Sorry for being incapable of answering a question without like 900 "It dependssss" prefaces. Unfortunately too many things depend on too many things
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God, the way paramedics in Gaza pull children out from under the rubble while people around them are repeatedly asking "is he alive? Is he alive?" but seconds later we hear a faint "no" followed by "okay keep going" because there's a new body coming... we simply cannot get used to this despite how many times we come across the same exact scene. Our humanity will always get in the way of Israel's relentless attempts to desensitise us.
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You can read the rest of the thread here. Plus here's the 84 page document submitted by South Africa
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List of Journalists Killed During this Genocide. Say their names!
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Ahmed Jamal Al-Madhoun (24/12/23)
Mohammed Abu Hwaidi (23/12/23)
Rizq Arrouq (22/12/23)
Muhammad Al-Saidi (22/12/23)
Adel Zorob (19/12/23)
Abdullah Alwan (18/12/23)
Haneen Ali Al-Qashtan (17/12/23)
Mashal Ayman Shahwan (16/12/23)
Assem Kamal Musa (16/12/23)
Rami Badir (15/12/23)
Ali Ashour Abu Malek (15/12/23)
Samer Abu Daqqa (15/12/23)
Khamis Hussain (15/12/23)
Ahmed Abu Abseh (13/12/23)
Hanan Ayad (13/12/23)
Narmeen Qawas (13/12/23)
Abdel Kareem Oudeh (12/12/23)
Mohammed Abu Samra (10/12/23)
Doaa al-Jabour (9/12/23)
Ola Atallah (9/12/23)
Hossam Omar Ammar (8/12/23)
Hamada Al-Yaziji (6/12/23)
Abdul Hamid Al-Qarinawi (3/12/23)
Mahmoud Salem (3/12/23)
Shaima Al-Jazzar (3/13/23)
Hassan Farajallah (3/12/23)
Hudhayfah Lulu (3/12/23)
Muhammad Farajallah (2/12/23)
Abdullah Darwish (1/12/23)
Muntaser Al-Sawwaf (1/12/23)
Marwan Al-Sawwaf (1/12/23)
Adham Hassouna (1/12/23)
Nader Al-Nazli (25/11/23)
Amal Zuhd (24/11/23)
Mostafa Bakeer (24/11/23)
Mohamed Mouyin Ayyash (23/11/23)
Mohamed Nabil Al-Zaq (21/11/23)
Assem Al-Barash (21/11/23)
Jamal Haniyeh (21/11/34)
Farah Omar (21/11/23)*
Rabih Al Maamari (21/11/23)*
Ayat Khadoura (20/11/23)
Alaa Al-Nimr
Bilal Jadallah (19/11/23)
Abdelhalim Awad (18/11/23)
Sari Mansour (18/11/23)
Hassouneh Sleem (18/11/23)
Mostafa El Sawaf (18/11/23)
Amr Salah Abu Hayah (18/11/23)
Mossab Ashour (18/11/23)
Mahmoud Matar (15/11/23)
Ahmed Fatima (13/11/23)
Yaacoub Al-Barsh (13/11/23)
Mousa Al-Barsh (12/11/23)
Ahmed Al-Qara (10/11/23)
Yahya Abu Manih (7/11/23)
Mohamed Abu Hasira (7/11/23)
Mohamed Al Jaja (5/11/23)
Haitham Harara (3/11/23)
Mohamad Al-Bayyari (2/11/23)
Mohammed Abu Hatab (2/11/23)
Majd Fadl Arandas (1/11/23)
Iyad Matar (1/11/23)
Imad Al-Wahidi (31/10/23)
Majed Kashko (31/10/23)
Nazmi Al-Nadim (30/10/23)
Yasser Abu Namous (27/10/23)
Duaa Sharaf (26/10/23)
Zaher Alafghani (25/10/23)
Jamal Al-Faq’awi (25/10/23)
Saed Al-Halabi (25/10/23)
Ahmed Abu Mahadi (25/10/23)
Salma Mkhaimer (25/10/23)
Hudhayfah Al-Najjar
Mohamed Al Hassani
Mohamed El-Shorbajei
A’ed Ismail Al-Najjar (24/10/23)
Iman Al-Aqili (24/10/23)
Mohammed Imad Labad (23/10/23)
Roshdi Al-Sarraj (22/10/23)
Mahmoud Abu Zarifa (22/10/23)
Hany Al-Madhoun (21/10/23)
Mohammed Ali (20/10/23)
Khalil Abu Aathra (19/10/23)
Sameeh Al-Nady (18/10/23)
Mohammad Balousha (17/10/23)
Issam Behar (17/10/23)
Abdulhadi Habib (16/10/23)
Yousef Maher Dawas (14/10/23)
Salam Mema (13/10/23)
Ali Nisman (13/10/23)
Husam Mubarak (13/10/23)
Issam Abdallah (13/10/23)*
Abdul Rahman Shihab (12/10/23)
Anas Abu Shamala (12/10/23)
Ahmed Shehab (12/10/23)
Mustafa Al-Naqeeb (11/10/23)
Rajab Al-Naqeeb (11/10/23)
Mohamed Fayez Abu Matar (11/10/23)
Saeed Al-Taweel (10/10/23)
