gone and no way to purchase them anymore? I only found out about this recently and I fricken love the art for these so I’m wondering if there’s no way to get them anymore.
Hi, there! I’m sorry to report that they are indeed sold out. We really appreciate your interest in the project, though, and we’re glad to see that so many people are satisfied with their orders after the long wait.
- Admin Gwen
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Store is closed! Thank you for everyone who purchased something. Packages will be mailed out this Friday. 
Final days!
Hello! If you haven’t yet, please visit our store! Everything is currently on sale~  On Monday, August 24 we will close it forever, so if you’re interested in grabbing a deck or some of the merch, this weekend is your last chance!
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Final days!
Hello! If you haven’t yet, please visit our store! Everything is currently on sale~  On Monday, August 24 we will close it forever, so if you’re interested in grabbing a deck or some of the merch, this weekend is your last chance!
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Hello! Now that physical orders are shipped (and arrived to some people, yay!!), is the pdf version out? Or is it just me that didn't receive it.. Thanks for answer.
Greetings!  Our physical sales did not come with PDFS. You can get the PDF version on bigcartel with our leftover sale: https://divinatetarot.bigcartel.com/
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
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I got my bundle from @mysmetarotproject and I have been yelling all afternoon about how PUMPED I am to get this I’m so JAZZED this deck is SO COOL what the heck, thanks to everyone who worked on this incredible tarot project
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
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I was waiting until the additional sales went up so that I could boost just how cool the Divinate project is and, if Mystic Messenger is your thing, this deck is AMAZING. I’ve been so excited about this project for so long and was happy when it finally came just a few days ago! The card quality is fantastic and they feel great in hand. They’re 100 lb. cardstock cards with a soft touch matte finish on both sides. The box it comes in is a 2-piece cardstock box, but is ample enough for the cards.
I love the design that went into this project and especially the characters chosen for the cards. If you’re an MM fan you’ll definitely find that the meanings and theming for every character in this is pretty accurate. The book has key word definitions for every upright and reversed card, and every single card has a flash fiction written for its card, character, and card meaning and lends a wonderful layer of complexity to every card.
The guide book is huge, clocking in at almost 200 pages. Look at this thing!
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The merch is also really high quality and I love everything I got. Everything came packaged in adorable organza bags.
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Here’s a selection of my favorite cards from the deck. Every card shows so much personality from the characters and that especially tie into the stories of the character routes.
Check the last reblog for how to grab one of the leftovers while they last!
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
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Leftover sales from the Divinate Tarot project are now live. Visit our store  divinatetarot.bigcartel.com before it sells out!
Over 50 dedicated artists and writers came together to create this one-of-a-kind product, bringing their own love of the characters and story along with them. Every card is unique, beautifully merging the content from the game with the meanings tarot readers are familiar with. Perfect for readers of all stages, we’re certain this deck will light up your spirit.
Not interested in the deck? That’s okay! We are also reopening sales for the PDF zine format as well, which includes all of the art along with 78 flash fics for a total of over 150 pages.
Proceeds from sales will be donated to the International Medical Corps. @fandomzines​ @zineapps​ @zine-scene​ @zinesubmissions​ @zinefeed
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Shipping Update!
Hello! By now, some of you who’ve purchased from us have received emails letting you know your products are shipping from a seller known as Starlightzines. This is from Mod Alex’s account. Please know that pirateship requires me to put in a shipping date when I purchase the labels, regardless of it they will be shipped that day or not. 
Packages will begin making their way to their owners next week in batches, so look forward to receiving your items soon! 
If you are in a country not currently allowing international mail, your purchase will be shipped as soon as gates open. 
Thank you!
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Shipping Update!
The Divinate mods are happy to say that the new boxes are due to arrive on June 15th, and shipping should begin as soon as possible after that. We truly apologize for the wait as we worked out troubles with the box manufacturer, but things should be moving forward quickly from here. Thank you all for your continued support of this project!
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mysmetarotproject · 4 years
Any updates? It's been a few months...
Hi! We do have updates. We’re truly shocked that it has taken so long to get to the shipping phase, but rest assured that we are still around, still working, and still doing our best to keep things moving.
Unfortunately, the box company that we were working with ran into issues, and we couldn’t work out the changes despite the fact that the error was on their end of the process. We have had to work out a new plan with a separate boxing company, but they are currently working with limited staff due to the coronavirus. Mod Alex does have the decks in hand and we will be ready to send them out as soon as we have the boxes, but it’s a matter of getting the boxes in hand. We’re currently in communication with the new manufacturer and hope to have those ready soon.
-Mod Gwen
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mysmetarotproject · 5 years
Happy Monday everyone! A quick update on ordering and shipping from the gatekeepers.
Due to the outbreak of coronavirus in China, the lunar new year celebration has been extended until March 10th. This means the production of the charms for the Divinate project will be delayed until after that point.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we will continue to keep everyone updated.
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mysmetarotproject · 5 years
Happy Tuesday!
Ordering is underway and nearly complete! We’ve received the buttons and the proof of the deck so far - here are some pictures of the beauts.
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There were a few minor issues on the deck that we’re fixing, and we’ve approved the proofs for the pictures. Everything should be received by mid-February, so expect another update around then. Thank you~
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mysmetarotproject · 5 years
I just saw your post for pre orders (thanks algorithm) now that they are closed would it be possible to get a tarot deck later or is this limited edition kind of thing?
Hi, there! I believe we have gotten a couple of questions about this, so I’ll answer here:
Yes, this is a limited edition type project because all the profits are going to charity, and the easiest way to do that is to have a limited project.
That said, we will likely have extras. If we do, those will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. We will be certain to let you know when those orders open, if they open. The admin team can give you more updates once we actually receive the physical products.
In other news, for those of you waiting on an update, the zine and deck proofs are all finished, and we are currently double checking the zine before sending it to the printer!
Admin Gwen
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mysmetarotproject · 5 years
Hello!! I was just wondering.. On the preorder page for the PDF version of the zine, it says that the product is set to release on November 30th ((which was yesterday, and I already bought it :D)) I wanted to know if we were going to get sent the PDF version now or when all the items ship out? :D
Hello, hello!
I sincerely apologize for the mixup and the late response. In order to be fair to the people who ordered physical versions of the deck, the PDF will be sent out when the physical versions go out. We will keep you up to date on the printing and shipping process as the admins hear updates.
Mod Gwen
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mysmetarotproject · 5 years
Hi!! I was curious how many orders did you get? Thank you!!
Hello, hello! We are very excited that the project was 96% funded by you wonderful supporters, and we will be able to move forward into production with no issues.
Admin Gwen
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mysmetarotproject · 5 years
Disregard my last ask it FINALLY went through aaaaa, I'm so happy!! I can't wait to see all y'alls lovely work ♥ ;v;
Oh, I’m so glad you worked it all out! Thanks so much for your support, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the deck.
- Admin Gwen
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