Mohammed Sobh Abu Rizq (10/10/23)
Hisham Alnawajeha (10/10/23)
As’ad Shamlakh (8/10/23)
Mohammad Jarghoun (7/10/23)
Ibrahim Mohammad Lafi (7/10/23)
Mohammad Al-Salhi (7/10/23)
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*lebanese journalist | could not find date of martyrdom
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spent the whole day confirming all of these names and looking through multiple resources. the ones with dates are journalists who’s date of martyrdom and/or exact cause of death is stated by sources besides the government media office official list.
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Children saying "I'd rather be dead" is not normal. Children crying "is this a dream?" is not normal. Children wondering "am I being taken to the cemetery?" is not normal.
We can all reckon the lasting psychological effects of this genocide on these children, but also remember that to many of the children of Gaza, this is the second, third, or even fourth Israeli aggression they had to live through.
Almost 50% of Gaza's population are children, over 10,000 of which have been murdered by Israel since October of this year.
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To this day people will cry over the knowledge and works destroyed when the library of Alexandria was burned down.
And yet no tears are shed as Palestinian archives and libraries are bombed.
Saint Porphyrius Church, a structure built in the 5th century and the 3rd oldest church in the world has been bombed.
It's not an accident.
Israel aren't simply killing Palestinians, they are trying to erase that there ever were Palestinians in the first place.
Destroying their livelihoods, trying to to destroy their culture and history and pretend this land was never there's.
It's easy to deny someone's existence when there's no record of them.
Which is why it's so important to look at the atrocities and bear witness to what's happening.
But to also recognise that Palestine is more than it's suffering.
There is a living breathing culture, of art, history, literacy which all come from the Palestinians.
Traditions they've carried for centuries.
So while we mourn the dead, we shall fight for the living. Fight for the preservation of their crafts, amplify their voices as they speak on their culture.
Palestinian history and culture is alive. And no matter how much the world wants to erase that, they cannot and will not.
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This youth from Palestine here, was called after finding his friend's house got bombed. They asked him to call his friend in order to determine his exact location so they can start digging.
Remember that in gaza there are no resources to dig people up from underneath the rubble, so civilians from the neighborhood have to use their own hands and be very careful because of the bodies underneath. I can't even imagine the trauma he's experiencing, his shaking voice and hands. I would never bear witnessing my best friend in such conditions and having to call them bc I'm not even sure they're alive.
How would anyone heal from this? And yet all are we asking for is just a ceasefire. This genocide should stop.
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A little girl died from hunger in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, despite being in the area where aid trucks are distributed. Another family in the north in Gaza city was forced to eat a donkey, which for many in Palestine is inconceivable culturally. Bisan says there isn't even water (clean OR dirty) for them to drink or wash with.
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RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — More than half a million people in Gaza — a quarter of the population — are starving, according to a report Thursday by the U.N. and other agencies that highlights the humanitarian crisis caused by Israel’s bombardment and siege on the territory in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. The extent of the population’s hunger eclipsed even the near-famines in Afghanistan and Yemen of recent years, according to figures in the report. The report warned that the risk of famine is “increasing each day,” blaming the hunger on insufficient aid entering Gaza. “It doesn’t get any worse,’’ said Arif Husain, chief economist for the U.N.’s World Food Program. “I have never seen something at the scale that is happening in Gaza. And at this speed.” ... At the start of the war, Israel stopped all deliveries of food, water, medicine and fuel into the territory. After U.S. pressure, it allowed a trickle of aid in through Egypt. But U.N. agencies say only 10% of Gaza’s food needs has been entering for weeks. (Dec. 21, 2023 | Source)
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Bethlehem, Palestine.
Usually there is a festive parade to celebrate Christmas.
But today it is a silent march for the lives lost in Gaza.
20,000K+ dead. Countless under the rubble and so many more injured.
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One thing to keep a note of as you navigate conversations surrounding Palestine and Israel is that Israelis and Zionists worldwide are on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us
As a recent example, while entire residential squares were being wiped out by Israeli war planes, Snapchat maps showed Israelis in Tel Aviv or other areas in "Israel" going about their days, at parties, nail salons, coffee shops
But they still believed deep down that they are in fact oppressed and that violence was committed against them and they were indeed the victims etc etc etc
Many of the ex-Zionists have said it in recent weeks too that they were fed a very specific idea about what Israel is supposed to be (picture a small, sad puppy), only for the bubble to burst when they visited the West Bank or when this war happened or something like that
The best you'll get out of Israelis and Zionists is "both sides are at fault" and they would toss around the blame as if we're playing hot potato and as if the past 75+ years didn't happen or that our families are not looking through the rubble for pieces of human bodies to recover.
Bottom line is they are detached from reality. They are not here to hear statistics, they are completely deafened by their dehumanisation of Palestinians. They will not be moved by harrowing images and footage, they have been utterly blinded by their hatred of ~The Other~.
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i'm seeing people losing hope for palestine i'm begging you seriously please don't. the death toll is high but there are still people alive, there are still journalists risking everything to make sure the world sees what is happening. please continue protesting if you have the option to, keep demanding for a ceasefire and keep talking about palestinians both alive and dead. you have to keep going until the very end or else you really did fail them.
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Neurodivergent Things
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out of all my art, this is the piece i selfishly wish to become viral so as many people as possible can read my words.
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Bisan's recent post. I think it's important for you to read it. Tonight 03.12.23, journalists in gaza share their last messages. There are no words to describe the horrors unfolding in gaza right now.
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I no longer have any hope of survival like I had at the beginning of this genocide, and I am certain that I will die in the next few weeks or maybe days. I have been sick with severe viral infection for days and cannot move from the mattress!
I suffer from nightmares that are so closely resemble reality that I no longer differentiate between reality and dream.
I live in a world other than the one I claimed to be building! I am a community activist who lived on the fantasy that the world was free and just, and I sought to bring rights not only to my people, but to many men and women in third world countries!
I was shocked that I was not from the third world! Indeed, we are the most humane and moral! Yes, because the world approves, supports, and finances the genocide we are being subjected to, legislates it, and gives reasons for for 58 days! While we are a people who have been living on occupied land for 75 years and are still searching for our rights and communicating our voice to the world!
My message to the world: You are not innocent of what is happening to us, you as governments or peoples that support Israel’s annihilation of my people. We will not forgive you, we will not forgive you, humanity will not forgive you, we will not forget, even if we die, the history will never forget .
A Message to friends: Thank you and the supporters around the world. You have been compassionate and very strong. We ask you not to lose hope, even if the world seems completely unfair and your efforts have not yet resulted in a ceasefire.
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